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Mechanical Engineering: University of Calicut

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University of Calicut

B. Tech.-Mechanical Engg.

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EIGHTH SEMESTER Hours/Week L 3 3 3 3 3 15 T 1 1 1 1 1 5 P/D 3 7 10 Sessional Marks 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 400 3000 University Examination Hrs Marks 3 100 3 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 100 700 5300

Code ME04 801


Quality Engineering and Management ME04 802 Operations Management ME04 803 Mechatronics and Machine controls ME04 804 Elective II ME04 805 Elective III ME04 806(P) Seminar ME04 807(P) Project Work ME04 808(P) Viva Voce TOTAL Aggregate marks for 8 semesters = 8300

ELECTIVE II ME04 804A ME04 804B ME04 804C ME04 804D Industrial Tribology Maintenance Engineering Composite Materials Heating, Ventilating & A/C System Design ME04 804E Aerospace Engineering ME04 804F Fracture Mechanics

ELECTIVE III ME04 805A ME04 805B ME04 805C ME04 805D ME04 805E ME04 805F Optimisation Techniques Marketing Management Manufacturing Process of Non-Metals Computational Fluid Dynamics Automobile Engineering Design of Jigs and Fixtures

University of Calicut

B. Tech.-Mechanical Engg.

Vidya Digital Library


ME04 801 : QUALITY ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT 3 hours lecture & 1hour tutorial per week Objective To impart knowledge on the concept of quality ,tools for analysing quality ,Statistical tools in quality acceptance sampling and life testing Module I (10 hours) Introduction to the concept of quality - quality control - quality assurance - quality management - quality and total quality - small q and big Q - concept of total quality management - TQM axioms - major contributions of deming, juran and crossby to quality management - enablers for total quality - strategic quality management Module II (18 hours) Quality costs - analysis of quality costs - loss function - Taguchi methods - total quality tools - pareto chart - fishbone diagram - checksheet - histograms - scatter diagrams - run charts - flow diagram Bench Marking-Overview of Iso 9000:2000 certification-Quality circles. Experimental design-GuidelinesOverview of Factoral experiments,replication, General Idea on Process optimization- Process Robustness Studies, Quality function deployment, failure mode, effect and criticality analysis, continuous process improvement- The PDSA cycle- Kaizen. Module III (12 hours) Statistical tools in quality - making predictions using the normal, poisson and binomial probability distributions - statistical process control - control charts for variables X and R charts - process capability indices - control charts for attributes - P, np, c and u charts Module IV (12 hours) Acceptance sampling - lot by lot acceptance using single sampling by attributes - OC curve - average outgoing quality and the AOQL - double sampling - multiple and sequential sampling - ATI and AFI introduction to life testing and reliability,MTBF,MTTR,system reliability-components in series and parallel Text books 1.Bester Field, Dale H,Carol Boeterfreld-Muchna,Glen H,Boeterfreld Mery Boeterfeld-Scare, 2003, Total Quality Management, 3rd edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi. 2.Juran J.M., Gryna I.M., Quality Planning and Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company. 3.Montgomery,douglas C2001,Introduction to statical quality control,fourth edition,John Wiley&sons Inc, New Delhi 4.Gerals M Smith-2004, Statistical Process Control and Quality Improvement-5th edition ,Pearson Education, New Delhi 5.Grant, Statistical Quality Control, McGraw Hill Sessional work assessment: 2 Assignments = 15 marks = 30 marks 2 Tests (2 15) Regularity = 05 marks Total = 50 marks University examination pattern Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module Q II - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module I with choice to answer any one Q III - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module II with choice to answer any one Q IV - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module III with choice to answer any one Q V - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module IV with choice to answer any one

