02 Exercise5
02 Exercise5
02 Exercise5
eh eh
(A) (B) 6
4 m 4 m
eh eh
(C) 8 (D) 10
4 m 4 m
Qu e. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
An s . B C A C B A D D C D C A B A B
Qu e. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
An s . A C D C B A A B B A B A A A A
Qu e. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
An s . B A B A B B C D D D
1. An inorganic salt is lemon yellow in colour. It becomes orange in colour like methyl orange when it is acidic
and again becomes yellow when it is alkaline. The inorganic salt will be :
(A) Copper nitrate (B) Ferric chloride
(C) Potassium chromate (D) Potassium ferri cyanide
10. KI CuSO4
Y(g) X(Blue colour), X and Y are :
11. (NH4)2Cr2O7 (Ammonium dichromate) is used in fire works. The green coloured powder blown in air is :
(C) O 2 + 2H+ H2O (D) None of these
22. Colourles solution of the following four salts are placed separately in four different test tubes and a strip of
coper is dipeed in each one of these. Which solution will turn blue?
(A) KNO3 (B) AgNO 3 (C) Zn(NO 3 ) 2 (D) ZnSO 4
23. Cuprous chloride is obtained from cupric chloride :
(A) By heating cupric chloride with chlorine
(B) By the electrolysis of cupric chloride containing HCl
(C) By heating cupric chloride with conc. HCl and copper turnings
(D) By passing H2 over CuCl2
24. When excess of sodium thiosulphate is added to dil. AgNO 3 solution a soluble compound X is formed.
However, when dil. Na2S2O3 solution is addeed to conc. AgNO3 solution a white ppt. turning yellow and
finally black ppt. of Y is obtained. Which is correct pair. :
Qu e. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
An s . C B B, C B,C,D A,B A,B,C B,C B B B A B B B A,B
Qu e. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
An s . C A,B,C,D A A,B,C B A B C B B C C B B A,B
Qu e. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
An s . D A A,B,D B,D D D C C A B
1. Fe3O4 is mixed oxide of FeO and Fe2O3.
2. Acidic potassium permanganate is used in organic chemistry under the name Baeyer's reagent.
3. Cast iron has the maximum percentage of carbon.
4. No rusting takes place in absence of moisture.
5. Silver is found in nature both in native and combined state.
6. Copper dissolves in hydrochloric acid.
1. ..............................ion show maximum paramagnetic character among the bivalent ions of first transition
on series.
2. The salts ......................... and ......................... are isostructural (FeSO4.7H2O, CuSO4.5H2O, MnSO4.4H2O,
ZnSO 4 .7H 2 O)
3. Which one of the following CuCl2, CaCl2 or CdCl2 is paramagnetic in character .........................
4. The chromate ion in acidic medium changes to ......................
5. Among the ion, Sc3+, V3+ and Cr3+, the ion that gives colourless compound is........................
5. Statement-I : Change in colour of acidic solution of potassium dichromate by breath is used to test
drunk drivers.
Statement-II : Change in colour is due to the complexation of alcohol with potassium dichromate.
9. Statement-I : Equivalent mass of KMnO4 is equal to one-third of its molecular mass when it acts as an
oxidising agent in an alkaline medium.
Statement-II : Oxidation nhumber of Mn is +7 in KMnO4
Comprehension # 1
Hg shows two oxidation states (I) and (II) in its compounds. Chemistry of Hg(I) in intersting as Hg+ does not
exist. It has been proved on the basis of magnetic moment determination and equilibrium studies on Hg(I)
and Hg(II) salts. It is intersting to note that Hg(I) salts are diamagnetic, yet Hg+ contains unpaired electron. In
solutions Hg 22 disproportionates as : Hg 22 Hg() + Hg2+, but equilibrium constant is very low. But
when anions like S are added the formation of insoluble HgS promotes the disproportionation. The same
reason is used to explain non-existance of some mercurous salts.
