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Niagara Workbench Guide-LITE

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Workbench is a Windows-based CAE tool (the Niagara API) that permits the programmer to create and configure a
Station (ie, control logic, alarms, trends, graphics).
• Menu, Toolbar, sidebar and views
• Browser-based navigation model
• Bookmarking
• Tabbed browsing
• Desktop and browser-based application

Workbench Brands
Tridium and Honeywell’s Workbench look the same. Johnson Controls Workbench is different looking.
Vykon brand (Tridium) is the first with new releases.

Company Workbench Tool Brand Name

Tridium Vykon WorkPlace
Honeywell (No. America) Comfort Point
Honeywell (Latin America) WEBs
Johnson Controls Facility Explorer
Schneider Electric I/A Series
Lynxspring JeneSys
Kele Trion
Distech EC-net

Local Host = Workbench tool on PC (“My Host”).

Two types of end-user views:

1. Workbench views
2. Px Views (Presentation XML)

Network Basics
Technical Documents: NiagaraAX Networking and IT Guide; NiagaraAX 3.x Drivers Guide; NiagaraAX SNMP Guide;
NiagaraAX SMS Guide

Network Types
Network Type Description
LAN Local Area Networks (LANs) are typically node-to-node communications within building or
facility. Ethernet over twisted pair cabling and Wi-Fi are the two most common technologies to
build LANS. RS-485 multidrop LANs are common with BACnet architectures.
WAN Wide Area Networks (WANs) are used where nodes are separated by large distances (ie,
region-to-region). WANs are often built using private leased lines.
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a form of WAN where the difference is the ability to use
public networks rather than private leased lines (eliminates long-distance charges). The user
VPN initiates a tunnel request through the Internet Service Provider (ISP). The VPN software
encrypts the data, packages it in an IP packet (for compatibility with the Internet) and sends it
through the tunnel, where is it is decrypted at the other end (the server). There are several
tunneling protocols: IP security (IPsec), Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) and Layer 2
Tunneling Protocol (L2TP).

Network Architecture
LAN Type Description
Polling DDC Controllers cannot pass information directly to each other. Data must flow to a “Bus
Supervisor” then to the controller. Typical cabling is RS-485 multi-drop LAN.
Peer-to-Peer DDC Controllers are able to pass information directly to each other. Typical cabling is twisted-
pair. Protocol examples are BACnet RS-485 MS/TP (Master-Slave/Token Passing) and LON.
Client-Server Niagara Web Controllers (JACE) are client-server hosts where the Java, TCP/IP, Http and XML
technologies that permit internet connectivity are hardware and O/S independent. As a client,
the JACE makes a request to a server. As a server, the JACE waits for a client application to
initiate contact. Web Controllers permit multiple user access using a web browser.

Network Devices
Network Device Description
IP Router An IP router routes TCP/IP packets from one network to another. By default, IP routers do not
propagate broadcast packets.
LON IP Router/Server – Building industry name for an EIA-852 compliant, LonTalk-to-IP router
that allows IP to be used as a LonWorks channel. LON IP ‘servers’ are routers with web server
capabilities (Echelon iLON 1000), while others are just Layer3 LonTalk routers (Echelon iLON
LON IP 600, Loytec 709 IP Router). “Lon Over IP” (EIA-852) is not “Lon over Ethernet”. Like BACnet,
“Router” “Ethernet” is MAC address communication and has no routing capability. IP is IP address
or communication and was invented to allow routing.
“Server” Configuration Server (CS) management is either software-based (iLON 600) which resides in
the BMS server or ‘Point Server’ (Honeywell), or is hardware based (Loytech’s LIP ‘IP Router’).
The Config Server collects address information from each of the members of the Lon-IP
channel, and then updates all the other members with the collected information. It necessary to
have one central device responsible for member information since the EIA-852 protocol does
not provide a mechanism for members to discover each other.
Packet Assembler/Dissembler. Wraps an IP ‘frame’ around an BACnet/Ethernet packet so it
PAD can be routed through a IP network. BACnet device object instances (how Bacnet devices
reference each other) are translated into the IP address of the PAD.
BACnet Router Converts BACnet/Ethernet to BACnet/IP (Layer 2 to Layer 3).
BACnet Broadcast Management Device. Since, by default, IP routers do not propagate
broadcast packets, a BBMD intercepts a BACnet/IP broadcast packet (message) on a physical
BBMD subnet and ‘forwards’ it to the BBMDs located on each physical subnet with BACnet devices.
The BBMDs then ‘recreate’ the broadcast packet on their respective subnets.
A computer, router or other communication device that controls data flow between networks. It
Firewall is the first-line of defense against attacks from the outside world. A firewall can hardware-based
or software-based. A h/w firewall is a special router with additional filter and management
capabilities. A s/w firewall runs on top of the o/s and turns the PC into a firewall.
Gateway A gateway performs routing functions and protocol conversions from one network to another.
OSI – Field Bus

OSI – Serial Communications

Network Host
A network host is a computer connected to a computer network. Computers participating in networks that use the
Internet Portocol Suite are called IP Hosts (or Internet Host).

Niagara Hosts
H = Host = Hardware
A Niagara Host is a platform (hardware system) that provides the operating environment for a Niagara application. In
the first level of the navigation tree, the host node is used to depict the platform. Hosts always represent a physical
piece of hardware which is either a Localhost ('My Host'), which indicates the local machine, or a Remote host. In the
navigation tree, remote hosts are always shown with an IP address.
There is usually a one-to-one correspondence between stations and host machines. To run additional stations on a
host, the host must be configured to use different IP ports.

Niagara Station Network Architecture

A Niagara Station uses a driver network to fetch real-time data which are modeled with proxy points. To support proxy
points the Station must have that’s drivers network architecture. Typically, there is one host communication port per
network and a specific communications protocol. A Bacnet Network is an exception since it can support multiple
logical BACnet networks, which sometimes use different comm-ports (see Bacnet Guide).

Ethernet-Connected Driver
JACE Ethernet-connected drivers use the TCP/IP protocol for transport. It basically “wraps” the driver protocol within
the TCP/IP protocol. Examples include the Modbus TCP driver (ModbusTcpNetwork) and the SNMP driver
(SnmpNetwork). Supervisor Ethernet-connect drivers provide “direct device integrations” (require special Supervisor

Serial-Connected Driver
Serial-connected drivers use a specific serial comm-port on the JACE. Only one network can be assigned to any one
serial port. The driver “owns” the assigned comm-port (COMn). Serial driver examples include: Honeywell C-bus,
Johnson N2, Siemens P1, TAC I/A (Robertshaw) Microsmart, Carrier CCN, Trane CommFour and Modbus.

Special-Port Driver
Currently, the “special port” driver is the Echelon LON FTT-10 port. The Lonworks driver is associated with a specific
LONn port. (see Lonworks Guide).

Non-Field Bus Driver

The NDIO (Niagara Direct I/O) and NRIO (Niagara Remote I/O) drivers are ‘non-field bus’ network architectures.

Database Driver
The ‘rdbSqlServer’ driver is a database driver (only applies to Supervisor or AX SoftJACE hosts).

Technical Document: Niagara AX-3.6 User Guide, 3-1 (pg. 71), Niagara AX-3.2 Developer Guide (pg. 39), Niagara AX Networking
and IT Guide (pg. 51)

Niagara is protocol agnostic and vendor neutral. It transforms field bus data into normalized data components.

Proxy Points
A Proxy Point is a software point in the Station that links to a point in the field device. It represents the unique
relationship to the address of the physical point, the controller trunk and the AX driver (eg, LON, Bacnet). It has a non-
null proxy extension, where the proxy extension (Proxy Ext) indicates the point’s source. A point’s proxy extension is
1. Null. A point that is copied from the ‘control’ palette or added using the right-click menu. The proxy extension is
simply null (NullProxyExt). The point’s source does not have a relationship to the address of a physical point.
2. Driver Type. Any point within the Points container of a device (eg, Lonworks, Bacnet). For example, a
BooleanWritable proxy point under the Points container of a Bacnet Device has a proxy extension of
‘BacnetBooleanProxyExt’. The point’s source has a relationship to the address of a physical point.

Point Naming – Syntax Rules

1. Use only alphanumeric (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) and underscore ( _ ).
2. Spaces, hyphens, or special characters (eg, %, &, ., #, etc) are illegal in component names.
3. The first character must be a letter (not a numeral).
Workbench permits improperly named components. Illegal characters are replaced with an ‘escape’ name based on
the hex code of the illegal character (eg, a space becomes “$20” or the dash (-) becomes “$2d”).

Proxy States
In a connection between stations, a proxy component exists in three distinct states:
1. Unloaded: the proxy point has not been “loaded” (created in the Workbench) across the network.
2. Loaded: proxy points are loaded when they are actually viewed in the Workbench (becomes known to the proxy
VM). This help to minimize large surges in communication when the Workbench and the remote Station connect.
Loaded proxy points may or may not be out-of-date with the master.
3. Subscribed: the proxy is actively synchronized with the master (auto-sync).

Subscription (synchronization)
Components in a Station often represent an external system or device (ie, control points). Keeping components
synchronized with their external representations is computationally expensive. Subscription is a mechanism that
keeps components efficiently synchronized (between Niagara Stations). NiagaraAX provides a feature called
“Leasing” that permits temporary subscription, typically for a minute, which reverts back to an unsubscribed state at
the end of its lease time (helps to conserve system resoures).

Network and device drivers must be licensed and installed before networks or devices can be added to Niagara.

Priority Level Conventions
Technical Document: Niagara AX-3.6 User Guide, 3-20 (pg. 90)

Writable points have 16 input properties (+ fallback) corresponding to priority levels.

Highest = Level 1 Slot (In 1)
Lowest = Level 16 Slot (In 16)

The effective input value is determined by an event driven priority scan, looking for a “non-auto” action at level 1
(emergency), then the value at the highest valid input, going from level 2 to 3 and so on to level 16 (at level 8, any
“non-auto” action is evaluated as valid). Note: an input’s value typically comes from a link, however most inputs can
also accepts values entered directly from the point’s property sheet (as an alternative source).

A valid input is one with none of the following status bits set: down, fault, disabled, null, stale. If all 16 priority levels
are evaluated without a valid input (and without an action at levels 1 and 8), then the fallback value is used. The
fallback value can be set to ‘null’ so that the point’s Out has a null status in this condition. If you want a writable point
to always have a Fallback of ‘null’ go to its slot sheet and set the “Hidden” Config flag on the “set” slot. Otherwise, a
user can invoke a right-click command to set the Fallback to any value.

