Engineering Graphics I
Engineering Graphics I
Engineering Graphics I
Course Name :All branches of Diploma in Engineering and Technology and Special
Programmes except DMOP, HMCT and film & TV.
Semester : I Semester
Engineering graphics is a basic subject for all branches of Diploma Engineering and
Technology. Since engineering drawing is considered as the language of engineers, the
proper understanding and practice is required with proper instruments.
The chapters are arranged in sequence and starts from the basic concepts of
geometrical constructions & engineering curves, proceeds to the principles of projection
techniques. By the end of the subject it is expected that the students would be matured to
visualize any engineering component by reading an engineering drawing.
At the end of the practice, the students will be able to,
Understand the importance of drawing.
Identify and use the drawing instruments.
Practice the rules and methods of dimensioning.
Acquire knowledge about geometric construction.
Construct conics curves.
Draw the projection of points and straight lines.
Draw orthographic views from isometric drawings.
1. 2. Dimensioning
Dimensioning – terms and notations as per BIS -requirement of
dimensioning - Dimension line, Extension lines and Leader lines –
Dimensioning systems - Methods of dimensioning – Important
dimensioning rules – Exercises (One view of the object).
II 2.1 Geometric Constructions 20
Geometric constructions: Bisect a line – bisect an arc – bisect given angle
– divide straight line into number of equal parts – divide the circle into
number of equal divisions – draw an arc touching two lines at any angle –
draw an arc touching two arcs.
2.2 Constructions of conics
Conics: Cone – conic sections - Definition of locus, focus, directrix, axis,
vertex and eccentricity. Definition: ellipse, parabola and hyperbola.
Ellipse: Construction of ellipse by concentric circle method, rectangular
method and Eccentricity method when focus and directrix are given –
Parabola: Construction of parabola by rectangular method, parallelogram
method and eccentricity method when focus and directrix are given–
Hyperbola: Construction of hyperbola by rectangular method and
eccentricity method when focus and directrix are given – exercises.
III 3.1 Projection of points. 17
Projection of points – points on the different quadrants and on the
reference planes.
Text Books
1. Bhatt N.D. and Panchal V.M., “Engineering Drawing”, Charotar Publishing House, 50th
Edition, 2010.
2. Gill P.S., “Engineering drawing”, S.K.Kataria & Sons.
Reference Books
1. Gopalakrishnan.K.R., "Engineering Drawing", (Vol.I and Vol.II), Dhanalakshmi publishers,
Edition 2, 1970
2. Venugopal.K, Sreekanjana G, “Engineering Graphics” New Age International Publishers.
3. K V Nataraajan “A Text Book of Engineering Drawing”
4. Besant Agrawal, C M Agrawal “Engineering drawing”, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private
5. Barkinson & Sinha, "First Year Engineering Drawing", Pitman Publishers.
Board Examination – Question pattern
Part A
Answer all questions. Each question carries five marks. 3 X 5 = 15
Note: Three questions will be asked (1 to 3). One question from UNIT I, II and III.
(Lettering, Geometric constructions and Projection of Points.)
Part B
Answer any four questions. Each question carries fifteen marks. 4 X 15 = 60
Note: Six questions will be asked (4 to 9). Minimum one question from each unit.
Internal Marks
Assignment drawings - 10
Test - 10
Attendance - 5
Total - 25