stockout, which depend on the demands and the calculated as:
period time of stockout, will also be fuzzy. Most of
the previous paper directly supposes the model s = t ⋅λ (2)
parameters as a triangular fuzzy number and then
finds their optimal solutions. However, this may not level
demands, the models of backorder case and lost sales be derived as [14]:
case will be discussed respectively. Finally, the
characteristics of proposed models will be illustrated C B (Q , s ) = a λ / Q + h (Q − s ) 2 / 2 Q
and some conclusions will be made. + p ⋅ s 2 / 2Q
point, instead of s. ~
the annual cost function, T (α λ ) is a fuzzy number,
By taking the derivatives of C B ( Q , t ) with
respect to Q and t, it is not difficult to show that the ~
we can compare T (α λ ) of different Q by using
optimal solutions for models (1) and (4) are
respectively as: some ranking methods to find the optimal solution
Q * with a minimal total cost. In the literature, a lot
Q * = 2aλ / h (5)
of ranking methods have been proposed and
and discussed. Of which, not every method is applicable
Q * = (h + p) / p ⋅ 2aλ / h . (6.1) to rank T (α λ ) of all possible Q. The reason is
⎧ L ( x ), l≤x≤m
⎪ and the horizontal line u T~ = 1 ; and
µ λ~ ( x ) = ⎨1, m≤x≤n (7)
⎪ R ( x ), n≤x≤u ~
⎩ I R (T ) represents the area bounded by the right
The above equation can also be described by the ~
~ shape function of T (α λ ) , the x axis, the y axis and
terms of α -level cut of λ as:
λ (α ) = [min . µ λ~−1 (α ), max . µ λ~−1 (α )] the horizontal line u T~ = 1 . The Yager’s ranking
= [ L−1 (α ), R −1 (α )], 0 ≤ α ≤ 1
index of T (α λ ) thus can be calculated as:
Firstly, we discussed the EOQ model with fuzzy
demand, namely, the stockout is neglected. 1 1
I (T ) = ∫ C[Q | λ = Lλ−1 (α λ )]dαλ
According to the extension principle, the model can 2 0 (11)
be described by terms of α as: 1 1
+ ∫ C[Q | λ = Rλ−1 (αλ )]dαλ
~ 2 0
T (α ) = {C [ Q | λ = L− 1 (α )],
(9) Let
C [ Q | λ = R −1 (α )]}, 0 ≤α <1
1 1 −1
where C (Q) is just defined as the model (1). Since
K 1 (αλ ) =
2 ∫0
[ Lλ (αλ ) + Rλ−1 (αλ )]dαλ (12)
~ h K (α )
, taking the partial derivative of T (α λ ) with t * = {( )⋅ 1 } ⋅ Q* (18.2)
h + p K 2 (α )
respect to Q and setting to zero, the necessary
~ ~
condition of optimal solution of T (α λ ) can be The sufficient conditions for the I (TB ) to attain
found as: ~
the minimum are I Q " (TB ) > 0 and
Q* = ⋅ K 1 (α λ ) (13)
h ~ ~ ~
I Q " ( T B ) ⋅ I t " ( T B ) − [ I Q , t " ( T B )] 2 > 0
T * (α ) = {C [ Q * | λ = L− 1 (α )],
(14) , which can be derived respectively as follows
C [ Q * | λ = R −1 (α )]}, 0 ≤α <1
I Q "(TB ) = (4a / Q3 ) ⋅ K1 (α ) + [(h + p)t 2 / Q3 ] ⋅ K2 (α)
Now, if backorder for stockout is permitted,
~ ~ ~
from Equation (4), the model can be described by I Q " (TB ) ⋅ I t " (TB ) − [ I Q ,t " (TB )]2 = (2a / Q 3 ) ⋅
terms of α as K1 (αλ ) ⋅ [(h + p) / Q] ⋅ K 2 (α )
~ Because of K 1 (α ) > 0 and K 2 (α ) > 0 , the
T B (α ) = {C B [ Q , t | λ = L− 1 (α )],
(15) sufficient conditions are clearly hold from the above
C B [ Q , t | λ = R −1 (α )]}, 0 ≤α <1