Only one link per input (level).

Priority levels 1 and 8 are reserved for actions (emergency and override). Levels above L8 override the manual

Priority Level Actions (Boolean Writeable)

Emergency Active
1 Emergency Inactive
Emergency Auto - release
Active – Permanent or Timer.
8 Inactive – Permanent or Timer.
Auto - release
Fallback Set

Level Description Comment

1 Emergency (Manual Life Safety) Unlinkable input, but available as action (command).
2 Automatic Life Safety
3 (user defined)
4 (user defined)
5 Critical Equipment Control Use for Safeties (FrzStat, SmokeDetector, Hi-Static, etc)
6 Minimum On/Off If a BooleanWritable, level 6 is unavailable.
7 (user defined)
8 Override (Manual Operator) Unlinkable input, but available as action (command).
9 Demand Limiting
10 (user defined) Default Exposed Slot
11 Temperature Override
12 Stop Optimization
13 Start Optimization
14 Duty Cycling
15 Outside Air Optimization
16 Schedule Default Exposed Slot

Technical Document: Niagara AX-3.x Platform Guide

A Platform or 'Host' is hardware. ("H" = Host = Hardware)

Host Type Host Description

Local Desktop or laptop PC (typically performing off-line Station programming).
Remote JACE or Server (the server typically is the home of AX Supervisor Station).

Platform Views

To Open a Platform Connection

Two Options:
1a. Nav Side Bar Option: R.C. ‘My Host’ > ‘Open Platform’.
1b. Menu Bar Option: ‘File’ > ‘Open’ > ‘Open Platform’.

Complete the fields in the ‘Open Platform’ dialog box:

1. Type: Platform Connection
2. Host IP (three options):
 Local: PC Name (auto-fill)
 Remote: enter JACE IP address
 Tunnel: 1) Host IP (typically Host IP = AX Supervisor IP), 2) Tunnel to: JACE IP (AX release v3.5+)
3. Port: 3011 (default)
4. Credentials.
Local Host: Refer to Windows User Accounts (Control Panel > User Accounts)
Remote Host (JACE): Factory Default: User: tridium Pswd: niagara

Unable to open the Platform Connection?

1) If Windows account, confirm the username/password and the WIN administrator privileges.
2) Platform Daemon running? Windows: ‘Start’ > All Programs > Niagara AX 3.x > ‘Install Platform’.
3) Use the Serial Shell interface to restore the Platform credentials back to the default factory settings.
Technical Documents: Niagara AX-3.x User Guide, Ch. 1; Niagara AX-3.x Developer Guide

A Station is software ("S" = Station = Software)

A Station can run as Server or a Client. As a Server it responds to requests for information from another Station. As
a Client it requests information from another station. Version 3.6 supports WIN7 (64-bit O/S).

Niagara architecture is based on JAR files called modules (JAR = Java Arkive). Modules are linked together to define
an application which are executed using the Station JVM (Java Virtual Machine).

Typically, only one Station runs on one Host. To run more than one Station, unique port #'s must be assigned to each
Station (default Fox Port # = 1911).

Station Functions:
• Programmable Controller – HVAC, lighting, energy control & monitoring, transportation systems, etc.
• Building Manager – alarms, schedules, monitoring & trending.
• Web Server – point data & graphics linked to a Web Browser.

The entire Station database is represented by a folder. Within the Station folder is an XML file called ‘config.bog’
(Baja Object Graph). The programmed portion of the Station database is defined by the single config.bog file
(graphics files are not in the bog file). A Station is booted from its config.bog file into the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
on the host machine.

Within the 'station' database folder, four default sub-folders: 1) Alarm, 2) History, 3) Nav and 4) Px (graphics).

START: Station
1. Open Platform Connection (see ‘Platform’ section).
2. Double-click ‘Application Director’, select the appropriate station, right-click>’Start’ or click ‘Start’ (side bar).

3. Verify ‘Running’ status.

If Station fails to Start:

1. Verify User name & password.
2. Verify Station Port #.
3. Platform > Application Director > select ‘Verify Software’ (right side).
1. Review ‘Software Missing’ list (items marked with ‘*’).
2. Add appropriate software modules (see Platform section – “Software Manager”).
4. Platform > License Manager: Check License

Note: if you stop a Remote Station (Hard JACE), it takes ~ 5 minutes to restart it. Status = “Halted” when stopped.

OPEN: Station Connection
1. The Station must be running (see above to start the Station).
2a. Nav Side Bar Option: right-click ‘My Host’ > ‘Open Station’.
2b. Menu Bar Option: ‘File’ > ‘Open’ > ‘Open Station’

Complete the fields in the ‘Open Station’ dialog box:

1. Type: Station Connection
2. Host IP (three options):
 Local: PC Name (auto-fill)
 Remote: enter JACE IP address
 Tunnel: 1) Host IP (typically Host IP = AX Supervisor IP), 2) Tunnel to: JACE IP (AX release v3.3+)
3. Port: 1911 (default)
4. Credentials. User: admin (default) Password: (user defined)

OPEN: Station Connection (Fox Tunnel)

1. Open the Station Manager of the AX Supervisor’s NiagaraNetwork (double-click ‘NiagaraNetwork’)
2. Highlight the Station in the Database pane > Right-click.
3. Select ‘Open Station (Fox Tunnel)’


A Supervisory Station provides end-user supervisory functions to multiple JACEs (ie, history, alarm concentration).

Communication between Stations is established via the Fox protocol over the Niagara Network of each Station:
1) Supervisor Station to JACE Station(s).
2) JACE-to-JACE Station(s).

1) To Install the Supervisor Station on a JACE's Niagara Network (manual addition)

1. Connect to the JACE Station.
2. Config > Drivers.
3. Open the Station Manager of the JACE’s NiagaraNetwork (R.C. > Views > Station Manager).
4. Select 'New' (bottom). Add (1) Niagara Station.
5. ‘New’ Dialog box should appear.
6. Set the properties:
1. Name (AX Supvr. Name) 5. Username (AX Supvr. User Account)
2. Address (AX Supvr. IP addr.) 6. Password
3. Fox Port: 1911 7. Enabled: true
4. Use Foxs: false 8. Virtuals Enabled: false

7. Check the 'Health' and 'Server Conn' status. Faulty Supervisor connections typically require IP address review or
IT dept. support (IPSec rules).

To Install the Supervisor Station on a JACE's Niagara Network Cont.)

8. Ping the AX Supervisor.

2) Enable the JACE Station on the AX Supervisor's Niagara Network

1. Open the Station Manager of the AX Supervisor Station's Niagara Network (R.C. > Views > Station Manager).
2. The JACE Station should appear in grey.
3. Double-click the JACE Station.
4. 'Edit' Dialog box should appear.
5. Set the properties:
1. set the Enable to 'True'.
2. verify/set the IP address.
6. Ping the JACE Station. The grey should be removed.

Note1: Review the NiagaraNetwork configuration properties: 1) Fox Service (eg, ‘Max Server Sessions’), 2) Tuning
Note2: If doing a NiagaraNetwork discovery from a AX Supervisor (PC), the firewall will need an exception for UDP
port 3011 and TCP port 3011 (assuming the default FoxService 3011 port). Multicasting must be available on the
network to successfully discover another Station on the NiagaraNetwork.

To Upload JACE Points to the AX Supervisor

1. Connect to the AX Supervisor Station.
2. Open the Station Manager of the Niagara Network (R.C. > Views > Station Manager).
3a. Locate the Client Station.
3b. Open the Niagara Point Manager (D.C. on the Points Container icon - 3 blue circles in the 'Exts' column).

3c. Open the sub folder (if available).

4a. Click 'Discover'.
4b. Enter the client Station credentials.
5. Bql Query Builder appears. Click on magnifying glass. The 'Choose Root' dialog box appears.
6. Select the Control/Points folder. Ok. Ok.
7. Select the points in the 'Discovered' pane (upper). (avoid selecting math/logic objects)
8. Click 'Add'.
9. Select the points in the 'Add' box. Ok. (wait ~ 1min).
10. The points should appear in the 'Database' pane (lower).

To Send JACE Alarm to the AX Supervisor

See Section 6 - Alarms

To Upload JACE Histories to the AX Supervisor

See Section 8 – Histories

Technical Documents: NiagaraAX 3.x Lonworks Guide, NiagaraAX 3.x Drivers Guide

Note: the JACE must be licensed for LonWorks (see ‘Basic Steps-Installing AX Workbench’ section).


Add a LON Network
1. Open Config > Drivers.
2. Select ‘lonworks’ palette.
3. Drag the ‘LonNetwork’ component onto the ‘Drivers’ node (or select the ‘New’ button).
4. If the JACE has multiple LON ports, add a LonNetwork for each physical port. In ‘Lon Comm Config’ specify the
port’s Device Name (eg, LON1, LON2).
Note: the ‘Local Lon Device’ object represents the LON network adapter which Station uses to connect to the LON

Configure the LON Network Properties

1. Open the LonNetwork Property Sheet (R.C. ‘LonNetwork’ > View)
1) Alarm Source Info: set ‘ToOffNormal’ text (ping fail).
2) Lon Comm Config: ‘Device Name’ must match the Host machine LON I/F device (eg, PCC10 card).
3) Poll Service: if poll service > 60% during operation, set the service to Normal Rate (30sec).
4) Lon Netmgmt: default Domain length=0 (Honeywell default: Domain length=1; id = 2c). Important.
5) Tuning Policy: duplicate a policy. Name it ‘SlowPollPolicy’ (freq=slow; max WT=2min; min=2s)
2. Set Unit Conversion to English (Tools > Options > General > Unit Conversion)
3. Set the Station Auto Save Frequency to 1 hour (Station > Config > Services > Platform Services)


Manually Add Lon Devices (Off-line Engineering)
1. Open the ‘lonworks’ palette and drag a ‘LonDeviceFolder’ object onto the ‘LonNetwork’ node (for organization).
2. Name the folder (eg, VAVs).

3. Open the appropriate LON device palette.

4. Drag the LON device onto the Lon Device Folder (or ‘LonNetwork’ if not using folders).

Manually Add LON Devices Cont.)

5. Name the device (eg, VAV_1).

6. Set the device’s configuration settings (eg, VAV: Ctlr type, OccCool setpoint). (see Honeywell section for XL10
VAV configuration)
7. Repeat the process to add more Lon devices.
8. Save the Station (right-click ‘Station’ > Save Station)
9. Continue to Section 3 – Device Matching.

