Enta100 in Brochure-1
Enta100 in Brochure-1
Enta100 in Brochure-1
Going beyond the essentials.
Customers in Over 1,000
sales and
locations € 7.7 employees
A trusted partner
We support our customers throughout their project lifecycle, from Through our International Technical Services, a global network of
the design to the end-of-life phase. Every step of the way, we strive centers of excellence, thyssenkrupp trains its service technicians in
to fully understand their needs and consistently deliver the safest, a multibrand portfolio, enabling them to successfully service more
highest quality passenger transportation solutions, maintenance than 1.3 million units under maintenance. This is a unique concept
in the industry and an invaluable advantage for our customers.
and modernization packages.
One World
Trade Center
Mercedes Benz
Going beyond the essentials.
thyssenkrupp's enta100 is a reliable and efficient
elevator that has been designed to fulfill the needs of
low rise, value for money segment. Its smart
mechanical design and cost saving features not only
match the essential needs of the Indian market, but
also go beyond them.
Every user interaction point is an
opportunity to delight.
Accessories. Aesthetics.
A chance to enhance the user experience Selected by our in-house design team for
through design detail. your personal composition.
Accessories. Fixtures.
Designed with the same precision as our mechanical User-friendly design options for ease of use.
engineering to give quality satisfaction.
Duplex LIOP:
Full collective
selective control
SS Hairline
• Actual colours of the product may vary from the printed brochure.
• SS Handrail (on rear wall) and Mirror (full width, half length) is optional.
A mix of soothing and vibrant pastel shades imbues positivity and calmness in the atmosphere.
Daisy Floral White
Side Wall Rear Wall Front Wall Door
Daffodil Ivory Daffodil Ivory Daffodil Ivory Daffodil Ivory
Tulip Floral White
Side Wall Rear Wall Front Wall Door
Indian Lily Indian Lily Indian Lily Indian Lily
Black COP
7 segment-Red
Elegant Stainless Steel finishes give a contemporary look and feel to the elevator.
Silver Floral White
Berry Side Wall Rear Wall Front Wall Door
Silver Star Silver Star Silver Star Silver Star
Silver Floral White
Black COP
7 segment-Red
Lift Plan
Shaft width
Travel height
Shaft depth
Car depth
Car width
Door width
Pit depth
Planning specifications
Pax Car Car Door Door Shaft Width Shaft Depth
Capacity Width Depth Width Type Min. Max. Min. Max.
Function list
ACVVF drive S
Automatic operation for car fan & light S
All dimensions in mm
Abbreviations: CW: Car width, CH: Car height, CD: Car depth, DW: Door width, DH: Door height, SW: Shaft width, SD: Shaft depth,
ACO: Automatic center opening, ATO: Automatic telescopic opening, FTFH: Floor to floor height, TH: Travel height, OH: Overhead,
PD: Pit depth, MR: Machine room, MRH: Machine room height, MRW: Machine room width, MRD: Machine room depth
All product specifications and parameters specified in this brochure are recorded according to the data valid at the time it was prepared. thyssenkrupp Elevator (India) is entitled
to, upon its sole discretion, adjust the relevant technical specifications and / or other parameters according to the actual production situation. Please kindly contact the local
representative or the nearest sales branch of thyssenkrupp Elevator when purchasing our products. thyssenkrupp Elevator (India) reserves the sale and exclusive interpretation
right on any and all content in this brochure.
Confidently taking our impressive global legacy forward, we at moving people swiftly and safely between floors, indoors or
thyssenkrupp Elevator (India) offer new installation, modernization outdoors. All in all, they are tailored to meet customers’ building
and service for the complete product range, to our customers type and specific requirements precisely.
across India. Our mobility products match the best in industry in
terms of engineering and technology. Our portfolio comprises of Not to mention, horizontal or inclined, tkE India offers moving
a wide range of passenger & freight elevators, escalators and walks, which fit right in and ensure long-lasting, smooth operation
moving walks. This range includes machine room-less (MRL) while offering passengers a comfortable, safe ride. Our range of
as well as machine room (MR) products for the ever growing moving walks offers convenient mobility, making journeys over
residential sector from low to mid and high rise projects. long spans faster and almost effortless for passengers. tkE India
expertise in large infrastructure and demanding high-rise projects
tkE India also offers premium high speed elevators that cater to makes it a perfect match for the key growth sectors in the Indian
the super highrise projects. Commercial projects, malls and construction industry. With some of the prestigious infrastructure
shopping complexes, hospitals and hotels are some of the other projects such as Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore International
important project segments. Furthermore, for situations where Airports in its portfolio, tkEI has upheld itself as best of class
outright performance is not a primary criteria but functional airport mobility solutions provider in India.
excellence, reliability and durability remain essential, our range
of practical mid/low speed elevators provide excellent value for In addition, our continued investment in expanding our Indian
leaner budgets. operations, commitment to high quality standards and a
collaborative approach to working with our customers and
With a host of customization options available, our world-class, partners show that we are committed to supporting India’s future
durable and robust with a high degree of functionality escalators growth and prosperity in the long term. Simply put, we can assure
have the potential to make an architectural statement while you of our expertise in keeping people moving from A to B
smoothly, stylishly and safely.
North Zone
Chandigarh 6 Branches
New Delhi
Noida East Zone
Jaipur 4 Branches
Indore Kolkata
Chhattisgarh West Zone
3 Branches
Navi Mumbai
Pune Mumbai Zone
3 Branches
South Zone 2
Mangalore Chennai
5 Branches
South Zone 1
4 Branches
Toll free number: 1800 102 8500
Malik Court, 3rd Floor No. 18, (CITB No. 127), 11th Main Road,
39A, Harish Mukherjee Road, 33rd, Cross Road, 4th Block East, Jayanagar,
Kolkata, West Bengal - 700025 Bangalore, Karnataka - 560011
P: +91-33-71739000 P: +91-80-41369400