June 2021
June 2021
June 2021
S . No Topics P age No
1 Important Days 2
8 Important Appointments 76
10 Important MOU’s 92
Important Days
Dat e Day Theme/Others
June 1 Global Parents Day or Parents Day Appreciate all parents throughout the
Assembly in 2012)
June 1 World Milk Day (established by the FAO; Sustainability in the dairy sector
Day) 2014
June 3 International World Bicycle Day In April 2018, the United Nations
Victims of Aggression
is Pakistan)
The purpose
June 5 International Day for the Fight Against UN General Assembly declared the
June 6 World Pest Day The first World Pest Day was marked
in 2017
June 7 World Food Safety Day Safe food today for a healthy
June 12 World Day Against Child Labour Act now: End child labour
(launched in 2002)
June 14 World Blood Donor Day (It was Give blood and keep
GWEC. (Denmark
and Drought
Post-Pandemic World
June 19 International Day for the Elimination of Orange the World: Fund, Respond,
June 19 World Sickle Cell Awareness Day Shine the Light on Sickle Cell
June 19 World Sauntering Day The best remedy for a short temper is
a long walk
June 20 World Refugee Day (It was first Together we heal, learn and shine
in hydrography
June 23 International Olympic Day (It was first Stay healthy, stay strong, stay active
June 23 United Nations Public Service Day Innovating the Future Public Service:
June 26 International Day Against Drug Abuse 'Share Facts On Drugs, Save Lives
June 27 Micro, Small and Medium-sized MSME 2021: key to an inclusive and
(Marks the day of the establishment of the United Nations General Assembly
● The RB I stated it has c anc elled the licence of S hivajirao B hosale S ahakari Bank , Pune as the lender does n ot h a v e
● RBI mentioned, Shivajirao Bhosale Sahakari Bank has more than 98% of the depositors will receiv e f ull a m oun t of
t heir deposits f rom the Deposit I nsurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC)
● The RBI Stated the bank does not have adequate capital and earning prospects and as such, it does not comply with
● Res erve Bank of India (RBI) announced its bi-monthly monetary policy review as RB I Governor S hakt ika nt a D a s in
● RBI has projected I ndia’s GDP growth at 9. 5 per cent for the ongoing Financial Year of 2021-2022.
● RBI has kept repo rate unchanged at 4 per c ent, sixth time in a row.
● The RBI rev erse repo rate or RBI’s borrowing rate also remains unchanged at 3. 35 percent.
● RBI has also maintained an accommodative monetary policy stance to support growth and kept inflation at targeted
● The Res erve B ank of I ndia (RBI) has extended the bank license of the Rupee Cooperative Bank f or anot her t h r e e
mont hs until A ugust 31, 2021.
● As of March 2021, the bank has received a total of 263. 93 crore rupees and increased transactions.
● By March 2021, the bank had paid 366.54 crore to 92, 602 depositors under the hardship plan.
● The bank announced in a statement that there were no negative comments in the context of the audit or RBI’s annual
● Rupee Cooperative Bank that the proposed merger with Maharashtra Cooperative Bank (MSC Bank) is awaiting RBI.
● The RB I imposed a penalty aggregating to Rs 6 crore on Bank of India and Punjab National Bank f or c ontravention of
● A penalty of Rs 4 c rore has been imposed on B ank of I ndia and Rs 2 c rore on Punjab National Bank.
● RBI stated the statutory I ns pection for S upervisory E valuation (lSE) of Bank of India was conducted with reference t o
● The bank had also conducted a review and submitted a Fraud Monit oring Report (FMR) dated January 1, 2019
● Examination of the risk assessment report pertaining to the ISE and the FMR revealed non -compliance
with/contravention of directions, viz., breach of stipulated transaction limits; delay in transfer of unclaimed balances to
DEA Fund; delay in reporting a fraud to RBI and sale of a fraudulent asset.
● The Res erve B ank of I ndia (RBI) on J une 10 rais ed t he i n t erc h an ge f ee o n e a c h f in anc ia l t r ans ac t ion at an
● The bank noted that the last change in interchange fee structure for ATM transactions was in A ugus t 2012, while the
● The RBI has decided to allow an increase in interchange fee per transaction from Rs 15 t o Rs 17 for financial
● The Res erve B ank of I ndia stated the scope of B harat Bill P ayment S ystem (BBPS) will be expanded by A ugus t 31
this year by adding ' mobile prepaid recharges' as a biller category, a move likely t o help millio ns o f p re paid p ho ne
s ubscribers in t he country.
A bout BBPS:
● B B P S is an integrated bill payment system that offers interoperable bill payment service to customers online as well
● The s ystem will provide multiple payment modes and instant confirmation of payment.
● BBPS functions under the aegis of the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI).
● In S ept ember 2019, the scope and coverage of BBPS were expanded to include all categories of billers which raise
recurring bills (except mobile prepaid recharges) as eligible participants, on a voluntary basis.
● Before that, the facility of payment of recurring bills through BBPS was available only in five segments -- direct to
● The RB I imposed penalties of Rs 23 lakh on t hree cooperative banks, inc luding M o g a v e er a C o -o pe rat iv e B ank
● A penalty of Rs 12 lak h has been imposed on Mogaveera Co-operative Bank Limited, Rs 10 lak h on Indapur Urban
Cooperative Bank, and Rs 1 lak h on The Baramati Sahakari Bank Limited, Baramati.
● Regarding Mogaveera Co-operative Bank, the RBI stated the inspection report of the bank, based on its financial
position as on March 31, 2019, revealed that it had not f ully t rans f erred unclaimed deposits to Depositor Education
and Awareness (DEA) Fund and had not conducted annual review of inoperative accounts.
● On I ndapur Urban Cooperative Bank, the RBI stated inspection report of the bank, based on its financial pos it ion as
on March 31, 2019, revealed that it had not adhered to the aggregate ceiling on unsecured advances, and did not
● Inspection report of B aramat i S ahak ari B ank revealed the bank had exceeded prudential inter-bank (single bank)
exposure limit.
● In each case, the RBI added that the penalty was impos ed due to deficiencies in regulatory compliance, and is not
intended to pronounce upon the validity of any transaction or agreement entered into by the bank with its customers.
● The S t ate Bank of India (SBI) has launched a c ollateral-free unique loan offering – ‘Kavach P ersonal Loan’.
● Under this scheme, the bank will prov ide loans up to Rs 5 lakh at an effective int erest rate of 8.5 per cent per an num
f or 5 y ears.
● The bank is also offering a three months moratorium which is included in the 60 months.
● Also, the bank is providing reimbursement of expenses already incurred for Covid related medical expenses under
the scheme.
● Dines h K hara, Chairman , SBI, mentioned that the product is being offered under the collateral-free personal loan
● S t ate B ank of I ndia (SBI), the c ountry's largest lender, launched a new healthcare business loan ' A arogyam' on J une
24, in order to prov ide greater support to the healthcare sector amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
● The new loan product is specially designed to support the healthcare ecosystem of the country.
● Under this scheme, the new loans can be availed by way of term loan, cash credit, bank guarantee, or
letter of credit.
● The loan amount under A arogyam ranges from a minimum s um of Rs 10 lakh to a maximum of Rs.100 c ro re - bot h
for the expansion and the setting up of the new facility, and is repayable in 10 y ears.
● The Y amuna I nternational Airport Pvt Ltd (YIAPL) has received the f inal c redit sanction for Rs 3 7 25 c r or e f rom t he
S t ate B ank of I ndia (SBI) for the development of Noida International Airport (NIA).
● The funding is a crucial milestone for the project as it validates the financial viability of the projec t while also outlining
the next steps for the establishment of the Noida I nternational A irport.
● The entire loan of I NR 3725 crore has been underwritten by S B I on a door-to-door loan tenor of 20 y ears.
● We look forward to working closely with SBI to develop NIA as a world-class airport in I ndia.
World Bank
● Two years after sanctioning an assistance of US D 250 million for the f irst phase of the Rebuild Kerala Initiative (RKI),
the World Bank approved USD 125million assistance for the second phase.
● A meeting of directors of the Bank held in Washington approved the project proposal from the state government and
● The loan will be under the Programme-for-Results financing scheme, which means the amount will be sanctioned for
● With the World Bank clearance for the project, the route is als o c lear for the USD 125 million loan from t he A s ian
● The aim of the Rebuild K erala Initiative is to incorporate disaster risk planning in the master plans of urban and loc al
self-governments and to help make the health, water resources management, agriculture, and works departments
I ndia and WB s ign $32 million loan agreement f or Mizoram healthcare project
● The Gov ernment of India, Government of Mizoram and the World B ank have signed a $32 million M i z or am H e a lth
S y s t ems S t rengt hening P rojec t to improve management capacity and quality of health services in Mizoram,
particularly for the benefit of under-served areas and vulnerable groups.
● The project will strengthen the governance and the management structure of the Department of Healt h a nd Fa mily
Welf are (DoHFW) and its subsidiaries, improve the quality and coverage of services delivered by the state
government health systems, and invest in a comprehensive Quality Assurance program which would enable quality
● A k ey f ocus will be to strengthen the effectiveness of the s t ate health insurance programme ; build synergies wit h t he
Government of India’s P radhan Mant ri J an A rogy a Y ojna (P MJ A Y ); and thereby reduc e f inanc ial barriers in
accessing hospital services, prevent catastrophic out of pocket expenditure for health by poor families and expand
● The Mizoram Health Systems Strengthening P roject will benefit the people across all eight districts of the state.
● It will also benefit health sector staff, specifically at the secondary and primary levels, by strengthening their planning
and management capacity along with building their clinical skills and competencies.
World Bank sanctioned US D 500 million program t o help boost I ndia’s MSME s ector
● The World Bank has approved a US D 500 million program t o help boost I ndia's MSME s ector.
● Out of some 58 million MSMEs in the country, more than 40 per cent lack access to formal sources of finance.
● The US D 500 million Raising and Accelerating Mic ro, Small and Medium E nterprise (MSME) P erf o rma nc e (RA MP )
Program is the World Bank's second intervention in this sector, the first being the USD 750 million MS ME E mergency
Res pons e P rogram , approved in J uly 2020 to address the immediate liquidity and credit needs of millions of viable
● The A s ian Development B ank and the Gov ernment of India has signed a $2. 5 million pr ojec t r e adin es s f ina nc ing
(P RF) loan to support project preparation and design activities to upgrade major district roads in Sikkim that will help
improve connectivity to important towns, rural areas, and pilgrimage and tourist destinations in the northeastern
● The signatories to the PRF for the proposed Sikkim Major District Road Upgradation Project were Rajat Kumar
Mishra, Additional Secretary, and Department of Economic Affairs in the Ministry of Finance, who signed for the
Government of India, and Mr. Takeo Konishi, Country Director of ADB’s India Resident Mission who signed for ADB.
A DB approves USD 484 million loan with GoI t o upgrade road network in Tamil Nadu
● The A s ian Development B ank (ADB) stated, it has approved a US D 484-million loan to improve transport connectivity
and road maintenance in the Chennai-Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor (CKIC) in Tamil Nadu.
● The CK I C is part of India's E ast Coast E conomic Corridor , which s t retches f rom Wes t B e ng al t o T amil N a du a nd
● The project will upgrade about 590 k m of state highways in the CKIC influence areas.
● Climate change adaptation measures will be incorporated in the highway upgrades, including improved drainage,
raised road embankments in critical sections, and resizing of bridges and culverts.
● The project will strengthen road safety improvement programmes through advanced technologies for road monitoring
and enforcement.
● In addition, t he projec t will s upport improv ed planning c apac it y of Tamil Nadu' s highway s and minor ports
● HDFC B ank mentioned it has installed mobile A TMs ac ros s 50 c it ies in I ndia , which can be used for ov er 15
t ransactions by customers.
● The bank stated Thes e A TMs have been deployed in various metros and non-metros in view of the restrictions
imposed by Covid-19.
● Customers can conduct over 15 t y pes of t rans ac t ions us ing t he Mobile A TM , which will be operational at each
I CI CI B ank became the 1 st in Asi-Pacific, 2nd Globally to offer ‘SWIFT gpi Instant’ Facility
● I CI CI B ank announced that it has tied up with S WI FT to offer a facility that helps overseas partner banks to send
● This makes I CI CI B ank t he first bank in Asia-Pacific and the second globally to offer the facilit y , c alled ‘ S W I FT g pi
● Personal remittances of up to `2 lak h s ent t hrough ‘SWIFT gpi Instant’ are processed instantly and credit ed int o t he
beneficiary account held with any bank* in India, via the IMPS network.
● Private life insurer B hart i A X A Lif e I ns uranc e has entered into a bancassurance partnership with Shivalik Small
Finance Bank for the distribution of its life insurance products through the bank's pan-India network of branches.
● Bharti AXA Life Insurance will offer its suite of life insurance products, including protection, health, savings and
investment plans, to customers of Shivalik Small Finance Bank across its 31 branches and digit al net work ac ros s
t he c ountry.
● Federal B ank has launched a NR s av ings account scheme for the S eafarer segment.
● This scheme is curated and crafted for the mariners and offers services clubbed with digit al bank ing plat f orms that
allow the mariners to execute banking transactions without being affected by the geo coordinates and time zone
● The Nat ional Bank for A griculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has sanctioned R s 2 5 4 c ro re t o s et up t w o
mega piped drinking water supply projects in Odisha under the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF).
● The t wo mega projec t s will come up in the Puri district (covering Brahmagiri and Kru shnaprasad block) and the
● These projects are expected to bring clean and safe drinking water to an 8.78 lakh rural population across 1.37 lakh
● The projects will contribute to achieving the goal of providing drinking water to the rural population by 2022.
● I ndian B ank has partnered with the leading wealth-tech company Fisdom to offer a comprehens iv e s uit e of wealt h
● Fis dom’s role encompasses the entire wealth management journey from origination to fulfilme nt and t he pos t -s ale
● The partnership will focus on enabling large-scale facilitation and distribution of wealth products and services through
Indian Bank’s network of 6, 000 branc hes and its digital properties including the mobile banking application and
● Tanla P lat f orms rose 2.39% to Rs 840 after the company said its subsidiary K arix Mobile has deployed a
● Using the solution, Axis Bank customers can now start a WhatsApp chat with the bank to conduct frequent banking
activities on-the-go.
● All communication on the WhatsApp account is encrypted end-to-end and all sensitive information is safe and
● The ac hievement is significant as the bank had made the platform available for all only five months ago.
● I CI CI bank was the first to introduce a mobile banking app in the country in 2008, called ‘iMobile’.
● The Bank has transformed the app and renamed it ‘iMobile P ay ’ f iv e mont hs ago to offer interoperability so that
anyone, inc luding customers of other banks, can experience the benefits of hassle-free payments and digital bank ing
● Customers of any bank can start using ‘iMobile Pay’ by linking their bank account with the app and generating a UPI
● To privatize t wo s tate-run banks as unveiled by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in her Union B udget s peec h
2021, the Narendra Modi government may soon finalize plans to s ell Cent re' s s t ak e in Cent ral B ank of I ndia and
● This is part of the Government's mega privatization initiative which also includes sale of other state -run companies
like BPCL.
● NITI Aayog has submitted the names of two public sector banks (PSBs) and one public sector general insurer, which
can be sold off under the gov ernment’s new privatization policy, to the Core Group of Secretaries on Disinvestment.
P ay Nearby tie-up with IndiaFirst Life Insurance Launched– ‘Poorna Suraksha’ Insurance solutions for Retailers
● P ay Nearby has launched an insurance solution ‘P oorna Suraksha’ for its retail community.
● This exclusive and holistic insurance solution will ensure the safety and security of P ay Nearby ’s 15+ lak h ret ail
● This cost-effective, three-in-one solution was created in collaboration with IndiaFirst Life Insurance Company Limited
(IndiaFirst Life) to protect PayNearby's retailers throughout the COV I D-19 pandemic and beyond, ensuring they have
● P ay Nearby ' s P oorna S urak s ha insurance echoes this philosophy by providing coverage for all areas of insurance -
B ank of Maharashtra top performer PSU bank in terms of loan, deposit growth
● S t ate-owned B ank of Maharashtra (BoM) has emerged as the t op performer among public sector lenders in terms of
● The lender recorded 13. 45 per c ent increase in gross advances at Rs 1.07 lakh crore in 2020-21.
● It was followed by P unjab & S ind B ank which posted 8.39 per cent growth in advances with aggregate loans at Rs
● When it came to deposit mobilization, BoM with nearly 16 per cent growth was ahead of even the country's largest
lender State Bank of India, which recorded 13.56 per cent rise.
● HDFC Mutual Fund has announced the launch of HDFC B anking and Financial S erv ic es F un d , a n e w f u nd o f fe r
(NFO) for retail investors.
● The new fund aims to invest in banking and financial services sector across segments and mark et c apit aliz at ion
including, banking, broking, asset management, wealth management, insurance, non-banking financial companies
(NBFC), and other companies that may be engaged in providing financial services.
● The f und will inv es t in c ompanies which are leaders and/or are gaining market shares due to superior execution,
● The fund will also focus on opportunities in new listings including pre-I P O part ic ipat ion in lending, insurance, capital
market businesses and fintechs.
● Federal B ank has expanded its c ollaborat ion wit h Orac le and I nf os y s to provide improved customer experience
● The collaboration will focus on creating an integrated Cus t omer Relat ions hip Management (CRM) solution across
marketing, sales, customer service, and social listening to improve Federal Bank’s ope rations, and to deliver
● Federal Bank will launch a 360degree v iew of the customer portfolio in a single application for its users, to achieve a
● A mbuja Cement Foundation has joined hands with Nat ional B ank f or A griculture and Rural Development (NAB AR D )
for implementation of its employability through skill initiative project’s second phase.
● The foundation received grant assistance from NABARD under the Gramy a V ik as Nidhi , a fund created for the
● The project will provide skill training across 19 locations for two years in 12 trades. It has already reached over 4,000
● "E s t ablis hed in 1993, Ambuja Cement Foundation is a grassroots pan-India implementing organization that
harnesses t he power of partnerships –between communities, Government and other lik e - mind ed c or po rat es a n d
● Offer modular s k ill training opportunities t o rural y ouths that applies to farmers and farm-women, depending on t heir
local needs.
● Create a team of skilled human resources to perform both farm and non-farm operations.
● The main aim of t his c ollaborat ion is to build a vast presence of the bank for connecting with customers in these
● The part ners hip, it added, will foster holistic customer experience across all organic channels, like the website, app,
email, text message, social media and branches to drive business growth.
instead of paying the annual premium upfront to make health insurance affordable.
● Navi General Insurance is a wholly owned s ubsidiary of S achin Bansal-led Navi Technologies.
● The insurance policies can be purchased at EMIs starting as low as INR 240 per month.
● Navi offers health insurance cover ranging from INR 2 Lakh to INR 1 Cr for individuals and families.
● The company claims that it has a claim settlement ratio of 97.3% and a network of 10,000+ cashless hospitals across
● I CI CI Bank launched ‘I CICI S TACK for Corporates’, a comprehensive set of digital banking s olutions f or c orporat es
and their entire ecosystem including promoters, group companies, employees, dealers, vendors and all other
● It provides c us tomized digital banking services to c ompanies in over 15 leading industries- such as financial services,
● I CI CI B ank has opened eight ecosystem branches- five in Mumbai and three in Delhi NCR.
● The bank has its own web-bas ed plat f orm , which facilitates instant approval and disbursement of loans for channel
Godrej Housing Finance introduces ‘design y our E MI’ home loan product
● Godrej Housing Finance (GHF) has released a ‘design your EMI’ home personal loan product to enable c ons umers
● This is aimed at optimising their cash flows and brings down the price tag of dwelling ownership.
● Manish S hah, MD & CEO, Godrej Housing Finance explained EMIs can be customized to go well wit h c us t omers ’
requirements a buyer might want to get started with a smaller sized EMI and little by little boost it or start off with a
larger EMI (given that charges are down in Covid-19 instances) and normalize it.
Google P ay support debit cards tokenization with SBI, I ndusInd, HSBC and Federal B ank
● Google P ay app will now s upport debit c ard payments by S BI, I ndusInd B ank and Federal B ank and c redit c a rds b y
● Online merchants like My ntra, Y atra, Dunzo and many others c an also make use of this feature.
● To use this feature, the user's phone must be Near-field communication (NFC) c apable.
● To enable this t ap and pay f eat ure, users will have to do a one-time setup by entering their card details and
generating an OTP.
● After registration, users can use this feature to make payments at any NFC-enabled terminal.
● The part nership will be creating a comprehensive integrated Cus t omer Relationship Ma na ge ment ( C R M) s olut ion
across marketing, sales, customer service, and social listening to strengthen Federal Bank’s operations, and to
deliver connected, data driven, and intelligent customer experiences across all touch points.
● Federal Bank will be unveiling a 360degree v iew of t he c us t omer port f olio in an application in a bid to achieve a
● According to the lender, these services will help improve productivity and customer satisfaction.
● LI C Cards S ervices Ltd (LIC CSL) has launched a contactless prepaid gift card ' S hagun' in collaborat ion wit h I D B I
● The purpose of this c ard is to ex pand the gift c ard market with an intent to p r o m ot e c as hles s w a y s of gif t ing and
present a wide range of end-use c hoices and in future foray into the market of e-gift cards.
● Shagun card, in the initial phase, will be available to LIC and its subsidiaries for official use.
● The card will be used to facilitate awards and special rewards during official conferences and functions.
● The S hagun gift c ard offers customization in the form of flexible loading of any amount ranging f ro m R s 5 0 0 t o R s
10, 000.
● With the wide ac c ept abilit y of RuP ay , the Shagun gift card can be used at millions of merchant outlets and e-
● Digital payments company PhonePe has launched I ndia’s first Wallet Auto Top-up feature using UPI e-mandates f or
its customers.
● This allows PhonePe customers to make multiple payments using their Wallet, without having to top up their wallet
● This f eat ure will help the PhonePe customers in setting up a UP I e-mandat e onc e, after which PhonePe will
aut omatically top up their wallet balance when it drops below a minimum level.
● Much higher transaction s uc cess rate since users don’t have to load their wallet each time the balance drops to zero.
I DFC First Bank Launched COVID-19 Relief program – ‘Ghar Ghar Ration’
● I DFC FIRST B ank has announced the launch of " Ghar Ghar Ration" P rogram, an Employee-funded program f or it s
● The Bank also announced a comprehensive program for the families of employees who unfortunately los t their lives
due to COVID-19, and a number of other social response initiatives aimed at controlling the spread of the virus.
Cus tomer COVID Care Fund to provide relief to 50,000 COVID affected low -income IDFC FIRST Bank customers.
● Employees of the Bank contributed one day to one month's salary for the purpose.
● The program involves supply of ration kits to such 50,000 low-income customers whose livelihood have been
● Employees are procuring rat ion k its c omprising 10 kg rice/flour, 2 k g dal (lentils), 1 k g s ugar and s alt , 1 k g c oo k ing
oil, 5 packets of assorted spices, tea and biscuits a nd other essentials needed to support a s mall f amily f o r a b out a
mont h.
● The Bank has also launched a comprehensive Employee COVID Care Scheme 2021 to s upport t he f amilies of
employees who have lost their lives due to COVID -19, with retrospective effect from the start of the pandemic.
● Group Term Life of 4 t imes Total Fixed P ay or Rs. 30 lakh, whichever is higher
● Home loan waiver limit at Rs. 25 lakh for any casualty before June 30, 2021.
● Skill Training entitlement of Rs. 2 Lakh for spouse who don't avail of the employment opportunity or are not eligible
● S alary A dv anc e up to Rs. 3 Lakh at 0% ROI for 24 months for employees to meet unexpected expenses in case
● I ndusInd B ank announced the launch of ' I ndus E asy Credit', a comprehensive digital lending plat f or m t hat enables
customers to meet their financial requirements from the comfort of their homes.
● ' I ndus E as y Credit ' offers a fully digital end to end process that leverages the power of India's public digital
infrastructure - 'India Stack' t o offer personal loans and credit cards in a pap erle s s, p r es enc e les s a n d c a s hles s
● The stack leverages more than 35 interfaces to digitally verify KYC and employment information as well as analyse
bank statements.
I CI CI B ank introduces cardless E MI facility
● Private lender I CI CI B ank launched a Cardless E MI f acility for its customers to us e at retail stores.
● The lender stated the facility enabled pre-approved c ustomers t o buy gadgets or home appliances , by us ing o n e ’ s
● “Customers can convert the high-value t ransactions into easy, no-cost monthly installments by s imply put t ing t heir
registered mobile number, PAN and OTP (received on mobile number) on the PoS machine at the retail outlets”.
● I CI CI B ank stated the facility, launched in a t ie-up wit h P ine Labs , would be available across the pan-India outlets
● Through the Cardless EMI facility, ICICI Bank’s pre-approved customers would be able to purchase electronics from
brands such as Carrier, Daikin, Dell, Godrej, Haier, HP, Lenovo, Microsoft, Motorola, Nokia, Oppo, Panasonic,
● P aisabazaar.com, India’s largest lending marketplace and Credit Score platform, and S B M B ank India, the younges t
universal Bank, announced the launch of S t ep Up Credit Card – a credit builder product designed for consumers wit h
● A key part of P aisabazaar’s long-term growth strategy is building neo-lending products with partners, to meet specific
● These innovative products would drive inclusiveness, by enabling underserved segments to access credit and over
● The S t ep Up Credit Card, built in partnership with S B M B ank I ndia, is the f irs t produc t t o be launc hed under
● K ot ak Mahindra B ank (KMBL) has announced the launch of ‘P ay Y our Cont ac t ’ an innovative feature on KMBL’s
mobile banking app that uses the Unified P ayments I nterface (UPI) platform and allows customers to s end money o r
mak e payments to any of their contacts across all payment apps simply by entering the beneficiary’s mobile number.
● Wit h ‘Pay Y our Contact’, KMBL customers no longer need to remember or obtain the bank account number o r I FS C
● “The other key issue that ‘P ay Y our Contact’ addresses are that of interoperability.
● Given the immense popularity of UPI in the Indian market, almost every Indian with a bank account has a UP I I D.
● With ‘P ay Y our Contact’ customers can now transfer funds easily to any UP I -linked bank a c co unt ac ros s pay ment
A f thonia Lab & YES B ank make partnership to support Fintech Companies
● A f thonia Lab ties up with Yes B ank Startup incubator Afthonia Lab announced a tie-up with private sector lender Y es
Bank to empower fintech companies.
● The t ie-up will allow the incubator's portfolio companies to develop APIs in a sandbox environment and let them
● The part nership will also s upport t he efforts t o I nnovate and inject new ideas to transform the financial sector of India.
● Under this partnership, the A f thonia Lab’s portfolio startups will dev elop APls in a sandbox environment, enabling t he
startups to experiment with innovative ideas and test t heir solutions in real t ime.
● This will also provide a safe and secure environment for the Afthonia Lab entrepreneurs to test their ideas and
● This collaboration will ensure that business has access to mentors from both the global network of Afthonia and Yes
● "A f thonia as an incubator creates an ins ight-forward ecosystem to address gaps most start up f ounders f ac e while
● Afthonia c reates a s afe-to-experiment environment for innovators, complete wit h ins ight s and int erv ent ions f rom
seasoned thought leaders, so that you can ideate, experiment, evolve and eventually succeed."
Clov ia makes P artnership with Alliance I nsurance Launched– “Women’s Cancer S hield” I nsurance Policy
● Women’s personal care brand, Clovia in partnership with A lliance I nsurance launched a tailor-made insurance policy,
● The partnership involves Clov ia as the medium of making insurance reach out to consumers through its platform
while Alliance Insurance as the insurance partner to facilitate the breast cancer insurance policy.
● With breast cancer accounting for 14 perc ent of c ancers in Indian women , this initiative aims to reinforce awareness
● The company will prov ide insurance policy cover of I NR 25,000 t o f emale c ustomers in the age group of 18-65 y ears
● The policy tenure covers a time of one year with a mandatory waiting period of 90 days f or the policy to be used.
● This cover will be eligible for both minor stages of breas t c anc e r a n d a ls o m a jor s t age s of b r ea s t c anc e r , t he
company added.
● P rivate sector lender A xis B ank has selected A mazon Web S ervices (AWS) to accelerate its digit al t rans f ormat ion
● As part of a multi-year agreement, Axis Bank will use AWS to build a portfolio of new digital f in anc ia l s e rv ices and
modernize c ore banking applications, reducing costs by nearly a quarter, in the process.
● As part of a multi-year agreement, Axis Bank will draw on the breadth and depth of AWS services, including
containers, database, and compute, to build a portfolio of new digital financial services to bring advanced banking
experiences to customers, including online accounts that can be opened in under six minutes and instant digital
payments, helping the bank increase c ustomer satisfaction by 35% and lower c osts by 24% .
● The bank will als o use A mazon E lastic Compute Cloud (A mazon EC2), a web service that provides secure, resiz able
compute capacity in the cloud, Axis Bank will scale workloads on demand to support 10 million daily real -time
payments t hrough India’s Unified P ayments Interface (UPI), ensuring reliability and consistent performance.
