Monthly Current Affairs - February 2019
Monthly Current Affairs - February 2019
Monthly Current Affairs - February 2019
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Table of Content
S. No Content Page No
1 Important Days 03
2 Ranking 05
3 Summit / Conference 06
4 Appointments 14
6 Schemes 19
7 Economic Affairs 24
8 MOU/Agreement 28
11 National Affairs 38
13 International Affairs 53
14 Sports 61
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
1. Important Days
Date Day Details
4-February World Cancer Day World Cancer Day is being observed on February 02.
The Day aims to save millions of preventable deaths
each year through education, raising awareness and by
pressing governments and individuals across the world
to take action against the deadly disease. This year,
Union for International Cancer Control, which
organizes World Cancer Day, is launching a new 3-
year campaign with the theme: “I Am and I Will.”
6-February International Day of Zero Tolerance International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female
for Female Genital Mutilation Genital Mutilation is a United Nations-sponsored
annual awareness day that takes place on February 6 as
part of the UN's efforts to eradicate female genital
mutilation. It was first introduced in 2003.
13-February World Radio Day World Radio Day is an observance day held annually
on 13 February to celebrate radio as a medium. It was
proclaimed on 3 November 2011 by UNESCO's 36th
General Conference after originally being proposed by
the Kingdom of Spain. 2019 Theme: Dialogue,
Tolerance and Peace.
19-February Birth anniversary of Chhatrapati The birth anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is
Shivaji Maharaj celebrated all over Maharashtra. With his valour and
great administrative skills, Shivaji carved out an
enclave from the declining Adilshahi sultanate of
Bijapur. Shivaji is well-known for his innovative
military tactics that centred around non-conventional
methods leveraging strategic factors like geography,
speed, and surprise to defeat his more powerful
enemies. Chhatrapati Shivaji is remembered as a
torchbearer of good governance and as an
accomplished administrator.
19-February Guru Ravidas Jayanti Guru Ravidas Jayanti is being celebrated on February
19. Saint Ravidas was a 14th-century saint and
reformer of the Bhakti movement in North India.
20-February World Day of Social Justice Social Equality Justice day is a day recognizing the
need to promote efforts to tackle issues such as
poverty, exclusion and unemployment. Many
organizations, including the UN, American Library
Association, and the International Labour Office, make
statements on the importance of social justice for
people. 2019 theme: If You Want Peace &
Development, Work for Social Justice.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
21-February International Mother Language Day International Mother Language Day has been observed
every year since February 2000 to promote linguistic
and cultural diversity and multilingualism. The theme
of this year's International Mother Language Day will
be indigenous languages as a factor in development,
peace and reconciliation.
22-February World Thinking Day World Thinking Day 2019 is dedicated to the group of
girls who took the lead in 1909 and demanded Lord
Baden-Powell creates ‗something for the girls‘. Girl
Scouts and Girl Guides from 146 countries celebrate
World Thinking Day. (That‘s one big celebration!)
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
2. Rankings
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
3. Summit / Conference
International Summit & Conference:
Summit/Conference Details
India-Monaco Business Forum Addressing the Indo-Monaco Business Forum in New Delhi,
Union Minister of Commerce & Industry and Civil Aviation,
Suresh Prabhu, said that there is vast scope for cooperation
between India and Monaco in several sectors including tourism.
43rd International Book Fair At the 43rd International Book Fair in Kolkata, the stall of the
National Digital Library of India is attracting people seeking to
download books for free. The NDLI was sponsored by the
Union Human Resources Development Ministry and developed
by IIT Kharagpur.
Indo-Africa Strategic Economic Co- Union Minister of Commerce & Industry and Civil Aviation,
operation Suresh Prabhu addressed the interactive session on Indo-Africa
Strategic Economic Co-operation in New Delhi.
5th India-Bangladesh Joint The 5th India-Bangladesh Joint Consultative Committee
Consultative Committee Meeting Meeting was held in New Delhi. The last Joint Consultative
Committee Meeting between the two countries was held in
October 2017 at Dhaka.
69th Berlin International Film Festival India Pavilion inaugurated at 69th Berlin International Film
Regional Maritime Safety ConferenceUnion Shipping Minister Nitin Gadkari will launch the revised
guidelines for chartering of ships by providing Right of First
Refusal to ships built in India in Mumbai at the Regional
Maritime Safety Conference. The measure will not incentivize
ship building activity in the country but also help in raising the
demand for such vessels and provide them with additional
market access and business support. The maiden edition of this
conference is being organised by National Maritime Foundation
in association with the Ministry of Shipping and the Ministry of
External Affairs. The two-day conference is being organised to
discuss issues related to maritime security in the India-ASEAN
subregion and to promote trade along sea routes.
International Conference on Energy The President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, inaugurated the
and Environment International Conference and Exhibition on Energy and
Environment: Challenges and Opportunities (ENCO 2019) in
New Delhi. This Conference is being organised by the Council
of Scientific and Industrial Research.
4th India-Asean Expo and Summit Minister of Commerce & Industry and Civil Aviation, Suresh
Prabhu, inaugurated the 4th India-ASEAN Expo and Summit
2019 in New Delhi. ASEAN has emerged as the second
largest trade partner of India in 2017-18 with a share of
10.57 per cent in India's overall trade.
Joint seminar in Seoul The Indian Chamber of Commerce in Korea (ICCK) and India
Forum organized a joint seminar in Seoul to strengthen the
economic relationship between India – Korea. It is the first time
that South Korea has clearly designed a foreign policy initiative
for India and officially documented it. Prime Minister, Shri
Narendra Modi unveiled a bust of Mahatma Gandhi at Yonsei
University in Seoul.
India-Russia Forum on SMEs Union Minister of Commerce & Industry and Civil Aviation,
Suresh Prabhu addressed Interactive Forum between Small and
Medium Enterprises of India and Russia in Bengaluru.
46th Session of Council of Foreign The 46th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the
Ministers of OIC Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) will be held in Abu
Dhabi on the 1st and 2nd of next month. External Affairs
Minister Sushma Swaraj will be the Guest of Honour and
address the inaugural plenary.
20th Session of India-Italy Joint The meeting of 20th India-Italy Joint Commission for Economic
Commission Cooperation (JCEC) began in New Delhi. The JCEC is an
institutional mechanism for bilateral trade engagement held at
the level of Minister of Commerce and Industry of the two
countries. The two-day session is being co-chaired by the Union
Minister of Commerce and Industry, Suresh Prabhu, from the
Indian side. The 19th Session of India-Italy JCEC was held in
Rome on 11th -12th May, 2017.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Second summit of US President & US President Donald Trump has landed in Hanoi, the capital of
North Korean leader Vietnam ahead of his second summit with North Korean leader
Kim Jong-un. The talks come eight months after their historic
summit in Singapore in June last year.
16th Meeting of the Foreign Ministers In a joint communique of the 16th Meeting of the Foreign
of Russia, India and China (RIC) Ministers of Russia, India and China (RIC), the three nations
strongly condemned terrorism in all its forms and
Diplomats of India-Latin America and Union Minister of Commerce & Industry and Civil Aviation,
Caribbean Strategic (LAC) Economic Suresh Prabhu, interacted with diplomats of India-Latin
Cooperation America and Caribbean Strategic (LAC) Economic Cooperation
in New Delhi.
Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey, Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare chaired the 6th meeting
of the Mission Steering Group of the National Health Mission (NHM).
The BIS Act 2016 lays down the framework for Standards development and delivery in India. 12th
Regional Standards Conclave held in Odisha organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).
Commerce Minister, Suresh Prabhu addressed the first state level awareness programme on agriculture
export policy said that in order to achieve the purpose of the policy clusters have been identified across
the country for development of agriculture exports.
Armed Forces Medical College, Pune is organising the 67th Annual Armed Forces Medical Conference.
The conference was inaugurated by Lt Gen Bipin Puri, Director General, Armed Forces Medical
The 20th edition of Bharat Rang Mahotsav (BRM), the international theatre festival of India, is
organized by National School of Drama (NSD), one of the prominent training institutions in the world.
The Minister of State for Culture (I/C), Govt. of India, Dr. Mahesh Sharma, inaugurated the 21-day-long
nationwide theatre spectacle in New Delhi.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
The Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Development of North Eastern
Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr
Jitendra Singh delivered the keynote address at the ‗Parmanu Tech 2019‘ conference, organised by the
Ministry of External Affairs and Department of Atomic Energy (DAE). The conference discussed issues
related to Nuclear Energy and Radiation Technologies.
The 13th Conference of Parties (COP) of the Convention on the conservation of migratory species of
wild animals (CMS), an environmental treaty under the aegis of United Nations Environment
Programme, is going to be hosted by India during 15th to 22nd February, 2020 at Gandhinagar in
Housing and Urban Affairs Minister Hardeep Singh Puri inaugurated the National Workshop on Street
Vendors in New Delhi. The workshop has been organised as a part of the Shehri Samridhi Utsav.
The West Bengal has received more than two Lakhs 84 thousands 288 crore rupees investment
proposals in the Bengal Global Business Summit. The two day long summit ended in Kolkata.
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) conducted its eighth round of National
Deworming Day (NDD). This key program initiative is implemented with an objective to reduce the
prevalence of Soil Transmitted Helminths (STH) or parasitic intestinal worms so that they are no longer
a public health problem.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 13th International Oil and Gas Conference –
PETROTECH-2019 in Greater Noida. He said there is a need to move towards responsible pricing of
Oil and Gas to balance the interests of both the producer and the consumer.
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting is organizing the First Annual Conference of Media Units under
the Ministry on 13th february, 2019 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. The opening session of the
Conference will be chaired by Col. Rajyavardhan Rathore, Union Minister of State (IC) for Information
& Broadcasting and Youth Affairs & Sports.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Najma Heptulla, Governor of Manipur, inaugurated the two-day National Conference on Unani
Medicine organized by the Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM) as a part of 3rd
Unani Day celebration here in New Delhi.
