High Voltage
The Shimadzu’s UD150B-40/L-40/V-40 is a The UD150B-40, L-40 and V-40 are suitable for the
high-performance X-ray high voltage generator. It has following applications;
greatly improved operability and safety with the use of
computers and provides a low-ripple output with high (A) General radiography
X-ray quantum efficiency through a high-frequency
(B) Bucky radiography
inverter system.
(C) Auto changer radiography
(D) Tomography
(E) Fluoroscopy
(1) Inverter system (7) Lights up hand switch
The high frequency inverter system adopted for high The hand switch lights up to indicate Ready Up and
voltage generation, generates low ripple tube X-ray exposure status.
voltage with high X-ray quantum efficiency.
Moreover, by cutting off X-rays regardless of power (8) Illumination panel
phase, it is possible to perform high-accuracy photo-
The operation panel indicates the status of the
timer control in the ultra-short time.
device (e.g., ready to take images or image capture
in progress) using color and sound.
(2) Microcomputer
To enhance the ergonomic design of the UD150B (9) 2-factors control system
-40/L40/V-40, a microcomputer is utilized for the
In addition to the ordinary setting system of KV, mA,
improvement of operability and safety.
and sec., technique conditions can be also set with
2-factors of kV and mAs. In this case, mA and sec.
(3) Detailed setting of exposure factors are automatically set to the maximum allowable
Exposure time and mAs can be set more in detail in value and the shortest value.
every 12.5% than the conventional.
(10) Compact size
(4) Preset memory Compact 2-unit construction. The unique space-
The preset memory allows the most commonly used saving design of the 2 unit consists of a compact
techniques to be programmed. By pressing the control panel that can be desk or wall mounted and
program selector key, automatic selection can be one control cabinet, requiring a very small
made for radiographic factor, tube focus, etc. installation space.
(5) Color LCD Touch Panel (11) Two standard fluoroscopic modes
A color LCD panel with high visual clarity is used as Two standard fluoroscopic modes are provided.
the screen for setting X-ray conditions. The panel, Each mode is customised to meet the requirements
which uses different colors for extra clarity, allows of clinical application.
simple APR selection.
(12) Automatic fluoroscopic diagnosis
(6) Hybrid Dials Tube voltage is automatically controlled even if a
X-ray conditions can be changed easily using hybrid radiograpic area or subject thickness is changed
dials. Large changes can be made using jog/shuttle during fluoroscopy. The image brightness stabilizer
and small changes can be made precisely using the (IBS) always ensures a fluoroscopic image with
up/down buttons. Using both types of adjustment optimum brightness.
method allows conditions to be set quickly.
(a) Control console ·················· 1 unit ∗ SPT-C42, photo-timer control
(b) Control cabinet ··················· 1 unit ∗ Direct photo-timer pickup
∗ Starter
(c) High voltage generator ······· Incorporated in the ∗ Third tube selector
control cabinet ∗ Communication unit
(d) Connection cable················ 1 set ∗ Voltage regulator
Cable length; ∗ Fluoroscopy unit
∗ Power source-Control cabinet: 10 m
(USA and CANADA: 16m)
∗ Control console-Control cabinet: 14 m
(1) Standard model and nominal maximum power: (7) Setting and display of radiographic tube current (for
3-control system)
Model UD150B-40 UD150V-40 UD150L-40
y Setting range:
Nominal maximum Power 80 kW 65 kW 50 kW
UD150B-40 UD150V-40 UD150L-40
1000, 800, 630, 500, 800, 630, 500, 400, 630, 500, 400, 320,
(2) Ratings: 400, 320, 250, 200, 320, 250, 200, 160, 250,200, 160, 125,
160, 125, 100, 80, 63, 125, 100, 80, 63,50, 100, 80, 63, 50, 40,
Model UD150B-40 UD150V-40 UD150L-40 50, 40, 32, 25, 20, 16, 40, 32, 25, 20, 16, 12 32, 25, 20, 16, 12
12 and 10 mA and 10 mA and 10 mA
380-480 V, 3 phase
380-480 V, 3 phase 380-480 V, 3 phase
Power Source 200-240 V, 1 phase Of the 21 positions Of the 20 positions Of the 19 positions
50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz above, it is possible to above, it is possible to above, it is possible to
50/60 Hz
use any 6 positions use any 6 positions use any 6 positions
150 kV 500 mA 150 kV 400 mA 150 kV 320 mA
allowed by the X-ray allowed by the X-ray allowed by the X-ray
Short-time rating 125 kV 630 mA 125 kV 500 mA 125 kV 400 mA
100 kV 800 mA 100 kV 650 mA 100 kV 500 mA tube for one focus. tube for one focus. tube for one focus.