● Ujjivan, a Finance B ank has tied-up with LoanTap a digital lender providing loan opt ions t o t he s alaried s egment
of customers.
● This is part of Ujjivan SFB’s API bank ing initiative, through which ov er 150 APIs are available offering fast and secure
tie-ups for digital lending and digital liabilities, payments etc. to FinTechs.
● This c ollaboration aims to extend the bank ’s services t o its c ustomers via LoanTap’s f ast and convenient platform.
Organization (UNESCO)
of India (NPCI)
OECD 9.9%
SBI 7.9%
ICRA 8.5%
● Moody's I nvestors S ervice pegged I ndia's GDP growth at 9. 3 per cent in the current fiscal ending M a r c h 2 0 22 a nd
● "The reimposition of lockdown measures along with behavioural changes on fear of contagion will curb economic
activity, but we do not expect the impact to be as severe as during the first wave.
● "We expect a decline in economic activity in the A pril-J une quart er, followed by a rebound, resulting in real, inflation-
adjusted GDP growth of 9.3 per cent in the fiscal year ending March 2022 and 7. 9 per c ent in f iscal 2022-23”.
● The Organization f or Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) cut its growth projection for India for FY 22 to
9. 9% f rom 12. 6% estimated in March, as the second wave of coronavirus infections has paused economic recovery
● OECD mentioned that while India is projected to be the fastest -growing G20 economy in 2021, it will also be the one
● The OECD has revised up its growth projections across the world's major economies since its last f ull E c onomic
● It now sees global GDP growth at 5.8 % this year (compared with 4.2% projected in December), helped by a
government stimulus-led upturn in the United States, and at 4.4% in 2022 (3.7% in December).
● The S t ate Bank of India (SBI) has revised India's growth outlook downwards f or the current f inancial year.
● The latest S B I Ecowrap report has projected a 7.9 percent growth for India's GDP, down from its previous projection
● The SBI Ecowrap noted that the real GDP for FY21 in the provisional estimates has been revised upwards to Rs
135. 13 lakh crore from Rs 134.09 lakh c rore as per the second advance estimates.
● Thus, for FY21 the real GDP growth was registered at -7.3 percent against the earlier SBI estimate of -8.0 per cent.
World Bank projects I ndia t o growth forecast at 8.3 per c ent in 2021
● The World Bank projected India's economy to grow at 8. 3 per cent in 2021 and 7 . 5 p e r c ent i n 2 0 22 , ev en as it s
recovery is being hampered by an unprecedented second wave of the COVID-19, the largest outbreak in the world
● The Washington-based global lender released Global Economic Prospects, noted that in India, an enormous second
COVID-19 wave is undermining the sharper-than-expected rebound in activity seen during the s ec ond half of Fis c al
Y ear 2020/21, especially in services.
● Domestic credit ratings agency Crisil has revised India’s real GDP growth projection for 2021-22 downwards t o 9 . 5
● The downward revision has been attributed to the decline in priv at e c ons umpt ion and inv es t ment s following the
● Crisil further stated that in its base case of 9.5 per cent growth, the pre-pandemic levels will be achieved some time
after September, while in the pessimistic scenario of eight per cent growth, quarterly GDP would surpass the pre -
● Credit rating agency ICRA Ratings projected India's gross domestic product (G D P ) t o grow at 8 . 5 p e rc ent in F Y
● ICRA expects GDP growth to exceed GVA growth by 120 bps , based on expectations related to the value of taxes on
● India's export of agricultural and allied products in 2020-21 grew by 17.34 per cent t o U S D 4 1. 25 b illion , and t his
● Commerce S ecretary A nup Wadhawan stated huge growth has been seen in the export of cereals, non-basmati ric e,
● The largest markets for I ndia's agricultural pr oducts are the US , China, Bangladesh, UAE, V iet n am, S aud i A r ab ia,
● Exports of only agricultural products (excluding marine and plantation products) increased by 28.36 per cent to USD
● E x ports of I ndia’s organic farm products surged 51 perc ent in 2020-21 beat ing Covid induced hiccups in t he s upply
● Commerce S ecretary, Anup Wadhawan stated that outbound shipments of organic products hit 1, 040 million d olla rs
● Farm exports raised over 17 percent last fiscal to 41.25 billion dollars.
● Even in volume terms, exports of organic products grew at 39 per cent to 8 lakh 88 thousand 179 tonnes last fiscal.
● The k ey organic produc t s that were shipped out include oil cake and meals, oil seeds, cereals, millets, spices and
condiments, tea, medicinal plant products, dry fruits, sugar, pulses and coffee.
I ndia’s retail inflation reaches 6.3% in May
● I ndia' s retail inflation raced to 6. 3% in May , breaching the upper limit of the central bank's inflation target for the first
time in six months and bringing further pressure on an economy whipped by t he s econd wave of covid-19 infections.
● A diti Nayar, chief economist at I CRA Ratings, mentioned core retail inflation, which excluded volat ile f ood and f uel
items, rose to an 83-month high of 6.6% in May and is expected to remain above 5% throughout FY22.
● S unil Kumar Sinha, principal economist at I ndia Ratings and Researc h, s t at ed it is s t ill t oo early t o s ay if ret ail
inflation will remain in excess of 6% on a sustained basis given the high base of last year.
● Under the new Income Tax Rules, it is mandatory to link PAN with your Aadhaar number bef ore June 30, 2021.
● The PAN cards which are not linked t o A adhaar would bec ome useless and d ec la red “ ino pe rat iv e" and t he K Y C
● The deadline to link the P ermanent Account Number with your A adhaar number is nearing.
● According to Clause 41 of Section 139AA of the Income Tax A ct, “If a person fails to intimate t he A adhaar number,
the permanent account number allotted to such person shall be made inoperative after the notified date in the
● The I nc ome Tax Department is a government agency undertaking direct tax collection of the Government of India.
● The Income Tax Department is headed by the apex body Central B oard of Direct Taxes.
● Moody's I nvestors S ervice s lashed I ndia's growth projection t o 9.6 per cent for 2021 calendar year, f rom it s e a r l ier
es t imat e of 13. 9 per c ent , and said faster vaccination progress will be paramount in restricting economic losses to
June quarter.
● Moody's mentioned in the report that, "the virus resurgence adds uncertainty to I ndia' s growt h f orec as t f or 2021 ;
however, it is likely that the economic damage will remain restricted to the A pril-June quarter.
● "Indian economy contracted by 7. 3 per c ent in f is c al 2020 -21 as the country battled the first wave of COVID, as
● S & P Global Ratings cut I ndia's growth f orecast for the current fiscal to 9. 5 p e rc en t , f ro m 1 1 p e rc en t e ar lier, and
● The agency lowered the growth outlook, saying that a severe second COVID-19 outbreak in A pril and May led to
● “S&P forecast growth of 9. 5 per c ent this fiscal year from our Marc h f orecast of 11 per c ent”.
● Stating that permanent damage to private and public sector balance sheets will constrain growth over the next couple
of years, it projected India's growth at 7.8 per cent in the next fiscal ending March 31, 2023.
I ndia tie up with Russia as 4th biggest f oreign exchange reserves holder
● I ndia's f oreign exchange reserves crossed $600 for the f irst time.
● As on June 4, the foreign exchange reserves stood at $605 billion, almost tying with Russia as the fourth largest
● While I ndia’s forex reserve was $605.008 billion, Russia’s was $605.2 billion.
● It took just about a year for the res erves t o rise by $100 billion, which has generally been the pac e of ac c umulat ion
since S haktikanta Das became the governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in November 2017.
● MS Mani, s enior director, Deloitte I ndia stated, “Collections above Rs 1 lakh crore pertaining to t he t rans ac t ions i n
t he month of A pril 21 indicates that the economic impact of the lockdowns has been much lower than expected".
● He added that a close watch is required on the next month’s collections to determine the extent of the impact on GS T
c ollections f or FY 22.
● Gross GST revenue collected in the month of May 2021, Central GST is Rs 17,592 crore, State GST is Rs 22,653
integrated GST is Rs 53,199 crore (including Rs 26,002 crore collected on import of goods) and Cess is Rs 9,265
● Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited (Jio), a s ubsidiary of Relianc e I n dus t ries L imit e d ( R I L), and G o o g le C lo ud are
embarking on a comprehensive, long-t erm s t rat egic relat ions hip with a goal of powering 5G in enterprise and
● In addition, Reliance will also take advantage of Google Cloud' s s c alable inf ras t ruc t ure , thereby enabling its retail
business to ac hieve better operational efficiency, modernization and scale for growth, and deliver better performanc e
● To further J io's mission to digitise India with faster and better connectivity, Google Cloud will provide a complete end-
t o-end Cloud offering for fully-automated lifecycle management of J io's 5G network and services.
● Jio and Google Cloud will collaborate to bring a portfolio of 5G edge c omput ing s olut ions to help industries address
● Jio will explore building new s ervices across gaming, healthcare, education, and video entertainment sectors.
● One of t he oldest crypto companies in I ndia, ZebPay, launched a new lending platform for crypto asset exchange.
● ZebP ay will offer both open and fixed-term lending using the platform.
● Only Bitcoin , Ethereum, Tether and Dai tokens will be accepted at first.
● The company says that the platform is a “f irst of its kind” crypto lending model in India and will allow us ers t o lend
● The company stated “The ZebP ay Lending P lat f orm generates returns on users’ crypto investments if they lend
select c ry pt os thus, providing an opportunity to earn a passive income by adding on to the returns gained from rise in
crypto prices”.
● Tat a Consultancy S ervices has launched TCS P ace P ort Amsterdam, a co-innovation and advanced research cent er
designed to help customers successfully navigate their growth and transformation journeys.
● Bringing together an ecosystem of partners from academia, government institutions, s t art -ups and t ec hnology
prov iders , TCS Pace Port Amsterdam will serve as a hub for TCS t eams to co-innovate with European customers,
guiding them through the discovery, definition, refinement and delivery phases of innovation.
● As many as 50, 000 startups have been recognized by the Department for P romotion of Industry and Int e rn al T ra de
● S t artup India is a f lagship initiative of the government launched on J anuary 16, 2016.
● The initiative is intended to c atalyze a startup c ulture and build a strong and inclusive ecosystem for innov at ion and
entrepreneurship in India.
● Maharashtra, Karnataka, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat have the largest number of these entrepreneurs.
● Lens k art Foundat ion has launched a Cov id-19 relief helpline that allows users to message their requirement of
medicines, injections, oxygen support, and lab tests, said the eyewear company about its philanthropy initiative.
● The What sApp c hat-based helpline at 892-947-6589 provides information on what to do if diagnosed wit h Cov id -19,
● The Foundation claimed it has received more than 200 reques t s from Delhi-NCR, Bengaluru, Chennai, Kolkata, apart
from states like Jammu, Punjab and Uttarakhand.
● It has helped over 100 people recover from Covid-19 or come out of danger.
● The I T major announced a partnership with Finastra to help corporate banks acros s A s ia P ac if ic ac c elerat e t heir
digital transformation.
● The companies will create a unique offering that combines Wipro's comprehensive services catalogue with Finastra's
● Harpreet A rora, v ic e pres ident of B FS I Domain & Cons ult ing Head stated, this partnership is in line with our
continued efforts to strengthen our presence in Asia-Pacific and drive digital transformation.
● The European Commission stated The E uropean Union and an energy investment programme founded by Bill Gates
plan to raise up to $1 billion to roll out the low-carbon technologies Europe is betting on to meet its climate change
● The part ners hip would see Gates-founded Breakthrough Energy use private capital and philanthropic funds to match
● The aim is to together provide up to 820 million euros, or $1 billion, from 2022 to 2026.
● Fac ebook India stated it has launched a new initiative to provide s t udents from leading law schools in t he c ount ry a
platform for research and mentorship on topics related to t ec hnology law and policy.
● The Fac ebook I ndia Tech S cholars (FITS) programme has S hardul A marchand Ma ng aldas & C o as a k nowledge
● "The programme aims to provide students from select leading law schools in the country a platform for res earc h and
● The first edition of the FI TS programme will offer eight law students an opportunity to work on a research project with
leading Indian t hink t anks that will also extend mentorship support to the students".
● Flipkart, India’s homegrown e-c ommerce marketplace has launched a c ont actless, QR-code-based payment f ac ilit y
pers onal c ontact; but also addresses the trust deficit that many consumers might face.
● Consumers who earlier opted for cash on delivery can now use this facility, s c an t he QR c ode attached to their
purchase and mak e a digital payment for their order t hrough any UPI app at the time of delivery.
Web aggregator Policybazaar got insurance broking licence approval from IRDAI
● Leading web aggregator P olicybazaar mentioned it has got approval from regulator I RDAI to undert ak e i n s u ra nc e
brok ing, a development that will help the company augment business and expand bouquet of services.
● With this development, the company will surrender its web aggregator licence to Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority of India (IRDAI) and undertake business including insurance aggregation under the broking
● E-commerce firm Flipkart stated it has part nered with the Telangana government to lead a c ons ort ium t as k ed wit h
the development and execution of drone deliveries of medical supplies to remote areas under the ‘Medicines from the
S k y’ project.
● Flipkart stated it will utilize learnings from its t ec h-enabled s upply chain t o deploy drones and enable deliv eries of
medical supplies.
● These efforts will be complemented with technologies such as geo-mapping, routing of shipments and track and
● I ndia exported the f irst c ommercial consignment of Geographical Indications (GI ) certified ' J a r da lu' ma ng oes f rom
Bhagalpur, B ihar, to the Unit ed K ingdom giving a possible boost to the potential of farm ex port s from the eastern
● A P E DA has been initiating measures to boost mango exports from the non-traditional regions.
● A week-long Indian mango promotion programme was organized in Bahrain where 16 v ariet ies of the f ruit inc luding
t hree GI c ert if ied Khirsapati & Lakshmanbhog (West Bengal) and Jardalu (Bihar) were displayed at super stores of
● The Telecom Regulatory A uthority of I ndia (TRAI) launched a TV Channel S elector web portal f or c o n s ume rs w ho
c ould not access its mobile phone app of the same name due to lac k of a s martphone.
● The TV Channel Selector App for Smartphone was launched on June 25 last year that enabled users to check their
subscription, modify it, view all channels provided by their cable operators and choose channels of interest under a
● The port al will help s ubs c ribers "get optimized solutions and the best combination of user selected
● Given that more and more kids are using the internet for both online classes and entertainment, protecting them is
● The ‘Report it, don’t share it’ campaign is being helmed by the social media giant in c ollaboration with A arambh I ndia
● The main idea behind the initiative, as the name suggests, is t o enc ourag e p e op le t o r ep ort a b us iv e o r h ar mf ul
The Trade Desk started its operations in India and appointed Tejinder Gill as General Manager
● Global advertising technology major, The Trade Desk announced the launch of operations in I ndia and s t at ed it has
● The company, which offers a s elf-service cloud-based platf o rm t hat a l lo ws a d b uy ers t o c rea t e, m ana ge, a n d
opt imize digital advertising campaigns across formats and devices, is t argeting digital marketers in India and helping
● ' A s an omnic hannel plat f orm , The Trade Desk enables marketers to reach relevant audiences across different
devices, including computers, mobile devices, tablets, and connected TV, and engage with them meaningfully along
● Through the company's data-driven capabilities, marketers can access a marketplace of premium advertising
inventory across a wide range of websites, apps, podcasts, and streaming OTT platforms.
● Gill stated ' The Trade Des k is here to bring the much-needed data-driven decisioning and transparency to India's
digital advertising ecosystem, offering marketers a credible choice where they can tap into the immense opportunities
Wipro Partnership with World Economic Forum for New Work Standards initiative
● Wipro announced that it has joined the World E conomic Forum's P artnership for New Work St an da rds i nit iat iv e t o
● This init iat iv e aims to co-create new frameworks, shape forward-thinking people policies and utilize tools and
technologies to collectively build human-first work standards, with people at the heart of business.
● Wipro has invested in its workforce, developed new ways of working, and created a more relevant and inclusive post -
● The company is also undertaking init iat iv es t o s upport and equip its people with dedicated programs for physical,
A irtel partnership with Tata G roup for 'Made in India' 5G network solutions
● B harti Airtel and Tata Group announced a strategic partnership f or implementing 5G network solutions for India.
● The announcement underscores a push for indigenous 5G solutions in India, as the world's second-larges t t e lec om
mark et gears up for f if t h-generat ion mobile net work s that would enable connecting virtually everything together
● Tata Group has developed " O-RA N (Open Radio A c c es s Net work ) based Radio and NSA/SA (Non-
Standalone/standalone) Core and has integrated a totally indigenous telecom stack, leveraging the Group
● These ' Made in I ndia' 5G products and solutions are aligned to global standards and interoperate with other products
based on standard open interfaces and those def ined by the O-RAN A lliance.
● The Conf ederation of I ndian Industry (CII)-Indian Green B uilding Council has launched the IGBC Green High-S peed
Rail Rating System during an exclusive session with the Nat ional High-Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL).
● IGBC appreciates and acknowledges the ex c ellent leaders hip of Achal Khare, Managing Director, NHSRCL in
opening new perspectives on how I ndian High-Speed Rail project can become a green role model.
● The rat ing system was launched online by Khare and V Suresh, Chairman, IGBC .
● The session was attended by officials of NHSRCL, IGBC and industry leaders & experts of the transit sector.
● Suresh mentioned, "The I GB C Green HSR rating system is a first- of- its- kind in the world and exclusively developed
● The rating system is developed aligning the requirements with the UN S ustainable Development Goals".
● I ndian ut ilit y Tat a P ower has part nered wit h s is t er c ompany and automobile manufacturing firm Tata Motors to
● The 6. 2MWp s olar carport in Chikhali, P une, is located at a car plant owned by Tat a Motors and will prod uc e a bov e
86, 000KWh of energy and reduce 7,000 tons of carbon emissions per annum.
● The solar plant covers 30,000 square meters of land and has been constructed under ef f ort s by Tat a Mot ors to
● S B I Card has joined hands with lifestyle retail chain Fabindia by launching c ontactless co- br an ded c r ed it c ar ds t o
● SBI Card mentioned The new c o-branded c ontactless credit c ard combines the best in class rewards points on ret ail
spends with the value back on varied spending categories, thus addressing overall spending needs of premium
● The card is designed with curated benefits and privileges to offer a rewarding shopping experience to its premium
● The card comes in two variants - Fabindia SBI Card SELECT and Fabindia SBI Card.
● The new Windows 11 will be released as a build for Windows I nsiders next week.
● Microsoft is also introducing Snap layouts to help users with multitasking on Windows 11.
● Users will be able t o v ideo call anyone; it will not matter if the other user is on a different device, even a Mac.
● A ndroid apps will also be coming t o Windows 11.
● Windows 11 is a major release of the Windows NT operating system, announced on J une 24, 2021, and developed
by Microsoft.
● Expected to be released in late 2021, it is the s uccessor to Windows 10, released six years earlier.
● The Nat ional Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), apex body to manage Central backed S k ill India or the Nat ional
S k ills Development Mission of I ndia campaign has announced a tie-up with global digit al plat f orm, W h a t s A p p, t o
launch the ‘Digital S kill Champions Program’ to train youth on digital skills, and make them employment ready.
● Under this programme, school and university s t udents would be coached to imbibe digital and online skills that would
culminate with WhatsApp and NSDC awarding a ‘Digital Skill Champions’ certification to these students.
● “It aims t o empower y out h with new-age skills to make them employable and more productive in their work
● Under the programme to be conducted digitally, WhatsApp will conduct sessions for P radhan Mant ri K aus hal
● The training will cover modules on leveraging the What s A pp B us ines s app and to make small business
Google, Amazon, Microsoft take top s pots as India's most attractive employer brands: REBR Survey 2021
● Tec hnology giant Google I ndia has emerged as the mos t ' attractive employer brand', followed by Amaz on I ndia and
● According to the findings of Randstad Employer B rand Research (REBR) 2021, Google India scored high on financial
health, strong reputation, and attractive salary and benefits parameters -- the top three Employee Value Proposition
(EVP) drivers.
● A mazon India emerged as the runner-up, followed by Microsoft India.
● Ot hers in t he t op 10 most attractive employer brands in India for 2021 include Infosys Technologies at f ourt h plac e,
Tat a Steel (5th), Dell Technologies Ltd (6th), IBM (7th), Tat a Consultancy Services (8t h), W i p r o (9t h), and S o n y
Development Authority
S TP I reports A ndhra Pradesh t ops new job creation under IBPS scheme
● The I ndia B us ines s P roc es s Out s ourc ing P romot ion S c heme (I B P S ) launched by the Centre has facilitated
expansion of several IT and BPO companies in tier-II and III cities across the country.
● Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) stated that, Under this I B PS Scheme, Andhra P radesh is t he h i g hes t i n
employ ment generat ion by creating 12,234 new jobs followed by Tamil Nadu at 9,401 while remaining was spread
across Punjab, Odisha, Maharashtra, Jharkhand and Bihar.
● Tamil Nadu has become the s econd State in new job generation.
● STPI, an autonomous body under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, is the executing agency for
A ndhra P radesh Governor releases S pecial Postal Cover - IndiaPost on Yoga Day
● A ndhra P radesh Governor Biswa B husan Harichandan has released a S pecial P ostal Co v er brought out by I n d i a
● Governor Biswa Bhusan Harichandan stated, Y oga is a 5, 000-y ear-old t radit ion originat ed in our c ount ry that
combines physical, mental and spiritual pursuits to achieve harmony of the body and mind.
● Mr Harichandan mentioned that on December 11, 2014, the United Nations General Assembly declared 21s t of J une
as t he I nternational Day of Y oga at the behest of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and was chosen as the Internat ional
Day of Yoga, which is the S ummer Solstice and longest day of the y ea r i n t h e N o rt h er n H e mis phe re a nd h as a
● The main objec t iv es of the programme called S upport ing A ndhra’s Learning Trans f ormat ion (S A LT) are
strengthening foundation schools and providing training and skill development to teachers.
● The f ive-year programme is result-oriented with the WB releasing funds after key goals are achieved.
● The government has converted all A nganwadis into pre-primary schools and attached them to the nearest schools.
● Minister Suresh stated the t wo y ears of pre-primary school would be considered as part of primary education.
A s sam
A s sam govt announced its seventh national park with Dehing Patkai
● A s sam Minister f or Environment and Forest, P arimal S uklabaidya stated, “Raimona and Dihing Patkai National Park s
have been formally notified, adding to A s s am's t otal t ally of National P ark (NP) to 7.
● Assam has become the second state in the country to have the highest number of NPs.
● The newly created NPs will help to boost conservation efforts and provide fillip to tourism and agriculture sectors.”
A s sam CM initiated the scheme Sishu Seva Achoni for COVID-19 Orphans
● A s sam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa S arma announced the Muk hyamantri S ishu Sewa Acho ni s c h eme whic h will
prov ide relief t o c hildren who have lost t heir parents due t o Covid -19.
● As per this scheme, those children who have lost bot h their parents and are being looked after by their extended
● World’s First GM Rupper Developed at the K erala-based Rubber Research Institute of I ndia (RRII), the s apling was
planted by Rubber B oard c hairman and ex ec ut iv e direc t or K N Raghav an at the board’s farm in Sarutari near
● The GM rubber plant , the first of its kind developed exclusively for the northeast, is expected to thrive in the climatic
conditions of the region.
● The plant, which has additional copies of gene MnS OD (manganes e c ont aining s uperox ide dis mut as e) in it, is
● The plant was developed at the K erala-based Rubber Research Institute of I ndia (RRII) after years of research at it s
biotechnology laboratory and is expected to grow under the climatic condition of the northeast.
● K N Raghavan, Chairman and E xecutive Director of t he Rubber B oard stated that the genet ic ally modif ied r u b b e r
plant, the f irst of its kind developed exclusively for this region, is expected to grow well under the climat ic c ondit ions
● Raimona in Assam’s Kokrajhar district was declared as the s t ate’s sixth national park.
● Chief Minister Himanta B iswa S arma made an announcement in this regard on the occasion of Worl d E nv ir onme nt
Day .
● The state’s Environment and Forest Department has issued a notification declaring Raimona as a national park.
● The chief minister mentioned a process was on to also c onvert the Dehing Patkai Wildlife S anctuary int o a n a t iona l
park .
B ihar
● B ihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar took a major decision with the announcement of a 3 3 % r e s erv at io n f or g i r ls in
● The Chief Minister mentioned that at least one-third of the seats in the enrollment in engineering and medical
colleges of the state should be reserved for girl students as it would increase the number of girl students.
● He stated it would be a unique thing and would motivate the girl students towards pursuing higher and technical
Chhattisgarh: Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar launches I ndus Best Mega Food P ark at Raipur
● Union Minister f or Food Processing Industries Narendra Singh Tomar , virtually inaugurat ed t he I n d u s B es t Me ga
Food P ark, along with B hupesh B aghel, Chief Minister, Chhattisgarh, and in pres enc e of Rames war Teli, Union
● Tomar stated that the Mega Food P ark will ensure value addition, longer shelf life for farm produce, better price
realisation for farmers, excellent storage facility and will provide an alt ernate market f or farmers in the region.
● The Park will also provide direct and indirect employment to about 5, 000 persons and benefit about 25,000 farmers in
● With the aim to vaccinate all people above 45 years against COVID-19 in Delhi within the next four weeks, Delhi
Chief Minister Arvind K ejriwal launched ' J ahan V ote, Wahan V accination' c ampaign.
● Kejriwal stated, "We are starting a 'Jahan Vote, Wahan Vaccination' campaign.
● Under this campaign, we will tell people to visit their designated polling stations to get vaccinated.
● Main objective is within four weeks if there is no shortage of vaccines, all the people abov e 45 y ea rs o f a ge will be
vaccinated in Delhi.
Gujarat govt gives tax exemption on cinema halls, multiplexes, gyms from paying property tax
● The Gujarat government announced a complete waiver of property t ax for cinema hous e s , m ult ip lex es a nd g y ms
● The decision was taken during a working committee meeting chaired by the c hief minister V ijay Rupani.
● These institutions will als o be ex empt ed f rom f ix ed c harges in electricity bills and will be required to pay the bills
Gujarat govt initiates the policy for electric v ehicles f or next f our y ears
● The Gujarat government announced ' Gujarat E lectric Vehicle P olicy 2021' to promote use of electric v ehic les in t he
● Chief Minister Vijay Rupani stated it aims to bring at least 2 lakh electric vehicles on the state roads in t he nex t f our
● The polic y aims to make Gujarat a hub for EVs and related components, encourage investments in electric mobility
● It is estimated that around 1. 10 lakh electric t wo-wheel v ehicles, 70,000 t hree-wheelers and 20,000 four-wheelers will
be used in the state in the next four years following the implementation of this policy, Rupani said.
● The s t ate government will provide a subsidy up t o Rs 20,000 on purchase of an electric t wo -wheeler, R s 5 0, 0 00 f or
● The s ubsidy will be transferred directly to the bank accounts of owners through direct benefit transfer.
● P rime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate a Zen garden and Kaizen Academy in Gujarat's A hmedabad.
● The v irtual event can be watched live on the A hmedabad Management Association's Y ouTube channel.
● A joint endeavour of the Japan Information and Study Centre at AMA and I ndo-Japan Friendship Association (I J FA )
in Gujarat, ' Zen-K aiz en' at AMA seeks to showcase several elements of Japanese art, culture, landscape and
Zen Garden:
● A traditional Zen garden, k nown as k aresansui, is a minimalist dry landscape comprised of natural elements of roc k ,
gravel, sand and wood, with very few plants and no water.
● Man-made c omponent s include bridges, statuary and stone lanterns, with an enclosing wall or fence to separate the
● Gujarat Chief Minister V ijay Rupani virtually inaugurated the c ountry's first Fenton Catalytic R e ac t or , an adv anc ed
● With 30 MLD (million litres per day) capacity, Fent on Cat aly t ic Reac t or has been set by the Green Environment
Services Co-operative Society Limited (GESCSL) in its premises in Vatva GIDC at a c ost of Rs 70 crore.
● Rupani stated the plant will cater to at least 700 industrial units, mostly engaged in manufacturing of c hemic als and
● At present, Gujarat has 35 common effluent t reatment plants (CETPs) hav ing a c ombined c apac it y t o t reat 7 5 0
million litres of industrial wastewater per day, he said, adding that the government plans to set up another 19 CE TP s
● Fenton was mainly used to treat wastewater by radical oxidation and flocculation.
● H2O2 is catalyzed by f errous ions to decompose into HO· and to trigger the production of other radicals, which can
● Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant launched solar-based electrification p r og ra mme f or r ur al h o us eho lds in t he
● This project will bring elec tricity through renewable energy to areas in Goa where grid connectivity is not feasible.
● "With a focus on delivering clean, affordable, and reliable energy to all, P ramod S awant , Chief Minis t er of Goa,
● The solar PV-based home lighting systems for households was inaugurated only two days after the agreement was
signed between Conv ergence Energy Services Ltd (CESL) and Goa E nergy Development Agency (GEDA).