To highlight the growth of silk industry in the country over the last four years, Textiles Ministry is
organizing a mega silk event in New Delhi.
With the objective of promoting food safety and capacity building, Spices Board organized a National
Conclave on Food Safety in New Delhi.
A Special National Standards Conclave was organized by the Department of Commerce, Ministry of
Commerce and Industry, Government of India on February 8-9 in Mumbai.
The First Annual Conference of Media Units working under I&B Ministry was organized at Vigyan
Bhawan, New Delhi. Union Minister of State (IC) for Information & Broadcasting and Youth Affairs &
Sports Col. Rajyavardhan Rathore chaired the Conference.
Ministry of Textiles honoured 12 weavers and artisans from different parts of the country for their
outstanding work in handloom and handicrafts sector at a function in New Delhi.
CREDAI YouthCon-19
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the Confederation of Real Estate Developers' Association of
India, CREDAI YouthCon -19 at the Talkatora Stadium in New Delhi.
Minister for Commerce & Industry and Civil Aviation, Suresh Prabhu, chaired a meeting of the Board of
Trade (BOT) at Vigyan Bhawan. On this occasion, Commerce & Industry Minister launched a new
online ―Anytime-Anywhere‖ export awareness course to train, mentor and hand-hold potential exporters
so as to help them to tap international trade opportunities. This Online Course has been funded under the
‗Niryat Bandhu‘ scheme of DGFT and is in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade,
New Delhi.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Swachh Shakti-2019
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi will participate in Swachh Shakti 2019, a convention of
Women Sarpanches and distribute the Swachh Shakti-2019 awards. Swachh Shakti-2019 is a national
event which aims to bring in to focus the leadership role played by rural women in Swachh Bharat
Mission. Women Sarpanches and Panches from all over the country will be attending the event.
President Ram Nath Kovind has praised the farmers of Haryana for adopting new methods to manage
stubble and crop residue. He was addressing the closing ceremony of the 4th Agri Leadership Summit
organised by the Haryana government.
Union Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Minister Shri Radha Mohan Singh addressed the 14th
Agricultural Science Congress and said that the Agricultural Science Congress marks the confluence of
researchers, intellectuals, creativity and the custodians of global food security.
NITI Aayog, in collaboration with National Centre of Excellence and Advanced Research on Diets
(NCEAR-D), UNICEF India and Lady Irwin College, organised a National Workshop on ―Promoting
Healthy Diets Through Local Food Systems‖ in New Delhi.
Shri K.J. Alphons, Union Minister for Tourism chaired the 2nd meeting of the reconstituted National
Tourism Advisory Council (NTAC) at ‗Statue of Unity‘, Kevadia, Gujarat.
The NTAC acts as think tank of the Ministry of Tourism and advises the Government on various
tourism related policy matters.
NITI Aayog co-hosted a conference on ―The Future of Indian Banking‖ on February 22, 2019, with the
Foundation for Economic Growth and Welfare (EGROW Foundation). Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Vice
Chairman, NITI Aayog, inaugurated the event.
The conference aimed to increase and elevate the discourse on the banking sector in India, and help
develop insights to inform the continued evolution of the Indian banking sector for optimally supporting
the growing credit needs of the Indian economy.
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, addressed the Economic Times Global Business Summit.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Over 12 lakh people have been treated free of cost under Ayushman Bharat scheme, the world's largest
health care programme, the CEO of Ayushman Bharat Dr Indu Bhushan said at the Medical Fair India
2019 in Delhi.
The Indian Council for Cultural Relations organized a special event at Pravasi Bharatiya Kendra in
Delhi, to felicitate delegates from 188 countries, who participated in the Kumbh Mela at Prayagraj.
Housing and Urban Affairs Ministry has approved the construction of 560695 more affordable houses
for the benefit of urban poor under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban).The approval was given in the
43rd meeting of the Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee in New Delhi. The cumulative
number of houses sanctioned under the scheme is now over 79 lakh.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will deliver the keynote address at the Rising India Summit 2019 in New
Delhi. Theme "Beyond Politics: Defining National Priorities".
Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, MSME, will organise a Conclave ―Empowering
Women Entrepreneurs 2019, Financing & Enabling Women from Marginalised Sections‖ in Mumbai.
The conclave is being organized under National SC-ST Hub initiative of the MSME ministry which is
targeted towards developing a supportive ecosystem towards SC/ST entrepreneurs.
Health Minister JP Nadda inaugurated the 4th Global Digital Health Partnership Summit in New Delhi.
The scheme is primarily dependent on maximising the use of digital tools for effective implementation
and monitoring.
Union Skill Development Minister Dharmendra Pradhan has said Odisha has the potential to soon
emerge as skill capital of the country.
Inaugurating a "Skill Saathi Youth Conclave in Bhubaneswar, he said the youth of Odisha has intellect,
skill and courage and with these qualities, they can meet any challenges and work together to create a
New Odisha.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
The Ministry of Civil Aviation, in association with Airports Authority of India, AAICLAS and
Confederation of Indian Industry, is organizing the Aviation Conclave 2019 with an overarching theme
of “Flying for All” in New Delhi.
Over 30 industry leaders will discuss and deliberate across 5-key sessions covering the Drone-
Ecosystem Policy Roadmap, Roadmap for Manufacturing Aircraft and associated equipment, including
Regional Transport Aircraft, in India, the Project Rupee Raftaar- Aircraft Financing and Leasing from
India, the National Air Cargo Policy, and the Mission to transform Indian Airports into Next-Gen
Aviation Hubs.
The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is conducting a two-day national workshop on
heat wave risk reduction on 27-28 February, 2019.
The workshop, to be held at Nagpur, has been organised in collaboration with the Maharashtra
Home Minister Rajnath Singh chaired a high level security meeting in New Delhi.
The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) organized a programme on Technology
Support and Outreach (TECH-SOP 2019) in New Delhi. It is an initiative to bridge the gap between the
technological innovations and MSMEs so that they can harness the technologies and grow in the global
value chain.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
4. Appointments
National Appointments:
International Appointments:
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
In Indonesia, a strong 6.1-magnitude earthquake struck off the Indonesian island of Mentawai,
meanwhile no tsunami warning was issued.
A 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck Afghanistan, Pakistan and parts of North India.
The Indian Meteorological Department said the epicentre of the quake was Hindu Kush region in
Union Government has formed a Task Force for identifying areas for use of space technology in
improving border management headed by Joint Secretary (Border Management) with members from
Border Guarding Forces (BGFs) and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).
The Task Force consulted all stake holders including BGFs, ISRO, National Security Council Secretariat
(NSCS) and Ministry of Defence (MoD) before finalising the report.
Publication on various initiatives taken towards combating and adapting to climate change
Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change released a publication today in New Delhi
on climate actions in India titled ―India – Spearheading Climate Solutions‖.
This publication ―India – Spearheading Climate Solutions‖ mentions the key actions India has taken
under various sectors towards combating and adapting to climate change.
Based on computational modelling, researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras have
identified the biochemical pathways that eye cancer (retinoblastoma) preferentially chooses for growth
and survival.
The pathways chosen are very different from the ones that normal, healthy cells choose.
A new species of spider has been discovered from the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, a major biodiversity
hotspot in the State.
The new species, Cocalus lacinia, spotted in the Kurichiad forest range of the sanctuary, is
taxonomically related to an Australian species, described by arachnologist Fred Wanless in 1981.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Scientists have discovered massive mountains in the Earth‘s mantle. They found the topography on a
layer located 660 km below the surface.
India‘s communication satellite GSAT-31 has been launched successfully from French Guiana. The
Ariane-5 rocket lifted off with it from Kourou Launch and placed it in the intended Geosynchronous
Transfer Orbit.
It is to replace the ageing INSAT-4CR satellite. GSAT-31 is India‘s fortieth communication satellite.
Israelis to launch its first moon mission this week, sending an unmanned spacecraft to collect data to be
shared with NASA. 585-kilogram Beresheet (Genesis) spacecraft is to lift off atop a Falcon 9 rocket
from Cape Canaveral, Florida.
So far only Russia, the United States and China have sent their spacecraft to the moon. The Chinese
spacecraft made the first ever soft landing on the far side of the moon on January.
National Testing Agency (NTA) has launched a ‗mobile app‘ through which students can practice or
take mock tests on their own computers or smart phones.
DD Arunprabha
PM launches DD Arunprabha – a dedicated 24x7 Satellite channel for Arunachal Pradesh. PM lays
foundation stone of Film and Television Institute(FTI) and several other projects at Arunachal Pradesh.
e-AUSHADHI portal
Minister of State (IC) for AYUSH, Shri Shripad Yesso Naik launched the e-AUSHADHI portal, for
online licensing of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homoeopathy drugs and related matters at New Delhi.
Inland Waterways Authority of India launches a new portal LADIS – Least Available Depth
Information System for real-time information on available depth on stretches of National Waterways.
The information will help better planning for movement of vessels.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Investigation Tracking System for Sexual Offences and Safe City Implementation Monitoring Portal
The Home Minister also launched two portals - Investigation Tracking System for Sexual Offences and
Safe City Implementation Monitoring Portal. A separate Women Safety Division has been established in
the Home Ministry and many existing laws have been amended.
„PwD App‟
To enable Divyangs for new registration, change in address and others details for the upcoming General
Elections launched.
Tele Law Dashboard & Nyaya Bandhu (Pro Bono) Mobile Application
The Tele Law Dashboard is an online platform to connect beneficiary with the panel lawyer through
video conference, telephone and chat, Nyaya Bandhu (Pro Bono) Mobile Application will facilitate
registration of a lawyer volunteering to provide pro bono legal services.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
5. Schemes
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi
To provide an assured income support to small and marginal farmers Govt. is launching Pradhan Mantri
Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN). The Government announced Rs 6,000 per year cash support to
small and marginal farmers that will cost the exchequer Rs 75,000 crore annually, in a bid to provide
relief to distressed farm sector.
