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An Efficient, Full Stack Protocol for Body Area Mesh


Ramakrishnan Menon
Jan M. Rabaey, Ed.
Ali Moin, Ed.

Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

University of California at Berkeley

Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2018-22


May 1, 2018
Copyright © 2018, by the author(s).
All rights reserved.

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An Efficient, Full Stack Protocol for Body Area Mesh Networks

Ramakrishnan S. Menon
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of California, Berkeley
Professor Jan Rabaey, Chair

In anticipation of a new wave of continuous monitoring of the body and future hu-
man machine interfaces, research on Body Area Networks is becoming increasingly
relevant. If on-body applications are to become ubiquitous, they must overcome chal-
lenges involving energy sparsity, security, and performance. Currently, IEEE 802.15.6
remains the only established standard designed with Body Area Networks in mind.
The standard however caters towards data aggregation and does not fully address
the range of applications that require reliable, low energy networking on the body.
The Human Intranet takes a di↵erent approach and seeks to solve many of these
challenges by providing a local, distributed network that can handle the processing
and storage needs of sensors and actuators. In this report we explore an alternative
protocol aligned with the vision of the Human Intranet. Specifically, we prototype a
mesh network with o↵ the shelf radios to evaluate the efficiency and reliability of a
CSMA MAC layer and controlled flooding routing layer. We characterize the proto-
type network at the link level and benchmark the protocol at the network level for
reliability and network lifetime. We find that CSMA based protocols can o↵er similar
performance to TDMA based protocols under heavy traffic at higher power levels.
A more realistic traffic pattern modeled after a potential Human Intranet use case
reveals that the protocol can be reliable even at the lowest power levels in both static
and dynamic environments.


First I would like to thank Professor Rabaey for the opportunity to work on such
varied and forward looking projects during my time at the BWRC. They have helped
to spark my imagination and renew my excitement for the field. I would also like
thank Ali Moin for his advice and help throughout this research project. He lent a
helping hand in all aspects of the project, from the lab work to the report. Finally,
I thank my parents for their guidance and support throughout my undergrad and
graduate career here at Berkeley. I am grateful for all the e↵ort they have put into
providing me with an education second to none.


1 Introduction 1

2 Background 4
2.1 Body Area Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Network Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3 Protocol Considerations 10
3.1 MAC Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.2 Routing Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4 Prototype Implementation 14
4.1 Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.2 Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.3 Debugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

5 Testing 21
5.1 Power Baseline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.2 Link Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.2.1 Channel Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5.2.2 Multihop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.3 Network Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.3.1 Comparison to Network Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.3.2 Realistic Human Intranet Traffic Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

6 Conclusion 31

Bibliography 33

List of Figures

1-1 Placement of Hubs and Nodes on the Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2-1 Illustration of Fully and Partial Mesh Topologies . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2-2 Illustration of Regular and Multihop Star Topologies . . . . . . . . . 8

3-1 Two nodes participating in a TDMA network . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3-2 Two nodes participating in a CSMA network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4-1 Firmware Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

4-2 State Machine of MAC Task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4-3 State Machine of CSMA Routine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4-4 State Machine of Flooding Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4-5 LCD Debug Screen via UART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4-6 ROV View and Debug Window in Code Composer Studio . . . . . . 19

5-1 Keithley 2612 connected to SensorTag and operated by Test Script

over GPIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5-2 Power Consumption of CC2650 SensorTag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5-3 Placement of Hubs in Human Intranet Mesh Network . . . . . . . . . 24

List of Tables

5.1 Average RSSI of Packets Sent at 5 dBm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

5.2 Average RSSI of Packets Sent at 0 dBm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5.3 Average RSSI of Packets Sent at -9 dBm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5.4 Average RSSI of Packets Sent at -15 dBm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5.5 Average RSSI of Packets Sent at -21 dBm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5.6 Results of Multihop Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.7 PDRs from Round Robin 1 kBps Network Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.8 Parameters of Human Intranet Simulation [12, 9, 19] . . . . . . . . . 29
5.9 PDRs from Mock HI Network Test: Stationary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
5.10 PDRs from Mock HI Network Test: Active . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Chapter 1


The Human Intranet describes a future for the convergence of wearables and the
Internet of Things (IOT). It outlines a scalable, dynamic, and heterogeneous network
of sensors and actuators located on the human body which may also interact with
nearby external networks [22]. In contrast to the wearable and IOT implementations
of present, the Human Intranet o↵ers the promise of both a self-contained system and
seamless integration with other networks. With these features the Human Intranet
can act as an enabling framework for a whole host of new applications.
A canonical example of a currently untenable application is the portable and real-
time control of a neuroprosthesis. In a typical setup, EEG acquisition systems or
subdural implants record streams of neural data. The data stream undergoes a series
of computationally intensive steps to translate brain waves into control commands
for the prosthesis. The computation for data rich tasks like this often takes place
o↵-body on a nearby PC, or on bulky hardware housed in a backpack [11, 16]. The
Human Intranet remedies this situation by networking the existing hardware on the
body and providing a platform for distributed computation and storage. The more
efficient utilization of local hardware resources would result in more reasonable energy
costs and reduced latency.
Another compelling application of the Human Intranet involves enhanced func-
tionality during specific activities. Consider the case of endurance athletes training
for grueling events like the Tour de France, a 21 day stage race that covers more than

