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Grepolis Bot Script

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if (location.host.indexOf("grepolis.com", location.host.

length -
"grepolis.com".length) !== -1) {
var less = {
async: true,
fileAsync: true
(function() {
var ctx = {
hash: "gm_",
domain: "botsoft.org"
var eval_ctx = ctx.eval_ctx = function(js) {
return (function() {
return eval(js);
var bot = ctx.bot = {
domain: "botsoft.org",
ctx: ctx,
version: "07.04.2019 #2",
controls: {},
templates: {},
models: {},
autoreload: {
count: 0
ajax: "//botsoft.org/en/bot/ajaxv2/",
active: false,
requests: 0,
failRequests: 0,
lastTownId: null,
ress: ["wood", "stone", "iron"],
Filters: function(_bot) {
var bot = _bot;
this.items = {};
this.add = function(code, filter) {
if (code in this.items) return false;
this.items[code] = filter;
ctx.log("debug", "Filter {0} loaded", code);
return code;
this.remove = function(code) {
if (!(code in this.items)) return false;
delete this.items[code];
return code;
this.checkModule = function(module) {
for (f in this.items) {
var filter = this.items[f],
result = filter(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, module);
if (!result) return false;
return true;
str: {
format: function(text) {
var formatted = text;
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) formatted =
formatted.replace("{" + (i - 1) + "}", arguments[i]);
return formatted;
runAtTown: function(town, f) {
if (typeof f != "function") return;
var prevTown = Game.townId,
Game.townId = town;
ret = f();
Game.townId = prevTown;
return ret;
inject: function() {
var path = window.location.pathname,
world = /^([a-zA-Z]{2})\d+/i.exec(Game.world_id);
if (!(typeof Game === "undefined" || typeof WMap === "undefined" ||
typeof Layout === "undefined" || typeof $ === "undefined" || typeof angular ===
"undefined" || (typeof world === "undefined")) && path.substring(0, 6) !==
"/forum") {
world = world ? world[1] : "unkn";
var that = this,
box = $("body");
if (box.length > 0)
if ($("div#b2e8bf0edmsgs").length == 0) box.append('<div
that.loader = new GPAjax(Layout, false);
that.hmsg = HumanMessage;
that.filters = new that.Filters(that);
that.url = window.url;
window.url = function(controller, action, parameters) {
var params = parameters || {},
i = action.indexOf("&town_id=");
if (i >= 0) {
params.town_id = action.substring(i + 9);
action = action.substring(0, i);
return that.url(controller, action, params);
ctx.account = [Game.player_name, "@",
this.request("bot:login", {
player: Game.player_name,
world: Game.world_id,
ref: that.ref
}, function(data) {
} else setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
login: function(data) {
for (var x in data.templates) bot.templates[x] = data.templates[x];
if (Array.isArray(data.modules)) data.modules.forEach(function(x) {
var f = ctx.eval_ctx(x.js);
if (typeof f == "function") f(x.args);
settings: function() {
var dlg = $("div#b2e8bf0edbsettings"),
bot = this;
if (dlg.length > 0) dlg.remove();
else bot.request("settings:get", {}, function(data) {
ajaxRequest: function(controller, action, params, callback, method,
module) {
var fcancel = "",
state = true,
bot = this;
for (f in this.filters.items) {
var filter = this.filters.items[f],
result = filter(controller, action, params, callback,
method, module);
if (result === false) {
state = false;
fcancel = f;
if (state === false) {
ctx.log("debug", "Request ({0}:{1}) canceled by filter: {2}",
controller, action, fcancel);
var that = this,
obj, callback_success = null,
callback_error = null;
if (typeof callback == 'object') {
callback_success = callback.success ? callback.success : null;
callback_error = callback.error ? callback.error : null;
} else callback_success = callback;
if (!params) params = {
town_id: Game.townId
else if (!params.town_id) params.town_id = Game.townId;
bot.lastTownId = params.town_id;
HumanMessage = {
error: function(text) {
success: function(text) {}
obj = {
success: function(_context, _data, _flag, _t_token) {
bot.failRequests = 0;
HumanMessage = that.hmsg;
if (callback_success) {
_data.t_token = _t_token;
callback_success(that, _data, _flag);
error: function(_context, _data, _t_token) {
HumanMessage = that.hmsg;
if (callback_error) {
_data.t_token = _t_token;
callback_error(that, _data);
if (_data.error) {
if (_data.error.toLowerCase().indexOf("captcha") > -1)
bot.captchaFails = isNaN(bot.captchaFails) ? 1 : bot.captchaFails + 1;
var text = bot.str.format("controler={0}, action={1},
params={2}, error={3}", controller, action, JSON.stringify(params), _data.error);
ctx.log("debug", text);
bot.request("bot:log", {
log: [{
type: "fail",
text: text
action = bot.str.format("{0}&town_id={1}", action, params.town_id);
if (method == 'get') that.loader.get(controller, action, params,
false, obj, module);
else if (method == 'post') that.loader.post(controller, action,
params, false, obj, module);
ajaxRequestGet: function(controller, action, params, callback, module)
this.ajaxRequest(controller, action, params, callback, 'get',
ajaxRequestPost: function(controller, action, params, callback, module)
this.ajaxRequest(controller, action, params, callback, 'post',
isNumber: function(n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
ts2text: function(ts) {
var time = Timestamp.toDate(ts + Timestamp.localeGMTOffset()),
d = time.getUTCDate().toString(),
m = (time.getUTCMonth() + 1).toString(),
y = time.getUTCFullYear().toString(),
H = time.getUTCHours().toString(),
M = time.getUTCMinutes().toString(),
S = time.getUTCSeconds().toString();
return (d.length == 1 ? "0" + d : d) + "." + (m.length == 1 ? "0" +
m : m) + "." + y + " " + (H.length == 1 ? "0" + H : H) + ":" + (M.length == 1 ? "0"
+ M : M) + ":" + (S.length == 1 ? "0" + S : S);
request: function(method, data, cb) {
var that = this;
var params = {
key: that.key,
method: method,
data: data
$.post(that.ajax, JSON.stringify(params), function(data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
if (data.error && method != "bot:log") {} else if (typeof cb ==
"function") cb(data);
}, "text");
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
var lesscss = ["//botsoft.org/en/bot/bot.less?hash=b2e8bf0ed",
"//botsoft.org/static/bot/css/gfbot.less?rand=" + Math.random(),
"//botsoft.org/static/grepo/css/bot.less?=" + Math.random()];
lesscss.forEach(function(url) {
var link = document.createElement("link"),
head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
link.href = window.location.protocol + url;
link.rel = "stylesheet/less";
(head || document.body).appendChild(link);
var js = [{
name: "less",
src: "//botsoft.org/static/js/less.min.js"
}, {
name: "angular",
src: "//botsoft.org/static/js/angular.min.js"
js.forEach(function(x) {
var script = document.createElement("script"),
head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
script.src = x.src;
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