In order to facilitate import of capital goods for producing quality goods and services and enhance
India‘s manufacturing competitiveness, the Central Government has been implementing a Scheme called
the Export Promotion Capital Goods Scheme under the Foreign Trade Policy.
Shehri Samridhi Utsav, an initiative of Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) aims to extend
the outreach of Deendayal Antyodaya Mission – National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM), to
the most vulnerable, showcase its initiatives and facilitate access of Self-Help Group (SHG) members to
the other government schemes.
The 53rd edition of Know India Programme for Young Indian Diaspora involves 40 participants (24
female and 16 males) from Fiji, Guyana, Mauritius, Portugal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Suriname and
Trinidad & Tobago. The partner states of this edition are Maharashtra and Daman & Diu.
The Know India Programme is organised by the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India with
the objective of familiarizing the India Diaspora Youth, in the age group of 18-30 years, with
developments and achievements made by the country and bringing them closer to the land of their
The World Bank has approved Atal Bhujal Yojana (ABHY), a Rs.6000 Crore scheme, for sustainable
management of ground water with community participation.
The funding pattern is 50:50 between Government of India and World Bank.
e-NAM platform
Nearly 35 thousand farmers in the country received payments of three hundred crore rupees through e-
payment facility of e-NAM platform till the 30th of last month.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Altogether 14 thousand hospitals have been empanelled under the Pradhan Mantri Arogya Yojana so far.
The highest number of 2677 such hospitals is in Gujarat followed by Tamil Nadu with 1709 hospitals.
The Swachh Bharat Mission Grameen launched the 'Darwaza Band -Part 2' campaign which focuses on
sustaining the open defecation free status of villages across the country.
The campaign, produced by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, was launched in Mumbai.
A dedicated project for conservation of Asiatic Lion with a contribution of Rs 97.85 Cr from Centre to
be spent over 3 years launched.
The Asiatic Lion, endemic to Gir landscape of Gujarat, is one of the 21 critically endangered species
identified by the Ministry for taking up recovery programmes.
The Election Commission has launched a Voter Verification and Information Programme (VVIP) for
verifications of voters' names, new registrations, changes or corrections in the Voter Id Cards for the
upcoming General Elections.
Union Petroleum and Natural Gas & Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Minister Shri
Dharmendra Pradhan launched the bid round –III under Open Acreages Licensing Policy (OALP) at
Greater Noida, the venue of PETROTECH-2019.
The Minister of State for Road Transport, Shipping and Chemical & Fertilizers informed that 14 number
of CEZs in 8 states have been identified under the Sagarmala Programme.
In the state of Kerala, one CEZ namely ―Development of CEZ in Kerala –Malabar‖ has been identified
under the Sagarmala Programme.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
The Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs has instituted a challenge for States/ UTs to select six sites
across the country for constructing the Lighthouse projects under GHTC-India. MoHUA encourages all
States/ UTs to participate in this challenge proactively.
The Government is implementing a Scheme namely ―Scheme for Pension and Medical Aid to Artistes‖.
The objective of the Scheme is to improve financial and socio-economic status of the old aged artistes
and scholars who have contributed significantly in their specialized fields of arts, letters etc.
The scheme for Cultural Heritage Youth Leadership Programme (CHYLP) envisaged enriching
awareness of Indian culture and heritage amongst the youth in order to promote, understand and develop
fondness for India‘s rich cultural heritage, with a view to develop appropriate leadership qualities
amongst youth.
Launched by the Environment Ministry last year, the ‗Green Good Deeds‘ campaign — aimed at
protecting the environment and promoting healthy living — mentions a list of 500 activities for
protecting the environment.
KUSUM Scheme
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has formulated a Scheme ‗Kisan Urja Suraksha evam
Utthaan Mahabhiyan (KUSUM)‘. The Scheme is currently under the process of seeking approval.
Ministry of Textiles is organizing an outreach programme for Textiles Sector MSMEs on 13th February,
2019 in New Delhi to hold interactions with the stakeholders to help them avail the support and outreach
for 100 days programme announced by the Prime Minister.
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) launched a mega project called NICRA to address the
issues of climate change through the Krishi Vigyan Kendras [KVKs].
A workshop was organized by the Logistics Department of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in
New Delhi to discuss with logistics stakeholders the challenges and opportunities of this sector in India.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Minimum Assured Pension: Each subscriber under the PM-SYM, shall receive minimum assured
pension of Rs 3000/- per month after attaining the age of 60 years.
Family Pension: During the receipt of pension, if the subscriber dies, the spouse of the beneficiary shall
be entitled to receive 50% of the pension received by the beneficiary as family pension. Family pension
is applicable only to spouse.
The Union Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Shri Ram Vilas Paswan
administered the Swachhta pledge to all the officials and employees of the Ministry of Consumer
Affairs, Food & Public Distribution in New Delhi marking the celebration of Swachhta Pakhwada
scheduled from 16th to 28th February 2019.
The Minister of Human Resource Development, Shri Prakash Javadekar launched Operation Digital
Board to leverage technology in order to boost quality education in the country. Under the initiative,
seven lakh classrooms of 9th, 10th and 11th standards and two lakh classrooms of colleges and
Universities will be equipped with digital boards in the next three years.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath launched Scheme for Adolescent girls. The scheme
focuses on girls aged between 11 to 14 years who have left studies and will take steps for proper
nutrition and special care for them. The state government also decided to observe Adolescent girls day
on 8th of every month at Anganwadi centres across the state. State Government will also launch
Nutrition Campaign for the adolescent girls on 8th March.
Union HRD Minister launches the Scheme for Higher Education Youth in Apprenticeship and Skills
(SHREYAS) for providing industry apprenticeship opportunities.
Union Textiles Minister Smriti Irani launched the Integrated Large Scale Eri Silk Farming in
Arunachal Pradesh under North East Region Textile Promotio n Scheme (NERTPS) in Itanagar.
Union Minister of Textiles, Smriti Zubin Irani, launched a comprehensive scheme for Development of
Knitting and Knitwear Sector under PowerTex India in New Delhi.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Union minister Ashwini Kumar Choubey launched a national programme aimed at eliminating viral
hepatitis, recognized as an important public health problem. The aim of the programme is to combat
hepatitis and achieve countrywide elimination of Hepatitis C by 2030.
The minister of state for health launched the National Action Plan - Viral Hepatitis at Mumbai in
presence of Amitabh Bachchan, the goodwill ambassador for hepatitis, WHO South-East Asia Region.
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, launched the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-
KISAN) from Gorakhpur. The first instalment of Rs 2,000 will be directly credited to the bank accounts
of selected beneficiary farmers.
Navratna Defence PSU Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) has unveiled its new product, the Atmospheric
Water Generator (AWG), an innovative solution to meet the ever-increasing need for drinking water
worldwide, at Aero India 2019.
Shri Thaawarchand Gehlot, Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment launched the ―2nd
Edition of Indian Sign Language (ISL) Dictionary‖ for Hearing Impaired Persons.
ISL Dictionary Includes 6000 Words Under Categories of Academic, Legal, Medical, Technical &
Everyday Terms.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
6. Economic Affairs
GST collections cross Rs 1 lakh crore mark
The GST collections in January this year has crossed one lakh crore rupees mark. In January last year
the GST collection was 89 thousand crore rupees.
Department of post will soon set up its own insurance company which will deal with its business of two
products Postal life insurance and Rural Postal Life Insurance.
Foreign Portfolio Investors, FPIs, withdrew over 5,300 rupees crore from the Indian capital markets in
January, indicating their 'wait and watch' approach ahead of the general elections.
Union Minister KJ Alphons has said that the country's tourism sector fetched 234 billion US Dollar
revenue last year, registering a growth of over 19%. At the inaugural speech of the 2nd ASEAN-India
Youth Summit in Guwahati, he said the country is ranked third in the tourism sector, according to the
2018 report of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC).
India stands committed to increase its overall health allocations to 2.5 per cent of GDP.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Allocations to Health care, MGNREGA, SC/ST welfare programmes, Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak
Yojana, Development of infrastructure in North-East hiked substantially.
A prgoramme for genetic upgradation of cow - Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog.
A separate Department of Fisheries.
Electricity connection to all willing families by next month.
Allocations to Defence budget crosses three lakh crore rupees for the first time.
Over three lakh 38 thousand shell companies deregistered after demonetization.
10 point vision for 2030 to realize India‘s social economic potential; 10 trillion dollars economy in 13
Government e-Market place - GeM to be extended to all Central Public Sector Enterprises.
A container cargo movement to the North-East through Brahmaputra river; Allocation for infrastructure
development in the region hiked by 21 percent.
An All India Institute of Medical Sciences - AIIMS for Haryana.
One lakh more villages to get digital connectivity; A National Centre on Artificial Intelligence Centre;
Cinematograph Act to be tightened to check piracy.
Single window clearance for shooting films to be made available to Indian film makers.
Indigenous development of semi-high speed Vande Bharat Express train
The fiscal deficit pegged at 3.4 percent of GDP is the highlight of the Interim Budget for 2019-20.
The shipping sector has witnessed an unprecedented growth of 35 per cent in the number of Indian
seafarers employed on Indian or foreign flag vessels this year.
The Centre has increased the minimum selling price of sugar by two rupees per kilogram to 31 rupees a
kilogram for the year 2018-19.
India raises customs duty to 200 pc on all goods imported from Pakistan
India has raised the basic customs duty to 200 per cent on all goods imported from Pakistan with
immediate effect following withdrawal the Most Favoured Nation, MFN status in the aftermath of the
Pulwama terror attack.
The main items which Pakistan exports to India include fresh fruits, cement, petroleum products, bulk
minerals and ores and finished leather.
Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Thawarchand Gehlot has said that about 16 crore people are
consuming alcohol in the country by a survey which was conducted by his Ministry in collaboration
with the National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre of AIIMS.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
The states with high prevalence of dependent pattern of alcohol use disorders are Tripura, Andhra
Pradesh, Punjab, Chattisgarh and Arunachal Pradesh.
Employees‘ Provident Fund Organisation, EPFO has decided to provide 8.65 per cent interest on
Provident Fund deposits for 2018-19 against 8.55 per cent in the last year.
