Sarasola v. Trinidad
Sarasola v. Trinidad
Sarasola v. Trinidad
The complaint in this case was led in the Court of First Instance of Manila for
the purpose of having an injunction issue to restrain the defendant, the Collector of
Internal Revenue, from the alleged illegal collection of taxes in the amount of
P11,739.29. The defendant interposed a demurrer to the complaint, based on two
grounds, namely: (1) that the court had no jurisdiction of the subject-matter of the
action because of the provisions of section 1578 of the Administrative Code of 1917;
and (2) that the facts stated in the complaint did not entitle the plaintiff to the relief
demanded. The Honorable James A. Ostrand, Judge of First Instance, sustained the
demurrer, holding that "In the opinion of the court, the case is still controlled by the
decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Churchill and Tait vs. Rafferty (32 Phil.,
580). The fact that section 1579 of the Administrative Code of 1917 disallows interest
on the internal revenue taxes recovered back is hardly su cient to vary the rule." It is
from the nal order dismissing the complaint, without special nding as to costs, that
the plaintiff appeals to this court.
As will be noted, the trial judge was induced to take such action by reason of his
understanding of the decision of this court in the case of Churchill and Tait vs. Rafferty
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(supra, appeal dismissed in the United States Supreme Court [1918], 248 U. S., 555), in
which the plaintiffs likewise endeavored unsuccessfully to have the defendant Collector
of Internal Revenue enjoined from collecting and enforcing against the plaintiffs an
internal revenue tax on bill boards. Both counsel for appellant and appellee herein seem
to nd comfort in this decision. Instead, however, of devoting our time to a ne analysis
of this decision with the object of ascertaining if it is still controlling, it would seem
preferable to place it to one side for the nonce and to proceed independently thereof to
settle the instant issues.
Appellants formal speci cations of error are epitomized in three points: "1. The
statute is a mere expression of the equity rule and does not close the door of equity
where there is no adequate remedy at law; 2. The equitable jurisdiction to issue writs
where the legal remedy is inadequate is crystallized and cannot be abbreviated by local
statute: 3. The legal remedy is grossly inadequate and the injury irreparable and the writ
should issue." The Attorney-General, in his brief for the appellee, says that a resolution
of the three errors assigned by appellant depends upon the answer to the question, "Is
the legal provision prohibiting the courts from granting an injunction to restrain the
collection of internal revenue taxes constitutional?" Whether, therefore, we agree with
the Attorney-General in his bold assertion relative to the issue being the
constitutionality of sections 1578 and 1579 of the Administrative Code of 1917, or
whether we consider the more subtle argument of the learned counsel for appellant
which seems merely to squint at this question, it is necessary to have before us the
pertinent provisions of Philippine law.
Sections 1578 and 1579 of the Administrative Code of 1917 read as follows:
"SEC. 1578. Injunction not available to restrain collection of tax. — No court
shall have authority to grant an injunction to restrain the collection of any
internal-revenue tax.
"SEC. 1579. Recovery of tax paid under protest. — When the validity of any
tax is questioned, or its amount disputed, or other question raised as to liability
therefor, the person against whom or against whose property the same is sought
to be enforced shall pay the tax under instant protest, or upon protest within ten
days, and shall thereupon request the decision of the Collector of Internal
Revenue. If the decision of the Collector of Internal Revenue is adverse, or if no
decision is made by him within six months from the date when his decision was
requested, the taxpayer may proceed, at any time within two years after the
payment of the tax, to bring an action against the Collector of Internal Revenue
for the recovery without interest of the sum alleged to have been illegally
collected, the process to be served upon him, upon the provincial treasurer, or
upon the officer collecting the tax."
These portions of our tax laws, leaving out of notice the two words "without
interest," are in no way different from American tax laws. The antecedents of sections
1578 and 1579 of the existing Administrative Code are the Administrative Code of
1916, the Internal Revenue Law of 1914 (Act No. 2339), and the Internal Revenue Law of
1904 (Act No. 1189). Section 1578 of the Administrative Code and its corresponding
sections in previous Philippine laws, found its particular inspiration in a similar
provision in the Act of Congress of March 2, 1867. (14 Stat. at L., 475; sec. 32"4, U. S.
