Antennas For Low Power Wireless Applications
Antennas For Low Power Wireless Applications
Antennas For Low Power Wireless Applications
By Kent Smith
A suitable antenna design is critical to achieving adequate range and link robustness in a low power wire-
less radio system. The best antenna choice will depend on the nature of the application - hand-held, wall
mounted, etc. Also, the antenna must be tuned to present a suitable impedance match to its radio. This
application note surveys a number common low power wireless antenna designs, discussing their per-
formance and design considerations.
Wavelength - is the distance that the radio wave travels during one complete frequency cycle. This length
is inversely proportional to the frequency and may be calculated by: wavelength in cm = 30,000 / fre-
quency in MHz.
Groundplane - is a solid conductive area that is an important part of RF design techniques. These are
usually used in transmitter and receiver circuits. An example is where most of the traces will be routed on
the topside of the board, and the bottom will be a mostly solid copper area. The groundplane helps to re-
duce stray reactances and radiation. The antenna trace or conductor needs to run away from the ground-
plane for most antenna designs.
dB (decibel) - a logarithmic scale used to show power gain or loss in an RF circuit. +3 dB is twice the
power, while -3 dB is one half. It takes 6 dB to double or halve the radiating distance, due to the inverse
square law.
An antenna can be defined as any wire or conductor that carries a pulsing or alternating current. Such a
current will generate an electromagnetic field around the wire and that field will pulse and vary as the elec-
tric current does. If another wire is placed nearby, the electromagnetic field lines that cross this wire will
induce an electric current that is a copy of the original current, only weaker. If the wire is relatively long, in
terms of wavelength, it will radiate much of that field over long distances.
A quarter-wave whip is not a compact antenna. At 1 MHz, in the AM Broadcast band, one quarter of the
wavelength is about 246 feet, or 75 meters. At 100 MHz, in the FM Broadcast Band, it is nearly 30 inches
(75 cm). This dimension continues to shrink at higher frequencies, being about 3 inches (7.5 cm) at
1000 MHz. A simple formula for the quarter-wave dimension in cm is: 7500 divided by the frequency in
MHz, or for inches: 2952 / frequency in MHz. This formula is only a starting point since the length may
actually be shorter if (1) the whip is relatively thick or wide, (2) has any kind of coating, or (3) is not fed
close to ground. It may need to be longer if the ground plane is too small.
The length of the antenna should be measured from the point where it leaves close proximity to ground,
or from the transmitter output. If a whip is mounted on a box and connected to the transmitter with plain
wire, that wire becomes part of the antenna! To avoid mistuning the antenna, coaxial cable should be
used to connect to an external antenna. On a circuit board, the equivalent to coax is a trace that runs over
a groundplane on the backside of the circuit board. The above are examples of transmission lines, whose
purpose is to efficiently transfer power from one place to another with minimum loss. Do not try to run an
antenna line too close to ground, it becomes more of a transmission line than an antenna. Fortunately for
those who design small wireless devices, a transmission line left open-ended will radiate some energy.
Antenna Characteristics
Gain - an antenna that radiates poorly has low gain. Antenna gain is a measure of how strongly the an-
tenna radiates compared to a reference antenna, such as a dipole. A dipole is similar to a whip, but the
groundplane is replaced with another quarter-wave wire. Overall performance is about the same. An an-
tenna that is 6 dB less than a dipole is -6 dBd. This antenna would provide one half the range, or distance,
of the dipole. Compact antennas are often less efficient than a dipole and thus tend to have negative gain.
Radiation Pattern - radiation is maximum when broadside, or perpendicular to a wire, so a vertical whip is
ideal for communication in any direction except straight up. The radiation pattern, perpendicular to the
whip, can be described as omnidirectional. There is a null, or signal minimum, at the end of the whip. With
a less than ideal antenna, such as a bent or tilted whip, this null may move and partly disappear. It is im-
portant to know the radiation pattern of the antenna, in order to insure that a null is not present in the de-
sired direction of communication.
Polarization - it is important that other antennas in the same communication system be oriented in the
same way, that is, have the same polarization. A horizontally polarized antenna will not usually communi-
cate very effectively with a vertical whip. In the real environment, metal objects and the ground will cause
reflections, and may cause both horizontal and vertical polarized signals to be present.
Impedance - another important consideration is how well a transmitter can transfer power into an antenna.