● Goa Chief Minister Pramod S awant announced that the s t ate has not had a s ingle c ase of rabies in Goa i n t h e p a s t
t hree y ears.
● Goa AM mentioned that the state has achieved 5. 40.593 vaccination against rabies in dogs.
● The government has also educ ated nearly one lakh people in preventing dog b it e and has s et up 24-hour rabies
● Along with an emergency hotline and rapid response team for the dog-bite victims.
● The campaign in Goa has now v accinated around 90, 000 dogs per year and has been beneficial to both humans and
● However, through effective campaigns, dogs are not only protected against the disease but also are not seen as a
● Sawant stated that the Mis s ion Rabies organiz at ion has been working with all the political leaders, panchayats to
create awareness.
● Following which, Goa has now become the first state in India to become rabies -free.
● P rojec t Mis s ion Rabies started back in 2013 of its sister charity Worldwide V et erinary S erv ic e and became a
Hary ana
Hary ana Governor approves ‘The Haryana Recovery of Damages t o property Act’
● Gov ernor of Haryana, S N A rya, approved the Hary ana Recovery of Damages to Property Bill.
● According to the bill (now act), any damage created to people’s shops, houses, vendor carts, government offices,
buses, vehicles and other such public property will be recovered from protestors.
● The “Haryana Recovery of Damages t o P roperty During Disturbance t o P ublic Order B ill, 2021” was passed in Marc h
2021, a move similar to Uttar Pradesh government which had passed the “Ut tar P radesh Recovery of D a ma ges t o
Hary ana declared Rs 5,000 one -time aid for labourers, s hopkeepers hit by pandemic
● The Hary ana government announced a one-time payment of Rs 5,000 each t o s mall s hop k eep ers , c o ns t ruc t ion
work ers, auto-rickshaw drivers and unorganized labourers who have faced financial hardship due t o t he COV I D -19
● BPL families who have lost a family member in the 18-50 age group to COVID-19 will be given an ex gratia of Rs 2
lak h eac h, Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar announced at a media briefing here on the occasion of his government
● The chief minister also announced a host of other benefits, including waiver of property tax and reduction in electricity
Himachal Pradesh
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari laid foundation stones of several road projects in Himachal P radesh
● The projects included the 39-k m-long Parwanoo-Solan section of the NH-22, constructed at a c os t of Rs 1,303 crore.
● On this occasion, Gadk ari stated roads are prerequisite for the overall development of any nation.
● Better roads in Himachal Pradesh will go a long way in tourism promotion, he added.
● Chief Minister J ai Ram Thak ur mentioned that the state has a road network of 40, 000 k ilomet res but a lot more
needs to be done.
● Lieutenant Governor of Ladakh RK Mathur launched the Y ounTab sche me f or s t udent s and dis t ribut ed 1 2 , 3 0 0
● The Y ounTab scheme is an initiative of the Department of School Education with technical support by the Informatio n
Technology Department under which 12,300 tablets with preloaded online and offline content, inc luding t ex t book s ,
video lectures and online class applications, would be dis tributed to government school students f ro m C las s 6 t h t o
12t h.
● "This scheme is not only associated with pandemic but is an attempt for long term technology infusion in the
education system," further informed that the existing telecom companies have agreed to ins tall additional t owers.
● A remote hamlet in the B andipora district of Jammu and Kashmir has become the first village in India to vaccinat e all
its adult population against the novel coronavirus.
● "Wey an, a village in district B andipora (J&K) has become the first village in the country, where the ent ire populat ion
● Due to the difficult terrain of the area, the vaccinators had walked 18 k m on foot to reach the village.
● In a major dec is ion that could bring joy to the res ident s of f ront ier Ladak h region, the Union Territory (UT)
● The new recruitment rules were announced by Ladakh’s Lieutenant Governor R K Mathur.
● “No pers on shall be qualified f or appointment to the Service unless t he person is a Resid ent o f U n ion Te rr ito ry of
Ladakh,” read the Union Territory of Ladakh E mployment (Subordinate) Service Recruitment Rules, 2021.
● Mark ing t he birth of Guru Padmasambhava, H e mis Fe s tiv al is not only o n e o f t h e m os t i mpor t ant B ud dhis t
c elebrations in Ladakh but is also the most popular festival amongst tourists.
● Held in one of the mos t -v is it ed monas t eries in Ladakh, Hemis Gompa, the festival is a two-day event that is
celebrated on the 10t h day of the f ifth month of Tibetan Calendar, which is t he m o nt h o f J u ne/ J u ly i n G r eg or ian
c alendar.
● On t his popular festival in Ladakh, Cham Dance and other traditional dances are performed in Hemis Monas t ery on
the beats of drums and cymbal and on the tunes of long pipe like Tibetan music instrument.
● On both days, giant thangkas (B uddhist paintings) are unfurled for the public.
● In fact, ev ery 12t h y ear, the larges t t hangk a in Ladak h is unfurled in Hemis on the first day of the festival for the
public to see.
● Cham Dance
K arnataka
K arnataka state Health Dept introduces ‘doctors ride towards village side’ programme
● In Karnataka, the Health Department has launched Doc t ors ride t owards village s ide programme.
● Under this scheme, the Government provides nec essary logistic support for the t eams led b y m edic al s t ude nt s t o
● MB B S final year students, BSc Nursing, BDS, MDS, Ayush graduating doctors are deputed to rural areas to carry out
Covid tests.
● A team of medical students, nurses, ASHA and Anganwadi workers v isit door t o door to identify v ulnerable members
● Karnataka CM announced that P rime Minis t er Narendra Modi would lay the f oundat ion s t one for the B engaluru
● S pec ial t rain from B engaluru Cant onment s t at ion to Heelalige s t at ion to inspect two doubling projects and the
Suburban Rail Project, the CM stated that the Centre had given the green signal to go in for external borrowings to
the t une of Rs 7,400 c rore f or the Rs 15767 crore project.
● The project is being implemented by K -RI DE (Karnataka Rail Infrastructure Develo pme nt E n t erp ris es ), a s pec ial
● Both will share 20 perc ent each of t he project cost and the rest would be through borrowings.
A bout K arnataka:
K erala
Nat ional Ayush Mission to organize 12-hour v irtual Yoga Session 'Yogathon' in Kerala
● K erala will celebrate I nt ernational Day of Y oga virtually by organizing various events.
● Nat ional Ayush Mission will organize a 12-hour virtual Yoga Session ‘Y ogathon’ in the state.
● Quiz c ompetitions and essay competitions on the t heme Yoga will also be organized for school students.
● The mission also plans to broadcast yoga classes for children in collaboration wi th the V icter’s Channel run by Kerala
● The Field Outreach B ureau under the ministry of information and broadcasting will also organize webinars and virt ual
● The S t at e gov ernment has launched the K nowledge E c onomy Mis s ion to bring the ongoing efforts to provide
employment to the educated and support ' k nowledge workers' under a single programme.
● It was spearheaded by Kerala Development and Innovation Strategic Council (K-DISC) and that they will submit a
● State CM stated that, "At the heart of the initiative is a comprehensive digital platform for educated youngsters whic h
help t hem upskill, enhance knowledge and empower t hem to face t he challenges of ever -changing job market".
● The chief minister mentioned this digit al plat f orm will create a great opportunity for those who took a break from work
● The digital platform was developed in c ollaborat ion with the Kerala University of Digital Sciences, Innovation and
Madhya P radesh
Madhya P radesh state govt to introduced ' Yuva S hakti Corona Mukti A bhiyan’
● In Madhya Pradesh, ‘Y uv a S hak t i Corona Muk t i A bhiy an’ means free from corona with the help of a youth power
campaign will be launched to make people aware about the COVID pandemic.
● Madhya Pradesh is now at number 26 in the country in terms of corona infec tion.
● At the same time, on the basis of the suggestions received from the various Crisis Management Committ ee s , a new
guide line will be issued in the state by June 15.
● In the Y uv a Shakti Corona Mukti A bhiyan, c ollege t eachers and around 1 6 l ak h s t u de nt s will be made aware of
● This c ampaign will be run by the Higher Education and Technical Education Department in collaboration with the
● A mobile app has also been developed for effective real t ime online monitoring of the campaign .
Maharashtra govt apply MAPS t o provide employment and training t o y outh of s tate
● The Maharas ht ra gov ernment has decided to implement the Maharas ht ra A pprent ic es hip P romot ion S c heme
(MAPS) with the objective of providing employment and training to the youth of the state.
● Under this Scheme, in the current year, apprent ic es hip opport unit ies will be provided to 1 lak h y out h in v arious
● Maharashtra Skills Development, Employment and Entrepreneurship Minister Nawab Malik informed that New
Maharashtra Apprentice Promotion Scheme is being implemented to provide employment and self-employment
opportunities and experience to the youth who have passed at least 10t h standard in the state.
● The scheme aims to provide employment and training to 5 lak h well-educated unemployed youth in the nex t f iv e
y ears.
● “Under this scheme, the trainees will be entitled to get 75 perc ent of the scholarship payable to them or a maximum
' P roject Mumbai’ delivers free food t o more t han 55 lakh people in last 6 months under 'Khana Chahiye' programme
● Various NGOs are making an enormous contribution in the f ight against COVID pandemic through different initiativ es
● They have also distributed more than two lakh PPE kits and masks to the doctors in Mumbai.
● Helplines were started by Project Mumbai for the counseling of common people who were facing the issues of mental
● The NGO has provided f ree food to more than 55 lakh p e op le in t he l a s t s ix m ont hs u n de r it s K hana Chahiy e
● They hav e also provided f ree foodgrain and medicines to needy senior citizens.
● The Cabinet also green-lighted the formation of the Maharas ht ra Tree A ut horit y , which will take all decisions
● It will have responsibility related to protection and conservation of trees, including “heritage trees”.
● Protecting existing trees along with preserving those having cultural importance is the need of the hour.
● Principal Secretary (Environment) Manisha Mhaiskar stated, It is critical that development is carried out in a
Nagaland govt s anctioned Rs 2,000 each t o bank accounts of all building, other c onstruction workers
● Nagaland Government has announced the approval f or transfer of 2,000 rupees each to the bank accounts of all t h e
● The State Department of Labour stated, owing to the present pandemic situation and the c ont inuing loc k down, there
has been a huge displacement of daily wage workers taking place all over the country, espec ially t he c ons t ruc t ion
● Therefore, in order t o as sist s uch workers and their f amilies, and as per the instructions of the Central Government t o
provide adequate financial assistance to such identified categories of workers, the State Government will be
depositing an amount of 2,000 rupees each to the beneficiaries registered under the State Labour Department.
● The Odisha Government has launched a doorstep delivery service for oxygen concentrators .
● Chief Minis t er Nav een P at naik stated that this will further strengthen the state's preparedness against present and
● The home delivery service for Oxygen concentrators will be available in 5 major cities of the state in the first phase.
● The facility is also available at the Odis ha COVID dashboard app for Android and iOS operating systems.
● Additional Chief Secretary (Health) P K Mohapat ra mentioned that the municipal corporations will monitor the
● Raja P arba, a 3-day festival celebrating womanhood is being celebrated across Odisha.
● During this period, it is believed that Mot her Earth menstruates and prepares herself for future agricultural a c tiv it ies
wit h the arrival of monsoon, stated by Odisha Tourism Development Corporation (OTDC), chairperson S Mishra.
● Odisha Tourism Development Corporation (OTDC) launched a s pecial programme named 'Pitha on Wheels'.
● "Due to COVID-19, we're celebrating Raja Parba with a very low key.
● As women don't work during these 3 day s 7 v ehic les of ' P i t ha On wheels ' will reach people's doorstep in
● Dif f erent k inds of pit has s uc h as 'Poda Pitha', 'Manda', 'Kakara', 'Arisha', 'Chakuli' and 'Chandrakala' have been
● These vehicles selling traditional cakes have been stationed in Bhubaneswar, Cuttack and Sambalpur.
Odisha state govt Launched e-Learning methods for students: e-Pathshala, e-Mulyankan
● After launching Y ouTube lessons for college kids of Class I X and X, the state authorities launched e-P at hs ha la a n d
e-Mulyankan amenities maintaining in thoughts disruption of lessons in the course of the ongoing pandemic.
● These on-line platforms will profit college students, academics and district training officers (DEOs).
● These e-learning amenities have been created as long-term resolutions for any tough scenario, s t at ed c ollege and
mas s training minister Samir Ranjan Sprint after launching the platforms.
e-P athshala:
● The e-P athshala is a web-based s tudying platform that has repositories of e-contents within the t y pe of paperwork ,
● The e-contents will help completely different areas of on-line studying like self-learning, on-line lessons,
● The e-Mulyankan platform is des igned t o behave as a digital f inancial instit ut io n o f a pp ly ex a ms and mannequin
● The academics can conduct exams, mock examinations and closing examinations by the e-Mulyankan platform.
A bout Odisha:
● Odisha (formerly Orissa), an eas t ern Indian state on t he B ay of B engal, is known for its tribal cult ures and it s many
● The Lingaraj Temple c omplex, dating to the 11th century, is set around sacred Bindusagar Lake.
● The Odisha State Museum is focused on the area’s history and environment.
● The government of Odisha and the Unit ed Nations World Food P rogramme (WFP ) has joined hands t o i m p r ov e
hous ehold food and nutritional security by strengthening livelihood initiatives, reaching thousands of state -s upport ed
● A statement quoted WFP Count ry Direc t or in India, B is how P arajuli mentioned that the partnership for achieving
● The part nership, effective till December 2023 , will also be focusing on improving the linkage of women’s groups wit h
government procurement systems, increasing awareness on entitlements, building capacity of women’s groups, and
developing monitoring tools and undertaking evaluations to improve functioning of the groups.
P unjab
● P unjab Social Security Minister A runa Chaudhary launched the women-empowerment oriented ' Udaan S c he me' on
the occasion of I nt ernat ional Mens t rual Hy giene Day , under which sanitary pads of Rs 40. 55 c rore would be
● Chaudhary stated the main objec t iv e of t he s c heme is to protect women and girls from menstrual hygiene related
● At the launch ceremony, a total of one lakh packets of sanitary pads were distributed at all 1, 500 online loca t ions as
P unjab Cabinet gave nod to Create SPV for S urface Water S upply Scheme
● The P unjab c abinet gave its nod for the creation of a s pecial purpose vehicle (SPV) for operations and maint enanc e
affected districts.
● This S P V -- P unjab Rural Wat er (Ut ilit y ) Company -- under the Water Supply and Sanitation department will be a
utility company.
● The cabinet, chaired by Chief Minister A marinder S ingh, also accorded approval to open an account in t he na me of
the SPV, with seed money of Rs 25 c rore allocated f rom the World B ank funds (64 per cent) and s t ate budget (36 per
● P unjab chief minister Capt Amarinder S ingh virtually inaugurated Malerkotla as the 23rd district of t he sta t e and laid
the foundation stone of dev elopment projects worth Rs 548 crore in Malerkotla city.
● Amarinder stated he had promised to upgrade Malerkotla as a district during his previous tenure in 2005 but it could
● He had made a formal announcement about this decision on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr on May 14 this year.
● P unjab Government has also initiated the usage of eIDs equipped with Near Field Communication (NFC) technology
for their officers/employees through one of its prominent entities viz.Punjab Mandi Board.
● Chairman Punjab Mandi B oard Lal S ingh stated that these eIDs are equipped wit h N F C t e c h nolo gy -a s t an da rd-
bas ed wireless c ommunication technology, allows data exchange between devices that are a few centimet ers apart
● The NFC operates at 13.66 MHz and transfers data at up to 424 Kbits/ seconds.
P unjab’s Rana Gurmit Singh S odhi launches a special Mobile A pp " Khedo Punjab"
● P unjab Sports and Youth S ervices Minister Rana Gurmit S ingh S odhi launched a s pecial Mobile A pp "Khedo Punjab"
for putting the Sports Department and all the Sports persons of State of Punjab on Digital platform.
● Rana Sodhi informed that this is the first time in the his t ory of t he S port s Depart ment that the department has
● He stated that with the launch of Mobile A pp, the current sports persons and the budding players will be in a position
to register online and can choose any game of their interest besides identifying their International, National and State
● A f ter t he “P adho P unjab” initiative, the s tate education board is all set for “K hedo P unjab” to promote s po rt s a m ong
● The aim of t he projec t is to involve students into sports to keep them away from drug abuse and to encourage them
towards fitness.
● As per the guidelines, the schools shall start their day by conducting morning assembly with drum, yoga and PT.
● Rajasthan has launched Chief Minister Anuprati Coaching Scheme to help u nd er priv ileg ed s t ud ent s prepare f or
entrance examinations to civil services and professional courses, with an aim to give them equal opportunity.
● S t udents belonging t o scheduled caste, scheduled tribe, other backward classes (OBC), extremely backward cas t es ,
minority and economically weaker sections with annual family income less than Rs.8 lakhs per annum will be able t o
av ail t he s c heme run by the tribal area development, minority affairs, and social justice and empowerment
● Under the scheme, f ree c oac hing will be prov ided for preparation for civil services examination, conducted by the
● The Rajas t han gov ernment will soon set up a V edic E duc at ion and S ans k ar B oard to revive the knowledge of
● A c ommittee, formed to define aims, objectives and functioning of the board, has submit t ed it s report t o t he s t at e
government, Minister of State (MoS) for Sanskrit Education S ubhas h Garg mentioned, adding modules will be
● He stated the Vedic board would come into function after approval from Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot.
Tamil Nadu
● Tamil Nadu Govt has introduced new plans f or t he celebration of Kaliagnar’s 97th birthday .
● A slew of new techniques had been declared and Chief Minis t er S t alin inaugurated distribution of welfare strategies
● The Gov ernment mentioned t hat a 500 bedded multi speciality medical center for the reward of the people liv ing i n
● Award winning Tamil writers will be supplied a residence in their individual districts.
● Chief Minister S t alin distributed ten kilogram rice with 15 grocery merchandise alongside with the next inst allment of
2000 Rs compensation throughout Covid time period for ration c ard holders.
● He also gave Rs . 4000 alongwith provisions and rice to the priests who are doing the job at temples undern eat h t he
State Hindu spiritual and Charitable Endowments Ministry.
● The Chief Minister started the scheme of Rs Rs . 5000/- bonus for a s ingle lakh 12 thous a nd 1 8 4 l aw e nf o rc em ent
● Tamilnadu Chief Minister M.K.Stalin inaugurated Minnagam, a consumer grievance redressal centre in Chennai.
● The State Government said that consumers of electricity in the S t at e c an report t heir griev anc es to the Centre
consumers can make their complaints and clarify their doubts about the electricity bills.
● All the complaints would be passed on to the related executive engineers in the districts.
● It may be noted that the State has over t hree crore t en lakh consumers of electricity.
● Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao ordered a digital survey of agriculture lands in 27 s e lec t v illages ac ros s t he
● He directed officials to select three villages from his home constituency Gajwel and select the remaining 24 v illages
● Based on the outcome of the pilot survey, the digital survey will be extended later to the entire state.
● After the completion of the digital survey of agricultural lands, the survey will be undertaken in all urban areas.
● Telangana government had launched the Telangana A I Mission (T-AIM) powered by Nasscom and as part of t he T -
AIM an ac c elerator programme called Rev v Up has been launched to enable and empower AI startups.
● The programme that will begin its first cohort in July is another step towards making Telangana and Hyderaba d as a
● The accelerator programme, exclusively designed for growth-stage AI startups, will cover various sectors.
● Telangana Industries and IT principal secretary J ay es h Ranjan stated, “Telangana is committed to its vision of
● After becoming the f irst S tate in I ndia to launch an actionable policy framework for A rtificial Intelligence in J une 2020,
now set in motion the f irst edition of t he Revv Up accelerator programme to hone innovative AI ideas under T-AIM.
● CM K Chandrasekhar Rao called for an all-party meeting, June 27 t o discuss and finalize the guidelines of t he C M
Dalit Empowerment Programme that is being initiated by t he s tate government.
● A decision was taken in the meeting to provide Rs 10 lakh financial assistance each directly to the bank ac c ount s of
● It was also decided to earmark Rs 1200 c rore for the empowerment programme.
● CM Dalit E mpowerment P rogramme aims to make members of the c ommunity financially s elf-sufficient.
● In the f irst phase, from the t ot al 119 assembly constituencies, 100 f amilies from each constituency ac ros s t he s t at e
will be provided with assistance.
● This means, as per the government’s plan, a t ot al of 11, 900 people will benefit from the programme in the first
● The money would be transferred directly to the bank accounts of the eligible beneficiaries.
Wes t B engal
● Wes t B engal Chief Minister Mamata B anerjee relaunched her government's K rishak B andhu sch eme , doubling t he
● She stated that day labourers in f armlands and s harecroppers in possession of at least one kat ha (0. 0165 ac re) of
land will now rec eive Rs 4,000 a year, instead of Rs 2,000 they used to get earlier.
● Banerjee also mentioned that the respective boards of the state will announce the evaluation pro cess for
examinations of classes 10 and 12, that have been cancelled because of the Covid-19 pandemic situation.
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu Praful Patel
● In a pilot phase, the programme will be implemented in 12 hort iculture clusters out of the t ot al 53 c lusters selected for
the programme.
● A central sector programme implemented by the Nat ional Horticulture B oard (NHB) of the Ministry of Agricult ure and
Farmers’ Welfare, CDP aims at growing and developing identified horticulture clusters to make them globally
● Tomar, in his speech, highlighted that the programme will address all major issues related to the I ndian hort ic ult ure
s ector including pre-production, production, post-harvest management, logistics, marketing and branding.
NCP CR devises ' Bal S waraj' f or c hildren affected due t o COVID -19
● In view of the growing problem related to children affected by COVID-19, The Union Ministry of Women and Child
Development stated the Nat ional Commission for P rotection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has devised an online trac k ing
portal " B al S waraj (COVID-Care link)" for children in need of care and protection.
● The portal has been created with the purpose of tracking and monitoring children who need care and protection in
real-time, digitally.
● The portal will also be used to track children who have lost both their parents during COVID-19.
● The " COVID-Care" link on t he portal has been provided for the concerned officer or department to upload the dat a of
such children.
● A imed at empowering s mall and marginal f armers , who constitute 86 per cent of India’s farming community, the
Common S ervices Centres (CSC) has unveiled a unique A gri S ervices P ortal that will act as a one-s t op des t inat ion
● The portal will enable small and marginal farmers, who do not have easy access to the digital world, to avail essential
● CS C CE O Sanjay Rakesh stated, “Newly launched portal can be accessed by farmers with support from loc al CS Cs
for buying agri-input products, renting and hiring of agriculture implements and machinery, soil testing, sale of farm
● The CSC, a S pec ial P urpos e V ehic le under the Ministry of Electronics and IT, plans to reach out to 6, 000 Farmer
P roducer Organisations (FPOs), one in each block of the country, this year.
● Union Minister of S tate (I/C) for P orts, Shipping & Waterways Shri Mansukh Mandav iy a in t he pres enc e of C h i e f
Minis t er of Goa S hri P ramod S awant inaugurated the second floating jetty at Old Goa virtually on the occasion of
● S hri Mandaviya expressed hope that the floating jetty at Old Goa will prove a game changer for the tourism sec t or of
● He also announced that Panjim and Old Goa will be connected by ferry and cruise services.
● The Minister stated the jetty will of f er safe, hassle f ree t ransportation to t he tourists.
● The Minister lauded the work done by Government of Goa in making tourism sector a growth engine of the state.
● The Health Minister has launched the revamped Cent ral Government He alt h S c hem e , C GH S a n d t h e U m br ella
s c hemes of Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi, RAN and Health Minister’s Discretionary Grant, HMDG on NHA’s platform,
● Dr Hars h V ardhan stated, the initiative will enable seamless delivery of healthcare services to eligible beneficiaries
A bout NHA:
● Nat ional Healt h A ut horit y (NHA ) is the apex body responsible for implementing India’s flagship public healt h
ins urance/assurance scheme called “A yushman B harat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana” & has been ent rus t ed
with the role of designing strategy, building technological infrastructure and implementation of “Nat ional Digital Health
● National Health Authority is the successor of the National Health Agency, which has been functioning as a registered
GS T Council forms 8 member panel under to examine GST exemption on Covid material
● The group of ministers was constituted after several member states of the council, such as West Bengal and P unjab
● Ot her members of t he group of minis t ers (GoM) are – Gujarat deputy chief minister Nitinbhai Patel, Maharashtra
deputy CM Ajit Pawar, Goa transport minister Mauvin Godinho, Kerala finance minister KN Balagopal, Odisha
finance minister Niranjan Pujari, Telangana finance minister T Harish Rao and UP finance minister Suresh Kr
● V ac cines and c otton masks attract 5% GST, most of these items fall in the 12% t ax slab.
● Testing kits, drugs, medical oxygen, oxygen concentrators and ventilators fall under the 12% t ax bracket.
● Alcohol-based sanitizers, hand wash gels, disinfectants and thermometers attract 18% GST.
WHO labelled Two Covid-19 V ariants in India as ‘Kappa’ and ‘Delta’
● The WHO has advised against using location-based terms for variants, and has designated an of f ic ial name for the
● The organization took six weeks to announce the name “COV I D-19” after cases of the corona virus infection were
● WHO renames COVID-19 variants with Greek letters to avoid stigma; Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta.
● The B . 1.617.1 and B.1.617.2 variants of the Covid-19, f irst identified in India, has been named as ' K appa' and ' Delt a'
respectively, the World Health Organisation (WHO) announced as it named various variants of the corona virus using
Greek alphabets.
● The Union Cabinet has approved the draft of Model Tenancy A ct (MTA) for adoption and enactment by S t a t es a nd
● MTA envisages balancing the interests and rights of both, the owner and tenant, in an accountable and t ransparent
● A digit al plat f orm will be set up in the local vernacular language or the language of the State and Union Territory for
this purpose.
● The MTA also provides for a time-bound and robust grievance redressal mechanism.
● The Centre has said that the Model Tenancy Act will make vacant houses available on rent as well as repose
● A griculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar launched S eed Minikit P rogramme by distributing Seed Minik it s , higher
● The mini k its are being provided by the Cent ral A gencies, National S eeds Corporation, NS C, N A FE D a n d G u jar at
S t at e S eeds Corporat ion and it is fully funded by the Government of India through the National Food Security
● The distribution of seeds will continue till 15th of this month so that the seeds reach t he f armers bef ore t he K harif
sowing commences.
● The Ministry of Social Justice and E mpowerment will launch S enior c are A geing Growth E ngin e ( S A G E ) projec t t o
select, support and create a “one-stop access” of elderly care products and services by credible start-ups.
● The initiative was launched by S hri Thaawarc hand Gehlot in the presence of MoS, MSJE, Shri Rattan lal Kataria in
New Delhi.
● As per surveys, the share of elders, as a percentage of the total population in the country, is expected to increase
from around 7.5 per c ent in 2001 to almost 12.5 per c ent by 2026 .
● In a bid to ens ure f ree and f air elec t ions in the country and maximize the electoral coverage, the Election
Commission of India has made a series of recommendations to the Law Minis t ry including cancellation of
candidature & increasing the imprisonment to 2 y ears in c ase of false affidavit by poll candidates.
● Currently the statute allows inclusion of names of only those people who have t urned 18 y ears old as on 1st J anuary
of the year.
● In another major reform, the Central poll body has also suggested linking t he Aadhar Card with the Voter I D c ar d i n
Gov t announced the Target year t o Achieve ‘20% Ethanol-Blending t o P etrol’ to 2023 from 2025
● I ndia's government will bring f orward t o 2023 from 2025 the possibility of fuel companies selling gasoline c ont aining
up to 20% of ethanol (E 20), according to brokers and a publication in the country's official gazette.
● It is the second time India's government anticipates sales of the E 20 f uel, which originally would happen only in 2030,
as the country seeks to cut its oil import bill and reduce carbon dioxide pollution in cities.
● Most of the additional ethanol production in the country will come from sugar cane processing, so less cane will likely
● India has also been giving s oft loans t o sugar mills to increase ethanol productio n c apac it y by adding dis t illat ion
● The ‘Nat ional AI P ortal’ celebrated its first anniversary on May 28, 2021.
● It is a joint init iat iv e by the Ministry of Electronics and IT (MeitY), National e-Governance Division (NeGD) and
● S ec ond P urpose: The portal works as a one-stop digital platform for sharing of resources.
● Such as articles, startups, investment funds in AI, resources, companies and educational institutions related to AI in
● Third P urpose: The portal also shares documents, case studies, research reports etc.
● It also has a section about learning and new job roles related to AI.
● Launched by: The programme has been launched by the National e-Governance Division, MeitY.
● It is in collaboration with Intel India with support from the Ministry of Education.
Union Minister Giriraj Singh Announced the I ntegration of e -Gopala app with UMANG platform
● Union Minister f or Fisheries, A nimal Husbandry & Dairying announced integration of e G o p a la A p p wit h U M A N G
platform so that 3.1 Crore users of Umang platform will get access to App.
