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Coaching in Organisations

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Research insight

Coaching in



This report summarises the initial findings of CIPD

research into coaching provision in UK organisations
undertaken in collaboration with the Ashridge Centre

This Research Insight was written by Ann Knights

and Alex Poppleton of Ashridge Centre for

for Coaching. The research was launched in April 2007

and will conclude in spring 2008 with the publication of
the final research into practice report.
This report outlines:
the story of the research:
why this research and why now
the research approach
the initial findings:
an overarching challenge
key themes raised by the research so far: some


coaching in practice: case studies highlighting

how two organisations structure their internal

coaching offers

some early conclusions about good practice:

structuring coaching services.


The CIPD and the researchers would like to thank the

organisations that have assisted with this research by
participating as case studies and collaborative inquiry
group participants.

Coaching in organisations

The story of the research so far

Why this research and why now?

The research approach

Coaching is used by a majority of UK organisations

Coaching is a highly relational and contextual practice.

63%, according to the CIPDs 2007 learning and

For this reason, the study of this practice, even from the

development survey and has become a widely used

organisational perspective, lends itself to qualitatively

and valuable learning and development tool. However,

based research, which allows the context to fully inform

results from the same survey indicated that efforts to

its conclusions. Were therefore using a multi-method

develop coaching capability are still in the early stages

approach thats heavily oriented towards case study and

in most cases and there are wide variations in practice.

inquiry-based approaches. These include:

This can make it difficult for HR professionals to make

judgements about how best to use coaching and how
to manage coaching services.

detailed case studies based on a series of structured

interviews in six organisations with well-established

coaching practices

Building on CIPD guidance in the other important areas

of procuring and managing coaching services, the aim
of this research is to explore the place of coaching in
organisations learning and development strategies,

field of knowledge research drawing on the current

literature and face-to-face interviews with a number

of coaching experts
a collaborative inquiry group involving 20

effective configurations of coaching services and current

organisations at different stages of using coaching.

practice in the evaluation of coaching services.

This group has met three times over six months

and conducted in-depth inquiries into their own

The main areas covered in the research include:

how the objectives of coaching interventions are

identified in practice

approaches to delivering coaching services

a discrete set of questions as part of the CIPD 2008

learning and development survey.

how coaching initiatives fit with other learning and

development initiatives
how the best configuration of line manager, internal

and specialist coaches is identified

what coaching skills line managers are being given

This has given us a broad and deep exposure to

many organisations and enabled us to identify trends,
patterns and helpful practice. The research process
will be completed towards the end of 2007 and the

in their organisation, how theyre expected to use

final results will be launched in April 2008 at the

these skills and the best way to use line managers

CIPD HRD Conference.

coaching skills in the organisation

what roles internal coaches hold in organisations,

Early in our research, it became clear that the

what skills they have and how these are used, and

definition of coaching was important and that we

the effects of asking line managers to be internal

could quite easily engage in significant dedicated

coaches on top of their day jobs

research simply to discover that definition. For the

when its useful to use external coaches

purposes of this research, we understand coaching

how the contributions of internal coaches, external

to be an activity where an individual meets with a

coaches and line managers are most effectively

coach on a one-to-one basis to work on a range of

brought together

work-related issues, some of which may also include

how the benefits of coaching initiatives to

organisational performance are identified and


Coaching in organisations

personal factors.

Initial findings

An overarching challenge

How the research organisations respond to this

It has emerged from our research so far that theres a


clear overarching tension that challenges organisations

We found several approaches to delivering coaching in

fundamentally in all aspects of their chosen approach to

organisations all of which can be successful. There are

coaching, from objective-setting to structuring services

some centralised, highly structured approaches but at

and evaluation.

least as many are organic, decentralised and emergent.

Rebecca Prideaux, Learning and Development Manager,

The level and type of structure deployed by the case

Cadbury Schweppes, raised the subject early in the

study and inquiry organisations varies significantly. At

collaborative inquiry process:

one end of the continuum, theres a deliberate hands

off approach where, in the words of one participant:

There is a tension between the personal and

there is a conscious avoidance of formalising coaching

organisational dimension. How much structure is

as a specific strategy. These organisations allow


coaching to emerge as a learning solution where

its appropriate or useful. At the other end of the

At the centre of this dilemma resides the fact that, as

continuum, some organisations have made an explicit

many empirical studies, coaching experts and most

investment in a formally articulated approach, a launch

practitioners would stress, the quality of the coaching

with senior management sponsorship and formal

relationship is the single most important determinant of

support structures and processes.

success in coaching.
Often organisations build some structure around some
Therefore the most significant challenge for

coaching need or practice that has developed organically.

organisations is that of determining the appropriate

This is often in the form of co-ordination, skills

level of structure and support to enable coaching

development, accreditation and integration into other

relationships to be as effective as possible in the

learning and development processes, such as appraisals,

organisational context. In short:

personal development planning and talent management.