If the antenna tuning circuit on a transmitter (or receiver) is designed for a 50 ohm load, the antenna
should, of course, have an impedance near 50 ohms for best results. A whip over a flat groundplane has
an impedance near 35 ohms, which is close enough. The impedance changes if the whip is mistuned or
bent down, or if a hand or other object is placed close to it. The impedance becomes lower as the antenna
is bent closer to ground. When the whip is tilted 45 degrees, the impedance is less than 20 ohms. When
The whip can be made as a trace on a printed circuit board (PCB). This is very practical at frequencies
over 800 MHz. At lower frequencies, a full size whip may be too long, even when wrapped around a few
corners. The length of the whip should be 10 to 20% shorter than the calculation, depending on the dielec-
tric and the thickness of the board. In most cases, 15% shorter is close enough. If the unit is to be hand
held, the antenna can be made a little shorter, to compensate for the effect of the hand.
-20 dB
150 30
180 0
210 330
240 300
RFM uses such a design for the wire antennas that are supplied
with some of our development kits. The RFM short whip is opti-
mized for under-sized groundplanes. When tested on the edge of
a small board, gain was only 3 to 4 dB less than a full sized whip
and groundplane. 43
120 0 dB 60
-10 dB
150 30
-20 dB
180 0
210 330
240 300
-10 dB
150 30
180 0
210 330
240 300
One big advantage for the short whip is that it can be a trace Short Stub, 433.92 MHz
on a PCB, with a chip inductor used to tune out the capacitive
reactance of the antenna. If the trace runs parallel to ground,
the real part of the antenna impedance will be approximately
10 ohms. In a hand-held unit, the impedance will be raised 25
substantially through hand effects. For a 0.1 wavelength strip
on a board with hand effects included, the antenna has a ca-
50 mm x
pacitive reactance of about 150 ohms. At 433.92 MHz, this
would require a 56 nH inductor to cancel the capacitive reac-
47 nH
tance of the 2.7 inch (70 mm) long line.
-10 dB
150 30
-20 dB
180 0
210 330
240 300
0 dB 60
-10 dB
150 30
70 mm
-30 dB
180 0
210 330
240 300
270 25
120 0 dB 60
-10 dB
150 -20 dB 30
180 0
210 330
240 300
For 433.92 MHz, we mounted a chip on a 5 inch long board and ob-
tained a maximum gain of -10 dBd. Not bad when you consider that
the spiral has equal gain, but consumes five times as much area on
the board. The 916.5 MHz version did better with a 2.6 inch long
groundplane for a maximum gain of -3.2 dBd. The polarization is
parallel to the long axis of the chip, so maximum radiation is perpen-
dicular to the long axis. There is a deep null, nearly 40 dB, looking at
each end of the chip. This would be a big problem if an omnidirec-
tional pattern is required from a horizontal circuit board. When the 34 mm
board is vertical, the pattern is omnidirectional.
0 dB 60
-10 dB
150 30
-20 dB
180 -40 dB 0
210 330
240 300
The loop is quite different from a whip, in that both ends of Loop, 433.9 MHz
the antenna are terminated. In this case, the end that is op-
2 mm width
posite the transmitter (or receiver) is grounded. A capacitor is
used to tune the antenna to a real impedance, instead of a
coil. An advantage of a loop is that it is not easily detuned by 12
0 dB
120 60
-10 dB
150 30
-30 dB
180 0
210 330
240 300
As with any other designs, this antenna should not run too
close to ground. For this design, the transmitter and other 35 mm
circuitry, including battery, should be grouped around the
.060 inch thick FR4
center of the board, leaving the antenna in the clear. The
circumference of the board needs to be well under one-
quarter wavelength. We have had good results with a cir-
cumference of about 0.15 wavelength, and a line width of 1.0
to 1.5 mm, when used in the 400 MHz region. If the design is
used on a thinner board, the 5 mm overlap will need to be
120 0 dB 60
-10 dB
150 30
-30 dB
180 0
210 330
240 300
Semi-loop Antenna,
434 MHz
120 0 dB 60
-10 dB
150 30
-30 dB
180 0
210 330
240 300
Common in radar systems and/or on aircraft, a variation of the slot antenna may have potential above
800 MHz. A quarter-wave slot is cut into a metal sheet or unetched PCB, and if enough area is available,
will provide omnidirectional coverage. Our sample antenna at 916.5 MHz required a 75 mm long PCB.
The length of the slot was 59.5 mm for 0.060 inch (1.5 mm) thick FR4. A different thickness or dielectric
will require changing the length of the slot. One end of the slot must be left open. The slot was fed near
the closed end, in this case 4 mm from the end. The feedpoint impedance can be adjusted by moving the
feed toward or away from the closed end. Tuning is somewhat critical.