● e-GOP A LA app (Generat ion of wealt h t hrough P roduc t iv e Liv es t oc k ), a comprehensive breed improvement
marketplace and information portal for direct use of farmers, was launched by Hon’ble PM on 10th September
● The Minister stated that India is a global leader amongst dairying nations and produced 198.4 million tonnes of milk
during 2019-20.
● Value of output of milk is more than Rs 7.72 lakh crore during 2018-19 at current prices which is more than the value
of output of wheat and paddy together.
● The Minister announced the launch of the Nat ional A wards for the Cattle and Dairy sector, the Gopal Ratna A wards.
● The award has t hree c ategories – i) Best Dairy farmer, ii) Best Artificial Insemination Technician (AIT) and Best Dairy
● He mentioned that eligible farmers/dairy cooperative societies/ AI technicians can apply for the award online and the
Union Minister Dharmendra P radhan I nitiated List of I nitiatives to Enhance SATAT Scheme
● Union Minister of P etroleum and Natural Gas & S teel S hri Dharmendra Pradhan presided over a virtual ceremony in
which a number of initiatives were launched to provide major fillip to the S A TAT initiative, and help I ndia leap ahea d
t owards a greener.
● This included signing of a Cooperat ion A greement by Oil and Gas majors including IndianOil, HPCL, BPCL, GAIL
and IGL, for the promotion and development of the S A TA T (S us t ainable A lt ernat iv e Towards A f f ordable
Transportation) scheme.
● The SATAT scheme aims to set up Compressed Biogas production plants and make CBG available in the market for
● GAIL shall serve as the coordinator for the implementation of the CB G-CGD synchronization scheme.
● The Centre has introduced a new system for processing of the Insurance claims provided under P radhan Mant ri
Garib Kalyan P ackage (PMGKP) Insurance Scheme for the Health Workers Fighting COVID-19.
● The Union Ministry of Health mentioned that states and other stakeholders had been raising the matter that the
● With a view to streamline and simplify the processing of the insurance claims, it has been decided to start a new
● As per the system, the due diligence will be done by State Governments at the level of District Collector.
● The Centre has assured to include Tamil language in the CoWI N app facility after an appeal from T a m iln ad u C h ief
Minister M.K.Stalin.
● The Tamilnadu Government stated that along with the nine existing languages included in the CoWIN app, the facility
in Tamil language will be available in a day or two according to the P rincipal Health Secretary.
● The Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ announced that the government has dec ided t o ex t end
the validity period of the Teachers E ligibility Test (TET) qualifying certificate from 7 y ears t o lifetime with retrospective
ef f ect from 2011.
● In 2020, the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) in its 50t h meet ing of the general body had approved
● For a career in the elementary teaching profession in India, passing a relevant TET is mandatory.
Union Minister A nurag S ingh Thakur launches I EFPA’s 6 modules of short films titled “Hisab K i Kitaab”
● Union Minister of S tate f or Finance and Corporate Affairs S hri Anurag S ingh Thakur launc hed t he s i x m odu les o f
s hort films of Investor Education & Protection Fund Authority (I E P FA) titled “Hisaab K i K itaab”.
● “Hisaab ki kitab” is a series of 6 short films, dev eloped by CSC eGov as a part of their training tool.
● The various modules highlight the importance of budget, saving, importance of Insurance schemes, various social
● Shri Thakur stated that financial inclusion is one of the t op-most policy priorities of the Government of India
● Financial literacy and education plays a crucial role in financial inclusion, inclusive growth and sustainable
Def ence Minister noted t hat, motto of Atma Nirbhar B harat A bhiyaan is t o Make in I ndia and Make f or World
● The mot t o of 'AatmaNirbhar B harat A bhiy aan' is 'Mak e in I ndia' and ' Mak e for the World', Defence Minster
ment ioned, adding that the campaign envisages the def enc e sector to play a major role in I ndia' s economic growth
and focuses on manufacturing cost-effective quality products for I ndia and for the world.
● Def enc e Minis t er Rajnat h S ingh mentioned several procedural reforms undertaken by the Government, have
● Addressing a webinar on I ndia-S weden Def enc e I ndus t ry c ooperat ion, Mr Singh stated the motto
of Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan is Make in India and Make for the World.
● He stated, the campaign envisages the def enc e s ec t or to play a major role in India’s economic growth and focuses
on manufacturing cost-effective quality products for India and for the world.
● Gujarat Maritime Board (GMB) will set-up the c ountry's first international maritime services cluster at GIFT City.
● The maritime cluster will be developed as a dedicated ecosystem comprising ports, shipping, logistics services
providers and government regulators, all present in the same geographic vicinity — GIFT City.
● The c lus t er will further leverage the prox imit y and ac c es s ibilit y of these stakeholders to enable a synergetic
● Tapan Ray , MD and Group CE O, GI FT Cit y mentioned, "Establishing a maritime cluster is a much-needed step
● In India two-third was getting collected and one-third was not getting collected.
● Under the plastic waste management rules, there is a mechanism of collection and recycling of plastic.
● After the ban of single use plastic in the country, the government had also put a ban on plastic waste import.
● For the first time, an attempt was made to prepare guidelines for CwD also referred to as Children wit h S pec ial
● The Committee submitted a report titled " Guidelines f or t he Dev elopment of e -Cont ent f or Children wit h
● This report was shared, presented, discussed and accepted by the MoE.
● e-Content for CwDs should be developed based on the four principles namely: perc eiv able, operable,
● e-Content including text, tables, diagrams, visuals, audios, videos etc. should comply with accessibility standards:
nat ional standards (GIGW 2.0) and international standards (WCAG 2.1, E -Pub, DAISY etc).
● Distribution platforms on which content is uploaded (e. g. DI K S HA ) and Reading platforms/devices on which content
is accessed and interacted (e. g. e-pathshala) must comply with technical standards
● Reasonable pedagogical accommodations have been recommended to meet the specific needs of CwDs
● The technical standards and guidelines have been detailed out in Section 4 of the report.
● The Committee has also recommended that in a phased manner textbooks may be adapted into Accessible Digital
Textbooks (ADTs).
● The content of ADTs should be provided in multiple formats (text, audio, video, sign language etc) with turn-on and
turn-off features.
Gov t increases kharif MSP of kharif c rops by an average 3.7 per c ent
● The Cent ral government increased the Minimum Support P rice (MSP) of kharif crops for t he 2021-21 c rop s eas on
(July-June) by an av erage 3.7 per cent as compared to the previous year with the maximum hike reserved for puls es
● The MS P of t ur and urad has been increased by Rs 300 per quintal in absolute terms for 2021-22 t o R s 6 3 0 0 p er
quint al while the MSP of groundnut seed has been inc reas ed by Rs 275 per quint al in 2021-21 to Rs 5550 per
● I ndian I nstitute of Technology, B ombay has launched its new Centre for Digital Heath – the first-of-its-kind in India.
● The ‘K oita Centre for Digital Health’ (KCDH) was launched with a generous contribut ion rec eiv ed f rom it s alumni
Rekha and Rizwan Koita, under the aegis of the Koita Foundation.
● KCDH will be the first of its kind in India, focussed on driving academic programmes, research and industry
● I mproving the quality, accessibility and affordability of healthcare is one of the world’s biggest priorities .
● Digital Health, including healthcare informatics, has a profound impact on the quality of care and efficiency of
healthcare delivery.
● Consequently, there is substantial focus globally on enhancing Digital Health and Informatics.
Foreign secretary Harsh V ardhan S hringla released stamp to mark 70 th A nniversary if India-Germany Ties
● I ndia attended the G7 s ummit as a guest c ountry along with Australia, South Africa and South Korea.
● All four countries are seen as c ritical partners of the G7 (the US, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, UK and Japan).
● The f oc us is one way and another pandemic – through fighting for the recovery of health and also of economic
● A new postage stamp has been released to mark the 70t h anniversary of the es tablishment of diplo mat ic r elat io ns
● The Indian stamp was released by Foreign S ecretary Harsh V ardhan Shringla, with Vineet Pandey, Secretary, P os t s
● Shringla spoke about the longstanding collaboration in health, research and development, and higher education.
● Union E ducation Minister S hri Ramesh P okhriyal ‘Nishank’ announced the release of the report of A ll I ndia S urvey on
● This Report provides key performance indicators on the current status of Higher education in the country.
● Shri Pokhriyal noted that in the last five years from 2015-16 to 2019-20, there has been a growth of 11. 4% in the
student enrolment.
● The ris e in f emale enrolment in higher education during the period is 18. 2%.
● He emphasized that the continuous focus given by the government under the leadership of P rime Minis t er S hri
Narendra Modi on education of girls, women empowerment and empowerment of socially backward classes are well
reflected by the inc reased participation of women, SCs and STs population in High er E d uc at ion as s hown by t he
● Def enc e Minis t er Rajnat h S ingh inaugurated t wo c ent ers of excellence established by the B order Roads
● Mr. Singh also flagged off the f irst-ever s olo women motorcycle expedition by Kanchan Ugursandi to Umling La Pass,
Ladakh and back.
● The aim of the Centre of Excellence for Road Safety & Awareness (CoERSA) is to create awareness about road
● This will be done through analysis sharing of the accidents on the road as well as suggesting various methods that
● The focus of Cent re of Excellence f or Roads, Bridges, A ir Fields and Tunnels (CoERBAT) is on institutionaliz ing t he
knowledge which it has gained over years during the development of 56, 000 met ers of bridges , 19 airf ields , of
around 60,000 k ms of roads and f our tunnels in the eastern and north-western part of the country.
● State-of-the-art construction of ‘A tal Tunnel; Rohtang’, K ailash Mansarovar Road and Zojila pass .
● On t he budget allot ment f or B RO , the minister stated that it has been increased and approval has been given for
● Four s of t ware which have been developed for opt imiz ing t he work ef f ic ienc y of BRO personnel,their HR
management, recruitment management, enrolment and works management was also launched.
● These were created by BRO which would help in reducing the paperwork and cutting down carbon footprint, and
● Centre has launched ' P rojec t O2 f or I ndia' to step up production of medical oxygen to meet the potential increase in
● ' P roject O2 for India', an initiative of the Of f ice of P rincipal Scientific A dviser, Government of India (GoI), aims t o help
stakeholders working to augment the country's ability to meet the rise in demand for medical oxygen.
● Under the project, a ' Nat ional Cons ort ium of Ox y gen' is enabling supply of critical raw materials such as zeolites,
setting up of small oxygen plants, manufacturing compressors, final products such as oxygen plants, concentrators,
and ventilators.
● Besides, the consortium is also working to strengthen the manufacturing ecosystem for long-term preparedness.
● P M Narendra Modi invited the world t o invest in India while addressing the 5t h edition of global t ech event Viv aTe c h
v ia video conferencing.
● He stated, "India offers what innovators and investors need.
● He invites the world t o invest in India based on t he five pillars of: Talent, Market, Capital, Eco -system, A nd, c ulture of
● PM talked about how technology and digital have become the emerging areas of cooperation among the wide range
of subjects that India and France have been working together for.
● V iv aTech is one of the largest digital and s tartup events in Europe, held in P aris every year since 2016.
● I ndia is c ommitted to digital partnerships including collaborations within startup ecosystems and quantum technology
with Franc e and other E uropean countries.
Union Tribal Affairs Minister launches ‘Sankalp Se Siddhi-Mission V an Dhan’ & several other initiatives
● S hri Arjun Munda, Minister f or Tribal Affairs launches the tribal livelihoods initiative “S ankalp Se Siddhi – Mission Van
Dhan”Seven new Tribes India Outlets inaugurated virtually at Jagdalpur, Ranchi, Jamshedpur and Sarnath Immunity
boosting hampers, Tribes India Coffee table book, new TRI FE D Head Office among other highlights of the mega-
launch event ‘S ankalp Se Siddhi’ – Mission Van Dhan, was launched by Shri Arjun Munda, Minister for Tribal A f f airs
Main Objective:
● The Minister stated ''The goal of TRI FE D is to c onnec t t he ent ire t ribal c ommunit y of the country with the
● For this, we have to bring our products on the e-c ommerce platform.
● If we move forward with technology, then our market potential will increase even more.
● The other initiatives launched include the Van Dhan Software Application.
● Designed to receive and process the Van Dhan proposals online, the software application has GIS integration, can
monitor Van Dhan Project implementation activities and can generate related reports.
● A Digital Connect programme under which a two way communication process is proposed to be established was als o
● The Union Home Ministry has operationalized the nat ional helpline 155260 and report ing plat f orm f or p r e v en t ing
● The national helpline and reporting platform provide a mechanism for persons cheated in c y ber frauds to report s uc h
● Reinforcing the commitment of the Modi government to provide a safe and s ecure digital payments e c os y s te m , t he
Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) under the leadership of Union Home Minister A mit S hah has operationalized the
national helpline 155260 and reporting platform for preventing financial loss due to cyber fraud.
● The helpline 155260 and its reporting platform has been made operational by the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination
Centre (I4C) under the home ministry, with active support and cooperation from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), all
● Comput er f raud is a c y berc rime and the act of using a computer to take or alter electronic data, or to gain unlawful
● In the Unit ed S t at es , computer fraud is specifically proscribed by the Comput er Fraud and A bus e A c t , which
● As an int erior ministry of I ndia, it is mainly responsible for the maintenance of internal security and domestic policy.
● The Home Ministry is headed by Union Minister of Home Affairs A mit S hah.
● The Union Social Justice and E mpowerment (SJE) Ministry launched 14 c ross disability early i nt er v ent ion c e nt res
throughout the nation to of fer assistance t o infants and younger youngsters prone to or with disabilities.
● Union SJE Minister Thaawarchand Gehlot nearly inaugurated the centres which are positioned at sev en nat ionwide
institutes and 7 c omposite regional centres of the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities.
● Through t he c ent res , which have been begun as a pilot, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Himachal
Pradesh, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and
● The DEPwD mentioned all its 21 composite regional centres would have early intervention centres step by step.
● E arly intervention can provide specialized support and services for infants and young children at-risk or with disabilit y
and/or developmental delay and for their f amilies t o help t hem in their overall development, well-being and
● It is res ponsible for welfare, social justice and empowerment of disadvantaged and marginalized sections of soc iet y ,
including scheduled castes (SC), Other Backward Classes (OBC), trans-people and LGBTQ people, the disabled,
the elderly, and the victims of drug abuse.
● The Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment holds cabinet rank as a member of the Council of Ministers.
● The c urrent minister is Thawar Chand Gehlot, who is assisted by a Minister of State, Rattan Lal Kataria, Kris han P al
● Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a custom crash course programme that aims to skill and upskill over one
● He stated that the central government is committed to provide Cov id vaccination f ree t o everyone, starting June 21.
● "In the second wave of coronavirus, we saw what kind of challenges the ever-changing form of this virus can bring
before us".
● The ' Customised Crash Course programme for COVID -19 Frontline workers' aims to skill and upsk ill ov er one lak h
● The training will be imparted to them in s ix c us t omis ed job roles namely home care support, basic care support,
advanced care support, emergency care support, sample collection support, and medical equipment support.
● The course has been designed as a special programme under the central component of the P radhan Mant ri K aus hal
● Chief E lection Commissioner, S hri Sushil Chandra along with Election Commissioner Shri Rajiv Kumar and E lec t ion
Commissioner Shri Anup Chandra Pandey released ' General E lections 2019 - A n Atlas' on June 15, 2021.
● It has 42 t hematic maps and 90 t ables depicting various facets of the elections.
● The A t las brings out s alient f eat ures such as data of the 23 States and UTs where women voting percentage was
more than the male voting percentage; information about the largest & smallest parliamentary constituency in terms
● The A t las depic t s the electors data in different categories and through various comparison charts like Elector Gender
● The 2019 General Elections witnessed the lowest gender gap in the hist ory of Indian elections.
● The A t las als o c ompares the average number of electors per polling station in different states during 2014 & 2019
General Elections.
● The Election Commission of India set up over 10 lak h polling s tations in Genera l E lec t ions 2 0 19 wit h t he l o w e s t
MoS f or Education, Sanjay Dhotre initiates NIOS Diploma course in Yogic Science
● Minister of State f or Education S hri S anjay Dhotre launched NI OS Diploma course in Y ogic Science on the oc c as ion
● The Minister mentioned that NIOS offers s uc h vocational c ourses to the learners.
● The course in Y ogic science launched will help t hose who pass out of the course to bec ome a jo b p r ov ide r r at h er
t han a job seeker.
● The Minister also reiterated the laudable effort of the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in declaring June 21st as the
● The Minority Affairs Minister Shri Muk htar Abbas Naqvi launched a nationwide “J aanHaiToJ ah aa nH ai” awarenes s
campaign t o c reate awareness on Corona vaccination in rural and remote areas of the country and als o t o “ C r u s h
and Curb” the rumours and apprehensions, being spread by some vested interests regarding the on-going
vaccination drive.
● Launching the campaign from the Primary Health Centre, Chamraua in Rampur, Uttar Pradesh, Shri Naqvi said that
● Under the c ampaign various religious leaders, prominent people from social, educational, cultural, medical, science
and other fields are giving effective messages to the people to get vaccinated and street plays will also be organized
● Shri Naqvi stated that some vested interests are t ry ing t o s pread rumours and apprehensions regarding Corona
● The Minister mentioned that the Ministry of Minority Affairs along with various socio-educational organizations, NGOs
and Women S elf Help Groups has launched the awareness campaign which will be organized across the country in
● The union government is working on a ' green tariff' policy that will help electricity distribution c ompanies (dis c oms )
supply electricity generated from c lean energy projec t s at a cheaper rate as compared to power from conventional
● This was announced by power and new and renewable energy minister Raj K umar Singh who said t he gov ernment
was in the process of formulating a set of rules and guidelines to enable such a mechanism.
● Once the mechanism is in place, dis coms can exclusively buy green electricity and supply it at ‘green tariff’, which will
be the weighted average tariff of green energy that the consumer will pay.
● This comes in the backdrop of India’s solar and wind power tariffs hitting an all-t ime low of Rs . 1. 99 per unit
● India is running the world’s largest clean energy programme to achieve 175 gigawatt(GW) of renewable c apac it y ,
Union Cabinet approved merger of Central Railside Warehouse Company Ltd with Central Warehousin g Corporation
● Taking another step towards implementing the direction of “Minimum Government Maximum Governanc e” giv en by
Prime Minister, promot ing eas e of doing bus ines s and bringing private sector efficiencies in Public Sector
Undertakings, the Union Cabinet c haired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved to merge and
transfer all assets, liabilities, rights and obligations of ‘Cent ral Rail side Warehouse Comp any L imit e d’ ( C RW C ), a
Mini-Ratna Category-II Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSE) incorporated under the Companies A c t , 1956 in
● The merger will unify similar functions of both the companies (i.e., warehousing, handling, transportation) through a
single administration to promote efficiency, optimum capacity utilization, transparency, accountability, ensure
financial savings and leverage railway siding for new warehousing capac ities.
● With an aim to help c entral government employees who want to c onstruct t heir o w n h o us e , t he c ent er is of f ering
Hous e Building Advance (HBA) benefits to all central government servants (CGS).
● The bas ic interest rate charged on this HBA is 7. 9 percent and the benefit will remain available t ill 31st March 2022.
● Keeping 7t h pay c ommis s ion pay matrix and 7th CPC approval provisions in focus, the center has already updated
● The Cent ral Gov ernment employ ees , who wish to construct their own home, c an av ail t he Hous e B uilding
A dv ance (HBA).
● The HBA amount for expansion of the house is c apped at Rs . 10 lak h or 34 mont hs of bas ic pay or cost of the
expansion of the house or amount according to repaying capacity, whichever is the least.
● The total amount that a c entral government employee can avail of under House Building Advance is up to his or her
34 month basic monthly salary or Rs 25 lakh or c ost of t he house or the amount as per t he repay ing abilit y of t he
employee, whichever is lower for new construction or purchase of new house or flat.
I nt erest calculated in HB A:
● The interest amount is c alculated based on t he outstanding balance on the last day of t he month .
● The int erest rate on HB A is between 6% and 9.5%, and is based on the loan amount.
● A higher interest rate is stipulated in the sanctions, at 2.5% above the prescribed rates.
● MoTA and NCE RT join hands for NI S HTHA Capacity B uilding P rogramme.
● The Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MoTA) and the Nat ional Council of E ducation al R es e arc h a nd T ra ining ( N CE R T),
recently collaborated on a joint mission for the NI S HTHA capacity-building programme for Eklavya school teachers
and principals.
● Under the programme, teachers and principals from 120 E k lavya Model Residential Schools (EMRSs) from 3 S t at es
(Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh) participated in the first batch of the programme.
● NI S HTHA stands for Nat ional Initiative f or School Heads’ and Teachers’ Holistic A dvancement .
● NI S HTHA is a capacity-building programme for improving the quality of school education through integrated teacher
● It aims t o build competencies among all the teachers and school principals at the elementary stage.
● It was launched by the Department of School Education and Litera c y as a nat ional mis s ion under t he S amagra
● Shri Rav i S hankar Prasad, Union Minister f or Law & J us t ice, C o mmu nic at io ns a nd E lec t ro nic s & I T, f ormally
launched the e-f iling portal of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), ‘it at e-dwar’.
● Launching the Portal, the Minister explained the power of Digital India.
● He mentioned Digital India means empowering an ordinary Indian with the power of technology – To bridge the digital
div ide between t he digital haves and t he digital have nots leading to digital inclusion achieved by technology, which is
● Digital India means a framework for transforming India with the power of technology.
● He highlighted that nearly 129 c rore of t he Indian population are enrolled for A adhar which is t he d i g i t al i de nt it y t o
● Nearly 40 c rore bank accounts have been opened for the poor and linked to Aadhar.
● Using the power of Digital India about Rs . 16. 7 lak h c rore has been transferred to the account of the poor as Direct
Benefit Transfer, saving Rs . 1.78 lakh crores which was, otherwise, being siphoned off by middlemen.
● Digital India has positioned our country as a world leader in digital payments.
● The newly developed e-Filing P ort al would enable the parties to file their Appeals, Miscellaneous Applications,
● Portal will enable online f iling of Appeals, Applications, documents etc. by various parties
● It will enhance the accessibility, accountability and transparency in the day t o day working of the I TAT.
● It would not only result in economization of the use of paper, savings in costs but also rationalization of the fixation of
● P rime Minister Narendra Modi will interact with participants of Toy cathon 2021 via video conference.
● Around 1. 2 lakh participants from ac ross India registered and submitted more than 17,000 ideas for t he T o y c at h on
2021, out of which 1,567 ideas have been shortlisted for the t hree-day online Toycathon G ra nd F in ale , being held
● For this purpose, the Ministry of Education Innovation Cell has engaged 645 mentors and evaluators for 1567
participating teams.
● 85 Nodal c ent res have been selected to support the Ministry of Educations Innovation Cell and the All India Council
for Technical Education, which are the organizing agencies for this I nt er-ministerial Toycathon.
A bout Toycathon:
● I ndia, despite being a home of many globally popular games like Chess, Ludo, Snakes and Ladders, is not among
● Under the ‘A at maNirbhar Bharat Abhiyan’ initiated by our Hon’ble P rime Minister, S hri. Narendra Modi , T oy ca t hon -
2021 is conceived to challenge India’s innovative minds to conceptualize novel Toy and Games based on Bharatiya
● Toy cathon 2021 is a unique opportunity for Students, Teachers, Start-ups and Toy experts/professionals in I ndia t o
submit their innovative toys/games concepts and win a large number of priz es worth Rs. 50 lakhs.
● Winning Teams efforts will be made to commercialize the exceptional toy concepts with support from Industry and
Union Minister P rakash Javadekar launches LiDAR Survey of Forest A reas f or 10 States
● Minister for E nvironment, Forest and Climate Change, S hri P r ak as h J av ad ek ar in a v irt ual ev ent releas ed t he
Det ailed P rojec t Report s (DP Rs ) of LiDA R based survey of forest areas in t en s t at es namely Assam, Bihar,
Chhattisgarh, Goa, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Nagaland, and Tripura.
● Shri Javadekar informed that t he project which was awarded to WAPCOS, a P S U under the aegis of Minis t ry o f J a l
S hakti, Government of India is a first of its kind and a unique experiment using L i DA R t ec h nolo gy whic h will help
augment water and fodder in jungles areas thereby reducing human-animal conflict, help in groundwat er rec harge,
help loc al c ommunit ies and also asked state forest departments to use CA MP A f unds towards implementation of
these projects in right earnest and in accordance with the ‘Ridge to Valley’ approach of watershed management.
● Lidar — Light Detection and Ranging — is a remote sensing method used to ex amine t he surface of the E arth.
● Topographic lidar typically us es a near-infrared laser to map the land, while bathymetric lidar uses water-penet rat ing
● The surface reflects the light back to the LI DA R equipment, and the sensor records the reflected light to measure t he
distance traveled.
A bout WAPCO:
● WA P COS has prepared these DP R’s us ing LiDA R t ec hnology in which the 3-D(three dimensional) DEM (Digit al
E lev at ion Model ), imagery and layers of the project areas are used for recommending different types of Soil & Water
conservation structures s uc h as Anicut, Gabion, Gully Plug, Mini percolation tank, Percolation Tank, Field bund,
● These structures will help in c at c hing t he rain wat er and prev ent s t ream run of f , which will help in recharging of
● WA P COS with the participation of S t ate Forest Departments identified one major ridge inside a forest bloc k in t hes e
states with an average area of 10, 000 has been selected in each State for preparation of Detailed Project Reports.
● The s c heme has increased the demand incentive by 50 percent to Rs 15,000 per kWh compared to R s 1 0 , 0 00 p er
k Wh earlier.
● The max imum cap is also increased at 40 percent of the e-two-wheeler cost compared to 20 percent earlier.
● The FA ME I I s c heme, introduced to drive greater adoption of EVs in India, was launched with a massive budget
outlay of Rs 10,000 crore in April 2019, to support 7, 000 e-buses, 500,000 e-three-wheelers , 5 5 , 000 e -p as s eng er
● The Union government has announced the extension of the s ec ond phase of FAME I ndia scheme by t wo y ears t ill
s c heme for the promotion of electric and hybrid vehicles in the country.
● Ult imate objective of t he scheme is to promote electric mobility and it gives financial incentives for enhancing elec t ric
● The incentives are provided in the form of s ubs idies t o manufacturers of electric vehicles and infrastructure providers
of electric vehicles.
● Launched by the Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises in 2015, the f irst phase of the scheme started in
● Phase I of the FAME-India Scheme was implemented with an outlay of INR 895 Cr. Approximately 2,18,625 Electric
● The alloc at ions f or t he s c heme during the periods 2019-20 and 2020-21 were approximately INR 1500 Cr and INR
● For the year 2021-22, the amount is es t imated to be INR 3500 Cr.
● With an aim t o s trengthen t he road connectivity in t he border areas, Defence Minister Rajnath S ingh inaugura t ed 6 3
bridges in six states and two Union Territories built by B order Roads Organisation (B RO).
● Among the 63 bridges , 11 are in Ladakh, four in Jammu & Kashmir, three in Himachal Pradesh, s ix in Uttarakhand,
eight in Sikkim, one each in Nagaland and Manipur, and 29 in Arunachal Pradesh.
● With the inauguration of 63 bridges in one go, BRO has surpassed its own record of 44 bridges launched in 2020.
● These 63 bridges , combined with 12 roads dedicated to the nation by Shri Rajnath Singh on June 17, 2021, form a
bouquet of 75 inf ras t ruc t ure projec t s completed by BRO when the nation is celebrating the 75th anniversary of its
A ll High Court websites initiated to introduce c aptchas f or physically disabled access
● A ll websites of t he high courts now have captchas that are ac c essible to people with disabilities, the law ministry.
● The task of making the digital infrastructure of the I ndian judicial system more accessible to people wit h dis abilit ies
has been a core component of the work of the e-Committee of t he Supreme Court in the last few months.
● "A significant milestone that the e-Committee's efforts towards t his objective have yielded has been t o ens ure t hat
all high court websites now have captchas which are accessible to P ers ons with Disabilities (P wDs)".
A bout Captcha:
● Capt cha is a programme that protects websites against bots by generating and grading tests that humans c an pas s
● These c aptchas s erve as entry points t o access s everal essential f acets of a court website, such as judgment s and
I FS CA c onstituted Panel t o E xamine B est P ractices in S hip Financing, Leasing Chaired by Vandana Aggarwal
● The I nt ernational Financial S ervices Centre A uthority (IFSCA) has c onstituted a committee to e x am ine global bes t
practices in financing and leasing of ships, identify opportunities and devise a roadmap to enable s uc h activities f rom
● Gujarat International Finance Tec (GIFT) City is a business district near A hmedabad in Gujarat.
● It is the country's f irst operational greenfield smart c ity and international financial services centre.
● This c ommittee, to be c haired by V andana A ggarwal, former Senior Economic Advisor, and Government of India will
include representatives from the Government of India, Gujarat Maritime Board and industry experts possessing
domain knowledge.
