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Ieiuseo@ul"riato - TR 1. .+: Sotk, Co"r"e

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1esE\9 - NOV - 2-olf


QrP. Code : 258O8

(2% hours)
Total l\{arls: 75

(Zi tr{atl soit"Ute ass,fiutioJre wherever necessary and gqgp-Bg-ggggpli@ made. ,9

(3) Answers to the same question must be .\)'
'! 't+iNu*u.rstotn"@g!.s -Ov-
is! Draw reat lapeill-aiaerams ffir.r". n*qu..ury. . O-
ieiuseo@ul"riato.tr 1. .+
a. Discuss tlre correlation between'the cost of finding andts fixing defects" and "software 4' v
developmenttifecyclephases". ^ ^d)y'
-2 l9hat is $oftware Testing? Discuss objectivos of testing.
b at'
Explain fundamental tesiprocess. .S"
d. If wc don't find defects does,thaf, mepn,the users will *,.":pt-th: software? Discuss*\v
2. Attemptsnv tuoof the following: {+. 10
e. Discuss the,characteristics of good testing. , $)Y
b. Explain thq two Vs of Softwarc Testing (verification and validation).
c. Exflain briefly thi: four test levels used in V-Model of software tgsti@ "-?with their
' objectives. ^+
.{ Describo the purpose of confirmation testing
and regression testingpD

3. l$tempt anv two of the following: ^(' 10 .

a- What is Static Testing? What is its main objective? Sumnf4)flze advantages of using
static testing on software work products. (y
b. Mention six main steps of a typical formal rcview progfS. Discuss the proceedings of
a'oReview Meeting".
c. Defirie the follbwing tenns: - Cyclomatic comple{$] Data Flow, Contr.ol Flow, Entry
Criteria and Exit Criteria zS
d. Discuss success factors for reviews. $v
4. Attempt anv two of the following: js.i L0
a Defrne "Test Conditions". Describe ft)rocess of identifying test conditions.
b. What is the meaning of "Tracee[i,!l]y' in softrvare testing? Why is traceabilify
'software t-esting techniques.
d. d, you get a 34% discount on whatever ticketyou buy.
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ble showing all the combinatioirs of fare types and.resulting



FltI-F^n EaEA-,f t
-2- Q.P' Code : 25808

a- Classifi different typ"t GJ io"js according to the test process activities' Og
b. gxnhd the features and"fcharacteristics of Incident management tools. _tf
c. .Discuss the potential benefits of using tools in software testing' - ! ,O-
d. Std" th" goals of a proof-of-conceptir piloting phase for tool evaluation. .(./-
7. Attemptggyl/hrcgof the following:' 15 '-f
L .Degree of independenttesting avoids author bias and is often more effeotive at finding J*
aefects and failures". Explain' '{ v
b. Explain the slgnifican""Lf and drivors with help of examqle.' .. - 4 Jf'
"tub, briefly main characteristics and objectives of
c. Whnt urr trr" riain,review types? Explain
Inspebtion. .q-
d. Write a s*rort note on Test Coverage. Y
e. r;;;;tb;il;io u- p"tro*ed bytest leaders and testers-
Define.tha.foltrowing ttt t, - Probe-effect, Heizenbugs, Test Script, We(flider'
Dy=a"rriccornpai'ators. "v



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