University of Calicut

B. Tech.-Mechanical Engg.

Vidya Digital Library

ME04 802 : OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 3 hours lecture & 1hour tutorial per week Objective To impart knowledge on decision making tools,inventory control models, Production planning and control and Facilities planning Module I (14 hours) Decision making - strategic and tactical decisions - strategy formulation - models of decision making single stage decisions sunder risk - incremental analysis - multi stage decision making - decision trees decision making under uncertainty - Bayes decision theory - equally likely - minimax - maximum likelihood - maximin criterion - network techniques - basic concepts - network construction - CPM and PERT networks - algorithm for critical path - slacks and their significance - crashing - network flow problems - the shortest route problem - minimal spanning tree problem - maximal flow in capacitated network Module II (12 hours) Inventory control - functions of inventories - structure of inventory problems - relevant costs - opposing costs - opportunity cost - selective control techniques - dynamic inventory models under certainty sensitivity analysis - quantity discounts - introduction to dynamic inventory models under risk - Q and P system design Module III (14 hours) Production planning and control - scope and objectives - functions of PPC - product consumption cycle product design and development - production planning - process planning - material requirement planning - forecasting - methods of forecasting - moving average method - single exponential smoothing - linear regression - linear forecaster - scheduling - objectives - performance measures - priority rules - single machine scheduling - job shop scheduling - 2 jobs N machines - flow shop scheduling - N jobs 2 machines - N jobs 3 machines scheduling Module IV (12 hours) Facilities planning and design - factors influencing location - plant layout - layout design procedures systematic layout planning - computerised layout planning - construction algorithm ALDEP improvement algorithm - greedy switch and steepest descent methods - CRAFT - introduction to line balancing methods - rank positional weight method Text books Riggs J.L., Economic Decision Models for Engineers and Managers, McGraw Hill International Students Edition Weist & Levy, A Management Guide to PERT & CPM, Prentice Hall of India Starr & Miller, Inventory Control - Theory & Practice, Prentice Hall of India Samuel Eilon, Production Planning & Control, Universal Book Corporation Francis & White, Facility Layout & Location, Prentice Hall Inc. Reference books Hillier & Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research, Holden Day Inc. Biegel, Production Control, Prentice Hall of India James Moore, Plant Layout & Design, The Macmillan Company Sessional work assessment: 2 Assignments = 15 marks = 30 marks 2 Tests (2 15) Regularity = 05 marks Total = 50 marks University examination pattern Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module Q II - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module I with choice to answer any one Q III - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module II with choice to answer any one Q IV - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module III with choice to answer any one Q V - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module IV with choice to answer any one

University of Calicut

B. Tech.-Mechanical Engg.

Vidya Digital Library

ME04 803 : MECHATRONICS AND MACHINE CONTROLS 3 hours lecture & 1hour tutorial per week Objective To impart knowledge on fundamentals of mechatronics,control system theory,pneumatic and hydraulic systems Module I (15 hours) Introduction-Multidisciplinary scenario-Evolution of mechatronics- Scope of mechatronics-the mechatronics approach-sensors and transducers-signal conditioning-elements used in signal conditiomngthe operation amplifiers-comparators-amplifiefs-errors-protecting circuits-signal filtering-Data presentation systems-analogue and digital meters-chart recorders-galvanometric and potentiometric recorders-visual display Units-printers-liquid crystal displays-alarm indicators-data acquisition systems Module II (12 hours) Control systems- principles of automatic control- open and closed loop system servomechaiasms-process controls and regulators- transfer function-block diagram representation and signal flow graphsmathematical modeling of mechanical and electrical systems- transfer function of simple systems- time domain analysis of control systems- steady state response-steady state error-error coefficients-stability of control systems-concept of stability -methods of determining stability of linear control systems-Routh Hurwitz Criterion. Module 111(15 hours) Actuators-linearactuators-construction-cylinderdynamics-seals-rotary actuators-constructional detailsapplication of actuators- speed control- actuator synchronizing -regeneration-counterbalance and dynamic braking- pilot operated check valves- process control pneumatics-. signals and standards- the flapper nozzle- volume boooster- the air relay and force balance principle-pneumatic controllers- flow control valves-actuators- valve positioners- converters- I-P converters-sequencing application-principles of fluid logic control-Coanda effect-basic fluidic devices-bistable flip flop-or/nor gates-exclusive or -Module IV (12 hours) Hydraulic pumps and pressure regulation- pump types- loading valves- filters- air compressors-air treatmeat and pressure regulation-control valves-graphic symbols-types of control valves-poppet valvesspool valves- rotary valves- pilot operated valves- check valves- pilot operated and restriction type valveshuttle and fast exhaust valves- sequence valves-time delay valves- servo valves modular and cartridge valves. Text books 1. W Bolton; 'Mechatronics'; Pearson Education third Edition 2004 2. Andrew Paar; 'Hydraulics and Pneumatics' ;Jaico Publishing house Mumbai 3. Kuo; 'Automatic Control Systems'; Asian Student Edition; Printice Hall of India Reference 1 -Nitaigour Premehand Mahalik, Mechatronics, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishers;New Delhi 2. Anthony Esposito; 'fluid power'; Pearson Education

Sessional work assessment: 2 Assignments 2 Tests (2 15) Regularity Total

= 15 = 30 = 05 = 50

marks marks marks marks

University examination pattern Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module Q II - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module I with choice to answer any one Q III - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module II with choice to answer any one Q IV - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module III with choice to answer any one Q V - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module IV with choice to answer any one