Union Govt extends A tmanirbhar Bharat Rojgar Yojana deadline t ill March 2022
● The government extended the A t manirbhar B harat Roz gar Y ojana , which was launched in October last year to
● Around 21.42 lakh people have benef ited from the s c heme t ill June 18, 2021, with a total outgo of Rs . 902 crore.
● Finance Minister Nirmala S it haraman stated while announcing a slew of measures to revive the economy, "This
scheme now, which was v alid till J une 30, 2021, is being ex t ended till March 31, 2022".
is aimed at incentivizing employers for creation of new employment, restoration of loss of employment through
● The scheme is being implemented t hrough the E mployees P rovident Fund Organisation ( E P FO) and reduc es t he
financial burden of the employers of various sectors/ industries and encourages them to hire more workers.
● The Income Tax Department will launch a new e-f iling portal to further ease the f iling of income tax returns (ITRs).
● The e-port al, which, the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) mentioned, it will provide a “modern, s eamles s ”
Gov t c ontinues P radhan Mantri Garib K alyan A nna Yojana t ill diwali
● P rime Minis t er Narendra Modi announced the extension of the P radhan Mant ri Garib K aly an A nna Y ojana
(P MGKAY) till Diwali this year to ensure free ration is provided to those in need.
● As part of the central scheme, 80 c rore Indians will receive a fixed quantity of food grains per month till November.
● PM Modi stated, “In this time of pandemic, the government is standing by the poor in their every need, as their
● Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana is a f ood s ecurity welfare scheme announced by the Government of I ndia
● The program is operated by the Department of Food and Public Distribution under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs,
Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar releases Model P anchayat Citizens Charter
● A Model P anchayat Citizens Charter/ framework for delivery of the services across the 29 sectors , aligning ac t ions
with localized S us tainable Development Goals (SDGs ) as prepared by M i n i s try o f P anc h ay at i R a j ( MoP R ) in
collaboration with National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj (NIRDPR) was released by Union
Minister of Rural Development, A griculture and F armers Welfare & Panchay at i R a j S hr i N ar en dr a S ingh T oma r
● The Cit izen Charter would ensure transparent and ef f ective delivery of public services for sustainable dev elopment
and enhanced citizen service experiences; deepening inclusive and accountable Local Self Governments by
● Gram Panchayat Citizen Charter is t o empower the citizens in relation to public services and to improve the quality of
s ervices without any prejudice, and in accordance with the expectations of the citizens.
provide ' eas e of liv ing' for the family members of the deceased employees and would provide adequate financial
security to them.
● In case of death of both parents of a child, he/she is eligible to draw two family pensions.
● Now this amount has been hike and clarifications in this regard have been issued too.
and pensions
Medium enterprises
Corporate Affairs
Ministry of Consumer affairs, food and Piyush Goyal (Additional Rajya Sabha
Ministry of Law and Justice, Ministry of Ravi Shankar Prasad Patna Sahib
(Additional charge)
and Broadcasting
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas & Dharmendra Pradhan Rajya Sabha
Ministry of Steel
and fisheries
● The World Health Organization (WHO) has approved China's Sinovac Covid vaccine for emergency use.
● It is the second Chinese vaccine to receive the green light from the WHO, after Sinopharm.
● WHO stated that the emergency approval means the vaccine " meets international standards f or s afety, effic ac y a n d
● Vaccine efficacy results showed that the vaccine prevented symptomatic disease in 51% of t hos e v ac c inat ed and
prev ented s evere COVID-19 and hospitalization in 100% of the studied population.
● Few older adults (over 60 years) were enrolled in clinical trials, so efficacy could not be estimated in this age group.
● The core of the Sun burns at 15 million degrees Celsius by nuclear fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium, but now
scientists have designed an ' A rtificial S un' on Earth that has sustained a temperature of 120 million degrees Celsius.
● The E x perimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) fusion reactor des igned by China burns at eight
● The reactor broke the record by reaching a plasma t emperature of 120 million degree Celsius f or 101 s ec o nds a n d
Heidelberg Cement announced world’s f irst CO2 neutral cement plant in S weden
● Heidelberg Cement announced its intention to upgrade its plant on the S wedis h is land of Got land to become the
● The installation at the State plant of Heidelberg Cement ’s s ubs idiary Cement a will be scaled to capture up to 1. 8
million tonnes of CO2 annually, which corresponds to the plant’s total emissions.
● Additionally, the use of bio based fuels in the cement production at Slite will be increased in line with the Group’s
● Heidelberg Cement is one of t he world’s largest integrated manufacturers of building materials a n d s olut io ns , wit h
● Around 53, 000 employees at more than 3,000 locations in over 50 c ountries deliver long-term financial perf ormanc e
● As a forerunner on the path to carbon neutrality, Heidelberg Cement crafts material solutions for the future.
● E l S alvador will adopt B it coin as a legal t ender in the country, becoming the first in the world to formally embrac e t he
v olatile cryptocurrency.
● The Latin American country's congress voted overwhelmingly in favor of the law, pushing forward Salvadoran
● India was elected to the E c onomic and S ocial Council (ECOSOC), one of the six main organs of the Unit ed Nat i o ns ,
● I ndian A mbassador to the United Nations TS Tirumurti thanked all UN member states for their 'vote of conf idenc e in
● India was elected in the Asia-Pacific States category alongside Afghanistan, Kazakhstan and Oman in the elections.
S olar-Powered B itcoin Mining f acility introduced in U.S
● B lockchain technology company Blockstream Mining stated that Square Inc will invest $5 m i llio n t o build an open-
● B lockstream, in an announcement on its blog, mentioned the "facility will be a proof -of-concept for a 100% renewable
● The I nt erpol has launched a new global dat abase named “I -Familia” to identify missing persons through f amily DNA
and help the police solve cold cases in member countries.
● More t han 12,000 active Y ellow Notices, which are international police alerts for mis sing persons, had been is s ued
A bout I-Familia:
● I -Familia is a global database launched to identify missing persons through family DNA .
● Interpol applies cutting-edge scientific research and uses the DNA of relatives to identify missing persons or
● DNA k inship matching is used mostly in cases where a direct sample of the missing person is not available.
● The US S enate has approved the historic nomination of P ak istani-American Zahid Quraishi to t he Dis t ric t Court in
New Jersey, making him the f irst Muslim federal judge in the country's history.
● As many as 34 Republicans joined the Democrats in confirming the f irst-ever Muslim-American as a federal judge.
● A week -long I ndian mango promotion programme began in B ahrain where 16 v arieties of the fruit, including the three
Geographical I ndication(GI) certified ' K hirsapati' and 'Lakshman Bhog' from West Bengal and Zardalu from Bihar are
being displayed.
● "The varieties of mangoes are currently being sold through 13 s tores of t he group in Bahrain.
● The mangoes were sourced from farmers in Bengal and Bihar by A gricultural and P rocessed Food P roduc t s E x po rt
G7 leaders initiates B uild Back B etter World (B3W) to c ounter China’s B elt and Road I nitiative
● The Group of S ev en ric hes t democ rac ies has sought to counter China's growing influence by offering developing
nations an infrastructure plan that could rival P res ident Xi J inping's multi-trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative.
● The G7, whose leaders are meeting in south-west England, has been searching for a c oherent res pons e to the
growing assertiveness of Mr Xi after China's surging economic and military rise over the past 40 years.
● The G7 and its allies will use t he B 3W initiative to mobilize private-sector capital in areas such as climate, healt h and
health security, digital technology, and gender equity and equality, the White House added.
● China' s B elt and Road I nit iat iv e (B RI ), whic h Mr X i launc hed in 2013 , involves development and investment
● More t han 100 countries have s igned agreements with China to c o ope ra t e i n B RI p r ojec t s lik e railway s , port s ,
UA E , B razil, A lbania, Gabon, Ghana elected as non permanent members of UN Security Council
● A lbania, B razil, Gabon, Ghana and t he United A rab Emirates were elected unopposed to the powerful U N S e c u rit y
● The 193-member UN General Assembly held elections to elect five non-permanent members who will take their
seats on the 15-nation Council for a two-year term beginning January 1, 2022.
● A ll t he f iv e c ount ries won the elections unopposed as they were the only candidates from their respective regional
● A new f ree trade agreement with the UK will deliver more Australian jobs and bus iness opportunit ies f or ex port ers ,
● P rime Ministers Scott Morrison and Boris Johnson have agreed on the broad outlines of an A us tralia-UK Free Tr ad e
A greement (FTA).
● The FTA is the right deal for Australia and the United Kingdom, with greater access to a range of high-quality
products made in both countries as well as greater access for businesses and workers, all of which will drive
● Australian producers and farmers will rec eive a s ignificant boost by getting greater access to the UK market.
● The A s ian Development B ank (ADB) approved a $250 million policy-based loan to the Gov ernment of Bangladesh t o
help f inanc e ref orms aimed at improving the inclusiveness and responsiveness of the country’s social development
● B angladesh has made remarkable progress in reducing poverty over the past 2 decades.
● The pov erty incidence declined from 48. 9% in 2000 t o 20.5% in 2019.
● However, while many people were lifted from extreme poverty, a considerable number continue to live at a
subsistence level.
● The corona virus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has s ignif ic ant ly af f ec t ed t he s oc io ec onomic s it uat ion of
B anglades h with the decline of the country’s gross domestic product to an estimated 5.2 % in fiscal year (FY) 2020
around the world experiment with ways to relaunch t ourism and business t rips.
● The c ertificate will be paper-based rather than digital and will be issued by local government s f rom s omet ime nex t
● The E uropean Union is working on a digital v accine passport for this summer so it can welcome bac k badly needed
tourists, and some EU countries plan to introduce certificates at the national level.
● The E U v ers ion will feature information on whether a person has been vaccinated, or had the virus, tested negative,
and recovered.
V ac cine Passport:
● An immunity passport or vaccine passport, also known as an immunity c ertificat e, rec ov ery c ert if ic at e or releas e
certificate is a document, in bot h paper and digital format, attesting that its bearer is immune to a contagious disease.
● The diamond firm Debswana has announced the discovery in B otswana of a 1, 098-carat stone that it des c ribed as
● The company’s acting managing director, Lynette Armstrong, presented the stone, which was found on 1 June, to the
● It is the t hird larges t in t he world, behind the 3,106-carat Cullinan found in South Africa in 1905 and the 1,109-carat
● Nik ol Pashinyan, t he acting prime minister of Armenia, has claimed victory in a snap parliamentary e lec t io n he had
called in an effort to defuse a political crisis following a disastrous war with Azerbaijan.
● With 75 perc ent of results declared, Pashinyan’s Civil Contract party had 55.61 percent of the vote.
● The electoral alliance of his top rival, former President Robert Kocharyan, had 20 percent of the vote, according to
● Voter turnout was about 50 percent, with some 2.6 million people eligible to vote.
● Tax I nspectors without Borders (TIWB), a joint initiative of the United Nations Development Programme (UND P ) and
the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OE CD), launched its programme in Bhutan.
● India was chosen as the Partner Jurisdiction and has provided the Tax E xpert for this programme.
● This programme is expected to be of about 24 months’ duration through which India in collaboration wit h t he U N D P
and t he TIWB Secretariat aims to aid Bhutan in strengthening its tax administration by transferring t ec hnic al k now -
how and skills to its tax auditors, and through sharing of best audit practices.
● The focus of the programme will be in the area of I nternational Taxation and Transfer P ricing.
people used drugs worldwide last y ear, while ov er 36 million people suffered from drug use disorders.
● The report also stated many countries saw a ris e in the use of c annabis during the c oronavirus pandemic.
● In surveys of health professionals across 77 countries, 42% mentioned c annabis use had increased.
● A rise in the non-medical use of pharmaceutical drugs was also observed in the same period.
● The report further noted that in the last 24 years, cannabis potency had increased as much as four times in some
parts, even as the percentage of adolescents who perceived the drug as harmful fell by as much as 40%.
A s hgabat world’s most expensive c ity for f oreign workers
● Turk menistan’s capital city Ashgabat has become the world’s most expensive city for foreign workers , ac c ording t o
● The annual report has ranked 209 c ities across five continents by measuring the comparative cost of more t han 200
items, including housing, transportation, food, clothing, household goods, and entertainment.
● The survey used New Y ork Cit y , rank ed 14 on t he lis t , as the base city and currency movements were measured
● Lis t of top 10 expensive c ities mostly features global financial hubs like Hong Kong, which was the priciest las t y ear,
● Mumbai remains I ndia’s most expensive c ity at 78th rank but has dropped 18 places in this year’s rank ing “due t o a
relatively weak Indian rupee in comparison with other cities in the ranking.”
● Ot her I ndian c ities on the list are New Delhi (117), Chennai (158), Bengaluru (170), and Kolkata (181).
China replaced UAE became t he 2nd Largest Export Destination of I ndia in FY21
● China ov ert ook t he UA E to emerge as India’s second-largest export destination in FY21, behind only the US, for the
f irst time in recent memory, despite the onslaught of the Covid-19 pandemic and a deadly border clash with outbound
shipments to the neighbouring c ountry rising 27.53% to $21.18 billion in t he pandemic y ear .
● The US remained the country’s top export partner, according to government data, but shipments dec lined 2. 78% t o
$51.63 billion in a year when India’s merchandise trade —bot h exports and imports — fell amid global lockdowns and
● I ndia along with the Govt. of United Kingdom launched a new work stream to promote indus t rial energy ef f ic ienc y
under the Clean E nergy Ministerial’s (CEM) – Industrial Deep Decarburization Initiative (IDDI) coordinated by UNIDO,
● The 12t h CEM is ongoing from May 31st and will continue till 6th June 2021.
● The I DDI initiative has been supported by Germany and Canada, with more countries expected to join soon.
● The objective is to infuse green technologies and stimulate demand for low-carbon industrial material.
● Mr. Alok Kumar, Secretary, Ministry of Power highlighted that India is committed to cut emissions intensity per unit of
Republic Khalifa
Important Appointments
Nat ional A ppointments
Fincorp Ltd
Mamata Banerjee
marketing, Vodafone-Idea
Arun Kumar Mishra Chairperson, National Human Rights Panel included Narendra
Mallikarjun Kharge
minimum period of t3
Ranjitsinh Disale (Primary World Bank Education Advisor For the period June 2021 to
Federation of Gujarat
Federation Ltd
Vishwavir Ahuja Managing director and CEO, RBL Reappointed for a period of
Benetton India
Green Tribunal
Mahesh Kumar Jain Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of Extended for two years
Management Company
Chandra Shekhar Ghosh MD and CEO, Bandhan Bank For a period of 3 years
Dentsu International
Kedar Lele (Chairman and Executive director, HUL Management Srinandan Sundaram
the Department of
Economic Affairs
Dr Mukesh Sharma of IIT Honorary member of WHO's Global Sharma has been
Environmental Program,
of Ultrarunners Council
Ankit Fitkariwala Chief Business Officer & Head of He worked with Paytm
Investment Products
Rupesh Patel Senior Fund Manager, Nippon India He was associated with
Ananta Barua & Santosh Whole-time Member, Securities and Extended the tenour for 2
Development Committee
Aditya Nath Das Andhra Pradesh Chief Secretary Extended for 3 months
India, Twitter
Singh Puri
by V K Saraswat picked
I nt ernational Appointments
Association of Ultrarunners
UN Security Council
in 2025
Representative to the UN
Association of India
Solar Ltd
Karim Khan New chief prosecutor for the Fatou Bensouda of Gambia
Ebrahim Raisol-Sadati)
Darren Sammy Board Director, Cricket West Indies He is Two-time T20 World Cup-
General Assembly
Res ignation/Retirement
● The I ndian B roadcasting Foundation (IBF), renamed as I ndian Broadcasting & Digital Foundation ( I B D F), t he apex
body of broadcasters and OTT operators, has announced the appointment of J us t ic e (Ret d. ) V ik ramjit S en as t he
Chairman, along with six other eminent industry members for the newly formed Digit al Media Cont ent Regulat ory
Counc il (DMCRC).
● The Council constitutes prominent personalities from the Media & Entertainment industry and Online Curat ed
Cont ent Providers (OCCPs), with experience in IPR, programming and content creation.
● The Council includes national award-winning filmmaker Nikkhil Advani; Deepak Dhar, CEO and founder, Banijay
Group; prominent artist, filmmaker and writer Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari; and creative writer and innovative director,
Tigmanshu Dhulia.
● The other two members from the OCCPs include Ashok Nambisan, General Counsel, Sony Pictures Pvt. Ltd, and
● The Tamil Nadu government stated it c onstituted an E c onomic Advisory Council to the chief minister, which inc ludes
Nobel laureate E s t her Duf lo, former RBI governor Raghuram Rajan, former chief economic advisor to the Union
government A rv ind S ubramanian, development economist P rof Jean Dreze, and former Union financ e S ec ret ary S
Naray an.
● This was rev ealed by Governor Banwarilal P urohit during his address to the 16th Assembly.
● The f ive-member team was put together by f inance minister Palanivel Thiaga Rajan , who was an inv estment b ank e r
in t he US and S ingapore before he entered politics.
● Minister stated that, “The chief minister was keen that we must get the best minds in the world to help us and our
● The S t ate government appointed 41 Honorary Wildlife Wardens (HWWs) across all the districts as per the prov is ion
● They have been appointed for a period of two years till J une 2023.
● Wildlif e c ons erv at ionis t Aditya Chandra Panda along with Pradeep Kumar Sahoo has been appointed as the HWWs
● S nake Helpline general secretary Subhendu Mallik is the new HWW for Khurda district.
● Apart from Mallik, Speak for Animal founder Kusal Biswas and Jyotirmaya Barik will also serve as HWW s of Khurda.
● Pradipta Kabi, Akshay Kumar Mohanty and Bibekananda Pattnaik have been appointed as the HWWs for
Mayurbhanj district, while Sibaram Sahoo and Hrudananda Naik will look into Sambalpur district.
● Suresh Chandra Tripathy will be the HWW for Cuttack, while Bijay Kumar Dash and Surya Narayan Lenka would
● The appoint ment s were delay ed for around a year as terms of the HWWs appointment in the State had expired in
July 2020.
● The Gov ernment of India appoints private citizens as Honorary Wildlif e W a rd ens ( H W Ws ), on t he bas is of t heir
● These Wardens liaise with the S t at e' s Fores t Depart ment s and contribute their expertise to the government's
conservation efforts.
Former Infosys CEO SD S hibu Lal appointed as head task f orce for bureaucratic reforms
● The government appointed former Infosys CE O S D S hibu Lal as c hairperson of a t hree-member task force which will
● The pers onnel ministry order confirmed the t hree-member task f orce will include Govind I y er, c ons ult ant at global
management consulting group Egon Zehnder, and Pankaj Bansal, co-founder and Group CEO of HR tech company
● A ddit ionally , Adil Zainulbhai, chairman designate, Capacity Building Commission, Department of Personnel and
Training (DoPT) will be a s pec ial invitee to the discussions of the task force.
Valeria Luiselli (Mexican Author) 2021 DUBLIN Literary Award Sponsored by Dublin City
Children Archive
Is Black.
Thomas Vijayan Nature TTL Photographer of He shot the picture titled 'The
Leadership Awards
Productivity Organization
Zimbabwean writer
M R Jayadevan Nair Prestigious award for best For his work in the documentary
Tillotama Shome Best Actor award at the latest For Raahgir: The Wayfarers
Sumita Mitra European Inventor Award For her new composite filling
Larsen & Toubro Infotech Global Innovation Partner of By Snowflake, the Data
RK Sabharwal (C&MD, Engineers The Order of Polar Star Given by Mongolia government
India Ltd)
Ishan Kapur (15-years old Delhi Diana Award For going above and beyond in
a positive change.
development projects
Journalist Palagummi Sainath Fukuoka Grand Prize for Given by Japan’s Fukuoka city
● Wat er Burial has won the bes t film award on environment c onservation at the 67t h National Films A wards 2021.
● Inspired by the popular Assamese novel S aba K ota Manuh, which is written by Yeshe Dorjee Thongchi, Water B urial
is in Monpa dialect and has an intriguing storyline around a dark ritual of a local tribe in Arunachal Pradesh.
● The film, which is directed by independent filmmaker S hantanu S en in Monpa dialect, has garnered positiv e rev iews
for its uniqueness in portraying the rituals of the tribals of the Northeast and bringing the attention of the mainstream
● B ollywood actor S anjay Dutt was thrilled to receive a golden visa for the United A rab E mirates (UAE).
● The 61-y ear-old ac t or mentioned that he was honoured to receive the prestigious visa "in the presence of Major
General Mohammed Al Marri, Director General of General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA )
- Dubai".
● The UA E government has introduced the Golden Visa initiative for long-term residents to e n c our ag e f oreigners t o
work , live, study and conduct business in the country without requiring national sponsors.
● Through this initiative, foreign investors and businessmen get complete ownership of their businesses in the country.
● These golden visas are issued for five or 10 years, which automatically get renewed.
Not ion Press authors Nitin Rakesh and Jerry Wind bags I nternational Business B ook of t he Year Award 2021
● The aut hors made history by winning the prestigious I nt ernational Business Book of the Y ear A ward f or 2021 for their
● The Business Book Awards is one of the biggest and most prestigious events in the calendar for business book
● Nit in Rakesh, a distinguished leader in Technology and Financial services industries , has been C E O of M p h as is , a
● His career spans over two decades leading large transnational operations and delivering transformative digital
● He won the Gold Stevie for Tech Innovator of the Year – Services at the 2019 American Business Awards &
● J erry Wind, an int ernat ionally renowned ac ademic ian , is currently Lauder Professor Emeritus and Professor of
● His pioneering research on organizational buying behavior, market segmentation, conjoint analysis, and marketing
strategy has made him one of the most cited authors in marketing.
WHO honours Dr Harsh Vardhan with s pecial recognition for tobacco c ontrol
● On May 31, 2021, The World Health Organization (WHO) honoured U n i o n h e alt h m inis t er H ar s h V ard ha n wit h
Director-General S pec ial award f or his efforts t o control tobacco c onsumption in India on World No Tobacco Day.
● WHO Director-General stated that Dr Harsh Vardhan's leadership was instrumental in the 2019 national legislation to
● The World Health Organization has set this year's theme for no tobacco day as 'commit to quit'.
● WHO has also designated 31s t May as ' World No Tobac c o Day ' with an aim to abolish the toxic material from the
● For the f ourth consecutive year, Hy derabad International Airport has been awarded t he G o l d R e c og nit ion by t he
A irport s Counc il I nt ernat ional (A CI ) A s ia-P ac if ic Green A irport s Rec ognit ion 2021 , in the below 25 million
● GMR-led Hyderabad International Airport Ltd (GHIAL), the ACI’s Green Airports Recognition programme promotes
best environmental practices to minimize the aviation industry’s impact on the environment.
I nt ernational Airport, B engaluru has ac hieved net energy neutral status in the fiscal year 2020-21.
● BIAL considers this one of its ambitious goals as it has already set the target to become Net E nergy Neutral by 2020-
● It claims to begin 2021-22 promisingly by addressing 98 perc ent of it s energy requirement of 21-22 through
renewable sources.
● The airport corporation claims to have s aved up to 22 lakh units of electricity in FY 2020-21, enough to power ne arly
● BIAL saved nearly 5 lakh units (KWH) from lighting and has implemented chiller plant optimization in Heating,
Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC), which has resulted in s av ing of over 17 lakh units (KWH) of power .
● The Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education of t he Union Ministry of E duc at io n has announc ed t he
" One District - One Green Champion '' awards for 2020-21 to 400 higher educat ion al i ns t itut io ns o f t h e c ount r y ,
● The 12 higher educational institutions selected for the prestigious "One District-One Green Champion A wards " are
S t . X avier's College of Management and Technology from Patna and other institutions from Begus arai, Darbhanga,
Gaya, Purnia, Bhagalpur, Nalanda, Sitamarhi, Gopalganj, East Champaran, Khagaria, Gopalganj and Madhubani.
● This award is given for the contribution of selected higher educational institutions to the S wac hht ha E duc at ion and
P ractices.
Recognition in the over 25 Million Passengers Per A nnum (MPPA) category , while the GMR Hy derabad International
A irport Limited (GHIAL) received the Gold Recognition by the ACI in the below 25 Million P as s eng ers P er A nnu m
● A CI ’s Green A irport s Rec ognit ion programme promotes environmental best practices to minimize the aviation
industry’s impact on the environment and recognizes ACI Asia-Pacific members for outstanding environmental
● The award was decided by a distinguished global panel that highly praised DI A L’s Gree n t a x iin g i nit iat iv es at I GI
● A bout 130 Indian peacekeepers deployed with the Unit ed Nations Mission in S o ut h S ud an ( U N MI S S) hav e been
● About 135 I ndian and 103 S ri Lankan peacekeepers serving in the mission were awarded for their service.
A s sam to institute own versions of B harat Ratna and P adma awards from next y ear
● The A s sam government will present its own v ersions of the B harat Ratna and t he Pa dma awards from next year.
● The weekly cabinet meeting, chaired by chief minister Himanta B iswa S arma decided to ins t it ut e t he A s o m R a t na
A ward to be presented every year to one person who has made significant contribution to the society.
● The cabinet also instituted other c iv ilian honours such as the A s om B ibhus han A ward to be presented to three
persons, the A s sam B hushan to five and the A s om Shree to 10 people every year.
● These f our awards will carry c ash prizes of Rs 5 lakh, Rs 3 lakh, Rs 2 lakh and R s 1 l ak h r es p ec t ive ly wit h ot her
benefits like free medical treatment for critical illness, free stay at Assam Bhawans and free travel in ASTC buses,
among others.
I ndian E nvironment Organization ‘Family Forestry’ bags UNCCD’s 2021 Land f or Li fe Award
● This year's Land f or Life A ward goes to Familial Forestry of Rajasthan, India, a unique c onc ept of S hy am S under
Jyani, Associate Professor for Sociology at in Rajasthan that relates a tree with a family, making it a green " f amily
● P lacing a family at the cornerstone of society, the concept ensures the success of any social campaign.
● The Land f or Lif e A ward c eremony will take place in A ugus t at the Eighth Kubuqi International Desert Forum in
● The award winner will also have an opportunity to present their work at the UNCCD Fif t eent h Conf erenc e of t he
● Familial Fores t ry means transferring the care of trees and environment in the family so that a tree becomes a part of
● More than a million families from more t han 15,000 v illages of desert-prone northwest Rajasthan in over 2 . 5 m illio n
s aplings have been planted in the past 15 y ears, with active participation of students and desert dwellers.
Gandhi documentary bags top award at New Y ork I ndian Film Festival
● A doc umentary on Mahatma Gandhi produced by int ernationally-renowned South A frican filmmaker A nant Singh has
won the B es t Documentary Feature A ward at t he 21st New Y ork I ndian Film Festival.
● The film, titled ‘A hims a – Gandhi: The P ower of t he P owerles s ’ , written and directed by Ramesh Sharma, was
produced by Singh’s company Videovision to commemorate the 150t h anniversary of M a hat ma G an dh i’s b irt h i n
● These include Gandhi’s granddaughter Ila Gandhi and her grandsons Arun Gandhi and Rajmohan Gandhi living in
● The song ‘Ahimsa’ in this film is sung by U2 and AR Rahman and lyrics are penned by Bono and Rahman.
● The New York Indian Film Festival is an annual film f estival that takes place in New Y or k C it y, and s c re ens f ilms
● The festival began in November 2001 and was founded by Aroon Shivdasani and the Indo-American Arts Council.
● Indian Navy organized the Fleet A ward Func t ion (FA F) at V is ak hapat nam this year to mark the successful
● FAF 2020 was hos t ed by Rear Admiral Sanjay Vatsayan, NM Flag Officer Commanding Eastern Fleet , and the Chief
Guest for the event was Vice Admiral Atul Kumar Jain, PVSM, AVSM, VSM, Flag Officer Commanding -in-Chief,
● The Fleet Award Function is held every y ear t o mark t he resilience and pers e v era nc e o f I ndia n N a v y p e rs o nne l
appointed onboard s hips of ‘Poorvi Beda’ or colloquially c alled the ‘Sword Arm’ of ENC.
● At the event, the Fleet Operations Officer presented the Annual Report of activities and achievements of the Fleet for
● The occasion was a commendable affirmation of the ships which under the Operation ‘S amudra S et u’ successfully
rescued Indian Diaspora from nations across the world at an unprecedented scale in the wake of the COVID-19
● The Cent ral government declared S mart City awards 2020 in which Indore (Madhya Prades h) and S urat (Gujarat )
won the award jointly for their overall development.
● Whereas Ut t ar P rades h emerged on the t op among all s t at es , followed by Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu under
● The S mart Cit y awards were given across the t hemes of Social Aspects, Governance, Culture, Urban Environment,
Sanitation, Economy, Built Environment, Water, Urban Mobility, the Ministry of Housing Affairs said.
● Surat, Indore, Ahmedabad, Pune, Vijayawada, Rajkot, Visakhapatnam, Pimpri -Chinchwad, and Vadodara were
● A hmedabad bagged the ‘S mart Cities Leadership Award’, followed by Varanasi and Ranchi in the s ec ond and t hird
spots respectively.
