Course Structure of M.Tech. in Dairy Technology: S.NO. Course Code Course Title L T P Credits
Course Structure of M.Tech. in Dairy Technology: S.NO. Course Code Course Title L T P Credits
Course Structure of M.Tech. in Dairy Technology: S.NO. Course Code Course Title L T P Credits
S.NO. Course Code Course Title L‐T‐P Credits
1 DC‐810 Advances in Dairy Chemistry 2‐0‐2 3
2 DM‐810 Advances in Dairy Microbiology 2‐0‐2 3
3 DT‐812 Advances in Dairy Processing‐II 2‐0‐2 3
4 DT‐ 815 Dairy Process Equipment Design & Plant Layout 4‐0‐0 4
5 DT‐817 Dairy Plant Instrumentation & Process Control 3‐0‐0 3
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Gamma, Beta and Legendre’s functions, Euler’s equations, Lang-range equations, the
Rix method, the Green’s functions. Solzane Woirestrass theorem in finite products.
Properties of Steam
Introduction, Formation of Steam, Total Heat (or Enthalpy) of Water, Latent Heat of
Steam, Dryness Fraction, Wetness Fraction, Total Heat (or Enthalpy) of Wet Steam,
Total Heat of Superheated Steam, Advantages of Superheating Steam Use of Steam
Tables, Specific Volume of Steam, Volume of Superheated Steam, External Work Done
during Evaporation, Internal
Temperature Entropy Diagram for Water and Steam, Isothermal Lines on Temperature
Entropy Diagram, Adiabatic Lines on the Temperature Entropy Diagram, Mollier
Diagram or Total Heat Energy Chart for Steam, Methods of Heating and Expanding the
Steam, Determination of Dryness Fraction of Steam; Type of Steam.
Definition, Classification of Boilers, Comparison of Fire Tube and Water, Tube Boilers,
Essentials of a Good Boiler, Factors Affecting Boiler Selection, Simple Vertical Boiler,
Fraser Culman Boiler, Cochran Boiler, Lancashire Boiler, Cornish Boiler, Locomotive
Boiler, Nestler Oil Fired Boiler, Babcock and Wilcox Boiler, Stirling Boiler, High Pressure
Boilers, The Benson Boiler, The Loeffler Steam Generator, The Volex Steam Generator,
La Mont Boiler, Boiler Mountings, Boiler Accessories, Steam Dryers or Separators,
Steam Trap, Pressure Reducing Valve.
Performance of Boilers
Equivalent Evaporation, Factor of Evaporation, Boiler Efficiency, Efficiency of
Economiser, Boiler Horse Power, Heat Losses in a Boiler, Heat Balance Sheet of a
Boiler, Methods of Minimising the Heat Loss through Different sources, Boiler Draught,
Natural Draught, Determination of the Height of Chimney, Determination of the
Diameter of Chimney, Condition for Maximum Discharge through a Chimney, Efficiency
of the Chimney, Artificial Draught, Steam jet Draught, mechanical Draught, Water
treatment for boiler operation, Water Effiueat treatment, Germicidal activity of chlorine,
hypochlorites & chloramines. General consideration in cleaning, Detergents for
cleaning. Pollution Control, Natural cycles of waste decomposition, concept of BOD-
Measurement. Kinetics of biological growth, kinetics of biological decay. Application of
kinetics to biological treatment Reactor with recycles. Trickling filter model Design of an
aerated tank without recycle Design of trickle filter system.
