Architecture Reviewer
Architecture Reviewer
Architecture Reviewer
dimensions - should be read from the right or from the vertical - sectional dimensions shows only _____
bottom of the drawing distances
1.2 to 1.5 - the open space between the sides of a 0.90 - range/ oven combinations are often 36” or
Pullman type kitchen should never be more _____ meter high
than _____ meters
0.41 - beds are usually _____ meter high
floor plan - is a drawing of the outline and partitions of
a building L-shaped - the _____ kitchen has continuous
counters, appliances and equipment on two
architectural - are unbroken lines with dimensions placed adjoining walls
dimensions above the lines
service area - the kitchen should be located near the
floor - room heights are shown by dimensioning dining area _____ and the _____
from the _____ line to the ceiling line
cutting plane - the position of the plane is shown by the
0.15 x 0.30 - converted to metric, a 6” x 12” tile is _____ line
equivalent to _____ meter
work triangle - as much as possible the traffic lane in the
cooking center - the _____ center is built around the range/ kitchen should be clear of the _____
shang - this period in ancient china is characterized
6.70 - the kitchen work triangle should never be by rectangular houses with pitched or gable
more than _____ meters roof supported by stout timber posts
full section - _____ is a section cut through the entire forbidden city - the complex of imperial palaces in Beijing
building or component where Chinese emperors lived from 1421 to
outside - overall dimensions should be placed _____
all other dimensions tomb of huang di - this qin tomb had vaults containing life-
sized figures of warriors and horses in terra
arrowheads - _____ at the ends of the cutting plane line cotta
indicate the direction from which the section
is to be viewed pagoda - the most familiar Chinese building. It has
an elaborately ornamented series of roofs
han - there were evidence of contact between great wall of china - this structure was built to keep Mongol
the Roman Empire and this Chinese dynasty nomads out of china
which lasted from 206 BC to 221 AD
kaku - an intricate and elaborately decorated
vase-shaped - the white pagoda in the temple of garden pavilion in japan
pagoda miaoying in Beijing belongs to this type of
pagoda cha-sitsu - a structure used for tes ceremonies in
aristocratic residence in japan
sui - the first sign of the curving roof and
uplifted eaves were seen during chinese shoji screen - these wood framed walls are considered
dynasty safer than brick or stone walls during
tomb at guweicun - access to these zhou tombs are through
ramps and a ceremonial entrance at the frank llyod wright - designer of the imperial hotel in Tokyo
roof - these elements of Japanese structures
good anti-seimic - this characteristic of Chinese buildings greatly resemble their Chinese counterparts
function enable them to move under earthquake
condition geomantic laws - Chinese laws which governed the
orientation of Japanese structures
calligraphy - the art of fine handwriting introduced by
the Taoists naka-no-shima - the pond with an island which can be
found at the southern side of mansions
tiantan shrine - this shrine in Beijing had buildings which done in the Shinden-zuri style
were divided into two groups, one for the
worship of heaven and the other for good tenjikuyo - the sung Chinese-inspired style used in the
harvest restoration of Toda-iji’s great Buddha hall
lous - native storied towers from which the momoyama period - this period was named after the grandiose
timber pagodas were adopted castle of the ruler Hideyoshi
summer palace - this palace near Beijing had two main 7-storeys - in Japanese architecture, the number of
areas. The paiyundian and the foxiannge storeys a pagoda must have for it to be
considered holy
pai-lous - this is formed by two posts supporting a
horizontal rails bearing an inscription and rimpa - a school of decorative art and painting
crowned with a colorful roof aimed at the renaissance of Heian traditions
torii - a gateway which Shinto worshippers must architect - approval of samples of finishing materials
pass through for prayers to be effectual is the sole function of the…
tosho-gu - this tomb was designed with the express 50% - for alterations and additions to of existing
mausoleum purpose of deifying Tokugawa leyasu structures belonging to group 1 & 5,
compensation fro services should be
akasaka palace - Tokuma Katayama’s design for this castle increased by what percent of the basic fee?