University of Calicut

B. Tech.-Mechanical Engg.

Vidya Digital Library

ME04 804A : INDUSTRIAL TRIBOLOGY 3 hours lecture & 1hour tutorial per week Objective To impart knowledge on theory of lubrication, Finite journal and thrust bearings ,Hydrodynamic gas bearing and theory of Friction and wear Module I ( 13 Hours ) Introduction viscosity and its temperature dependents models of visco elastic materials Navier Stokes equations derivation of Reynolds equation from Navier Stokes equation one dimensional journal bearing infinitely long bearing infinitely short bearing - one dimensional thrust bearing. Module II ( 13 Hours ) Finite journal and thrust bearings journal bearing work axial and circumferential feeding journal bearing solutions centrally loaded partial bearings axial groove bearings non circular bearings finite thrust bearings step bearings. Module III ( 13 Hours ) Hydrodynamic gas bearing general equations limiting characteristics infinitely long slider bearings parallel, plane, inclined, slider, step slider finite slider bearings infinitely long journal bearings journal bearings with inertia considered journal bearings with inertia neglected finite journal bearings perturbation and numerical solutions. Module IV ( 13 Hours ) Friction and wear mixed friction theory of sliding friction boundary friction extreme pressure lubrications surface layer extreme pressure additives thick boundary film thickness scuffing boundary friction stick slip- wear- adhesive wear mild and sever wear abrasive wear fatigue and corrosive wear- delaminations measurement of friction and wear. References 1. B C Majumdar, Introductin to Tribology, A H Wheeler, Bangalore. 2. Pinkus and Sternilincht, Theory of hydrodynamic lubrication, John Wiley and Son, Newyork 3. D F Moore, Principle and Application of Tribology, Pergamon Press, Newyork 4. E Rabinnowizc, Friction & Wear of Metals , John Wiley & Sons , Newyork 5. K L Johnson, Contact Mechanics . Cambridge University Press. 6. T R Thomas, Rough Surfaces, Longman Inc. Sessional work assessment: 2 Assignments = 15 marks = 30 marks 2 Tests (2 15) Regularity = 05 marks Total = 50 marks University examination pattern Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module Q II - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module I with choice to answer any one Q III - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module II with choice to answer any one Q IV - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module III with choice to answer any one Q V - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module IV with choice to answer any one

University of Calicut

B. Tech.-Mechanical Engg.

Vidya Digital Library


3 hours lecture & 1hour tutorial per week Objective To provide knowledge on basic concepts of maintenance, vibration monitoring ,non destructive testing and concepts of reliability MODULE I (12 Hours) Basic concepts : Purpose and functions of maintenance- types of maintenance- condition monitoringprinciples and methods-Performance trend monitoring. MODULE II (15 Hours ) Vibration monitoring and Analysis: Machine Signature-Transducer selection- Vibration analysis proximity analysis frequency analysis spectral analysis real time analysis vibration limits vibration severity criteria vibration severity charts Condition monitoring of ball and roller bearings : vibration signature analysis. _ Shock Pulse Method. MODULE III (13 Hours ) Contaminant Monitoring : Ferrography spectral oil analysis procedure non destructive testing : liquid penetrant testing radio graphic inspection ultra sonic testing acoustic emission. corrosion monitoring resistance techniques Other probe techniques-analytical techniques. MODULE IV (14 Hours ) Reliability: Basic concepts reliability , maintainability and availability failure rate mean time between failures system reliability reliability of series and parallel systems reliability estimation using exponential distribution function. Text book 1. L.S.Sreenath, Vibration spectrum analysis A practical approach: Steve Goldman Industrial Press Inc. 2. L S Srinath, Reliability Engineering, affiliated east West Press, New Delhi. Reference 1. R A Collacott, Mechanical Fault Diagnosis and condition monitoring, Chapman Hall, London 2. Practical Machinery Management for Process plants, Vol 2 3. Machinery Failure Analysis and Trouble shooting, Heinz P Bloch and Fred K Geitner- Gulf Publishing Co, Houston

Sessional work assessment: 2 Assignments = 15 marks = 30 marks 2 Tests (2 15) Regularity = 05 marks Total = 50 marks University examination pattern Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module Q II - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module I with choice to answer any one Q III - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module II with choice to answer any one Q IV - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module III with choice to answer any one Q V - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module IV with choice to answer any one

University of Calicut

B. Tech.-Mechanical Engg.

Vidya Digital Library

ME04 804C : COMPOSITE MATERIALS 3 hours lecture & 1hour tutorial per week Objective To provide knowledge on characteristics of composites, Manufacturing and testing methods, Machining aspects and Mechanical behaviour of composites Module I (15 hours) Introductin to composites natural composites (examples)- characteristics classifications fibrous, flake, particulate composities, applications of PMC, CMC and MMC.