2000 miles by bicycle. On its own, HI could provide invaluable continuous data to
trainers and athletes about skin temperature, lactate levels, electrolyte loss, blood
oxygenation, or even the onset of illness [10]. When temporarily augmented by the
wireless network of sensors and actuators on a bike (GPS, cadence, power meters,
electronic shifting), HI could further enhance training in real time. Imagine that the
bike automatically changes gear to encourage higher cadence, or that the GPS could
reroute a rider on a training ride to prevent over-exhaustion or fatigue based on vitals
collected from a sweat sensor. This sort of integration between networks would enable
synergistic human-machine interactions in a number of scenarios.
Underpinning one potential implementation of the Human Intranet is a hybrid net-
work topology. The first topology is a star network that connects a series of ’nodes’ to
a proximal ’hub’. Since energy-sparsity is a major consideration for on-body applica-
tions, these nodes should be ultra-low power sensors that operate on harvested energy
or inductive coupling and backscattering much like current RFID technologies. The
hub would interrogate the sensor through intermittent polling rather than continuous
measurement, essentially adopting a master-slave access scheme that is best served by
a star topology. Recent developments show that in addition to the traditional array
of sensors (ECG, temperature, accelerometer, gyroscope), bio-impedance, oximetry,
and EMG sensors will soon be staples in on-body measurement and can operate in
these energy starved environments [19].
The second topology, which serves as the glue for this HI implementation, is a
series of hubs located around the body and configured as a mesh network. Hubs are
mainly distinguished from nodes by their greater energy availability and the ability
to store charge (by way of batteries). More concretely, the role of a hub may be
satisfied by multipurpose SOCs, sensor-actuators like a neuroprosthesis, or even a
less permanent fixture like a smartphone. Ultimately each of these hubs aggregates
data from its local sensor network and relays the information wirelessly around the
body as requested. In addition, the hubs can expose their nodes’ and their own
resources to the rest of the network to facilitate the distributed computation and
storage that is key to the Human Intranet vision.

Figure 1-1: Placement of Hubs and Nodes on the Body

In this thesis, we focus on the design and implementation of a prototype mesh net-
work and evaluate a potential protocol for low power Body Area Networks (BANs).
The following chapter explains relevant details pertaining to BANs and mesh networks
to understand prior work and the general constraints facing an HI implementation.
We then discuss the specific design considerations for layers 2 and 3 of the custom
protocol that we present. Next we outline the prototype architecture and steps in-
volved in the implementation. The test setup, procedures, and results are discussed
before the final chapter which concludes the report and notes directions for further

Chapter 2


2.1 Body Area Networks

The Human Intranet is first and foremost a Body Area Network. Accordingly, it must
be designed around a specific set of constraints not encountered in generic wireless
sensor networks (WSNs). Perhaps the most burdensome constraint is the lack of
available energy or ’energy sparsity’ on the body. A simple solution would involve
devices equipped with larger batteries. Real estate on the body, however, is at a
premium and to gain mass adoption the device and power source must take on a small
and unobtrusive form factor [9]. Additionally, these power sources must lengthen
lifetime as frequent recharging of devices will also hamper adoption [19]. Barring the
development of novel materials with higher charge density, energy harvesting is the
most promising way to extend battery lifetime.
While there is diversity in energy harvesting sources (solar energy, temperature
gradients, vibrations, and human propulsion are all viable) they are also terribly un-
predictable due to the dynamic conditions surrounding a human during a typical day.
Even assuming conditions based on a model of the average workday, the theoretical
upper limit on power harvesting is mildly optimistic. An array of the most common
energy harvesting devices, each occupying a square centimeter would produce a peak
of 3 mWh around noon [9]. Of that, about 2.5 mWh is unsurprisingly harvested so-
lar energy with the rest of the devices each contributing an order of magnitude less

Another unique design constraint for BANs comes in the form of significant path
loss. Path loss is the result of a number of e↵ects as an electromagnetic wave prop-
agates through space. The most basic e↵ect is expansion of the signal as it travels
a line-of-sight path through free space. In a less ideal environment, the atmosphere,
buildings, and other objects cause a signal to reflect and refract along its journey.
Multipath describes the e↵ect where a signal encounters these obstacles and recom-
bines either constructively or destructively with phase shifted and attenuated versions
of itself. Generally these e↵ects result in reduced signal strength at the receiver.
For BANs, the dramatic path loss is linked to absorption by the skin. A rough
estimate for the incremental power reduction in decibels, L, by moving d meters from
the source is given by the Log Distance Path Loss model [27].

L = 10n ⇤ log10 (d)

Where n is the path loss exponent (PLE). The path loss exponent for free space is
2, but estimates for a channel in a Body Area Network are around 3.4 [26]. If the
transmitting antenna is placed closer to the skin, the PLE can reach close to 4 [25].
Over a distance of a meter, a PLE of 3.4 equates to nearly a 40 dB loss in power at
the receiver [4]. Moving body parts like arms and legs add further complication to
the channel estimation. Ultimately, the body presents a poor and variable channel
for wireless communication.
Though we addressed the most pressing design tradeo↵s, a more comprehensive
set of constraints must be considered for a BAN design to be widely adopted. A BAN
typically has fewer nodes than a typical WSN, a↵ecting the redundancy and quality
of service of the network. The information being broadcast around the body must
also be secured from eavesdroppers and the devices impervious to hacking. And if the
emphasis on low power design was not underscored, limits on the Specific Absorption
Rate, energy dissipated into the skin, restrict power usage even if the energy were

Despite the various standards proposed to tackle the efficient design of WSNs
(Bluetooth, ZigBee, ANT), there is only one established standard for Body Area
Networks. The IEEE 802.15.6 specification for wireless BANs introduced in 2012
provides guidelines for the hardware, software, and deployment of a BAN. It also
addresses the secondary constraints we are ignoring for the purposes of this thesis.
The standard is intentionally broad and allows for a number of di↵erent configurations
but we will briefly discuss relevant characteristics of the default configuration.
The PHY or physical layer refers to the circuitry that facilitates the actual trans-
mission and reception of data over the air. At this level of design, decisions are made
about transmission frequencies, modulations, and power consumption. The standard
specifies an ultrawideband (UWB) PHY, meaning the device can transmit in the
3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz range albeit at restricted power levels. The use of this newly
released high frequency range is most likely to avoid interference with WiFi or Blue-
tooth. The UWB PHY should also be capable of datarates between 487.5 kbps and
15 Mbps using on-o↵ keying. Also of note is a mechanism for Clear Channel Assess-
ment (CCA). CCA indicates whether the channel is occupied by other devices. This
is usually achieved by measuring the amount of energy in a certain frequency band
or by detecting packets using the same modulation scheme specified in the standard.
The Medium Access Control (MAC) layer coordinates access to the channel among
the nodes to prevent them from talking over each other. The 802.15.6 standard
coordinates nodes through beacon periods or what is essentially time synchronization.
As the network starts up, a central node lets other devices join and ensures that
they are synchronized to the same clock. Once all the nodes in the network are
synchronized, they are assigned one of many frames (time slots) within a beacon
period. Only the node assigned to that frame can transmit packets during that time
while all others go to standby. The standard also describes a channel hopping scheme
for added reliability.
The network itself takes on a star topology. At the center is the network coordi-
nator or ’hub’. ’Nodes,’ which lie at the periphery of the network, only talk directly
to the hub. If a node needs to pass data to another node, the hub acts as a gateway