● On Gov ernance aspect-Vadodara, Thane and Bhubaneswar stood as t he t op-3 cities in the c ountry.
S oc ial A spects
Gov ernance
● V adodara: GIS
● B hubaneswar: ME app
Cult ure
Urban E nvironment:
S anitation:
E c onomy:
B uilt E nvironment:
Wat er:
Urban Mobility:
● A hmedabad: Manless parking system and automatic ticket dispensing machines AMDA Park
● The Coc hin I nternational A irport Ltd (CIAL) won the A irport Council International's (ACI) Direc t or General' s Roll of
● The ACI, a global body of airport operators established the Roll of Excellence recognition to those airport s whic h, in
the opinion of the passengers, have consistently delivered exc ellent services in the Airport Service Quality Survey.
● The Cochin International Airport Ltd (CIAL) has won a global award for quality of service.
● Airport Council International (ACI) Direc t or-General Luis Felipe de Oliv eira stated the CIAL consistently delivered
excellence in customer service by winning multiple A S Q awards over five years during the pas t 10 years.
Important MOU’s
P J TSAU s igns MoU with Wadhwani I nstitute
● To empower farmers with advance information about the possible pink bollworm infestation in cotton fields so that
they could take preventive and control measures, P rof essor Jayashankar Telangana State A g ric ult ur al U n iv ers it y
(P J TSAU) has signed a memorandum of understanding with Wadhwani Institute f or Artificial Learning, Mu mba i, f or
● The A griculture Department, Krishi Vignan K edras of the A griculture University, Information Technology depart ment
● Leading stock exchange B SE stated it has joined hands with E lectronics and Computer S oftware Export P ro mot ion
Counc il (ESC) to create awareness about the benefits of listing among small businesses and startups.
● BSE has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with ESC, the exchange said in a statement.
● Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council (ESC) is an organization sponsored by the
Government of India with a mandate to promote the export of I nf ormation and Communicat io ns T ec hn olo gy ( I CT)
s ec t or from the country and works as a bridge between the government and the industry on policy and promotional
● A jay Thakur, Head of B SE SME and s tartup, mentioned that, “This MoU will help toreaching out to E S C' s pan I ndia
network of Electronics and IT exporters and create greater awareness amongst the SMEs and startups about
● B ox op, a Kerala-based s t art -up has t ied up wit h Mahindra I ns uranc e Brokers Ltd (MIBL) to provide low-
cost ins urance protection for the Cov id-19 t reatment.
● B ox op is providing this comprehensive service across the State through Akshaya Kendras and support from MIBL.
● B OX OP has introduced a Group Covid plan in which individuals will get a lump sum benefit plan of Rs . 25000, who
● The Union Cabinet approved a memorandum of c ooperat ion with J apan in the field of sustainable urban
● The memorandum of cooperation (MoC) will be signed between the Ministry of Housing and Urban A f f airs a n d t he
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan in supersession of an ex isting MoU of 2007 on u r ba n
dev elopment.
● The agreement will promote strong, deep and long-term bilateral cooperation in the field of sustainable urban
● The Union Cabinet was apprised of the Memorandum of Unders t anding (MoU) signed between the Minis t ry of
Hous ing and Urban Affairs, Government of India and Ministry of National P lan ning , H ous in g a n d I nf ras t ru c tu re,
● A J oint Working Group (JWG) will be constituted to strategize and implement programmes on cooperation under t he
● The J oint Working Group will meet once in a year, alternately in Maldives and in India.
● The K oc hi Met ro Rail Lt d (K MRL) and the s t at e gov ernment signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for
forming a special purpose vehicle (SPV) for the operation and maintenance of the Rs 747-c rore Wat er Met ro
● The SPV, Kochi Water Metro Ltd (KWML), shall be a joint venture with equity of 74% f or t he government and 26% for
● As per the MoU signed by Chief Secretary V P Joy and KMRL MD K R Jyothilal in Thiruvananthapuram, KWML will
the UA E -based defence sector EDGE Group P USC to share crucial technology to enhance production and improv e
efficiency of maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) in the defence aviation sector.
● ADD Engineering has been allotted land by KIADB at Tumakuru Machine Tools P ark to set up its unit.
● On the Occasion of World Environment Day celebrated on June 5, CI I's Indian Green Building C o unc il ( I GB C ) and
I ndian I ns t it ut e of A rc hit ec t s (I I A ) signed a MoU to give a fillip to the Green Building Movement and sustainable
● V S uresh, chairman, IGBC, A rchitect C R Raju, IIA national president , exchanged the MoU in the virt ual plat f orm in
● MoU will go a long way in development of a built env ironment that is aligned with the green building concepts and
New Zealand became latest nation t o s ign s pace agreement with NASA
● New Zealand announced it was the latest country to sign a s pac e agreement wit h NA S A , just as New Zealand's
● New Zealand became the elev ent h s ignat ory to the Artemis Accords, a blueprint for space cooperation and
supporting the U. S . s pace agency's plans t o return humans to the moon by 2024 and t o launc h a his t oric h u m a n
mission t o Mars.
● NASA Administrator Bill Nelson mentioned in a statement that New Zealand was one of seven nations that helped
craft the principles in the accords and he was delighted they had signed up.
● The Union Cabinet, chaired by P rime Minister Narendra Modi has given its ex-post facto approval f or signing and
rat ification of an agreement on ' Cooperation in the field of Mass Media' between all t he member states of Shanghai
Cooperation Organisation.
● The agreement shall promote equal and mutually beneficial c ooperation among associations in the field of Mass
● Shanghai Cooperation Organization consists of eight c ountries: I ndia, China, the Kyrgyz Republic, K azakhstan,
● Merchant payment and lending service provider B haratPe mentioned it has entered into a s t rategic partners h ip w it h
● The agreement will ensure B haratPe's involvement and integration at all ICC events throughout t he t erm, inc luding
the ICC Men's T20 World Cup (India, 2021), ICC Men's T20 World Cup (Australia, 2022), ICC Women's World Cup
(New Zealand, 2022) and ICC Men's Cricket World Cup (India, 2023) among others.
● To promote clean, affordable and reliable energy solutions, Meghalay a government and Ladak h union territory
have signed memorandum of understanding (MoU) separately with Conv ergenc e E nergy S erv ic es Lt d , a wholly -
owned s ubsidiary of E nergy Efficiency S ervices Ltd to generate around 65MW of decentralized solar.
● In t he f irst MoU with Meghalaya P ower Distribution Corporation Ltd (MeP D C L), CE S L has s igned an MoU wort h
60MW, which will also entail finding synergies in business development to implement vari ous sustainable solutions
like pump sets, LED lighting and solar power stations for agriculture.
● Wit h Ladak h, CESL will implement various clean energy and energy efficiency programmes, including decentralized
DI C s igned MoU with I CAR to provide ‘Demand Based Tele Agriculture A dvisories’ to f armers
● In order to facilitate farmers by providing location specific ‘Demand B ased Tele A griculture A d v iso ries ’ , t he I n dia n
Counc il of A gricultural Research (ICAR) and Digital I ndia Corporation (DIC) has s igned an init ial pac t t o prov ide
● ''The objective of t he MoU is to integrate the existing Interactive Information Dissemination System (I IDS) platf orm of
DIC with the proposed K isanSarathi program of ICAR and its implementation through ICAR network to reac h a large
● K arnataka Industrial Area Development B oard (KIADB) has signed a Memorandum of Unders t anding ( M o U ) wit h
HDFC B ank to provide a wide range of financial products and services to its customers.
● As part of the MoU, HDFC Bank will prov ide a wide range of financial products and s ervices to its customers t hrough
● In addition, KIADB, in its efforts to make the land acquisition for industrial purposes more affordable and attract
investments into Karnataka, has agreed t o c ollaborat e with HDFC bank so that eligible investor/customer of KIADB
can avail of credit facilities from HDFC Bank as per Bank process and policies.
● NHP C Lt d has signed e-mobility agreements with Conv ergenc e E nergy S erv ic es Lt d (CE S L), a wholly owned
subsidiary of E nergy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL), for leasing of 25 electric vehicles and supply of t hree elec t ric
vehicle (EV) fast chargers to NHPC including its installation and commissioning.
● The agreement s were signed by Rajesh Kumar, GM (Mechanical) on behalf of NHPC; and Rajneesh Rana, CGM &
● I ndia and K uwait have signed a MoU that brings Indian domestic workers in the Gulf nation within the ambit of a legal
framework that streamlines their recruitment and provides them with the protection of the law.
● The MoU was signed by I ndian A mbassador Sibi George and Deputy Minister for Foreign A f f airs o f K uw ait M ajd i
A hmad A l-Dhafiri in the presence of visiting External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar and his Kuwaiti counterpart Sheik h
● Jaishankar arrived here on his first bilateral visit to the oil-rich Gulf nation early.
● A MoU for Bihar's mega Dagmara hy droelec t ric projec t , initiated with an aim t o a new era of growth in the power
sector, was s igned between the B ihar State Power Holding Corpor at ion a nd t h e N a t io na l H y dr oele c tr ic P ow er
● The MoU was signed f or setting up B ihar’s bigges t hy droelec t ric power generat ion plant called the ‘Dagmara
E mirates Group Security, GMR Aviation A cademy jointly s igned MoU f or aviation t raining
● The E mirat es Group S ec urit y (E GS ) and t he GMR A v iat ion A c ademy (GMRA A ) signed a MoU to promote
cooperation for development and exchange of inf ormation, technical expertise, and experiences in aviation security.
● The GMRA A is part of t he GMR Group , India's leading infrastructure development company and t he 4t h larges t
● Dubai-based EGS is a multi-faceted organization that develops and implements security s t rat egies and meas ures
● Through this MoU, the GMRAA and the EGS will jointly offer more t han 75 avia t ion a n d s ec ur i ty c o urs e s in bot h
online and conventional classroom settings - certificates, diplomas, undergraduate and postgraduate - to thousands
MoU s igned between t wo ministries for development of National Maritime Heritage Complex at Lothal in Gujarat
● An MoU has been signed bet ween the Ministry of Ports, S hippin g a n d W a t erw ay s a nd M inis tr y of C u lt ur e a n d
● Ports, Shipping and Waterways Minister Mans ukh Mandaviya mentioned that this complex would be dedicated to t he
legacy of maritime heritage to showcase India’s rich and diverse maritime glory.
● He stated, MoU would help in exhibiting the robust maritime history as well as the vibrant coastal tradition of our
● He noted, this would uplift the image of India’s Maritime Heritage in the international forum.
S J VN signed an inks pact with National I nstitute of Wind Energy for energy projects
● S t ate-owned SJVN Ltd has signed a pact with Nat ional I nstitute of Wind E nergy (NIWE) t o develop s o lar a n d w i nd
energy projects.
● SJVN has entered into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Institute for 'technical c ons ultancy serv ic es '
for development of solar, wind, hybrid (wind and solar) and hybrid (wind, solar and battery storage) energy projects of
● NIWE will support SJVN to assess the feasibility and t ec hno-commercial aspects of the projects and preparat ion of
detailed project reports, estimates and bid documents covering all relevant aspects from the concept to the
H-E nergy s igned an ink pact MoU for supply of re-gasified LNG t o P etrobangla
● H-E nergy signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with P etrobangla recently to supply re-gas if ied liquef ied
● “The companies will soon finalize a long-term supply agreement to commence the supply of regasified LNG to
● H-Energy has received permission from the Petroleum and Natural gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) to build, own and
operate K anai Chhata-Shrirampur natural gas pipeline connecting it’s LNG terminal in West Bengal to Bangladesh, to
S hipping Ministry and MoCA s ign pact to develop seaplane services in India
● I ndia’s ministry of state for ports, s hipping, and waterways has signed a pact wit h t he minis t ry of c iv il av iat ion t o
● The ministry of state for ports, shipping, and waterways stated, “MoU for development of seaplanes services under
RCS -UDA N s c heme signed between the ministry of state for ports, shipping, and waterways and ministry of civil
● “S eaplane operations will result in enhanced connectivity of remote places and boost religious tourism.”
● The I ndian I nstitute of Management Nagpur (IIMN) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the C e n t r al
I ns titute of Road Transport (CIRT) for generating industry-oriented knowledge in transport management and boosting
work capacity.
● The MoU was signed in the presence of Union Minister Nitin Gadkari.
● The MoU paves way for collaboration in the areas of training, research, consulting and outreach in the domain of
● The MoU contains goals for increasing capacity in the transport sector and enhancement of production.
● The MoU s igning programme was also at t ended by Tech Mahindra’s Chief Executive Officer and Managing Direc t or
C P Gurnani, IIMN Director Dr Bhimaraya Metri, CIRT Director Dr Rajendra B Saner Patil and NHAI Consultant
Vaibhav Dange.
● I ndia and B hutan inked an MoU for dev eloping cooperation between t wo c ountries in the area of environment.
● The MoU was signed virtually by Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Prakash Javadekar from the
Indian side and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairperson of the National Environment Commission Lyonpo Dr.
● Shri Javadekar stated, the MoU will open new vistas of bilateral cooperation in the area of c limat e c hange, was t e
management etc and Describing the relat ions hip bet ween t he t wo c ount ries as symbolic, he said, India wants to
● The MoU is a platform to further enhance Indian and Bhutanese partnership and support, and exchange best
practices in areas like prevention of Air Pollution, Waste Management, Chemical Management, Climate Change, etc.
● Union B ank of India has entered into an MOU with The Nat ional S mall I ndu s tr ies C o rpo rat io n L t d ( NS I C ) under
“NS I C B ank Credit Facilitation S cheme” to s upport MSMEs with credit requirements.
● Under the arrangement the MS ME Unit c an approach directly to any of NSIC branch offices which are also operat ing
as Finance Facilitation Centre (FFC) and submit their request for loan requirement from Union Bank of India.
● The official sitting at the NSIC Branch will provide hand holding support to the MS ME unit by assisting them in
● Union Minister for Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Narendra S ingh Tomar and Fiji’s Minister of Agriculture,
Waterways & Environment, Dr. Mahendra Reddy signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for c ooperat ion in
t he f ield of Agriculture and allied sectors between India and Fiji in a virtual meeting.
● Tomar stated that India believes in the spirit of ' V asudhaiv K utumbakam'.
● India has helped all the countries in the same spirit even during the Corona pandemic under the leadership of Prime
● The MoU provides for c ooperation in the f ields of Dairy Industry Development, Rice Industry Development, Root c rop
diversification, Water Resources Management, Coconut Industry Development, Food Processing Industry
Husbandry, Pest and Disease, Cultivation, Value Addition and Marketing, Post-Harvest and Milling, Breeding and
NS G s igned MOU with RRU
● With focus on a dual mission, the Nat ional S ecurity Guard (NSG) and the Ras htriya Raksha University (RRU) signed
a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation and collaboration aimed at strengthening the core
● DG NSG M A Ganapathy and Prof (Dr) Bimal N Patel, Vice-Chancellor RRU signed the MoU at the Manesar campus
of NSG.
● The MoU also aims to contribute to c apacity-building and providing assistance to Indian start-ups focused on securit y
by helping them to understand the specific requirements and the problem statements formulated by NSG for design
● The aim of t he MoU is t o s y nergis e t he ex pert is e of NS G & RRU to embolden innovation, incubation, training,
research, and distance education in the field of security through the ‘S ec urit y and S c ient if ic -Tec hnic al Res earc h
A s sociation’ (SASTRA) and RRU’s Integrated S pace for e -Education (RISE) platform and tie-ups wit h I ndian s t art -
I FFCO, INAES and Cooperar jointly signed MOU to setup Nano Urea P lant in A rgentina
● Leading fertilizer cooperative I FFCO stated it will set up a nano urea liquid manuf ac t uring plant in Argentina in
partnership with two agencies -- I ns tituto Nacional de Asociativismo Y Economia S ocial (INA ES ) and C o o p e rat iv e
● IFFCO, INAES and Cooperar -- entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the same.
● According to IFFCO, the three will together analyze the feasibility of setting up a nano urea fertiliser manufacturing
● The s c ope of MoU will be of fering opportunities t o exchange ideas and develop business relationships , t o c arry out
joint research and training activities along with educational visits for better understanding and opportunities.
● Denmark signed the f ramework agreement of the I nt ernational S olar A lliance Framework A greem ent ( I S A F A ) and
Instrument of Ratification with India, informed Ministry of E xternal A ffairs (MEA) spokesperson Arindam Bagchi.
● "On 22 June, Freddy Svane, Ambassador, Roy al Danis h E mbas s y , deposited signed copies of the ISA Framework
● Signed copies of ISA FA were handed over to the Additional S ec retary (ER)".
● Meanwhile, Denmark became the first country to ratify I nternational S olar Alliance Framework Agre eme nt (I S A FA )
● "Kingdom of Denmark becomes 1st c ountry to ratify International Solar Alliance Framework Agreement (ISA FA) after
amendments to it entered into force on 8 January this year, opening its Membership to all M ember States of the
United Nations.
● I S A is an alliance of over 120 countries initiated by I ndia, most of them being s uns hine c ount ries whic h lie eit her
completely or partly between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
● State run Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOC) ink ed pac t s wit h Gujarat gov ernment for implementing projects totaling
● “I ndianOil’s Gujarat Refinery will be implementing I ndia’s first Hydrogen Dispensing Facility as a clean fuel initiative”.
● Expanding refining capacity by 4. 3 million t onnes per annum to 18 million tonnes and adding plants to produce
5,00,000 tonnes per annum of polypropylene and 2, 35,000 tonnes of lube oil base stock at the site would see a total
investment of about Rs 24,000 crore.
● "Chief Minister of Gujarat Vijaybhai Rupani and Union Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas & S t ee l D h arm end ra
P radhan presided over an MOU signing ceremony for 'Investment Promotion' between the Gov ernment of Gujarat
and I ndianOil for setting up a Petrochemical and Lube Integration (LuPech) Project and Acrylics / Oxo Alcohol Project
● The Nat ional Medicinal Plant B oard (NMPS) and the Nat ional B otanical Research Institute (CSIR-NBRI) have signed
an agreement to boost cultivation and production of medicinal plants and herbs in India.
● The A Y USH ministry stated the MoU will facilitate the development of Quality Planting Material (Q P M) of medic inal
plants and herbs identified by the NMP B , help in establishment of their nurseries for QPM, development, promotion,
conservation and cultivation of the appropriate medicinal plants in different agro-climatic zones, including the
threatened medicinal plant species and plants for the high-altitude regions.
● "Through this collaboration, NMP B will s upport CSIR-NBRI in carrying out the potential medicinal plant s pec ies wit h
high commercial value for the Germplasm collection/conservation and establishment of nursery and seed banks/gene
● B S E -led mutual funds distributor platform, B SE STAR MF, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding ( M o U ) wit h
Godavari Urban Multi State Credit Co -Op S ociety Ltd., Nanded (GUMCCSL) to deepen its net work of ov er 70, 000
registered distributors.
● S ameer P at il, CB O of B S E stated “via this MoU, Godavari Urban Multi-State Co-Op Society Ltd. would strive to
leverage its reach and capacity for delivery of a wider range of financial products such as mutual funds and so on.
● This partnership with B S E S TA R MF will ensure that customers will be on boarded through an easy and hassle-free
digital process and the efforts are aligned towards a les s-paper ecosystem.”
● MoU aims t o f ac ilit at e c ooperat ion between BSE STAR MF and rural markets in areas such as financial inclusion,
● The s econd United Nations (UN) Global S ustainable Transport Conference will take place f rom October 14 t o 16 in
B eijing, China.
● It prov ides an opportunity to focus attention on the opportunities, challenges and solutions t owards achi eving
A im :
● To adv ance sustainable transport globally and underscores its importance f or the achievement of t he UN 2030
Not e :
● The f irst Global Sustainable Transport Conference was held in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, in 2016.
● From J une 08 t o J une 09, 2021, t he first edition of the 2 day A rab-India Energy Forum was held Virtually.
● The inaugural session of the forum was addressed by R K Singh, Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Power,
Aziz Rabbah, Minister of Energy and Mines of Morocco, and Kamal Hasan Ali, Assistant Secretary -General for
● In this Forum a range of issues on boos ting two-way energy cooperation and intra-regional power t rading dominated
were discussed.
● The forum witnessed exchange of knowledge, expertise and best practices in the fields of energy efficiency
programmes for different economic sectors, accelerated development of new and renewable energy, fostering
regional power-sharing arrangements, enhanced oil recovery, tight gas extraction and safe nuclear power generation
● The discussion was also held on respective national regulatory policies governing these sectors, training
● On J une 14, 2021, The yearly meeting of Nort h A tlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) held a face-to-face summit at
● It was the 31s t formal meeting of the heads of state and heads of government of the alliance.
● The summit of the 30-member NATO group was held as a part of U.S. P resident J oe B iden’s first f oreign trip.
● All the leaders agreed on the “NATO 2030” agenda, a comprehensive initiative to make sure that the alliance remains
● The agenda also states that NATO will s t rengthen political consultation and the resilience of society, reinforce
def ense and deterrence, sharpen the technological edge, and develop its next S trategic Concept in t ime f or the
s ummit in 2022.
● On J une 16, 2021, The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) B ombay hosted a t hree-day virtual conference of BRICS
Net work Universities on electric mobility.
● The conference is part of the engagements that I ndia is hosting under t he education stream during its 13th B RICS
● More than 100 students, researchers, and faculty from the BRICS Network Universities of the five-member countries
● The Conference deals with E ighteen experts from B razil, Russia, I ndia, China and S. A frica who will talk about
v arious aspects of electric mobility like t raffic management, hydrogen technology, hybrid vehicles, lithium -ion
bat teries and linkage between e-mobility and livelihoods over the next t hree days.
● BRICS Network University is a union of higher education institutions of t he five B RICS member c ountries.
Objective :
● On J une 22, 2021, the I nternational E nergy Forum (IEF) informed I ndia that it has agreed to hos t the 9th A sian
● It will take forward the understandings reached in the prev ious meeting in Abu Dhabi during 2018.
● Under the Ministry of P ower, NTPC Limited, organised a t wo-day workshop on Green Hydrogen.
● The event will be anc hored by I ndia's state-run power major NTPC.
● The online event will be held through a video conference f rom J une 22, 2021 t o 23, 2021.
● Experts from Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (BRICS) countries participated.
● In addition to that, the Cent ral government also launched a National Hydrogen Mission this y ear.
B enefits of Green Hydrogen :
● Green Hydrogen is one of the most popular and demanding fields in the current t imes and considered to be t he next
c arrier of energy.
● Green hydrogen has a great amount of potential to ensure sustainable energy supply.
● It would increase the level of energy available at the same time and minimize the negative impact on the
A bout National Hydrogen Mission :
● This Mission is to int roduce hydrogen purchase obligations for fertilizers, refineries.
A im :
● To dev elop India into a global hub f or the manufacturing of hydrogen and fuel cells technologies across the value
● On J une 26, 2021, Andhra Pradesh Governor B iswa Bhusan Harichandan inaugurated the t wo-day I nternational
E ducation e-Conference.
● The Conference held on the t heme of Holistic Education for Excellence in Life.
P urpose :
● Through holistic development children will be equipped with int ellectual, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual
c apabilities to face the demands and challenges of everyday life and real-world education helps every child find his
or her unique place in the world in alignment with their innate values.
Not e :
B y /Others
Conference in Life
● Sajag is the t hird in a series of five offshore patrol v essels indigenously designed .
● The ship is fitted with advanced technology equipment, weapons and sensors capable of carrying a twin engine
● I ndia will get eight new Flying Training Academies under the liberalised Flying Training Organisation (FTO) policy of
● These academies will be set up at f ive airports across the country Belagavi, J algaon, K alaburagi, Khajuraho and
A im :
● To make I ndia a global flying training hub and to prevent the exodus of Indian cadets to foreign FTOs.
● These FTOs will also be designed to cater the flying training requirements of cadets in India’s neighbouring countries.
● This initiative will help t he Indian flying training sector in becoming more self-sustaining under the A tma Nirbhar
B harat initiative.
● From 09 to 11 J une 2021, the t hree day coordinated patrol between t he Indian Navy and the Roy al Thai Navy was
c onducted.
● It was the 31s t edition of India-Thailand Coordinated Patrol (Indo -Thai CORPAT) in the A ndaman S ea.
● The Indian Navy's offshore patrol vessel INS Saryu and Thai ship Krabi along with Dornier maritime patrol aircraft
from both navies.
A bout CORPAT :
● Since 2005, the two navies have been bi-annually undertaking CORPAT along their international maritime boundary
line (IMBL).
● The CORPAT builds up understanding and interoperability between navies and facilitates institution of measures to
prevent and suppress unlawful activities like illegal unreported unregulated (IUU) fishing, drug trafficking, maritime
1. I ndian Navy will receive the f irst set of t hree of t he 24 MH-60 ‘Romeo’ multirole helicopters f rom the US in J uly 2022.
2. In February 2020, I ndia had signed a Rs 15,157 crore ($2.13 billion) contract with the US f or Lockheed Martin .
3. The first batch of Indian pilots has reached the US for training on the helicopters .
● The MH-60 Romeo helicopters would be equipped with multimode radars and night v ision devices, Hellfire missiles,
● The MH-60 helicopters have been des igned to operate from c ruisers, aircraft carriers, destroyers, and frigates.
● The choppers are designed for hunting submarines as well as knocking out ships and conducting search -and-rescue.
● S t ate-of-the-art CSS has been developed ab-initio at A rmament Research and Development Establishment (ARDE),
P une in association with High E nergy Material Research Laboratory (HEMRL), P une, for the indigenously developed
LCA Tejas and Trainer A ircraft, HJT-36 Aircraft and HTT-40 Aircraft.
● It provides s af e passage by pre-weakening/severing the c anopy to facilitate the smooth escape of the pilot in the
● All modern aircraft are equipped with a Canopy S everance System (CSS).
● It is an escape path clearance system for the pilot in case of emergencies occurring on the aircraft.
● The CSS design has been c leared by Certifying A gency RCMA (AA), Pune and CE MILAC, B angalore has issued
Ty pe Approval.
● The first one is the I n-f light E gress System (IES) for in-flight emergencies, which is integrated with the seat ejection
● Second one is the Ground E gress S ystem (GES) for on-ground emergencies, which is independent of seat ejection.
● ARDE and HEMRL are now capable of developing CSS for any Military Aircraft as required by Indian Air Force.
I ndian Navy and European Naval Force Exercise held in Gulf of Aden
● On J une 18, 2021, The maiden Indian Navy and E uropean Union Naval Force (EUNAVFOR) exercise began in t he
Gulf of A den.
● Italy’s ITS Carabiniere, the Spanish Navy’s ESPS Navarra, and FS Tonnerre and FS Surcouf of France.
MoD & Goa Shipyard Ltd s igns c ontract for construction of t wo P ollution Control Vessels for I ndian Coast Guard
● On J une 22, 2021, The Ministry of Defence has s igned a contract with Goa Shipyard Ltd (GSL) for the construction of
t wo P ollution Control V essels (PCVs) for the I ndian Coast Guard (ICG) at a cost of about Rs 583 c rore.
● These Special Role ships will be indigenously designed and will be developed & built by GSL.
● The acquisition is under ‘Buy Indian Indigenously Designed Developed & Manufactured (Buy Indian -IDDM)’, the
● The acquisition will augment the capability of ICG to respond to oil spill disasters at sea and also will enhance
● Both vessels are s c heduled for delivery by November 2024 and May 2 025 respectively.
● The new PCVs planned are for pollution response requirements in Eastern and the ecologically sensitive Andaman &
Nicobar Regions.
I A F & I ndian Navy begin 2-day passage exercise with US Carrier Strike Group in Indian Ocean
● On J une 23, 2021, Indian A ir Force (IAF) and the I ndian Navy commenced t wo-day Passage exercise.
● The exercise will be held t wo days, J une 23, 2021 and June 24, 2021.
● It is the joint operational passage exercise with t he US Navy Carrier S trike Group in the I ndian Ocean Region (IOR).
A im of the Exercise :
● To s t rengthen t he bilateral relationship and c ooperation by demonstrating the ability to integrate and c oordinate
● As part of the exercise, Sukhois, Jaguars, IAF refuelling aircraft and warships and maritime patrol aircraft of the Navy
● I NS K ochi and Teg, along with P 8I and MiG-29K aircraft will participate in a ‘P assage Exercise’ with US Navy CS G
Ronald Reagan.
Ministry of Defence, DRDO S uccessfully Test fires Subsonic Cruise Missile ‘Nirbhay’
● On J une 24, 2021, The s ubsonic cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’ was s uccessfully test-fired off the Odisha c oast.
● Nirbhay is a subsonic cruise missile des igned and developed by the Defence Research and Development
● The missile having a range of 1500 KM, it was fired from launchpad no.3 of the I ntegrated Test Range at Chandipur
of B alasore district.
Not e :
● The f irst t est f light of Nirbhay was held on 12 March 2013 .
● The missile can be launched f rom multiple platforms and is c apable of carrying conventional and nuclear warheads.
● The missile has a length of 6 metres, a width of 0.52 metres, a wingspan of 2.7 metres and weighs about 1500 kg.
