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Brochure Team Coaching Academy

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ogr am Team coaching
and development

coaching & consultancy excellence

icf accredited
academy 50,75 cce
coaching & consultancy excellence &
26 resource

coaching & consultancy excellence
Intact, International Training Coaching and Consultancy, is dedicated to
providing state-of-the-art coaching and consultancy methods and tools
to improve business performance.

Since 1985, we have been working mostly in:

• Strategic team agility – creating businesses that thrive in turbulent
• Reorganisation – restructuring, business process improvement,
• Changing organisational culture: enhancing customer focus,
innovation, entrepreneurship, cross functional cooperation
• Leadership development: setting up talent development, succession
planning, leadership training programs, executive coaching, team
• International Coach, Team Coach, Leadership and OD and Supervision

You are the experts in what you do. We are the experts in helping you to
change it.
intac t ac ad emy pro gr a ms at a gl an ce
te a m coachin g and d e v el o pment

This program is for experienced professionals such as coaches,

consultants and leaders who want to deepen their team
coaching and development skills, based on transactional analysis,
group relations, family constellations and other frames of

The program consists of six two-day workshops, including

an accreditation workshop, intervision groups, logbook,
presentation and team coaching practice.

The program has been awarded 50,75 ICF CEU units.

te a m coachin g wo rk sh o p s

1. Structure and dynamics of groups and teams: One of the

most effective ways of giving team coaching is to focus on
the boundaries between environment, membership and
In this workshop we will give an overview of the
TA organisational theory. You will learn about the public
structure (boundaries, roles, and hierarchy) and about
the private structure, which is based on the unconscious
expectations and image of the people in the organisation.
The goal is to explore specific interventions to increase
durability, effectiveness and efficiency within your
organisation or group.
2. Stages of group development: Each organisation develops
through a series of stages, determined by the complexity
of the environment and maturity. We will simulate five
stages of team development, each characterised by a specific
leadership style, structure and possible problems. You will
learn about: stages of development, typical leadership, culture
and prevalent problems and interventions to facilitate team
3. Senior leadership teams: The time of ‘the great leader’ is over.
The demands of the environment are rapidly outdistancing the
capabilities of any single person, no matter how talented. A
team approach will help you transcend the silo mentality and
help manage the cross functional decisions necessary to create
speed, scope and customer intimacy. In this workshop we will
focus on some core questions such as: do you really need a
leadership team? How do you define its purpose? Do you have
the right people?
4. Coaching in the group: Coaching in the group is about the
ability to coach individuals in a group setting. There are
various levels of problem definition in a group. As a coach we
can intervene at the structural, relational or cultural level. At
each of these levels there are different ways of intervening to
improve the performance of the group, which we will practice.
5. Team coaching: This workshop will be dedicated to creating
high performance teams through team coaching. Team
coaching is about coaching the group as an entity. We will
explore the six variables that create high performance teams.
6. Accreditation team coaching and development: In this
last workshop we will review the theory of organisational
coaching. Participants will present their team or organisational
coaching case together with the recording of their work with
their client.
o ther accred itati o n requirement s

To fulfil the other requirements for accreditation, participants

have to complete the workshops, the intervision groups, a
learning logbook, a presentation and a case study.

1. Intervision groups
The intervision groups take place in between the workshops.
Each group consists of three to four participants. The goal of the
intervision groups is to work on assignments, discuss practical
application of the theory in your work and get coaching on your
personal learning contract.
2. Presentation
During the year participants are expected to give a 15-minute
presentation on a team coaching concept, followed by questions
and feedback. The goal of the presentation is to integrate theory
and get feedback on your presentation skills in light of your
personal learning goals.

3. Logbook
All participants have access to the Intact member website that
includes articles, homework per workshop and logbook. The
logbook has to be filled out after every workshop, and is a part
of your certification process.

Your learning logbook contains a personal summary of the

workshops, the results of your homework and a log of your
learning experiences in each workshop. The logbook will be
presented at the last workshop.
4. Team coaching process
The participants will be working in a team of two to three team
coaches to provide real coaching within an organisation over a
six-month period. In some countries the program manager will
seek to provide clients for the participants who don’t have their

Team coaching is a powerful process that will enhance the

performance of team, members and coaches alike, impacting the
immediate business as well.

The organisational team will receive six 2.5 hours coaching

sessions, in combination with eight one-hour coaching sessions
for the leader. The team and members will be expected to
participate in whatever tools or process the coaches need to
ascertain needs and realise the learning contract.
Because this is a work placement for learning, coaches will
not work for a fee, unless explicitly contracted by their own
clients. However, they will receive supervision from the program

All data collected by the coaches will be used to develop their

case study. We will put specific contracts in place with both the
organisations and the team coach teams to ensure the learning.