Module II (15 hours) Manufacturing and testing methods production of various fibres matrix materials and surface treatments fabrication of composites fabrication of thermosetting resin matrix composites fabrication of thermoplastic resin matrix composites/ short fibre composites fabrication of metal matrix composites fabrication of ceramic matrix composites carbon-carbon composites. Module III (15 hours) Machining aspects of composites experimental characterization of composites uniaxial tension compression and shear tests determination of interlaminar and fracture toughness damage identification through nondestrcuctive evaluation techniques - ultra sonic, acoustic emission and X-radiography. Module IV (13 hours) Mechanical behaviour of UD composites longitudinal strength and stiffness transverse strength and stiffness failure modes analysis of laminated composites strain-stress variation in a laminate special laminates symmetric laminates, unidirectional, cross-ply and angle-ply laminates Quasi-isotropic laminates. Determination of laminae stresses and strains. References 1. Agarwal B D & Broutman L J, Analysis and Performance of Fiber Composites, John Wiley International. 2. Gibson R F, Principle of Composite Material Mechanics, McGraw Hill 3. Schwartz M M, Composite Materials Handbook, McGraw Hill. Inc. 4. Jones R M, Mechanics of Composite Materials, McGraw Hill. Inc 5. Tsai S W, Introduction to Composite Materials, Technomic Publishing Company. Sessional work assessment: 2 Assignments 2 Tests (2 15) Regularity Total

= 15 = 30 = 05 = 50

marks marks marks marks

University examination pattern Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module Q II - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module I with choice to answer any one Q III - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module II with choice to answer any one Q IV - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module III with choice to answer any one Q V - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module IV with choice to answer any one

University of Calicut

B. Tech.-Mechanical Engg.

Vidya Digital Library

ME04 804 D: HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM DESIGN 3 hours lecture & 1hour tutorial per week Objective To impart knowledge on Principles of refrigeration, Cooling and heating load calculation ,Design of air conditioning system and selected systems in comfort engineering Module 1 Principles of refrigeration and psychrometry. Psychrometric properties and processes. Air conditioning systems and its applications Psychrometric chart- various process-sensible cooling and heating-adeabate saturation- use &absorbent or adsorbent - Heating and humidification - cooling and dehumidification - mixing of air streams - use of psychrometric chart for air conditioning - various process - S.H.F, G..S.H.F, E.S.H.F Etc. Module 2 Cooling and heating load calculation - selection of design temperatures - sources of heat loadheat transfer through structures - solar radiation - Infilteration and ventilation- Heat generation inside the conditioned space - heat storage, Diversity and stratification. Module 3 Design of air conditioning system. Continuty equation, Bernoullis equation, pressure losses, Duct design - pressure drop in ducts, pressure drop by graphical method- method of duct design- Arrangements of ducts, fan design, thermal insulation Module 4 Heating systems-warm air systems-hot water systems steam heating systems-panel and central heating systems-heat pump circuit. Applications- comfort air conditioning-effective temperature-thermal analysis of human body- Air conditioning systems- evaporate cooling- low humidity applications Automobile and Train car air conditioning. Reference Books 1. C.P. Arora - Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. 2. Manohar Prasad - Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. 3. W.P. Jones - Air conditioning Engineering 4. Carriers Handbook system design of Air Conditioning 5. Refrigeration and Air conditioning - Richard. G. Jordan and Gayle B Priester. Sessional work assessment: 2 Assignments 2 Tests (2 15) Regularity Total

= 15 = 30 = 05 = 50

marks marks marks marks

University examination pattern Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module Q II - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module I with choice to answer any one Q III - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module II with choice to answer any one Q IV - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module III with choice to answer any one Q V - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module IV with choice to answer any one

University of Calicut

B. Tech.-Mechanical Engg.

Vidya Digital Library

ME04 804E: AEROSPACE ENGINEERING 3 hours lecture & 1hour tutorial per week Objective To impart knowledge equations of fluid flow,flow past cylindersand aerofoil theory Module I ( 10 hours) Equations for incompressible in viscid flows, fluid circulation and rotation, vorticity, Kelvins theorem, velocity potential, stream function, equation of a stream line, complex potential, Blasius theorem for force and moment on bodies, elementary flow patterns and their superposition. Module II (10 hours) Flow past a cylinder, Magnus effect, Kutta condition, Vortex theory of lift, conformal transformation, the Jowkowski transformation, lift on arbitrary cylinder, aerodynamic center, pitching moment. Module III (10 hours) Aerofoild, low speed flows over aerofoils the vortex sheet, thin aerofoil theory, symmetric aerofoil, tear drop theory, Camber line at zero angle of attack, characteristics of thin aero foils, motion in three dimensions, flow past slender bodies. Module IV (10 hours) Finite wings, downwash and induced drag, Prandtl-Lachester theory, Biot-Savarat law, general series solution, Glauret method, Multhops method, Horseshoe effects, ground effects, lineraised compressible flows in two dimensions, flow past a wavy wall, similarity rules, aerofoil in compressible flows. Text Book. 1. John D Anderson Jr., Fundamentals of Aerodynamics , McGraw Hill

References 1. 2. 3. 4. Kuethe and Chow, Foundations of aerodynamics Wiley 1976 Katz and plotkin, Low speed aerodynamics, McGraw Hill 1990 Milne Thomson L M, Theoretical hydrodynamics, Mc Millen 1958 E L Houghton and A E Brock, Aerodynamics for engineering students, Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd.