Often the motivation for this co-ordination comes

What support in the form of systems, structures

from a lack of perceived control, budget concerns, or

and processes can be provided to best support

particular groups such as senior executives or HR/learning

that critical relationship?

and development teams. Many of these concerns

How can we ensure that this work delivers results for

the wider organisation as well as for the individual?

are expressed as questions of evaluating impact or of

business improvement rather than considering the subtler
benefits of coaching.

Another member of the collaborative enquiry group,

Carol Magnus, Head of Learning and Development,

Other organisations seem to have concluded that its

Alzheimers Society, summed up this challenge:

not necessary or even desirable for them to control

coaching too centrally. They work from the premise that

Coaching needs some managing/framework/best

expertise that provides guidelines, support, development

practice but is too personal to be controlled. Whats

and supervision appears to work better than prescriptive

needed is a framework thats open and flexible enough

policies and policing. This approach seems to recognise

to allow organic growth.

that coaching is a personal and relational activity.

Coaching in organisations

Working with an organic and emergent model

Martin Howe, Group Training and Development Manager, Cega Group (a privately owned company
that provides medical screening, travel assistance, emergency medical assistance, cost containment and
claims-handling services to travel insurance underwriters), describes his change of strategy as he sought
to develop coaching in his organisation:
I encountered varying understandings of coaching and grew impatient knocking on the front door, so
I went round the back and started watering and nurturing what was growing in the garden. Part of
my solution has been to not get in a sweat about having a formally ratified policy but to work with my
training team. To turn my part of the flywheel, to quote from Jim Collinss Good to Great.
This has involved training the trainers to be coaches. First of all giving them coaching-type skills to use
as part of their toolkit and then, effectively, to become coaches, without any formal announcement
of a strategy. Take-up is low because its not a formal offering, but a subtle intervention growing
in reputation and respect. This is what I mean by watering the back garden. In addition, where team
leaders were displaying coaching-like behaviour, Ive encouraged and nurtured this patch of garden.
Weve also now put all the new starter induction buddies through a coaching skills course so that
each team now has a champion skilled in peer coaching to enhance our new starter experience.
This doesnt sit comfortably with those wishing to take the front door approach by adopting a
systematic, fully embedded strategy. However, coaching is, by nature, relational, organic and emerging
and may not lend itself to being squeezed into formal corporate structures. This may not be a popular
approach, especially with those keen to evidence return on investment, but it works for us.

Many of the collaborative inquiry group participants came

to the research with concerns about their organisations
coaching work not being structured or centralised
enough, especially compared with other learning and
development interventions. Through the process of
their own research within their own organisations and
the inquiry process with their co-collaborators in other
organisations, many have experienced organic approaches
that, using many of the good practice indicators
discussed below, can also deliver exceptional individual
and organisational results.

Coaching in organisations

Key themes arising from the

research so far: some challenges
Setting meaningful objectives at an

Positioning coaching within the learning and

organisational level

development strategy

Most organisations we researched set organisational/

Regardless of which approach structured or organic

business as well as personal objectives for each

is used, coaching is part of the wider learning and

coaching contract and tended to monitor them on

development portfolio, whether explicitly described in

an individual relationship basis. This seems to work

the strategy or not.

best when this activity is carried out as a three- or

four-cornered contract involving line managers and

Coaching is generally recognised as an incredibly

learning and development/HR staff working together.

useful intervention. Its a very tailored and personalised

When each of these corners trusts the others

intervention and seems to be valued highly for those

and is supportive of learning, this creates a magic

qualities by coachees, line managers and learning and

combination that organisations strive for. There are

development professionals alike.

many situations when this is difficult or impossible,

but in those circumstances, careful management and

Therefore coaching is often used for individuals or

support from learning and development to create the

teams in transition, change or with new challenges

best contract possible, coupled with close ongoing

in relatively short timeframes. It can be organised

management, seems to be good practice.

quickly and put in place with relatively low levels of

co-ordination and overall budget compared with

In a very few cases, objectives were set for coachees.

programmatic interventions. It can also be changed,

This kind of objective-setting was more common in

redirected or stopped relatively easily in response to

situations where coaching was used for remedial or

changed requirements, with little peripheral impact on

corrective purposes. But this was widely recognised

the wider organisation or the reputation of the learning

to be far less effective than working with objectives

and development function. So coaching lends itself to

decided jointly with the coachee.

smaller, more experimental interventions that can be

steered and evaluated at the immediate level relatively

Many participant organisations expressed an aim

quickly through working directly with the coach,

that coaching should help to deliver the current

coachee and their colleagues.

organisational objectives and business priorities. It was

rare, however, to discover a clear set of overarching

Everyone we talked to during the research recognised

objectives held at the senior management level.

coaching as an important part of the learning

and development portfolio for their organisation.

