Rpms Supplement
Rpms Supplement
Rpms Supplement
There is an updated version of the RPMS Tools, including Classroom Observation Tools (COT) and Self-
Assessment Tools (SAT), which can be accessed through http://deped.in/RPMSTools2019. We recommend
that you use the updated version of the tools because they have a simpler presentation. However, you can
still use the 2018 version because the content is the same as the updated version.
Addendum 1: Matrix of Forms/Tools used Addendum 2: Matrix of Forms/Tools used by Personnel
by Teachers and Master Teachers with Administrative Functions
Forms/Tools to
Position Position Forms/Tools to be Used
be Used
Teacher I-III Head Teacher
Office Performance Commitment
Special Education Teacher I-IV (designated as
and Review Form (OPCRF)
School Head)
ALS Implementers
RPMS Tool/IPCRF Head Teacher with Individual Performance
Madrasah Education Teachers for Proficient teaching load Commitment and Review Form
(Teacher I-III) Teachers (IPCRF), capturing the expected
Indigenous Peoples Education administrative tasks and
(IPEd) Teachers (Teacher I-III) objectives in the Highly Proficient
Special Science Teacher I (SHS) Tools for Master Teacher I-IV
Master Teacher I-IV Head Teacher
Special Education Teacher V without teaching IPCRF anchored on the OPCRF of
RPMS Tool/IPCRF load the School Head
Madrasah Education Teachers
(Master Teacher I-IV) for Highly Proficient Assistant Principal
Indigenous Peoples Education Teachers School Head/
Office Performance Commitment
(IPEd) Teachers (Master designated
and Review Form (OPCRF)
Teacher I-IV) Teacher-in-Charge
ALS Implementers (Community Education Program Supervisors Chief of Curriculum Implementation Division
learning centers-based) for ALS (CID)
I, (Name of Ratee) , certify on my honor that the documents in this portfolio are
certified true copies of the original.