Chapter 3: Electromagnetic Forces: The "Green" Field Chapter 3: Electromagnetic Forces: The "Green" Field
Chapter 3: Electromagnetic Forces: The "Green" Field Chapter 3: Electromagnetic Forces: The "Green" Field
Chapter 3: Electromagnetic Forces: The "Green" Field Chapter 3: Electromagnetic Forces: The "Green" Field
The quantum nature of the EM field was discovered by Max Planck while studying radiation from
a hot object. He found that the data made sense if the radiation is not infinitely divisible, but
consists of discrete amounts of energy that he called quanta. These quanta are now called
photons. Planck also found that the energy of a photon is proportional to its frequency of
Later Einstein showed that absorption of radiation occurs in the same discrete amounts of
energy, suggesting that the quanta are actually particles. This was the first round in the fields-
vs.-particles battle which goes on even today. In QFT a photon is a field and only a field. It
spreads out in space and exhibits interference effects. When a photon is absorbed, no matter
how spread out it may be, its energy is deposited into the absorbing atom. This is called quantum
The internal complexity of a quantum field is described by a number called spin or helicity. The
gravitational field is the most complex of all fields, with a spin of 2 Planck units. The EM field,
with its component electric and magnetic fields, has spin 1. The two fields introduced so far are
summarized in the following table:
· Entanglement is a more elaborate example of quantum collapse that occurs when two
quanta are created together.
Is that all there is to it? Did I give too little space to discussing these “profound” paradoxes? Well,
that’s really all there is to it. In QFT everything is fields. They spread out, they collapse, and they
do all this without requiring an observer. When I hear people complaining about the weirdness
and inaccessibility of modern physics, I want to ask, “What part of Quantum Field Theory don’t
you understand?”
The field principle. The first pillar is the assumption that nature is made of fields. A field is a set
of physical properties that exist at every point of space. However, the concept of a field as a
property of space does not come easily. It eluded the great Newton, even though he couldn’t
accept action-at-a-distance. It wasn’t until 1845 that Faraday, inspired by patterns of iron filings,
conceived the idea of fields, and it took another 50 years before the concept was accepted
without invoking an imaginary ether. QFT comprises seven fields — five force fields and two
matter fields.[1] The force fields include gravity, electromagnetic forces, strong and weak nuclear
forces, and the recently-discovered Higgs field. The matter fields include lepton and baryon
fields. Two of these fields — strong and baryon — are effective fields that are made of more
basic but “invisible” fields called quarks and gluons. The use of colors is my attempt to make the
field picture more palatable.
The relativity principle. The second pillar is the assumption that the field equations are the
same for all uniformly-moving observers. This is Einstein’s Principle of Relativity, famously
enunciated in 1905. QFT is the only theory that successfully combines the relativity and quantum
The quantum principle (discretization). The quantum principle was introduced in 1900 by Max
Planck, who showed that EM radiation emitted by hot objects consists of discrete chunks that he
called quanta (Chapter 3). Discretization was demonstrated experimentally in 1922 by Otto Stern
and Walther Gerlach. Their classic experiment showed that the angular momentum (or spin) of
the electron can have only two values — nothing in between (Fig. 10-1). In Schwinger’s QFT all
physical properties are treated as discrete (S2001). Even field strengths, whose values are
continuous, are treated mathematically as the limit of increasingly finer discrete values. It is
discretization that leads to the use of Hilbert algebra as the language of QFT.
Fig. 10-1. The Stern-Gerlach experiment. A beam of atoms is deflected when it enters a non-
uniform magnetic field. Classically one would expect that the atom’s magnetism (which arises
from the spin of its electrons) could have any magnitude and that the beam would be deflected
into a continuous band. Instead, the beam separates into two distinct parts as shown,
corresponding to discrete spin values of +½ and -½ in Planck units. (
Occam’s Razor. I’m tempted to add another principle, but it’s really more of a wish than a rule.