two equations. Consequently, the optimal solutions,
C L ( S , t ) , thus can be derived as: ~
TL (α ) = [C L ( S , t ) | λ = L−1 (α ),
C L ( S , t ) = a λ / S + h ( S − tλ ) 2 / 2 S C L ( S , t | λ = R −1 (α ))], 0 ≤α <1
+ p ⋅ t 2 λ2 / 2 S
where C L ( S , t ) is defined as the model (20). As
level the case of C L ( S , t ) , by replacing Q with S in
Equations (18.1) and (18.2), the global optimal
solutions of T L (α ) can be found as:
Q 2a h K 2 (α) 0.5
S * = {[ ⋅ K1 (α)] [1- ⋅ 1 ]} (24.1)
S h (h + p) K2 (α)
Time h K (α )
t' = (S − s) / λ s t * = {( )⋅ 1 }⋅ S * (24.2)
h + p K 2 (α )
t1 t2 t3
Figure 2. The EOQ model with lost sales Furthermore, from Equation (23), the optimal annual
cost then can be found as:
Notes, if we replace Q with S in Equations (4), the
Equation (20) will be same as Equation (4). Hence, T L* (α ) = {C L [ S * , t * | λ = L− 1 (α )],
substitute S for Q in Equations (6.1) and (6.2), the C L [ S * , t * | λ = R −1 (α )]}, 0 ≤ α < 1
optimal solutions of C L ( S , t ) then can be derived
The above Equation will be equivalent to Equation
~* ~*
S * = (h + p) / p ⋅ 2aλ / h . (21.1) (15), i.e. T L (α ) = T B (α ) .
t * = ( S * / λ ) ⋅ h /(h + p) (21.2) Since the quantities of stockout, tλ , is fuzzy,
from Equation (22), the optimal ordering quantities,
Since S = Q + s and s = t λ , the optimal
Q * , will also be fuzzy and can be found as:
~ ~
ordering quantities then can be found as: Q * = S * − tλ (26)
Q = S − tλ
* *
(22) The above equation indicates that the ordering
From the above three Equations, it is easy to show quantities is not the same for each order. It depends
hat as p → ∞ , t → 0 and on the current tλ . This is different from the
To show the characteristics of proposed models, Equation (30) implies that the shape of membership
a trapezoidal fuzzy demand is employed. Let λ be ~ ~
function of C (Q * ) is the same as the λ , but
the trapezoidal fuzzy demands with parameters:
λ = [l, m, n, u] (27) with a different scale. Accordingly, the spread of
EOQ with crisp demands, ( m + n ) / 2 . This result p increases, the t will be shortened to save the
implies that no matter what the spreads of fuzzy shortage cost. Since t is a part of the time of ordering
demands, as long as the fuzzy demands are cycle, i.e. (Q / λ ) , a decreasing t will lead to a
symmetric with the same mean, the Q * will be the decreasing Q. Next, the optimal annual cost C B*
same and equal to the conventional EOQ with the which can be illustrated as Figure 3 implies that as p
The above equation shows that the annual cost will increasing spread. When p → ∞ , the membership
~ and illustrated as Figure 4. From the view point of
function of C B* is just a symmetrical triangular,
Yager’s index, Q * increases according with p. In
which is the same as the C (Q * ) of EOQ model
~ ~
~ addition, for the optimal annual cost C L* , since C L*
with λ .
is same as the C B* of backorder case, the above
Table 1 The results of numerical examples for
backorder case with different p values ~
characteristics of C B* thus can also be held for
Case p ~
(Q * , t * ) C B*
C L* .