between the two. However, the primary purpose of a sensor network like this is data
aggregation and a star topology makes intuitive sense. Data is collected from all
the nodes to a central location and transmitted to the cloud or some other o↵-body
computation resource through a single access point [1].

2.2 Network Topology

As mentioned earlier, a mesh network forms the backbone of the Human Intranet.
The mesh topology carries with it unique implications on both the physical placement
and logical function of network components. These implications make mesh networks
well suited to a number of real world applications such as city-wide wifi, factory
operations monitoring, and customer tracking in retail stores [5, 20]. We passed over
the star topology used in the IEEE 15.6 standard in favor of a mesh to facilitate our
overall goals for the Human Intranet; distributed computing, robust networking, and
low energy consumption.
In a typical mesh network, node placement can be dynamic and relatively un-
structured. A node may be in range of one or more neighbors and can route data to
any of its neighbors. Logically a mesh network may be ’full’ or ’partial’ where the
former is achieved only if each node maintains a direct link with every other node.
For practical reasons, a partial mesh is implemented in a majority of applications.

Figure 2-1: Illustration of Fully and Partial Mesh Topologies

A star network on the other hand adheres to a stricter hierarchical node placement
where leaf nodes are placed radially around the central node. Logically only the
central node acts as a router. Each leaf node communicates solely with the central
node regardless of physical proximity to other nodes in the network. Typical use cases

include wired Ethernet networks, WiFi, and Bluetooth.

Figure 2-2: Illustration of Regular and Multihop Star Topologies

Unlike most WSNs where the primary function of the network is data aggregation,
the Human Intranet is geared towards data processing and sharing. This translates
into an emphasis on point to point connections rather than source to sink connections.
As such the flat, non-hierarchical structure of a mesh topology where nodes have
multiple neighbors suits the purpose of the Human Intranet far better than a star
A mesh topology also outperforms a star topology in the HI context with regard to
robustness. A robust network can continue to perform basic functions despite a few
individual link or node failures. In practice, robustness is achieved through a com-
bination of redundancy and resiliency. As the partial mesh in Figure 2-1 illustrates,
there are redundant paths between each node. Most routing schemes can make use of
the redundancy in a mesh network to bypass individual link or node failures. Further-
more, a decentralized mesh network protocol can also prevent any one node failure
from having an outsized e↵ect on overall network functionality. In a mesh topology
this would involve nodes collaborating locally to quickly determine new routes. A
star topology however does not benefit from the same robustness due to its two-tier
hierarchy. Although a star network can sustain multiple leaf node failures, there is
no redundancy for the central node since it mediates all communication.
A mesh topology is also better suited to implement multihop routing. Multihop
refers to the use of one or more intermediate nodes as relays between two distant
nodes rather than establishing a direct link between them. While the primary benefit
of multihop in the HI context is energy savings, implementing multihop routing in
a mesh network also enables design tradeo↵s between transmission power, network

range, and throughput.
A multihop network has the potential to reduce power consumption among all the
nodes in the system. Since the path loss to distance relationship is superlinear, short-
ening the distance between hops theoretically leads to overall savings in transmission
power. Only the reception power of the device limits the number of hops until the
technique no longer yields an advantage [23]. When applied to a star network, the
same principle works although with certain complications. While multihop reduces
overall network power, in a star topology the central hub becomes a power hot spot
[4] and can adversely a↵ect network lifetime. In fact a study [4] on multihop and
single-hop star networks found that relaying could resolve the increased energy bur-
den closer to the central node. In other words, the strict star topology was broken to
resemble a mesh network.
A multihop network may also be optimized for maximum network coverage. In a
typical urban mesh network, using longer hops at high power can improve SNR and
channel capacity [8]. For BANs, a multihop route with shorter, low power hops can
connect non line-of-sight nodes which may be placed on opposite sides of the body.
One disadvantage to increasing the number of hops on a route is the increase
of latency and decrease in throughput. For each additional node in the route, the
packet must be decoded and coded. The node may also need to process the packet
to determine the next hop in the route. A multihop star network also introduces
unnecessary latency through its tree-like hierarchy. Nodes that may be physically
proximate must travel several hops back and forth through the hub to communicate.
Certain links may also be shared by several multihop routes. This can lead to a
decrease in the e↵ective throughput for each route.

Chapter 3

Protocol Considerations

With the background above, we have the basis to make informed design decisions
about the rest of the protocol. The goals as ever remain increasing network lifetime,
maintaining robustness, and enabling the distributed nature of the Human Intranet.
With the network topology set, the two remaining decisions involve the MAC layer
and Routing layer. We know that the path loss in BANs makes transmissions costly
and certain links unreliable. The multihop mesh topology also requires a routing
strategy that can make use of all available routes.

