TCP/IP means Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol. It is the network model used in the
current Internet architecture as well. Protocols are set of rules which govern every possible
communication over a network. These protocols describe the movement of data between the source and
destination or the internet. They also offer simple naming and addressing schemes.
Demerits of TCP/IP
1. In this, the transport layer does not guarantee delivery of packets.
2. The model cannot be used in any other application.
3. Replacing protocol is not easy.
4. It has not clearly separated its services, interfaces and protocols.
The OSI Model - Features, Principles and Layers
There are n numbers of users who use computer network and are located over the world.
So to ensure, national and worldwide data communication, systems must be developed
which are compatible to communicate with each other ISO has developed a standard. ISO
stands for International organization of Standardization. This is called a model for Open
System Interconnection (OSI) and is commonly known as OSI model.
The ISO-OSI model is a seven layer architecture. It defines seven layers or levels in a
complete communication system. They are:
1. Application Layer
2. Presentation Layer
3. Session Layer
4. Transport Layer
5. Network Layer
6. Datalink Layer
7. Physical Layer
Below we have the complete representation of the OSI model, showcasing all the layers and
how they communicate with each other.
The design of applications for a distributed computing environment required that they
effetely be divided into two parts: client (front end) and server (back end). The network
model on which they were implemented mirrored this client-server model with a user's PC
(the client) typically acting as the requesting machine and a more powerful server machine
to which it was connected via either a LAN or a WAN acting as the supplying machine. It
requires special networking operating system. It provides user level security and it is more