Wind Loads Calculations by ASCE7 05 For Any Building
Wind Loads Calculations by ASCE7 05 For Any Building
Wind Loads Calculations by ASCE7 05 For Any Building
Z= 5.8
Zg = 213.36
α= 11.5
Kz = 1.073749593
V= 43.06 m/s
qz = 1192.966653 N/m2
Calculate G:
Q =√1/(1+0.63*(B+h/Lẑ )0.63)
B : horizontal dimension of building normal to
wind direction
h : height of building
Lẑ = ℓ(ẑ /10)€ ℓ &€ from table 6-2 (sheet 1)
B 15.45
h 5.8
ẑ 3.48
ℓ 198.12
€ 0.125
Lẑ 173.6303836
Q 0.925398215
G 0.889917745
Calculate Cf:
10.5 see table 6-20 or 6-21 or 6-22 or 6-23 (sheet
Cf = 0.8
Z= 5.8
Zg = 213.36
α= 11.5
Kz = 1.073749593
V= 43.06 m/s
qz = 1192.966653 N/m2
Calculate G:
Q =√1/(1+0.63*(B+h/Lẑ )0.63)
B : horizontal dimension of building normal to
wind direction
h : height of building
Lẑ = ℓ(ẑ /10)€ ℓ &€ from table 6-2 (sheet 1)
B 15.45
h 5.8
ẑ 3.48
ℓ 198.12
€ 0.125
Lẑ 173.6303836
Q 0.925398215
G 0.889917745
Calculate Cf:
10.5 see table 6-20 or 6-21 or 6-22 or 6-23 (sheet
Cf = -0.5