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Clinically Oriented
Other CBS Books in Anatomy
1. BD Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3)
2. BD Chaurasia’s Handbook of General Anatomy
3. Textbook of Histology Krishna Garg, Indira Bahl, Mohini Kaul
4. Human Embryology Arushi, Indu Khurana
5. Human Osteology (A Clinical Orientation) Nafis Ahmed Faruqi
6. Human Anatomy (Upper Limb & Thorax) A. Halim
7. Clinical Anatomy RK Zargar, Sushil Kumar
8. Human Embryology Daksha Dixit
9. Manipal Manual of Anatomy Sampath Madhyastha
10. Exam-Oriented Anatomy Shoukat N Kazi
11. Anatomy and Physiology of Eye AK Khurana, Indu Khurana
12. Surface and Radiological Anatomy A. Halim
13. MCQ in Human Anatomy DK Chopade
14. Exam-Oriented Anatomy for Dental Students Shoukat N Kazi
Clinically Oriented
Jnanesh S Rayapati MBBS MD DFM
Associate Professor of Anatomy
MSU-GEF International Medical School
MS Ramaiah, Bangalore campus
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Assistant Professor of Anatomy and Histology
St Matthews University School of Medicine
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
British West Indies
Clinically Oriented
ISBNN : 978-81-239-1875-4
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my wife
my daughter
my parents
Dr Sreenathan and Rukmini
for their support and love
T he main aim of this book is to provide a concise yet sufficient material on clinical anatomy.
It is written in simple language in a point format. Unnecessary details have been omitted.
Facts of clinical importance have been highlighted in distinctive colour.
I hope that this book will be of benefit to undergraduate, postgraduate (graduate) students
preparing for examinations as a rapid review. It will be helpful as a review book for students
preparing for exams like USMLE, PLAB and All India PG Entrance Examinations. The book
focuses on material that is most likely to be tested in these examinations.
The book provides enough information for those wishing to refresh their knowledge of
anatomy. I shall be grateful to the readers for their suggestions to improve the book.
Jnanesh S Rayapati
viii Clinically Oriented Anatomy
Jnanesh S Rayapati
Contents ix
Preface vii
Please note that the subject is standing • Prone is lying face down.
erect with his eyes looking forward, arms at • Supine is lying down, face upwards.
his side, the palms of the hands facing • Lateral recumbent is lying on the side. A
forward and feet beside each other (Fig. 1.1). patient found “left lateral recumbent” is
Throughout the course of study, all lying down on the left side.
structures or organs in the body are described • Lithotomy position is lying supine with the
in relation to the anatomical position. It is hips and knees fully flexed and thighs apart.
generally assumed that a student of anatomy
remembers this basic concept each time a Anatomical Planes
structure is encountered in the course of 1. Median (midsagittal plane) vertical plane:
study. Divides the body or an organ into left and
In the dissection hall, the cadaver is kept right halves (Fig. 1.1).
on the table in supine or prone position. 2. Sagittal plane: Plane parallel to the median
However, when description of a structure and plane.
its relation is to be given, it should be
3. Coronal plane: Vertical plane that divides the
explained in terms of its location in the body
body or organ into anterior and posterior
in anatomical position. If we do not realize
parts. It is at right angles to the median
and practise this basic, the subject of anatomy
plane (Fig. 1.1).
becomes a big puzzle.
4. Transverse (horizontal) plane: Divides the
• Erect is standing up.
body or organ into superior (upper) and
• Recumbent is lying down.
inferior (lower) portions (Fig. 1.1).
5. Oblique plane: Any other plane.