1. The early period of growth where the organism adjusts 10. These are DNA or RNA coated protein that may or
to its new environment. may not be considered as living things.
2. The enzyme in the stomach is ________ 11. Materials in which microorganisms are grown in a
laboratory are
a. papase b. urease
a. enzymes b. culture media
c. bromelis d. pepsin
c. substrates d. nutrients
3. A basic amino acid is
12. Organism that grows or uses CO2 as its principal
a. serine b. cysteine carbon source.
c.lysine d. alanine a. aerobe b. mesophile
4. It states that there is topographical, structural c. autotroph d. heterotroph
compatibility between enzyme and its substrate
13. The yeast generated during the fermentation of beer is
a. Lock and Key Theory b. Michaelis – Menten Model generally separated by
c. Briggs - Haldane Model d. Compatibility Theory a. centrifugation b. filtration
5. Method of reducing the number of viable c. cell disruption d. all of these
microorganism from a product (such as milk or beverage)
to extend its shelf – life. 14. In genetic engineering, a chimera is
6. The absence of detectable levels of viable organisms in c. a virus that infects bacteria
a medium or gas
d. a fungus
a. Fermentation b. Disinfection
15. The deliberate modifications of an organism’s genetic
c. Pasteurization d. Sterilization information by directly changing its nucleic acid content
is a subject matter of
7. The process to reduce the number of viable pathogenic
microorganisms where they can no longer infect. a. genetic engineering b. population genetics
c. Pasteurization d. Sterilization 16. Which of the ff. is obtained using processed mRNA
molecules as a template?
8. The power house of a cell is called __________.
a. rDNA b. mDNA
a. Nucleus b. Mitochondria
c. cDNA d. tDNA
c. Lysosome d. Cytoplasm
17. What is the normal role of restriction endonucleases in
9. Which of the following is a saturated fatty acid? bacterial cells?
a. linoleic acid b. palmitic acid a. To degrade the bacterial chromosome into small pieces
c. oleic acid d. arachidonic acid during replication
c. To produce RNA primers for replication 25. Which of the ff. abnormality, resulted from the
inheritance of an unbalanced complement of chromosomes
d. all of the above can be diagnosed through karyotyping?
18. What are different substrates used for ethanol a. Down’s syndrome b. Turner’s syndrome
c. Klinefelter’s syndrome d. all of these
a. starch containing substrate
b. juices from sugarcane or molasses or sugar beet 26. Which of the ff. is not a source of energy in active
c. waste product from wood or processed muscle cells?
d. all of the above
a. creatine phosphate b. ATP
19. Yeast is used in the production of
c. lactic acid d. glucose
a. ethyl alcohol b. acetic acid
27. Which of the ff. is the technique used for the embryo
c. cheese d. curd culture?
20. Excess CO2 suppress cell growth and productivity by a. organ cultures on plasma clots
a. CO2 and NH3 b. CO2 and lactate 30. For the transfer of whole individual chromosomes,
they are isolated from cells at
c. lactate and ammonium d. lactate only
a. prophase b. metaphase
24. What are the main constituents of culture for animal
cell growth? c. telophase d. anaphase
a. glucose and glutamine b. growth factors 31. Linear inhibition is sometimes called as
32. B
The effect of non – competitive inhibition on a 36. A classical uncompetitive inhibitor is a compound that
Lineweaver – burk plot is that binds
a. it can move the entire curve to the right a. reversibly to the enzyme substrate complex yielding an
inactive ESI complex
b. it can change the y – intercept b. irreversibly to the enzyme substrate complex yielding
an inactive ESI complex
c. it can change the x – intercept
c. reversibly to the enzyme substrate complex yielding an
d. all of these active ESI complex
d. irreversibly to the enzyme substrate complex yielding
33. The rate determining step of Michaelis Menten an active ESI complex
kinetics is
d. both a and c 38. The oxygen transfer rate in a bioreactor will increase
34. Which of the ff. statements is true for enzymatically
catalyzed reaction? a. oil is added b. antifoam is added
a. the activation energy of the reaction is lowered so that a c. detergent like molecules are added
larger proportion of the substrate qualifies to overcome it
d. increase in the reactor temperature
b. additional substrate molecules are energized to
39. Which of the ff. impellers are used for wide range of
overcome the activation energy of the reaction
c. the activation energy of the reaction is increased, thus
a. paddles b. turbines
decreasing the likelihood that any substrate molecules will
overcome it c. propellers d. none of these
d. the activation energy of the reaction is lowered so that a 40. When the height of an aerated bioreactor is increased,
fewer molecules can overcome it it will increase the oxygen transfer rate by
35. Which of the ff. common drugs is not a specific a. increasing the partial pressure of oxygen at the base of
enzyme inhibitor? the reactor
b. decreasing the saturation concentration of oxygen in the
a. iodine b. methotrexate reactor
c. decreasing the gas hold – up
c. sulfanilamide d. penicillin
d. all of the above
35. In a Lineweaver – Burk plot, competitive inhibitor
shows which of the ff. effect?