3.1 MAC Layer

The MAC layer logically sits on top of the PHY and assumes reliable methods for
sending and receiving raw bits. The next challenge involves establishing the logic that
nodes within the network will use to arbitrate control of the medium. Design decisions
made in the MAC layer can also have a significant impact on the energy consump-
tion of the device and the latency. One concrete way to reduce energy consumption
involves preventing collisions. Collisions occur when multiple nodes transmit simul-
taneously and result in the reception of garbled packets. Another typical energy
reduction method involves minimizing the time spent listening in favor of waiting in
standby. However because this protocol is intended for efficient wake-up style devices
that can listen without penalty [15], we focus instead on minimizing collisions and

transmissions. There are two main approaches to the MAC layer in BANs; Time
Division Multiple Access (TDMA) and Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA).

Figure 3-1: Two nodes participating in a TDMA network

In the most basic TDMA setup, each node is allocated a time slot in which it
can transmit data. When a node is not transmitting it listens to the medium during
specific time intervals to receive packets. Before the devices in the network can
participate in this timely manner, they must follow a synchronization and scheduling
process. The most basic TDMA network has a single device that acts as a coordinator.
As the coordinator discovers devices, it must accommodate them with a time slot in
each frame and then forward the updated schedule to the rest of the devices. The
coordinator also periodically sends beacons for all nodes to stay synchronized [3].
WirelessHART, ZigBee, and SmartMesh are protcols that implement TDMA or more
advanced time synchronization in mesh networks.
For a multi-hop mesh network, however, this simple TDMA setup is inefficient
because there is a lack of spatial reuse. In other words, devices that are practically
isolated from each other should not be barred from transmitting at the same time
[6]. Additionally the coordinator will take longer to schedule and synchronize the
network since it is not in direct contact with each device. To resolve this issue, the
coordinator can be replaced by a distributed algorithm to find neighborhoods of nodes
that are spatially disjoint and converge on a feasible schedule as information about
neighborhoods propagates through the network [6]. In the HI this sort of scheme
would impede the seamless integration of another sensor network and more impor-
tantly allocate a fixed bandwidth to each node leaving limited flexibility to handle
irregular traffic patterns. A node that infrequently requires higher bandwidth must
either request timeslots to accomodate its peak channel usage or request additional
timeslots only when necessary. The first method reduces available timeslots for other

nodes. The second has the downside of added latency while the network converges
on a new schedule for every request.

Figure 3-2: Two nodes participating in a CSMA network

CSMA/CA, the alternative, is often called a random access MAC. In this scenario,
a device simply checks to see if the medium is busy before transmitting. A node may
use Clear Channel Assessment if the PHY provides it or note the received signal
strength indicator (RSSI) and timestamp of the last received packet. If the device
determines that medium is busy from either of the two metrics, it waits for a backo↵
period before transmitting. The backo↵ period is usually designed to be twice the
maximum time for a recognizable signal to traverse the distance between two nodes. If
there is a collision, the device uses random exponential backo↵ to decide the duration
of the next backo↵.
As discussed earlier, many mesh sensor network protocols pass over CSMA in
favor of TDMA. But in the HI context, CSMA has some unique merits. The weak and
changing channels of a BAN would lead to convergence issues in a distributed TDMA
scheduling algorithm. With CSMA, this dynamic network is handled on a case by
case basis. A CSMA MAC also allows the flexibility for devices to send bursts of data
without a change in any sort of schedule. Although TDMA outperforms CSMA/CA
in heavy traffic situations, CSMA/CA does not lag far behind for networks with fewer
than 10 nodes [28]. Additionally, a number of small but powerful extensions to the
basic CSMA algorithm exist for further improvement of a working prototype [21, 7].
Simulations of CSMA and TDMA networks also show that while TDMA achieves
higher packet delivery rates, a CSMA based network can achieve a longer lifetime

3.2 Routing Layer
The partial mesh topology and dynamic nature of the body area environment requires
a routing strategy that can improve the robustness of the network. As discussed
earlier, that entails making use of the network’s redundancy in a timely manner.
Conventional routing strategies can be classified either as proactive or reactive and
take di↵erent approaches to route discovery and maintenance.
Proactive routing involves a periodic evaluation of the network using some metric
to decide which routes are ideal. Reactive route uses similar metrics to determine
a route at the time of packet delivery. Proactive routing faces the same challenges
as TDMA scheduling algorithms since the network is assumed to be dynamic and
Reactive routing is more promising since the routes are determined as frequently
as the network changes. Perhaps the simplest form of reactive routing is controlled
flooding. In this approach, each hub simply rebroadcasts packets that they receive
but are intended for other addresses. Each packet comes with a few fields to ensure a
finite number of retransmissions. The first field is a set of flags to indicate the history
of the packet. Nodes that retransmit a packet first mark them and will drop them if
seen again. This promotes packet traffic to travel away from the source. The second
field is a hop count which places a limit on the number of retransmissions. The limit
is based on the hops needed to traverse the longest span of the network.
With these limits in place, the controlled flooding algorithm can operate with
scarce energy resources. Further rules can help to create a hybrid of flooding and
point to point routing methods. A cache of recently seen packets and fuzzy acknowl-
edgements are both e↵ective ways of limiting retransmissions while capitalizing on
the natural overhearing that happens in wireless networks [24]. Finally simulations
of a similar protocol setup (CSMA, Flooding) showed packet delivery rates well into
the 90% range [17].

Chapter 4

Prototype Implementation

The prototype network we built for this project was intended to test and quantify the
performance of one potential approach to the Human Intranet; specifically a multihop
mesh network with a CSMA/CA MAC layer and controlled flooding for routing. The
hardware was chosen for ease of use and flexibility while the software was implemented
to be both portable and transparent.

