Food Additives
Food Additives
Food Additives
Food Additives
10.0 Objectives
10.1 Introduction
10.2 What are Food Additives?
10.3 Preservatives
10.4 Antioxidants
10.5 Acidulants
10.6 Colouring Agents
10.6.1 Natural Colourants
10.6.2 Synthetic Colourants
10.7 Flavouring Agents
10.8 Sweeteners
10.8.1 Nutritive Sweeteners
10.8.2 Non-nutritive Sweeteners
10.9 Miscellaneous Additives
10.10 Let Us Sum Up
10.11 Key Words
10.12 Terminal Questions
10.13 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises
10.14 Answers to Terminal Questions
10.15 Some Useful Books
After studying this Unit, you should be able to:
• define food additives;
• enlist different types of food additives;
• state the chemical properties and functions of food additives; and
• illustrate the use of food additives for various purposes in the food
How will cooked pulse without salt or spices and kheer without sugar taste?
Certainly all of us will dislike it barring all those who may not be using these
for some medical reasons. Can the food cooked and kept in open be consumed
even after a day? We are well aware that it would get spoilt. What makes a
common soft drink different from soda water? – Some flavoured substances
besides a sweetener. Many more such questions as raised above and their
answers make the content of the present unit.
You would agree that in today’s busy life preserved cooked food has become a
part and parcel of life for many of us as it saves our precious time and effort.
The shelf life of these packed foods is enhanced by adding certain substances.
Salt and sugar are two of the very common substances used for this purpose.
Substances like salt, sugar and many others are not components of natural
foods and are added to foods during its processing for a variety of reasons
including taste, preservation, flavour, texture, etc. The substances which are
added to natural foods from outside for protection against food spoilage,
flavour and colour enhancement, texture improvement etc. are called food
additives. Their usage is not a recent development. Salt has been used to
Chemistry preserve meat and fish since ancient times. Spices have been employed since
earliest recorded history to flavour and preserve foods. In other words, food
additives seem to be a necessary part of modern society.
Though the use of food additives is well-accepted practice; there have been a
number of concerns regarding the potential short-term and long-term risks of
consuming these substances. These are to be used according to the regulation
ascertained by Government agencies. In this unit, you will read about various
types of food additives in terms of their properties, functions and importance in
food industry along with the permitted additives as per the Food Adulteration
Act and Rules (1954) prevalent in our country.
You are well aware that foods are subject to spoilage due to contamination by
microbes. As the contamination depends upon the temperature besides
Salt has been used as a
preservative since the moisture as one of the factors, we have been using a conventional method of
beginning of recorded keeping the food material in the refrigerator to slow down this process.
history. Pickling of fruits However, this method will not work when storage for a longer time is required.
and vegetables and
salting of fish and meat We may need to use some chemical preservatives for this purpose. Though a
are widely practiced large number of preservatives are available, for economical and convenience
reasons, salt, nitrites and sulphites have been in use for many years. The
antimicrobial activity of sodium chloride is essentially related to its ability to
reduce water activity (aw) and create unfavourable conditions for microbial
growth. Further, though newer packaging techniques, processing and storage
methods are available that can preserve foods without chemical preservatives,
chemicals play a significant role in protecting the food supply, again for
convenience and economy.
On the basis of their mode of action, the preservatives can be grouped into
three types. These are antimicrobials that inhibit growth of bacteria, yeasts, or
molds for example sorbates that inhibit most of the species of yeasts, moulds
and of some bacteria; antioxidants that slow down the air oxidation of fats and
lipids that cause rancidity. For example preservatives like tert-
butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), stop the chemical breakdown of food that
happens in the presence of oxygen; and the third group which blocks the
Sulphur dioxide and natural ripening and enzymatic processes in foodstuffs. For example, the
several sulphites browning the exposed surface of cut apple due to the enzyme phenolase can be
have GRAS status.
checked by acids like citric acid and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) that inhibit the
enzyme by making the pH uncomfortably low for it. Sulphur dioxide serves all
the three functions, which makes it along with the related sulphites as an
important constituent of a number of household products.
