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MALAYSIA SM-Cyclo (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Tel: +603-5121 0455/ Fax: +603-5121 0578/ Email: smmasupport@smma.shi.co.jp
Johor: +6019-238 6101 Penang: +6019-470 3737 Ipoh: +6019-650 2909
Sabah: +6019-380 2909 Sarawak: +6019-335 0455
PHILIPPINES Sumitomo (SHI) Cyclo Drive Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., Tel: +632 584 4291/(6346) 430 3591/ Fax: +632 584 4922
Email: inquiry@sumitomodrive.com.sg
SINGAPORE Sumitomo (SHI) Cyclo Drive Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., Tel: +65 6591 7800/ Fax: +65 6863 4238/ Email: inquiry@sumitomodrive.com.sg
THAILAND SM-Cyclo (Thailand) Co. Ltd., Tel: +66 2670 0998/ Fax: +66 2670 0999/ Email: inquiry@sumitomodrive.com.sg
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Taner Industrial Technology Sdn. Bhd. - inside the bulletin – colored
CN-6000 Series
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Diploma in Palm Oil Milling
Technology & Management (DIPOM)
A2.4 Kursus Penyelia Kilang Sawit 26-30 Sep MPOB, Head Office
29-30 November 2016
The Royale Chulan Hotel
Kuala Lumpur
To be Officiated by
Organised by
E-Cool Technology (S) Pte Ltd was established on year 2000. We are specializes in the
provision of services in environment engineering and waste heat recovery solu�ons for the
improvement of energy efficiency of industrial systems and plants. One of the industries
that we are focusing on is the palm oil industry and using the Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger
to recovery the waste heat from the boilers.
E-Cool Technology (S) Pte Ltd - inside the bulletin – colored pls place next
to their feature
article on “Heat Pipe….
Stage 1
Stage 2
eat recovery can take many dif-
ferent forms. In general terms, This simple concept of waste heat recovery
it can be classified as direct re- could be illustrated by looking at boiler
covery, indirect recovery and secondary re- systems (Figure 1). Feed water enters the
covery. Direct recovery refers to the use of boiler to produce process steam. The energy
flue gas, which is a combination of carbon for the steam production normally comes
dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen generated by from the combustion of biomass, diesel or
the combustion process in an incinerator or fuel oil, which produces an exhaust with a
boiler, to preheat or dry products directly. temperature of about 220°C to 270°C. For
Indirect recovery takes place when flue gas very old boilers, the temperature of the
is used to preheat combustion air or fuel. exhaust gas could even be higher. The
Secondary recovery utilises the waste heat exhaust flue gas, which still contains a
to preheat an external medium or to gener- substantial amount of waste heat, is
ate power. discharged directly to the atmosphere
through the chimney systems and as a
Fuel savings is the most obvious benefit result, precious energy is wasted.
of waste heat recovery and this is the key
motivating factor for the companies to in- The energy from the exhaust flue gas
vest in equipment to tap their waste energy. could be tapped through the use of heat ex-
Other than that, a reduction in fuel usage changers, as shown in Figure 2 below.
also results in less emission of pollutants,
which include carbon monoxide, hydrogen In this case, the exhaust flue gas is used
sulfide and sulfur dioxide, to the environ- to preheat the feed water and the combus-
ment. Moreover, emission of carbon diox- tion air. Consequently, much less fuel is
ide, which is a greenhouse gas, will also be required to produce the same amount of
reduced. steam. For example, an 8 t hr-1 boiler in
which the flue gas flow rate is 9700 Nm3 hr-1 PROBLEMS WITH CONVENTIONAL
would result in approximately 22 000 litre HEAT EXCHANGERS IN WASTE HEAT
savings per year in fuel oil or diesel con- RECOVERY
sumption for every 10°C recovery of the
exhaust gas temperature. This would be However, most industrial boilers that
translated to more than USD 5000 in actual are smaller than 10 t hr-1 are normally not
dollar savings annually. equipped with heat exchangers to recover
the waste heat. This is because there are
The dew point of the flue gas is normally many maintenance problems associated
in the range 110°C to 140ºC, depending on with low temperature corrosion if conven-
the sulfur content in the fuel used. There- tional heat exchangers are used for such ap-
fore, for most applications, the temperature plications.
of the exhaust fumes could theoretically be
reduced by at least 70ºC before low tem- Low temperature corrosion refers to the
perature corrosion occurs. This results in corrosion at the tube walls of the heat ex-
potential savings of more than USD 35 000 changers as the gas film temperature at the
a year.
Assuming that the calorific value, density and price of the fuel is 43.6 MJ kg-1, 970 kg m-3 and USD 0.24
litre-1 respectively.