I’m referring to Occam’s razor, which states in essence that all other things being equal, the
simplest explanation is the best. Einstein put it somewhat differently: “A physical theory should
be as simple as possible, but no simpler.” The last phrase is important because, as Schwinger
said, “nature does not always select what we, in our ignorance, would judge to be the most
symmetrical and harmonious possibility”. If the theory were as simple as possible, there would be
just one field (or perhaps none!), and the world would be very uninteresting — not to mention
uninhabitable. I think it can be said that the equations of QFT are indeed about as simple as
possible, but no simpler.
The move from a particle description to a field description will be especially fruitful if the
fields obey simple equations, so that we can calculate the future values of fields from the
values they have now… Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism, general relativity, and
quantum chromodynamics all have this property. Evidently, Nature has taken the
opportunity to keep things relatively simple by using fields. – F. Wilczek (W2008, p. 86)
On these pillars rests the most successful theory ever constructed. Except for a few gaps, this
theory explains everything from the tiniest atomic nucleus to the most remote star. Not only that,
but most of the explanations emerge from the theory as easily and naturally as raindrops falling
from the clouds, or better yet, like presents appearing under the Christmas tree. Following are
some of the more attractive and accessible of these presents. Some have already been
mentioned and some will be pleasant surprises.
Quanta. Quantum fields exist in three different forms: quanta, self-fields, and vacuum fields. A
quantum is a separate, indivisible chunk of field that lives a life and dies a death of its own. For
example, the photon is a quantum of the EM field, and protons and neutrons are quanta of the
baryon field. Quanta are sometimes called excitations in a field, but that term doesn’t do them
justice. Excitations can have any magnitude and can diminish as they travel and slowly die away
like water waves, whereas quanta are indivisible and act as a unit. They may be free and travel
through space on their own, or they may be bound, as an electron in an atom, but each quantum
keeps its own identity. If it is absorbed or changes its spin state, it does so as a unit. Because of
this all-or-nothing behavior, quanta act like particles, making it difficult for many physicists to give
up their belief in particles.
Self-fields. Self-fields do not have a life of their own; they are created by a source and are
permanently attached to that source (see Fig. 3-1). Examples of self-fields are the gravitational
field of the earth, the electric field around an electron or proton, and the strong and weak fields
around a nucleon.
The vacuum field. Finally, there is the vacuum field. The equations of quantum field theory do
not permit the field strength ever to be zero. Even in regions where there are no quanta or self-
fields, there is a background field called the vacuum field. The vacuum field is especially
important in the case of the Higgs mechanism (see below).
Hilbert algebra. Quantum fields are not described by simple numbers. They are described by
vectors in what mathematicians call Hilbert space and their dynamics are described
by operators that obey partial differential equations. Thus, while classical field intensity is
described by a simple number in QFT we talk about the expectation value of field intensity.
However, since my aim is to avoid mathematics, I will not go into this any further. You do not
need to understand Hilbert algebra, or even to know the field equations, to grasp the basic
concepts of QFT. Just remember that Hilbert space is not real; it is a mathematical tool and is not
to be confused with the physical fields that exist in real three-dimensional space.
Mass. In classical physics mass is a measure of inertia (see Chap. 2), but in QFT mass is a
number that appears in the field equations. The effect of the mass term is to slow down the
speed at which a field evolves and propagates, so mass plays the same inertial role in QFT that
it does in classical physics. But this is not all that mass does. This same term also causes the
fields to oscillate, and the greater the mass, the higher the frequency.[2]
Energy. In classical physics, energy means the ability to do work and work is defined as force
exerted over a distance. This definition, however, doesn’t provide much of a picture, so in
classical physics energy is a rather abstract concept. In QFT, on the other hand, the energy of a
quantum is represented by oscillations in its field intensity: the more energy, the faster the
oscillations. In fact Planck’s famous relationship between energy and oscillation frequency (see
Chap. 3) follows directly from the equations of QFT. In our color analogy, we might say that the
oscillations cause the color to “shimmer”; the faster the shimmer, the greater the energy of the
e = mc2. I know, I promised there would be no equations and, except for a few footnotes, I’ve
kept my promise. But I think you will forgive me for making an exception for the world’s most
famous equation — the only equation to have its own biography (B2000). And the thing is this: e
= mc2 pops right out of QFT. Einstein had to work hard to derive it; it was published in a separate
paper that followed his first breakthrough paper on relativity theory in 1905, but in QFT this
equation follows as a simple consequence of the two previous results. Since both mass and
energy are represented by oscillations in the field intensity, it doesn’t take an Einstein to see that
there is a relationship between the two. In fact, any schoolboy can combine the two equations
and find (big drum roll, please) e = mc2.[3] Not only does this equation tumble right out of QFT,
its meaning is seen physically in the oscillations of the fields. (This simple derivation only
occurred to me as I was writing this book.)