4.1 Hardware
Since the focus of the project was evaluating the protocol, we looked for o↵ the shelf
hardware solutions that were flexible, low power, and easy to bring up. Eventually we
chose the Texas Instruments CC2650STK SensorTag. The SensorTag board combines
the CC2650 2.4 GHz band wireless micro-controller with a number of sensors and
peripherals that were particularly useful for the prototype.
The SensorTag board has sensors that would be common in Body Area Networks;
altimeter, light sensor, humidity sensor, microphone, thermal, motion. These sensors
aided in data generation while we were testing the network under regular usage pat-
terns. The board also integrates JTAG and UART interfaces, both of which were
useful for debugging. In addition to the standard CR2032 battery terminals, the
board also has easily accessible terminals which we used for measuring power con-

The CC2650 MCU itself o↵ers a configurable proprietary protocol that we used
exclusively in our implementation. The proprietary radio command API allows for
custom preamble and payload lengths, choice of modulation, variable bitrate, variable
transmission power, and optional whitening and CRC calculation. We opted to use
GFSK modulation at a 2.4 GHz center frequency and 50 kHz frequency deviation for
a 200 kbps bitrate and the standard BLE 1M PHY for the 1 Mbps bitrate. We also
made use of multiple transmission power levels between 5 dBm and -21 dBm). The
CC2650 also supports other common standards such as Bluetooth Low Energy and
Zigbee. The Zigbee stack in particular would be useful when comparing our custom
protocol with TDMA based protocols.
The SensorTag was also very well documented. The hardware datasheet clearly
laid out details for power consumption, modulation characteristics, and system archi-
tecture. Most importantly the time spent on software bring up was minimized due
to the abundance of example projects, documentation of TI-RTOS, and active online
forum with support from actual TI engineers. Finally the simulations in [17] served
as a point of comparison to the prototype implementation since both are based o↵ of
the same radio specifications.

4.2 Firmware
The protocol was implemented in C and made use of the Texas Instruments Real Time
Operating System (TI-RTOS). Despite the proprietary nature of TI-RTOS, programs
written on top of it can be ported to similar RTOSs like FreeRTOS. TI-RTOS also
comes with comprehensive documentation and online support which proved invaluable
during development. Like many RTOSs, TI-RTOS provides a Task based concurrency
model along with a number of message passing and synchronization primitives.
Overall the firmware follows an Active Object design methodology. Each active
object encapsulates a state machine and responds to events or messages from other
objects. The firmware makes use of Tasks to divide the code into modules corre-
sponding to the three logical layers of the protocol; the MAC layer, routing layer,

and application layer. Each Task responds to Events which may be generated inter-
nally or as the result of a message via the Mailbox primitive. Figure 4-1 illustrates
the organization of the firmware and the interconnections between modules.

Figure 4-1: Firmware Architecture

All of the modules written for our protocol execute on the Cortex M3 application
processor. The MAC task, which houses the CSMA logic and manages access to the
radio, makes use of an API to communicate with the baseband processor. Since the
radio control and protocol logic reside on separate processors, the radio can operate
asynchronously from the other tasks. The MAC task does however use a semaphore
to manage the radio resource and ensure transactions are serviced one at a time.
The state diagram in Figure 4-2 fully describes the functionality of the MAC layer.
When idle, the task sets the radio to receive mode indefinitely. Since most of the ra-
dio’s time is spent listening, we made use of the API’s asynchronous receive command
to allow the scheduler to preempt the MAC task. When the receive command trig-
gers a callback there are a number of di↵erent paths. Malformed packets are ignored.
Packets addressed to other nodes are delivered to the flooding task via a Mailbox and
the MAC task returns to its previous state. Alternatively, packets addressed to the
receiving node are passed directly to the application process. Immediately after the
reception of a valid data packet, the node responds with an acknowledgement (ACK)
packet. On receipt of an a ACK packet, the MAC task marks the end of a transaction
by freeing the radio semaphore and indicating success to the higher layers.

Figure 4-2: State Machine of MAC Task

When the MAC layer receives a packet from the flooding layer it is either starting a
new transaction or acting as a relay for other nodes. In both cases, the packets are sent
to the baseband processor for transmission and the radio semaphore is decremented.
If the node was simply acting as a relay, the radio will return to receive mode and
release the semaphore. If the node started a new transaction, it listens for an ACK
for a finite duration before timing out. Timing out triggers retransmission of the data
packet. If retransmission does not yield an acknowledgement, the application layer is
notified of the failure and the radio goes back to receive mode.

Figure 4-3: State Machine of CSMA Routine

Before all transmissions, excepting ACK packets in direct response to a valid data
packet, the MAC layer runs through a CSMA routine. If the channel is determined to
be busy through examination of the last RSSI and timestamp, the MAC layer sleeps
for the duration of a backo↵ period. The MAC layer implements random exponential
backo↵, which means after n successive collisions the MAC layer sleeps some random
amount between 0 and 2n 1 backo↵ periods before attempting to transmit. We used
the True Random Number Generator provided by the RTOS to select the number
of backo↵ periods and we limit n < 4. Parameters such as the RSSI threshold and

initial backo↵ period were informed by findings from reports on beaconless CSMA/CA
implementations in IEEE 802.15.4 [13, 14].
The flooding layer interfaces with both the MAC layer and application layer. If
a new data packet arrives in the transmit Mailbox, it first initializes the hop count
and flooding flags before handing the packet to the MAC layer. If the flooding layer
receives a packet from the MAC layer, it inspects the flooding fields to decide whether
to forward the packet or not. If the packet should be forwarded, it is updated and
passed to the MAC layer. Otherwise the packet is dropped.

Figure 4-4: State Machine of Flooding Module

The application layer does not have any fixed functionality and was modified
a number of times to accommodate di↵erent tests. The interfaces with the other
tasks however did remain constant. A Mailbox lies between the application layer
and flooding layer to facilitate the transfer of packets between the two tasks. The
interface with the MAC layer is uni-directional as the application layer only receives
packets. For the various tests, we used interrupts generated by timers or sensors to
kick o↵ packet transmissions.

4.3 Debugging
Debugging on an RTOS is always tricky and especially so when multiple targets are
involved. We took a number steps to ensure the system worked as a whole. Each
layer was implemented sequentially starting with the MAC layer. Using the JTAG
connection to debug the target allowed us to step through each state of the state
machine and ensure variables and flags were being set appropriately. In addition to
setting watchpoints and breakpoints, we utilized the UART pins to attach an LCD

to each SensorTag. This allowed us to quickly identify obvious bugs by displaying
relevant packet statistics such as the RSSI, sequence numbers, source and destination
addresses, number of retransmissions, ACKs received, etc.