Using Online Discover to Add Lon Devices (On-line Engineering)

The ‘Discovery’ process is an on-line process which learns what Lon devices are on the working domain (as defined
in the LonNetwork property sheet; default Domain Len = 0).
1. Open the Lon Device Manager (double-click 'LonNetwork').
2. Click the 'Discover' button.
3. Discovered Lon devices will appear in the 'Discovered' pane (top).
(if you do not see a Lon device in the Discover pane, check the Domain ID)
4. Select the devices then click ‘Add’.
5. In the ‘Add’ dialog box edit the device name(s). OK.
6. The desired Lon devices should appear in the ‘Database’ pane (lower).
7. To close the split-pane, click the Learn Mode tool to toggle out of ‘learn’ mode.

Learn Lon Devices (On-line Engineering)

‘Quik Learn’ is a Device Manager tool that combines the ‘Discover’ and ‘Add’ steps into one operation. Besides first-
time learning of new networks, Quik Learn can be used to add Lon devices to an already configured network.
Note: Quik Learn searches locally-installed lon<vendor> modules to find possible .lnml files. This differs from a
‘Discover’ and ‘Add’, where all modules used by Workbench are searched. Important that any needed Lon modules
are installed on the JACE platform before running Quik Learn.

To Populate a New Network from a Previously Managed Network

Managed Lon devices have unique subnet/node addresses, are configured and often have bindings with other
devices. In this case, you usually want to learn all the existing network management. “Managed” preserves the
commissioning of all the nodes where the initial state is “Config Online”.
1. Open the Lon Device Manager (double-click the 'LonNetwork).
2. Click the 'Quik Learn' button (bottom).
3. In the 'Learn' dialog, select "Learn Links” or "Upload Config” (leave “Unmanaged Network” cleared).

Learn Links: allows you to view the learned bindings in other views of the LonNetwork, including the LonWorks Link
Manager view or in the network wire sheet view
Upload Config: allows you to see the values of any device’s NCIs from its Nc Manager view (right-click the device
and select Views > Nc Manager).
4. Learned Lon nodes are listed in the ‘Database’ table. All devices should appear listed with unique subnet/node
address. Use the Lon Link Manager to view the learned bindings. To view the values of the device's ncis use the 'Nc
Manager' (Views > Nc Manager). (note: ‘Commission’ is not performed in ‘Previously Managed Network’)

Learn LON Devices Cont.)

To Populate a New Network from Previously Unmanaged Network

Unmanaged Lon devices are unconfigured – Lon devices can only respond to it Neuron ID rather than the
subnet/node address. Lon bindings between devices do not exist. There is no existing Lon network management to
learn (only to be establish for the first time). Avoids the strong possibility in having duplicate address or other address

1. Open the Lon Device Manager (double-click the 'LonNetwork).

2. Click the ‘Quick Learn’ button (bottom).
3. In the ‘Learn’ dialog, select “Unmanaged Network” and, typically, “Upload Config”.

4. Select all the devices in the ‘Database’ table.

5. Click the ‘Commission’ button.

The ‘Match’ function maps the manually added Lon devices (off-line database) with on-line ‘discovered’ Lon devices.
A match is possible only if the program IDs are the same. The match synchronizes the Lonworks neuron ID and
applies appropriate subnet-node logical addressing. Note: JACE controllers must be commissioned before they can
be discovered (see JACE section for commissioning).

Discover & Match Devices (On-line)

1. Open the Lon Device Manager (double-click the ‘LonNetwork’).
2. Locate the Lon Controller and double-click it.
3. Review the controller’s logical address: 1) Channel ID, 2) Subnet #, 3) Node #. Update as required. Click OK.

4. Click the ‘Discover’ button (‘Discover’ sends a broadcast message).

5. Select (highlight) the controller in the ‘Discovered’ pane and in the ‘Database’ pane. If the controller does not show
up in the ‘Discovered’ pane, use the controller’s Service Pin to discover it.
6a. Select the appropriate Match function > Use the black arrow next to the ‘Match’ button, select:
• “Use Net Subnet/Node” – to upload the logical address from the device (node).
• “Use Db Subnet/Node” – for automatic assignment of logical address (subnet/node).
(be careful with the selection tool – if the selection you want is already selected, click off the menu to close it.)

6b. Click the ‘Match’ button. As need, edit any properties (eg, Node #) as required.
7. Click OK.

Commission & Download the Controller
Niagara Process:
1) Commission
2) Download
3) Bind

New LON Controller

Commissioning sets the controller’s logical address: 1) Channel ID, 2) Subnet #, 3) Node #.
1. Select the Lon Controller and the ‘Local LON Device’ in the Database window.

2. Click the ‘Commission’ button (note the status indicator at the top of the window).
3. Download when the commission is complete ( right-click the Lon Controller > Actions > Download).
4. The controller state should display ‘Config Online’. If not, go to the device’s property and manually set the state to
‘Config Online’.

Existing LON Controller

If you re-commission an existing LON controller all of the bindings will break. Use Quik Learn to discover the
device(s) and use the ‘Replace’ feature to re-commission the device(s) to avoid breaking the LON bindings.


Proxy the Points into the Station
Discovering and adding points to the Station is known as ‘proxying the points into the Station’.
1. Open the Lon Point Manager (double-click the ‘Points’ folder of the Lon device).
2. Click the ‘Discover’ button (bottom). Discovered network variables (nvi, nvo, nci) are listed in the top pane (split
pane = learn mode). Each row in the Discovered table represents one Lon proxy point candidate.


3. Select the required points and drag and drop them from the ‘Discover’ pane (top) into the ‘Database’ pane (bottom).
4. Edit the point’s properties (name, type, facets) as required.

Alternative Method: Add Points from a Personal Palette

1. Open the Personal Palette and the appropriate folder (with the device’s points).
2. Copy the required points and paste them into the Lon device’s ‘Points’ folder (or sub-folder).

Control Strategy Reminders

1. Edit the four numeric writable setpoints to establish default setpoint values (OccCool, UnOccCool, OccHeat,
UnOccHeat). To set the setpoint value: right-click the setpoint > Actions > Set. Note: setpoints will not update until
the device is on-line.
2. Add point extensions as required (eg, Totalizer, Alarm, History).
3. Use the Composite editor to expose required slots for specific control logic (eg, ‘Reset Elapsed Active Time’).


Sharing points (eg, OAT) between Lon Devices is a two-step process:
1) Binding: Peer-to-Peer Connection.
2) Linking the points.

Binding: Peer-to-Peer Connection

The LON Link Manager changes what the station treats as polled connections into bound connections. After ‘Binding’
the link resides in the network rather than the JACE. This allows the connection to be a true peer-to-peer connection
(LonTalk protocol – ISO 14908). Without using the Link Manager all communications must go through the station
(JACE), because the LON devices don't know about the connections. Polled traffic typically results in more traffic on
the Lon network. With Peer-to-Peer binding, communication between the Lon devices is unaffected if the JACE
communication fails, or even if the JACE is turned off. If binding is not performed, the connection will still work, but
the connection will function as a polled connection (JACE communication and power must be functional).

1. Open the Lon Link Manager (R.C. LonNetwork > Views > Lon Link Manager)

2. Select the desired binding connection.

If the point has multiple datafields, like ‘nviTodEvent’, select one of the point connections (eg, ‘CurrentState’). All of
the other datafields should highlight.

Binding: Peer-to-Peer Connection Cont.)

3. Click the ‘Set Service Type’ button. Set the service type to ‘Reliable’ (repeated).
4. Click the Bind button (bottom) to complete the connection. This binds the JACE points to the network card.

Note1: with a functioning Lon card, you will see the connections, but the linkStatus will display as ‘Device Error’.
Note2: if the controller is re-commissioned the bindings will have to be redone.

Linking the Points

1. R.C. the master Lon device (eg, with OAT sensor).
2. Select ‘Copy’
3. R.C. the LonNetwork > ‘Paste Special’.
4. Set the # of copies to 1
5. Select the ‘Keep All Links’ > ‘OK’
6. Remote the OAT sensor from the slave Lon device (use the configuration window).
7. Open the Wire Sheet of the LonNetwork.
8. Connect the temperature points:
9. Drag a link from the output side of the grey bar (bottom) on the master Lon device to the input side of the grey bar
on the slave Lon device. The Link Box will appear:

10. From the [Source] select ‘nvoOdTemp’. From the [Target] select ‘nviOdTemp’. Click ‘OK’.
11. Copy the slave Lon device.
12. Create new Lon devices with the ‘Paste Special’ function. Keep all the links.
13. Open the Lon Link Manager.
14. Select all the new bindings.
15. Click the ‘Selective Bind’ button.

Point Notes:
1) ‘nviSetpoint’ – not a true setpoint. Applies to middle of deadband. True setpoint is ‘nvisetpoint’ +/- the deviation.
2) Flow Setpoint is shared as a % of max. flow.
3) nvoShare linked to nviShare – all parameters get shared. Satellite function (group binding).
4) Lon Points in structured folders: CVAHU: ‘nvoControlDataG1’ & ‘G2’; VAV: ‘nvoControlDataG’.

Technical Documents: NiagaraAX 3.x Bacnet Guide, NiagaraAX
Note: the JACE must be licensed for BACnet (see ‘Basic Steps-Installing AX Workbench’ section).

Bacnet Objects have four key properties:

1) Type: AI, AO, BI, BO or Device (controller or field device).
2) Instance Number (“Object Identifier”): Must be unique for every object in a device across the entire network.
(duplicates are possible by using a router to separate the segments).
3) Name: (Room Temp, Occ Mode, TStat_4, etc)
4) Present Value.


Add a BACNET Network
1. Open Config > Drivers.
2. Select ‘bacnet’ palette.
3. Drag the ‘BacnetNetwork’ component onto the ‘Drivers’ node (or select the ‘New’ button).

Configure the Local Device

The BACnet ‘Local Device’ represents the Station externally (how the Station becomes a ‘server’ to other BACnet
devices (‘clients’) on a connect network. To permit any BACnet operation in the Station, a unique device ID (Instance
#) must be assigned (range = 0 to 4194302).
1. Expand the BacnetNetwork.
2. Open the Property Sheet of 'Local Device'.
3. Set the Object ID (Instance Number; default = -1)

Configure the Network Ports

To Configure a BACnet/IP Port
1. Expand Tree: BacnetNetwork > Bacnet Comm > Network.
2. Open the Property Sheet of 'Ip Port'.
3. Set the Network number (typically 1).