Rev. Stat.) Again expressly leaving out of our present consideration the phrase "without
interest," a vast array of interpretative jurisprudence which culminates in the decision in
Churchill and Tait vs. Rafferty, supra, would leave no room for doubt that such
legislation is constitutional. The point, however, to keep sharply before us is, that until
the enactment of the Administrative Code of 1917, no law of the Philippine Legislature
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or Commission had contained a provision permitting the recovery of taxes "without
interest," and no provision essentially the same can be found in the statutes of the
United States or of the several States.
Before we recur to our precise question, a good background for this decision
might well concern the more general subject of the remedies of the taxpayer. The broad
principle is that every taxpayer has a right to a remedy for any actual wrong he may
have suffered in the collection of taxes. Usually a party will nd a plain and su cient
remedy for the injuries complained of, or threatened, in the courts of law; in such
instances, equity will not take jurisdiction. "Presumptively," Judge Cooley says, "the
remedy at law is adequate." (Cooley on Taxation, 3d Ed., Vol. 2, pp. 1377, 1412, 1415.)
Where, as in the Philippines, the taxpayer is permitted to pay the amount demanded of
him under protest and then maintain an action at law to recover back the whole amount
paid or so much of it as was illegally exacted, this is ordinarily regarded as an adequate
remedy. Thus, the Legislature of the State of Tennessee enacted a statute not greatly
different from the Philippine statute, with the exception that the words, "without
interest," were not included, and the United States Supreme Court in discussing the law
said: "This remedy is simple and effective. . . . It is a wise and reasonable precaution for
the security of the government. No government could exist that permitted its collection
to be delayed by every litigious man or every embarrassed man, to whom delay was
more important than the payment of costs." (State of Tennessee vs. Sneed [1877], 6
Otto, 69. See also 37 Cyc., 1267, 1268.) Again in the case of Snyder vs. Marks ([1883],
109 U. S., 185) the sole object of the suit was to restrain the collection of a tax which
was assessed under the United States Internal Revenue Laws. The court said: "The
remedy of a suit to recover back the tax after it is paid, is provided by statute, and a suit
to restrain its collection is forbidden. The remedy so given is exclusive, and no other
remedy can be substituted for it."
An exceptional circumstance which serves to take cases out of the general rule
comes under the head of irreparable injury. In a decision of the United States Supreme
Court in which this was explained (Dows vs. The City of Chicago [1871], 11 Wall., 108) it
was remarked that there can be no case of equitable cognizance "where there is a plain
and adequate remedy at law. And except where the special circumstances which we
have mentioned exist, the party of whom an illegal tax is collected has ordinarily ample
remedy, either by action against the o cer making the collection or the body to whom
the tax is paid." Accordingly, it was held that since the plaintiff had his action after the
tax was paid "against the officer or the city to recover back the money," a bill in equity to
restrain the collection of a tax would not be sustained. If the ground alleged is alone
that the tax was illegal, this is not su cient for the maintenance of an injunction. (Dows
vs. The City of Chicago, supra; Shelton vs. Platt [1891], 139 U. S., 591, reviewing
previous decisions; Nye Jenks & Co. vs. Town of Washburn [1903], 125 Fed., 817;
Churchill and Tait vs. Rafferty, supra, followed approvingly in Young vs. Rafferty [1916],
33 Phil., 556, 563.)
While we have these decisions in mind, it might be well to recall that in one way or
another, the whole question harks back to the legality of sections 1578 and 1579 of the
Administrative Code. But in addition, according to the averments of the plaintiff's
complaint which are provisionally admitted by the demurrer of the defendant, the
plaintiff 's claim is, that he was not engaged in the business of a commission merchant
in the city of Manila, and so was not liable to the payment of a tax as such, and that he is
without means of complying with the demand of the defendant under protest or
otherwise. Such, likewise, was one of three grounds which were suggested as giving
equitable jurisdiction to the Supreme Court of the State of Michigan. Regarding it,
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Judge Cooley said:
"The force of the third contention must rest in the fact that enforcing the
tax may in some cases compel the suspension of business, because it is more
than the person taxed can afford to pay. But if this consideration is su cient to
justify the transfer of a controversy from a court of law to a court of equity, then
every controversy where money is demanded may be made the subject of
equitable cognizance. To enforce against a dealer a promissory note may in
some cases as effectually break up his business as to collect from him a tax of
equal amount. This is not what is known to the law as irreparable injury. The
courts have never recognized the consequences of the mere enforcement of a
money demand as falling within that category." (Youngblood vs. Sexton [1875],
32 Mich., 406.)
No one could very convincingly argue against the force of these leading cases.