The Central Board of Trustees (CBT) headed by Labour Minister is the apex decision making body of
the EPFO which finalises rate of interest on PF deposits for a financial year.
The government will soon roll out a public Domain Name Server, or DNS, for India aimed at providing
a faster and more secure browsing experience for Internet users in the country, while ensuring that
citizens‘ data is stored locally.
A DNS is a like a directory for the Internet. It helps to convert domain names that are easy for people to
remember into IP addresses, which are used by computers/machines to communicate. If the DNS is
either slow or fails to work, users will not be able to locate web addresses.
Country's goods, services exports to cross 500 billion dollars during current fiscal
The country's goods and services exports will cross 500 billion dollars during the current fiscal despite
challenges being faced on the global trade front. This was stated by the Commerce and Industry Minister
Suresh Prabhu while speaking at the Rising India Summit 2019 in New Delhi.
About 300 start-ups which had received tax payment orders due to issues related to ‗angel tax‘ may soon
get relief, as the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has asked industry representatives to submit the
names and PAN details of all the affected start-ups.
Afghanistan has begun exports to India through Iran‘s Chabahar port, as the landlocked country turns to
overseas markets to improve its economy. Afghanistan‘s exports will increase to two billion dollar from
the current one billion dollar in the next year.
The Monetary Policy Committee headed by Reserve Bank of India Governor Shaktikanta Das,
announced a reduction in policy repo rate by 25 basis points from 6.5 per cent to 6.25 per cent with
immediate effect.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das announced that the limit of collateral free agricultural loans has been
increased from one lakh to 1.6 lakh.
Reserve Bank has imposed monetary penalty of two million rupees each on HDFC Bank, IDBI Bank
and Kotak Mahindra Bank for non-compliance of various Know Your Customer/ Anti-Money
Laundering norms. RBI informed that it has imposed monetary penalty of 1.5 Crore rupees each on
Allahabad Bank, Bank of Maharashtra and Indian Overseas Bank for non-compliance of norms related
to monitoring end use of funds, exchange of information, classification and reporting of frauds and on
restructuring of accounts.
The Reserve Bank has announced that it will transfer an interim surplus of 28,000 crore rupees to the
central government for the half-year ended 31st December 2018.
The government has approved recapitalisation of Rs 48,239 crore in 12 public sector banks in this fiscal
to help them maintain regulatory capital requirements and finance growth plans.
The government will infuse over nine thousand crore rupees in Corporation Bank and six thousand 896
crore rupees in Allahabad Bank.
Foreign investors have put in over 5,300 crore rupees into the Indian equity market in the first half of
this month.
Reserve Bank of India and Bank of Japan have signed a Bilateral Swap Arrangement (BSA). The BSA
provides for India to access 75 billion US dollars whereas the earlier BSA had provided for 50 billion
India can access the agreed amount of 75 billion dollars for its domestic currency, for the purpose of
maintaining an appropriate level of balance of payments or short-term liquidity.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
7. Mou /Agreement
1 India and India and Bangladesh have signed an MOU for President - Abdul Hamid
Bangladesh training 1800 Bangladesh Civil Servants at the Prime Minister - Sheikh
National Centre for Good Governance (NCGG) an Hasina
institute under the Department of Administrative Capital - Dhaka
Reforms and Public Grievances (DAR&PG),
Currency - Bangladeshi taka
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances &
Pensions, Govt. of India, over the next 6 years.
2 India and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between President - Khaltmaagiin
Mongolia Engineers India Ltd, a PSU under the Ministry of Battulga
Petroleum and Natural Gas, and the Government of Prime Minister - Ukhnaagiin
Mongolia through Mongol Refinery State Owned Khürelsükh
LLC was signed, on the sidelines of PETROTECH- Capital - Ulaanbaatar
2019 event at Greater Noida, UP. The MoU is for Currency - Mongolian tögrög
Project Management Consultancy services for
construction of an oil refinery plant in Mongolia by
3 India and Saudi The Union Cabinet approved the signing of Prime Minister - Salman bin
Arabia Memorandum of Understanding, MoU between Abdulaziz Al Saud
India and Saudi Arabia on cooperation and mutual Crown Prince - Mohammed
assistance in Customs Matters. It also approved the bin Salman
signing of MoU between the two countries in the Capital - Riyadh
field of tourism and establishing a mechanism for Currency - Saudi riyal
Investment Infrastructure in India.
4 India and World The Government of India, Government of President - Kristalina
Bank Himachal Pradesh (GoHP) and the World Bank Georgieva
signed a $40 Million Loan Agreement to help bring Headquarters - Washington,
clean and reliable drinking water to the citizens of D.C., United States
the Greater Shimla area, who have been facing Established on 1944
severe water shortages and water-borne epidemics Members - 189 Countries
over the last few years.
5 India and India and Argentina signed ten MoUs in several President - Mauricio Macri
Argentina areas, including Defence, Civil nuclear, Tourism, Chief of the Cabinet of
pharmaceuticals and agriculture. An MOU on Ministers - Marcos Pena
Cooperation and Collaboration between Prasar Capital - Buenos Aires
Bharti and the Federal System of Media and Public Currency - Argentine Peso
Contents of Argentina were also inked.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
6 India and India and Morocco signed four MoUs for setting up King - Mohammed VI
Morocco of Joint Working Group on Counter Terrorism, Prime Minister - Saadeddine
Cooperation in Housing and Human Settlement, Othmani
Reciprocal facilitation of procedures for issue of Capital - Rabat
Business Visa and Cooperation in Youth Matters. Currency - Moroccan dirham
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Government decided to launch a campaign to saturate farmers for financial inclusion under Kisan Credit
Cards (KCC).
The government has decided to conduct a survey of all agricultural households in the country covering
the period from July 2018 to June this year. National Sample Survey Office is the nodal agency.
It will focus on their income, expenditure and indebtedness.
In view of increasing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology across the world, IIT Kharagpur, IIT-
Madras, IIT-Kancheepuram, NIT Silchar, and NIT Bhopal have set up centres for Artificial Intelligence.
Punjab approves proposal to make it mandatory for MLAs to declare their immovable properties
The Punjab government approved a proposal to make it mandatory for all the 117 MLAs to declare their
immovable properties.
The Cinematograph (Amendment) Bill 2019 was introduced in Rajya Sabha. The Bill seeks to amend
provisions of Cinematograph Act, 1952 in order to tackle film piracy by including penal provisions for
unauthorized camcording and duplication of films.
The Lok Sabha passed the Unregulated Deposit Scheme Bill 2018 amid sloganeering by opposition
TMC and SP members.
Parliament has passed the Personal Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2019 with Rajya Sabha approving it
without discussion. The Lok Sabha had passed the bill in the last session.
Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has approved the continuation of sub-schemes under
Umbrella programme for the development of Scheduled Tribes from the period till March 2020.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Cabinet has also hiked the Minimum Support Price of Raw Jute by 250 Rs to 3950 Rs per quintal for
2019 -20 season.
The Union Cabinet has approved the proposal for Extension of tenure of the National Commission for
Safai Karmacharis(NCSK) beyond 31st of March,2019 for three years.
Mrs.Swaraj will visit to Bulgaria on the first leg of the tour, she will meet with the Deputy
Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the country.
The Lok Sabha passed The Jallianwala Bagh National Memorial (Amendment) Bill, 2018.
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs,CCEA has approved the Credit Linked Capital Subsidy
and Technology Up-gradation Scheme (CLCS-TUS) with a total outlay of 2900 crore rupees. The
scheme aims at improving the competitiveness of MSMEs by integrating various ongoing schematic
interventions aimed at up-grading technology through Credit Linked Capital Subsidy (CLCS).
The Union Cabinet has approved the introduction of Registration of Marriage of Non-Resident Indian
(NRI) Bill, 2019. The Bill provides for amendment of the legal framework to act as a deterrent to the
erring NRI spouses and creating more accountability and offer protection against exploitation of Indian
Citizens married to NRIs.
The e-Tourist Visa which was introduced in September 2014 with 46 countries has now been made
applicable for 166 countries. Recently, government has made series of amendments in e-visa regime,
liberalizing it further and making it more tourists friendly.
President Ram Nath Kovind gave his assent to the amendments in the Indian Stamp Act, 1899, which
will rationalise and harmonise the system of levying stamp duty and help curb tax evasion.
The Amendments to the Indian Stamp Act, 1899, were introduced as part of the Finance Act 2019, and
was approved by Parliament.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
The Home Ministry has approved entitlement of air travel to all personnel of Central Armed Police
Forces, CAPFs.
The Ministry approved the entitlement of air travel on Delhi-Srinagar, Srinagar-Delhi, Jammu-Srinagar
and Srinagar-Jammu sectors to all the personnel of CAPFs.
India decides to stop its share of river waters which flow into Pakistan
The Government has decided to stop the share of river waters which flow into Pakistan. Minister for
Water Resources Nitin Gadkari said, Government of India will divert water from Eastern Rivers and
supply it to the people in Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab.
The construction of dam has started at Shahpur-Kandi on the Ravi river and the Ujh project will store
India's share of water for use in Jammu and Kashmir and the balance water will flow from second Ravi-
Beas Link to provide water to other basin states.
Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI) and Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) signed a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for jointly developing infrastructure for fuels, lubricating oil,
LPG, Natural Gas and any other related fuel and gas for meeting the requirement of National
The Centre has released over 1600 crore rupees to Andhra Pradesh, Manipur, Jharkhand and Rajasthan
from the National Disaster Response Fund. Over 1200 crore rupees have been sanctioned to Rajasthan
and over 272 crore rupees to Jharkhand as drought relief assistance.
Cyclone-hit Andhra Pradesh has been given around 83 crore rupees while flood-hit Manipur will get
over 42 crore rupees.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
The Defence Acquisitions Council, DAC chaired by Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman approved
indigenous construction of six submarines worth 40 thousand crore rupees.