Sessional work assessment: 2 Assignments 2 Tests (2 15) Regularity Total

= 15 = 30 = 05 = 50

marks marks marks marks

University examination pattern Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module Q II - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module I with choice to answer any one Q III - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module II with choice to answer any one Q IV - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module III with choice to answer any one Q V - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module IV with choice to answer any one

University of Calicut


B. Tech.-Mechanical Engg.

Vidya Digital Library

ME04 804F : FRACTURE MECHANICS 3 hours lecture & 1hour tutorial per week Objective To impart knowledge on fracture mechanics,crack tip plasticity, Elastic Plastic Fracture Mechanics ,Fatigue crack growth and application of fracture mechanics concept to design Module I (12 hours) Introduction: Introduction to conventional approach and fracture mechanics significance of defects in materials brittle fracture experienced in the past the effect of crack in a components mechanism of fracture and crack growth Griffiths energy balance approach the three modes of cracking initiation, propagation & closure of cracks. Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) : Expressions for stresses and strains in the crack tip region stress intensity factor (SIF) strain energy release rate critical stress intensity factor principle of superposition SIF solutions for practical problems such as wedged loads on cracked surface, edge cracks, fully embedded elliptical cracks. Module II (13 hours) Crack tip plasticity: the shape of plastic zone plastic zone shape and size for Mises yield criterion and Tresca yield criterion Irwin plastic zone correction the Dugdale approach effective crack length. Energy principle: Griffiths energy balance approach energy release rate criterion for crack growth crack resistance R curve. Dynamics and crack arrest : Crack speed and kinetic energy dynamic stress intensity and elastic energy release rate dynamic fracture toughness crack branching crack arrest. Module III (14 hours) Elastic Plastic Fracture Mechanics (EPFM) : Fracture beyond general yield crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) determination and use of CTOD critical CTOD J integral tearing modulus relation between J integral and CTOD. Fatigue crack growth: Fatigue cracking criteria crack growth and stress intensity factor factors affecting crack growth variable amplitude service loading small cracks fracture resistance of materials effect of temperature, alloying, processing and anisotropy in the fracture resistance of materials. Module IV (13 hours) Application of fracture mechanics concept to design: Means to provide fail safety and damage tolerance required information for fracture mechanics application and collection of available information application to pressure vessel and pipelines Leak before break criterion material selection use of fatigue crack growth parameters and its application to design. Practical problems: Through cracks emanating from holes corner cracks at homes cracks approaching holes fracture toughness of weldments service failure analysis. Text Book 1. Broek D. Elementary engineering fracture mechanics, Sijthoff & Noordhoff International publishers. References: 1. Hellan K, Introduction to fracture mechanics, McGraw Hill Book company 2. Prashant Kumar, Elements of fracture mechanics, Wheeler publishing 3. Edwalds H L & Wanhill RJH, Fracture mechanics, Edward Arnold Edition. Sessional work assessment: 2 Assignments = 15 marks = 30 marks 2 Tests (2 15) Regularity = 05 marks Total = 50 marks University examination pattern Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module Q II - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module I with choice to answer any one Q III - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module II with choice to answer any one Q IV - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module III with choice to answer any one

University of Calicut


B. Tech.-Mechanical Engg.

Vidya Digital Library

Q V - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module IV with choice to answer any one ME04 805A : OPTIMISATION TECHNIQUES 3 hours lecture and 1 hour tutorial per week Objective To impart knowledge on Linear programming ,Nonlinear programming Dynamic programming and game theory Module I: Linear programming I (13 hours) Systems of linear equations and inequalities - convex sets - convex functions - formulation of linear programming problems - theory of simplex method - simplex algorithm - Charnes M method - two phase method - duality in linear programming - dual simplex method Module II: Linear programming II (13 hours) Sensitivity analysis - parametric programming - bounded variable problems - transportation problem development of the method - integrality property - degeneracy - unbalanced problems - assignment problem - development of the Hungarian method - routing problems Module III: Nonlinear programming (13 hours) Mathematical preliminaries of non-linear programming - gradient and Hessian - unimodal functions convex and concave functions - role of convexity - unconstrained optimization - Fibonacci search - golden section search - optimal gradient method - classical optimisation - Lagrange multiplier method - KuhnTucker conditions - quadratic programming - separable convex programming - Frank and Wolfe method Module IV: Dynamic programming & game theory (13 hours) Nature of dynamic programming problem - Bellmans optimality principle - cargo loading problem replacement problems - multistage production planning and allocation problems - rectangular games - two person zero sum games - pure and mixed strategies - 2m and m2 games - relation between theory of games and linear programming Reference books 1. Bazarra M.S., Jarvis J.J. & Sherali H.D., Linear Programming and Network Problems', John Wiley 2. Bazarra M.S., Sherali H.D. & Shetty C.M., Nonlinear Programming, Theory and Algorithms', John Wiley 3. Hadley G., Linear Programming', Addison Wesley 4. Hillier F.S. & Lieberman G.J. Introduction to Operations Research', McGraw Hill 5. Ravindran A., Phillips D.T. & Solberg J.J., Operations Research Principles and Practice, John Wiley 6. Taha H.A., Operations Research, An introduction, P.H.I. 7. Wagner H.M., Principles of Operations Research with Application to Managerial Decisions', P.H.I. Sessional work assessment: 2 Assignments = 15 marks = 30 marks 2 Tests (2 15) Regularity = 05 marks Total = 50 marks University examination pattern Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module Q II - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module I with choice to answer any one Q III - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module II with choice to answer any one Q IV - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module III with choice to answer any one Q V - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module IV with choice to answer any one