4. Expand Tree: BacnetNetwork > Bacnet Comm > Network > Ip Port
5. Open the Property Sheet of 'Link'.
6. Set the Network Adapter. Typical is ‘Adapter en0’.
Adapter en0 = JACE LAN #1 port (right side; typically connected to the Internet to AX Supervisor).
Adapter en1 = JACE LAN #2 port (left side)

To Configure a BACnet/IP Port Cont.)

7. Verify the correct JACE IP address.

8. Review the Udp port setting (default = 0xBAC0, hexcadecimal, 47808, decimal).
9. Click the Save button to save Ip Port changes.
10. Enable the Ip Port (right-click ‘Ip Port’ > Actions > Enable). The ‘Status’ field of the Ip Port should read ‘ok’.

To Configure a BACnet/MSTP Port

1. Expand Tree: BacnetNetwork > Bacnet Comm > Network.
2. Open the Property Sheet of ‘MstpPort’.
3. Set the Network number. In an existing BACnet installation, use the same network number already in use.
4. Open the Property Sheet of 'Link'.
5. Set the ‘Port Name’ to the RS-485 port to be used (eg, COM3).
6. Set the ‘Mstp Address’ (0-127). Typically, you leave the Mstp Address at 0 (default). Verify that no other device
has the same address. If there is a “lost token”, the device with the lowest MAC address regenerates the token (in
this case it will be the Station).
7. Set the ‘Max Info Frames’ to the lowest known master device on the network (with some room for expansion, if
needed). Note: the ‘Max Info Frames’ controls how many messages are sent before passing the token – may be
increased up to 50 for improved performance.
8. Click ‘Save’.
9. Right-click ‘MstpPort’ > Actions > Enable.


Manually Add Bacnet Devices (Off-line Engineering)
Three Options:
1) Drag a BacnetDevice from the ‘bacnet’ palette.
2) Device Manager’s ‘New’ device wizard.
3) Device Manager’s ‘Match’ function (match a manually added device with a discovered device).

Using Online Discover to Add Bacnet Devices (On-line Engineering)

1. Open the Bacnet Device Manager. (double-click ‘BacnetNetwork’)
2. Click ‘Discover’ (bottom).
3. Discovered Bacnet devices will appear in the 'Discovered' pane (top).
4. Select the devices then click ‘Add’.
5. In the ‘Add’ dialog box edit the device properties (name, instance #, enable=true). OK.
6. The desired Bacnet devices should appear in the ‘Database’ pane (lower).

Manually Add Bacnet Proxy Points (Off-line Engineering)
Two Options:
1) Drag a Bacnet point from the ‘bacnet’ palette.
2) Bacnet Point Manager’s ‘New’ button.

Using Online Discover to Add Bacnet Proxy Points (On-line Engineering)

1. Expand Tree: BacnetNetwork > Bacnet Controller_xx

2. Open the Bacnet Point Manager (double-click the ‘Points’ folder).

3. Add a Bacnet Point Folder, if required:
1. Click ‘New Folder’ (or drag ‘BacnetPointFolder’ from the Bacnet palette).
2. Open the ‘Bacnet Point Manager’ of the folder (double-click it).
4. Click the ‘Discover’ (bottom).
5. Select the required points in the ‘Discovered’ pane (top). (watch the point type).
6. Click ‘Add’. The points should appear in the ‘Database’ pane (bottom).
7. Edit the point’s properties (name, type, facets) as required.
8. OK.

• Bacnet does not have a ‘Bacnet’ card like LON does.

• It is better to host Bacnet on a PC than a JACE (since Bacnet is a ‘Host-level’ protocol). To export BAS Bacnet
points to a JACE, see “Bacnet Export Table”.

Technical Document: Niagara AX-3.x Kit Control Guide

Niagara AX Kit Control Guide (pg. 1-3) discusses the two "best practice" philosophies about locating control logic:

Philosophy A. Where Proxy Points in the Points Container (under ‘Driver’) are Link-Marked to points (eg, ‘Panel
Points’) outsider the ‘Drivers’ node. Control Strategy (+ schedule, etc) folders are also located outside the ‘Drivers’
node. This method requires more links, but gives quick visibility to locate points and logic. Further, the external points
and control strategy folders permits off-line engineering (I/O simulation is possible) along with simultaneous field
commissioning (point discovery). The off-line engineering folders can be added to the JACE (with real-time Container
Points) at a later time. Live Container Points are then Linked-Marked to the folder points.

Philosophy B. Control Strategy folders are located in the Points Container. This method has the least amount of
internal links and offers more "portability" of each application, allowing easy replication and reuse at a "device level."

Adding Control Logic to the Wiresheet

1. Decide on control logic philosophy ‘A’ or ‘B’ on where to locate the control strategies.
2. Create custom folders for the control strategies (eg, Chilled Water System, AHU, FanSpdCtrl, etc).
3. Open the ‘kitControl’ palette.
4. Drag the appropriate control components to the Wiresheet (eg, Tstat)
5. To hide slots use the ‘Pin Slots’ function: R.C. on the Component > ‘Pin Slots’.
6. To expose child-slots use the Composite Editor: R.C. on the Component > ‘Composite’.

Adding Pseudo Points to the Wiresheet

1. Open the KitControl palette.
2. Expand ‘ControlPalette’ folder, then the‘Points’ folder (simple points).

3. Drag the appropriate pseudo points (eg, setpoints, constants) onto the wiresheet.
4. Set the valve. (R.C. Set > enter value).

Connect Physical Points, Pseudo Points & Control Logic with Wire Links
1. Click the ‘source’ Component Slot (hold down the right mouse key).
2. Drag the link to the ‘target’ Component Slot (release mouse key).
3. Wire link will appear.
note: to delete the link, click on the link (it will highlight), select the ‘Delete’ icon in the menu bar.

Connect Points and Control Logic using the Link Mark Function
Use Link Mark function to avoid using a wire link on a wire sheet (space issue) or to link components on separate wire
sheets (wiresheets in different control strategies).
1. Right Click on Source Component > ‘Link Mark’
2. Locate the Target Component.
3. Right Click the Target Component > ‘Link From’

Adding Control Extension to a Point

Technical Document: Niagara AX-3.x User Guide, 3-11.
1. Select the ‘kitControl’ Palette.
2. Expand the ‘ControlPalette’ folder, then the ‘Extensions’ folder.

3. Open the Property Sheet of the control point (‘Points’ Container).

4. Drag the appropriate Control Extension on to the point (point turns green).
5. Define the control extension properties (ie, ‘Change of State Count Transition’ = Active)

Note: extensions can be copied and pasted other similar points.

Control Strategy Examples

Automatically Reset HW Pump to Auto Mode

Goal: automatically set the Hot Water pump to auto mode at 11:00pm every day. Eliminate possible control issues
due to an operator overriding a point to manual and forgetting (common customer service issue).
1. Select the ‘kitControl’ Palette.
2. Expand the ‘ControlPalette’ folder, then the ‘Trigger’ folder.

3. Add a ‘Daily’ trigger to the Wire Sheet. Rename it to ‘OpModeReset’.

4. Open the trigger’s Property Sheet. Configure the trigger to fire every night at 11:00pm
5. Expose the Fire Trigger output slot (right-click the point, choose Pin Slots).
6. Link the trigger’s Fire Trigger slot to the exposed ‘Auto’ slot of the HWP Boolean Writable point.

Manually Reset HW Pump Runtime

Goal: provide commandable object to manually reset the runtime.
1. Select the ‘kitControl’ Palette.
2. Expand the ‘ControlPalette’ folder, then the ‘Trigger’ folder.
3. Add a trigger to the Wire Sheet. Rename it to ‘Runtime_Reset’.
4. Open the trigger’s Property Sheet. Configure the trigger for Manual control.
5. Expose the Fire Trigger output slot (right-click the point, choose Pin Slots).
6. Open the Composite Editor for the HW Pump (right-click the point, choose Composite).
7. Composite the ‘Reset Elapsed Active Time’ slot (exposing the ‘child’ slot). Rename it to ‘Reset_Runtime’.
8. Link the trigger’s Fire Trigger slot to the exposed ‘Reset_Runtime’ slot of the HW Pump point.

To manual the “Runtime_Reset’ object (Time Trigger) right-click and select ‘Actions’.

Interstart Delay Pump Control

1. Add an ‘InterstartDelayMaster’ to the Wire Sheet from the kitControl palette, HVAC folder.
2. Set the Default Delay to 5 seconds.
3. Add the ‘InterstartDelayControl’ objects to the Wire Sheet.
4. Link the InterstartDelayMaster to the InterstartDelayControl objects using the Component Chooser (in the property
of the delay control object, right side of the Master slot, click the little black arrow).

Boiler Control with PID + SequenceLinear

The SequenceLinear object provides sequenced rotating 'staging' control of 2 to 10 Boolean Writables based upon
the status numeric In value (0-100). An adjustable delay time is also provided.

Safety Shutdown
Goal: override the time schedule per safeties (eg, freezestat, smoke detector). (see ‘Basic Steps-Control Points’ for
Priority Level conventions)
Action: tie safety logic to Priority Level In5 of the Boolean Writable object.

Technical Document: Niagara AX-3.x User Guide, Ch. 5


Adding an Alarm Extension to a Point
1. Select the ‘Alarm’ Palette.
2. Expand the ‘Extensions’ folder.

3. Expand the device ‘Points’ Container folder.

4. Open the property sheet of the appropriate point.
5. Drag the appropriate Alarm Extension on to the point (point turns green).
6. Name the Alarm Point.

More alarm extensions are available in the kitControl palette (Alarm folder).
Technical Document: Niagara AX-3.6 kitControl Guide, 1-4.

Enable Alarm & Define Properties

1. Expand the Alarm Point & define the alarm extension properties (see table next page).
2. ‘Alarm Enable’: Set to True.
‘toOffnormal’: select for Alarms (point changes to Red).
‘toFault’: select for Fault alarm (point changes to Orange).
3. ‘Algorithms’: 1) Hi/Lo limits, 2) Hi/Lo text, 3) Hi/Lo Limit Enable.
4. ‘Alarm Class’: set the Alarm Class for efficient Alarm Routing.
5. Save the changes.