Class I and Class II Preservatives
Under the prevention of food adulteration Act (PFA) rules, 1954, preservatives
are classified into Class I and Class II preservatives. Class I preservatives,
Generally, 1-2 % acetic also called natural preservatives include common salt, sugar, dextrose
acid is sufficient to
inhibit most of the
(glucose), spices, vinegar or acetic acid, honey, and vegetable oils. There is no
organisms. restriction to the addition of Class I preservatives to any food. Brewed and
synthetic vinegar (dilute acetic acid) are widely used as antimicrobials in
vinegar pickles. Acetic acid is more effective against yeasts and bacteria than
moulds. Only acetic, lactic and butyric bacteria are markedly tolerant to acetic
acid. Like most of the preservatives, acetic acid is also more effective at lower
pH. Sugar and spice also help in preserving foods. Like salt, sugar also acts by
reducing the water activity of the medium to inhibit the growth of
microorganisms. Many chemical substances in spices like terpenes have been
shown to have antimicrobial properties.
Class II preservatives are those which can be added in foods as specified by
regulations and not otherwise. These can be added in foods as specified by
regulations include, benzoic acid, sulphurous acid and their salts, nitrates,
nitrites, sorbic acid and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts, lactic acid,
propionic acid, sodium or calcium propionate, methyl or propyl-parahydroxy
benzoic acid, sodium diacetate and sodium, potassium and calcium lactate. Of
these, benzoates and sulphites are most widely used for preservation of fruit
and vegetable products; however, recently sorbates have been allowed for
some products.
Food Additives
Food Additives
Benzoic acid is found naturally in cranberries, plums, prunes, cinnamon,
cloves and most berries. It is a strong antimycotic agent. Most yeasts and
moulds can be controlled using 0.05–0.1% benzoic acid. Control of many
bacteria requires much higher concentration. Due to low solubility of benzoic
acid in water, sodium benzoate salt is preferred.
Antimycotic: An
Benzoic acid is permitted in several products like squashes, syrups, crushes, agent inhibiting the
fruit juices, jams, jellies, marmalade, beverages, pickles and tomato products. growth of fungi.
Sulphur dioxide and its various salts have a long history of use dating back to
the times of the ancient Greeks. They have been used extensively as
antimicrobials and to prevent enzymatic and non-enzymatic browning in a
variety of food products. Sulphurous acid inhibits yeasts, moulds and bacteria.
Sulphur dioxide and sulphites are permitted under PFA for a number of
products like fruit pulps, squashes, syrups, crushes, cordials, wines, beverages,
and dehydrated fruits and vegetables. Sulphur dioxide is also used as an anti-
browning agent.
Sorbic acid and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts are collectively
known as sorbates. Sorbic acid is present in some berries like berries of the
mountain ash berry (rowanberry). These sorbates inhibit most of the species of
yeasts and moulds. Several species of bacteria are also inhibited by sorbates.
At present under PFA, sorbates are permitted for only a few fruit and vegetable
products. They include jams, jellies, marmalades, glazed or candied fruits, fruit
bars, fruit juice concentrates and prunes. Some of the other products include
cheese, flour confectionary, smoked fish, preserved chapattis and fat spreads.
Sorbic acid and potassium sorbate have GRAS status.
Nitrites have been used in meat curing for many centuries. For meat curing,
Nitrites and nitrates are
nitrite is used along with a mixture of salt, sugar, spices, and ascorbate. Nitrite the food industry's
contributes to the development of the characteristic colour, flavour, and texture primary chemical defense
improvement and preservative effects. Nitrite has a strong inhibitory action against the bacterium
Clostridium botulinum.
against Clostridium botulinum and several other micro-organisms. They also impart a pink,
fresh hue to cured meat.
Antimicrobial substances (antibiotics) produced by microorganisms have
been known for many years. These are the products of the defence system of
the microbes themselves generated when they compete with each other for
space and nutrients. Some of these, like nisin, and natamycin, the cheese
preservatives called bacteriocins have been allowed in some foods only in
recent years.
Some other potential natural preservative sources include honey, milk, and
even dried plums.
Certain metals like iron and copper present in foods are strong catalysts of fat
oxidation and may react with antioxidants to cause discolouration. Food acids
like citric acid have the ability to bind these metals. Therefore, the antioxidants
are usually added along with citric acid.