Field components. Each of the seven fields in QFT is actually a group of interrelated “sub-
fields” that share a set of equations. For example, what we call the EM field is a combination of
electric and magnetic fields that are described by Maxwell’s equations. Another example is the
lepton field, which consists of four component fields to accommodate the two possible spins and
Spin (or helicity). In QFT there are no particles, so there is nothing to spin on its axis and the
concept of spin is not easy to picture. Because of this, the term helicity is sometimes used in
place of spin. Helicity is a mathematical concept related to the number of field components and
how they change when viewed from different angles. Helicity gives rise to angular momentum,
just as does a spinning particle.
Exclusion principle. The exclusion principle states that two field quanta with half-integer spin
(called fermions after Enrico Fermi) cannot be in the same quantum state. This explains why
matter quanta (electrons, protons, etc.) are seen only as separate entities. It also explains why
each electron in an atom must be in a different quantum state (as described in Chapter 6) and
why there is a limit to the number of neutrons in an atom (see “A delicate balance” in Chapter 4).
When the exclusion principle was introduced by Wolfgang Pauli in 1925, it was only a guess —
an empirical postulate. It is only in QFT that this important principle has a theoretical basis as a
consequence of the spin-statistics theorem.
In my original paper I stressed the circumstance that I was unable to give a logical reason
for the exclusionprinciple or to deduce it from general assumptions… If we search for a
theoretical explanation of this law, we must pass to the discussion of relativistic wave
mechanics. – W. Pauli (Nobel lecture, 1945)
Classical limit. The exclusion principle does not apply to force field quanta (called bosons after
Satyendra Bose), which have integer spin. They can overlap and build up. Even though each
quantum acts individually, if there are many present the effect is the same as a classical field.
Quantum collapse. If fields evolved only as described by the field equations, nothing of
significance would happen because the equations do not describe the transfer of energy or
momentum. For example, they don’t describe how a photon transfers its energy to a
photoreceptor in your eye. I call this process quantum collapse because after a quantum
transfers its energy it can’t continue to exist; it must disappear from all space. Like Schrödinger’s
cat, it can’t be in a state of half there and half not there. Even though we have no theory to
describe quantum collapse, we know that it happens; indeed, it is an essential part of QFT.[4] As
Art Hobson wrote, referring to the two-slit experiment:
The entire spread-out field… must deposit its quantum of energy all at once, in a single
instant, because the field cannot carry some fraction of one quantum – it must always
contain either exactly one or exactly zero quanta of energy. When the field deposits its
quantum of energy on the viewing screen, the entire spread-out field must instant-
aneously lose this much energy. — A. Hobson (H2007, p. 303)
Quantum collapse is similar to collapse of the wave-function in QM, but the concepts are very
different. In QM the wave-function describes the probability that a particle is in a given place or
that the system is in a given state, and when a measurement is made the probabilities “collapse”
into a certainty. In QFT the collapse is a physical processthat actually happens. It may not be
what we expected, but neither did we expect that the earth is round or that matter is made of
atoms. Just as we learned to live with those concepts, so we can learn to live with quantum
Not only is quantum collapse a necessary part of QFT, it provides solutions to two of the most
vexing problems in physics today: the measurement problem and entanglement, as described in
Chapter 9.