It seemed much more helpful to organisations to

Responsibility for the coaching remit sits with a

be able to state a clear purpose for coaching (for

learning and development team, HR, or sometimes

example, to help our managers in times of change

other functions such as talent management or even

and challenge and to develop their ability to manage

business improvement. The formal organisational

performance in the organisation, Liz Macann, BBC)

structure seems less important what appears to

and then to set objectives at the individual level in line

matter is how those proponents of coaching are able

with that overall purpose.

to influence and support it within their organisation.

This is dependent on how well learning and
development processes are supported, especially by
senior management in the organisation.

Coaching in organisations

In some organisations, such as the BBC and Cadbury

Schweppes, learning and development teams have
successfully led explicitly articulated strategies for
coaching involving centrally organised processes. In

developing the organisations understanding of

coaching: what it is, whats available and what type

of environment supports it
providing enabling frameworks and structures

others, such as M&G, no centralised programme is

that are congruent with the chosen approach to

required, but coaching is run through the high-value

coaching and the organisations culture

learning and development relationships that work

throughout the organisation.

identifying external coaches and paying attention to

the quality of their practice

supporting objective-setting and evaluation of the

In other organisations, learning and development

teams experience a higher degree of scepticism
about learning and development initiatives. These
teams have often adopted a more covert strategy,
introducing coaching without being explicit and not

coaching relationship
managing relationships within and potentially

beyond the four-cornered contract

understanding and communicating the impact of

coaching in the organisation.

using formal sign-off processes. Instead, coaching has

gained gradual acceptance and momentum through

In an organisation with a highly organic, emergent

personal experience and word of mouth. All three

approach to coaching, some of these activities are

approaches seem to work when they match the

undertaken in a subtle way, whereas one might expect

organisational context.

more formal, overt approaches in organisations that

have opted for a structured approach.

Defining the most effective role for HR/learning

and development in delivering coaching services

For example, contrast the watering the plants in the

The HR function, often in the form of a learning and

back garden approach taken in Cega to Orange,

development department/team, plays, or can play, an

where the learning and development team undertook

important role in creating and delivering a successful

a relatively high-impact approach to the launch of their

coaching offer.

structured career coaching offer.

The CIPD guide to coaching and buying coaching

Clarifying the role of line managers in coaching

services suggests that this role includes choosing

The role of line managers in coaching has many variants

appropriate coaches, managing relationships and

and what is called coaching in a line manager context

evaluating success. HR can also provide ongoing

differs across organisations. However, line managers

support throughout the process and ensure a positive

hold broad distinct roles in relation to coaching.

climate that enables individuals to sustain long-term

changes in behaviour and performance.

Firstly, where there is a formal coaching offer, line

managers play a key role in supporting the coaching

In participant organisations, we found that there

process as part of the three- or four-cornered coaching

were a number of common areas of activity across

contract. Here, theyre often the most important

organisations with flourishing coaching services. The

voice of the organisation, setting business-related

approach to these activities was different depending

objectives for the coaching. They also almost always

on the approach to delivering coaching yet the

have a direct role in assessing how the coaching

fundamental areas of activity appeared reasonably

is delivering benefits to the coachee in their job or


function, and therefore how useful the coaching is to

the organisation. In the collaborative inquiry research,

These activities include:

it appeared that many of the most supportive line

maintaining a clear sense of the purpose and role

managers have been coached themselves or had had

of coaching in the organisation

weaving coaching into relevant organisational

activities such as wider development programmes

and performance management

Coaching in organisations

training in coaching and such early adopters were

often used to pilot coaching in the organisation using
internal or external coaches with their staff.

Secondly, many organisations have invested time and

particularly effective where an understanding and

energy in developing line managers coaching skills so

knowledge of the organisations culture, systems and

that they use a coaching style of management with their

expectations is helpful for example, where a coachee

own staff. Skills training usually includes skills practice

has changed role. In some organisations, very senior

around a structured coaching model (such as GROW).

managers prefer to continue to be coached externally,

Managers are then encouraged to use an informal

whereas in others a special cadre of coaches for very

coaching approach with their staff when appropriate as

senior executives has been developed.

an integrated part of their management style.

A key challenge facing many organisations is how to
Thirdly, an increasing number of organisations are

generate confidence in and take-up of internal coaching

developing line managers to act as internal coaches.

services. In some organisations, these programmes are

Some organisations, such as the BBC, Orange and

enthusiastically taken up and used with notable success.