was based on the Versailles
owner - payment for structural, acoustical,
ken - a unit of measurement, approximately 6 chemical, mechanical, soil mechanics, or
feet, used for tatami mats other tests and reports as maybe required
for the project is the responsibility of the…
2% to 5% - the architect as a project manager is
compensated what percentage of the quotation - a price given by a contractor, sub-
project cost? contractor, material supplier or vendor to
furnish materials, labor or both is known
85% - a percentage of his fee as an architect is as…
entitled to receive when the owner fails to
implement the plans and documents for specification - written or printed description of works to
construction as prepared by the architect be done describing quantities of materials
and mode of construction is known as…
environmental - the person with the management and use
planner of land as well as the conservation and arbitration - the binding resolution of disputes by one
upgrading of the human environment is or more neutral persons as a substitute for
the… judicial proceeding is known as…
10% - aside from his fee for regular design time limit - a specific period of time within which legal
services, the fee of the architect for the action must be brought for alleged damaged
design-build services on a guaranteed nor injury is…
maximum cost is…
general conditions - printed documents stipulating the
7% - in addition to the architect’s fee for the procedural and administrative aspect of the
regular design services, the fee of the contract is the…
architect for the design-build services by
administration is… liquidated damages - the amount paid by the contractor to the
owner for every day of delay in construction
contractor - preparation of shop drawings is the sole time is known as…
function of the…
proposal - an offer to perform the work prescribed in schedule of - an outline specification enumerating the
a contract at a specified cost is known as materials type or trade names of materials to be used
a… and finishes is known as…
penalty clause - a contract provision setting forth the agora - the focus of greek political, social, business
damages a party must pay in the event of and economic life was the…
his breach is a…
timber trusses - the character of early Christian
performance bond - a bond furnished by the contractor and his architecture is determined by the novel
surety as a guarantee to execute the work development of…
in accordance with the terms of the contract
is a… sober and dignified - the architectural character of the
Romanesque style is…
closed specification - a stipulation of the use of specific products
or processes without provision for christian church - the greatest patron of Romanesque
substitution is a… architecture is the…
certificate of - a statement from the architect confirming romanesque - the Durham cathedral, the first building in
payment the amount of money due the contractor for architecture Europe to have ribbed vaults, is one of the
work accomplished is a… world’s supreme masterpiece of…
supplementary - additional information which may be sir christopher wren - during the late british renaissance, the
specifications issued as an addition or amendment to the supreme figure of the second phase of the
provisions of the standard specifications is Stuart period who came under French
known as… influence was…
15 days - any claim for adjustment involving walter gropius - the founder of the “Bauhaus” was…
questions of facts must be asserted within
how many days from the date the change is Le corbusier - “a house is a machine to live in” is the
ordered? philosophical dictum of…
invitation to bid - a notice published by the owner to one year - under the national building code, a
prospective bidders giving information as to building permit shall expire if work
the nature of a proposed project is known authorized is not commenced within a
as… period of how long from the date of such
750 mm - under the national building code, eaves 2 spaces - under the NBC, buildings / structures
over required windows from side and rear intended for the use or occupancy of the
property lines shall not be less than… handicapped shall have a wheel chair
transfer area of one between every…
14 cu.m - under the national building code, habitable
rooms with natural ventilation shall have a 20% - under the NBC, in areas where adequate
minimum air space per person of… public parking lots/ multi-floor parking
garages are available within 200 meters of
185 sq.m - under the national building code, the proposed buildings. What percent of
mezzanine floors used other than for parking requirements may be provided
storage purposes shall have at least 2 within the premises?
stairways to an adjacent floor if the area is
greater than… 60 m - under the NBC, parking areas for the
physically handicapped shall be within how
1/5 - under the national building code, if only 2 many meters from the facility served?
exits are required, they shall be placed apart
of not less than what fraction of the residential, hotel - under the NBC, convents shall be classified
perimeter of the area served? and apartments under what occupancy classification?
