Lab 3 Dna Extraction 11 B
Lab 3 Dna Extraction 11 B
Lab 3 Dna Extraction 11 B
DNA consists of two chains of nucleotides, joined together forming a double helix. The skeleton
has phosphate groups that are negatively charged and polar, which gives the DNA a negative net
charge. Within the nucleus, this molecule is packed with proteins around it.
The isolation of DNA using the protocol with common salt and dishwasher is a simple, easy, fast,
economical and non-polluting alternative. It is based on the physicochemical characteristics of the
nucleic acid.
If we use kiwi or banana, we peel and cut it into small cubes, then grind it in a mortar or liquefy it.
If we use strawberries, we can place them in a bag with airtight seal and crush them.
In the mortar with the crushed fruit (or in the bag with the strawberries) pour the saline-soap
solution and continue the process of breaking the fruits. Optionally, we can place the preparation
in a water bath at 37ºC for 15 minutes to facilitate the extraction
The salty-soapy fruit juice is strained and filtered to remove the solids, proteins and lipids from the
aqueous solution of the DNA.
We passed through a strainer or filter paper to remove the thickness of the fruit soup and then,
through the gauze or cotton, to obtain 5 ml of the filtered liquid in a test tube or 50 ml in a jar.
Step 5: precipitation of DNA by alcohol
Between the aqueous phase and the alcohol phase begins to observe the DNA fibers.
On the fruit juice, pour slowly through the walls of the ethanol or cold isopropanol test tube. Let
rest a few minutes. A whitish, gelatinous layer should appear.
If we introduce a glass rod or a wooden stick, with circular motions we can recover the DNA
wrapped in the rod.
Plants have three types of DNA: nuclear, mitochondrial and chloroplast. In addition, most plants
have polyploidy, that is, the condition of some cells or organisms possessing more than one set of
Mature strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa) are an excellent material to extract DNA. They are easy
to crush and contain enzymes, called pectinases and cellulases, that help break down cell walls. In
addition, strawberries are octoploid (7 chromosomes x 8 = 56 chromosomes), that is, they have
eight copies of each chromosome, which provides more DNA than banana or kiwi.
The kiwi has 29 chromosomes and is tetraploid. The banana or banana has 11 chromosomes and
the majority is triploid. But you can also do this experiment with onions, lentils or other vegetable.
The detergent molecules help break down the cell membranes and release the DNA from the
By friction with the mortar or by liquefying the material, the junctions between the cells and the
cell wall are broken. This homogenization facilitates the lysis or rupture effect that helps to release
the genetic material.
Soap or liquid detergent helps break down cell membranes, which are composed of lipids.
Non-soluble components such as fibrous material and proteins are separated from DNA by
DNA precipitation
After the lipids and proteins are removed, the phosphate groups in the DNA are negatively
charged and polar. DNA dissolves in aqueous solutions, but it is insoluble in alcohol.
The addition of ethanol and high concentrations of sodium ions that bind to the phosphate
groups, reduces the repulsive forces between the chains and allows the DNA to fold on itself
making it insoluble. In this way it precipitates and forms a whitish filamentous mesh containing
proteins and other materials.