The antioxidants are perhaps the most widely used among the food additives.
Browning of cut fruits
and vegetables is due to They are used in vegetable oils, meat products, confections and chewing gums,
enzymatic oxidation of cereal products like breakfast cereals, bakery products etc. Use of the
phenolic substances. antioxidants in fruit and vegetable products though limited, is of considerable
commercial importance. Some of them include fruit nuts like walnut, almonds,
cashew nuts; citrus oils, dehydrated potato products like powder, flakes and
Under PFA, all the above mentioned phenolic antioxidants except BHT have
been permitted with restrictions. Additionally, lecithin and ascorbyl palmitate
are also permitted for specific food products.
As the name indicates acidulants are food additives that may lower the pH of
any food. Since the microbial spoilage of food is inhibited at low pH,
acidulants find an application as an antimicrobial agent. Acidulants contribute
a variety of functional properties that lead to the enhancement of food quality
by imparting desired flavours and taste to it. Most of the acidulants used in
food are organic acids and their salts. For example, the commonly used
Sequestrants combine
with metals forming acidulants in foods are acetic, ascorbic, citric, lactic, malic and tartaric acids
complexes with them and and their salts. Inorganic acids like phosphoric acid is also used extensively in
making them unavailable cola type beverages.
for other reactions. They
can have antioxidant In general acidulants are used as flavouring agents, buffering agents,
preservatives, sequestrants, viscosity modifiers and meat curing agents.
Some commonly used acidulants are given below.
Food Additives
Food Additives
Citric acid, a tricarboxylic acid abundantly present in citrus and many other
fruits is perhaps the most widely used organic acid. Though earlier it used to be
produced from citrus fruits, presently fermentation is employed for most of the
commercial citric acid production. It is used in carbonated soft drinks.
Malic acid (2-hydroxybutanoic acid), a dicarboxylic acid is the major acid in
apples and mango. It is a nonhygroscopic white crystalline powder, easily
soluble in water and finds application in dry food formulations. Synthetic
malic acid is available commercially.
Tartaric acid a dicarboxylic acid found predominantly in grapes and tamarind.
It is a white crystalline water soluble solid, usually extracted from the argol
sediment formed during fermentation of grapes. It finds application in baking
powder and effervescent ‘health salts’.
Most of the food acidulants are permitted under PFA with certain restrictions.
Chemistry Carotenoids: Carotenoids are responsible for the yellow, orange and red
pigments in a number of plants and animal foods. Carotenoids are classified
into three groups. i) Carotenes – These are hydrocarbons containing β-ionone
rings and possess vitamin-A activity for example, β-Carotene present in
carrots, chillies, soybean. ii) Lycopenes – the carotenoids devoid of β-ionone
rings and do not possess vitamin-A activity. Lycopene is present in tomato,
apricot, watermelon, and red guavas. iii) Xanthophylls −the oxygenated
derivatives of carotene. These do have β-ionone rings, but do not possess
vitamin-A activity. These are present in papaya, orange peel, and yellow
maize. iv) α-Carotenes − similar to β-carotene in its biological activity.
Structurally, carotenoids are polyenes composed of isoprene units. These are
fat soluble, fairly heat stable and are stable in the pH range of 2–7. However,
during processing of fruits and vegetables, partial loss of carotene takes place.
Due to their structure, carotenoids are very sensitive to oxidation therefore,
synthetic β -carotene is marketed in forms that confer protection from
oxidation i.e., these are oxidized in preference to the item being protected.
Ascorbic acid can protect β-carotene by serving as an antioxidant.
Betalains: Betalains are found in plants such as red beets, amaranthus flowers,
bougainvillea, cactus fruits etc. Betalain colours range from red to yellow. The
red beet is the most common commercial source of these pigments.
Chlorophylls: Chlorophylls, the most abundant naturally occurring plant
pigments, are the green and olive green pigments in green plants. These are
soluble in alcohol, diethyl ether, benzene, acetone etc. but insoluble in water.