Quarks and gluons. Quarks and gluons are the basic fields that constitute the strong and
baryon fields, but they do not exist in free form. This is known as the Principle of Confinement.
Indeed, we would not have known about them if not for the large number of hadrons (quanta of
the strong and baryon fields) that were discovered in the latter half of the 20th century – the so-
called “subatomic zoo”. It was Yuval Ne’eman, an Israeli physicist, and Murray Gell-Mann who
saw a pattern in the “zoo” that Gell-Mann dubbed “The Eightfold Way”. This pattern led Gell-
Mann to predict a new particle (the omega-minus) that was observed in 1963 with the predicted
properties. Then in 1964 Gell-Mann and George Zweig showed that this pattern would result if
hadrons were made of more basic fields that Gell-Mann (quite the wordsmith) called quarks, a
word taken from Ulysses by James Joyce.[5] Later gluons (again, Gell-Mann’s term) were
introduced to hold the quarks together. The field theory that describes quarks and gluons was
given the name (by guess whom) quantum chromodynamics (QCD), because arbitrary colors are
used to describe certain properties of the quarks. (These colors are not to be confused with the
equally arbitrary colors I have used to help visualize fields.) While QCD has its own name, it still
is part of Quantum Field Theory.
“One of the greatest scientific achievements of all time”. In a recent calculation it was shown
that the field equations for quarks and gluons account for the mass and spin of all the hadrons in
the sub-atomic zoo.[6] The basic parameters of the quark and gluon fields were first determined
from three of the known masses. The field equations were then used to calculate stable and
quasi-stable excitations of the quark and gluon fields. Fourteen such excitations were found with
mass and spin in close agreement with the fourteen known hadrons, ranging from the proton and
neutron to the exotic charmonium. Equally important is that there were no excitations
corresponding to the quarks and gluons themselves, thereby providing a theoretical basis for the
Principle of Confinement. As Frank Wilczek wrote:
Through difficult calculations of merciless precision that call upon the full power of
modern computer technology, [we have] shown that unbendable equations… account
convincingly and in quantitative detail for the existence of protons and neutrons, and for
their properties… I believe this is one of the greatest scientific achievements of all time. —
F. Wilczek (W2008, p. 122-127)
An achievement, I might add, that very few people are aware of.
The Higgs field. The Higgs field is the newest field in QFT; its quantum (called the Higgs boson)
was detected in 2012. It interacts with all other fields and, because it has a large vacuum
expectation value, it generates the effective mass of these fields. It was the final ingredient that
made electroweak unification possible (see Chapter 5).
Dark Matter. As early as 1933, astronomical observations showed that there is more matter in
the universe than was previously thought. In fact, astronomers now believe that ordinary matter
constitutes only about 5% of the total mass of the universe, while something called dark
matter makes up 27% of the total mass. (The rest is made of a related substance called dark
energy, which we won’t go into.) This conclusion is based on its apparent gravitational influence
on other objects.[7] Dark matter is found primarily around galaxies and is believed to be a million
times less dense than normal matter. It is not “seen” because it doesn’t emit or absorb light —
that is, it doesn’t interact (or interacts very feebly) with the EM field.
QFT offers two possible explanations for dark matter. One possibility is a field suggested by
Steven Weinberg and Frank Wilczek, with quanta called axions. Attempts have been made to
detect axions with an apparatus called DAMA (for DArk MAtter.) that is buried under the Gan
Sasso mountain in Italy. According to the DAMA scientific team, a signal was detected that is
consistent with dark matter, but other scientists have treated this finding with skepticism and new
experiments are underway. The other possibility is a field suggested by an approach to QFT
called supersymmetry. Either of these hypothesized fields would be sufficiently stable and
interact feebly enough with normal matter to qualify. To go further into dark matter, axions, and
supersymmetry is beyond the scope of this book (and its author), but I would like to quote the
delightful Frank Wilczek as to the origin of the name axion:
I’m very fond of axions, in part because I got to name them. I used that opportunity to
fulfill a dream of my youth. I’d noticed that there was a brand of laundry detergent called
“Axion”, which sounded to me like the name of a particle. So when theory produced a
hypothetical particle that cleaned up a problem with an axial current, I sensed a cosmic
convergence. The problem was to get it past the notoriously conservative editors
of Physical Review Letters. I told them about the axial current, but not the detergent. It
worked. – F. Wilczek (W2008, p. 203)
Now we will take a look at what is not covered by QFT — the gaps in the theory.