Figure 4-5: LCD Debug Screen via UART

Once all the tasks were written and basic functionality was verified, we started
testing the network with 3 or more nodes. As we added more nodes into the net-
work, memory usage and timing became more relevant to the debugging process. We
switched to statically allocated memory to obtain more deterministic memory usage
and to avoid stale pointers. Generally, run-time debugging proved informative but ill-
suited to actually diagnosing problems in real time. We did use the Runtime Object
Viewer in Code Composer Studio to inspect the state of semaphores, tasks, inter-
rupts, and events. This usually allowed us to understand what might have caused
deadlock or stack overflows. We also wrote to the system bu↵er to construct a trace
of events for nodes that were not connected to a debugger.

Figure 4-6: ROV View and Debug Window in Code Composer Studio

Both of these approaches however placed a burden on the target and noticeably
slowed down execution at times. One alternative method we employed was to program
another radio as a sni↵er, so that we could obtain a trace of all packets sent in the
network without a↵ecting the timing of certain operations. Finally we also referenced
the TI online forums and conversed with engineers to quickly understand which design
decisions were causing odd behaviour. In fact, the forums allowed us to discover a
bug in the RF API which would have been extremely difficult to diagnose without
knowledge of the inner workings of the baseband processor.

Chapter 5


In order to evaluate the protocol and understand its performance in context, we

focused on both link level and network level measurements. The following sections
describe individual test setups, results, and potential caveats.

5.1 Power Baseline

We first set to measure the baseline power consumption of the CC2650 radio during
transmission at di↵erent power levels as well as reception and standby. To record
the power consumption, we used a Keithley 2612 Sourcemeter remotely operated via
GPIB. A simple task written in the Keithley Test Script Builder sets the voltage
source to 3.3 V and samples the current draw at 200 µs intervals. Depending on the
bitrate, transmissions lasted between 5 ms and 204 µs. As a result we needed to adjust
the sourcemeter’s number of power line cycles (NPLC) setting to 0.001. The NPLC
controls the AC noise integration time and directly a↵ects how long the device waits
before sampling the signal. Smaller time intervals equate to larger error bounds and
the measurements below have a tolerance of 0.5%.
The firmware was modified in a number of ways to ensure that the overhead of
context switching and computation would not add variability to the results. During
the transmission tests, only the MAC task is active and a timer kicks o↵ transmissions
at 500 µs intervals. CSMA routines and all receive commands were also disabled so

Figure 5-1: Keithley 2612 connected to SensorTag and operated by Test Script over

that the radio would only be in transmission or standby modes. We collected 2

seconds worth of data during each run and averaged 3 runs to produce the numbers
in Figure 5-2. We also set the bitrate to 200 kbps in order to obtain as many samples
as possible within an individual transmission.

Figure 5-2: Power Consumption of CC2650 SensorTag

Measuring the power consumption during standby and reception was fairly straight-
forward and the results closely matched the specifications from the datasheet. To

measure standby power, we put the MAC task to sleep for 2 seconds and forced the
RTOS to remain in the idle task. The power consumption at standby was 11.3 mW
on average. To measure RX power, we simply set the radio to receive indefinitely. Af-
ter subtracting the standby power from the total power consumption, we found that
the estimated 18.3 mW (29.6 mW - 11.3 mW) for the radio RX alone was slightly
below the projected 19.5 mW (5.9 mA at 3.3 V) from the datasheet [18]. Similarly the
measurements for TX at 5 dBm and 0 dBm marginally outperformed the datasheet.
One interesting takeaway from these results was that below 0 dBm, the trans-
mission power consumption falls below reception power. This impacts our ability to
measure the e↵ectiveness of our protocol. Our main contention in choosing CSMA
over TDMA involved eliminating the overhead of maintaining synchronization be-
tween nodes. While a TDMA network may have more transmissions, the time spent
actively listening is drastically cut down. By contrast, the power consumption of the
CSMA protocol running on the CC2650 will be dominated by reception even if we
are able to use lower transmission powers. Thus, in anticipation of a wake up style
radio that can actively listen without penalty, recording the transmission power level
and number of transmissions would allow us to better evaluate our protocol in the
context of a realistic HI implementation.

5.2 Link Level

After getting an idea of the power usage for each node across a number of parameters,
we characterized the individual links in the network. In the following tests, we used
consistent node placement to mimic the optimized network in [17]. Our topology is
limited to the front plane of the body and uses five nodes as can be seen in Figure 5-3.
Each node was placed in a rubber housing and attached to the body with a velcro
strap. The SensorTag PCBs were approximately 1.5 mm above the surface of the skin
and were oriented similarly as well. We should also note that the tests were conducted
in a typical lab environment with many WiFi and Bluetooth devices around.

Figure 5-3: Placement of Hubs in Human Intranet Mesh Network

5.2.1 Channel Estimation

We measured the attenuation of each link in the mesh network by averaging the
Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) from every packet at the destination hub.
Each entry in tables 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5 represents the average from 4 trials of
10,000 packets each. During the tests, we adopted a posture similar to what is shown
in Figure 5-3; an upright stance with arms by the sides. We also took measurements
in both directions in case of any significant asymmetry in the channel.