University of Calicut


B. Tech.-Mechanical Engg.

Vidya Digital Library

ME04 805B : MARKETING MANAGEMENT 3 hours lecture & 1hour tutorial per week Objective To impart knowledge on fundamentals of marketing, Marketing environment Market Oriented strategic planning, Marketing research and Marketing communications Module I ( 12hours) Introduction to marketing : Defining marketing for the twenty first century, marketing scope, tasks, concept of market and marketing, company orientations towards the market place production , product, selling, marketing, customer and societal marketing concepts. Marketing environment : Controllable factors, identifying and responding to the major macro environment uncontrollable factors demographic, economic, natural technological, political- legal and social cultural environment. Module II ( 12 hours) Market Oriented strategic planning key areas, organizational levels, corporate and division strategic planning corporate mission, strategic business units, The Boston consulting group approach, The general electric model, Planning new businesses Growth Intensive, integrative, diversification, Marketing mix variables, marketing-mix strategy. Market-segmentation levels, patterns, procedure, effectiveness. Market targeting Evaluation, target market selection. Module III ( 14 hours) Marketing research Need, scope Marketing research process. Consumer behaviour factors influencing buyer behaviour Cultural, social personal, psychological factors. Defining customer value and satisfaction. Product life cycles marketing strategies for different stages of product life cycle. Module IV ( hours) Marketing communications process developing effective communications Identification of the target audience, determination of communication objectives, Designing the message, select the communication channels, establishing the total marketing communications budget Deciding on the marketing communications mix promotional tools an over view advertising, sales promotion, public relations and publicity, sales force and direct marketing- developing and managing an advertising program setting objectives, deciding budget, choosing message an overview on measuring effectiveness of a media sales promotion purpose, major decisions. Text Book Kotler P Marketing Management 11th Edition Pearson Eductation (Singapore) Pvt Ltd, New Delhi (2004) References 1. Ramaswamy V S & Namkumari S Marketing Management Mc Millan India Ltd New Delhi (1997). 2. Saxena Marketing Management 2nd Edition Tata Mc Graw Hill (2002). Sessional work assessment: 2 Assignments = 15 marks = 30 marks 2 Tests (2 15) Regularity = 05 marks Total = 50 marks 1. University examination pattern Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module Q II - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module I with choice to answer any one Q III - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module II with choice to answer any one Q IV - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module III with choice to answer any one Q V - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module IV with choice to answer any one

University of Calicut


B. Tech.-Mechanical Engg.

Vidya Digital Library

ME04 805C : MANUFACTURING PROCESS OF NON-METALS 3 hours lecture & 1hour tutorial per week Objective To provide knowledge on structure properties processing and applications of selected Ceramics, and Polymers Module I Ceramics - structure and properties (13 hours) Introduction: definition - classification - crystal structures - AX, AmXp & AmBnXp type crystal structures - crystal structures from close packing - density computations - silicate ceramics - silica - silica glasses simple silicates - layered silicates - carbon: diamond - graphite - fullerenes - crystal imperfections: point defects - impurities - phase diagrams: alumina-chromia - alumina-silica systems - mechanical properties: hardness - brittle fracture - flexural strength - influence of porosity - mechanisms of plastic deformation Module II Ceramics - applications and processing (12 hours) Glass: properties - forming - heat treatment - glass ceramics - clay: characteristics - compositions fabrication techniques - hydroplastic forming - slip casting - firing - refractories: fire-clay - silica - basic and special refractories - powder pressing - tape casting - advanced applications: heat engine - ceramic armor - electronic packaging Module III Polymers - structure and properties (14 hours) Introduction - hydrocarbon molecules polymer molecules - chemistry - molecular weight - molecular shape - molecular structure - linear - branched - cross-linked and network polymers - molecular configurations stereo isomerism - copolymers - polymer crystallinity - polymer crystals - thermo-mechanical characteristics - stress-strain behavior - deformation of semicrystalline polymers - mechanism microscopic deformation - crystallisation - melting - glass transition - thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers - visco-elasticity - visco-elastic relaxation modulus - creep - deformation of elastomers - fracture of polymers - impact strength - fatigue - tear strength and hardness Module IV Polymers - applications and processing (13 hours) Polymerization - addition - condensation - polymer additives - fillers - plasticisers - stabilisers - colorants flame retardants - plastics - types, characteristics and applications - forming techniques - compression molding - transfer molding - injection molding - extrusion - blow molding - casting - elastomers vulcanization - types, characteristics and applications - fibres - characteristics and applications - forming techniques - spinning - drawing - polymeric coatings - adhesives - films & foams - ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene - liquid crystal polymers - thermoplastic elastomers Text book Callister Jr., William D., Materials Science and Engineering - An Introduction, John Wiley & Sons Reference books Schey & John A, Introduction to Manufacturing Processes, McGraw Hill Intl. Lindberg & Roy A, Processes and Materials of Manufacture, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd. DeGarmo E Paul, Black JT, Kohser & Ronald A., Materials and Processes in Manufacturing, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd. Budinski & Kenneth G., Engineering Materials-Properties and Selection, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. Sessional work assessment: 2 Assignments = 15 marks = 30 marks 2 Tests (2 15) Regularity = 05 marks Total = 50 marks University examination pattern Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module Q II - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module I with choice to answer any one Q III - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module II with choice to answer any one Q IV - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module III with choice to answer any one Q V - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module IV with choice to answer any one