5. Case study team coaching

The purpose of the case study is to show that you have
integrated knowledge of team coaching concepts and can apply
them in practice in your field of work.
Your client can be about a coaching, consultancy or management
The case study has to illustrate a process with the client (so not a
one-off), which is part of your usual field of work.

The case study should describe the following areas:

1. Relevant data on client including relevant history

2. Contact: How did you come into contact with this
client? Was it a referral, direct approach by the client or
indirect through someone else? What was your client’s
and your initial definition of the problem? What TA
concepts did you use in your initial hypotheses?
3. Contract: Describe the administrative, professional and
psychological levels of the contract you made. What
evidence was this based on?
4. Problem definition and planning: Describe the strategies
and short and long-term goals you defined. What
relevant team coaching concepts did you apply for this
(describe and illustrate)?
5. Interventions: Explain how you put your plan into
action. Describe the process of interventions in using a
timeline. What interventions had a positive influence on
your client? Give concrete examples. Describe your own
values and ideas that may have been important for this.
Where there any key events that may have led you to
change your original goals and plans?
6. Evaluation and prognosis: To what extent has the
contract been realised? Describe current state and
possible future steps.
7. Concluding remarks: What have you learned in the
process? Would you do anything differently next time?
What are you proud of?
The case study is a maximum of ten pages, and a minimum of
seven pages (A4, single spaced) and includes an abstract, a short
description of you the author and a list of references at the end.

The outline of your case study is due 12 weeks before the final
workshop. The draft is due six weeks before the final workshop.
Intact will edit the draft, after which you will complete the case
study. The definite case study is due the first day of the final

During the last workshop you will present the results of your
case study together with a recording of your work with this
a ssessment criteria

At this level we expect participants to be:

• Able to manage their own process in a way that supports the
client’s process
• Able to present a range of concepts and applications which
they review continuously
• Able to establish clear and ethical contracts even in
ambiguous team settings
• Flexible in their relationship with the client in order to meet
their developmental needs
• Able to use feedback and challenge effectively to enable
insight and learning
• Able to explore the wider impact of interventions
• Able to apply a rigorous process of (self) evaluation to improve
standard of practice.
rele vant liter ature

• Berne, E. (1963), The Structure and Dynamics of Groups and

Organizations, Ballantine books, New York
• Hawkins, P. (2011), Leadership Team Coaching: Developing
Collective Transformational Leadership, Kogan Page, London
• Katzenbach, J. R. & Smith, D. K. (1993), The Wisdom of Teams.
Creating the High-Performance Organization, Harvard Business
School Press, Boston, MA
• Thornton, C. (2010), Group and Team Coaching, Routledge,
Hove, East Sussex
• Tudor, K. (1999), Group counselling, Sage publications.

Other articles can be found on the Intact member website.

recommend ed re ad in g

• J. Campbell (2004), The hero with a thousand faces, Princeton

University Press
• Pinkola Estes (1992), Women who run with wolves, Ballantine
• Clutterbuck, D. (2007) Coaching the Team at Work, Nicholas
Brealey, London
• Hackman, J. R., & Wageman, R. (2005), A Theory of Team
Coaching. Academy of Management Review, 30(2), 269-287.
• Block, P. (2011), Flawless Consulting: A guide to getting your
expertise used. Jossey Bass, 3rd Edition, April 2011
• O’Neill, M. B. (2000), Executive Coaching with Backbone and
Heart: A Systems Approach to Engaging Leaders with Their
Challenges, Jossey-Bass Wiley, San Francisco
• Kegan, R. and Lahey L. L. (2009), Immunity to Change: How
to overcome it and unlock the potential in yourself and your
organisation, Harvard Business School Press, Boston
• Lencioni, P. (2002), The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. A
Leadership Fable, Jossey-Bass Wiley, San Francisco
• Levi, D. J. (2010), Group Dynamics for Teams. Sage, third
• Schein, E. H. (1969), Process consultation: Its role in
organisational development, Wesley, London
• Tuckman, B. (1965), Developmental sequence in small groups.
Psychological Bulletin, 63(6), 384-399 (for historical interest)
• Clarkson P (1995), Change in Organisations, Whurr Publishers,
• Hargrove, R. (2003), Masterful Coaching, Jossey-Bass Wiley,
San Francisco
• Whitmore, J. (2002), Coaching for Performance: Growing
People, Performance and Purpose, Nicholas Brealey, London


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