1 0.1 (545.108, 0.314) [24.917, 28.384, 37.658]
µC~ B
p = 0.1 0.3 0.5 1.0 ∞
150 200 250 300 350 400
Figure 4 The membership function of Q * with
different p values for the case of lost sale
6. Conclusion
The purpose of this paper is to study the EOQ
25 30 35 40 45 50 model with stockout and fuzzy demands. Because
Figure 3 The membership function of optimal demands are fuzzy, the quantities of stockout, s,
anneal cost with different p values for usually treated as a decision variable (the order point)
the case of backorder. will be also fuzzy. This paper suggests to replace the
s with the time period of stockout, t, as one of the
For the lost sales case, since the optimal decisions variables. The other decision variable is Q
for backorder case and S, the sum of Q and s, for lost
solutions ( S * , t * ) are same as the (Q * , t * ) of
sales case.
backorder case, increasing in p will also be associated
The results of this study indicate that, for the
with decreasing in (S , t )
* *
simultaneously. EOQ model, no matter what the spreads of fuzzy
demands, as long as the fuzzy demands are
Furthermore, from Equation (32), the fuzzy number
symmetric with the same mean, the optimal ordering
of optimal ordering quantities, Q * , can be calculated quantities will be the same and equal to the
conventional EOQ with the mean of fuzzy demands. the fuzzy number of holding cost and shortage cost of
Fuzzier demands only yield fuzzier annual costs. If models, and be defined as:
stockout is permitted, as the shortage cost per unit
gets infinite, both of the backorder case and lost sales p(α p) = [ min . µ ~−p 1(α p), max . µ ~−p 1(α p)]
case will degenerate to the EOQ model with fuzzy = [L p −1(α p), R p −1(α p)], 0 ≤ α p ≤ 1
demands. This result is the same as the EOQ model
with stockout and crisp demands.
In practice, it is possible the shortage cost is h (α h ) = [min . µ h~−1 (α h ), max . µ h~−1 (α p )]
evaluated by the maximum quantities of shortage in = [ L h −1 (α h ), R h −1 (α h )], 0 ≤ α h ≤ 1
each inventory cycle. In such case, the annual cost for
backorder case can be derived as:
1 1
2 ∫0
C B' (Q , t ) = a λ / Q + h (Q − tλ ) 2 / 2Q K2 (αλ) = {[Lλ−1 (αλ)]2 + [Rλ−1 (αλ)]2 }dαλ (35)
+ p ⋅ tλ 2 / Q
1 1 1
K3 (αλ,αp) = {∫ Lp −1 (αp)dαp ⋅ ∫ [Lλ−1 (αλ)]2 dαλ
4 0 0
1 1
With fuzzy demands, the annual cost function then + ∫ Rp −1 (αp)dαp[∫ [Rλ−1 (αλ)]2 dαλ
0 0
can be described by the terms of α as:
1 1 −1
2 ∫0
TB' (α ) = [C B' (Q , t ) | λ = L−1 (α ), K 4 (αh) = [ Lh (αh) + Rh −1 (αh)]dαh (35)
C B' (Q , t | λ = R −1 (α ))], 0 ≤α <1
1 1 1
~ K5 (αh,αλ) = [∫ Lh−1(αh)dαh ⋅ ∫ Lλ−1(αλ)dαλ
Unfortunately, the Yager’s index of I (T B' ) can not 4 0 0
1 1
be proven to be a convex function. However, we can + ∫ Rh (αh)dαh ⋅ ∫ Rλ (αλ)dαλ]
−1 −1
0 0
still show that I Q " (TB' ) > 0 . Hence, let 1 1 1
K6 (αh, αλ) = {∫ Lh −1 (αh)dαh ⋅ ∫ [Lλ−1 (αλ)]2 dαλ
4 0 0
~ 1 1
I Q ' (T B' ) = 0 , the conditional optimal solution + ∫ Rh (αh)dαh ⋅ ∫ [Rλ (αλ)] dαλ}
−1 −1 2
0 0
⎡ K 5 (αh , αλ ) ⎤ *
Furthermore, besides demands, the other t* = ⎢ ⎥ ⋅Q (41)
⎣ K 6 (αh , αλ ) + K 3 (αλ , αp ) ⎦
coefficients may also be fuzzy. Let h and ~
p be
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