Laboratory Exercise 2: Basic Logic Gates
Laboratory Exercise 2: Basic Logic Gates
Laboratory Exercise 2: Basic Logic Gates
Laboratory Exercise 2
Basic Logic Gates
The purpose of this exercise is to describe the operation, use and sketch the external connections to integrated-circuit
chips AND, OR, NOT and XOR to implement logic circuits.
Logic gates are the basic building blocks for forming digital electronic circuitry. A logic gate has one output terminal
and one or more input terminals. Its output will be HIGH (1) or LOW (0) depending on the digital level(s) at
the input terminal(s). Through the use of logic gates, we can design digital systems that will evaluate digital input
levels and produce a specific output response based on that particular logic circuit design. The five basic logic gates
are the AND, OR, NAND, NOR, and inverter.
Let’s start by looking at the two-input AND gate whose schematic symbol is shown in the Figure 1-1. The operation
of the AND gate is simple and is defined as follows: The output, X, is HIGH if input A AND input B are both HIGH.
In other words, if A=1 AND B=1 then X=1. If either A or B or both are LOW, the output will be LOW.
The best way to illustrate how the output level of a gate responds to all the possible input-level combinations is with
a truth table. Table 1–1 is a truth table for a two-input AND gate. On the left side of the truth table, all possible input-
level combinations are listed, and on the right side, the resultant output is listed.
One example of how an AND gate might be used is in a bank burglar alarm system. The output of the AND gate will
go HIGH to turn on the alarm if the alarm activation key is in the ON position AND the front door is opened. This
setup is illustrated in Figure 1–2(a). Figure 1–2(b) shows the result for every combination of Key (K) and Door (D).
Pedagogical and Technological University Of Colombia
Electronics Engineering School
Digital Electronics 1 Course
Laboratory Exercises
The OR Gate
The OR gate also has two or more inputs and a single output. The symbol for a two input OR gate is shown in Figure
1-3. The operation of the two-input OR gate is defined as follows: The output at X will be HIGH whenever input A
OR input B is HIGH or both are HIGH. As a Boolean equation, this can be written (which is read as “X equals A OR
B”). Notice the use of the symbol to represent + the OR function.
Consult description, logical symbol and truth table for NOT, XOR, NAND and NOR gates.
Pedagogical and Technological University Of Colombia
Electronics Engineering School
Digital Electronics 1 Course
Laboratory Exercises
Using IC Logic Gates
AND and OR gates are available as ICs. The IC pin layout, logic gate type, and technical specifications are all
contained in the logic data manual supplied by the manufacturer of the IC. For example, referring to a TTL or a CMOS
logic data manual, we can see that there are several AND and OR gate ICs. To list just a few:
The pin configurations for some other logic gates are shown in Figure 1.5.
Pedagogical and Technological University Of Colombia
Electronics Engineering School
Digital Electronics 1 Course
Laboratory Exercises
Consult the pin configuration for the ICs: 7404, 7432 and 7486.
Part I
Implement and verify the truth table of the logic gates: 7400, 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432 y 7486. Use Virtual Constructor
and Digital Circuit Simulator 0.9.7 software available in
The Figure 1.6 shows the pin connection to validate the truth table of 74LS11 Triple 3-Input AND Gate.
Figure 1.6. a) Pin configuration for 74LS11 gate IC. b) Connection of pins in breadboard.
Part II
a) Determine the logical function that describes the operation of the digital circuit shown in Figure 1.7.
b) Obtain the truth table from the evaluation of the logical function obtained in section a).
c) Implement the logic circuit shown in Figure 1.7, using logic gates and Virtual Constructor and Digital Circuit
Simulator 0.9.7 software.
d) Obtain the truth table from the evaluation of the digital circuit implemented in c).
e) Compare the results obtained in b) and d).
1. The circuit will operate the pump only when the soil is dry, but first check the following
To prevent the pump from being damaged by running idle, the pump will never be activated when the water tank
is empty.
If there are restrictions on irrigation (summer time), you can only water at night.
In the rest of the year (if there are no restrictions) you can irrigate day and night (if the land is dry).