Alarm Extension Properties

Alarm Ext. Property Description

Alarm Inhibit ‘False’ = Alarm Active. ‘True’ = Alarm Inactive (use external logic to inhibit alarm)
Inhibit Time Delay time during True-to-False or False-to-True transistion
Alarm State Current Alarm state
Time Delay Min. time for an alarm condition to exist before the alarm is sent.
Alarm Enable ‘toOffNormal’: “Alarm” status. Point in Red.
‘toFault’: “Fault” status. Point in Yellow.
To Offnormal Times Timestamps for Alarm, Ack or Normal Events. ‘Null’ = No Event.
To Fault Times Timestamps for Alarm, Ack or Normal Events. ‘Null’ = No Event.
Time In Current State Elapsed time since transition to current stat.
Source Name Add direct text or B-format text (see below)
To Fault Text “Fault” state text.
To Offnormal Text Add direct text or B-format text (see below)
To Normal Text Normal state text.
Hyperlink Ord Associate Hyperlink button. Test by clicking Arrow icon.
Sound File Associate Sound file. Test by clicking Arrow icon.
Alarm Icon Associate Graphic file. Test by clicking Arrow icon.
Alarm Instructions Additional alarm instruction text.
Fault Algorithm Parameters: 1) Hi/Lo Limits, 2) Hi/Lo Text, 3) Hi/Lo Enable
Offnormal Algorithm Hi/Lo parameters for numeric; on/off parameters for Boolean (eg, sts. fbk)
Alarm Class Alarm routing options. See ‘AlarmService’ (Config > Services)
Meta Data To create new facets using meta data.

B-format options:
Source Name: %parent.parent.parent.name%_%parent.name% (lists controller + point name)
Offnormal Text: %alarmData.sourceName%
(see ‘Section 8 - Histories’ for B-Format overview)

Alarm Extension Examples

To enable alarm based on Command &Status
1. From the Alarm palette add the “BooleanCommandFailureAlarmExt” to Pump S/S point .
2. Expose ‘Feedback value’ slot (Composite Editor)
3. Link Pump Status point to ‘Feedback value.
4. Set the Alarm Class.

Inhibit Temperature Alarm

Goal: prevent low temp. alarm when boiler is off.
1. From the Alarm palette add the “OutofRangeAlarmExt” to the temperature point (eg, HWST).
2. Open the wiresheet view that shows the temperature point.
3. Use the Composite Editor to expose the ‘Inhibit Alarm’ slot on the temperature point.

4. Connect the ‘Inhibit Alarm’ slot to the appropriate Boolean logic (eg, boiler status, SysEna, schedule, etc).
5. Set the Alarm Class.

Alarm Extension Examples Cont.)

Dynamic Alarm Setpoints

Goal: alarm setpoints are modified by control logic.
1. From the Alarm palette add the “OutofRangeAlarmExt” extension to the numeric point.
2. Open the property sheet: enable the High Limit and Low Limit function by clicking the boxes.
3. Open the wiresheet to show the numeric points.
4. Use the Composite Editor to expose the High Limit and Low Limit slots.

5. Connect the HI & LO slots to the appropriate logic (eg, NumericSwitch).

6. Set the Alarm Class.

‘Floating’ PV-SP Alarm

Goal: generate an alarm when the setpoint (SP) and the temperature (PV) deviate by more than 15 degrees.
1. From the “KitControl-Alarm” palette add the “LoopAlarmExt” to the LoopPoint (PID controller).
2. Configure the extension’s ‘Offnormal Algorithm’:
‘Off Normal Error Limit’: 15
‘Deadband’: 5
3. Set the ‘To Offnormal Text’ to the appropriate text (eg, “Setpoint Deviation too Large”)
4. Set the Alarm Class.

Runtime Alarm
Goal: generate an alarm when a pump runs for more than 5 minutes.
1. From the "KitControl-Extensions” palette add the "DiscreteTotalizerExt" to the pump point.
2. From the “KitControl-Alarm” palette add the “ElapsedActiveTimeAlarmExt” to the totalizer extension.
3. Configure the ‘Offnormal Algorithm’. Set the Error Limit to 5 minutes.

The “Default Alarm Class” object is automatically created (under the ‘AlarmService’). It can exist by itself, but ALL
alarms will get sent everywhere. To segregate alarms unique Alarm Classes must be created (eg, CH_Alarm,
Alarms_to_Email, etc).

AlarmService Setup
1. Open the wiresheet of the ‘AlarmService’ (Config > Services > AlarmService).
(if the ‘AlarmService’ is not present, add it from the ‘Alarm’ palette).
2. From the Alarm palette, add the following to the AlarmService wiresheet.
1. Alarm Class.
2. Console Recipient (to view alarms on the JACE)
3. Station Recipient (to route JACE alarms to the AX Supervisor or other Stations)

AlarmService Setup Cont.)

3. Update the Alarm Class and Recipient names. (eg, Critical_Alarms, CH_Alarms, Blr_Alarms, AX_Supervisor, etc).
(note: the new ‘Alarm Class’ names will appear in the drop-selection of the ‘Alarm Class’ within the point’s AlarmExt).
4. Link the Alarm Class to the appropriate Console Recipient and Station Recipient.
5. Set the StationRecipient 'Remote Station' to the appropriate Supervisor (or other remote Station). This permits
routing of JACE alarms to the AX Supervisor.

Emailing Alarms
Technical Document: Niagara AX-3.x User Guide, 5-16
1. Open the Email palette.
2. Add an ‘EmailService’ to the ‘Services’ folder of the Station.

3a. Add the following to the EmailService as required:

1. ‘OutgoingAccount’ -– required for sending emails from a Station.
2a. ‘IncommingAccount’ -– required for receiving emails in a Station.
2b. ‘EmailAlarmAcknowledger’ – supports ‘IncommingAccount’ Link between ‘Received’ slots required.

3b. Configure OutgoingAccount:

• Host Name: name of the mail server.
• Port: standard SMTP port is 25. Use port 465 for SMTPS.
• Account: name of the account that has authorized access to the mail server.
• Enable: set to ‘True’ to activate.
• Use Ssl: permits Ssl (Secure Socket Layer; started in V3.5) Enable if email server requires it.(in V3.7, SSL is
available in the email jar)
• Transport: default is SMTP.
• Reply To: email address of receiving party.

3c. Configure IncomingAccount:

• Host Name: name of the mail server.
• Port: standard POP3 port is 110 (IMAP = port 143).
• Account: name of the account that has authorized access to the mail server.
• Enable: set to ‘True’ to activate.
• Use Ssl: enable to use Ssl (Secure Socket Layer).
• Store: select POP3 or IMAP as required by mail server.

Emailing Alarms Cont.)

4. From the Alarm palette, add an AlarmClass to the EmailService wiresheet.

5. From the Email palette, add an Email recipient to the EmailService wiresheet.

6. Update the Alarm Class and Recipient names. (eg, Alarms_to_Email).

7. Connect the ‘Alarm’ output slot to the ‘Route Alarm’ slot of the Email Recipient.
8. In the Email Recipient property sheet configure:
“To:” add email address.
”Subject”: Text + B-format + UUID: %uuid% (required for the EmailAlarmAcknowledger to work properly; last entry
identifies all similar alarms).

VIEW: Alarms
1. Open the Wire Sheet of the ‘AlarmService’ folder.
2. Double-click on the appropriate ‘Console Recipient’ (or R.C. > Views > Alarm Console).

3. Review &/or acknowledge the alarms.

Alarm Color Legend

Bell Color Alarm Status Acknowledged
Red Alarm No
Orange Fault No
Tan Alarm/Fault Yes
Green Normal No
No bell Normal Yes

REMOVE: Alarms
1. To remove an alarm: Right-click the alarm > ‘Force Clear’

Technical Document: Niagara AX-3.x User Guide, Ch. 8

Adding a Schedule
1. If the schedule is to control multiple units it is best to create a ‘Schedules’ folder under the ‘Config’ folder (outside
the ‘Drivers’ node). Duplicating a controller with the schedule in the ‘Points’ container will result in multiple schedules
– conflicts with a master schedule requirement (also easier to locate the schedule).

2. Open the schedule Wire Sheet.

3. Open the Schedule palette:

Category Schedule Description

BooleanSchedule The most used weekly schedule. Control BooleanWritable point (eg, AHU S/S, SysEna).
Weekly EnumSchedule Control EnumWritable point (multi-state). (note: the Facets must match).
NumericSchedule Control a NumericWritable point (eg, setpoints, limits).
StringSchedule Control a StringWritable point (eg, text message).
Calendar CalendarSchedule Schedule specific days (eg, Holidays, special events). Links to Weekly ‘Special Events’
Trigger Trigger Schedule Schedule a trigger (pulse output) for a specific time and date (eg, reset runtime and end
of month).
BooleanSchedule Provides a list of schedules to control BooleanWritable points.
Selector EnumScheduleSelector Provides a list of schedules to control EnumWritable points.
NumericScheduleSelector Provides a list of schedules to control NumericWritable points.
StringScheduleSelector Provides a list of schedules to control StringWritable points.

4. Place the schedule on the Wire Sheet and name it. Assign the facets (eg, Occupied, Unoccupied).
5. Link the schedule to the appropriate logic.

6. Configure the schedules’ time-of-day and day-of-week.

Adding a Calendar Schedule

Calendar Schedules are used for holidays or special events.

1. From the Schedule palette drag a ‘CalendarSchedule’ on to the Wire Sheet. Name the schedule (eg, Xmas).
2. Set the Date (eg, 25DEC).
3. Double-click the weekly schedule (eg, Boolean Schedule). Select the ‘Special Events’ tab (used to link the weekly
schedule to the calendar schedule).
4. Click the ‘Add’ button.
5. Name the Event.
6. Select the Type. Drop-down menu: ‘Date’, ‘Date Range’, ‘Week And Day’, ‘Custom’, ‘Reference’ (for Holidays use
7. The ‘Calendars’ field will list the various Calendar Schedule(s).
(eg, slot:/Schedules/HolidayCalendarSchedule).
8. Set the Time (right side). Save.

Note: Use ‘priority’ button to arrange the order in the list to resolve conflicts.

Schedule Examples

Numeric Schedule Controlling Setpoint

Schedule Override
1.Place a BooleanWritable point on the Wire Sheet. Name the Point (eg, SchedOverride). Assign the facets.
2. Connect the SchedOverride point to the In slot on the BooleanSchedule.
3. Right-click the SchedOverride point and choose Cut.
4. Open the Wire Sheet view of the BooleanSchedule.
5. Right-click the Wire Sheet and choose Paste. Return to the main Wire Sheet.
6. Open the Composite editor for the BooleanSchedule.
7. From the SchedOverride point, composite out:
Active slot. Rename to ‘Override to Occ Mode’.
Inactive slot. Rename to ‘Override to Unocc’.
Auto slot. Rename to ‘Auto Schedule Mode’.

