Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Calucin, Jasper
Increasing numbers of people are gravitating towards more intensive use of the Internet as
the accessibility of technology, the availability of information, and the ability to interact through
the Internet increase and evolve. Obvious capabilities of the Internet include avenues for gathering
allow for the expansion of shopping options beyond traditional methods that may be more time
consuming. Issues with having to physically gather information with offline shopping methods are
alleviated, and customers are better able to efficiently use their time. For instance, instead of having
to physically visit different stores to compare prices or rely on circular pamphlets in newspapers,
a consumer is able to search and retrieve needed information through the Internet (Changchiz,
Internet is not only a networking media, but also as a means of transaction for consumers
at a global market. Online shopping has become the third most popular internet activity,
immediately following e-mail using or instant messaging and web browsing. As the world adapts
itself to the technological advances that have brought us into the next century, people are growing
more and more comfortable with searching for products on the net and shopping online. Hence the
people throughout the world. Until recently, the consumers generally visit online to reserve hotel
rooms and buy air, rail or movie tickets, books and gadgets but now more and more off line
products like clothes, gadgets, accessories, T-shirts, shoes and consumer durables are being
purchased online. The capability of purchasing without leaving their place is of great interest to
many consumers. The online shopping not only offers really good deals, but also brings optimum
convenience to the consumers. Moreover, the use of internet tools for price searching and
comparison provides an additional advantage in consumers’ final decision, as they can purchase
their desired products in the lowest available prices. These inherent benefits induced the people to
Online shopping is the process of buying goods and services from merchants who sell on
the Internet. Since the emergence of the World Wide Web, merchants have sought to sell their
products to people who surf the Internet. Shoppers can visit web stores from the comfort of their
homes and shop as they sit in front of the computer Now a day, online shopping has become
popular among people, they have become techno savvy and feel very comfortable in using
internet. So online shopping has becoming a trend that is why it is necessary to make a study on
Hence there is a need to analyze the factors that influence the people to choose online
shopping. As the youngsters especially the college goers want to be more modern in every part of
their life, the study on their perceptions and expectations towards the modern purchases namely
‘online purchase’ becomes the need of the hour. Hence, there is a need to examine their perceptions
towards online shopping. Southern Luzon State University Lucena Campus, Lucena City was
chosen as the study area and the students are the respondents.
following aspects of online shopping and how the presence or lack of these aspects in an online
1. To determine the demographic table of the students as the basis of the research
1.1 Sex
1.2 Course/Program
1.3 Age
4.1 Service
4.1.2 Packaging
4.5.1 Design
4.5.2 Information provided
4.5.3 Accessibility
This study is limited on the investigation of the perception of students on the efficiency of
Online Shop as alternative shopping preference. The study will be conducted on Southern Luzon
State University, Lucena Campus, Lucena City, Quezon Province for the purpose of determining
the factors that influence the students to choose online shopping. The respondents of the study
were randomly selected regarding with their sex, course and age. The study will be start in March
Future Learners:
Usefulness is the perception that customers will feel comfortable while using the new
technology. Usefulness refers to ease to use, because the easier is the technology to use the more
useful will be the technology. Customers expect that the new technology will be effort less. If
customers find online shopping ease to use, this perception leads to more growth in this field.
Enjoyment is the intrinsic motivation factor that customers appreciate of an experience for
their own sake. Enjoyment is the strong and consistent force towards the online shopping. In case
customers finds the enjoyment in online shopping then they will have strong attitude towards
Consumer Traits
Consumers’ traits play an important role in online shopping; these traits depend on four
demographic factors that are age, gender, education, and income. These traits have a significant
effect on the relationship between basic forces “usefulness” and “enjoyment”. Old consumers may
perceive the benefits of online shopping less than the traditional approach. Females that do prefer
to shop on the internet, shop frequently rather than male. Higher educated consumers prefer online
shopping rather than traditional. Incomes are positively correlated with possession of computers,
internet access and higher education levels of consumers. Some personality characteristics also
Situational Factors
A wide variety of situational factors also moderate the relationship between online
shopping and consumer behavior. These are time pressure, geographical distance, lack of
Product Characteristics
Consumers decision that whether to shop online or not also influenced by the product types
and characteristics. It is because of some product categories are more suitable for online shopping
i.e. books, magazines, videotapes, CDs, groceries, flowers. On the other hand personal care
products like perfume and lotions are most likely need personal experience and knowledge are
Lack of trust is one of the most frequently cited reasons for consumers not shopping on the
Internet. Since this shopping medium is relatively new and most of them have only little experience
with it, online shopping provides a challenge to many customers. Customers cannot physically
check the quality of a product or monitor the safety and security of sending sensitive personal and
financial information while shopping on the Internet. Contextual factors like security and privacy
Social Media
Today’s customers are considered louder. The customer’s loud voice can be heard
everywhere, including, blogs, complaint and review of website, YouTube videos, Facebook,
tweets, and other social media websites. Therefore every company has to pay attention because
social media is changing the way customers do business. This power of loudness is influencing the
entire buying process. If a company doesn’t pay attention, they have a strong rick of losing
customers and getting upstaged by their once small and powerless competition.
It aims to help Online shop owners have an idea on how to strategize and work on their
business plan. It will also be beneficial for them to gain customer's loyalty and to promote their
products/services in a more effective and attractive manner to be able to make internet users be
buying online products. Moreover, they would know which factor affect customer the most so that
they can pay attention to it and come up with a strategy to achieve their goal of earning profit.
This section of the research includes important or key terms that substantially and clearly
defined in order to facilitate understanding of the problem and avoid ambiguous meaning to terms
Online Shopping –
Perception –