● To enhance military cooperation with f riendly nations, Indian Naval Ship (INS) Tabar , which commenced its
prolonged deployment on June 13, will v is it a number of ports in Africa and Europe t ill September end, 2021.
● The ship is commanded by Captain M Mahesh and has a c omplement of 300 personnel.
● Tabar will transit across the Gulf of Aden, Red Sea, Suez Canal, Mediterranean Sea, North Sea and Baltic Sea while
making port calls at Djibouti, Egypt, Italy, France, UK, Russia, Netherlands, Morocco, and Arctic Council countries
● The ship is also s c heduled t o participate in bilateral exercises like Ex K onkan with the Royal Navy, Ex V aruna with
● The deployment will also see participation by the ship in the Rus s ian Navy Day celebrations from J uly 22 t o 27.
● This is to f urther strengthen maritime s ecurity in t he region and t o c onsolidate c ombined operations against maritime
t hreats.
● On May 28, 2021, t he Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) successfully flight-tested a New
Generation Nuclear Capable B allistic Missile “Agni P” from Dr APJ A bdul K alam island off the coast of Odisha,
B alasore.
A bout Agni - P :
● The new ballistic missile, which has a range capability between 1,000 and 2,000 kilometres.
● The new nuclear-capable missile is f ully made up of composite material and it was a t extbook launch.
Mus tafa K emal Atatürk 2021 - Turkey & Azerbaijan Joint Military Drills Started in Baku
● On J une 28, 2021, Turkey & Azerbaijan armies started joint military exercises Mustafa Kemal A taturk – 2021 in Baku.
● The t hree day drill will run until J une 30, 2021.
● The drill name is a reference to modern Turkey's founder Mustafa Kemal A tatürk.
● It Involves 600 s oldiers, 40 tanks and armored vehicles, 20 c annons, s even war helicopters, unmanned aerial
v ehicles and 50 other vehicles
P urpose :
● To improve the interaction between the two countries' army units during combat operations, to develop the
commanders' military decision-making skills and their ability to manage military units
Not e :
● On J une 15, Turkey and A zerbaijan signed the S husha Declaration, a pact that focuses on defense cooperation and
● On May 31, 2021, I ndian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) introduced the world's first Nano Urea for
the farmers.
● This Nano Urea will be in liquid f orm.
● IFFCO has priced Nano Urea at Rs 240 per 500 ml bottle for the f armers, it is 10 per c ent c heaper t han the c ost of a
● It will be primarily available to farmers through its cooperative s ales and marketing channel apart f rom its sale on
A I -based S olution X raySetu Developed to Detect Covid -19 in Rural Population Through WhatsApp
● A new AI-driven platform called ‘X raySetu’ has been dev eloped with the help of Chest X -ray, to help in early
● It can work with low-resolution images sent via mobiles, is quick and easy t o use, and can f acilitate detection in rural
● It is useful for RT-PCR tests and CT-Scans are not easily available.
● It has been dev eloped by A RTPARK (AI & Robotics Technology Park), with support from t he Department of Science
& Tec hnology (DST), GOI, in collaboration with Bangalore based HealthTech startup Niramai and t he Indian Institute
of S cience (IISc).
● Doctor needs to visit www. xraysetu.com and click on the ‘Try the Free X-Ray S etu Beta’ button.
● The platform will then redirect to another page, in that they can choose to engage with the WhatsApp -based chatbot
● Otherwise doctors can simply send a WhatsApp message to the phone number + 91 8046163838 t o start the X -Ray
S et u s ervice.
● Then they just need to click the picture of the patient’s X-ray and obtain the 2-page automated diagnostics with
● It will promote technology innovations in AI (Artificial Intelligence)& Robotics leading to societal impact by executing
ambitious mission mode R&D projects in healthcare, education, mobility, infrastructure, agriculture, retail and cyber -
security focusing.
● Scientists have f abricated a device that can mimic human brain c ognitive actions and is more efficient than
conventional techniques in simulating artificial intelligence, thus enhancing t he computational s peed and power
c onsumption efficiency.
● It has been dev ised by Scientists f rom Jawaharlal Nehru Centre f or Advanced Scientific Research, B engaluru, an
A im :
● To dev elop a synaptic device f or neuromorphic applications with a humble f abrication method.
● Artificial synaptic network (ASN) res embling the biological neural network via a simple self-forming method
● I ndian I nstitute of Technology, Ropar (IIT Ropar) in Punjab has developed a first-of-its-kind I o T d ev ic e – A mb iTag
that records real-time ambient t emperature during the transportation of perishable products, vaccines and even body
● That recorded temperature further helps to know whether that particular item transported from anywhere in the world
● This inf ormation is particularly critical for vaccines including Covid-19 vaccine, organs and blood transportation.
● On May 28, 2021, B harti group backed OneWeb, t he Low E arth Orbit (LEO) satellite communications company, Co-
owned by B harati Global and t he UK Government launched the nex t s uccessful 36 satellites.
● It will form part of OneWeb's 648 LEO satellite fleet that will deliver high-speed, low-latency global c onnectivity.
● It brings OneWeb's t ot al in-orbit constellation t o 218 s atellites.
● It is a part of Fiv e t o 50' s ervice, enabling OneWeb to offer connectivity across the United Kingdom, Alaska, Northern
● The company was also able to back an investment of almost $550 million from a Company named Eutelsat
● It was blasted off v ia a Long March-7 Y 3 rocket f rom the Wenchang Space Launch Centre on the southern island of
● Tianzhou-2 is the s ec ond of 11 missions needed t o c omplete China’s f irst self -developed s pace station around 2022.
● It is the t hird and largest orbital station launched by China’s increasingly ambitious space programme.
● On J une 03, 2021, SpaceX launched t housands of t iny sea c reatures to the International Space Station, along with a
● This is 7, 300-pound (3,300-kilogram) which also includes f resh lemons, onions, avocados and c herry t omatoes for
● The Dragon cargo capsule, also brand new, is delivering the first of three sets of high-tech solar panels designed to
● On J une 04, 2021, INS Sandhayak, t he I ndian Navy's oldest Hydrographic S urvey Vessel was dec ommissioned at
To Treat P ost Covid - Fungal I nfections Researchers From IIT Hyderabad develops Oral A mphotericin
● The I ndian I nstitute of Technology (IIT) Hyderabad has developed nano-fibre based controlled-release oral t ablets of
● Professor Saptarshi Majumdar and Dr Chandra Shekhar Sharma from the Department of Chemical Engineering have
made a proven study about oral nanofibrous AMB to be effective for black fungus (visceral leishmaniasis).
● The oral tablets used in the t reatment of kala-azar or black fever have come t o t he aid of black fungus patients.
● In 2019, researchers f rom IIT- H's Creative and Advanced Research Based on Nanomaterials (CARBON) lab
● On J une 4, t he country''s first CAR-T cell t herapy was done at the B one Marrow Transplant unit at ACTREC, Tata
● This trial is the joint effort of t he I IT bombay and Tata Memorial Centre.
● It was S upported by the Department of Biotechnology t hrough t he National B iopharma Mission-BIRAC.
● The central government''s Nat ional B iopharma Mission-BIRAC has approved Rs 19.15 crore to the team f or
● Clinical trials conducted globally have shown promising results in end-stage patients, especially in patients suffering
● Each patient''s CAR-T cell therapy c os ts Rs 3-4 c rore, and currently this t echnology is not available in India.
A bout CAR-T :
● The CAR-T cells were des igned and manufactured at the Bioscience and B ioengineering (BSBE) department of IIT,
B ombay.
● The clinical trials are being done by Dr Gaurav Narula, professor of paediatric oncology and health sciences.
● The I ndian S pace Research Organisation has developed three types of v entilators, and has come forward to transfer
the technology to industry for c linical usage as the c ountry battles the second wave of COVID -19 pandemic.
● It is a low-cost and portable critical care ventilator, ‘PRANA’ (“Programmable Respiratory Assistance f or the Needy
A id’) is based on the automated compression of an AMBU (Artificial Manual Breathing unit) bag.
● The ICU grade positive pressure mechanical ventilator is titled ‘V aU’ (abbreviation of Ventilation assist Unit).
I ndia’s first Power f ree CPAP device J ivan V ayu Developed By I IT Ropar
● I ndian I nstitute of Technology (IIT) Ropar has developed a device called ‘J ivan V ayu.
● K hushboo Rakha, Assistant Professor, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, has developed the device at the
● The device has been manufactured using 3D printing and has also been tested mechanically.
● It has an inbuilt viral filter at the air entrainment end which has a viral efficacy of 99.99%.
● The dev ice is designed to maintain an FiO2 of above 40% with a PEEP (positive end -expiratory pressure) of 5-20 cm
● Jivan Vayu can deliver high f low oxygen up t o 60 Litres P er Minute (LPM)
● The new device is the "f irst to be designed in I ndia t hat f unctions even without electricity" and is adapted t o both
k inds of oxygen generation units like CO2 c ylinders and oxygen pipelines .
● Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar (IIT Ropar) in Punjab has dev eloped a f irst-of-its-kind IoT device A mbiTag t hat
rec ords real-time ambient t emperature during the t ransportation of perishable produc t s , v ac c ines a n d e v en b ody
● That recorded temperature further helps to k now whether that particular item t ransported f rom anywhere in t he world
is s till usable or perished because of t emperature variation.
● This information is particularly critical for vaccines including Covid-19 vaccine, organs and blood transportation.
● To S t udy V enus the E uropean S pace A gency (ESA) has announced the launching of its probe E nVision.
● The spacecraft will c arry a range of instruments t o study the planet’s atmosphere and s urface, monitor trace gases in
A bout E nVision :
● The EnVision probe of ESA will det ermine how and why V enus and E arth evolved s o differently, even while being in
● EnVision launched on an A riane 6 rocket, the spacecraft will take about 15 months to reach Venus and will take 16
● Early E S A -led mission to V enus c alled ‘Venus Express’ (2005-2014) that focussed on atmospheric research and
● Other than this, J apan’s Akatsuki s pacecraft has also been studying the planet’s atmosphere since 2015.
● On J une 12, 2021, The I ndian Coast Guard inducted the f irst three of 16 A dvanced Light Helicopters (ALH) Mk -III
● The ALH Mk-III marine v ersion has been designed and developed with in-house c ustomisation of 19 additional
● The HAL will s upply 16 ALH Mk-III to t he ICG by mid next year 2022.
● On induction, the 16 A LH Mk-III will be positioned at f our Coast Guard squadrons at Bhubaneshwar, P orbandar,
K oc hi and Chennai.
World's first wooden satellite WISA Woodsat to be launched f rom New Zealand
● The E uropean Space A gency (ESA) has planned to launch the world’s first wooden s atellite, WISA Woodsat, on
E arth’s orbit by the end of 2021.
● It will be launched with a Rocket Lab E lectron rocket from t he Mahia Peninsula launch complex in New Zealand.
● On J une 17, 2021, The Shenzhou 12 mission launched from J iuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China.
● China successfully launched the f irst three men crew to its new space station in its f irst c rewed mission in f ive years.
● A Chinese spacecraft will blast off from the Gobi Desert on a Long March rocket in the coming days, ferrying three
men onboard.
● It will be the t hird of 11 missions needed t o c omplete China's space station by 2022. A mong t hem, f our will be
missions with people on board, potentially propelling up to 12 Chinese astronauts into space.
Not e :
● The launch is a gift to the 100t h anniversary of the founding of the Communist P arty.
● China, aims to become a major spacefaring power by 2030, in May became the second country to put a rover on
● Researchers at the I ndian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and Yantai I nstitute of Coastal Zone Research in China
have developed a technique that can det ect t he f ormation of cyclones in t he North Indian Ocean region.
● The research team for this s t udy included Jia Albert, Bishnupriya S ahu and P rasad K Bhaskaran f rom IIT K haragpur.
● The study was c onducted under t he Climate Change P rogram with s upport from the Centre’s Department of Science
and Technology.
● The research team analysed f our post-monsoon s evere cyclones that developed over the North Indian Ocean, came
● When the parameter crossed the threshold value, it resulted in the formation of a cyclone.
s k y surveying project.
● The PASIPHAE survey will meas ure starlight polarisation over large areas of the sky.
● Scientists from the University of Crete, Greece, Caltech, USA, Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and
Astrophysics (IUCAA), India, the South African Astronomical Observatory and the University of Oslo, Norway, are
● The Project, which will be used in upcoming sky surveys t o study stars, is being led by an Indian astronomer.
A bout the P roject Funds :
● This was combined with contributions from the E uropean Research Council and t he National Research Foundation in
S outh Africa.
● The survey will use t wo high-tech optical polarimeters to observe t he northern and southern skies.
● It will f oc us on capturing s tarlight polarisation of very faint stars t hat are s o f ar away t hat polarisation s i gnals from
● It will help to understand the mysteries surrounding the origin of the universe and continue to draw human curiosity.
● A workforce of I ndo-French researchers has developed a brand new imaging t echnique to make c lear images of
3. Université Paris-Saclay
4. CNRS, France
● The work was part ially funded by t he Division of Science and K now-how (DST) and the Indo-French Centre f or the
● The I ndian I nstitute of Technology Madras, has launched a ‘Centre f or Research on Start -Ups and Risk Financing’
(CRE S T).
A im :
● To provide academic and thought leadership in innovation, entrepreneurship and risk capital.
● To create a unique world-class data repository on Indian start-ups and ventures to address a major hurdle for
● CREST is to be globally rec ognized as a leading centre of research engaged in scholarly research in the areas of
● To engage in scholarly research encompassing the areas of innovation, entrepreneurship, and risk capital.
China plans to launch its first crewed mission t o Mars in 2033
● It is a long-term plan to build a permanently inhabited base on t he Red Planet and extract its resources.
● It will intensify a race with the Unit ed States to plant humans on Mars.
● Crewed launches to Mars are planned for 2033, 2035, 2037, 2041.
● Before the crewed mission, China will send robots t o Mars t o study possible sites for t he base and to build systems
● On J une 25, 2021, The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) successfully t est f ired an
● It was c arried at I ntegrated Test Range (ITR) in Chandipur off the c oast of Odisha.
● The 122 mm Caliber rockets were launched f rom a Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher (MBRL).
● 25 enhanced Pinaka Rockets were launched in quick succession against targets at different ranges.
● The enhanced range version of Pinaka Rocket System can des t roy t argets at distances up t o 45 kms.
● The rocket system has been dev eloped jointly by Pune based Armament Research and Development Establishment
● The development of the Enhanced Pinaka system was taken up to ac hieve longer range performance.
Nat ional Institute Of I mmunology Receives Trademark for India’s First Indigenous Tumour Antigen SPAG9
● The S P AG9 antigen developed by the National Institute of I mmunology (NII) has received the A S PAGNIITM
● I ndia's f irst indigenous tumour antigen SPAG9 was discovered in 1998 by Dr Anil Suri.
● ASPAGNIITM is being used in dendritic cell (DC) based immunotherapy in c ervical, ovarian cancer and will also be
us ed in breast cancer.
● Immunotherapy is a new approach that exploits the body's inner c apability to put up a f ight against c ancer.
● The Zoology Department of Panjab University, Chandigarh, in A pril 2021 by a t eam of z oologists headed by Dr
Ranjana Jaiswara discovered a new species of S pider Cricket named Indimimus jayanti.
● The new species was named after P rof essor J ayant B iswas, one of the leading cave explorers in the country.
A bout jayanti :
● Crickets are noticeable for their loud calls, the new Jayanti subgenus cannot produce sound and their females don’t
have ears and may be c ommunicating by beating their abdomen or any other body part on the c ave wall. ( Unique
A New S pecies Cyrtodactylus bengkhuaiai of Gecko Discovered from Meghalaya and Mizoram
● A new species of Cy rtodactylus bengkhuaiai , was discovered from Mizoram and Meghalaya.
● The Study about the new species was published in Zoot axa
● It is a peer-reviewed clinical mega magazine for animal taxonomis ts printed from New Zealand.
● The second one new lizard in Mizoram, Cy rtodactylus aaronbaueri, used to be recorded in and round Aizawl t he c ity.
● The other 2 new species recorded in Meghalaya are the k arst-dwelling bent-toed gecko ( Cyrtodactylus karsticola)
● Both species are from limestone caves c lose t o S iju village in South Garo Hills district
B lack carbon deposits accelerates glaciers and s now melt in Himalayan ranges by World B ank
● On J une 03, 2021, According to the World Bank Study Black carbon deposits accelerated glaciers and snow melt in
the fragile Himalayan ranges and are changing temperatures and precipitation patterns, due to human activities.
● Changing temperatures and precipitation patterns, anthropogenic black carbon (BC) deposits soot are further
● A New Species of Cof fee P lant A rgostemma quarantena Discovered in Wagamon hills, Kerala.
● The plant was recognized by an analysis group consisting of Anoop P. Balan and A.J. Robi, school of the Division of
Botany, Bishop Abraham Memorial School, Thuruthicad, Pathanamthitta district; and N. Sasidharan, former Chief
● Argostemma quarantena is a perennial herb which grows to a t op of 3 -7cm and is characterised by putting white
f lowers.
● It was discovered f rom the Andaman Islands by a team of researchers f rom India and t he P hilippines.
● The colour of the flowers varies from white to cream, and turns brown after pollination.
● The tree is distinguished by a long stem with a whitish coating on the trunk, and oblong-ovate leaves with a cuneate
base, and was first reported from South Andaman’s Wandoor forest.
● Pyrostria laljii, is also the f irst record of the genus Pyrostria in India.
Not e :
● Pyrostria laljii has been as s essed as ‘Critically E ndangered’ based on t he International Union f or Conservation of
● The new species has been named P y rostria laljii after Lal Ji Singh, J oint Director and Head of Office, Andaman and
● Dr. Singh and Mr. Naik has also dis covered a new species of pokeweed named Rivina and amanensis.
● It represents the f irst record of the pokeweed family P etiveriaceae in t he A ndaman and Nicobar Islands.
New S pecies of S kittering frog : E uphlyctis Kerala discovered f rom surroundings of Thattekkad bird s anctuary
● A new species of s k ittering frog Euphlyctis K erala has been identified f rom the surroundings of the Thattekkad bird
s anctuary.
● A team of researchers from the Zoological S urvey of India (ZSI), Mount Carmel Faculty (MCC), B engaluru, and
● The new species P ublished in the Worldwide Journal Zootaxa printed from New Zealand .
● The research is a part of an “I nt egrative Taxonomic Strategy (ITA)” whereby scientists utilise morphological
characters, genetic research and different parameters to substantiate their findings of latest species.
● This discovery was part of t he Zoological S urvey of I ndia’s (WGRC, Kozhikode) faunal exploratory and
● New species Euphlyctis Kerala to be discovered within the c ontemporary water bodies of the foothills of the Western
● These frogs live in f reshwater bodies, conservation of t hese freshwater systems plays a c rucial role in c onservation.
● Members of the genus Euphlyctis (skittering frogs) have their distribution vary from Arabian Peninsula, Pakistan,
K erala.
● A crew of researchers from the J awaharlal Nehru Tropical B otanic Garden and Research Institute (JNTBGRI),
Palode, consisting of E.S. Santhosh Kumar, S. Shailajakumari, A.K. Sreekala and R. Prakash Kumar (director,
Not e :
● The genus Sida has about 250 s pecies distributed within the t ropical and sub-tropical areas, of which 22 will be
● On J une 03, 2021, NITI Aayog launched the t hird edition of t he S ustainable Development Goals (SDG) I ndia Index
● The theme of SDG India Index and Dashboard 2020–21 : P art nerships in t he Decade of Action.
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A im of the I ndex :
● The index is to c omprehensively monitor and rank the progress made by S tates and Union Territories t owards
● Kerala - 75
● Andhra Pradesh - 72
● Sikkim - 71
● Maharashtra - 70
● B ihar and J harkhand were the worst-performing states on the SDG India Index with scores of 52 and 56 respectively.
A bout S DG Index :
● The SDG India Index is tabulated annually by NITI Aayog.
● To ev aluate the progress of states and union t erritories on t he basis of s oc ial, economic and environmental c riteria.
● Cognizant climbed to No. 185 on the 2021 Fortune 500 list with a digital focus driving the advancement of the an n u a l
● The US-based IT company with a strong offshore presence in India, debuted on the list in 2011 at 484.
● It entered the t op 200 in 2018 and ros e nine spots on this year’s list.
● Fortune 500 companies are ranked based on their total revenue for their respectiv e fiscal years.
● Cognizant’s 2020 revenue of $ 16.7 billion raised the company to its c urrent rank of 194 on the 2020 Fortune 500
● The US replaced Mauritius as the s ec ond largest source of f oreign direct investment into India during 2 0 2 0 - 21 wit h
● S ingapore remained the t op s ource of f oreign direct investment (FDI) into the country for the third consecutiv e f is c al
● During the last financial year, India attracted US D 5. 64 billion in FDI from Mauritius, according to the data by the
● Total FDI, including equity, re-invested earnings and capital, rose 10 per c ent to the highest-ever USD 81.72 billion,
E I U Report 2021: New Zealand’s A uckland named as World’s Most Liveable city
● A uc kland in New Zealand has been named the world's most liveable c ity, in an annual ranking that has been s hif t ed
● The E c onomist Intelligence Unit (E IU) survey ranked 140 cities on factors including stability, infrastructure, educ at ion
● Auckland in New Zealand has been named the world's most liveable city, in an annual ranking that has been s hif t ed
● But the pandemic proved to be the defining factor in this year's list.
● It meant European cities fell while those in A us tralia, Japan and New Zealand rose up t he rankings .
● On J une 02, 2021, in the t op 100 list of Times Higher E ducation (THE) Asia University Rankings 2021 Released.
● I I Sc B angalore, IIT Ropar and IIT Indore have secured ranks among the t op 100 universities in A sia.
● I I Sc B angalore ranked at 37t h position, It was the highest ranked university f rom India f or the seventh y ear in a row.
● The other two Universities are I ndian I nstitute of Technology Ropar ranked 55th Position and Indian Institute of
Tec hnology Indore 78th P osition.
● Ts inghua University, China has gained the first position in the A sia university rankings 2021 Followed by China’s
Peking University.
Top 5 Universities :
● THE assessed performance of 551 universities across the continent under 13 performance indicators or parameters.
Union E ducation Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ releases P erformance Grading Index (PGI) 2019
● On J une 06, 2021, Union E ducation Minister, Ramesh P okhriyal ‘Nishank’ approved the release of P erformance
A bout P GI Index :
● The PGI for States and Union Territories was f irst published in 2019 with reference y ear 2017-18.
● The PGI index measures the performance of states in s c hool education, based on data drawn from several sources,
lik e Unified District Information S ystem for E ducation P lus, National Achievement S urvey, and Mid-Day Meal.
● The PGI States/UTs for 2019-20 is the third publication in this series.
3. Infrastructure;
4. Equity (difference in performance between scheduled caste students and general category students)
5. Learning outcomes (average score in mathematics, science, languages and social science).
● Lev el I (951-1000) is the highest grade while Level X , also known as Grade VII (0 -550) is t he lowest grade.
● In 2021 PGI, none of t he s tate or Union Territory could achieve t he highest grade, that is Level I .
● Chandigarh, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Andaman and Nicobar and Kerala have obtained Grade 1++ (or Level II), which
I MD's World Competitiveness Index : Switzerland t ops & India retains 43rd rank
● India maintained 43rd rank on an annual World Competitiveness Index c ompiled by t he Institute for Management
Rank Count ry
1 Switzerland
2 Sweden
3 Denmark
4 Netherlands
5 Singapore
1. Economic Performance
2. Government Efficiency
3. Business Efficiency
4. Infrastructure
● The top- Performing Asian Countries are Hong Kong (7th), Taiwan (8th) & China (16th).
Not e :
● Taiwan entered the t op 10 rankings f or the first time since the ranking began 33 years ago.
B RI CS Nations Ranking :
1. China (16th)
2. India (43rd)
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3. Russia (45th
4. Brazil (57th)
2021 Global P eace Index released by the Institute f or Economics and Peace
● On J une 17, 2021, Institute f or Economics and Peace released t he 15th edition of the Global Peace I ndex.
● This index presents the most comprehensive data-driven analysis to-date on trends in peace, its economic value,
● I c eland remains the mos t peaceful c ountry in the world & A fghanistan is the least peaceful c ountry in the world for
● New Zealand, Denmark, Portugal, and Slovenia ranked 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Positions.
● In S outh Asia B hutan ranked as the most peaceful nation followed by Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.
● In Global Peace Index 2021 for South Asia, India and Pakistan have been placed on the 5th and 6th positions
● GPI measures t he peacefulness of 163 countries and territories, covering 99.7 percent of the world’s population.
● These indicators are grouped into three key domains: ongoing c onflict, s afety and security, and militarization.
● Recently, RB I has t ransferred Rs 99,122-crore surplus to the government for FY21 which is 73% higher t han t he Rs
● The s urplus transferred by RBI constitutes 0.44% of GDP, while that of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turk ey
● On J une 16, 2021, The Centre f or Science and E nvironment (CSE), released t he Ease of living index 2020.
Rank Count ry
1 Bengaluru
2 Chennai
3 Shimla
4 Bhubaneshwar
5 Mumbai
● In that Index, B engaluru scored high on the parameter of economic ability (78.82), Chennai scored highest in t he
● The city with the highest c itizen perception score was Bhubaneshwar at 94.8.
● Meanwhile, Delhi was ranked the worst c apital city, with a score of 69.4
● It focused on four parameters: quality of life, economic ability, sustainability and c itizens’ perceptions.
● This is the s ec ond edition of t he index, t he f irst one was launched in 2018.
I ndia Obtains $64 bn FDI in 2020 : UN Report
● According to the World Investment Report 2021 by the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), India
● In that I ndia was t he f ifth largest recipient of Foreign Direct I nvestment (FDI) inflows.
● The inflow was boos ted by acquisitions in the information and communication t echnology (ICT) industry.
● In India, FDI increased 27% to $64 billion in 2020 from $51 billion in 2019.
● The United S tates remained t he largest recipient of FDI with $156 billion followed by China with USD 149 billion.
● In 2019, The global FDI flows decreased by 35 percent in 2020 to USD 1 trillion from USD 1.5 trillion.
● On J une 14, 2021, Swedish think tank S t ockholm International P eace Research I nstitute (SIPRI) released t he SIPRI
Y earbook 2021.
● The SIPRI Yearbook as s esses the current state of armaments, disarmament and international s ecurity.
● In that, SIPRI Yearbook 2021 US remains the t op position with the highest nuclear warheads, having 5550 in
● According to the yearbook, I ndia possessed 156 nuclear warheads at the start of 2021 compared to 150 at the start
of 2020.
● The nine nuclear armed states - the U.SRussia, the U.KFrance, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea -
● Russia and the U.S. together possessed over 90% of global nuclear weapons and have extensive and expensive
Founder of the Tata Group J amsetji Tata t ops inaugural list of Top P hilanthropists of the Century
● Founder of the Tata Group, Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata ($102.4 billion) has t opped t he EdelGive Hurun
P hilanthropists of t he Century.
● The other Indian among the t op 50 is Azim P remji, former chairman of Wipro, he is ranked 12th.
● Bill Gates & Melinda French Gates ($74.6 billion) ranked second position followed by Henry Wellcome ($56.7 billion),
● The ranking is based on Tot al Philanthropic Value, c alculated as the v alue of the assets adjusted f or inflation,
● According to the EdelGive Hurun report, The world’s 50 most generous individuals came from five countries, led by
the US with 39, followed by 5 from the UK, China (3), India (2) and Portugal & Switzerland (1 each).
● Finland had the highest levels of overall trust in news (65%) while the US had t he lowest levels of trust (29%).
● Only 38% of the respondents from India informed they trust the news overall.
● The A s ian College of Journalism (ACJ) provided logistical support f or s urveying t he Indian market.
● The 10t h edition of the Digital News Report featured I ndia for the f irst time in the main report.
● The report is based on an online s urvey of 46 media markets t o understand how news is consumed in different
c ountries.
● The 2021 report f ocuses on t rust in news, the pandemic induced economic pressure on news publishers,
● "NTP C is the only PSU to consistently f eature in I ndia’s Top 50 B est Workplaces.
● This year NTP C ranked 38th up from 47th position last year .
● It also won it s first-ever recognition of I ndia’s Best E mployers among Nation -Builders 2021”.
● The Maharatna Communit y and P ublic S ec t or Unit (CP S U) have once again featured in I ndia' s t op 50 ' B es t
Work places'.
Important Schemes
RDS O enhance First S tandards Body to Join ‘One Nation, One Standard’ Scheme
● Luc k now - bas ed RDS O, which sets standards for the railway s ec t or, has become the first standards body in the
country to join the central government's ' One Nation, One Standard' scheme that aims to ensure quality pr od uc t s t o
I ndian c onsumers.
● The Res earch Design and Standards Organization (RDSO) has now been recognized as a ' S t an da rd D e v elo ping
Organization' by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), which is implementing the scheme.