Destination Hub
0 1 2 3 4
0 -60.6 dBm -56 dBm -65.6 dBm -63.6 dBm
1 -57.6 dBm -63.6 dBm -68.6 dBm -59 dBm
Source Hub
2 -61 dBm -61.3 dBm -74.6 dBm -64.6 dBm
3 -65 dBm -64.3 dBm -76.6 dBm -66.3 dBm
4 -63 dBm -59.3 dBm -69.6 dBm -65.3 dBm
Table 5.1: Average RSSI of Packets Sent at 5 dBm

Looking at the link quality across multiple transmission powers, it is interesting

to note that the network maintains a fully connected mesh topology until the power
drops to -15 dBm. At this power level and below most of the received packets fall un-
der the typical receiver sensitivity rating of -81 dBm [18]. One metric that illustrates

Destination Hub
0 1 2 3 4
0 -57.48 dBm -66.45 dBm -64.38 dBm -65.77 dBm
1 -62.93 dBm -67.55 dBm -72.86 dBm -69.30 dBm
Source Hub
2 -68.69 dBm -68.43 dBm -79.28 dBm -70.97 dBm
3 -70.40 dBm -71.37 dBm -82.06 dBm -74.69 dBm
4 -68.35 dBm -63.19 dBm -64.14 dBm -76.33 dBm
Table 5.2: Average RSSI of Packets Sent at 0 dBm

Destination Hub
0 1 2 3 4
0 -72.44 dBm -78.95 dBm -74.27 dBm -82.59 dBm
1 -75.15 dBm -78.94 dBm -79.08 dBm -80.03 dBm
Source Hub
2 -77.32 dBm -83.10 dBm -86.67 dBm -85.31 dBm
3 -80.90 dBm -81.99 dBm -92.73 dBm -79.80 dBm
4 -76.76 dBm -75.57 dBm -74.54 dBm -85.55 dBm
Table 5.3: Average RSSI of Packets Sent at -9 dBm

Destination Hub
0 1 2 3 4
0 -81.41 dBm -85.56 dBm -84.56 dBm -85.57 dBm
1 -80.75 dBm -86.93 dBm -86.01 dBm -83.79 dBm
Source Hub
2 -83.68 dBm -90.18 dBm -94.25 dBm -90.94 dBm
3 -87.22 dBm -82.68 dBm -96.30 dBm -79.80 dBm
4 -83.80 dBm -81.64 dBm -83.22 dBm -91.25 dBm
Table 5.4: Average RSSI of Packets Sent at -15 dBm

Destination Hub
0 1 2 3 4
0 -86.08 dBm -91.79 dBm -88.97 dBm -94.16 dBm
1 -88.98 dBm -90.93 dBm -93.18 dBm -92.96 dBm
Source Hub
2 -89.66 dBm -97.09 dBm -101.30 dBm -98.76 dBm
3 -90.44 dBm -96.24 dBm -100.81 dBm -86.98 dBm
4 -90.18 dBm -88.79 dBm -87.82 dBm -97.20 dBm
Table 5.5: Average RSSI of Packets Sent at -21 dBm

the e↵ect of transmissions below the receiver sensitivity is Packet Delivery Ratio
(PDR). PDR is the ratio of packets received at the destination to packets sent from
the source and it represents the probability that a packet will reach its destination.
At -21 dBm, most links achieved PDRs between 70% and 80%, while at a TX power
of -15 dBm they remained well over 95%.

On the individual link level, there were also unexpected findings. Despite their
relative proximity, the link between the wrist and waist su↵ered from major path
loss. Compared to any other link with a terminal on the waist, that link consistently
experienced 10 to 15 dB more loss. Even the link from the head to ankle, which
spans the largest distance across the body, had higher average RSSIs. It is clear that
in certain configurations, distance between hubs matters less than maintaining an
absolutely clear line of sight path. The most likely explanation for the extreme path
loss between hubs 2 and 3 is that during testing the wrist remained slightly behind
the front plane of the torso, causing the signal to travel around the circumference of
the torso [2].
As the transmission power decreased, we also noticed asymmetry in the direction-
ality of certain channels. The link from hub 4 to 3 su↵ered an additional loss of 6,
11, and 10 dB for TX powers of -9, -15, and -21 dBm respectively. Similar e↵ects are
visible in the link from hub 2 to hub 4, and from hub 2 to hub 1.

5.2.2 Multihop

Next we focused on power consumption of the nodes as function of the number of

hops in the network and the packet delivery rate. We started by placing a node on the
head and another on the ankle to create the link that spanned the greatest distance.
The originating node at the ankle transmitted a fixed number of packets at 50 ms
intervals while the node at the head listened and responded with acknowledgement
packets. During the transmission, both nodes were battery operated and stationary.
The test was repeated twice more, with a third node placed by the chest and a fourth
node at the waist. As the number of nodes increased, the transmission power for the
network was decreased to the lowest feasible power level which could achieve a PDR
greater than 90%.
As is clear from table 5.6, the use of multihop routes allows for a decrease in trans-
mission power and overall power consumption per node. In the 4 node path, each node
saves approximately 10 mW per transmission compared to the 2 node path. While
the total consumption of the path is lower for the 2 node path (65 mW vs 100.1 mw),

# Nodes Tx Power Packets Sent Packets Received PDR
2 0 dBm 1000 998 99.8%
3 -9 dBm 1000 957 95.7%
4 -18 dBm 1000 989 98.9%

Table 5.6: Results of Multihop Test

we get the added benefit of extended network lifetime and more computation.

5.3 Network Level

Our final set of tests evaluates the network as a whole. Nodes were placed at the
locations specified in figure 5-3 and the network was tested under a variety of traffic
patterns and placed in both static and dynamic environments. Each node recorded
a few key statistics that would help understand the network’s performance in each
scenario. As with the link level tests, nodes will record the number of packets sent
and received from each address in order to calculate the Packet Delivery Ratios. In
the network context, the PDR can be correlated with the throughput along each
route. Another important metric is the number of retransmissions at the MAC layer.
A high number of retransmissions coupled with a high PDR can indicate a lower
e↵ective throughput. The final statistic recorded at each node was the number of
duplicate packets received. We used this to evaluate the efficiency of the controlled
flooding routing layer.