Cega, seem to have used line manager coaches very

In others, take-up is felt to be less than it might be.

successfully in other business areas, while others

have struggled. This appears to be linked to how

There appear to be a number of common factors in

supportive the organisation is to coaching overall and

those organisations where take-up is high:

to the way that coaching is positioned and supported

(see Generating take-up of internal coaching
services below).

The internal coaching programme is actively

promoted both to potential coaches and coachees.

Coaching is perceived as a development

There appeared to be a consensus within the HR teams

opportunity and not a remedial intervention

setting up development opportunities for line managers

designed to deal with a performance gap.

that the psychological boundary issues for line managers

Application to become an internal coach isnt

formally coaching their own staff are very difficult to

manage. Even if organisations begin with the intention of
having coaching as a separate activity for line managers
with their teams, we havent yet found any organisations
that have done it successfully. This supports the
conventional wisdom and professional standards which
say that the roles and responsibilities of line management
make formally coaching your own staff very difficult.
However, its clear that much benefit is gained by
supporting a coaching style in line management, and
many organisations are investing in this, often alongside
their use of internal and external coaches.

restricted, but must be supported by the line

There is a selection process to become an internal

coach and not everybody is selected.

Programmes are run by a dedicated (usually quite

passionate) HR resource.
There is a good-quality training programme often

run and/or accredited by an outside organisation.

Theres a clear set of common competencies or

standards for internal coaches.

Internal coaches are offered as part of structured

coaching programmes rather than on an occasional


Generating take-up of internal coaching services

There is ongoing support for internal coaches,

An increasing number of organisations are developing

including some elements of peer networks, regular

internal coaching services, using either learning and

networking, continuing professional development

development resources or developing line managers to

(CPD) events, web-based discussion forums and

work as internal coaches to people outside their teams.


In many cases, this has arisen out of a desire to offer

Other organisations offer internal coaching services

formal coaching more widely than could be afforded

that are often promoted outside the formal system

using expensive external resources. Internal coaches,

and are encouraged to flourish on an emergent basis.

when effectively selected, trained and developed, are

While take-up in these organisations is lower, in some

seen by learning and development professionals as

cases this approach has enabled coaching to develop

offering effective coaching in the areas of performance

organically where it had previously been rejected when

and behaviour change. Internal coaches are considered

introduced through formal channels and processes.

Coaching in organisations

The significant majority of organisations offering

and establish its value by using trusted suppliers, a

internal coaching services ensure the quality and

hand-picked cohort and processes to evaluate the

therefore the reputation of the coaching by offering

impact of coaching.

ongoing support to coaches. For example, coaches who

coach on internal programmes tend to participate in

In many organisations, the selection of external

a peer network thats supported to some degree by a

coaches is based on personal relationships, with senior

learning and development resource.

appointees in some cases bringing their coaches

with them. Increasingly, organisations are seeking to

Activities include:

actively manage the provision of external coaches, with

a coaching network that connects up coaching

framework agreements and preferred supplier lists

practitioners in a number of ways such as shared

becoming prevalent.

web spaces, email groups and support groups

regular practitioner meetings or forums from

monthly to twice-yearly
CPD-type activity to continue to build the skills of

the coaches
supervision, either on an individual or group basis,

External coaches tend to feed themes to learning and

development, but we found no instances where internal
and external coaches met to share learning or develop
common skill-sets beyond the three- or four-cornered
contract for an individual coaching relationship.

though this still seems to be relatively rare for

internal coaches.

Evaluating the impact of coaching at an

organisational level

Making the most of external coaches

Evaluation of coaching effectiveness is typically carried

The research so far has generated few surprises about

out close to the coaching relationship, so medium- or

the use of external coaches. In most of the participant

long-term tracking of organisational benefits is rare.

organisations, external coaches are called on to coach

senior people. Important factors in this choice are:

Most people concerned with leading coaching services

in organisations pay much more attention to the

the perception of confidentiality and neutrality,

effectiveness of the coaching relationship close to

which seem more critical for senior people

the relationship than to the medium- or long-term

where very sensitive or political situations may

evaluation of coaching services at an organisational

be discussed. This is important both in terms of

level. Most organisations offering a formal coaching

independence from the culture and politics of the

programme undertake a structured review process.

organisation and freedom from preconceived ideas

Objectives set between coach and coachee (or including

a lack of internal resources with the skills to coach

at the senior level

difficulties relating to differences in status between

line manager and HR in the three- or four-cornered

relationship described above) are reviewed at the end of
the coaching contract.

the coachee and internal coach which, at senior

levels, seems to be more acutely felt
the attraction of one-to-one coaching as a more

Processes that involve 360-degree feedback are a

popular means of informing objective-setting and of

appropriate type of learning support than

evaluating changes in behaviour as a result of coaching

group-based interventions for very senior people

interventions via a test and retest approach.