● The partnership will help RDSO, the sole R&D wing of the railways ministry, to realign its stand ard formulation
procedures as per the code of good practices mentioned under the WTO-Technical Barriers to Trade (WTO-TBT).
● The objec t iv e of the government's 'One Nation, One Standard' scheme, launched in 2019, is to ensure there is a
synergy and no overlap in the standardization work in the country, thereby building a ' B rand I ndia' identity in the long
● Hary ana P ran V ayu Devta P ension Scheme (PVDPS) 2021 & Ox y V an (Oxygen Forest) launched Rs. 2500 per ye ar
in Prana Vayu Devta Pension Yojana for maintenance of trees older than 75 years.
● Haryana government led by CM Manohar Lal K hattar has launched Pran Vayu Devta Pension Scheme 2021.
● This Life Air God Pension scheme aims to ensure adequate supply of natural oxygen in the state.
● This Prana Vayu Devta Pension Yojna is a major step towards ensuring clean air to breathe amid the ongoing
● The Oxy Vans will oc c upy 10% of the 8 lakh hectares of land across the state.
A P CM Launches Jagananna Thodu S cheme
● Chief Minister YS J agan Mohan Reddy will be launching J agananna Th od u s c h eme, whic h a i m s at p r ov id ing a
● Under the scheme, an int eres t -f ree loan of Rs 10, 000 will be provided to 3.7 lakh small and petty vendors at an
● The scheme was launched by Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy on November 25, 2020 and t his is t he s ec ond
c onsecutive year t he s cheme is being extended to benefit the small and petty vendors.
● The main objec t iv e of the scheme is to free vendors from paying heavy interest to the loans taken from private
● Bihar Chief Minister Nit ish K umar launched t wo ambitious schemes christened as t he 'Mukhya Mantri Y uva Udyay mi
Y ojna' and the 'Mukhya Mantri Mahila Udyami Yojna' to promote entrepreneurship among y out h and women of all
● The s c hemes were promised by the chief minister during the 2020 B ihar elections in a bid to counter t he RJ D' s poll
plank on unemployment.
● In this scheme, an unemployed woman will be provided an amount of Rs 10 lak h to start a new business or small
● Rs . 10 Lakh, Rs.5 Lakh will be a s ubsidy amount that does not need to be returned to the woman, while the remaining
● The amount can be refunded in several installments over the next 7 years after the start of the new venture.
● In this scheme, unemployed youth will be provided an amount of Rs 10 lakh to start a new enterprise or industry.
● Rs . 10 Lakh, Rs.5 Lakh will be the s ubsidy amount (which they don’t need to refund), the balance Rs . 5 L ak h w ill b e
● The states were asked by the Center to pay attention t o s uch children, take care of t hem and make arrangements f or
their protection.
● Odisha Chief Minister Naveen P atnaik has launched the A s hirbad scheme on Father`s Day.
● Under this scheme, the government will give Rs 2, 500 per mont h t o ev ery c hild who has lost one or both of his
● This money will be s ent to the bank account of the guardian or c aregiver of the beneficiaries t ill they turn 18.
● If such children are s ent to a children's home in the absence of a caregiver, they will be given an additional Rs 1, 00 0
ev ery month.
● Gujarat Chief Minister Mr. V ijay Rupani e-launched the A gricultural Div e rs if ic at io n S c h eme -2 02 1 f or benef it t ing
● He stated that the state government is working to make agriculture sustainable and profitable in the tribal areas.
● Inaugurating the A gricultural Diversification Scheme-2021 through video conferencing from Gandhinagar Mr. Rupani
noted that, this scheme will benef it more t han 126000 V anbandhu f armers of 14 tribal districts from Ambaji to
Umargam in Gujarat.
● Under t his scheme tribal farmers will get f ertilizer-seed assistance of Rs. 31 c rores in which 45 k g of urea, 50 k g of
● The CM added t hat, assistance of Rs. 250 c rore has been provided to 10 lakh tribal farmers under this scheme in t he
● S eeds of c rops like maize, Bitter Melon (karela), Calabash (dudhi), tomato, millet, etc. are provided under this
Delhi initiates new scheme named Covid-19 Pariwar Aarthik S ahayata Y ojana
● The Delhi government has dev eloped a portal through which f amilies of COVID19 victims will apply for Mukhyamant ri
● Under the scheme, an ex gratia of Rs 50, 000 will be provided to t hos e who hav e los t a f amily mem ber t o
c oronavirus.
● The government's S oc ial Welfare Department notified the scheme earlier this week under which Rs . 50, 000 ex-grat ia
will be given to every family that lost a member to COVID-19 and an additional Rs . 2, 500 pens ion per mont h if the
● “E ac h family in which deat h has occurred due t o Covid, an ex-gratia of Rs . 50, 000 will be provided."
● Children who lost t heir both parents or single parent to COVID-19 will also be provided Rs . 2, 500 per month t ill t h ey
Random House)
HarperCollins Publishers)
● A binaya Dinesh, a 15-year-old Indian-origin girl, is among three winners of the annual t e c h g iant A pp le W W D C2 1
S wif t S t udent Challenge , a platform for the young brains willing to demonstrate their coding and problem-solving
● Passionate about the intersection of medicine and technology, something that became personal for her last year,
Dinesh created an app c alled Gastro at Home, which she plans to launch on the App Store this summer.
● A pple has selected 350 S wif t S t udent Challenge winners from 35 different countries and regions, as it opens all-
● Inzaghi replaces Antonio Conte, who left Inter last month after leading the club to its first Series A title in more than a
● The 45-year-old Inzaghi has been c oaching Lazio and led the club to the I t alian Cup title in 2019.
● Inzaghi had been expected to extend his contract with Lazio last week but opted not to after Conte left Inter.
● Inzaghi is the younger brot her of f ormer AC Milan player and Coach Filippo Inzaghi.
● Rhea Chakraborty topped ' The Times 50 Most Desirable Women 2020' list.
● Rhea Chakraborty has bagged the number 1 s pot on Times Most Desirable Women 2020 list.
● Rhea Chakraborty was in the news for most of last year due to the sudden demise of Sushant Singh Rajp ut and t he
● On J une 07, 2021, Captain of t he Indian football team, Sunil Chhetri became the s ec ond-highest active international
goalscorer with 74 goals.
● Cristiano Ronaldo (103) in the list of active footballers with the most international goals.
● A runa Tanwar has been awarded a wild card entry for the upcoming Tok yo P aralympic Games, which will mak e her
t he f irst Indian to compete in the global multi-para s port event, the national federation.
● I ndian Taekwondo president Namdev S hirgaonkar informed Aruna received the wild card based on her exemplary
past performances.
● She is the f irst Taekwondo athlete f rom India t o qualify f or the P aralympics.
● A f ive t ime national champion, she has finished on the podium in the last four years at bot h Asian P ara Taekwondo
● B ollywood superstar A kshay Kumar has been appointed as the new brand ambassador of biot ec hnology c ompany
● This announcement comes days after the P une-based f irm launched the c o u n t ry ' s f irs t C O V I D- 19 s e lf-t es t k it -
Cov iSelf.
● The partnership with Akshay is aimed at creating awareness for Mylab's products and kits such as CoviSelf and also
● On May 20, 201, MyLab Discovery Solutions had launched CoviSelf after receiving approval from the Indian Council
● The I nt ernational Cricket Council (ICC) announced a special edition int ake of 10 c ricket icons including former I n d ia
c ricketer V inoo Mankad into the ICC Hall of Fame to celebrate the prestigious history of Test cricket, coinc iding wit h
this month’s maiden World Test Championship (WTC) final between I ndia and New Zealand.
The s t alwarts, who have made great c ontribution to the game and were inducted into the I CC Hall of Fame are:
● Aubrey Faulkner of South Africa and Monty Noble of Australia (Early Cricket Era, prior to 1918)
● Sir Learie Constantine of West Indies and Stan McCabe of Australia (Inter-War Era, 1918-1945)
● Ted Dexter of England and Vinoo Mankad of India (Post-War Era, 1946-1970)
● Desmond Haynes of West Indie and Bob Willis of England (ODI Era, 1971-1995)
● Andy Flower of Zimbabwe and Kumar Sangakkara of Sri Lanka (Modern Cricket Era, 1996-2015).
● Thes e 10 legends have all made a significant contribution to the history of Test c ricket, and join an illus t rious lis t of
ICC Hall of Famers, taking the t ot al number to 103 as a result of this intake.
● On J une 13, 2021, The International Cricket Council (ICC) announced list of 10 cricket legends who have been
● The t ot al number of inductees in the list of ICC Hall of Famers have reached to 103.
● Global sports brand PUMA has extended partnership with former Indian cricketer Y uv raj S ingh.
● Singh has been associated with the brand for over a decade.
● He will now be seen in a new avatar as the face of P UMA Mot ors port in I ndia , showcasing his passion for fast cars
● With this, Singh also joins the brand’s global league of legends like Thierry Henry, Boris Becker and Usain Bolt.
● A bhishek Ganguly, managing director, P UMA India and S outheast Asia stated, “P UMA and Y uv raj s hare a deep
● Unit ed Nations Global Compact has recognized S umant S inha, Chairman& MD of ReNew Power, as one o f t h e t e n
S DG P ioneers 2021, for his work to advance access to clean and affordable energy.
● SDG Pioneers are business leaders selected by the UN Global Compact for doing an exceptional job to advance the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the implementation of the UN Global Compac t Ten P rinc iples on
● This honor comes in recognition of S umant 's work to advance access to clean and affordable energy (SDG 7).
● P remium s martphone brand OnePlus stated it has named c ricketer Jasprit Bumrah as the brand ambassador f or it s
wearables category.
● "The partnership with Bumrah reiterates the brand philosophy of 'Never Settle' and the company's pursuit towards
● For young India, B umrah represents a passion for a healthy, f it, and an active lifestyle while believ ing in c ons t ant ly
becoming better, a philosophy that truly resonates with what OnePlus stands for".
● The OneP lus wearables c ategory includes the OneP lus Watch and OnePlus Band .
● I reland all-rounder K evin O'Brien has announced his ret irement from one-day internationals Cricket.
● It was Informed after playing his f inal match for the c ountry against t he Netherlands on June 7, 2021
● Kevin O'Brien picked 114 ODI wickets, which is t he highest by any I rish player.
● Kevin will be remembered for his rec ord-breaking 113 in the I CC World Cup 2011 against England in Bangalore.
● He S c ored 3619 runs, the t hird highest from his country behind Stirling and Porterfield.
● In May, Kevin became the f irst Test c enturion for I reland, after making 118 in the nation's maiden Test against
P ak istan at Malahide.
● Mawy a S udan, a resident of J ammu and K ashmir, has become the f irst woman fighter pilot in t he I ndian A ir Forc e
● Hailing from the village of Lamberi, of Border Tehsil of Nowshera in Rajouri, she was commissioned into the IAF as
Flying Officer.
● Mawya has become the 12t h woman officer and f irst from Rajouri to be inducted as a fighter pilot in the IAF.
● Air Chief Marshal Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria reviewed the combined graduation passing out parade at the Air
after being picked for the f irst ODI against E ngland Women.
● The others are followed by former England women's team wicketkeeper Sarah Taylor, Australia Women all -rounder
● Verma, on her ODI debut, s c ored 15 runs off 14 balls before being dismissed by E ngland’s K atherine B runt.
● The Haryana girl took 17 years and 150 days to make her debut across all formats, making her the f ifth-youngest
● Mahindra Group Chairman A nand Mahindra and I nfosys co-founder Nandan Nilekani have chosen " Tec H alli" as an
● The name includes the word " halli" which means "village" in K annada .
● Mahindra had conducted a caption competition, calling for a new title for the country's tech capital.
● S t ate-owned Canara B ank mentioned it will be the lead sponsor of Nat ional Asset Reconstruction Company L im ite d
● Bad bank refers to a financial institution that takes over bad assets of lenders and undertakes resolution.
● "The I ndian Banks' A ssociation (IBA) vides their letter dated May 13, 2021 requested Canara Bank t o part ic ipat e in
NARCL as sponsor.
● The board of Canara B ank has given in-principle approval for taking stake in NARCL”.
● Banks have identified around 22 bad loans worth Rs 89,000 c rore to be transferred to the NARCL in the initial phase.
CCI Cleared proposed deal to acquire stake in Magma HDI General Insurance
● On J une 17, 2021, The Competition Commission of India (CCI) approved the proposed ac quisition of a stake in
Magma HDI General I nsurance Company by t wo entities, Under the transaction, India Advantage Fund S4 I &
● The transaction involves acquisition of les s than 25% of Magma HDI by India A dvantage Fund S 4 I and Dynamic
● The deal also involves acquisition of less than 10% of the share capital of Magma HDI on a fully dilute d basis by
● NTH is an investment holding firm that belongs to a fund managed or controlled by an affiliate of Morgan Stanley.
HDFC B ank t o buy stake worth over ₹1,906 cr in E RGO General Insurance & Borderless S ofttech
● HDFC B ank has given its approval to 3,55,67,724 c rore s hares in group firm HDFC E RGO General Insurance
Company f or over ₹1,906 crore from the parent company Hous ing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC).
● The board of directors of HDFC Bank has approved equity shares of ₹10 each.
● The aggregate consideration for purc hase of 3,55,67,724 shares of HDFC E RGO is ₹1,906.43 crore, i.e. ₹536 per
s hare.
● On J une 25, 2021, The Competition Commission of India (CCI) approved ac quisition of the Zuarinagar plant of Zua ri
A bout PPL :
● PPL, part of t he Adventz Group.
● It is mainly in the manufacture and s ale of non-Urea fertilizers, namely, di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) and NPK
f ertilizers.
A bout ZACL :
● It has manufacturing facilities at Zuarinagar, Goa where it produces Urea and non -Urea f ertilizers.
● The Nat ional Commission for P rotection of Child Rights (NCPCR) under the Ministry of Women and Child
Dev elopment has devised an online tracking portal B al S waraj (COVID-Care link).
● The portal has been c reated with t he purpose of t rackin g and monitoring children who need care and protection in
real-time, digitally.
● The portal will also be used to t rack c hildren who have lost both their parents during COVID-19.
● The COVID-Care link on the portal has been prov ided f or the concerned officer or department to upload the data of
s uc h c hildren.
● On J une 04, 2021, The Minister of S ocial Justice and E mpowerment, Shri ThaawarchandGehlot virtually launched
the S A GE (Seniorcare A ging Growth Engine) initiative and S AGE portal f or elderly persons.
● The SAGE portal will be a one-s top access of elderly care products and services by credible start-ups.
A im :
● To involve y outh f or elderly care by way of start-ups and their innovative ideas t o make t he elderly care.
● This will help to mak e the programmes f or elderly care a national movement rather than just a government
● The start-ups will be selected on the basis of innovative products and services, which they should be able to provide
across sectors such as health, housing, care centers, apart from technological access linked to finances, food and
● The SAGE project is shaped on the rec ommendations of the empowered expert c ommittee (EEC) report on start-ups
f or elderly.
A im :
● It is I ndia’s first A I-enabled coaching website, t o offer a personalised learning experience for the y ounger players.
● The curriculum for each player is dev eloped personally by V irender S ehwag along with S anjay Bangar, f ormer Indian
● CRICURU is designed to help y oungsters learn playing cricket t hrough master classes of 30 handpicked player -
c oaches from across the globe like AB de Villiers, Brett Lee, Brian Lara, Chris Gayle, Dwayne Bravo, Harbhajan
● On J une 07, 2021, The I ncome Tax Department launched a new e -filing portal.
A im of the P ortal :
● The portal has been int egrated with immediate processing of Income Tax Returns (ITRs) t o issue quick refunds t o
t ax payers.
● New call centre for taxpayer assistance and prompt response to taxpayer queries.
● The portal will have functionalities for filing Income Tax forms, to add tax professionals and for submitting responses
● On J une 11, 2021, a mobile application called Namaste Y oga Launched by t he Ministry of A yush .
● On June 11, 2021, The Ministry of Ayush organised a c urtain raiser event f or the 7th I nternational Day of Yoga,
v irtually.
● The event was organised by the Ministry of Ayush in association with Morarji Desai National Institute of Y oga
A im :
● Rais e A wareness about yoga and make it accessible for the larger community.
● Union Minister of Information and Broadcasting Shri Prakash Javadekar and Union Mini ster of State (IC) for Ayush
Shri Kiren Rijiju underlined the importance of the central theme of IDY 2021 “Be With Yoga, Be At Home” .
● The curtain raiser event also mark ed the beginning of a 10-episode s eries on v arious aspects of Common Y oga
● On J une 21, 2021, International Day of Y oga, P rime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled the mY oga app.
● It has been dev eloped I n c ollaboration with WHO, and t he Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha
● WHO mYoga is an app for the general public to use regularly, providing Y oga l ea rn ing a nd p rac t ic e s e s sio ns o f
v arying durations.
● The app was developed through review of s c ientific literat ur e a n d e x t ens iv e i nt e rn at iona l e x pe rt c o ns ult at ion
proc esses.
● The app is safe and secure, collecting no data from users at all, and can be used as a daily yoga companion for
● M-Yoga app, will have yoga training videos in different languages for people across the world.
● This will help us in our ' One World, One Health' motto."
● M- Yoga app is c urrently available in E nglish, Hindi and French. It will be available i n o t he r U N l an gu ages i n t he
● Lif e Insurance Corporation (LIC) has launched a centralized web-based workflow-based IT platform, “e-P GS”.
● The new technology platform, e-P GS , is designed to provide a centralized collection and payment accounting with a
● It is designed to provide very innovative features of seamless and integrated banking with automatic matching.
● The system is capable of providing comprehensive s elf-service capability through the customer portal.
● On this portal, c orporate c ustomers will be able to view their data, initiate actionable processes and register and track
I CC E xpands Men's ODI World Cup To 14 Teams For 2027 & 2031 E ditions
● On J une 01, 2021, The International Cricket Council (ICC) announced the men's ODI World Cup will once again
● These 14 t eams will split into two groups of seven , with the top three in each group progressing to a Super Six stage,
● On J une 01, 2021, Teenage I ndia batswoman S hafali Verma continued to t op t he I CC women’s T20I batting
rank ings.
● The 17-y ear-old player, being touted as the s uccessor to Smriti Mandhana, has 776 points.
Rank P layer
● Scotland all-rounder K at hryn B ryce, has become t he f irst batswoman from her country to make it into t he top 10.
● Digital payments startup B haratPe announced it has ink ed a t hree-year long deal to become an official partner with
● As per the agreement, BharatPe will promote t he association across broadcast and digital platforms, as well as
● The B oard of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) announced that the remainder of I ndian P remier League (IPL) 2021
will be played in t he United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the months of S ep - Oct 2021.
● The decision was taken at B CCI's S pecial General Meeting (SGM) which was held v irtually.
● IPL 2021 had been postponed in may after several players and support staff across teams tested positive for COVID-
● As many as 29 mat ches were held this season before the t ournament c ame to a halt.
● S c otland's K athryn B ryce and Mushfiqur Rahim of B angladesh have been named the I nt ernational C r ic k et C o unc il
● B ry ce secured the women's prize after becoming the f irst Scottish player, male or female, to make it into the t op 10 of
t he I CC rankings.
● She is third on the T20 all-rounder standings and 10th on the bowling list.
● Bryce played four T20 internationals in Scotland's series with Ireland in May, where she scored 96 runs and took five
● The 23-year-old was a standout performer despite her side losing the series.
● Bryce beat off competition from Ireland duo Gaby Lewis and Leah Paul to land the monthly award.
● Rahim took the men's prize after helping B angladesh to a one-day international series win over Sri Lanka.
● He scored 125 in the second match and hit an unbeaten 68 in his side's drawn Test against the same opponents.
● Hasan Ali of Pakistan and Praveen Jayawickrama of Sri Lanka were also nominated.
Ot hers
2021 A sian Amateur B oxing Championships - S anjeet K umar wins 91kg Gold Medal
● I ndian heavyweight boxer S anjeet K umar won a gold medal in the 91 kg weight category at the A S BC Asian B oxing
● The 2021 Asian Amateur Boxing Championships was held f rom 24 t o 31 May 2021 in Dubai, United Arab E mirates.
● Sanjeet Kumar defeated f ive-time Asian Championships medallist and Rio Olympic silver medalist V assiliy Levit of
● The 19-member Indian contingent, including both men and women, secured 15 medals c omprising 2 gold, 5 silver
and 8 bronze.
I n Men's Category :
I n Women's Category :
● B razil will hos t Copa A merica for the second consecutive time after Colombia and Argentina were stripped of hos ting
● The tournament is confirmed to take plac e between J une 13 and July 10.
● Colombia was removed as co-host on May 20 as street protests against President Ivn Duque rocked the nation.
● Copa America was initially scheduled f or 2020, but the COVID-19 pandemic.
Djok ovic Wins 2021 B elgrade Open Tennis Tournament 83rd Career Title
● World No. 1 Novak Djokovic captured the 83rd t itle in t he 2021 Belgrade Open Tennis Tournament.
● With 83 career titles, Djokovic is the fifth-most successful player of all time, only behind Rafael Nadal (88), Ivan Lendl
2021 FIH world rankings: I ndian men’s team maintain 4th position, women’s team at 9th
● The latest I nt ernational Hockey Federation world rankings 2021 , In Hockey, I ndian men’s team maintained their
1 Belgium
2 Australia
3 Netherlands
4 India
1 Netherlands
2 Argentina
3 Australia
9 India
● Despite missing the European leg of the FIH Hockey Pro- League series in Great Britain, Spain and Germany in April
and May, the Indian men’s team maintained its fourth spot with 2223.458 points.
● The I nt ernational Hockey Federation (FIH) has appointed Oman as t he host country f or the inaugural FIH Hockey 5s
● 16 teams per gender (3 per continent + Oman, as hosts) will take part in this very first edition.
French Open Tennis Title 2021 - Novak Djokovic and B arbora K rejcikova wins
● Nov ak Djokovic and B arbora K rejcikova win in The French Open Tennis Tournament 2021.
4. Women’s Doubles- Barbora Krejčíková (Czech Republic) and Kateřina Siniaková (Czech Republic)
5. Mixed Doubles- Desirae Krawczyk (United States) and Joe Salisbury (United Kingdom)
Not e :
A c hievements of Djokovic :
● Djokovic has also become the f irst man in t he Open Era t o c omplete t he c areer Grand Slam twice.
● He now has nine Australian Open, five Wimbledon, and three US Open titles to his name.
A c hievements of Krejcikova :
● Krejcikova has become the f irst player t o win both the women's singles and doubles event.
● Krejcikova has also bec ome t he f irst woman t o win both the singles and doubles events at a Grand Sla m since
● She is the f irst woman f rom her country t o clinch the French Open singles t itle since Hana Mandlikova in 1981.
● I ndia’s Mirabai Chanu, the 2017 world c hampion in weight lifting, has qualified for the Tok yo Olympics in the women’s
● The International Weightlifting Federation announced that Mirabai has qualified on t he basis of her world ranking
● The I ndian Manipur lifter is ranked second in the women's 49kg category with 4133,6172 points.
● As per rules of the IWF, t op eight lifters in each of t he 14 weight c ategories, including seven in t he women's group,
● In the men's 67 kg category, I ndia's t eenage weightlifter Jeremy Lalrinnunga is ranked 12th.
Gelfand Challenge Chess Title : Grandmaster D. Gukesh wins
● On J une 13, 2021, world's second y oungest Grandmaster D. Gukesh sensationally won the $15, 000 Gelfand
● He s ec ured a ‘wild card’ for the elite Meltwaters Champions Chess Tour.
● Gukesh, 15, won all f our rounds, including the key battle against Praggnanandhaa.
● Gukesh took the title due to his 17th-round win over Praggnanandhaa.
Neeraj Chopra wins gold medal in Meeting Cidade de Lisboa in Lisbon
● I ndia's Neeraj Chopra won the javelin gold medal in the Meet ing Cidade de Lisboa in Lisbon, P ortugal.
● His f ifth attempt too was no throw while the las t and s ixth t hrow was 83.18m.
● In J anuary 2020, a t hrow of 87.86m in S outh Africa he had qualified for Tokyo Olympic 2020.
● On J une 20, 2021, Formula One championship leader Max V erstappen won t he 2021 French Grand P rix.
● Lewis Hamilton [Britain-Mercedes] stood s econd in the 2021 French Grand P rix and S ergio P erez [ Mexico- Red Bull]
s t ood third.
● This race is the s ev enth round of the 2021 FIA Formula One World Championship.
2021 Tokyo Olympics : Manpreet S ingh & Rani Rampal named captains of I ndian hockey t eams
● I ndia’s men’s and women’s hockey t eams will be c aptained by Manpreet Singh and Indian forward Rani Rampal
● For Both teams, t wo v ice-captains were also appointed namely Deep Grace Ekka and S avita.
S ports Minister launched India's Olympic theme song ' Lakshya Tera S amne Hai'
● On J une 23, 2021, Sports Minister K iren Rijiju launched I ndia's Official Olympic Theme Song ' Lakshya Tera Samne
● The event was organised by Indian Olympic Association (IOA) and attended by its President, Secretary General,
Deputy Chef De Mission, Sports Secretary and DG Sports Authority of India (SAI).
● The Games will open on July 23 and over 100 I ndian athletes have qualified for the event so far.
● On J une 24, 2021, Tokyo-bound shooter Saurabh Chaudhary won a bronze medal at the 10m air pistol event at the
● Saurabh is 19 year old, he scored 220 in the final after qualifying with a score of 581.
● The event is the I ndian shooting t eam''s f inal competitive outing before the Olympics in Tokyo .
● Aishwary Pratap Singh Tomar f inished seventh in the men's 10m air rifle f inal.
● Manu B hakrer finished seventh in the women's 10m air pistol event with a score of 137.3.
● Saurabh Chaudhary was the y oungest Indian gold medalist at t he Asian Games.
● He set a new junior world record in the ISSF J unior World Cup in S uhl, Germany .
● The 19-year-old McKeown had a t ime of 57.45 s econds at the S outh Australian Aquatic Centre .
● E mily Seebohm came s econd to qualify for her f ourth Olympic Games.
● McKeown beat the previous world record held by the Unit ed States swimmer Regan Smith who made the record
● On J une 26, 2021, Tokyo-bound javelin thrower from India, Neeraj Chopra won the bronze medal at t he Kuortane
Games in Finland.
● He finished third behind world no. 1 Johannes Vetter of Germany and former Olympic gold medallist Keshorn Walcott
● J ohannes V etter c linched gold with a massive 93.59m throw, while Walc ott's silver-winning effort measured 89.12m.
Tok yo Olympics : S ajan P rakash becomes first ever Indian swimmer to qualify
● S ajan P rakash became the f irst I ndian swimmer to qualify for t he upcoming Tokyo Olympics.
● This is the first time an Indian swimmer managed to breach the Olympic qualification mark.
● Sajan ac hieved t he feat as he clocked 1:56:38 in t he men's 200m butterfly at the S ette Colli Trophy in Rome.
● Tokyo Olympics 2021 will begin on J uly 23 and t he Games will run up t o A ugust 8 2021.
● Red B ull driver Max Verstappen has won the S tyrian Grand P rix 2021 held at S pielberg, A ustria.
● Followed by Merc edes drivers Lewis Hamilton & V altteri B ottas finished 2nd & 3rd P lace.
● For the Hungarian Grand P rix, Verstappen became the f irst Dutch F1 driver in 2019.
● On 23 May 2021, V erstappen became the first Dutch F1 driver to lead the World Championship, after winning the
● On J une 28, 2021, Indian shooter Rahi S arnobat won a gold medal in the women's 25M pistol event at the 2021
I nt ernational Shooting S port Federation World Cup being held in Osijek, Croatia.
● Rahi s hot 39 out of 50 in the 25m pistol final to win & It was I ndia’s first gold at the ongoing edition of t he t ournament.
● The s ilver went to France's Mathilde Lamolle, who scored 31 out of 50.
● She won her f irst gold medal at the 2008 Commonwealth Y outh Games in Pune, I ndia.
● She had won t wo gold medals in 2010 Commonwealth Games in New Delhi.
A rc hery World Cup Stage 3: I ndia's Deepika Kumari completes hat-trick of gold medals in P aris
● On J une 27, 2021, India’s Deepika K umari completed a hat -trick of gold medals at the A rchery World Cup Stage 3 in
P aris.
● Deepika has also won t he top prize in the mixed t eam and women's individual recurve events.
● In the mix ed recurve team event, husband-wife duo A t anu Das and Deepika K umari bagged Gold with 5 -3 win over
t he Netherlands.
● This was their s ec ond successive gold medal in t he World Cup t his year, and s ixth overall (Shanghai-2011, Medellin-
● Red B ull's Sergio P erez won a chaotic Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021 held at B ak u, A zerbaijan.
● Sebastian Vettel for Aston Martin and Pierre Gasly for Alpha Tauri finished 2nd & 3rd in the race.
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Important Obituaries
Name Field
N. Dingko Singh (Arjuna Award Former Asian Games gold medallist, boxer
Surat Singh Mathur Asian Games marathon bronze medal winner and 1952