1. The equilibrium established when HgCl2 is shaken with excess of Hg is :
(A) Hg2+ + Hg 2Hg+ (B) Hg2+ + Hg() Hg 22
(C) Hg + 2Hg2+ Hg2+ + 2Hg+ (D) No equilibrium is established
2. In an experiment when placed in weak magnetic field, calomel was slightly repelled by the magnetic field.
This experimental observation suggests that :
(A) Hg+ ion has no unpaired electron
(B) Mercurous ion has formula Hg 22 instead of Hg+
(C) This experimental observation is not correct and actually mercurous salts are paramagnetic due to 6s
unpaired electron
(D) Sometimes mercurous ion may exist as Hg 22
3. Which is well known compound :
(A) Hg2S (B) Hg2O (C) Hg2 Cl 2 (D) All of the above
4. Hg2Cl2 on treatment with alkali gives red solid which is :
(A) Hg2O (B) HgO (C) Hg2(OH)2 (D) Hg(OH)2
Comprehension # 2
Transition metal and their compounds are used as catalysts in industry and in biological system. For example,
in the Contact process, vanadium compounds in the +5 state (V2O5 or VO 3– ) are used to oxidise SO2 to SO3 :
1 V2O5
SO2 + O2 SO3
It is thought that the actual oxidation process takes place in two stages. In the first step, V5+ in the presence
of oxide ions converts SO2 to SO3. At the same time, V5+ is reduced to V4+.
2V5+ + O2– + SO2 2V4+ + SO3
In the second step, V is regenerated from V4+ by oxygen :
2V4+ +O 2V5+ + O2–
2 2
The overall process is, of course, the sum of these two steps:
SO2 + O SO3
2 2
1. Transition metals and their compounds catalyse reactions because :
(A) They have competely filled s-subshell
(B) They have a comparable size due to poor shielding of d-subshell
(C) They introduce an entirely new reaction mechanism with a lower activation energy
(D) They have variable oxidation states differ by two units
2. During the course of the reaction :
(A) Catalyst undergoes changes in oxidation state
(B) Catalyst increases the rate constant
(C) Catalyst is regenerated in its orginal form when the reactants form the products
(D) All are correct.
3. Catalytic activity of transition metals depends on :
(A) Their ability to exist in different oxidation states
(B) The size of the metal atoms
(C) The number of empty atomic orbitals available
(D) None of these
4. Which of the following ion involved in the above process will show paramagnetism?
(A) V5+ (B) V 4+ (C) O2– (D) VO 3
Tr u e / Fals e
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F
F i ll i n t h e B lanks
1. Mn +2 2. FeSO 4.7H 2 O, ZnSO 4 .7H 2 O 3. CuCl2 4. Cr2O7–2 5. Sc +3
Matc h th e C o lu mn
1. (A) r,s; (B) r,s ; (C) p,q ; (D) p 2. (A) r ; (B) s ; (C) p ; (D) q
A s s er ti o n - R eas o n Qu es ti o ns
1.C 2.B 3.D 4. C 5. C 6.B 7.B 8.C 8.B
C o mp r eh e ns i o n B as ed Qu es ti o ns
Comprehensi on #1 : 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. B
Comprehension #2 : 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B
5. The electronic configuration of Co2+ and Cu2+ is d7 and d9 resepctively, which of these ions is expecteed to be
more paramagnetic ?
6. Write the highest oxidation state shown by element with atomic number 23
7. One unpaired electron in atom contributes a magnetic moment of 1.1 BM. Calculate the magnetic moment
of Cr (At. No. 24)
12. Account for the following that enthalpies of atomisation of transition elements are quite high.
15. Zinc but not copper is used for the recovery of silver from the complex [Ag(CN)2]. Why?
16. Explain : Blue colour of CuSO4 solution is discharged slowly when an iron rod is dipped into it.
17. Explain : Green solution of potassium manganate (VI) K2MnO4 turns purple and a brown solid is precipitated
when CO2 is bubbled into the solution.
18. Explain : When Mn(OH)2 is made by adding an alkali to a solution containing Mn2+ ions, the ppt quickly
darkens, and eventully goes black.
19. Explain : A deep blue colour is produced when Fe2+ reacts with K3[Fe(CN)6]
20. Explain : The colour of mercurous chloride changes from white to black when treated with ammonia solution.
1. [Cu(NH3)4]SO4
2. Complex formation [Ag(NH3)2]Cl
4. Pyrolusite = MnO2
Chromite = FeO.Cr 2O 3
Fe(CrO 2) 2
FeCr 2 O 4
5. Co +2 = more paramagnetic
d7 = n = 3 Cu+2 = d9 = n = 1
6. +5
7. Cr = 3d5 4s1
n = 6
= 6.6
8. Small size and maximum zeff of Cu than Na
9. Fe + 3 > Fe+2
3d 5 3d6
Half filled Incomplete
10. KMnO4 is photosensative.
12. Strong metallic bond strength.
13. IIB or 12 or volatile metal (Zn, Cd, Hg)
14. Due to high heat of sublimation, high ionisation energy and low E0R.P.
15. Zinc is cheaper as well as strong reducing agent than Cu and replaces Ag from complex.
16. Iron is above copper in electrochemical series.
17. CO2 in aqueous solution gives bicarbonate and is acidic.
CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO 3
Hg2Cl2 + 2NH4OH Hg + Hg + NH4Cl + 2H2O
1. What happens when silver sulphide is shaken with NaCN solution ?
2. Give the formula of the complex used in electroplating of object by silver.
3. What is the coordination entity formed when excess of aqueous KCN is added to an aqueus solution of
copper sulphate? Why is it that no precipitate of copper sulphide is obtained when H2S(g) is passed through
this solution?