80 kV 1000 mA 80 kV 800 mA 80 kV 630 mA
y Display: The set value is displayed digitally.
Long-time rating 75 kV 20 mA
125kV 9 mA 125 kV 9 mA y Setting method: shuttle and UP/DOWN switch
*1 125 kV 12 mA
*1. Limited according to the X-ray tube type. (8) Setting and display of exposure time (in the case of
3-control system)
(3) Tube voltage and X-ray exposure time control
system y Setting range:
The DC voltage rectified and smoothed from
UD150B-40 UD150V-40 UD150L-40
3-phase or single-phase power source is applied to
the inverter circuit. Tube voltage is controlled by the 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0, 2.2, 2.5, 2.8, 3.2, 3.6, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.6,
feedback system, and at the same time, applied to 6.3, 7.1, 8.0, 9.0, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 28, 32, 36, 40, 45, 50,
the X-ray tube, making and breaking it. 56, 63, 71, 80 ms, 90 ms,
The exposure is made and broken regardless of the 0.10, 0.11, 0.12, 0.14, 0.16, 0.18, 0.20, 0.22, 0.25, 0.28, 0.32, 0.40, 0.45,
0.50, 0.56, 0.63, 0.71, 0.80, 0.90, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0, 2.2, 2.5,
supply voltage phase.
2.8, 3.2, 3.6, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 6.3, 7.1, 8.0, 9.0, 10 sec
(4) Technique factor setting system It is impossible to set the mAs value to less 0.5 or over 800.
y 2-control system (kV, mAs) y Display: The set value is displayed digitally.
A system that the shortest exposure time and y Setting method: shuttle and UP/DOWN switch.
maximum tube current are automatically set for sec
and mA according to the allowable load of the X-ray (9) Setting and display of fluoroscopic tube voltage
tube when kV and mAs are set as the technique y Setting range: 50~125kV in increment of 1kV.
factors. y Display: The set value is displayed digitally.
y 3-control system (kV, mA, sec.)
A system to set kV, mA, and sec as technique (10) Setting and display of fluoroscopic tube current
y Setting range: Fluoroscopic tube current is auto-
matically set according to fluoroscopic tube voltage.
(5) Setting and display of radiographic tube voltage
Presetting is already made so that the fluoroscopic
y Setting range: 40 to 150 kV in increment of 1 kV. tube current value rises as the fluoroscopic tube
y Display: The set value is displayed digitally. voltage rises.
y Setting method: shuttle and UP/DOWN switch. y Display: Digital display of actual value during
radiation of X-ray
(6) Setting and display of radiographic tube current time
product (in the case of 2-control system) (11) Resetting and display of accumulated fluoroscopic
y Setting range: time
UD150B-40 UD150V-40 UD150L-40 y Accumulated fluoroscopic time reset:
Press the “ ” key. The time is reset to “0.0 min”.
0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0, 2.2, 2.5, 2.8, 3.2,
y Accumulated fluoroscopic time display:
3.6, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.6, 6.3, 7.1, 8.0, 9.0, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25,
Display range … 0.0~99 min
28, 32, 36, 40, 45, 50, 56, 63, 71, 80, 90, 100, 110, 125, 140, 160, 180,
200, 220, 250, 280, 320, 360, 400, 450, 500, 560, 630, 710, 800 mAs
(12) Setting of fluoroscopic timer
Setting is available in 64 positions shown above.
The value is limited to 500 mAs when using photo-timer.
Press the “ ” key. “10 min” is set.