Configurating a Global Schedule

Part 1 – Creating the Schedule That Will Be Shared
1. In the Supervisor Station, under the Config node, create a folder called ‘GlobalSchedules’.
2. From the Schedules palette, add a Boolean schedule to the GlobalSchedules Wire Sheet (don’t use the “New”
menu to create the schedule).
3. Rename it ‘GlobalBooleanSchedule’.
4. Set the Occupied times and dates.

Part 2 – Sending the Schedule to the JACE

1. In the station on the JACE, expand the view of the AXSupervisor station in the Niagara Network.
2. Double-click the Schedules node under the AXSupervisor station. Click the ‘Discover’ button to see the schedules
in the AXSupervisor station that can be shared.
3. Drag the Boolean Schedule into the Database window. Note the ‘Last Success’ display.
4. Right-click the Boolean Schedule in the Database window. In the menu, select the ‘Import’ item.
5. In the NAV side bar, expand the view of the station in the JACE. Expand the view of the Niagara Network. Expand
the view of the Schedules node of the AXSupervisor station. You should see the imported Boolean schedule.
6. Double-click the Boolean Schedule to see the scheduled events. Note that the events cannot be modified here
(special event can be set up).
7. In the Niagara Network on the JACE, right-click the ‘GlobalBooleanSchedule’ node. Choose ‘Views’, then Property
Sheet. Expand the ext of the object, expand the Execution Time folder. Note the Trigger Mode and Interval settings.
Typically these setting are set for Manual (the Supervisor will automatically push the schedule to the JACE within 5
minutes of a schedule change. An Interval import can be set up to assure synchronization.

Part 3 – Using the Global Schedule in the JACE

1. Right-click the imported schedule in the JACE’s Niagara Network and choose Link Mark.
2. Create a new folder called ‘GlobalSchedule’ under the Config node in the station running on the JACE. Open the
Wire Sheet of this folder.
3. Add a BooleanWriteable point to the Wire Sheet. Assign appropriate facets to the point.
4. Right-click the new BooleanWritable point. Choose Link From “GlobalBooleanSchedule”. Note the updating of the
points value when the link is complete.

Technical Document: Niagara AX-3.x User Guide, Ch. 4


Adding a History Extension to a Point
1. Select ‘history’ Palette.
2. Open ‘Extensions’ folder.

3. Expand the device ‘Points’ container folder.

4. Open the property sheet of the appropriate point.
5. Drag the appropriate History Extension on to the point (point turns green). Time Interval histories forces a network
request; potential to over-poll the point before it changes which can create excess network traffic. COV histories
collect data only when the value has changed (change delta definable).
6. Name the History Point.
Note: extensions can be copied and pasted to a similar type of point.

Define History Properties

1. Open the Property Sheet of the point.
2. Expand the History Extension. Define the properties:
Enable = True
History Name = use BFormat; see below.
Capacity = 500 (default)
Collection Interval = 5 min.

Define History Properties Cont.)

3. To permit auto placement of the point name with the controller name (or plant name), Bformat (Baja-format) text is
used in the ‘History Name’ field of the history extension property sheet.
The example below shows an RTU controller (RTU_01) with a temperature point (‘SpaceTemp’). For the history point
record to display “RTU_01_SpaceTemp” the BFormat text is: %parent.parent.parent.name%_%parent.name%. The
NumericInterval history extension is at ‘Level 0’. ‘SpaceTemp’ is at ‘Level 1’. ‘Points’ is at ‘Level 2’. Since ‘Rtu_01’ is
at ‘Level 3’, three (3) bformat ‘parents’ are required in the header (before %parent.name%).

Note: a fault condition will occur if the history names are similar. Similar name faults can occur if points with BFormat
text are relocated to different folders.

Histories are organized by their source Station.

History Service
To use histories, each station must contain a single history service that provides http access to all of the histories in a
station. The service is responsible for creating the history database and enabling the collection and storage of
histories in the database.

History Service Cont.)

To add the History Service, drag a copy from the History palette to the Station’s 'Services' node.

Enable History Collection

1. Open the ‘History Extension Manager’ (right-click ‘HistoryService’ > Views)
2. Check ‘Status’ column for faults (view ‘Fault Cause’ in the point’s History Extension)

3. Select the appropriate histories.

4. Right-click > select ‘Enable Collection’.
5. Verify history points in the main 'History' node.

Renaming Points or Controllers

The History Service must be updated if controllers or points are renamed.
1. Open the History Service (Config > Services > History Service).
2. Select all the updated points.
3. Toggle the status: Enable  Disable  Enable.

Audit History Service

The Audit History Service keeps a history of the changes that are made by users. When this service is enabled it
becomes the system auditor (Operator Activity Log). To add the Audit History Service, drag a copy from the History
palette to the Station’s 'Services' node. Default: 500 entries.

Log History Service

The Log History Service keeps a History of Niagara log records. The service maintains a buffered history
(‘LogHistory’) of some of the messages seen in the station's standard output. Helpful for troubleshooting (ie, error
message review). To add the Log History Service, drag a copy from the History palette to the Station’s 'Services'

View Histories
1. Open the ‘History’ folder under ‘Station’.
2. Open the Station sub-folder.
3. Review the histories.
4. View the charts and/or tables for each history by double-clicking the history file.

History Chart Builder
1. Right-click the ‘History’ node under ‘Station’.
2. Views > ‘History Chart Builder’ (clear out current chart if present)

3. Set the Time Range to the appropriate time range.

4. Drag the point to be trended onto the ‘Current Chart’ pane.

5a. Analog Points: select ‘Line Chart’.

5b. Digital Points: select ‘Discrete Line Chart’.
6. Click the Clock icon that displays, set the ranges to ‘Fixed’.
7. Click the ‘Build’ button (bottom).
Note: you can also bring up a chart by right-clicking on the point’s History Extension (eg, Live History Chart)
Other History Views: History Table, Collection Table, History Summary View, History Editor (see User Guide).

To export to a .csv file, right-click in the middle of the chart and chose the ‘Export_Data’ selection.
On the Button Bar, locate the Save Chart button, click to save (.px file). File is located in the ‘Files’, then ‘Px’ folder.

To Remove Histories
1. Right-click the ‘History’ node under ‘Station’.
2. Views > ‘Database Maintenance’.
3. Highlight the appropriate histories to be deleted (left pane).
4. Click the  button.
5. Histories should appear in the right pane.
6. Select ‘Delete Histories’ (bottom).
7. Click ‘Run Maintenance’.

8. Warning message will appear.

9. Select ‘Yes’ to remove histories. Wait for ‘Command Successful’ message.

Importing Histories from the JACE to the AX Supervisor
Before uploading history files to the AX Supervisor, the files must exist in the JACE Station 'History' folder (see
Section 2–Store).
It is recommended to discover history points directly from the AX Supervisor host (faster service). If you’re at a
remote PC, use the WIN Remote Desktop Connection service to connect to the AX Supervisor PC (host).

1. Connect to the AX Supervisor Station.

2. Open Config > Drivers.

3. Open the Supervisor Niagara Network (double-click on ‘NiagaraNetwork’).

4. Locate the JACE Station.
5. Open the JACE’s ‘Niagara History Import Manager’ (double-click on the History Ext. icon)
6. Click ‘Discover’.
1. Discovery Pane: open the History folder (slowly click the ‘+’). Wait until the points appear.
2. Select the all the required history points (scrolling is slow).
7. Click 'Add'.
1. Select the history points in the Add box. OK. (wait).
2. Set the Execution Time to 'Interval'. Set the Interval time to the appropriate value (eg, 30 minutes).
8. Click the 'Learn' icon to remove the 'Discover' pane (upper).

9. Select all the history points in the 'Database' pane (lower).

10. Click 'Arkive' (one-time event). Wait. (creates a project folder in the AX Supervisor's History folder)
11. 'On Demand Poll Enabled' should change to 'True'.
12. Verify the history files.

Technical Document: Niagara AX-3.x User Guide, Ch. 6; Tridium Demo: www.axdemo.tridium.com

Custom graphical views are defined with a Px file (Presentation XML), a special XML file that describes the graphical
components. Px files can be any collection of components, up to a complete database.
A single Px file may be used as part of one or more Px views. Since the bindings within a Px file are always resolved
relative to the current ORD, you can reuse the same Px file across multiple components by specifying binding with
relative ORDs.


Create ‘New View’ Graphic
The ‘New View’ feature enables easier graphic development by creating a Px view that relates to an object (eg,
controller, control strategy folder). A new slot is created for that object which links to a Px file (the Px file is stored in
the Station/Files/Px folder).
1. Highlight the control folder (or controller) that the graphics apply to.
2. Right-click > Views > New View. The ‘New Px View’ wizard should appear.

3. Complete the fields in the New Px View wizard:

1. View Name: Create custom graphic name.
2. View Icon: (default: view.png)
3. Target Media: (default: Workbench Px Media)
4. Source: Px File name (automatically copies View Name).
4. OK (px file is created; resides in Files/Px folder)
5. Canvas Pane appears. Set the canvas properties (see next page).
6. Add static images and dynamic objects (see Bind Data section).
7. Double-click on ‘New View’ folder and graphic will appear.
Use Slot sheet to update or remove New View. Use Property Sheet to update Px View Icon, Px file name.

Create Px File Graphic
A new PxFile creates the Px graphic file without any links to an object.
1. Open Station > Files.
2. Create sub-folder directory for file organization (optional).
3. Right-click the ‘Px’ folder or appropriate sub-folder.
4. Select ‘New’ > ‘PxFile.px’.
5. Name the Px file. OK.

6. Open the Px file (double-click).

7. Switch to Canvas Edit Mode (see Px Editor). Set the canvas properties.
8. Add static images and dynamic objects (see Bind Data section).

Set the Canvas Pane Properties

1. Double-click an empty area in the canvas.
1. Background: (default), solid color or image.
2. Enabled: True
3. ViewSize: W: 800, H:600 (typical)
4. Visible: True

Graphic files supported on Px graphics are: gif, ief, jpeg, jpg, jpe, tiff, tif, png, pnm, pbm, ppm, ras, rgb, xbm, xpm,

Px Palettes
After the Px view is created, graphic visualizations (user interfaces) known as 'widgets' are added to the canvas pane.
Widgets are found in three palettes: 1) bajaui, 2) kitPx, 3) kitPxHvac

Note: the ‘Make Widget Wizard’ does not appear when you drag a widget object from a palette to the canvas.