2.40 x 5.00 m - under the NBC, the size of an average educational - under the FCP, classification of occupancy,
automobile parking slot for perpendicular or academies shall be classified as…
diagonal parking shall be computed at….
business - under the FCP, classification of occupancy, extrusion - a process where a piece of metal is heated
town halls shall be classified as… prior to changing its shape or dimension is
known as…
storage - under the FCP, classification of occupancy,
parking garages shall be classified as… wrought iron - a commercially pure iron of fibrous nature,
valued for its corrosion resistance and
business - under the FCP, classification of occupancy, ductility is…
libraries shall be classified as…
flemish bond - a form of brick work in which each course
industrial - under the FCP, classification of occupancy, consists of headers and stretchers laid
laboratories shall be classified as… alternately is known as…
mercantile - under the FCP, classification of occupancy, bridging - the method of stiffening floor construction
department stores shall be classified as… by fitting solid blocks between joists is…
industrial - under the FCP, classification of occupancy, checking - shallow cracks at closely spaced out
pumping stations shall be classified as… irregular intervals on the surface of mortar
or concrete is called…
balloon framing - a system of framing a building in which the
studs are continuous to proof supporting post tensioning - the stressing of unbonded tensions after
second floor joists is known as… concrete has cured is…
beam blocking - the boxing in or covering a joist, beam or slump test - a ready means of determining the
girder to give the appearance of a larger consistency of fleshly mixed concrete is…
beam is known as…
hopper window - a window sash which opens inward and is
foundation wall - that part of the building foundation which hinged at the bottom is a…
forms the permanent retaining wall of the
structure below grade is a… creep - the permanent deformation of a material
under a sustained load is a…
grade beam - the part of a foundation system which
supports the exterior wall of the tyrolean finish - rough plaster finish obtained by flinging
superstructure and bears directly on the plaster on a wall with a hand operated
column footing is a… machine is a…
control joints - joints employed to reduce restraints by reostra - the pilipino term for purlin is…
accommodating movement of masonry walls
are known as… ladrilyo - the pilipino term for cement brick is…
barakilan - the pilipino term for bottom chord is… camber - a slight convex curvature built into a truss
or beam to compensate for any anticipated
sibe - the pilipino term for eave is… deflection so that it will have no sag when
double hub - pipes or fittings that are principally used to
reverse the position of the hub of a soil stirrups - a vent rod to resist shear and diagonal
pipe… stresses in a concrete beam…
vent - provides the air circulation necessary to stress - the internal force set up at a point in an
the efficient functioning of a plumbing elastic material by the action of external
system… forces expressed in kilograms per square
tee fittings - fitting should never be used with pipes
carrying sewage but may be used with vent modulus of elasticity - in an elastic material which has been
pipes… subjected to strain below its elastic limit, the
ratio of the unit stress to the corresponding
reducer - are fittings used to connect pipes of unit strain…
different sizes in the same line…
moment - equal in magnitude to the product of the
angle valves - are used to control water supply to water force and the perpendicular distance of the
closet and lavatory fixtures… point from the line of action of the force…
master plumber - should sign and seal plans for plumbing bond stress - the force of adhesion per unit area of
installation for issuance of permit… contact between two bonded surfaces such
as between concrete and a steel bar…
teflon tape - a new product used to ensure water
tightness in joints of GI pipes… axial stress - the longitudinal compressive or tensile
stress in a beam…
tap - a connection to a water supply main…
flexural stress - a measure of the flexural strength of the
ball cock - a float valve with a spherical float… beam…
coupling - a short internally threaded section of pipe deformation - a change in the form or shape of a body or
used to joint two pipes… material which is subjected to an external
ultimate strength - the maximum value of tension,
compression or shear respectively that the
material can sustain without failure…
apse - the semi-polygonal space, usually at the amphi-prostyle - from the greek forms of temple, it is the
end of a church, terminating an axis and temple that have porticoes of columns at
intended to house an altar… the front and rear of the temple…
fortification - the great wall of china is actually a… helm roof - a roof in which 4 faces diagonally between
the gables and converge at the roof…
baroque - the very ornate architectural style
developed in the later renaissance period… guttae - a droplike truncated cone from pendant
from mutules and regulae of the Doric
palace of persepolis - the hall of hundred columns was order…
introduced during the Mesopotamian
architecture, which palace was it used? masagumi - a compound bracket or capital in japan…
buonarrotti - a multi-storey shrine like towers, originally basilica - a hall built in roman empire for
a Buddhist monument of diminishing size administration of justice..
with corbelled cornice and mouldings…