Not neglecting, therefore, to remember their importance, the precise and narrower
question is suggested — Did the addition of the words "without interest" in the statute
so deprive an aggrieved taxpayer of his adequate remedy at law as to justify judicial
interference? In two recent decision of this court, interest on judgments for the
recovery of taxes was allowed, but without deciding this precise question. Thus, in
Viuda e Hijos de Pedro P. Roxas vs. Rafferty ([1918], 37 Phil., 957), it was said that
whether interest could be adjudged a taxpayer against the United States, a State of the
American Union, or the Government of the Philippine Islands, was beside the question.
And in Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation vs. Rafferty ( [1918], 39 Phil., 145), it
was said that whether interest may be recovered under section 1679 of the
Administrative Code, is left for decision when a case arises after the Code became
effective. As the point can no longer be evaded, we shall proceed to resolve it, and in so
doing can find no better approach than that to be found in the right to interest.
It is well settled both on principle and authority that interest is not to be awarded
against a sovereign government, as the United States or a State, unless its consent has
been manifested by an Act of its Legislature or by a lawful contract of its executive
o cers. If there be doubt upon the subject, that doubt must be resolved in favor of the
State. In Gosman's Case ( [1881], L. R. 17 Ch. Div., 771) Sir George Jessel, Master of the
Rolls, speaking for the Court of Appeals, summed up the Law of England in this concise
statement: "There is no ground for charging the Crown with interest. Interest is only
payable by statute or by contract." In Attorney-General vs. Cape Fear Navigation Co.
([1843], 37 N. C., 444) Chief Justice Ru n laid down as undoubted law that "the State
never pays interest unless she expressly engages to do so." Judge Cooley says that
"The recovery (in tax suits) must be limited to the money received. . . . Interest is
recoverable only when expressly allowed by statute." (2 Cooley on Taxation, 3d Ed., p.
1510; Savings and Loan Society vs. San Francisco [1901], 131 Cal., 356.) United States
vs. Sherman ( [1878], 98 U. S., 465) the court, in considering a law relating to suits
against revenue o cers providing for recovery of the amount payable out of the
treasury, held that the amount recoverable did not include interest upon the judgment.
Justice Strong, delivering the opinion of the court, in part said:
"When the obligation arises, it is an obligation to pay the amount
recovered; that is, the amount for which judgment has been given. The act of
Congress says not a word about interest. Judgments, it is true, are by the law of
South Carolina, as well as by Federal legislation, declared to bear interest. Such
legislation, however, has no application to the government. And the interest is no
part of the amount recovered. It accrues only after the recovery has been had.
Moreover, whenever interest is allowed either by statute or by common law, except
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in cases where there has been a contract to pay interest, it is allowed for delay or
default of the debtor. But delay or default cannot be attributed to the government.
It is presumed to be always ready to pay what it owes. (See also U. S. vs. Bayard
[1888], 127 U. S., 251; U. S. vs. North Carolina [1890], 136 U. S., 211; Board of
County Commissioners vs. Kaul [1908], 17 L. R. A. [N. S.], 552.)"
As this is the main rule, the converse proposition must be equally true, that taxes
only draw interest as do sums of money when expressly authorized. A corollary to the
principle is also self-evident, that interest cannot be recovered on an abatement unless
the statute provides for it. (1 Cooley on Taxation, 3d Ed., p. 20; 2 Cooley on Taxation, 3d
Ed., p. 1392; City of Lowell vs. County Commissioners of Middlesex [1862], 3 Allen
[Mass.], 550.) The only contrary dictum is to the effect that where an illegal tax has
been collected, the citizen who has paid and is obliged to bring suit against the
collector is entitled to interest from the time of the illegal exaction. (Erskine vs. Van
Arsdale [1872], 15 Wall., 75; National Home vs. Parrish [1913], 229 U. S., 494; Matter of
O'Berry [1904], 179 N. Y., 285.) The distinction undoubtedly arises through the ction
that the suit is against the collector and not against the State, although the judgment is
not to be paid by the collector but directly from the treasury.