Panes are containers for widgets (pg. 6-13)
1. Canvas Pane - used for absolute positioning.
2. Boarder Pane - to wrap one widget and provide margin, border and padding.
3. Edge Pane - supports five children: top, bottom, left, right, center.
4. Grid Pane - widgets are laid out in columns and rows.
5. Split Pane – 2 widgets with a movable divider between them.
6. Tabbed Pane - Supports multiple widgets; only one is currently selected using a set of tabs.
7. Scroll Pane – permits viewing a widget that is larger than its boundaries (uses scroll bars).
8. Report Pane - Supports headers and footers in report PDFs. Allows its content to span multiple pages, and allows
each page to have a common logo as well as a page number and timestamp.

Px Editor
The Px Editor is activated by the 'Toggle Px View-Edit Mode' button on the button bar. To add objects to the Canvas
Pane you must be in the Px Editor mode. Switch to the Px View mode to view the graphic.

Show Side Bar

The ‘Show Side Bar’ is a collection of Px side bars that are useful in editing Px grapics. The Px side bars are shown
are the right side of the workbench. The Show Side Bar can be opened with the menu bar or tool bar.
Tool Bar: (see illustration)
Menu Bar: Windows > Side Bars > Show Side Bar

Bound Ords Side Bar: ‘Replace in Ords’

To modify multiple ORDs, use the ‘Replace in Ords’ feature. One example is to replace the Station name of all the px

Adding Static Images
The following example illustrates how to add ‘static’ images to images to the canvas (not linked to an ORD).
Adding a Duct to the Graphic
1. Switch to the Px Editor mode.
2. Open the ‘kitPxHvac’ palette.
3. From the ‘ducts’ folder drag a duct object onto the canvas pane.
4. Position the duct (don’t resize it).

Add Px View to a Slot

1. Open the 'Slot View' of the object.
2. Right-click > 'Add Slot'
3a. Name: Set Name.
3b. Type: Baja, PxView
4. Open the Property Sheet of the object.
5. Set the 'Px File' path.
6. Reorder the slot, as required (Slot View).

Adding Text to the Graphic

1. Right-click on the Canvas Pane. Select ‘New’ > Text Block
2. Add Label text and formatting properties.

Multiple Object Drag

Select objects in specific order & drag to canvas.

Fine Mouse Movement

Hold down ‘Ctrl’ key.

To Lock a Px Object
1. Select the 'Locked' option in the Px Layers palette Status column (locked objects cannot be edited). Use ‘Side Bar’

Widgets are animated by binding the widget's properties with an object's ORD (data source). Data values can be text
(On/Off), a number (72F), or it can be an animated image (rotating fan, moving dampers).

Types of bindings:
Binding Overview
Bound Label Connects a value to a widget. Most common binding.
Field Editor Connects a field editor component to an object. Field editors are built with widgets like buttons, text field and check
Value Connects a value that is typically under a component. Value bindings support features such as real-time graphics,
mouse-over and right-click actions.
Action Invokes an action on the binding target component when an event is fired by the parent widget. Example of
actions include: 'active', 'inactive', overrride'.
Setpoint To display and modify a setpoint value.
Popup To display a Px view in a 'popup' window.
Table Connects table data in a bounded table. Table binding can bind to any 'collection' using a BQL, SQL or History
ORD binding.
Spectrum To animate a widget's brush color property.
Spectrum Setpoint To animate the midColor properties (used in conjunction with a spectrum binding).

Make Widget Wizard

The Make Widget Wizard is a guide that assists in binding Widgets and the data source. It automatically displays
when you drag a component onto the Px Editor canvas.

Add a Point to the Graphic

1. Expand the view of the ‘Points’ folder (NAV side bar).
2. Drag the point onto the PX editor view. (‘Make Widget Wizard’ should appear)
4. Select ‘Bound Label’ as the Widget type (associates the point value with a text display).

5a. Set the text formats, status, borders, etc. accordingly. Click the OK button.

Add Point to a Graphic Cont.)

5b. To add text with the value (with no status)

1. Format Text: <text>%out.value% or <text>:\n%out.value% (includes carriage return).
2. Uncheck “Make Display Name Label”.
5c. To add text to the data value:

Modify a Point ORD to another Point ORD

1. Highlight the point.
2. Right-click > Edit Properties.

3. Bound Label Binding: double-click the ORD path.

4. ORD box: select the Folder icon.
5. Select Ord box: locate and select the new point.

Setting up an ‘Action’ for a SetPoint value

1. Drag the setpoint point onto the Px editor view. (‘Make Widget Wizard’ should appear)
2. Select ‘Actions’ as the Widget type.
3. Select ‘Set’ as the Action type. Click the OK button.

4. Move the Set button to the right of the setpoint display.

Add a Dynamic Object to the Graphic
1. Drag the dynamic point onto the Px Editor (eg, FanState). (‘Make Widget Wizard’ should appear)
2. Select ‘From Palette’ as the Widget type.
3a. Open the ‘kitPx Havc’ palette.
3b. Open the ‘Equipment’ folder. Select ‘FanRight’ (fan example). Click the OK button to create the fan.

Modify the Rotation of Damper Blades

Issue: ‘dampersH’ or ‘dampersV’ move in the wrong direction (‘kitPxHVAC’ palette > ‘dampers’ folder).
Resolve: modify the picture file order.
1. Right-click the damper object. Choose ‘Edit’ Properties.
2. In the Edit window click the yellow slot to open its properties.
Five (5) .gif files will appear. 0-20% is linked to ‘H1’, 20-40% is linked ‘H2’, up to ’80-100% linked to ‘H5’.
3. Click the ‘H1’ ORD path to open the editor. Change to ‘H5’. Continue the process until the order is revered.
4. Right-click the screen and choose ‘New’, then ‘Label’. Create a new damper name.

To add a Time or Chart Plot to the Graphic

1. Drag the point onto the PX editor view. (‘Make Widget Wizard’ should appear)
2. Select ‘Time Plot’ or ‘Chart Plot’ as the Widget type.
3a. For the Time Plot enter the min. and max. values (Y-axis of the Time Plot)
3b. For the Chart Plot enter the value source for column 0 and 1. Select the Time Range.

4. Edit the widget properties (header, line, fonts) using the Widget Tree and Px Properties side bars (see ‘Show Side
Bar’ in section 1-Create View).

Create a Hyperlink to a Schedule
1. Drag the schedule from the NAV side bar on to the Px Editor. (‘Make Widget Wizard’ should appear)
2. Select ‘Bound Label’ as the Widget type.
3. In the Format Text, remove the B-format text (%out.value%) and type in ‘Click to See Schedule’.
4. Check the ‘Hyperlink’ checkbox. Click OK.

Create a Hyperlink Button to the Space Temperature History File

1. Drag the space temp history file (Station ‘History’ folder) on to the Px Editor. (‘Make Widget Wizard’ should appear)

2. Select ‘From Palette’ as the Widget type.

3. Open the ‘kitPx’ palette, select the ‘Hyperlink Button’ widget.
4. Click the ‘Hyperlink’ checkbox at the bottom of the Wizard.
5. In the ‘Text’ slot type in ‘Click to See History’. Click OK.

Create an Alarm History Hyperlink

The NAV file is a special xml file that resides on the file system - not in the Station database. Many NAV files can be
created, but a client can only display one NAV file at any time. The NAV file is user-specific, so when a user logs into
a Station, a unique NAV tree can be displayed (see section 3-Station - User Account).

To Create a NAV File

1. Open the ‘Files’ folder.
2. Highlight the Nav folder (or create a custom folder).
3. Right-click > New > NavFile.nav.

4. Name the Nav file.

3. Open the Nav File Editor (double-click the new Nav file)
4. Double-click the ‘Home’ slot to open the Edit window.

5. Modify the ‘Display Name’ (eg, ‘MainMenu’) and the Nav tree icon as required.
6. Click the ‘Show Files’ button (bottom).

7. Drag the appropriate Px files from the ‘Source Objects’ pane to the ‘Result Tree’ pane.

8. Select the User Account.

Create NAV file Cont.)

9. Set the NAV file path and the Web Profile in the User Account (click the folder to browse).

10. Final NAV tree result.

Nav File Editor

1. Right-click on the Nav File
2. View > Nav File Editor.

Plant Samples

JACE – Java Application Control Engine

A JACE (Java Application Control Engine) is a headless (no KVM), embedded platform (host). While running on a
flash file system (QNX O/S), a JACE client/server platform runs a Station (JVM) and a daemon process, but not
workbench. It includes integrated control, alarming, scheduling, data logging and web serving capabilities.

Tridium is an OEM technology company that retails to other control manufactures. There is no ‘Tridium’ branded
JACE. All JACE’s are rebranded by other controls manufactures: Vykon, Honeywell, JCI, Distech, etc.

A JACE controller can be connected to in three (3) ways:

1. Workbench
2. AX Supervisor (or other Station)
3. Web Browser

When shipped from the factory a JACE-4/5 series controller does not contain a JAVA Virtual Machine (JVM), software
modules, lexicons, license, Stations. JACE-3/6 series controller does include a core Niagara software load and a
Tridium certificate, but not all the items needed.

The ‘Commissioning Wizard’ is used for the initial Niagara Installation and startup of a JACE controller. A new JACE
must be installed with the core software (distribution file). The Commissioning Wizard is only available in a remote
JACE connection, not in a local host connection.

JACE Factory IP Address

The factory-assigned non-routable IP address is in the following range:
n = the last numeral in the JACE’s serial number. (Default subnet mask:
JACE-2/6: (primary LAN1 port, ‘LAN2’ port is disabled).

To find the IP address of an existing JACE see ‘Determining the IP address of a WEB Controller’.

Factory Platform Credentials

The factory-assigned daemon (administrator) credentials are:
Username: tridium
Password: niagara

Commissioning is the process to prepare a new JACE to run a Station or to upgrade a JACE's Baja Version. It will
delete an existing Station in the JACE. Version rule: a JACE should only connect to a Station at the same version.
JACE saves to flash – don’t write to flash too much (E PROM memory wears down). To minimize the risk of
corruption with a full flash disk:
1) reduce the default station backup count from 3 to 0. To change the count: Config > Services > PlatformServices
property sheet: "Station Auto-Save Version to Keep".
2) keep free disk space greater than 1MB. Disk usage can be view in the PlatformServices property sheet or with a
platform connectin to the JACE via the Platform Administration view.