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Brief History of Refrigeration, Unit of Refrigerating Capacity, Thermodynamic State of a Pure
Substance, Pressure-Temperature Diagram, Other Phase Diagrams, Thermodynamic Systems
and Energy Conservation Equations, The First Law of Thermodynamics, Steady Flow Energy
Selection of a Refrigerant, Thermodynamic Requirements, Chemical Requirements, Physical
Requirements, Refrigerant Piping and Design. Secondary Refrigerants, Using Mixed
Nomenclature of milk proteins; major milk proteins: caseins (acids and micellar), fractionation
of casein; primary and secondary structure of different fractions; casein models; alpha-
lactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin-distribution, whey protein concentrates and their functional
properties; minor milk proteins: proteose-peptone, non-protein nitrogen constituents,
immunoglobulins, lactotransferrin (lactoferrin), lipoprotein and fat globule membrane proteins;
milk enzymes: properties and their significance with particular reference to lipases;
Milk lipids: classification, gross composition and physical properties; neutral and polar lipids
and their role in milk and milk products; fatty acids profile: composition, properties and factors
affecting them; unsaponifiable matter: composition with special reference to sterols and fat
soluble vitamins and caretenoids, chemistry, physiological functions and levels in milk..
Lactose: occurrence, isomers; molecular structure; physical properties:- crystaline habits;
hydrate; lactose glass; equilibrium of different isomers in solution; solubility; density sweetness;
chemical properties:- hydrolysis; pyrolysis; oxidation; reduction; degradation with strong bases;
derivatives; dehydration and fragmentation browning reaction; oligosaccharides in milk.
Major and minor minerals; factors associated with variation in salt composition; partitioning of
salt constituents and factors affecting it; effect of various treatments on salt equilibrium; protein
mineral interactions; distribution and importance of trace elements in milk.
Water soluble vitamins: thiamin; riboflavin; niacin; pantothenic acid; pyridoxine; biotin; folacin
and cynocobalamin; molecular structure; levels in milk and milk products.
Unit I
Microflora associated with milk and milk products and their importance. Food poisoning,
food infection, emerging food borne pathogens associated with milk and other milk
borne diseases.
Lactic Acid bacteria and food fermentations. Current status of metabolism of starter
cultures. Novel starter preservation techniques. Quality control tests of starter culture.
Naturally occurring preservative systems in milk like LP system, Immunoglobulins,
Lysozyme, Lactoferrin etc. Food grade bio-preservative. Bacteriocin of lactic acid
bacteria, structure, functions, transport and mode of action. Application of bacteriocin in
food bio preservation.
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Bacteriological aspects of processing techniques like bactofugation,, thermisation,
pasteurization, sterilization, boiling, UHT, Pulse field treatment and membrane filtration
of milk. Types of spoilages of heat treated milk. Bacteriological grading of raw and heat
treated milk.
1. Isolation and identification of common microflora in dairy products
2. Isolation and identification of pathogenic microbes from dairy products by using
selective media
3. Preparation and propagation of starters
4. Quality evaluation of starter cultures.
5. Antimicrobial activity of LAB isolated from foods.
6. Antibiotic susceptibility of pathogenic bacteria from dairy products.
7. Isolation of bacteriocin producing LAB.
Dairy Chemistry
Special features of dairy industry; site selection of equipment before designing a plant;
estimation of services required, peak and critical loads, stand-by plants; important
considerations in planning and layouts of equipment; controls, pipelines, conveyors and
services etc. Preparation of sample layouts; selection of building materials, internal
construction, grid structure, foundations, drains illumination, ventilation, installation
procedures in dairy plants.
Principles of feed back theory and process control. Process characteristics and
controller characteristics. Automotive control of temperature, pressure, vacuum, flow
rate, liquid level refractive index, consistency and humidity, stability analysis. Process
control applications in dairy plants.
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Sampling procedures; Labelling of samples for analysis; choice of analytical tests for
milk and milk products for chemical analysis; instrumental methods of analysis.
Calibration of dairy glassware’s including butyrometers, pipettes, burettes, hydrometers,
lactometers and freezing point thermometer.
Preparation and standardization of reagents required in the analysis of milk and milk
Legislation on production, transport, processing and marketing of milk and milk
products; application of PFA, Agmark BIS, IDF, ISO, IPO and international senitory
regulations related to dairy products to the quality control of milk and milk products.
