Teaching Note 97-14: Binomial Pricing of Interest Rate Derivatives
Teaching Note 97-14: Binomial Pricing of Interest Rate Derivatives
Teaching Note 97-14: Binomial Pricing of Interest Rate Derivatives
This teaching note shows how a binomial term structure can be used to price
derivatives based on interest rates. It does not get into the issue of how to fit a binomial
model of the term structure. It assumes that an arbitrage-free binomial model has already
been derived. It further assumes that the derivatives are based only on the one-period
interest rate. Accordingly, let us use a four-period binomial model that is represented by
the following tree containing the evolution of one-period rates. We shall use 0.5 as the
up-state probability and 0.5 as the down-state probability. These are, of course, the risk
neutral/equivalent martingale probabilities, not the actual probabilities. The tree is fit
using the Ho-Lee model.
r(3,4) = 15.15 %
r(3,4) = 5.38 %
r(4,5) = 3.71 %
Recall that such a tree is developed by starting with the original term structure of
zero coupon bond prices for of all maturities. In this case, those prices for $1 face value
bonds of maturities of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 periods are P(0,1) = 0.905, P(0,2) = 0.820, P(0,3) =
0.743, P(0,4) = 0.676 and P(0,5) = 0.615. Thus, for example, the rate on a 1-period bond
is 1/P(0,1) = 1/0.905 = 1.105. In some applications, one converts this to a continuously
compounded rate. In this case, however, we simply wish to start with the zero-coupon
bond prices and one-period rates. The no-arbitrage argument is used to fit the evolution
D.M. Chance, TN97-14 1 Binomial Pricing of Interest Rate Derivatives
of the prices of each zero coupon bond until its maturity. This is equivalent to the local
expectations hypothesis, which is that the expected return using risk neutral probabilities
on any bond over one time period is the same for all bonds.
The prices of coupon bonds are naturally obtained by adding up the prices of
component zero coupon bonds. The prices of options, forwards, and futures on coupon
and zero coupon bonds are easily obtained using the information on the evolution of the
zero coupon bond prices. In this note, our focus is not on these derivatives on bonds, but
rather derivatives on the one-period interest rate.
Forward Rate Agreements
A forward rate agreement or FRA is a forward contract in which at expiration one
party makes a fixed interest payment and the other makes a payment determined by the
rate at that time. Consider an FRA expiring at time 2. Obviously it could pay off 13.61
%, 10.30 %, or 7.09 %. What would be an appropriate fixed rate to agree on at the start?
First note that the payoff of an FRA is as follows: 1
interest rate - fixed rate
1 + interest rate
The expression “interest rate” is the underlying interest rate in the market at the time the
FRA expires. As is the case with FRAs, the payment is made immediately, but is
discounted by the current one-period interest rate. This reflects the fact that the interest
rate in the market is a rate that will be paid one period later on the instrument to which it
applies, in this case, a Eurodollar time deposit.
The fixed rate is set at time 0 such that the risk neutral expected payoff is zero. In
this case, the fixed rate is the solution, F, to the following equation:
⎛ 0.1361 - F ⎞⎟ ⎛ 0.1030 - F ⎞⎟ 2 ⎛ 0.0709 - F ⎞
⎟⎟ = 0.0.
(0.5) ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + 2 (0.5)(0.5) ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + (0.5) ⎜⎜
Note that (0.5)2 is the probability of the top state at time 2, 2(0.5)(0.5) is the probability
of the middle state at time 2, and (0.5)2 is the probability of the bottom state at time 1.
In practice, the length of the time period might be less than one year, so that all rates would be multiplied
by some factor, such as days/360. Alternatively, one might raise the rate to a power. Different conventions
exist in different markets for how quoted interest rates convert into prices. These rules will apply to all
interest rate derivatives covered in this Teaching Note.
D.M. Chance, TN97-14 2 Binomial Pricing of Interest Rate Derivatives
Solving gives F = 0.1028 or 10.28 %. Thus, if one agreed to enter into a two-period
FRA, the contract would involve a commitment to pay at time 2 a fixed rate of 10.28 %
and receive the one-period floating rate that results at time 2, with the net differential
discounted one period at the one-period floating rate. It is not necessary to have an
interest rate tree to determine the FRA rate. The FRA rate is a forward rate. All we need
is the forward rate for a bond to start at time 2 and mature at time 3. The forward price of
this bond is 0.743/0.820 = 0.907. The forward rate is 1/0.907 – 1 = 0.1025. This differs
slightly from the answer we obtained, and the reason is important to understand.
For computational ease, the tree is fit to continuously compounded rates.