4. Why are the compounds of transition metal generally coloured ?
5. Why HCI not used to acidify a KMnO4 solutions in volumetric estimations of Fe2+ or C 2 O 24 - ?
6. Why is K2Cr2O7 generally preferred over Na2Cr2O7 in volumetric analysis although both are oxidising agents ?
7. K2PtCl6 is well known compound whereas corresponding Ni compound is not known .
8. Complete the following :
TiCl4 + H2O
9. What is the percentage of gold in 22 carat gold ?
10. Why do the transition metals exhibit higher enthalpies of atomisation ?
11. (a) Of the ions Ag+, Co2+, Ti4+, which one will be coloured in aqueous solutions.
[Atomic no : Ag = 47, Co = 27, Ti = 22]
(b) If each one of the above ionic species is in turn kept in a magnetic field, how will it respond and why ?
12. Write balanced equations for the reaction between K2Cr2O7 and acidified solution :
(i) Ferrous sulphate
(ii) KI solution.
13. Describe the preparation of potassium permanganate. How does the acidified permanganate solution re-
acts with
(a) iron (II) ions
(b) SO2
(c) oxalic acid ?
Write the ionic equation for the reactions.
14. What happens when aqueous ammonia reacts with :
(a) Silver chloride (b) Mercury (I) chloride (c) Mercury (II) chlroride ?
15. What are the equivalent weights of oxalic acid and potassium permaganate in their titration in acidic medium?
(K=39, Mn=55)
16. Complete the following chemical equations :
(i) Heat
MnO 2 + KOH+O 2
(ii) Cr 2 O 2 +
7 +H 2 S + H
(iii) I +2Mn O 4 +H 2O MnO 2 +2OH – + IO 3–1
17. When H 2S is passed into FeCl 3 solution yellow colour of FeCl 3 changes to light green ? Explain.
18. Identify (A) to (F) in the followig:
FeSO 4 (A) (B) + (C) + (D)
(C) and (D) are gases, (B) is red-brown solid, (C) can be oxidised to (D). (C) also turns Cr2 O 72 /H solution
green. (B) dissolves in HCl forming deep yellow solution (E). (E) gives blue colour (F) with K4[Fe(CN)6]. (D)
dissolves in H 2O forming a well knows mineral acid called "king of acids".
19. 2.78 g of FeSO 4 . xH 2O is treated with excess of BaCl 2 then 2.33 g of white precipitate are obtained.
Calculate the value of x. (Ba = 137, S = 32, Fe = 56, H = 1, O = 16).
20. Suggest a series of reactions, using common chemicals, by which each of the following synthesis can be
(a) Fe(OH) 3 from FeS
(b) BaCrO 4 from BaCO 3 and K 2Cr 2O 7
(c) CrCl 3 from (NH 4 ) 2Cr 2O 7
(d) MnCO 3 from MnO 2
21. A white amorphous powder (A) on heating yields a colourless, non combustible gas (B) and a solid (C).
The later compound assumes a yellow colour on heating and changes to white on cooling. (C) dissolves
in dilute acid and the resulting solution gives a white ppt. on adding K4[Fe(CN)6] solution. (A) dissolves in
dilute HCl with evolution of gas, which is identical in all respect to (B). The gas (B) turns lime water milky,
but the milkiness disappears with the continuous passage of gas. The solution of (A) as obtained above
gives a white precipitate (D) on the addition of excess NH4OH and passing H2S. Another portion of the
solution initially gives a white precipitate (E) on the addition of NaOH solution, but dissolves on further
addition of the base. Identify (A) to (E).
22. A compound (A) is greenish crystalliner salt which gave the following results:
(i) Adition of BaCl2 solution to solution of (A) results in the formation of a white ppt. (B), which is insoluble
in dil. HCl.
(ii) On heating (A), water vapours and two oxides of sulphur, (C) and (D) are liberated leaving a red brown
residue (E).
(iii) (E) dissolves in warm conc. HCl to give a yellow solution (F).
(iv) With H2S, the solution (F) yields a pale yellow ppt. (G), which when filtered, leaves a greenish filtrate (H).