Renormalization. The most obvious gap is that QFT does not describe the interaction of a
quantum with its self-field—an interaction that Richard Feynman called a “silly” idea (Chapter 6).
The problem is that according to QFT the result of this interaction turns out to be infinite, which is
obviously not correct. The problem was solved for EM fields by the simple expedient of replacing
the infinite quantities by their experimentally-determined values. However, the fact that the
infinities occur in the first place shows that something is going on at the single quantum level that
is not described by the QFT equations. As we saw in Chapter 8, this problem is more serious for
the gravity field because its equations do not allow for the renormalization solution.
Quantum collapse. While quantum collapse is an essential part of QFT, it is not described
by the field equations. Besides this lack of theory, there are several aspects of it that
bother many physicists. One is that the collapse is instantaneous and occurs at the same
time at widely separated points.[8] This is especially bothersome in the case of two entangled
photons. Physicists call such a process non-local because it involves communication faster than
the speed of light. Now it is true that the field equations include a number c that limits the speed
of propagation, but quantum collapse is not described by these equations, so there is no reason
it can’t occur. In fact, quantum collapse is necessary if quanta are to act as indivisible units.
Since it does not lead to any paradoxes or inconsistencies, there is no reason not to accept it. In
any event, non-locality has been experimentally documented. Even those who believe in
particles as the ultimate reality acknowledge that something collapses.
The other problem is that, so far as we know, quantum collapse is random. QFT does not explain
when or how it happens. All we know is that the probability of collapse is related to the field
intensity at a given point. The idea of randomness was troubling to Einstein:
I find the idea quite intolerable that an electron exposed to radiation should choose, of
its own free will, not only its moment to jump off, but also its direction. In that case, I
would rather be a cobbler, or even an employee in a gaming house, than a physicist. – A.
Einstein (letter to Max Born, 1924)
However, 25 years later Einstein softened his stand. In a 1950 speech to the International
Congress of Surgeons, after describing the “overwhelming evidence” for giving up causality, he
concluded by saying:
Will this credo survive forever? It seems to me a smile is the best answer. – A. Einstein
(Physics Today, June 2005, p. 47-48)
While the problem of randomness is not solved by QFT, at least it has been pinned down to a
specific event. It is no longer a vague phenomenon related to the role of the observer, as in QM;
it is a physical event that happens with or without an observer. Maybe someday we will have a
theory to describe it, but even if it is truly random there is nothing inherently contradictory about
that. It may not be what we expected, but, like Einstein, we can always smile.
A speculation. Quantum collapse and renormalization both involve something that happens at
the single quantum level – something not described by QFT. Renormalization is needed because
QFT doesn’t explain how a quantum interacts with its self-field. Quantum collapse is a mystery
because QFT doesn’t describe when or how a quantum transfers energy or momentum. It is
possible that these two problems are related, and that if one gap is filled, the other will also be
The next two gaps are not unique to QFT; they are present in every theory.