The “ “ key flickers with buzzer sounding during
y Display: The set value is displayed digitally. the lapse time from 4 minutes and 30 seconds to 10
y Setting method: shuttle and UP/DOWN switch minutes. Fluoroscopy is shut out after lapse of 10
(13) Selectable techniques (20) Direct photo-timer exposure (option)
A photo-timer exposure is available in combination
(A) General radiography
with Shimadzu’s photo-pickup detector by adding
(B) Bucky radiography the pertinent control circuit.
(C) Auto changer radiography y Manual operation or photo-timer can be selected.
(D) Tomography y SPEED (sensitivity) selector
“SPEED. H”, “SPEED. M” and “SPEED. L” are
(E) Fluoroscopy
selectable at installation of the system.
∗1 The technique selector doubles as the X-ray y Film density adjustment
tube selector. Adjustment in 11 stages is possible.
y Photo-pickup field selection
(14) Selection of X-ray tube: Four kinds of photo-pickup fields are selectable.
Use the radiography technique key to select the
X-ray tube. (21) Display of error
Up to two tubes can be connected. In the occurrence of error on each function, error-
codes are displayed on the color LCD touch panel.
(15) Selection of focus:
The “large” or “small” focus can be selected.
(17) Switches
POWER ON/OFF switch and READY/X-RAY hand
(18) Indicator
“Radiography Ready”, “Exposure”, “Stand-by”,
“Caution”, “Fault” are LED-indicated.
(a) System:
3-phase alternating current
y Frequency: 50 or 60 Hz y Relations between the length and sectional area of
lead-in conductor with respect to the transformer
Model UD150B-40 UD150V-40 UD150L-40 capacity:
Standard voltage 380 V ± 10%, 0.10 Ω or less 380 V ± 10%, 0.10 Ω or less 380 V ± 10%, 0.16 Ω or less Length
Wire Size (Nominal Sectional Area) mm2
and allowable 400 V ± 10%, 0.11 Ω or less 400 V ± 10%, 0.11 Ω or less 400 V ± 10%, 0.17 Ω or less
voltage range at no 415 V ± 10%, 0.12 Ω or less 415 V ± 10%, 0.12 Ω or less 415 V ± 10%, 0.19 Ω or less 10 m
load and power 440 V ± 10%, 0.13 Ω or less 440 V ± 10%, 0.13 Ω or less 440 V ± 10%, 0.21 Ω or less Transformer 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
source impedance 480 V ± 10%, 0.16 Ω or less 480 V ± 10%, 0.16 Ω or less 480 V ± 10%, 0.21 Ω or less Capacity m m m m m m m m m
y Line switch
Type: Knife switch or circuit breaker
Capacity: 100 A or more
y Rating of fuse or circuit breaker: 60 A or less
When the ambient conditions of each Temperature Humidity Caution
room do not satisfy the following 5 to 35°C 45 to 85% No dew condensation allowed
conditions, it is suggested to install an
Generated Calorie
exclusive air conditioner.
The calorie generated by the apparatus in Apparatus used UD150B-40 UD150V-40 UD150L-40
each room is as follows. Control console Approx. 50 kcal/h
Control cabinet
X-ray high voltage generator Approx. 680 kcal/h Approx. 680 kcal/h Approx. 600 kcal/h
IBS(Image Brightness Stabilizer)of ON/OFF
Press the [IBS] to make the key light up.
Fluoroscopic tube voltage down key.
Fluoroscopic tube voltage setting.
Press key to decrease the displayed value.
Fluoroscopic tube voltage up key.
Fluoroscopic tube voltage setting.
Press key to increase the displayed value.
Pulse rate key
Pulse rate setting
NOTE) Pulsed fluoroscopy can be selected if the DR unit incorporates a pulsed fluoroscopy function.
Control console
308 82
Front view Side view
Unit: mm
Weight: 2.5 kg
Control cabinet
Top view
Unit: mm
D150BC-40 (for UD150B-40) 250 kg
D150VC-40 (for UD150V-40) 250 kg
Front view Side view D150LC-40 (for UD150L-40) 240 kg
y Every value in this Product Data Sheet is a standard value, and it may vary a little from the actual at each site.
y The appearances and specifications are subject to change for reasons of improvement without notice.