Therefore, the procedure in which the value of a derivative is obtained by discounting the
expected payoff using the risk neutral probabilities is not strictly upheld if the payoffs are
based on rates that are not continuously compounded. Hence, some small discrepancies
would be observed. These discrepancies will show up in this document from time to
time. 2
Based on a rate of 10.28%, the table below shows the value of the FRA during its
+ 0.0002(0.5)]/1.1206 = 0.0132
[0.0132(0.5) - 0.0136(0.5)]/1.105 = -0.0002 [0.1030 - 0.1028]/1.1030 = 0.0002
- 0.0298(0.5)]/1.0880 = 0.0136
[0.0709 - 0.1028]/1.0709 = -0.0298
As noted, at time 2, the payoff is the difference between the interest rate and the
fixed rate on the FRA, discounted back one period at the current one-period rate.
Stepping back to time 1, at each point the value of the FRA is the probability-weighted
value of the next two possible values, discounted back by the current one-period rate.
The tree is fit so that no arbitrage can be earned based on continuously compounded rates. If we construct
interest rate derivatives that pay off based on discrete rates, the values of these derivatives could differ
slightly from those of derivatives based on continuous rates. In practice, derivative payoffs are based on
discrete rates. There are advanced methods of handling these problems, but we do not cover them here.
D.M. Chance, TN97-14 3 Binomial Pricing of Interest Rate Derivatives
Thus, in the top state at time 2, the interest rate is 13.61% so the payoff is 0.1361 - 0.1028
and this amount is discounted back one period at the current one-period rate of 13.61%.
The corresponding number in the middle outcome at time 2 is 0.0002. The top outcome
at time 1 is a weighted average of 0.0293 and 0.0002, discounted back by the one-period
rate at this point, which is 12.06%. Working back to the present, we obtain the current
value of -0.0002. This value is supposed to be zero, but as noted, it will differ slightly
because the tree is fit using continuously compounded rates, and the derivative pays off
based on discrete rates.
For practice, determine the rates for FRAs of one, three and four periods. The
answers are 10.41 %, 10.12 % and 9.97 %. The discounted values of these three FRAs at
time 0 should be 0.0 and will be, subject to the errors resulting from fitting the tree to
continuously compounded rates.
Interest Rate Caps and Floors
An interest rate cap is a series of independent call options on an interest rate while
a floor is a series of independent put options on an interest rate. For example, a three-
period cap with a strike rate of 10 % contains a call option on the rate with a strike rate of
10 % expiring at time 1, another call option on the rate with a strike rate of 10 % expiring
at time 2, and a third call option on the rate with a strike rate of 10 % expiring at time 3.
Thus, at each time point, if the rate is more than 10 %, there is an expiring call option
paying off the rate minus 10 %. Exercise of any one call option does not affect one’s
right to exercise another. Common convention provides that when the option expires, the
payoff is determined, but the actual payment is not made for one more period. This is in
contrast to an FRA where expiration and payment are made at the same time. The effect
of this factor is to require a discounting of the payment at expiration at the one-period
rate. The deferral of the payment, while appearing to be a non-standard convention,
actually is more appropriate because it corresponds to the manner in which floating
interest payments on a loan are made. The rate is set at the beginning of the period and
payment is made at the end.
The value of a cap or floor is the sum of the values of the component options,
called caplets or floorlets. To value each caplet or floorlet we simply determine its value
- 0.09)/1.1672
= 0.0661
[0.0661(0.5) +
= 0.0452
[0.0452(0.5) + Max(0,0.1332
0.0212(0.5)]/1.1361 - 0.09)/1.1332
= 0.0292 = 0.0381
[0.0292(0.5) + [0.0381(0.5) +
0.0116(0.5)]/1.1206 0.0093(0.5)]/1.1180
= 0.0182 = 0.0212
[0.0116(0.5) + [0.0093(0.5) +
0.0020(0.5)]/1.0880 0.0(0.5)]/1.0854
= 0.0063 = 0.0043
[0.0043(0.5) + Max(0,0.0682
0.0(0.5)]/1.0709 - 0.09)/1.0682
= 0.0020 = 0.0000
[0.0(0.5) +
= 0.0
- 0.09)/1.0371
= 0.0000
This procedure obtained only the value of the four-period caplet. A four-period
cap consists of that option plus options expiring at times 3, 2 and 1. The caplet expiring
D.M. Chance, TN97-14 6 Binomial Pricing of Interest Rate Derivatives
at time 3 is worth 0.0116. The caplet expiring at time 2 is worth 0.0130 and the caplet
expiring at time 1 is worth 0.0124. Thus, the four-period cap is worth 0.0111 + 0.0116 +
0.0130 + 0.0124 = 0.0481. From these results, we can see that a three-period cap would
be worth 0.0116 + 0.0130 + 0.0124 = 0.0370, a two-period cap would be worth 0.0130 +
0.0124 = 0.0254, and a one-period cap would be worth 0.0124.
