Brochure Team Coaching Academy
Brochure Team Coaching Academy
Brochure Team Coaching Academy
ogr am Team coaching
and development
coaching & consultancy excellence
icf accredited
academy 50,75 cce
coaching & consultancy excellence &
26 resource
coaching & consultancy excellence
Intact, International Training Coaching and Consultancy, is dedicated to
providing state-of-the-art coaching and consultancy methods and tools
to improve business performance.
You are the experts in what you do. We are the experts in helping you to
change it.
intac t ac ad emy pro gr a ms at a gl an ce
te a m coachin g and d e v el o pment
1. Intervision groups
The intervision groups take place in between the workshops.
Each group consists of three to four participants. The goal of the
intervision groups is to work on assignments, discuss practical
application of the theory in your work and get coaching on your
personal learning contract.
2. Presentation
During the year participants are expected to give a 15-minute
presentation on a team coaching concept, followed by questions
and feedback. The goal of the presentation is to integrate theory
and get feedback on your presentation skills in light of your
personal learning goals.
3. Logbook
All participants have access to the Intact member website that
includes articles, homework per workshop and logbook. The
logbook has to be filled out after every workshop, and is a part
of your certification process.
The outline of your case study is due 12 weeks before the final
workshop. The draft is due six weeks before the final workshop.
Intact will edit the draft, after which you will complete the case
study. The definite case study is due the first day of the final
During the last workshop you will present the results of your
case study together with a recording of your work with this
a ssessment criteria