When the board is horizontal, the pattern is omnidirectional around the edge of the board, thus horizontally
polarized. We also see omnidirectional coverage when the board is vertical (with the slot horizontal). In
this case, polarization is vertical! It may not make sense, but a horizontal slot is equivalent to a vertical
whip in this case. Gain is -4.5 to -6 dBd. The feed can be a trace on the backside of the board, with a via
used to make connection with the top of the board near the slot.
Open Slot, 75 mm
916.5 MHz
2 mm wide slot
x 59.5 mm long
0 dB
120 60
-10 dB
150 30
180 0
210 330
240 300
The patch antenna is a low profile design, which consists of a round or rectangular patch of metal very
close to a groundplane. The patch is usually printed on a circuit board and can be made as part of the en-
closure. Antenna coverage is in any direction above the groundplane, or a hemispherical area. The patch
antenna does require a substantial amount of area on a PCB, which makes it more practical above
800 MHz. It has a narrow bandwidth so care must be taken to tune the size of the patch carefully. It is sen-
sitive to the thickness and dielectric constant of the PCB and small variations will mistune the patch com-
pletely. It is also sensitive to coatings, but not extremely sensitive to hand effects.
A practical example for 916.5 MHz can fit into an area 30 x 40 mm. The patch size is 27 x 38 mm for a
board thickness of 0.060 inch. A thinner board or higher dielectric can require cutting the antenna a little
shorter. About 0.1 inch of board space should be left around any ungrounded edge of the patch. One edge
of the patch should be grounded with multiple PCB vias. The antenna is fed with a line crossing through
the grounded edge to the 50 ohm point on the patch, or by a transmission line coming up through the bot-
tom of the PCB. The 50 ohm point is about 13 mm away from ground on our example patch. The 50 ohm
point for any design can be found by moving the vias toward or away from the grounded edge. The farther
the feed is away from the ground vias, the higher the impedance will be.
This type of patch is not a full-size, half-wavelength patch, so performance is not as good as a larger size
patch. A full-size patch has no grounded edge, so vias are not required. Our example rectangular patch
has a gain of -8 dBd. Placing the board against a larger sheet of metal will improve the gain by another
4 dB. If the antenna is made wider than one inch, up to about 3 inches wide, a few more dB can be
gained. Polarization is perpendicular to the grounded edge. Gain is good in almost any direction where the
patch can be seen, but drops rapidly when looking at the edge of the board.
The trapezoidal version has less length so that it can fit into smaller spaces. Patterns and behavior are the
same, but the gain is a little lower. We measured about -12 dBd maximum, on a 40 x 90 mm board.
25 mm
90 mm 13
2 mm vias to
wide x backside
vias to
x ground
50 mm
-20 dB
150 30
-30 dB
180 0
210 330
240 300
0 dB 60
150 -20 dB 30
-30 dB
180 0
210 330
240 300
Antennas printed on glass-epoxy PCB material with a dielectric constant of 4.3 to 4.7 can provide good
performance for many applications at 2.4 GHz. The L antenna shown below is used on RFM’s TRC104
reference design. The antenna exhibits a nominal gain of 0 to -5 dBi depending on the orientation. Note
that the driven element consists of identical patterns on the top and the bottom of the circuit board, con-
nected with multiple vias. This makes the antenna relatively insensitive to the thickness and dielectric
constant of the circuit board.
0 .9 0 "
A n te n n a e le m e n t c o n s is ts
o f id e n tic a l tr a c e s o n b o th
0 .1 0 " s id e s o f th e c ir c u it b o a rd
c o n n e c te d b y v ia s
0 .3 0 " e v e r y 0 .0 5 "
R F D r iv e P o in t
0 .0 5 "
R F D r iv e R e tu r n
P u t a n te n n a g r o u n d p la n e o n
0 .5 0 " o n e s id e o f t h e c ir c u it b o a r d ,
m o s t c ir c u it in te r c o n n e c ts o n
th e o th e r s id e
0 .1 0 "
L Antenna Dimensions
L Antenna Pattern with the Antenna Circuit Board Horizontal and One Meter Above Ground
L Antenna Pattern with the Antenna Circuit Board Vertical and One Meter Above Ground
Another compact circuit board antenna suitable for 2.4 GHz applications is shown below, courtesy of Kent
Electronics, This antenna can be prototyped and tuned to work with various ground
plane configurations and circuit board thicknesses. The resonant frequency of the antenna is adjusted by
trimming back the length of the antenna trace on the top side that overlaps the ground plane on the bot-
tom side. A sliding short is used to adjust the impedance of the antenna. After prototyping the antenna
with the TRC104 circuitry, the antenna is tuned, and the final antenna dimensions incorporated into the
circuit board layout. Tuned antenna performance is similar to the L antenna discussed above.