Some metal ions like iron, zinc and copper react with chlorophyll and the
green colour becomes brighter. In alkaline pH, the colour of chlorophyll is
better retained. Chlorophylls are heat sensitive and during processing of fruits
and vegetables containing chlorophyll, the green colour is lost and turns olive
green. When vegetables containing chlorophyll is cooked, the central
magnesium atom is replaced by hydrogen atom and loses its colour forming
Curcumin is the main colourant (yellow) in the oleoresin obtained from
turmeric (Curcuma longa). Curcumin is fat-soluble, has good tinctorial
strength, but exhibit slight sensitivity to light, air and pH.
Paprika oleoresin is the extract of mild capsicum (Capcicum annum) and is
orange red to deep red in colour. Like curcumin, paprica oleoresin is also water
insoluble. Paprika and turmeric oleoresins are available in various standardized
Saffron is generally stable toward light, oxidation and pH and has a high
tinctorial strength.
Annatto is the color used in butter and cheese and is obtained from a plant –
Bixa Orellana -
10.6.2 Synthetic Colourants
The colourants derived from synthetic dyes are called synthetic colourants.
Synthetic colourants were earlier manufactured from coal tar derivatives and
the gelatin desserts, candies and bakery goods were coloured with them.
Although the colourants were highly purified before they were added to foods,
the negative connotation of their association with coal tar resulted in much
unfavourable publicity. As a result, synthetic colourants are no longer
Food Additives
Food Additives
manufactured from coal tar derivatives but instead are developed from highly
purified petrochemicals.
In fact the development of synthetic dyes came as a boon to the food industry
because these colourants were superior to natural extracts in terms of their
colour intensity, number of shades, stability, easy availability above all they
were quite cheap. However, it also brought in a new aspect of the safety in
focus. The toxicological studies have shown that many of the colourants are in
fact harmful; though a few appear to be safe for use depending on the quantity
consumed. To add to the woes, these assessments of toxicity also vary and
colourants considered safe in one country may not be considered safe in
another country. More so with further studies, the status of the colourants used
in countries throughout the world is in a state of flux the number of permitted
synthetic colourants is decreasing year by year. Some of the permitted
synthetic colourants are given in Table 10.1.
Table 10.1: Common Synthetic Food Colours
S. No. Common Name Shade Chemical class
The above list shows that the permitted synthetic colourants belong to five
chemical classes viz. azo, xanthene, pyrazole, indigoid and triarylmethane.
These colours water-soluble and are more resistant to chemical reaction, pH
and heat compared to natural colourants.
Check Your Progress Exercise 3 "
Note: a) Compare your answers with those given at the end of the unit.
1) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
a) The antioxidants in foods prevent the …………..reactions of fats and
b) BHA is an example of a …………..antioxidant.
c) The food additives which help to lower the acidity and increase the
pH of foods are called …………...
d) Yellow, orange and red colour to food is imparted by …………..
which are ……… colouring agents.
Sweetness is one of the important taste sensations. The importance of
sweetness is reflected in huge production of sugar (sucrose) world over. Like
any other carbohydrate, sucrose is also a nutrient providing energy to the
human system. Over the years, sucrose has been implicated in obesity
development and associated diseases and also with dental caries. Besides,
diabetes has become a common disease among large sections of the
population. As a result there is a general trend towards reducing energy intake
in the form of sugars. This has resulted in development of sucrose alternatives
or artificial sweeteners. There are two types of sucrose alternatives viz.
nutritive and nonnutritive sweeteners. Nutritive sweeteners also called calorie
sweeteners are usually carbohydrates or carbohydrate derivatives.
Nonnutritive sweeteners include a range of natural products which are not
carbohydrates in nature and some synthetic chemicals.
Food Additives
Food Additives
10.8.1 Nutritive Sweeteners
You have already learnt about glucose, glucose syrup, fructose and some other
carbohydrates and their relative sweetness in Unit 6 of this block. A few other
nutritive sweeteners are discussed below.
Sorbitol: Sorbitol is a six carbon sugar alcohol that was originally found in the
berries of mountain ash. It is chemically produced from glucose for
commercial use. It is highly soluble in water (72% at 25oC). Sorbitol has about
half the sweetness of sucrose. Since it has a much lower caloric content
compared to sucrose, sorbitol is used as a sweetener for diabetic foods, sugar-
free candies and chewing gums.