A floor would be valued the same way except that the payoffs at the expiration of
each floorlet would be structured as a put,
Max (0, exercise rate − int erest rate )
1 + int erest rate
The values of the four floorlets expiring at times 1, 2, 3 and 4 would be 0.0050, 0.0057,
0.0081 and 0.0080.
Most caps and floors are designed to hedge specific exposure to interest rate
adjustments on floating rate loans. Thus, they tend to be European-style options.
American caps and floors can be easily priced, however, by replacing any state value
with its exercise value if the latter is higher. Keep in mind that if an early exercise
decision is made, the payment is still delayed one period. Otherwise, interest rate options
would always be exercised whenever they are in-the-money.
Interest Rate Swaps
The plain vanilla interest rate swap is a series of fixed payments in exchange for a
series of floating payments based on the one-period rate. When the floating rate is
determined, however, the payment is delayed one period, as in the case for options.
Pricing a swap, meaning to determine the fixed payment, does not require that we model
the full evolution of the term structure. Rather it requires only the initial term structure of
zero coupon bonds. The fixed payment on the swap equates the present value of the
fixed payments to the present value of the floating payments. This is the same as solving
for the fixed rate on a par value bond. Thus, for a $1 three-period par swap, we must
solve the equation,
F[0.905 + 0.820 + 0.743] + 1.0[0.743] = 1.0.
The terms in brackets are the present value factors, or actually the zero coupon bond
prices, for one, two and three periods. The left-hand side is the present value of a fixed
rate par bond and the right-hand side is the present value of a floating rate bond. In a
D.M. Chance, TN97-14 7 Binomial Pricing of Interest Rate Derivatives
swap the principal payments are not exchanged, but adding them on both sides of the
pricing equation simplifies things. The solution is
1 − 0.743
= 0.1041 .
0.905 + 0.820 + 0.743
Remember that the value of a swap is zero at the start, but the value changes as
interest rates change. Thus, we can use the evolution of the term structure to value the
swap at various points in its life. If everything is consistent, we should obtain a value of
zero at the present. The table below shows the payments and the value of the swap.
Note, however, that these are not positioned when the payments are made, but rather
when the payments are determined. Each payment is deferred one period. In other
words, the payment is determined at the beginning of a period and payment is made at the
end of a period. Thus, for a three-period swap, we need to show the binomial tree only
up to time 2.
The value of 0.0320 in the top state at time 2 is really worth 0.0320/1.1361 =
0.0282. The remaining values at time 2 are shown in the parentheses. In the top state at
time 1, the payment value of 0.1206 -0.1041 = 0.0165 is added to the expected value one
period later and discounted to obtain [0.0165 + 0.0282(0.5) - 0.0010(0.5)]/1.1206 =
0.0269. The remaining computations are shown in the cells in the table. At each point
we simply add the value of the payment determined at that point to the expected value of
the two possible upcoming swap values. We then discount that total, reflecting the fact
that the current payment is not received until one period later. The overall value of the
swap at time 0 should be 0.0, the discrepancy here arising only from a rounding error.
[0.0709 - 0.1041]/1.0709 =
Now we simply proceed backwards through the tree, determining the discounted
probability-weighted value of the option at each state. In the upper state of time 1, we
have [0.0691(0.5) + 0.0(0.5)]/1.1206 = 0.0308. In the lower state of time 1, we have an
D.M. Chance, TN97-14 10 Binomial Pricing of Interest Rate Derivatives
obvious value of 0.0, since the swaption would be worth 0.0 in each of the two states at
time 2 that we could get to from this state. The value of the swaption at time 0 is, thus,
[0.0308(0.5) + 0.0(0.5)]/1.1050 = 0.0140.
Valuation of the swaption is shown in the table below.
Max(0,0.1345 - 0.1050)(0.880
+ 0.776 + 0.685) = 0.0691
Max(0,0.0693 - 0.1050)(0.934
+ 0.873 + 0.818) = 0.0
Beutow, Gerald W. and Frank J. Fabozzi. Valuation of Interest Rate Swaps and
Swaptions. New Hope, PA: Frank J. Fabozzi Associates (2001), App. B.
Jarrow, Robert A. Modeling Fixed Income Securities and Interest Rate Options. Palo
Alto, CA: Stanford University Press (2002), Chs. 9, 12, 13.
Jarrow, Robert A. and Stuart Turnbull. Derivative Securities, 2nd. ed. Cincinnati:
South-Western (2000), Chs. 13-18.
Ritchken, Peter. Derivative Markets: Theory, Strategy, and Applications. New York:
HarperCollings (1996), Ch. 22-24.
Sundaresan, Suresh. Fixed Income Markets and Their Derivatives, 2nd. ed. Cincinnati:
SouthWestern (2002), Chs. 14, 17.
Tuckman, Bruce. Fixed Income Securities: Tools for Today’s Markets. New York: John
Wiley (1996), Chs. 5-8.