Moreover, the ratio of the heat transfer HEAT PIPE HEAT EXCHANGER
area between the evaporating and conden- PROJECT IN MALAYSIA
sing ends of the heat exchanger could be PALM OIL MILL
easily manipulated by adjusting the height
of, and adding fins to, the evaporating and Palm Oil Mill No. 1
condensing ends.
Project 1
EXCHANGERS Date of installation: April 2011
Owing to the high thermal conductivity of Stage 1: Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger
heat pipes, their simple construction with Economiser
no mechanical moving parts and the ease
of manipulating the heat transfer area, heat 1. Operating parameters (as provided
pipe heat exchangers offer many advantag- by client)
es compared to conventional heat exchang- Capacity of boiler : 45 t hr-1
ers. Operating mode : 24 hr day-1, 330
day yr
• Heat transfer up to 97%. Type of fuel : Fibre/EFB
• Fuel saving. Fuel consumption : 8430 kg hr-1
• CO2 reduction for climate change. Fuel price : Fibre RM 20 t-1,
• Low flue gas temperature discharge to Shell RM 120 t-1
chimney. Flue gas inlet : 330°C
• Boiler efficiency increase by 3%-15%. temperature
• Small volume and light weight. Feed water inlet : 30°C
• Simple structure. temperature
• Small pressure drops on gas side. Feed water flow : 39 000 kg hr-1
• More resistant to low temperature cor- rate
• Carry on running even when some of 2. Design specification (non-pressure
the pipes corrode over time. vessel)
• Simple installation. Flue gas inlet : 300°C
• Maintenance free, except using MFO temperature
and Biomass as fuel. Flue gas outlet : 210°C
• High investment return due to high temperature
energy recovery. Feed water inlet : 30°C
• Life spends between 4-10 years, de- temperature
pend on individual condition. Feed water outlet : 70°C
One key advantage is that the tempera- Feed water flow : 39 000 kg hr-1
ture gradient between the wall of a heat rate
pipe and the flue gas is not drastic. There- Heat exchanger : 2170 kW
fore, the heat exchanger is extremely tole- duty
rant to low temperature corrosion and the
effluent flue gas temperature could be as
low as 140ºC. This makes this kind of heat
exchangers extremely economically viable
for waste heat recovery applications.
Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger Stage 2 - Air Flue gas outlet : 263°C
Pre-Heater temperature
Figure 13b. HPHE after Figure 13c. HPHE while in Figure 13d. No black
cleaning. operation. smoke emission.
Technology Improvement in
Quah Ban Lee*
INTRODUCTION (FFB) after weighing- in at the weighing
bridge undergoes a series of operations in
ill processing concepts to im- the mill by mechanical extraction process.
prove the oil yield as well as its
quality have always been the FFB after weighing is delivered into
prime objective of the millers as most of the the FFB hoppers from where it is fed into
changes focused on an increase in profit. a number of FFB cages that can either be
The present focus seems to be shifting away loaded into individual cages or loaded at a
from the profit oriented culture to one of single diacharge point that will reduce spill-
environment protection. age of loose fruits in the marshalling yard
where the raiway lines are installed for
The processing activities in a palm oil mill marshalling the FFB cages. The filled cages
revolves around maximum oil recovery by are transferred to the sterilisers using cap-
reducing oil losses without sacrificing oil stans or towed by skid steer loaders. The
quality. There are limitations in the mechan- mill processing operations comprises steri-
ical extraction systems as compared to soya lisation, stripping, digestion, pressing, clari-
bean which uses solver extraction methods fication, purification, drying and storage of
which can give very efficient oil recovery. production oil. The system described until
The newly harvested fresh fruit bunches now is the conventional method of filling
steriliser cages. The sterilisation process
have undergone more improvements than
*Besteel Berhad, Lot 9683 Kawasan Perindustrian Desa
Aman, Batu 11, Desa Aman, 47000 Sungai Buloh, any other processing stations in the palm
Selangor, Malaysia. oil mills. This article intends to examine an
E-mail: quahbl@besteelberhad.com
effective sterilisation system that appears to
perform well.
Tilting has adopted the tipper method of The Tilting Steriliser design and opera-
feeding and discharging of FFB. The pro- tion are based on the proven horizontal
cess is engineered to use the force of grav- sterilisers. It has all the good features of the
ity to feed the FFB in to the vessels avoiding horizontal sterilisers combined with the
cages, rail tracks, winches, crane and shov- elimination of its weakness in the form of
els. Further on discharging, the gravity pull trapped air that could not be satisfactorily
would easily discharge the sterilised fruits evacuated because of the large empty space
from the vessel into a hopper for transpor- the horizontal sterilisers had to live with.
tation by conveyors to the thresher for strip- The almost complete elimination of the air
ping effect. is the greatest feature of this steriliser.