It is the second project under the Ministry's ambitious strategic partnership model aiming to boost the
government's Make in India' program.
Aero India
The 12th edition of the biennial Aero India is scheduled between February 20 and 24. The French
defence industry is gearing up for a major presence at the premier air show Aero India 2019 to be held
later this month in Bengaluru.
INS Trikand, a front-line warship of the Indian Navy, participated in a multinational training exercise
‗CUTLASS EXPRESS – 19‘ held from 27 Jan to 06 Feb 19. The aim of the exercise was to improve law
enforcement capacity, promote regional security and progress inter-operability between the armed forces
of the participating nations for the purpose of interdicting illegal maritime activity in the Western Indian
In Rajasthan, Jaipur based Sapta Shakti Command of Indian Army is conducting a two- day Joint
Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Exercise ―Exercise Rahat‖.
In a first for the IAF,the ―OTTERS‖ squadron of Western Air Command has undertaken Parallel Taxi
Track (PTT) Operations with a full women crew in the Dornier 228 aircraft. The pilots, Sqn Ldr
Kamaljeet Kaur and her co-pilot Sqn Ldr Rakhi Bhandari carried out successful parallel taxi track
landing and take-off operations at Sirsa.
Indian Air Force is set to demonstrate its full combat and fire capabilities during ‗Exercise Vayu Shakti-
2019‘ in the Pokharan firing range close to Indo-Pak border in Rajasthan.
Akash missile firing, gun firing from Advanced Light Helicopter and MiG 29‘s air-to-ground role will
be demonstrated in the exercise.
Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman is scheduled to attend the event.
Ability to detect targets, multi-spectrum capability, swift identification and neutralising targets with
precision will also be displayed.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Unmanned aerial vehicles or drones, unmanned aircraft systems and balloons have been banned in
Bengaluru for security reasons during the five-day Aero India show.
Defence Minister Smt Nirmala Sitharaman inaugurated the 12th biennial edition of International
Aerospace and Defence Exhibition Aero India 2019 at Air Force Station Yelahanka in Bengaluru.
The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) has decided to add new security features to its convoy
movement in Jammu and Kashmir making its passage more safe and secured.
The formal declaration of Final Operational Clearance (FOC) for Indian Air Force (IAF) Light Combat
Aircraft Tejas MK I was made by Secretary Defence R&D and Chairman DRDO Dr G Satheesh Reddy.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) made a spectacular entry at the Aero-India 2019 with the first ever
‗Drone Olympics' competition for UAV's held at Air Force Station, Yelahanka, Bengaluru.
Theme - „The Runway to a Billion Opportunities‟.
The Indian Air Force conducted airstrikes at the biggest terror camp of Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) in
Balakot at Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan.
Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) successfully test fired indigenously
developed Quick Reach Surface-to-Air missiles (QRSAM) from ITR Chandipur, off the Odisha Coast.
The two missiles were tested for different altitude and conditions.
'Sampriti 2019'
A joint military exercise Sampriti 2019 between India and Bangladesh will be conducted at Tangail in
Bangladesh. It will be the eighth edition of the exercise which is hosted alternately by both countries.
The Defence Acquisition Council has approved the acquisition of defence equipment for about 2700
Crores rupees.
The approval include acquistion of three Cadet Training ships for the Navy, which will provide basic
sea training to officer cadets including women officer under trainees.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
National Awards:
Tagore Award
Year Winner
2015 Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari
2016 Akshaya Patra Foundation and Sulabh International
2017 Ekal Abhiyan Trust
2018 Sh Yohei Sasakawa
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
The Indian embassy in the US has opened a 24/7 hotline to assist Indian students arrested by the
American authorities for alleged immigration rules violation. As many as 129 Indians are among the 130
foreign students arrested for allegedly enroling at a fake university to remain in the US.
National Film Development Corporation of India has been selected as Winner under the Miniratna
Category (Category II) by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME). This has been
done as part of endeavour by Ministry of MSME to felicitate select CPSEs to recognize their exemplary
work towards promotion of SC/ST entrepreneurs.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated and laid foundation stones for six projects in Haryana,
including a National Cancer Institute (NIC) at Badhsa in Jhajjar district and Shri Krishna Ayush
University at Kurukshetra, in Haryana.
The festival of Basant Panchmi is being celebrated with religious fervour and gaiety. It is celebrated as
Saraswati Puja on Panchmi of Shukla Paksha in Magh Maas. West Bengal celebrates Saraswati Puja
with traditional fervour.
Rajasthan government passed a bill to provide five per cent quota in jobs and educational institutions to
Gurjars and four other communities.
The government introduced the Rajasthan Backward Classes Amendment Bill, 2019, which was passed
by the assembly.
The government has also decided to increase the ceiling of creamy layer from Rs 2.5 lakh to Rs 8 lakh.
The bill seeks to increase the backward classes' reservation from present 21 per cent to 26 per cent.
The Ministry of Labour and Employment had constituted an expert committee on 2017, under the
Chairmanship Dr. Anoop Satpathy to review and recommend methodology for fixation of National
Minimum Wage (NMW).
The Expert Committee has submitted its report on ―Determining the Methodology for Fixation of the
National Minimum Wage‖ to the Government of India.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey, Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare released a
communication material comprising First Aid Module for Community, Handbook on Prevention of
Accidents and Awareness of First Aid, and a documentary film on the occasion of ‗30th Road Safety
Week‘ at a function.
Union Minister of State for Food Processing Industries Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti inaugurated Sikaria Mega
Food Park Pvt Ltd at Village Tulakona in Agartala. This is the first Mega Food Park in the state of
Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu inaugurated an All India Radio FM Station at Nellore in Andhra
Union minister Nitin Gadkari inaugurated and laid foundations of various schemes amounting to 5894
crore rupees in Haridwar. He also inaugurated snan ghat in Chandi ghat and pumping station to stop the
drainage system from polluting the Ganga.
Haryana Finance Minister Capt Abhimanyu presented the 1,32,165.99 crore rupees tax free budget for
2019-20 in the State Assembly. It is 14.73 percent over Budget Estimates and 9.79 percent over revised
estimates of 2018-19.
Over Rs. 46, 000 crore have been allocated to 15 Sustainable Development Goals being implemented
in the state.
Union Home Ministry has announced the hike in Risk and Hardship allowance for Central Armed Police
Forces personnel deployed in Left Wing Extremism states and Jammu and Kashmir. Troop‘s upto the
rank of Inspector will now get Rs. 17,300 as against the existing Rs. 9,700, while the officers will get
Rs. 25,000 as against the existing Rs. 17,300 per month.
The Kolkata Police has decided to install CCTVs at important places to curb various types of crimes and
monitor traffic rules. Around 1 thousand CCTVs will be installed at strategic locations of the city. The
fund for the purpose will be available under the Smart city schemes.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Home Minister Rajnath Singh will inaugurate 29 infrastructure projects both residential and non-
residential buildings of Central Armed Police Forces in New Delhi. These projects have been
constructed at various locations across the country at a total cost of Rs. 1,714.97 crore.
Union Minister of Commerce & Industry and Civil Aviation, Suresh Prabhu, inaugurated National
Institutes of Design (NID) at Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh and Jorhat in Assam through video conference
from New Delhi on 22nd February 2019.
Both institutes are autonomous institutions under Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal
Trade (DPIIT).
In Odisha, Oil Marketing Companies will engage more than 10,000 rural women as 'Ujjwala Didis' to
act as grassroots energy ambassadors across the state to ensure sustainability of LPG use.
Ujjwala Didis will act as a bridge between existing and prospective LPG consumers and the distributors
in the state.
Top police officials of southern states held an inter-state coordination meeting at Ooty in Tamil Nadu.
The officials discussed measures to check inter-state smuggling of liquor and monitor the movement of
illegal arms, explosives and suspects.
Telangana govt announces exgratia of Rs 25 lakh each to families of Pulwama CRPF martyrs
Telangana Government announced an exgratia of 25 lakh rupees each to the families of the
Pulwama CRPF martyrs.
Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari will lay the foundation stones for two
road projects worth Rs. 746 crore in Punjab.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi received the prestigious Seoul Peace Prize - 2018 for his
contribution to international cooperation and fostering global economic growth.
The award was presented to him by the Seoul Peace Prize Foundation at a grand ceremony in
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Civil Aviation Minister Suresh Prabhu released the passenger charter which specifies rights of air
travellers, at an event in New Delhi.
The charter states that if a domestic flight is expected to be delayed by more than six hours, then the
airline will offer an option of alternate flight to the passenger within that time, or it will refund the full
price of the ticket.
The ‗Union Home Minister‘s Medal for Excellence in Investigation‘ for the year 2018 have been
awarded to 101 Police personnel belonging to 25 States/UT/ Central Investigating Agencies.
Petroleum Minister Dhramendra Pradhan gave 34 crore rupees of Indian Oil Corporation for clean
Ganga movement. The government is committed to clean Ganga fully in next 13 months.
In Madhya Pradesh, the Central Zone Power Distribution Company, Bhopal and West Zone Power
Distribution Company, Indore have been awarded the Saubhagya award under Pradhanmantri Sahaj Bijli
Har Ghar Yojana at the National Conference of Energy Ministers. The award included 100 crore rupees
The Central Zone Power Distribution Company, Bhopal is the first power distribution company in the
country which has illuminated more than 7 lakh 85 thousand houses while around Four lakh houses have
been electrified by the West Zone Power Distribution Company, Indore under Pradhanmantri Sahaj Bijli
Har Ghar Yojana - Saubhagya.
Minister of State in Prime Minister's Office, Dr Jitendra Singh presented National e-Governance
Awards, 2019 in New Delhi.
The awards are given every year to recognise and promote excellence in implementation of e-
Governance initiatives.
Tribal Affairs Minister Jual Oram will launch Minimum Support Price for Minor Forest Produce and
Value Addition Component of Van Dhan scheme in New Delhi.
The Ministry also expanded the coverage of the Minimum Support Price for Minor Forest Produce
Scheme to 50 Minor Forest Produce.