the potential for an external coach to offer

a broader, more strategic or more informed

Some organisations measure changes in behaviour

perspective borne out of coaching in a number of

and staff morale through staff surveys. Participants


recognised the potential limitations of this approach,

given that there may be a number of factors

External coaches are also widely used as part of

influencing changes in performance. This was also

leadership development programmes or in support of

felt to be true of improvements in functional or

an organisational change effort. This is often a useful

organisational performance.

way for organisations to experiment with coaching

Coaching in organisations

Some early conclusions about

good practice: approaches to

structuring coaching services

Several common themes are emerging from

Structure and approach

initial analysis of our findings so far:

In this approach, formal structures and processes are

Many organisations feel that theyre finding

used to launch coaching within the organisation.

their way by trial and error and would like more

To be successful, coaching needs to have senior

assurance that theyre on the right path.

management support and to be visibly adopted at the

There are many different approaches to providing

highest levels.

coaching services that are successful when theyre

matched well to the organisations needs and

Nature of coaching service provided


Theres often a focus on developing a cadre of internal

Learning and development professionals play a

coaches, standardising coaching competencies,

key role in guiding this process by being in tune

processes and/or models, developing line managers

with their organisation and understanding and

and using a formal structure to create a coaching

sometimes protecting the value coaching can offer.

culture to improve management/leadership style in

the organisation. These approaches work best when

In the organisations participating in our research, we

theyre well integrated with wider organisational

encountered three broad approaches to structuring

objectives. Without this linkage, well-thought-through

coaching services:

centralised coaching programmes often expend large

amounts of time and energy without sufficient focus.

centralised and structured

organic and emergent

External coaches may be bought from one or two

tailored middle ground.

coaching providers for consistency and ease of

management or may be required to take a particular

These approaches appear to differ in terms of

approach, work to specified timescales or be part of a

organisational context and rationale, structure and

management process. They are often procured only for

approach and the nature of coaching service provided.

specific groups such as senior executives,

Each of these approaches appears to flourish under

high-potentials or internal coaches.

different organisational conditions.

Organic and emergent
We expect our understanding of these different

Organisational context and rationale

approaches to develop as we continue this research.

These approaches work well in organisations where

variation in processes and ways of working is accepted

Centralised and structured

and valued perhaps because of the existence of

Organisational context and rationale

different businesses, geographies or styles within the

These approaches work well in organisations where

organisation but where uniformity of approach

learning and development has a high level of senior

isnt necessary or doesnt provide value. Learning and

support or where formal structures are the norm, and

development teams need to be self-confident enough

in situations where consistency is seen as important

to trust different practices and individual coaches. The

for the organisation. The aim of this approach is to

principle aim of organisations using these approaches

provide a structured, standard and consistent service

is to be responsive to specific needs and preferences

across the organisation.

within the organisation.

Coaching in organisations

Structure and approach

There are many possible combinations of pieces to

Typically, coaching emerges in various parts of the

borrow from the other approaches including: starting

organisation, often in different ways, for different

formally and then allowing interest to continue the

purposes and with varied levels of success because

process further; bringing together many organic

of differences in experience and localised practice.

pieces to develop a coherent training programme

Structure is allowed to stay organic and decentralised

and centralised service or enabling both formal and

to enable local differences to be met more effectively.

emergent processes to live alongside each other. The

Sometimes a light-touch structure develops, usually

exact combination will be unique to each organisation

from an emerging need, for example an informal

and may at times tend towards a more centralised or

network of internal coaches, to develop professional

organic model only to switch again later as they learn

practice and skills, for supervision purposes or to share

from the development process in their organisation.

common issues in the organisation. Informal and

personal networks prevail. Any allocation of coaches

In the tailored middle-ground approach, often internal

by learning and development/HR is done using the

and external coaches are used. The numbers and

same informal and personal approach.

quality of each may vary over time. The particular

interest of the guiding learning and development

Organic approaches may be low-key but may

people may be the most significant factor.

also have a great deal of informal power in the

organisation due to close coaching relationships and

This combination of approaches works well in

expertise of coaches.

organisations that are able to adapt to their changing

circumstances or as interest in coaching and coaching

Nature of coaching service provided

capability develops.

Coaches may be internal, external or both, with

boundaries between them being less important. The

Most organisations seem to fit this pattern, but there

emergent approach works well when coaching is

are still many variations. For example, centralised

interest- or need-driven rather than prescribed, so

development processes for internal coaches, but local,

those who are coached have asked for coaching,

personal relationships prevail on choice of coaches;

which may well improve results for individuals and

internal and external coaches are brought together for

the organisation.

supervision and formal development of the coaching

model, but otherwise operate locally.