Whys and Wherefores. QFT does not explain why the numbers that appear in the equations
have the values they do. The most famous example is the so-called fine structure constant that
describes the interaction between matter fields and the EM field. This constant was once thought
to have a value of 1/137, and this, as you might imagine, led to some numerological attempts to
explain why nature had chosen this particular integer — and such an unusual one at that. Sir
Arthur Eddington claimed that the number could be obtained by “pure deduction”, but these
attempts were abandoned when more precise measurements showed that the actual value is
Many physicists still wonder why the masses and coupling constants are what they are, and
there are attempts to find explanations that are more sophisticated than the 1/137 saga, including
something called superstring theory. There are also less sophisticated attempts, such as the so-
called anthropic principle, which states that if the values were different from what they are, the
human race could not exist. QFT does not supply answers, nor does any other theory. QFT does
an amazing job of explaining the world we live in, but why the constants are what they are is, in
my opinion, a teleological, if not theological, question.
Consciousness. Finally we come to the grand-daddy of mysteries. How dare physicists talk
about “theories of everything” when they can’t explain what goes on behind their very noses! But
please understand, by consciousness I don’t mean simple information processing, such as can
be done by any computer. I mean the sense of awareness, the sensations, the feelings that
human and other minds experience every day – from the color red to the beauty of a Mozart
sonata or the pain of a toothache. Such sensations are known as qualia. Most physicists don’t
want to be bothered with the question, and it is left to philosophers like Charlie Chaplin to worry
about it:
Billions of years it’s taken to evolve human consciousness… The miracle of all
existence… More important than anything in the whole universe. What can the stars do?
Nothing but sit on their axis! And the sun, shooting flames 280,000 miles high. So what?
Wasting all its natural resources. Can the sun think? Is it conscious? — C. Chaplin
(film “Limelight”)
I see consciousness as a more pressing problem than the question of why the field constants
have the values they do. My concern began when I was thinking about pain. Pain surely cannot
be explained by fields or particles or relativity, or even quantum field theory, I thought. Nor can
pleasurable sensations, like the enjoyment of music or the intense pleasure of an orgasm.
Then one day we had a visitor – a young computer hot shot. As we were sitting down for dinner I
asked him “Do you think a computer can ever experience a sexual orgasm?” Well this young
fellow began to tell me how you could create an orgasm by putting 0’s and 1’s into the right
memory banks. Of course this was nonsense, so I told him he had flunked the test and couldn’t
have any dinner. I didn’t really; we fed him, but it gave me the idea to write a book about
consciousness with the title “Do Robots Have Orgasms?” (The illustration shows the cover
designed by my nephew Roger L. Brooks.) I eventually abandoned the book because I figured
that a book that boiled down to one word (“no”) wouldn’t sell. However, I had already written or
sketched chapters that I called “dead ends” — three explanations that have been proposed for
consciousness: Artificial Intelligence, Religion, and Quantum Mechanics. As I was working on the
chapter about Quantum Mechanics, I realized that all the quantum mechanical explanations
ignored QFT. In fact, I became aware that QFT is ignored almost everywhere — as if it never
existed. And that’s why I wrote the book that I wrote.
Is there any prospect that the consciousness mystery will ever be solved? Ambrose Bierce didn’t
think so. To quote from his Devil’s Dictionary:
Mind, n. A mysterious form of matter secreted by the brain. Its chief activity consists in
the endeavor to ascertain its own nature, the futility of the attempt being due to the fact
that it has nothing but itself to know itself with. – Ambrose Bierce (B1958, p. 87)
Among physicists there are many different approaches to understanding reality. Some physicists
believe that reality consists of particles, despite the many inconsistencies and absurdities, not to
mention questions like what the particles are made of. Some believe in wave-particle duality,
which is neither fish nor fowl (see Norsen quote on p. 4) . And others, like Steven Hawking (see
quote on p. 4) don’t worry about reality. As Steven Weinberg said,
It is truly surprising how little difference all this makes. Most physicists use quantum
mechanics every day in their working lives without needing to worry about the
fundamental problem of its interpretation. Being sensible people with very little time to
follow up all the ideas and data in their own specialties and not having to worry about this
fundamental problem, they do not worry about it. — S. Weinberg, (W1992, p. 84)
But for those who believe there is a reality and who want to understand it, the choice was
described this way by Robert Oerter:
Wave or particle? The answer: Both, and neither. You could think of the electron or the
photon as a particle, but only if you were willing to let particles behave in the bizarre way
described by Feynman: appearing again, interfering with each other and cancelling
out. You could also think of it as a field, or wave, but you had to remember that the
detector always registers one electron, or none — never half an electron, no matter how
much the field has been split up or spread out. In the end, is the field just a calculational
tool to tell you where the particle will be, or are the particles just calculational tools to tell
you what the field values are? Take your pick. — R. Oerter (O2006, Chap. 6: “Feynman‘s
Particles, Schwinger‘s Fields”, p. 128)
But before you take your pick, let us take a look at some of the things QFT has accomplished:
QFT explains why the detector always register one electron or none (quanta are
QFT provides a simple derivation of e = mc2and gives it a meaning (both are oscillations
in a field).
