68 Pacific Rehouse Vs CA (Ma Jovi Jore)
68 Pacific Rehouse Vs CA (Ma Jovi Jore)
68 Pacific Rehouse Vs CA (Ma Jovi Jore)
EIB Securities Inc. (E–Securities) was sued for unauthorized sale of 32,180,000 DMCI shares of
Pacific Rehouse Corporation, Pacific Concorde Corporation, Mizpah Holdings, Inc., Forum
Holdings Corporation, and East Asia Oil Company, Inc. RTC rendered judgment on the pleadings,
directing the E–Securities to return to the Pacific Rehouse Et.Al., 32,180,000 DMCI shares, as of
judicial demand. On the other hand, Pacific Rehouse Et.Al., are directed to reimburse the E-
Securities the amount of [P]10,942,200.00, representing the buyback price of the 60,790,000 KPP
shares of stocks at [P]0.18 per share. The Resolution was ultimately affirmed by the Supreme Court
and attained finality. However, the Writ of Execution was returned unsatisfied. Pacific Rehouse
moved for the issuance of an alias writ of execution to hold Export and Industry Bank, Inc. (Export
Bank) liable for the judgment obligation as E–Securities is a mere alter ego and business conduit of
Export Bank. E- Securities being wholly–owned controlled and dominated subsidiary of Export
Bank and that E- Securities and Export Bank have interlocking directorates. E–Securities opposed
the motion, arguing that it has a corporate personality that is separate and distinct from Export Bank.
The RTC concluded that E–Securities is a mere business conduit or alter ego of Export Bank, the
dominant parent corporation, which justifies piercing of the veil of corporate fiction, and issued an
alias writ of summons directing EIB Securities, Inc., and/or Export and Industry Bank, Inc., to fully
comply therewith and that being one and the same entity in the eyes of the law, the service of
summons upon E–Securities has bestowed jurisdiction over both the parent and wholly–owned
subsidiary. Is the RTC correct?
Suggested Answer:
No, the RTC is incorrect.
An alter ego exists where one corporation is so organized and controlled and its affairs are conducted
so that it is, in fact, a mere instrumentality or adjunct of the other. Ownership of a subsidiary by the
parent company as well as the existence of interlocking incorporators, directors or officers are not
conclusive the corporations are one and the same. There must be proof aside from such that the
principal corporation exploited or misused the corporate fiction of the subsidiary or perpetuation of
In this case, ownership of Export bank of great majority if not all stocks of E- Securities and the
existence of the interlocking directorates may serve as badges of control but ownership per se
without proof of actual conditions was insufficient to establish alter ego relationship that will
justify the piercing the veil of corporate fiction. There is no wrongful or fraudulent intent in setting
up E- Securities. It is used to perform legitimate functions. Hence, E- Securities is not a mere alter
ego or business conduit of Export bank and piercing of the veil of corporate fiction cannot be