Tailored middle ground

The tailored middle ground seeks to find a combined

One size clearly doesnt fit all in relation to organising

approach for coaching, which combines aspects of

coaching services. Whats important is having a clear

the centralised control and organic approaches. This

understanding of the organisational context for

approach seems to emerge because a blend of the first

coaching, then establishing enabling processes that are

two approaches is more palatable to the organisation

congruent with that understanding and intent.

generally and to senior management

and/or learning and development teams specifically. The
aim in deploying the tailored middle-ground approach
is to provide some consistency in service, while
responding to specific organisational context or needs.
Aspects of the other approaches are combined
in a number of different ways including: starting
formally and then allowing interest to continue the
process further; bringing together many organic
activities to develop a coherent training programme
and centralised service or enabling both formal and
emergent processes to live alongside each other.


Coaching in organisations

Coaching in practice: case studies

Coaching in practice: the coaching offer within M&G

M&G is the third largest fund manager and one of the longest-established retail fund managers in the
UK. It is the investment arm of Prudential plc, with 165 billion under management and offices in the
UK, Europe and South Africa. M&G is one of the most respected fund management groups in Europe,
with equities teams specialising in UK and European stocks for retail, institutional and internal funds,
supported by dedicated research and retaining a market-leading position in global equities. It has the
largest fixed-income team in the City, together with industry-leading teams in a number of specialised
financial areas. M&G Group also has leading property investment groups, PruPIM and a highly
successful hedge fund business.

Talent-led business
M&G has developed its coaching approach as a fundamental part of its talent management strategy. As
a fund management house, it is a talent-led business in which its highest-profile players performance
is scrutinised on a regular basis by the fund league tables and the financial press. In this industry, the
flows of funds often follow individuals, who can attain very high-profile status but can just as quickly
lose this prestige, and the resulting outflow of investment money can quickly bring long-term damage
to the business.
At M&G, its response has been to create tailored interventions that respond to individual needs and
situations, of which coaching is a key part. However, there is also a strong culture of teamworking
and acknowledgement. Even the most individually talented fund managers need to be supported
by an excellent team of analysts, technicians, marketeers, distribution and functional specialists and
management in order to perform in the medium and long term.
M&Gs approach is investment-led. Development of individuals and teams is done in the context of the
objectives of the individual businesses within M&G and the overall corporate benefit of strengthening
investment culture and sustaining performance.
Coaching as part of talent development
The training and development team has created the coaching strategy by working with the different
businesses separately to develop solutions to specific talent, potential, individual and team issues.
There is no corporate manifesto or policy that the individual businesses must adhere to. But there
are some common principles combined with close working relationships built up over several years.
The training and development team works directly with individuals, line managers and the HR team to
determine development needs on an ongoing basis. They provide an internal coaching team of just two
or three individuals who focus on initial development diagnosis using their professional experience and
psychometric diagnostics.

Coaching in organisations

Coaching in practice: the coaching offer within M&G (continued)

Development needs can range from personal qualities and style to transition support and developing
technical skills. From this initial series of conversations, the internal coaching team recommends some
options, which may include training, shadowing, new roles to develop skills or experience, mentoring or
coaching. The internal coaches have various levels of experience and some of the more junior situations
enable those with less experience to develop their own coaching style and capability. The coaching
process is roughly 1520% of their role in training and development.
Internal mentors as informal coaches
At M&G, they believe that, for many of the technical capabilities such as fund management, developing
talent beyond a certain level of knowledge and skills means working with experts and role models
or exemplars. This is understood to be the only real way to transfer such unique qualities in order to
develop potential into real capability (almost by osmosis). But such exceptional mentors are rare.
Apart from technical skills and knowledge, theres often much to be gained from hands-on coaching,
learning the arts of the job from acknowledged talents in their field. In other situations an external
coach may be suggested, for example when no appropriate internal resource is available or when an
external view or capability can bring something to the organisation thats not available internally. Very
occasionally, this work is remedial, but its more often an investment in key people.
External coaches are frequently used to support people seen to have potential and placed in new roles
to stretch and develop their capabilities sometimes in crucible roles where the stakes are high. This
is, firstly, to support them in their successful transitioning into the new role and, secondly, to help boost
them up to the inflexion point in their new role when theyre able to operate well on their own. In this
instance, coaching can be a very important intervention. The initial matching and then the development
of a close working relationship between the coach and coachee, as well as working with others in the
line, team and business, are critical to success.
An eclectic group of external coaches
The external coaches are an eclectic group of very experienced coaches with a variety of skills,
background and expertise. They include professional or technical coaches, who have themselves had
similar roles such as industry specialists, and others who are more psychologically oriented, or
outcome-focused. Each one has their own particular style and approach.
They all share depth of experience as coaches and are trusted to work with individuals or teams as a
result of their relationship with the training and development team. Theyre not managed as a single
group in a formal way but are selected against a very high standard.
The critical intervention is the three- or four-cornered contract between the coach, coachee, training
and development/HR person and the line manager or mentor that defines the purpose and objectives
for the coaching contract. This is often discussed in an open way between all parties so that everyone
is clear about the contract and the role each person plays in supporting the coachee. Sometimes the
briefing is more sensitive and therefore isnt discussed openly among the group, but the coach will
always have a clear set of needs and objectives to respond to without having any working methods
The training and development expertise in the selection process is done according to a combination of
feel and proven track record, providing a matchmaking service between the coach and the coachee