1 0 0 0 m ils (r e fe r e n c e o n ly ) 1 0 0 m il tr a c e , o th e r
to p s id e tr a c e s a r e 3 0 m il
8 5 m ils
4 0 0 m ils
4 2 m ils
1 2 5 m ils
A d ju s t im p e d a n c e
2 3 0 m ils
w ith s lid in g s h o r t
3 0 0 m ils
2 0 m il
v ia s
A d ju s t fr e q u e n c y
R F D r iv e R F D iv e b y tr im in g o v e r la p
R e tu rn P o in t
T y p ic a l b o tto m s id e
g r o u n d p la n e
U s e w ith 3 2 to 6 4 m il c ir c u it b o a r d m a te r ia l
F Antenna Dimensions
An antenna should not be located inside a conductive, or metal enclosure. Care should be taken to keep
the antenna away from metal surfaces. If a conductive area is large in terms of wavelength (one half wave
or more), it can act as a reflector and cause the antenna to not radiate in some directions. If a metal box is
used for an enclosure, an external antenna is required.
Antennas seem to be a mystical art. Any change in nearby materials or dimensions can affect antenna
performance. Building a published design does not fully guarantee results. Testing an antenna design is
necessary, tuning is often required, and there can be pitfalls along the way.
A network analyzer is normally used to test the impedance or VSWR of the antenna. Some antennas that
have an impedance near 50 ohms can be tuned by looking at return loss or a VSWR display. Low imped-
ance antennas may require the use of a Smith Chart display to get good results. In this case, the antenna
should be tuned to a point near the pure resistance line.
Antenna measurements of any kind are tricky since the antenna is affected by nearby objects, including
the size and shape of the circuit board, and even by the cable connections to the network analyzer. Pass
your hand close to the antenna and the dip should move around a little. If it does not, the antenna may not
be connected properly. Antennas that are ground plane sensitive may see all additional wires as an exten-
sion of that ground. Try wrapping your hand around the cable that goes to the analyzer. If the measure-
ment changes much, you may need to try a different tactic. One way minimize RF currents on the cable is
to put several high frequency ferrite toroid beads on the cable or some absorptive material over the cable.
The best way to fine-tune a remote transmitter antenna is by using the transmitter itself. Put an antenna
on a spectrum analyzer and try to keep other large metal objects out of the way. Find a place to locate the
transmitter that is away from metal and a few feet away from the analyzer. Always locate the transmitter in
the exact same spot when testing. If you have a desk that is wood, mark it’s position with a pencil or tape.
If hand held, hold it in your hand just above the marking on the desk. Be sure to position your hand, and
the rest of your body, the same way during each test. Take a reading of the power level, and tune the an-
tenna to achieve maximum radiated power. The same thing can be done for a receiver. Transmit a signal
to it, and adjust the antenna to receive the lowest signal level from the generator.
Common problems with antennas usually involve insufficient free space around the antenna. The antenna
cannot run close to ground or any other trace without effecting the antenna performance. This includes
traces on the other side of the board, batteries, or any other metal object.
Receiver performance can be degraded by digital circuits. Fast digital switching creates high frequency
noise that can cause interference. Keep receiving antennas away from digital circuit traces. Try to keep
digital traces short, and run them over a groundplane to help confine the electromagnetic field that is gen-
erated by the digital pulses. If an external antenna is used, then use a coaxial cable.
A transmission line for G-10 material that is .060 inch thick requires a trace width of 0.1 inch, half of that
for a .030 inch thick board. This results in a 50 ohm transmission line that will carry RF with minimum loss
and interference.
High static voltages can damage RF semiconductors and SAW components. We recommend placing an
inductor between the antenna and ground to short out any static voltages. For the 400 MHz region, a value
near 200 nH is a good choice. At 916.5 MHz, a more appropriate value may be 100 nH. For 2.4 GHz a
value of 30 nH can be used. Decoupling coils should not resonate above the transmitter operating fre-
The author would like to thank John Anthes, Harry Boling, and Jeff Koch for their assistance in the prepa-
ration of this application note. Additional information was added to this application note in 2009 by Darrell
Ash, Patrick Evans, Kent Britain of Kent Electronics, and Frank Perkins.