University of Calicut


B. Tech.-Mechanical Engg.

Vidya Digital Library

ME04 805D : COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS 3 hours lecture & 1hour tutorial per week Objective To impart knowledge on Classification of partial differential equations, Parabolic partial differential equations Elliptic equations and Scalar representation of the Navier - Stokes equations Module I (12 hours) Classification of partial differential equations - system of first and second-order partial differential equations - initial and boundary conditions - finite difference formulations - finite difference equations finite difference approximation of mixed partial derivatives Module II (12 hours) Parabolic partial differential equations - explicit methods - implicit methods - parabolic equations in twospace dimensions - consistency, stability, and error analysis of finite difference equations - artificial viscosity Module III (12 hours) Elliptic equations - finite difference formulations - solution algorithms - hyperbolic equations - finite difference formulations -splitting methods - multiple-step method Module IV (16 hours) Scalar representation of the Navier - Stokes equations - model equations - numerical algorithms incompressible Navier - Stokes equations - primitive variable and vorticity - stream function formulations Poisson equation for pressure - numerical algorithms - boundary conditions - staggered grid Text book Hoffmann Klaus A., "Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineers - Volume I, Engineering Education System, Wichita Reference books Patankar Suhas V., Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Taylor & Francis Fletcher C.A.J., Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics I, Springer Verlag Anderson Dale A., Tannehill John C. & Pletcher Richard H., Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Taylor & Francis Sessional work assessment: 2 Assignments = 15 marks = 30 marks 2 Tests (2 15) Regularity = 05 marks Total = 50 marks University examination pattern Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module Q II - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module I with choice to answer any one Q III - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module II with choice to answer any one Q IV - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module III with choice to answer any one Q V - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module IV with choice to answer any one

University of Calicut


B. Tech.-Mechanical Engg.

Vidya Digital Library

ME04 805E : AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING 3 hours lecture & 1hour tutorial per week Objective To provide knowledge on Constructional Details ,Fuel systems, Transmission and Suspension systems of automobiles, Engine troubles and Safety systems Module I (12 hours) Constructional Details: Introduction, classification of vehicle Automobile component details engine parts cylinder- head cylinder block, piston different types of piston rings, connecting rod crank shaft, crank shaft bearings, valve actuating mechanism. Module II (14 hours) Fuel systems: Fuel pump, fuel filter Types of carburetor simple carburetor modern carburetors, petrol injection MPFI, DI, CRDI fuel pump and injectors for diesel engines. Ignition system : Classification, battery ignition, electronic ignition ignition coil, distributor, spark plug, starter mechanism solenoid switch over running clutch. Cooling system: Radiator, methods of cooling coolant types. Lubrication systems: Pressurized systems, grading of lubricating oil (SAE specification), oil filler, oil pump. Module III (14 hours) Transmission: Clutch- single and multi plate clutches, centrifugal clutch, fixed couplings Gear box: Synchromesh gear box, propeller shaft, differential, Axles, semi floating, floating, full floating, front wheel drives, four wheel drives, over drives. Brakes: Mechanical, hydraulic, vacuum and air brakes, independent and diagonal system. Steering mechanism geometry, steering gears, worm and wheel, rack and pinion, screw and nut recirculating ball, power assisted steering, steering geometry caster, camber, toe-in, toe-out, king pin inclination. Module IV (12 hours) Suspension: Independent suspension, strut, coil springs, shock absorber, torsion bar, independent rear suspension isolated trailing link (ITL), air suspension systems. Types of Wheels : Integrated rim, flat base rim alloy wheel, tyres aspect ratio, crossply, radial tyres, wheel balancing. Basic electric circuits : Battery charging, charging circuit, regulator. Engine troubles: Detection and rectification, maintenance, preventive, periodic. Air pollution control: Pollution norms standards and legislation Euro 3, emission control equipments and methods like, catalytic converter, canister, positive crank case ventilation (PCV), exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). Safety systems: Side impact bar, crumble zones, air bags, collasple steering column. References 1. Joseph Heitner Automotive Vehicles 2. Kirpal Singh- Automobile Engineering Vol. I&II.. 3. Narag, Automobile Engineering, Khanna Publishers 4. K.R. Govindan Automobile Engineering, Anuradha Agencies Publishers, 2004 Sessional work assessment: 2 Assignments 2 Tests (2 15) Regularity