Coaching in organisations

Coaching in practice: the coaching offer within M&G (continued)

that meets both the overt and the more subtle needs that have been identified. This matching skill is
highly valued but ultimately the coachee chooses the coach. This ensures ownership of the coaching
relationship by the coachee and it seems rare that the relationships dont work.
Valuing difference in coaches
The coachs capability with any specific coachee is evaluated but, most importantly, its impact is
understood from conversations with the coachee, those working with the coachee and the coach
themselves, and ultimately the business results. Due to the close relationships within the business,
changes are often evident through anecdotal evidence and performance in the role, and progress is
checked against clearly defined outcomes.
One rationale for this eclectic and highly personalised approach is that the different businesses that
make up M&G vary in their maturity, longevity and the style of the key people running them, so the
HR team and their coaches need to be well briefed and adaptable to each businesss circumstances.
The eventual goal is improved business performance in coachees and, to that end, coaching is a highly
tailored and close way to work with significant individuals for specific periods.
The coaching relationship is finite in that, although a time limit isnt necessarily fixed at the beginning,
the relationship will finish once the coach and coachee acknowledge that the objectives have been
reached, along with any others that have emerged as important in the process. This is a highly mature
approach in which the coach is trusted to advise the HR team when the work is done. Sometimes
another coach with a distinct approach will be recommended once the objectives set for the initial
coaching have been met, for example when moving from business capability objectives to developing
personal style.
Corporate commitment to people investment is crucial
M&G prides itself on investing heavily in the development of its people and guarding closely the
team-oriented and high-loyalty culture it has developed. Its prioritising of talent development at
executive board level down means that its commitment to building its business around its people, rather
than just buying them in, has real meaning.
Consequently, in the market for talent, M&G enjoys a reputation for investing in people and providing
multiple opportunities throughout their career, with employees often moving to very different parts of
the organisation, having the chance to stay within the same organisation but having several careers.
Having such a group of eclectic, but consistently high-quality, coaches is a conscious philosophy to
create more options and be more responsive to needs within the organisation. It helps to provide a
lot of diversity that supports M&G by bringing in a variety of external perspectives and counters the
potential impact of developing internal talent in too introspective a way.
Many people who have been the beneficiaries of this investment in them through coaching are strong
advocates of M&G and the support they received for their careers. It seems to have created loyalty
for the organisation and developed potential talent into mature and capable people helping to deliver
investment and business results.

Coaching in organisations

Career coaching at Orange

Orange is part of the France Telecom Group and offers mobile, fixed-line, Internet and TV services to
home and business customers. Orange was named best mobile operator at the World Communication
Awards in 2006 and employs 13,000 people in the UK.
In the UK, Orange has undertaken a number of initiatives intended to develop a culture of coaching
within the organisation. A core programme is the Career Coaching Programme, developed and
co-ordinated by Sarah Kenyon, Career Development Specialist and a member of the Orange Talent
Team. The programme is running for the first time this year and draws on a pool of internal coaches.

Overall objectives of the programme

France Telecom, Orange UKs parent company, has an overarching people development strategy in
support of its business strategy. The aim of the Orange UK Career Coaching Programme is to support
this strategy by:
exciting employees about their career planning, bringing energy and commitment into their approach

to working at Orange by providing career development opportunities to all employees

encouraging and supporting employees to proactively manage their own careers
providing further development opportunities for employees who become internal career coaches.

Integration with wider learning and development activities

Employees at Orange are encouraged to complete a Career Development Plan through the online
performance management system. This is reviewed twice a year with the line manager. Participants in
the Career Coaching Programme are asked to meet with their line manager after the career coaching
sessions to discuss outcomes and agree development objectives to add to the career development plan.
Structure of the coaching offer
Employees nominate themselves to join the programme by completing an application form, which is
subsequently signed by their line manager. Participants in the programme have three one-and-a-half-hour
sessions with an internal career coach. Figure 1 illustrates the process.
Figure 1: Coaching process at Orange UK