QFT explains the Pauli Exclusion Principle (the spin-statistics theorem).
QFT explains why matter quanta act like particles (the Exclusion Principle).
QFT explains why the number of neutrons in a nucleus is limited (again, the Exclusion
QFT explains why force fields become classical fields in the limit of many quanta (the
Exclusion Principle doesn’t apply).
QFT explains the Higgs mechanism (it’s another field).
QFT offers two possible explanations for dark matter (two other fields).
QFT explains the subatomic zoo (“one of the greatest scientific achievements of all
QFT explains the paradoxes of special relativity (a natural consequence of the way fields
In QFT time is different from space (in accord with our natural perception).
QFT is compatible with general relativity (although there are calculational difficulties).
In QFT (and in general relativity) gravity is a force field, not curvature of space-time.
QFT (and general relativity) explains gravity waves as oscillations in this field.
QFT explains how these waves were detected (gravity-induced contraction).
QFT explains wave-particle duality (there are no particles, there are only fields).
QFT explains the Uncertainty Principle (fields spread out in space)
QFT offers a solution to the measurement problem (quantum collapse).
QFT offers an explanation of Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance” (entangled quanta
Well, that’s quite a list of accomplishments! With all that, you must surely wonder why QFT hasn’t
been accepted, if not embraced, by the physics community and the public. Well, there is a
downside. To reap those benefits, we must accept that:
Quantum fields are described mathematically by vectors in Hilbert space, not by simple
QFT doesn’t tell us how a quantum interacts with its self-field.
QFT doesn’t tell us why or when quantum collapse
Quantum collapse is instantaneous (i.e., non-local).
And so, dear reader, I hope that, like Frank Wilczek, Steven Weinberg, Sean Caroll, Art Hobson,
Julian Schwinger (and me), you will choose QFT: the only theory that offers a picture of reality
that is understandable and makes sense. And perhaps one day the physics community will finally
abandon the QM ship made of particles floating on a sea of paradox for smoother sailing on the
seas of quantum fields.
[1] As we will see later, the discovery of dark matter may add an eighth field to the mix.
[2] It is straightforward math to show that the frequency of oscillation is given by f = mc2/h, where
h is Planck’s constant.
[3] Planck’s Law says that the energy of a quantum is given by e = hf, where f is frequency
and h is Planck’s constant. Combining this with the equation in footnote 3 gives e = mc2.
[4] The reader should be warned that many physicists do not accept quantum collapse. They
believe that a superposition of states continues until a later time. For example, Roger Penrose
suggested that collapse occurs when the gravitational energy exceeds a certain amount (P1994,
p. 339).
[5] Zweig had used the word ace to describe these quanta, but Gell-Mann’s “quark” prevailed.
[6] S. Aoki et al., “Quenched Light Hadron Spectrum”, Phys Rev Lett. 2000 Jan 10; 84(2):p. 238-
[7] The planets Neptune and Pluto were discovered for the same reason.
[8] The advanced reader, knowing that “at the same time” depends on your state of motion, may
ask which reference frame is being referred to. Although there is no experimental evidence, I
would suggest that the frame of the absorbing atom is appropriate, or at least a good possibility.