Xylitol: Xylitol (xylit) is a pentiol found in most fruits and berries as well as
xylan (a polysaccharide) containing plant materials. It is also produced by
microbiological methods. Xylitol is a crystalline substance, having good water
solubility (64% at 25oC). It has sweetness and caloric content equal to sucrose.
However, because xylitol is absorbed slowly, it does not cause increase in
blood glucose level as glucose or sucrose. Therefore, it is used in diabetic
foods also.
Isomalt: Isomalt is also called hydrogenated isomaltulose. It is an equimolar
mixture of 6-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-D-glusitol and 1-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-
D-mannitol. It is of about half the sweetness of sucrose and is stable in acid
and alkaline media under conditions normally occurring in food processing. It
has no impact on blood sugar. Isomalt is used as a sugar substitute in
confectionaries, chewing gum, soft drinks and desserts.
Saccharin and sodium saccharin are white crystalline powders soluble in water.
They are about 500 times sweeter than sucrose. It has good stability during
cooking and baking of food products but leaves a slight bitter metallic
aftertaste. It is permitted as a sweetener in several countries including India
with restrictions.
Chemistry Aspartame (Nutrasweet): Aspartame was discovered only in 1960. It is the
methyl ester of L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanine. Aspartame is produced from the
amino acids phenylalanine and aspartic acid. It is an odourless white
The ADI value is
fixed at 40-mg/kg
crystalline powder, slightly soluble in water and almost 150-200 times sweeter
body weight. than sucrose. Since 1981, it has been used in innumerable food items and diet
soft drinks as it is devoid of any carbohydrates, calories, proteins or fats.
Aspartame provides 4 Kcal/g energy. It provides sugar like sweetness in foods,
but under certain moisture, temperature and pH conditions, it is hydrolyzed and
loses its sweetness. Therefore, aspartame is more suitable for dry products or
as a table top sweetener although it is widely used in soft drinks, dairy products
etc. Like saccharine, aspartame has also been implicated in a number of health
related issues but these have not been proved to be correct beyond doubt.
However, person with 'phenylketonuria' disorder must avoid it.
Acesulfame K: Acesulfame K is one of the most recently introduced (1967)
non-nutritive sweeteners. Acesulfame K is the potassium salt of 6-methyl-
The body doesn't process 1,2,3-oxathizine-4(3)-one-2,2-dioxide. It is a white crystalline powder, freely
this sweetener.
soluble in water, non hygroscopic and 150-200 times sweeter than sucrose.
Acesulfame K is used in soft drinks, chewing gum and as a table-top
sweetener. More food applications are being investigated.
Sucralose (Splenda) - is produced by chlorinating sugar and is comparable to
aspartame in terms of it not containing any fat, protein, calorie or
carbohydrates and also in not influencing the blood sugar level. This is about
600 times sweeter than sucrose and finds applications in soft drink, candy bars
and many other food products.
Rebiana is another non-nutritive sweetener derived from the herb stevia of the
sunflower family. Stevia extracts are 250-300 times sweeter than sucrose.
These are heat stable pH stable and non-fermentable. Rebiana is used as a
natural sweetener for the diabetics.
Food Additives
Food Additives
potato flakes, dehydrated vegetable powders, cocoa powders, salt; tricalcium
phosphate in spices, and fruit powders; and starches in icing sugar etc.
Humectants are moisture retention agents they are used to control viscosity
and texture, bulking, retention of moisture, reduction of water activity and
retention of softness.
Clarifying agents are used to clarify fruit juices and wines and chill proofing
of beer. Gelatin is a typical example of a clarifying agent.
Curing agents are used to preserves (cure) meals, give them desirable colour
and flavour. Sodium nitrite is one most widely used curing agent for meat
Check Your Progress Exercise 4 "
Note: a) Compare your answers with those given at the end of the unit.
1) Match the contents given in column A and B correctly.
Column A Column B
a) Firming agent in pickles i) Sodium nitrite
b) Curing agent for meats ii) Benzaidenyde
c) Flavouring compound in bitter iii) Cyclamates
d) An example of a nonnutritive sweetener iv) Aluminium sulphate
Food Additives
Food Additives
Check Your Progress Exercise 4
1) a) iv)
b) i)
c) ii)
d) iii)