= 15 = 30 = 05

marks marks marks

University of Calicut


B. Tech.-Mechanical Engg.

Vidya Digital Library


= 50


University examination pattern Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module Q II - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module I with choice to answer any one Q III - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module II with choice to answer any one Q IV - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module III with choice to answer any one Q V - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module IV with choice to answer any one

University of Calicut


B. Tech.-Mechanical Engg.

Vidya Digital Library

ME04 805F : DESIGN OF JIGS & FIXTURES 3 hours lecture & 1hour tutorial per week Objective To impart knowledge on design of clamping device and Fixtures for selected machine tools and drill jigs Module I (13 hours) Introduction to jigs and fixtures purpose of work holders principles of jigs and fixture design construction methods- materials used process planning typical operation layouts operator analysis cost analysis machine analysis examples of pre-design analysis principles of locating and positioning 3-2-1 principle method of location plane cylindrical button relieves pin- spherical radial - redundant nest locators extreme locations. Module II (13 hours) Design and methods of clamping device principles of clamping standard fixture components types of clamps screw strap swing hinge pinch wedge multiple (2 way) magnetic latch self locking pneumatic hydraulic SAFE clamps design considerations in work holder design and selection machine vices mandrals collets chucks worked examples. Module III (13 hours) Fixtures milling fixtures slot and keyway milling fixture fixture for milling flanges straddle milling fixture indexing fixture face milling fixture with equalizers profile milling fixture examples of design and drawing of milling fixture for machining simple components welding fixture turning fixture. Module IV (13 hours) Drill jig definition drill guide bushings jig feet and legs types of drill jigs template vice sandwitch - leaf box pump jigs - indexing jigs indexing table examples of design and drawing of drill jig for machining of simple components. Reference books 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. MHA Kempster , An Introduction to Jigs and Tool Design, ELBS. ASTMC, Fundamentals of Tool Design. Grant H E, Jigs and fixture Non-standard clamping device, Tata McGraw Hill Goroshkin A L , Jigs and Fixture, MIR Publishers Donald son, Tool Design, Tata McGraw Hill Colvin & Haas, Jigs and Fixture, McGraw Hill E G Hoffman, Jigs and Fixture Design, Delmer Publishers.

Sessional work assessment: 2 Assignments 2 Tests (2 15) Regularity Total

= 15 = 30 = 05 = 50

marks marks marks marks

University examination pattern Q I - 8 short type questions of 5 marks each, 2 from each module Q II - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module I with choice to answer any one Q III - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module II with choice to answer any one Q IV - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module III with choice to answer any one Q V - 2 questions A and B of 15marks each from module IV with choice to answer any one

University of Calicut


B. Tech.-Mechanical Engg.

Vidya Digital Library

ME04 806(P) : SEMINAR 3 hours lecture per week Individual students should be asked to choose a topic in any field of mechanical engineering, preferably from outside the B.Tech syllabus and give a seminar on that topic for about thirty minutes - a committee consisting of at least three faculty members (preferably specialised in different fields of mechanical engineering) should assess the 3 hours per week presentation of the seminars and award the marks to the students - each student should be asked to submit two copies of a write up of his seminar talk - one copy should be returned to the student after duly certifying it by the chairman of the assessment committee and the other kept in the departmental library Sessional work assessment Presentation Report Total marks = 30 = 20 = 50

ME04 807(P) : PROJECT WORK 7 hours lecture per week The project work started in the seventh semester will continue in this semester - the students should complete the project work in this semester and present it before the assessment committee The assessment committee as constituted in the seventh semester, will assess the various projects, fix the relative grading and group average marks - the guides will award the marks for the individual students in a project maintaining the group average - each group will submit the copies of the completed project report signed by the guide (in the format prescribed by the department) to the department - the head of the department will certify the copies and return them to the students - one copy will be kept in the departmental library Sessional work assessment Presentation = 60 Report = 40 Total marks = 100

University of Calicut


B. Tech.-Mechanical Engg.

Vidya Digital Library

ME04 808(P) : VIVA VOCE There is only university examination for this - the university will appoint examiners for conducting the viva voce examination - the examiners will ask questions from subjects studied for the B.Tech. course, mini project, project and seminar reports of the student The relative weightage of questions shall be as follows. Subjects Mini project Project Seminar Total marks : 30 : 20 : 30 : 20 : 100

University of Calicut


B. Tech.-Mechanical Engg.

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