It has been urged that since interest is in the nature of damages, it is proper for
allowance. While this may be true in the general run of cases, it is not necessary true
when the sovereign power is concerned. The state is not amenable to judgments for
damages or costs without its consent. (Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation vs.
Rafferty, supra, citing numerous decisions.) In Morley vs. Lakeshore & Michigan
Southern Railway Co. ( [1892], 146 U. S., 162, followed recently in Missouri & Arkansas
Lumber & Mining Co. vs. Greenwood District of Sebastian County, Arkansas [1919], U.
S. Sup. Ct. Adv. Op., April 1, 1919, p. 239), the United States Supreme Court had under
consideration a state statute which reduced the rate of interest upon all judgments
obtained within the courts of the state. The court said:
"After the cause of action, whether a tort or a broken contract, not itself
prescribing interest till payment, shall have been merged into a judgment, whether
interest shall accrue upon the judgment is a matter not of contract between the
parties, but of legislative discretion, which is free, so far as the Constitution of the
United States is concerned, to provide for interest as a penalty or liquidated
damages for the nonpayment of the judgment, or not to do so. When such
provision is made by statute, the owner of the judgment is, of course, entitled to
the interest so prescribed until payment is received, or until the State shall, in the
exercise of its discretion, declare that such interest shall be changed or cease to
accrue. Should the statutory damages for nonpayment of a judgment be
determined by a State, either in whole or in part, the owner of a judgment will be
entitled to receive and have a vested right in the damages which shall have
accrued up to the date of the legislative change; but after that time his rights as to
interest as damages are, as when he rst obtained his judgment, just what the
legislature chooses to declare. He has no contract whatever on the subject with
the defendant in the judgment, and his right is to receive, and the defendant's
obligation is to pay, as damages, just what the State chooses to prescribe. . . .
"If it be true, as we have endeavored to show. that interest allowed for
nonpayment of judgments is in the nature of statutory damages, and if the
plaintiff in the present case has received all such damages which accrued while
his judgment remained unpaid, there is no change or withdrawal of remedy. His
right was to collect such damages as the State, in its discretion, provided should
be paid by defendants who should fail to promptly pay judgments which should
be entered against them, and such right has not been destroyed or interfered with
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by legislation. The discretion exercised by the legislature in prescribing what, if
any, damages shall be paid by way of compensation for delay in the payment of
judgments is based on reasons of public policy, and is altogether outside the
sphere of private contracts."
Our statute, it will be remembered, not only does not authorize interest but
negatives the payment of interest. While, therefore, coming under the purview of the
general principle pertaining to legislative discretion, it also avoids any trouble to be
found in those decisions which allow interest without any express provision on the
subject, because the statute provides that interest shall not be allowed. From whatever
direction we look at the subject, therefore, we reach either the conclusion that the law is
valid, or that the plaintiff has not proven such a case of irreparable injury as would
warrant the issuance of the extraordinary writ of injunction.
The reason for what super cially seems to be a harsh ruling goes back to the
fundamental conception of the nature of taxation. It is but a truism to restate that
taxation is an attribute of sovereignty. It is the strongest of all the powers of
government. It involves, as Chief Justice Marshall in his historical statement said, the
power to destroy. (McCulloch vs. Maryland [1819], 4 Wheat., 316; Loan Association vs.
Topeka [1875], 20 Wall., 655.) "The right of taxation where it exists," the court said in
Austin vs. Aldermen ([1868], 7 Wall., 694), "is necessarily unlimited in its nature. It
carries with it inherently the power to embarrass and destroy."
Public policy decrees that, since upon the prompt collection of revenue there
depends the very existence of government itself, whatever determination shall be
arrived at by the Legislature should not be interfered with, unless there be a clear
violation of some constitutional inhibition. As said in Dows vs. The City of Chicago,
supra, "It is upon taxation that the several states chie y rely to obtain the means to
carry on their respective governments, and it is of the utmost importance to all of them
that the modes adopted to enforce the taxes levied should be interfered with as little as
possible. Any delay in the proceedings of the o cers, upon whom the duty is devolved
of collecting the taxes, may derange the operations of government, and thereby cause
serious detriment to the public." Or as said in Snyder vs. Marks, supra, "The system
prescribed by the United States in regard to both customs duties and internal revenue
taxes, of stringent measures, not judicial, to collect them, with appeals to speci ed
tribunals and suits to recover back moneys illegally exacted, was a system of corrective
justice, intended to be complete and enacted under the right belonging to the
Government, to prescribe the conditions on which it would subject itself to the
judgment of the courts in the collection of its revenues." Or as said in Tennessee vs.