(v) Solution (F) on treatment with thiocyanate ions gives blood red coloured compound (I).
Identify the substances from (A) to (I)
1. Ag 2S + 4NaCN 2Na[Ag(CN) 2] + Na 2S
2. Na[Ag(CN) 2 ]
3. CuSO4 + KCN Cu(CN)2
2Cu(CN)2 2CuCN + NC–CN (Cyanogen)
CuCN + KCN K3[Cu(CN)4]
(c) HgCl2 + 2NH3 Hg(NH2)Cl + NH4Cl
Mercury aminochlordie
Equivalent weight of oxalic acid = = 45
Equivalent weight of KMnO 4 = = 31.6
16. (i)
MnO 2 + KOH+O 2 2K 2 MnO 4 + 4H 2 O
pot manganate
(ii) Cr 2 O 2 + 3+
7 +3H 2 S + 8H 2Cr 7H 2 O +3S
18. (A) : FeSO 4 (B) : Fe 2O 3 (C) : SO 2 (D) : SO 3 (E) : FeCl 3 (F) : KFe III [Fe II(CN) 6, Prussian blue.
19. x = 7
2 H SO
20. (a) FeS FeSO4 H2S
NaOH + H2O2
(b) BaCO3 BaCl2
(c) H2O, N2
Conc. HCl
,conc. HCl
(d) Cl2
21. (A) : ZnCO 3 (B) : CO 2 (C) : ZnO (D) : Zn(OH) 2 (E) : Na 2ZnO 2
22. (A) : FeSO4 · 7H2O (B) : BaSO4 (C) : SO2 (D) : SO3 (E) : Fe2O3 (F) : FeCl3 (G) : S (H) : FeCl2 (I) : Fe(CNS)3
REMARK : Q. 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 10, 12, 13 (THESE ARE F-BLOCK)
Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ans 4 2 3 2 1 3 2 4 4 2 4 1 2 1 1 4 2
1. Anhydrous ferric chloride is prepared by – [IIT 2002]
(A) Heating hydrated ferric chloride at a high temperature in a steam of air
(B) Heating metallic iron in a steam of dry chlorine gas
(C) Reaction of ferric oxide with HCl
(D) Reaction of metallic iron with HCl
2. When MnO2 is fused with KOH and KNO2, a coloured compound is formed, the product and its colour is –
[IIT 2003]
(A) K2MnO4, green (B) KMnO4, purple (C) Mn2O3, brown (D) Mn3O4, black
3. (NH4)2Cr2O7 on heating gives a gas, which is also given by – [IIT- 2004]
(A) Heating NH 4NO 2 (B) Heating NH 4NO 3 (C) Mg3N2 + H2O (D) Na + H2O 2
4. The pair of compounds having metals in their highest oxidation state is – [IIT-2004]
(A) MnO2, FeCl3 (B) [MnO4] , CrO2Cl 2 (C) [Fe(CN)6]3–, [Co(CN)3] (D) [NiCl4]2–, [CoCl4] –
5. The compound having tetrahedral geometry is – [IIT- 2004]
(A) [Ni(CN) 4]2– (B) [Pd(CN) 4 ]2– (C) [PdCl4] 2– (D) [NiCl 4] 2–
6. Spin only magnetic moment of the compound Hg[Co(SCN)4] is – [IIT- 2004]
Column-I Co lu mn -I I
(A) O 2– O2 + O 2 (p) redox reaction
(B) CrO 24 – + H+ (q) one of the products has trigonal planar structure
(C) MnO 4– + NO 2– + H (r) dimeric bridged tetrahedral metal ion
(D) NO 3– + H2SO4 + Fe (s) disproportionation
14. Upon treatment with ammonical H2S , the metal ion that precipitates as a sulphide is - [IIT-2013]
(A) Fe(III) (B) Al(III)
(C) Mg(II) (D) Zn (II)
1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. B
8 . (a) Structure of the complex is
Hydrogen bonding
O............. H—O
H3C–C=N N = C–CH3
H3C–C=N N = C–CH3
O—H ............ O–
Hydrogen bonding
(b) The oxidation state of Ni in this compouind is +2 and it shows dsp2 hybridisation.
(c) Since the coordination number of Ni in this complex is 4. According to crystal field theory it is diamagnetic in nature
9. (B)
1 0 . (i) The following reactions are used in developing the photographic film.
Hydroquinone Quinone
AgBr + 2Na2S2O3 Na3[Ag(S2O3)2] + NaBr
hypo solution soluble
(ii) Aqueous solution of sodium thiosulphate (Na 2S 2O 3) on acidification gives milky white turbidity of collodial