The biggest weakness of the horizontal Tilting have addressed the issues above
sterilisers is the large volume of air space by lesser working parts hence reduction of
inside after the steam has been injected into cost of maintenance, clean environment by
the steriliser which is estimated to occupy eliminating cages, rail tracks and simplify
one-third space of the steriliser the remain- the feeding of FFB and discharging steri-
der being air. This results in a drop of the lised fruit bunches (SFB).
temperature of the mixture of steam and
air by 13°C (in practice 8°C) based on Dal- Optimal design of 58 m3 of vessel capaci-
ton Law of partial pressures. This problem ty and the inclined feeding allows minimal
has been present and still continues in the air space and hence reduction of steam re-
palm oil mills. The tilting feature of the quirement. With the integrated automation
Steriliser has effectively solved this prob- of the system combined with safety features
lem that had been plaguing the industry for and reduction of manual operation the is-
a long time. sue of safety is minimised.
The negative points raised by users are Improvement and advancement of the
appended below. era of automation and technology has given
• higher maintenance cost; birth to Tilting Sterilisation.
• environment hazard;
• inefficient use of steam; REFERENCE
• high concern over safety; and
• not-user friendly. LOH, T T (2010). Tilting Steriliser. Palm Oil
Engineering Bulletin, No. 94: 29-42.
1. Plant modifications done in your mill that resulted in improvements in milling operation or
2. Innovations done in your mill that produced improvements in the operation of the mill and that
you are willing to share them with others.
3. Any special work done in your mill that directly resulted in improvements in OER and product
Please submit your article to us and we shall be pleased to publish them in Palm Oil Engineering
Bulletin. Feel proud to have your articles published in this bulletin that is circulated throughout the
industry and MPOB offices worldwide.
INDONESIA PT SM-Cyclo Indonesia, Jakarta, Tel:+62-21-2961 2100/ Fax: +62-21-2961 2211/ Email: inquiry@sumitomodrive.com.sg
Jakarta: +62 812-8649-7574 Medan: +62 811-1-975-973 Surabaya: +62 8119-503110
MALAYSIA SM-Cyclo (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Tel: +603-5121 0455/ Fax: +603-5121 0578/ Email: smmasupport@smma.shi.co.jp
Johor: +6019-238 6101 Penang: +6019-470 3737 Ipoh: +6019-650 2909
Sabah: +6019-380 2909 Sarawak: +6019-335 0455
PHILIPPINES Sumitomo (SHI) Cyclo Drive Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., Tel: +632 584 4291/(6346) 430 3591/ Fax: +632 584 4922
Email: inquiry@sumitomodrive.com.sg
SINGAPORE Sumitomo (SHI) Cyclo Drive Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., Tel: +65 6591 7800/ Fax: +65 6863 4238/ Email: inquiry@sumitomodrive.com.sg
THAILAND SM-Cyclo (Thailand) Co. Ltd., Tel: +66 2670 0998/ Fax: +66 2670 0999/ Email: inquiry@sumitomodrive.com.sg
28 VIETNAM SM-Cyclo (Vietnam) Co. Ltd., Ho Chi Minh Tel: +84 8 3766 3709/ Fax: +84 8 3766 3710
HaNoi Tel:O IL 4E3767
+84 2716 Fax: +84 B
4 3767 NO.inquiry@sumitomodrive.com.sg
2770/ Email: 118
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– colored.
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- inside the bulletin
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Figure 1. A common type of smock mill.
his ripple mill story was main- shaft power was provided by smock mills
ly extracted from Wikipedia. that used timber framed sails using wind
When ripple mill made its de- power. Figure 1 shows a common type of
but in Malaysia it was well received by the smock mill used for operating the ripple
mills its main attraction being the mills can mills used widely for grinding corn.
do away with the nut drying silos and also
it’s relatively easier maintenance require- The smock mills were either hexagonal
ments compared to the centrifugal nut or octagonal in shape the latter being most
crackers which ripple mills replaced. These common. The number of sails could either
two advantages gave a big boost to the rip- be four or five. The Chimney Mill in Spital
ple mills leading to the virtual disappear- Tongues, Newcastle Upon Tyne smock mill
ance of the old faithful centrifugal crackers. a five sailed mill designed by John Smeaton,
It will be of historical interest to note that a civil engineer was built in 1782 which is
ripple mills were not specifically designed still surviving but without the cap and the
to crack oil palm nuts. It was initially de- sails. The oldest smock mill which is a hex-
signed to grind corn using smock mills. It agonal one built in 1650 that is still surviv-
will be interesting to trace back how the ing after restoration by Chiltern Society is
ripple mills originated. As electrical motors the one at Lacey Green in Buckinghamshire.