The MSP has also been raised between 30 per cent and 40 per cent in case of each of the Commodities.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
The Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize is the most coveted national recognition bestowed upon young
scientists and engineers to honour their research and developmental work in India. It was first instituted
in 1957 to honour the eminent scientist Dr Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar who was also the founder Director
and the chief architect of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR.
President Ram Nath Kovind gave away the prestigious Sangeet Natak Akademi Awards 2017 at
Rashtrapati Bhawan.
Forty-two artists from the fields including Music, Dance, Theatre, Traditional, Folk, and Tribal music
were awarded.
Sena medals
In Udhampur, 92 army men were awarded Sena medals at an investiture ceremony for their gallantry
and distinguised services.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Andhra Pradesh
President Ramnath Kovind will attend the 18th anniversary Celebrations of the Swarna Bharat Trust
(SBT) at Nellore District in Andhra Pradesh.
Swarna Bharat Trust is focussing on rural development and training unemployed youth to make them
self reliant.
Southern Coast Railway will be a new zone of the Indian Railways. This new 18th railway zone of the
country will be headquartered at Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh.
The new zone will comprise the existing Guntakal, Guntur and Vijayawada divisions that currently fall
under the South Central Railway.
The Indian Railways' operations are currently divided into 17 zones, which are further sub-divided into
divisions, each having a divisional headquarter. There are a total of 73 divisions at present. In 2002-
2003, seven new zones and eight new divisions were created.
Arunachal Pradesh
The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone for 7 Extra High Voltage (EHV) Sub-
stations and 24 Low Tension (LT) Sub-stations in Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh. The project is being
implemented by Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (POWERGRID) a ‗Navratna‘ Company
under Ministry of Power, Government of India.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu flagged off the Arunachal leg of the Startup India
Yatra from civil secretariat in Itanagar.
Assam government has given skill development training to 75 thousand youths last year.
Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal had launched the Parents Responsibility and Norms for
Accountability and Monitoring (PRANAM) Commission, a panel set up to look after the issues
concerning a Bill, for protection of parents of state government employees.
The Assam government would ensure that no state government employee can ignore their elderly
parents and unmarried differently abled siblings.
Krishi Kumbh
In Bihar, Governor Lalji Tandon and Union Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh jointly
inaugurated the three -day Krishi Kumbh in Motihari.
Bihar government has announced a universal old age pension scheme - Mukhyamantri Vridhajan
Pension Yojna- MVPY for all people above 60 years of age.
Except those senior citizens who have retired from government service, all will be eligible for 400
rupees monthly pension irrespective of caste, religion or community.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will lay the foundation stone of sewerage infrastructure in four towns of
Bihar as part of Nirmal Ganga Programme. These include Karmalichak (Patna), Barh, Sultanganj and
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
In Bihar, Steel Minister Chaudhary Birender Singh inaugurated SAIL's steel processing unit at Bettia in
West Champaran district. At present, Steel Authority of lndia Ltd (SAIL) manufactures steel pipes at the
unit. One tube mill became operational on January 31, 2019, the second will become operational by
February 28, 2019.
People in the field of media and not getting any other pension will be eligible for Bihar Patrakar
Samman Yojana (BPSY) - a pension of 6,000 rupees for journalists above 60 years of age.
Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari will inaugurate and lay the foundation
stone for projects worth 9,726 crore rupees in Bihar. These include highway projects worth 6,900 crore
Gujarat government has announced an increase in Dearness allowance of more than 9.61 lakh
employees and pensioners by 2 per cent.
Himachal Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh government has decided to amend PG policy on bond money for MBBS doctors who
pursue higher courses.
Centre has sanctioned 173 crore rupees for 58 national highway projects in Himachal Pradesh.
CM Jai Ram Thakur presents budget of over Rs 44,000 crore for 2019-20
Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur presented a budget of over 44,000 crore rupees for
financial year 2019-20 at the State Assembly in Shimla.
The budget is an increase of 7 per cent which is around 3,000 crores more of current financial budget.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Union Minister for Food Processing Industries Smt Harsimrat Kaur Badal today inaugurated Cremica
Mega Food Park Pvt Ltd. The Park is located at Village Singhain Una District of Himachal Pradesh.
This is the first Mega Food Park operationalized in the State of Himachal Pradesh.
Low-intensity earthquake
The Himachal Pradesh Assembly passed a Bill to make Sanskrit the second official language of the
Union Human Resource Minister Prakash Javadekar and Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram
Thakur laid foundation stone of Central University at Dehra in Kangra district.
Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari laid the foundation stone for seven National
Highway projects worth over Rs. 4,400 crore in Himachal Pradesh's Kangra district.
A high-level avalanche warning was issued by Snow & Avalanche Study Establishment, Chandigarh in
Jammu & Kashmir.
Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan inaugurated the Institute of Advanced Virology (IAV) in
Thiruvananthapuram. A first of its kind research institute that is linked to the Global Virus Network
(GVN), it will operate from the Bio 360 Life Sciences Park at Thonnakkal in the capital city.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
In Kerala, the capital city of Thiruvananthapuram is all prepared to host the Attukal Pongala festival
which is considered as one of the world's largest religious gathering of women on a single day. Lakhs of
women will prepare 'Pongala'- the offering in makeshift brick stoves to worship the presiding deity of
Attukal Bhagavathy temple.
Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh government has made it mandatory for all industries to provide seventy percent of the
jobs to locals. The new industrial policy has been made effective.
The Kala Ghoda Arts Festival - KGAF, India‘s largest multi-cultural street festival, is all set to begin
from February 02. Commemorating 20 years of its inception, KGAF 2019 will celebrate two glorious
decades of art and culture through cinema, theatre, dance, literature and sculpture through various spots
on Mumbai‘s map.
The festival will also host exhibition at the historic Jehangir Art Gallery to celebrate the 150th birth
anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and some rich history of Mumbai.
The Maharashtra government has set up a committee to review various schemes being implemented for
the welfare of tribals in the state.
80% percent of the state‟s farmers eligible for PM Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme
Maharashtra Government has informed that about eighty percent of the state‘s farmers will be eligible
for the Centre's Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme.
Maharashtra became the first State to have an Integrated State Water Plan (ISWP), with an aim to ensure
equitable distribution by diverting water from overfed areas to drought-prone regions. Maharashtra first
State to draw up such a policy to ensure equitable distribution of water.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
The Western Railway (WR) announced the launch of two new express trains, one from Mumbai's
suburb of Bandra to Bhusaval in North Maharashtra and the other linking Madhya Pradesh's commercial
hub of Indore to the temple town of Khajuraho.
Maharashtra‘s state election commission has launched a voter awareness campaign to ensure maximum
participation of all eligible voters in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls.
State Election Commission to provide pick-up, drop facility to disabled voters in Lok Sabha polls
In Maharashtra, the state Election Commission has said that it will provide pick -up and drop
facility to disabled voters in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections facilitating persons with
disability (PwD).
New Delhi
President Ram Nath Kovind inaugurated the annual Udyanotsav of the Mughal Gardens of Rashtrapati
The National Green Tribunal hasimposed a penalty of Rs 25 lakh on the Uttar Pradesh government for
its failureto stop discharge of dirty water into Upper Ganga canal.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
The ‗Make in India‘ effort of Indian Railways has culminated into India's first Semi High Speed Train,
"Vande Bharat Express". Vande Bharat Express can run up to a maximum speed of 160 kmph and has
travel classes like Shatabdi Train but with better facilities.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will flag off the maiden run of the train on New Delhi-Kanpur-
Allahabad-Varanasi route train from the New Delhi Railway Station.
India has withdrawn the Most Favoured Nation status granted to Pakistan following the Pulwama terror
attack in Jammu and Kashmir.
A decision in this regard was taken during the meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Security, CCS in
New Delhi.
Home Minister Rajnath Singh will launch Emergency Response Support System (ERSS) in 16 states and
Union territories for women safety from New Delhi.
The states include Andhra Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar
Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Jammu and Kashmir.
Persons in distress can dial a pan-India number : 112.
Under this system, all the states have to set up a dedicated Emergency Response Centre (ERC). A
citizen may Press power button on a smart phone thrice quickly to activate a panic call to ERC.
Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu addressed the Foundation Day Lecture ‗Constitution and Tribes‘, on
the occasion of 15th Foundation Day Celebrations of National Commission for Scheduled Tribes, in
New Delhi.
President Ram Nath Kovind promulgated four Ordinances. Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on
Marriage) Second Ordinance, the Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Second Ordinance, the
Companies (Amendment) Second Ordinance and the Banning of Unregulated Deposit Schemes
Ordinance, 2019.
A Digital India Compendium on Digital Bharat, Saksham Bharat was released by Hon'ble Minister for
Electronics &Information Technology and Law &Justice, Sh. Ravi Shankar Prasad at Stein Auditorium,
India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
The Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh said that waste disposal should be done properly for
which the Municipal corporations will have to play a lead role. He was speaking at the inauguration of
the ―Waste to Wonder‖ Park under the South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC).
Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated to the nation the National War Memorial near India Gate in
New Delhi. The memorial honours about 26 thousand soldiers, who have laid down their lives in the
service of the nation since Independence.
The National War Memorial commemorates the soldiers who participated and made the supreme
sacrifice in Peace Keeping Missions and Counter Insurgency Operations.
The Delhi government presented a 60,000 crore rupee budget for 2019-20 in the Assembly. 26 per cent
of total budget have been earmarked for education.
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, attended the closing ceremony of National Youth Parliament
Festival Awards 2019, at Vigyan Bhawan, in New Delhi.
Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari will lay the foundation stone for three highway
projects worth over two thousand 300 crore rupees in Odisha.
Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik unveiled a 19-foot-high statue of Guru Padmasambhava, the
founder of Tibetan Buddhism, at Jirang in Gajapati district.
The Odisha State Food Commission has again asked the State government to expedite implementation
of the Forest Rights Act, 2006, that would help ensure food and nutritional security to the vulnerable
section of society.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu Government is promoting M-sand for construction works as an alternative to river sand.