5.3.1 Comparison to Network Simulations

The optimized networks presented in [17] serve as a relevant comparison point to the
protocol presented in this thesis. Moin et al. used the Castalia network simulator
along with a mixed integer linear program to evaluate a number of possible network
configurations. Some of the highest performing networks used 4 to 5 nodes placed at
similar positions as in Figure 5-3. All simulations were based o↵ of the same CC2650
radio used in our prototype and operated at 1 Mbps and one of three distinct power
levels (0 dBm, -10 dBm, and -20 dBm). The mesh network simulations followed a

particular traffic pattern where each node sent a 100 byte packet every 100 ms in
a round robin fashion. We performed the same tests at varying power levels for
comparison. For each power level, the CSMA threshold was modified to reflect the
findings from the link level testing and retransmissions at the MAC layer were turned
o↵ to match the simulations. All the results below are the average of 3 runs lasting
5 minutes each.

Tx Power Network Hub 0 Hub 1 Hub 2 Hub 3 Hub 4

0 dBm 91.09 99.79 99.66 99.38 89.09 67.09
-9 dBm 81.16 72.35 98.62 99.15 98.28 37.31
-21 dBm 46.80 34.74 32.05 33.77 61.68 71.75

Table 5.7: PDRs from Round Robin 1 kBps Network Test

The results from the prototype network match the trends indicated in [17]. At
0 dBm the network achieved a PDR greater than 90%. After lowering the transmission
power to -9 dBm, the network maintained a similar level of performance on some runs
but averaged a PDR of 81.16%. Just as the simulations found, at -21 dBm the PDR
drops o↵ significantly and levels out around 40%.
Along with lower PDRs, lower transmission power also led to greater variability.
At 0 dBm all three runs yielded PDRs within 2% of the mean. That figure dropped
to 13% and 28% for -9 dBm and -21 dBm respectively. The increased variability also
applies to PDRs for individual nodes. For all 6 runs above -21 dBm, hub 4 consistently
had the lowest PDRs. The network was more or less unpredictable at the lowest power
setting. Hubs that achieved PDRs of 80% in one run dropped to 40% in others.

5.3.2 Realistic Human Intranet Traffic Pattern

The last test was a simulation of a realistic use case. In this setup we assigned
a unique datarate to each node. The scenario involves an ECOG sensor relaying
control signals to a neuroprosthesis. The neuroprosthesis responds with temperature
and accelerometer data as part of a feedback loop. A smartwatch sends EMG readings
and blood oxygen readings to the smartphone which acts as a general sink for sensor

data. The chest node would naturally aggregate ECG and glucose level data to display
on the watch face. Table 5.8 shows the assignment of nodes to sensor and datarate
profiles that were used in the test.

Node # Sensor Datarate Signal Frequency Dest Node

0 ECOG 10 kbps 100 Hz 4
1 ECG, glucose 10 kbps 50 Hz 2
2 EMG 1 kbps 100 Hz 3
3 N/A N/A N/A N/A
4 temperature, accelerometer 10 kbps 10 kHz 0, 2

Table 5.8: Parameters of Human Intranet Simulation [12, 9, 19]

In contrast to the previous tests, this use case is more realistic due to the datarates
and limited destinations for each packet. Most sensors in our test (Glucose, Temper-
ature, EMG) report data much slower than the 10 packet per second speeds in the
simulation. However a few sensors such as the accelerometer and ECOG generate
more data more quickly. In an HI implementation, each hub would also only address
a subset of the other hubs in the mesh. Unlike the round robin, this traffic pattern
can put higher stress on certain routes and can potentially monopolize individual

Tx Power Network Hub 0 Hub 1 Hub 2 Hub 4

0 dBm 99.89 99.93 99.87 99.87 99.88
-9 dBm 96.65 97.44 98.73 95.53 94.93
-21 dBm 92.13 88.03 94.91 95.96 89.65

Table 5.9: PDRs from Mock HI Network Test: Stationary

Overall the network performed quite well despite hubs 0 and 4 which dispatched
packets 2 to 4 times faster than the other hubs. In fact due to the overall decrease
in network traffic, the performance did not drop o↵ as transmission power decreased.
All network PDRs remained above 90% as did most hub PDRs.
We also tested the network in an ’active’ scenario where we ran on a treadmill
for the duration of the recordings. This was intended to model the varying path
loss that can be present in a BAN. Despite the constant movement of hubs 2 and 4,

Tx Power Network Hub 0 Hub 1 Hub 2 Hub 4
0 dBm 99.71 99.87 99.75 99.44 99.77
-9 dBm 90.28 85.63 82.37 95.93 97.18
-21 dBm 87.57 79.3 91.38 95.94 83.67

Table 5.10: PDRs from Mock HI Network Test: Active

the e↵ects on PDR were minimal and didn’t necessarily correlate with transmission
power. In fact the results from this test indicate that the protocol can be reliable
even at -21 dBm.

Chapter 6


The Human Intranet is a rapidly nearing future. While the variety of sensors may
not exist today, the appetite for continuous monitoring of our bodies is evident and
the infrastructure for the technology is being built. We have shown that a Body Area
Network intended for local computation and storage rather than data aggregation can
benefit from our simple yet e↵ective protocol. With CSMA and controlled flooding,
our mesh network prototype achieved Packet Delivery Rates up to 91% under heavy
traffic. Additionally we found that under normal loads, the network can utilize the
multihop mesh topology to lower transmission power to -21 dBm while still being
reliable. We also matched the trends found in network simulation, giving us a basis
to compare our prototype to TDMA star networks.
Future directions for this protocol are numerous. First the MAC layer could be
improved by employing a spread spectrum approach based on node location. The
MAC could also employ adaptive CSMA thresholds and transmission power levels
based on the history of success for individual links. For the routing layer we would
test more sophisticated reactive protocols like AODV and RPL as well as location or
resource based addressing.
With the existing protocol, we could also integrate real sensors in place of data
generation. Another option would be to port the code to custom wake-up style
hardware to observe the energy benefits of extremely low power consumption when
the node is idle and receiving. Finally, we could perform a direct comparison to

TDMA style protocol like 802.15.4 on the same hardware to evaluate the distinct
advantages each method has.


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