were non existant in the earlier days, the
Our mill engineers are kindly requested to This story confirms that the ripple mills
visit these places when they go to United had been around for more than 300 years
Kingdom for holidays. Some of the smock and all along its use was confined to grind-
mills still survive in Kent but most others ing corns. There is no mention of it being
had given way to steam engine driven mills used for cracking any kind of nuts. Let us
or electric power driven ripple mills which now analyse whether equipment specifi-
also have undergone significant improve- cally designed for grinding materials like
ments. grain can satisfactorily crack nuts. It may or
may not be suitable. I have carried out some
Let us now examine the development of trials in one mill to find out the impact of
smock mills in USA mainly centred around nut pulverisation in a ripple mill. I collected
Massachusetts, one of which built in 1746 a wheel barrow of pulverised kernel within
by Nathan Wilbur, a sailor is still opera- 5 min when the cracked mixture was sieved
tional! This mill known as ‘the Old Mill’ is for 5 min. This may be one off incident. We
located in Nantucket Island, Massachusetts. need more trials preferably by few mills to
Out of the five smock mills that graced the confirm.
windy hills in Nantucket town ‘the old mill’
still survives although it’s condition is far There in however one weakness in the
from satisfactory. After about 100 years ripple mill associated processing configura-
of service the old mill was written off and tion. One kernel heating stage through the
sold as scrap to a carpenter Jared Gardner nut heating silo has been omitted and this
for USD 20. Gardner restored the mill and heating within an enclosed shell does seem
started back operation for grinding corn. In to dry the kernel more evenly without per-
1866, he sold it off to Francis Sylvia a Por- mitting the kernel oil to ooze out of its skin
tuguese miller who continued its operation in the kernel silo as is seen in almost all mills
until 1892 when it was shut down for good. where ripple mills are in operation. It is a
In 1897 Miss Caroline French purchased it common sight in mills to witness a drum
for USD 850 and donated it to Nantucket placed underneath the kernel drying silo
Historical Association (NHA), which after for collecting kernel oil. The reason could
the restoration work in 1937 continues to be the high temperature gradient. Kernel
operate for demonstration to tourists. drying starts from sterilisation onwards.
Note: *Assumed variations in the moisture levels of kernel during its passage from FFB to
production kernel (%).
Let us assume the following moisture levels This arrangement ensures low broken
for the kernels at different points during its kernels that seldom exceed 5% as compared
flow from FFB until the final stage as pro- to no less than 15% when using ripple mill.
duction kernel. The moisture levels shown It has to be emphasised that the centrifugal
are not based on actual analysis. nut cracker was designed specifically for
cracking oil palm nuts and it has served
In Table 2 the kernel silo is required to that purpose very well whereas ripple mills
dry the kernel moisture from 21% to 6% were not designed for cracking oil palm
that probably results in the kernel oil to not as such it will have to undergo some
ooze out from the kernel. The nut silo heat- changes to satisfy the characteristics of the
ers serve a very specific purpose of prepar- nuts that we want to crack without produc-
ing the kernel within the nut to shrink and ing very high percentage of broken kernel
break loose from the shell so that when the coupled with the undetected pulverised
nuts are hurled against the liner of the cen- kernel that is escaping as fuel for boilers.
trifugal nut crackers the shell breaks loose The millers are urged to verify the accuracy
to allow the kernel to free itself. That is why of this hypothesis and act accordingly to
the bottom air ducting in a nut silo cold air reduce product loss as well as improve kernel
is blown. The hot nuts descending down quality.
to the shaking grate should be cooled as
otherwise the hot shell that remains elastic
will cause difficulty in proper cracking.
Note: *Assumed variations in the moisture levels of kernel during its passage from FFB to
production kernel (%).
Note: *Extracted from the nation-wide survey of crude palm oil quality and identify
characteristics by analysis 1300 samples from 105 palm oil mills and 32 refineries.
Source: TAN, Y A et.al, (1999). Proceedings of the 1999 PORIM International Palm Oil Congress.
PORIM, Kuala Lumpur.
ue to the increased cost of printing, the advertisement rate is RM 800 per issue for
an A4 size page of black and white, whereas the cost for colour is RM 1000. One
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ollowing a decision by the Editorial Board to further increase the role of Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin to serve the
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Palm Oil Engineering Bulletin
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