In Chennai, a drainage-cleaning robot has been introduced for the first time at the city corporation as
part of efforts to rid of manual scavenging. The robot named Bandicoot has been introduced at a cost of
18 lakh rupees. Drainage cleaning could be detected by viewing the blockages on the screen. The robot
could be taken to any place in the corporation area.
The National Human Rights Commission, NHRC, has issued notice to the government of Tamil Nadu
over reported denial of basic amenities to garment industry workers in the state.
President Ram Nath Kovind unveils 15.2 feet tall statue of Gandhi Ji in Chennai
President Ram Nath Kovind unveiled a 15.2 feet tall statue of Mahatma Gandhi in the premises of
Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha in Chennai. The event was organized in view of 150th year of
Gandhiji and centenary year of the Sabha. The Sabha has been established by Mahatma Gandhi in 1918
in Madras, which is now Chennai.
Uttar Pradesh
Union Minister of State for Railways and Communication Mr Manoj Sinha released a special postage
stamp of the Indian Postal Department on Kumbh Mela. A special first day cover was also released on
the occasion. Its cost is five rupees.
Union Minister for Food Processing Industries Smt Harsimrat Kaur Badal laid foundation stone for M/s
Nandvan Mega Food Park Private Limited located in Badawal, Chhata-Barsana road in Mathura in Uttar
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of Defence Corridor in Jhansi.
Jhansi is one of the six nodal points of the Uttar Pradesh defence corridor.
He also laid the foundation stone of doubling of 425-kilometre long Jhansi-Manikpur and Bhimsen-
Khairar railway lines. He also inaugurated the electrification of 297-kilometre long section of Jhansi -
Khairar section. He also inaugurated Pahari Dam Modernization Project.
Prime Minister flagged off an 1st ever indigenously developed electric locomotive converted from a
diesel engine at the Diesel Locomotives Works (DLW).
Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari will inaugurate and lay the foundation
stones for 510 km length of National Highway works amounting to 5094 crore in Moradabad, Meerut
and Baghpat districts of Uttar Pradesh.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has announced phenomenal increase in the wages of Anganwadi
workers (1500 rupees/monthly), Mini Anganwadi workers (1250 rupees/monthly), Sahayikas (750
rupees/monthly) and Prantiya Raksha Dal (125 rupees/daily) members.
The President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, inaugurated the Apollomedics Super Speciality Hospital
in Lucknow. The President emphasised the importance of quality and affordable healthcare in the
country, and particularly in Uttar Pradesh.
AYUSH Minister Shripad Yesso Naik will lay foundation stone of National Institute of Unani Medicine,
NIUM at Ghaziabad. Once established, the 200-bedded hospital will be one of the largest institutes of
Unani Medicine in North India.
West Bengal
The Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated to the nation Railway electrification of 294- km-long
Andal- Sainthia-Pakur-Malda and Khana- Sainthia Sections in West Bengal.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Washington has imposed visa restrictions on Ghana following a row over the deportation of Ghanaians
staying illegally in the United States. Some 7,000 Ghanaians are living illegally in the United States.
Thousands of Iranians gathered at the mausoleum of the Islamic republic's founder Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini in Tehran to launch celebrations for the 40th anniversary of Iranian revolution.
UNSC adopts resolution to extend sanctions against CAR for another year
The United Nations Security Council has adopted a resolution to extend sanctions against the Central
African Republic (CAR) for another year.
In Sri Lanka, the United National party (UNP) led by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremsinghe has brought
a resolution in parliament for formation of a national government.
Germany, France and the UK have set up a payment channel with Iran called INSTEX, to help continue
trade and circumvent US sanctions.
While, the new institution, called INSTEX is a project of the three governments, it will receive the
formal endorsement of all 28 EU members.
China has agreed to make key concessions to expand American imports in agriculture, energy,
manufacturing and services, the main demands of US President Donald Trump.
China to provide USD 2.5 bn loan to Pak to boost foreign cash reserves
China will provide 2.5 billion dollars (USD) loans to Pakistan to boost the foreign exchange reserves of
its "all-weather ally". Pakistan is currently seeing depleted foreign cash reserves and mounting external
debt. The country's USD 8.12 billion reserves are below the minimum level that the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) prescribe.
Nearly 20 European Union countries have endorsed Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido as the
country's interim President.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
US announces withdrawal from key Cold War nuclear arms treaty with Russia
US President Donald Trump announced that the US will withdraw from the Intermediate Range Nuclear
Forces (INF) treaty with Russia, alleging that Kremlin violated the Cold War-era pact.
The INF treaty, signed in 1987 by then US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail
Gorbachev, prohibited the development and deployment of ground-launched nuclear missiles with
ranges of 500-5,500 kilometers.
Sri Lanka celebrated its 71st Independence day with usual fanfare and enthusiasm. Maldives President
Ibrahim Mohamed Solih was the guest of honour at the main function held in Colombo.
Pope Francis landed in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), on a historic visit, becoming the
first pontiff to visit the Arabian peninsula.
Israel says it has begun construction of massive new Gaza border barrier
Israel said it has begun construction of a massive new Gaza border barrier.
“Church of Saint Francis” & „Mosque of Grand Imam Ahmad Al-Tayyeb‟ in Abu Dhabi
UAE leaders announced the construction of the ―Church of Saint Francis‖ and ‗Mosque of Grand Imam
Ahmad Al-Tayyeb‘ in Abu Dhabi in honour of the two religious leaders.
The Iranian Judiciary Chief Amoli Larijani said 50,000 convicts will receive pardons from Leader
Ayatollah Khamenei on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution.
The Taliban demanded a new Constitution for Afghanistan and promised an ―inclusive Islamic system‖
to govern the war-torn country at a rare gathering with senior Afghan politicians in Russia that excluded
the Kabul government.
President Donald Trump has nominated senior Treasury official David Malpass as the next chief of the
World Bank.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Macedonia signed an accord to join NATO to become the 30th member of the US-led alliance. The
Macedonia-NATO accord follows a deal with Greece ending a 27-year-old dispute over Macedonia's
name. The accord must now be ratified by allied governments.
The Philippines has said it will soon impose stricter requirements and procedures in issuing work
permits to foreign nationals who intend to work in the country.
Sri Lankan parliament will take up for debate the proposal to form a national government followed by
The United States has called on all sides in Nigeria including the military to ensure that next week's
election is "free from outside pressure and intimidation."
US: Bills introduced in House and Senate to remove per-country green card limits
Powerful lawmakers in the US House of Representatives and the Senate have introduced identical
legislations, which if passed would end per-country green card limit and benefit Indian professionals
waiting to gain permanent legal residency in the country.
The Act alters the per-country limits for employment-based immigrants so that all are treated equally
regardless of their country of birth.
The Red Cross called for a total ban on nuclear weapons, warning of the growing risk that such arms
could again be used with devastating effect. The International Committee of the Red Cross and the
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies launched a global campaign to raise
awareness about the rising nuclear threat facing the world.
The campaign aims to encourage people to lobby their governments to sign and ratify the UN Treaty on
the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which has so far been signed by 70 nations and ratified by 21.
In the United States, Minnesota Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar has announced that she will contest
for president in the forthcoming Presidential election in 2020.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Poland will buy mobile rocket launchers worth 414 million US Dollar from the United States, as
Warsaw seeks closer ties with Washington amid concerns over a resurgent Russia.
US President signs executive order to prioritize research & development in Artificial Intelligence
US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order directing federal agencies to prioritize
research and development in Artificial Intelligence (AI). The plan, called the American AI Initiative,
follows big investment pledges from China and other countries intended to advance and apply AI
technology in fields ranging from warfighting to health care.
European Union members of the UN Security Council have asked for humanitarian access to eastern
Ukraine's areas held by separatists.
Australian legislators have passed a landmark bill making it easier for asylum seekers, being held on
remote Pacific islands, to get medical treatment in the country.
Egypt's Parliament has begun deliberations over constitutional amendments that could allow President
Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi to stay in office till 2034. The amendments will provide 12 more years after his
current, second term expires in 2022.
The Taliban has said it will meet top US and Pakistani officials including Prime Minister Imran Khan in
Islamabad as part of the ongoing Afghan peace talks.
The US House has passed a measure aimed at withdrawing all US military support for the Saudi Arabia-
backed war in Yemen.
In Nigeria, the government has ordered the closure of all land borders to ensure a smooth presidential
election to be held.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Countries from across the globe have condemned the terror attack at Pulwama in Jammu and Kashmir,
with US, Russia and France asserting that they stand with India in combating the menace of terrorism.
Iran has launched a new locally-made submarine capable of firing cruise missiles. Fateh, Persian for
'conqueror', is Iran's first in the semi-heavy category.
Yemen's government and Houthi rebels have agreed on phase one of a mutual pullback of forces from
the key city of Hodeidah. UN officials said, the deal on the first phase has been finalised and they have
agreed in principle for the second phase.
Afghanistan has lodged a strong complaint with the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) against
Pakistan for its engagement with the Taliban.
A US military hospital funded by the United Arab Emirates will be built in Abu Dhabi to treat Emirati
soldiers and regionally based American troops. The US has a number of military bases across the Gulf -
the largest in Qatar with about ten thousand troops.
The UAE is a key regional ally of the United States and maintains close ties with the adminstration of
President Donald Trump.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron have agreed to
continue coordination of the two countries in order to facilitate the peace settlement in Syria.
Myanmar set up a committee to discuss reforming the country's military-drafted constitution. Myanmar
parliament voted to form a cross-party committee to debate reforms of the charter.
Sri Lanka's 150 students from all 25 districts were awarded the prestigious Mahatma Gandhi
scholarships for study in India. This is the twelfth year in continuum that India has provided Mahatma
Gandhi scholarships to bright students across Sri Lanka.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
In Australia, Government has announced a two-year ban on the entry of its citizens who fought for
Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and now want to return following the fall of the terror group there. The
Australian government has introduced a bill to amend the law in the Federal parliament in this regard.