Platform Connection to a New JACE Out of the Box

1. Set the static IP of the notebook (PC).
1. Control Panel > Network & Sharing Center.
2. 'Change Adapter Settings' (left pane).
3. 'Local Area Connection'.
4. Networking Tab > highlight 'Internet Protocol Version 4' > Properties.
5. Select 'Use the following IP Address'.
6. Set the IP Address to 192.168.1.xxx (xxx is different than JACE's last octet).
7. Set the Subnet Mask to
6. Verify the notebook's new IP address (command line: ipconfig).
2. Connect the notebook (PC) to the JACE (LAN1) via Ethernet cable.
3. Power up the JACE. Verify the yellow 'Beat' LED.
4. Ping the JACE to verify IP connectivity.
5. Launch AX Workbench.
Platform Connection to a New JACE Out of the Box Cont.)

6a. Menu Bar: File > Open > Open Platform (http)

6b. Enter the IP address of the factory JACE ( or 14n). n = the last numeral in the JACE’s s/n.
6c. Enter the default Crendentials:
Username: tridium
Password: niagara
7. The 'Platform' icon should be active.

8. Commissioning the JACE is performed with the 'Platform Administration' tool (see next section).

Commissioning the JACE

Technical Document: JACE Niagara AX Install & Startup Guide

1. Close all running Station(s) on the PC.

2. Make a Platform connection to the JACE. Open the 'Platform Administration'.
3a. Select ‘Commissioning’. Commissioning Wizard appears.
3b. Typical box selection includes:
 'Request or install software licenses'
 'Set module content filter level'  'Install/upgrade modules'
 'Install/upgrade core software from distribution files'  'Sync with my local system date and time'
3c. Optional box selection include:
 'Install station from the local computer'
 ' Configure TCP/IP network settings'  'Configure platform daemon authentication'
 'Install lexicons to support additional languages'

4. Next.
5. Select ‘Install on or more licenses from files'.
6. Next. If prompted to install a certificate, check the box.

7. Set the Module Content Filter Level to “UI + Runtime” (important).

(note: installing the entire jar (doc + ui + runtime) will use excessive memory on the JACE)
8. Next.

Commissioning the JACE Cont.)

9. Station Installation. A Station can be installed during the Commission process or later with 'Station Copier'. Select
the Station to be installed on the JACE from the local machine (an existing Station on the JACE will be deleted).
Select “Auto-Start” (starts the Station when the platform daemon starts; leave unchecked if testing Station code).

10. Next.
11. Station Installation: select “Copy every file in the station directory and its subdirectories”.
12. Next.
13. Software Installation. Select the required software modules. Typical modules incluce 'Kitcontrol', 'KitPxHvac',
'PxEditor', 'Report, 'Weather, 'TimeSync'. Modules to run drivers include: 'Bacnet', 'Lonworks', 'ndio'. Additional
software modules can be added later with Software Manager.

14. Next.
15. Distribution File Installation. “The core software is already up-to-date: Nre-config-npm2xx-etfs512”.
16. Next.
17. Platform Daemon Authentication
User Name:
18. Next.
19. Commissioning: review the Final List of Changes.
20. Click ‘Finish’.
21. Commissioning Process:
• Stop Running Applications • Update TCP/IP (if selected)
• Install files to remote Host • Update Operating System
• Update System date/time/time zone • Reboot
22. “Commissioning Complete” (process will take a few minutes).
23. Close.

JACE Licensing
Licensing a drivera (eg, Lonworks) is similar to licensing the AX Workbench for the local PC (see section ‘Basic
Steps-Installing AX’, License Registration). The Host ID of the JACE begins with ‘QNX’.
1. Platform details: Platform Administration > View Details. Check JVM, memory, modules, licenses, s/n, etc.
2. License details: License Details > Highlight 'Vykon.license' > click 'View' button (bottom).

Set the JACE IP Address

1. Open a Platform connection to the JACE
2. Platform > TCP/IP Configuration (see ‘Platform’ Section for details).

Set the JACE Time

1. Connect to the Platform of the JACE.
2. Platform > Platform Administration > Change Date/Time (see ‘Platform’ Section for details).

Determining the IP address of a WEB Controller
H/W: USB-to-Serial Adapter , Null-modem serial cable, Ethernet cable, 15VDC Power Supply.
S/W: Putty (WIN7 Terminal Emulation program).

Acquire Address
1a. Connect the USB to Serial Adapter to the notebook.
1b. Control Panel: Device Manager > Ports.
1c. Determine the COM # of the serial adapter (install the driver if necessary).
1d. Set the parameters: 115200, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.
2. Connect the USB Serial Adapter to the JACE (requires a null-model cable).
3a. Launch Putty.
3b. Set: 1) Connection Type (Serial), 2) Serial Line (COM #), 3) Speed (115200).
3c. Click 'Open' (idle terminal screen should appear).
4. Remove the JACE cover and set the top jumper pin to 'Serial Shell'
5. Power the JACE (green 'Status' LED should be ON, 'Beat' amber LED should flash).
6. Let the JACE bootup. Press ESC to select the Boot Options:
1. Reset Default Username & Password.
2. Skip device scan.
3. Skip network initialization.
4. Skip Wi-Fi initialization.
5. Skip starting GPRS daemon.
6. Skip starting Photon.
7. Skip starting NTP daemon.
8. Enable NTP daemon debugging.
9. Skip starting Niagara daemon.
7. "Press ESC to restore factory default username and password"… (perform if necessary to change login account).
8. View the IP address in the "TCP/IP Network Status" section.
9. To enter System Shell Menu (optional):
1. Login: <tridium> (default username)
2. Password: <Niagara> (default password)
3. NPM6 System Shell Menu:
1. Update System Time
2. Update Network Settings
3. Ping Host
4. Enable/Disable Ftp
5. Enable/Disable Telnet
6. Update Platform Account
7. Reboot
L. Logout
10. End Putty session.
11. Remove power & the serial cable.
12. Set top jumper to ‘Normal Operation’.

Test JACE IP Address

1. Set the notebook's static IP address. The 1st three octets must be similar to the JACE (ie, 192.168.1.x).
2. Power the JACE.
3. Connect an ethernet cable between the notebook and the JACE's LAN1 port (green 'PRI' status should be ON).
4. Ping the JACE.

JACE Traffic Test

1. Establish Terminal Emulation session with Putty.
2. Command line: telnet <IP address> 3011. This attempts to establish a TCP session directly over the daemon
3011 port which the JACE should be listening on for traffic. If this does not complete, check the Windows firewall

Tripp-Lite, Keyspan, mdl. USA-19HS.
To Restore a JACE
1. Remote Host: Platform > Platform Administrator > Distribution File Installer.
Another way: Config > Services > Backup Services > Backup Manager (can setup to run automatically).

Clean the Distribution File

‘Clean the Distribution file’ of the JACE = Equivalent to formatting the hard drive. Wipes out the Niagara Workbench

Java Heap
Java heap is the memory used to run the program in the java virtual machine. To free up heap: remove some
components from the station, less devices, less logic, less schedules. Histories do not use much extra heap for more
data stored, but each additional history extension does. Best to add extra memory to the JACE.

The best way to remove the yellow heap error is to reboot the JACE.

Garbage Collection
Good to set up "garbage collection” on the JACE. Helps minimize traffic congestion (also check poll rate).

JACE Models
JACE Model I/O Type Mounting
JACE-300, -600 Attachable I/O Modules DIN-rail, screw mountable
JACE-403 On-Board I/O Wall Mount
JACE-545 No on-board I/O Wall Mount
Datasheets: www.tridium.com/cs/library/ax_library.com

[Preventative Maintenance]
1) Replace the JACE batteries every ~3 years.
Note1: the batteries come discharged from the factory. When the JACE is powered up for the first time, the status
will read “battery good = false”. Charge for a few hours until the status reads “battery good = true”.
Note2: A site that experiences multiple power interruptions will result in greatly reduced battery life.


Web Support
1) www.havc-talk.com (‘control’ forum)
2) www.niagara-central.com (‘Forum’)

Situation: Any problem.

Resolve: Go to Platform > Application Director. Review the error messages. Copy specific text and paste into
Google search field (eg, “java.net.SocketException: Can't assign requested address”)

Situation: Ok to directly connect to the JACE (via laptop).

Issue: No traffic to JACE when installed on the facility network.
Troubleshoot: 1) Valid default gateway?, 2) network on primary Ethernet port (LAN1)?, 3) crossover cable required?
4) Set up the serial shell and log into the platform. Can you ping another host on the network?
5) If a VLAN is setup within the routers, what’s the VLAN setup? (MAC, ports, IP, ect).

Issue: Network Diagnostics

Troubleshoot: 1) spy:/platform diagnostics/nicinfo. Network interface statuses on a JACE (data packets).
2) spy:/platform diagnostics/netstat –A. To view open network connections.
3) Reboot the JACE. Monitor the data transmitted/received. Increased/decrease with run time?

Issue: JACE keeps loosing IT connection

Resolve: Remove duplicate IP address.

Issue: Need to install a new JACE at V3.7.106, but AX Supervisor is at V3.1.

Resolve: Tridium recommends to always upgrade to a supported version of Niagara (upgrade Supvr to 3.7).
To run a JACE at a higher version than the AX Supervisor:
1. Open the property sheet of the JACE's NiagaraNetwork.
2. Fox Service: change the Legacy Authentication to "Always Relaxed".

Issue: JACE cannot get past its local subnet.

Troubleshoot: 1) Check default gateway, IP address, subnet mask. Try different cables and ports on switch. Set
the JACE for DHCP instead of static.
2) Set up the serial shell and log into the platform. Can you ping another host on the network?

Situation: JACE mapped through the firewall router (per the IT dept).
Issue: Unable to access the JACE from the outside. IT reports: “the device (JACE) is not reporting to the
firewall’s arp table”.
Troubleshoot: 1) Can you ping the JACE from the firewall console? If you can ping it, it can't be an arp issue (arp
translates IP addresses to MAC addresses and vice-versa).
2) JACE setup for "DNS Domain"? (Platform > TCP/IP Configuration).
3) Emulate the JACE with a notebook (watch IT policy). Set the notebook's Ethernet to match the
JACE. Run Station on the notebook with the same ports as the JACE. Unplug the JACE from the
network and plug in the notebook. Repeat the testing. Try forcing the port speed to a fixed value from
the notebook's network settings.
4) Packet sniffer. If you're allowed, use Wireshark (‘drop the shark’) to watch traffic. Is information
being rejected on some ports?

Issue: JACE not enabling the serial ports.

Resolve: Review the manufacturer’s restrictions on AX builds and serial port support. For example, at one time
a JCI FX60 with a 2-port RS-485 option card was limited to AX 3.2. Extending the JACE to 3.4
prevented serial port operation.

Note: see Station section: Troubleshooting

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