Sneed, supra, "The Government may x the conditions upon which it will consent to
litigate the validity of its original taxes." Or as said in a New York case, "The power of
taxation being legislative, all the incidents are within the control of the Legislature."
(Genet vs. City of Brooklyn [188.5], 99 N. Y., 296.) Or as said by Chief Justice Marshall in
McCulloch vs. Maryland, supra, "The people of a state give to their government a right
of taxing themselves and their property, and as the exigencies of the Government
cannot be limited, they prescribe no limit to the exercise of this right, resting confidently
on the interest of the legislator and on the in uence of the constituents over their
representatives, to guard themselves against its abuse." (See to the same effect the
Philippine cases of De Villata vs. Stanley [1915], 32 Phil., 541; and Churchill and Tait vs.
Concepcion [1916], 34 Phil., 969)
Applying these well-known principles to the case at bar, it would-seem that the
legislature has considered that a law providing for the payment of a tax with a right to
bring a suit before a tribunal to recover back the same without interest is a full and
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adequate remedy for the aggrieved taxpayer. The disallowance of interest in such case,
like the other steps prescribed as conditional to recovery, has been made one of the
conditions which the lawmakers have seen t to attach to the remedy provided. As the
Legislature in the exercise of its wide discretionary power, has deemed the remedy
provided in section 1579 of the Administrative Code to be an adequate mode of testing
the validity of an internal revenue tax and has willed that such a remedy shall be
exclusive, the courts not only owe it to a coordinate branch of the government to
respect the opinion thus announced, but have no right to interfere with the enforcement
of such a law.
The last remaining point touches upon the possibility that section 1579 of the
Administrative Code, in conjunction with the following section, has served to diminish
the jurisdiction of the courts and, in pursuance of well-known principles, is thus invalid.
Section 9 of the Philippine Bill and section 26 of the Jones Law, the rst the Act of
Congress of July 1, 1902, and the second the Act of Congress of August 29, 1916, have
provided "That the Supreme Court and the Courts of First Instance of the Philippine
Islands shall possess and exercise jurisdiction as heretofore provided and such
additional jurisdiction as shall hereafter be prescribed by law. . . . " The Supreme Court
of the Philippines, in interpreting these provisions, has reached the conclusion that they
had the effect of taking one or more Acts of the Philippine Commission and Legislature
out of the eld of ordinary legislation and making of them in effect basic laws. In other
words, it was held that the Legislature could add to but could not diminish the
jurisdiction of the courts. (Barrameda vs. Moir [1913], 25 Phil., 44.) But any argument
predicated upon such a proposition must necessarily assume that the Philippine courts
have had the power to restrain by injunction the collection of taxes. And since, with or
without a law, the Philippine courts would not have presumed to issue an injunction to
restrain the collection of a tax, the prohibition expressed in the law has had no other
effect than to con rm a universal principle. This was expressly decided in the case of
Churchill and Tait vs. Rafferty, supra, and has since then not been open to discussion.
To conclude — in answer to the argument made by appellant, we can say that
sections 1578 and 1579 of the Administrative Code establish an adequate remedy at
law and that we are not; convinced that the enforcement of the tax will produce
irreparable injury, and, in answer to the argument of appellee, that sections 1578 and
1579 of the Administrative Code of 1917 are valid. The result is, thus, to a rm the nal
order appealed from. Costs shall be taxed against the appellant. So ordered.
Arellano, C. J., Torres, Araullo, Street and Avanceña, JJ., concur.
Separate Opinions
JOHNSON , J., dissenting :
I cannot agree with my associates, neither in the argument nor conclusion as far
as they affect the questions involved and hereby reserve the right to write a dissenting
opinion in which I shall give my reasons for my nonconformity.