'Festival of India'
In Nepal, a month-long 'Festival of India' began in Kathmandu to familiarise the new generation of the
country about the similarities between the two countries. Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil
Aviation Rabindra Adhikari and Indian Ambassador to Nepal Manjeev Singh Puri jointly inaugurated
the event.
US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order to establish its Space Force as a new armed
service within the Department of Air Force. The Space Force will include both combat and combat
support functions to enable prompt and sustained offensive and defensive space operations in all
Saudi Arabia will invest 100 billion dollars in India in range of areas including energy, refining,
petrochemicals, infrastructure, agriculture and manufacturing.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched India Korea startup hub in Seoul. PM said, his government has
introduced flagship program Start-up India with 1.4 billion dollars fund for four years to create a startup
eco-system in India.
Russia has warned the US against deploying new missiles in Europe, threatening to retaliate in kind by
targeting Western capitals with his own new weaponry.
An earthquake measuring 5.8 on the Richter scale struck Japan's northern island of Hokkaido.
UNSC urges international community to actively co-operate with India in dealing with terrorism
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has urged the international community to co-operate
actively with India in bringing the perpetrators, organizers, financiers and sponsors of terrorism to
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Sri Lanka launches economic development framework for war-affected Northern Province
Sri Lankan government launched an economic development framework for war-affected Northern
Province to ensure its long-term growth and development. The framework accepts that the outcomes of
post-war development programmes have been inadequate, particularly lack of viable employment and
incomes for local population.
Pakistan government says it has taken over the administrative control of terror outfit Jaish-e-Mohammad
(JeM) headquarters in Bahawalpur. The JeM claimed the responsibility for Pulwama terror attack that
killed 40 CRPF personnel in Jammu and Kashmir.
The move came after the United Nations Security Council strongly condemned February 14 terror
Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir has declared a year-long state of emergency, dissolving his cabinet
and local governments throughout the country.
European Union (EU) has affirmed that it is strongly beside India on combating terrorism and there were
no differences between them on the issue.
International terror financing watchdog, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has decided to keep
Pakistan on its grey list at the end of its week-long plenary meeting in Paris.
The FATF has asked Pakistan to swiftly complete its action plan that includes showing sanctions were
being applied in cases of money laundering and terrorism financing.
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has extended the deadline for Iran to fix its anti-money
laundering and terrorism financing rules till June 2019.
The European Union (EU) urged nations to avoid any military intervention in Venezuela.
US President Donald Trump has said he will extend a deadline to escalate tariffs on Chinese imports that
were scheduled to go into effect from March 1.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
In Cuba, voters took part in a referendum on a new constitution that expands recognition of private
property.The referendum contained only two options: yes or no to the new constitution.
The new constitution, replacing the 1976 version, recognises a limited role for the free market and
private investment, but only under the control of the Communist Party.
It enshrines socialism as the country's only ideology.
The US House of Representatives has voted to revoke President Donald Trump's emergency declaration
over building the US-Mexico border wall.
In Japan, a ceremony was held in Tokyo to celebrate 30 years of Emperor Akihito's reign, with the
attendance of the Imperial couple. Emperor Akihito is schedule to abdicate on April 30.
Crown Prince Naruhito's accession is set on May 1.
The US, the UK and France have moved a fresh proposal in the UN Security Council (UNSC) to
designate Pakistan-based terror group JeM's chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist. The listing will
subject him to global travel ban, asset freeze and arms embargo.
United States firmly asked Pakistan to take meaningful action against terrorist groups operating on its
soil and underscored the importance of avoiding escalation at any cost after India targeted terrorist camp
in Pakistan.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
13. Sports
ISSF World Cup
Other Sports
1st female cricketer to play 200 ODIs
India captain Mithali Raj became the first female cricketer to play 200 ODIs, adding another
achievement to her illustrious career.
India beat New Zealand by 35 runs in the fifth and the final ODI to win five-match series 4-1.
Ranji Trophy
Vidharbha lifted the Ranji Trophy for the second time in a row, defeating Saurashtra by 78 runs at
Rohit with 2,288 runs, overtook Martin Guptill, who has 2,272 runs, to become the leading run-scorer in
the shortest format of the game. Rohit Sharma now also holds the record for most fifty-plus scores in
T20s. His fifty in the second T20 helped him go past Virat Kohli, who has 19.
West Indian batsman Chris Gayle has announced that he will retire from One-day Internationals after the
forthcoming World Cup.
Ranji champions Vidarbha beat Rest of India in Nagpur to retain the Irani Cup. Vidarbha has now
become the third team after Mumbai and Karnataka to clinch two Irani Cup titles in a row.
New Zealand has clinched the 3-match ODI series against Bangladesh 3-0.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
The role of the ombudsman would be to resolve the disputes relating to the players within the
state cricket associations as also financial issues.
The IPL will not have an opening ceremony this year after the Committee of Administrators (CoA)
running Indian cricket decided to allocate the money to the families of the CRPF personnel killed in the
Pulwama terror attack.
Sri Lanka beat South Africa in the second and final test and won the series 2-0. Sri Lanka becomes the
first team from Asia to win a Test series in South Africa.
Former Sri Lanka Cricket captain Sanath Jayasuriya has been banned from cricket for two years. The
charges include refusal to cooperate with an Anti Corruption Unit (ACU) investigation, obstructing or
delaying the investigation, including concealing, tampering with or destroying any documentation or
other relevant information.
In Chess, Indian Grandmaster Abhijeet Gupta lifted the Cannes International Open trophy.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
India defeated Thailand 2 - 1 in the world play off Asia Oceania group one of Federation Cup Tennis
tournament in Astana.
Italy beat India 3-1 to storm into the first-ever Davis Cup World finals.
Prajnesh Gunneswaran has made it to the top-100 of Men‘s Singles Tennis rankings with a jump of six
places that took him to 97.
India's top doubles pair Rohan Bopanna and Divij Sharan entered the semi-finals of Sofia Open Tennis
in Bulgaria.
Sofia Open is a men's ATP World Tour 250 series tournament played on indoor hard courts in Bulgaria.
Top seed and world number three Simona Halep will face Belgian Elise Mertens in the finals of the
Qatar Total Open at Doha.
Halep is bidding to become the fourth two-time champion in Doha following Anastasia Myskina, Maria
Sharapova and Victoria Azarenka.
The Romanian would secure her 200th career main draw win by lifting the title.Belgium's Elise Mertens
has claimed the biggest title of her career by beating top seed Simona Halep 3-6, 6-4, 6-3 to win the
Qatar Open.
Saina Nehwal won her fourth title at the Yonex-Sunrise 83rd Senior Nationals, defeating P.V.Sindhu
convincingly 21-18, 21-15 in Guwahati.
Sourabh Verma completed a hat-trick of titles, claiming the men's singles crown after defeating young
Lakshya Sen in straight games of 21-18, 21-13.
The pair of Pranaav Jerry Chopra and Chirag Shetty clinched the Men's Doubles title.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Sports Minister Rajyavardhan Rathore will inaugurate the International Shooting Sports Federation
(ISSF) World Cup in New Delhi. Various events in the world cup will start from February 23rd and end
on the 27th.
In shooting, Hungary's Veronika Major won a gold medal in 10-metre air pistol event at the ongoing
ISSF World Cup in New Delhi.
Apurvi Chandela has won the gold medal in the women's 10-metre air rifle event at the Dr Karni Singh
Shooting Range in New Delhi. This is India's first medal of the ISSF World Cup 2019. She set a new
world record by registering a score of 252.9 points in the final.
Saurabh Chaudhary and Manu Bhaker claimed a gold medal for India in 10-metre air pistol mixed team
event at the ISSF World Cup in New Delhi.
Other Sports
The government increased the sports budget by over 214 crore rupees for the next financial year,
including a hike in funds for the Sports Authority of India (SAI) and incentives for sportspersons.
The overall sports budget for 2019-2020 was increased from 2002 crore rupees to 2216.
Saikhom Mirabai Chanu notched up a gold medal at the EGAT Cup in Thailand.
Chanu won the 49kg category gold with an effort of 192 kg in the silver level Olympic qualifying event.
Jeremy Lalrinnunga clinched silver in men's 67-kilogram category, fetching India's second medal in the
EGAT's Cup International Weightlifting Championships in Thailand.
India lost to Uzbekistan 0-1 in their opening match of the Turkish Women's Cup football in Alanya,
9th Senior Women's Hockey National Championship will kick off in Hisar, Haryana.
The International Paralympics Committee (IPC) said that it will conditionally readmit Russia by next
month, lifting a suspension imposed over a doping scandal.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
John Morris Ajax Fire Engine on Belsize Chassis (1914) of Pre-world war-I vintage has participated in
the Statesman 53rd edition Vintage car rally and has been awarded with Statesman Challenger Trophy.
Myanmar and Nepal will meet in the summit clash of the Women's Hero Gold Cup 2019 Football
tournament at Bhubaneswar. This became evident after Myanmar defeated India 2-0 in the last Round
Robin match and Nepal beat Iran 3-0 in the other match to enter the finals.
Nikhat Zareen (51kg category) and Meena Kumari Devi (54kg category) became the first Indian women
boxers to win gold medals at the Strandja Memorial Tournament in Sofia, Bulgaria. Manju Rani won
silver medal in the (48kg). Pwilao Basumatari (64kg), Neeraj (60kg) and Lovlina Borgohain (69kg) had
settled for bronze medals.
At the Makran Cup underway at Chabahar in Iran, Commonwealth Games silver-medallist Manish
Kaushik (60 kg), former national champion Duryodhan Singh Negi (69 kg) and Rohit Tokas (64 kg)
made their way into the semi-finals.
Kolkata Marathon
Anjali Saraogi retained her title in the IDBI Federal Life Insurance Kolkata Marathon with career-best
timing. Tlanding Wahlang won the men's full marathon.
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Monthly Current Affairs – February 2019
Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
North East
North East (Mizoram, Manipur,
Nagaland, Meghalaya,Sikkim, Tripura)
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