Coach and
employee meet for
three 1:1 coaching

final coaching session
career objectives

development review
career coaching

talks to line manager
about new career

updates career
development plan on
the online PM

Coaching in organisations

Talent team

Talent team
match employee
with coach

Career coaching at Orange

Selecting and developing coaches
Staff can self-nominate to become a career coach, but must gain the agreement of their line manager.
They complete an application form and then go through a telephone assessment process with the
talent team. Their line manager is asked to indicate on the application form what the applicant
would bring to the career coaching process. So far, while coachees have been from all levels in the
organisation, from junior to senior management, most applications to be coaches have been from
junior to middle managers who are not necessarily managers of people themselves. If selected, potential
career coaches attend a two-day workshop run by the Business Coaching Foundation using coaching
tools with a career focus.
Once up and running, career coaches are able to join the network of Orange career coaches and have
the opportunity to share learning through twice-yearly peer-to-peer support sessions organised by the
talent team, as well as being given informal support throughout the year.
Sarah calls each coach after their first session with a coachee to review the session. After the third
session, she asks the coachee for feedback on the programme, the coach and the process.
Allocating coaches
Each of the 60 trained coaches (the number is growing) has two coachees, equating to three to four
hours of coaching per month. Matching of coaches to coachees is undertaken on the basis of level in
the organisation (looking to match more senior coachees with more senior coaches), directorate (the
aim is to ensure that coach and coachee are in different directorates to aid relationship-building across
the organisation) and location.
Evaluating the programme
The programme is evaluated in a number of ways. Coach and coachee review each session and provide
feedback to the career development specialist. As the programme develops, Sarah plans to use the
network of career coaches to provide feedback on the programme and to gain ideas for its further
development. She also plans to implement a broader evaluation process later this year using recent
research such as the KPMG white paper on evaluation of coaching.
Reflection on the programme: what works well and less well
The career coaching tools, which were originally based on the Orange career self-help workbooks
and the Business Coaching Foundation are very well received. Another factor is the high level of
commitment to the development of others by the internal career coaches. Sarah reflects: All of the
internal coaches are totally enthusiastic and this is evident from the glowing feedback were receiving
from the coachees as they come to the end of their sessions.
But it can be hard to predict how much interest is likely to emerge at a particular location and therefore
how many coaches should be trained in each area. So far, though, Sarah believes that theyve managed
to get the balance right.

Coaching in organisations

Further reading

ANON. (2006) John Lewis Partnership. IDS HR Study 831.



organisation: where is it on the road to becoming a

coaching culture? Training Journal. June. pp1821.

BLACKMAN, A. (2006) Factors that contribute to the

effectiveness of executive coaching: the coachees

DE HAAN, E. and BURGER, Y. (2005) Coaching with

perspective. The Business Review. Vol 5, No 1. pp98

colleagues: an action guide to peer consultation.


Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

BRUMWELL, I. and REYNOLDS, P. (2006) How coaching

DE HAAN, E. and CURD, D. (2007) Executive coaching

cuts costs and saves time at BT Retail. Strategic HR

in practice: what determines helpfulness for coaches?

Review. July/August.

Research paper. Ashridge.


ELLIOT, A. (2006) How coaching drives high

DEVELOPMENT. (2007) Learning and development

performance at Portman. Strategic HR Review.

2007 [online]. Survey report. London: CIPD. Available at


http://www.cipd.co.uk/onlineinfodocuments [Accessed
1 September 2007].

FRISCH, M. (2005) Extending the reach of coaching: the

internal coach. Human Resource Planning. Vol 28, Issue


1. p23.

DEVELOPMENT. (2006) Coaching supervision:

maximising the potential of coaching [online]. Change

JARVIS, J., LANE, D. and FILLERY-TRAVIS, A. (2006) The

Agenda. London: CIPD. Available at http://www.cipd.

case for coaching: making evidence-based decisions on

co.uk/onlineinfodocuments [Accessed 1 September

coaching. London: CIPD.

KIRKLAND MILLER, K. and HART, W. (2001) Choosing

an executive coach. North Carolina: Centre for Creative

DEVELOPMENT. (2004) Coaching and buying coaching


services [online]. Guide. London: CIPD. Available at

http://www.cipd.co.uk/onlineinfodocuments [Accessed

KREWSON, H. (2004) Integrating coaching, training and

1 September 2007].

development with talent management. In: BERGER,

L. and BERGER, D. (eds). The talent management

CHIDIAC, M. (2006) Getting the best out of executive

handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill.

coaching: a guide to setting up a coaching process.

Development and Learning in Organizations. Vol 20, No

STARR, J. (2003) The coaching manual: the definitive

3. pp1315.

guide to the process, principles and skills of personal

coaching. London: Prentice Hall Business.

CLUTTERBUCK, D. and MEGGINSON, D. (2005) Making

coaching work: creating a coaching culture. London:

Coaching in organisations

We explore leading-edge people management and development issues through our research.
Our aim is to share knowledge, increase learning and understanding, and help our members
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