Dairy effluents and their recycling.
Prediction of shelf-life behaviour and quality assurance in milk and milk products.
Dairy Microbiology
Selection of tests for microbiological analysis of milk and milk products and "their interpretations
Rapid methods of milk testing; non culture methods.
Organizational aspects of microbiological quality of dairy products.
Role of various agencies in the formulation of standards and controlling quality of dairy
Various microbiological standards of BIS. PFA, ISO, CCFS for dairy products.
Quality of dairy water supplies and purification procedure and waste disposal. Treatment and
disposal and waste water and effluent.
Dairy products borne infections and intoxications and of public health significance: Microbial
toxins in dairy products and their significance in public health.
Detection and control measures.
Indicator organisms and their significance in dairy products: faecal and non-faecal coliform
including faecal streptococci, total gram negative bacteria including salmonella and shigella
Predictions of shelf life behaviour and quality assurance in UHT processed/sterilized milk and
milk products.
Application of HACCP in dairy industry.
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Dairy Chemistry
1. Calibration of dairy glassware such as pipette, burette, volumetric flasks, hydrometer,
2. Preparation and standardization of dairy reagents such as acids alkalies Na2Sp3' AgN03,
Fehling's, EDTA solutions etc.
3. Detection of adulterants, preservatives and neutralizers in milk and milk products.
4. Chemical analysis of permissible additives used in milk and dairy products.
5. Chemical analysis of detergents and sanitizers.
6. Preparation and testing of Gerber H2SO4 used in fat determination.
7. Testing the amyl alcohol used for fat determination.
Dairy Microbiology
1. Evaluation of common sanitizing agents used in dairy plants by
(a) suspension
(b) capacity test.
2. Bacteriological quality analysis of dairy water (a) total viable counts - SPC
(b) total coliform counts - "MPN method
3. Determination of BOD in dairy waste
4. Microbiological tests for dairy effluent
5. Detection and enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus in dairy products
6. Detection of staphylococcal toxin in dairy products.
7. Detection of faecal and non faecal coliform and faecal streptococci in dairy products.
8. DeJection of total gram negative bacteria, salmonella and shigella groups in dairy products.
9. Quality evaluation by HACCP in the preparation of dairy products.
1. Functional Foods
2. Food value addition
3. Food Biotechnology
4. Advances in dairy/ food packaging
5. Dairy By-products
6. Imitation dairy products
7. Condensing & Drying of milk
Unit – I
Preparation of Chemical solutions: Concept of molar, molal, and normal solutions, pH and Buffers;
importance and measurement of pH.
Chromatographic Techniques: General principles. Partitions and adsorption chromatography. Paper, thin
layer, gas liquid, ion exchange and affinity chromatography. Gel filtration. Introduction to high pressure
liquid chromatography.
Unit- II
Electrophoretic Techniques: General principles. Paper and Gel Electrophoresis. Polyacrylamide Gel
Colorimetry: Beers and Lambert’s law. General principles of Colorimeters and Spectrophotometers
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Photometry: Spectroflorometers.
Unit – III
Flame photometry: atomic absorption spectrophotometry
Carbohydrates: Qualitative and quantitative measures for reducing and non-reducing sugars, starch
and fiber.
Fats: Physicochemical-extraction and separation procedures, quantitative measures for various lipids.
Unit – IV
Proteins: Physico-chemical properties, extraction and separation procedures, and quantitative measures
for total proteins, amino acids and enzymes.
Vitamins: Colorimetric Flourimetric, Microbiological, Chromatographic and other methods for estimation
of various vitamins.
Minerals: processing samples of analysis, colorimetric, spectroscopic and other methods for estimation
of various minerals.
Unit – V
Total Quality Management in Food Industry (TQM), ISO certifications, Hazard Analysis and Critical
Control Point (HACCP), Intellectual property Right and Patent