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Magazine PDF
Magazine PDF
November - December 2018
Editor & CEO
Race Into the Future with the Connected Car 06 Maneesh Prasad
Gaur Dattatreya , Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions Pvt Ltd. Lt. Col. M C Verma (Retd.)
Project Director
Anuj Sinha
Editorial Contact
Asst. Business Editor
Piyush Rajan
Asst. Editor
Yashi Mittal
+91 98103 40678
Vehicle Telematics Advanced By 5G Technology, The Next Window Of Opportunity In
Connected Cars Market 08
Sharmishtha Jatar, Orbis Research Advertisement Contact
Corporate Sales Executive
M2m/ Iot In Automotive Sector 10
Navneet Shekhar
Sushil Kumar, TEC, DoT, Ministry of Communications, Government of India
Tech-Driven Subscription Models Are Turning The Automotive Industry Upside Down 16 Content Support
Iman Ghodosi, Zuora Rudravir Singh
5 Things To Avoid During Tuning The Commercial Vehicle Tracking 18
Abel Korevaar , FleetGO Web Developer
Shubham Tiwari
How Leading Car Makers Can Respond To Increased Connected Car Demands 23 Sarita Maurya
Risto Vahtra, High Mobility
Newly Released Indian Standards Relevant To The Field Of Automobiles 26 Jitendar Kumar Tripathi
R.R.Singh, Bureau of Indian Standards
Publication Address
Have Seen The Emphasis Shift From Historical Data Analysis, Towards Telematics Wire Pvt. Ltd.
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Charles Smith, CMS Uttar Pradesh-201301
The Promise Of Integrating Road Weather In Vehicle Telematics 34
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Glen Denny, Baron Services, Inc. Maneesh Prasad on behalf of
Telematics Wire Pvt. Ltd.
News 36-40 Telematics Wire Pvt. Ltd.
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Started The Process Of Standardization Of Its Devices 42 Uttar Pradesh-201301
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RNI No. UPENG/2015/63476
with internet access so they are linked route optimization, schedule regular you can get your car to play your favorite
internally as well as with the outside maintenance, etc. All this equals to saving song, or tune into your favorite radio
world. This is meant to bring efficiency, time and money. station. You can ask it to play your latest
safety, entertainment options etc. to car Advanced navigation: Most cars today audiobook. With Bluetooth connected
and driver. are equipped with GPS, but a connected to the car, you can make and receive calls
Welcome to the world of the connected car can take navigation to the next without touching your phone. In short,
car. Simply put, a connected car has level. Imagine if your car can read your you can smoothly cruise along with your
devices with capabilities to connect calendar, get your schedule, and prompt car doubling as your assistant.
with other parts of the vehicle and with you to take the best possible route to Remote control: With remote access, you
networks outside the car, thanks to your next meeting. Or alert you when can lock or unlock your car, switch the
sensors and wireless connectivity, to you are low on fuel and reroute to the aircon on, or track all of this from the
bursts. There may be different types of band and in India it is 865-867 MHz. be quite useful for vehicle tracking
communication technologies covering In cellular domain, 3GPP has already services. Embedded SIM may have
few centimeters to several kilometers released specifications in its Release the subscription from more than one
and will be decided depending upon the 13 and onwards for LPWAN services, telecom service providers (up to five)
use case requirement. In Personal area which may co-exist with the existing and switching is possible from one TSP
network (PAN)/ Home area network cellular network deployment. Three to another remotely or non-availability
(HAN) / Local area network (LAN)/ variants in LPWAN technologies in of signal from the main TSP.
Field area network (FAN), low power cellular domain are EC-GSM, NB-IoT
Embedded SIM will be the game
wireless communication technologies and LTE MTC. Cellular operators can
changer in the IoT domain.
5.4 DSRC (Dedicated Short Range
This technology was developed in
USA around 20 years back. It is based
on IEEE 802.11p WLAN standards,
called as Wireless Access in Vehicular
Environment (WAVE). It is working in
the frequency range 5.850 -5.925 GHz.
FCC has allocated 75 MHz spectrum
in the 5.9 GHz band and European
Telecommunications Standards
Institute (ETSI) has identified of 30
MHz spectrum in the 5.9 GHz band
for ITS. It also supports low latency,
Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to
Infrastructure (V2I) communication.
Its main uses are Vehicle Safety service,
Figure 3: V2V Communication using DSRC
Commercial transaction via cars, Toll
such as Wi-Fi, ZigBee, 6LoWPAN, enable LPWAN services in the existing collection, Traffic management etc.
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Z-wave GSM / LTE networks by upgrading This technology is being used in USA,
etc. may be used to connect the devices the software. Trials have been done Europe, Japan, Korea and Singapore
with the M2M gateway. GSM 3G/ 4G and the commercial offerings are also etc. Details about the M2M SIM are
or fixed line broadband / FTTH may be available in a number of countries available in the technical report released
used for connecting M2M gateway to namely South Korea, Europe, USA etc. in TEC on V2V/ V2I Radio Spectrum
the server. TEC had released a Technical Report and Embedded SIM. 4
5.2 Low Power wide area network on Communication technologies in 5.5 Cellular V2x (Vehicle to
(LPWAN) technologies M2M/ IoT domain.3 everything)
LPWAN technologies have been 5.3 M2M SIM V2X comprises vehicle to vehicle
developed to carry a very small data The normal SIM card is not suitable (V2V), vehicle to infrastructure (V2I),
to a large distance. It covers 2-3 for harsh conditions of vehicles like Vehicle to Pedestrian (V2P) and Vehicle
Km in city (dense) areas and 12-15 vibrations, temperature, and humidity. to Network (V2N). 3GPP in its Release
Km in rural (open) areas. Expected GSMA has created specifications for 14 has provided the specifications
battery life is around 10 years. Use embedded M2M SIM, with Over-the- for cellular V2X which provides
cases: Smart metering, Smart farming Air (OTA) provisioning. Temperature improvements over 802.11p / DSRC
(transmitting Soil testing data), Smart variation range is from -40 degree to technology for active safety use cases
bin, transmitting pollution sensor data +125 degree Celsius. Embedded SIM and beyond. 5G roadmap will improve
etc. In non-cellular domain, LPWAN technology offers big opportunities the connected vehicle segment built
technologies such as LoRa and Sigfox for auto manufacturers as the lifecycle on cellular V2X. Connected vehicle
are being deployed across the globe. of an eSIM is, around 10-15 years. requires heterogeneous connectivity
LoRa and Sigfox networks are deployed International standards for eSIM and on device intelligence as shown in
in delicensed sub GHz frequency have evolved. Embedded SIM will Figure-4.
8. Challenges related with the as members. Any standard approved / holders working groups in the last
technology and policy adopted by ITU is generally accepted 2- 3 years to work in M2M and IoT
A number of challenges related to globally. In June 2015, ITU-T has created domain. Eight working groups are in
policy and technology6 as shown in a new Study Group (SG)-20 to work on the verticals namely Power, Health,
figure-5 are required to be resolved IoT and its applications including Smart Safety and Surveillance, Intelligent
for the fast and smooth growth of this Cities and communities ITU –T SG- Transport Systems, Smart Cities, Smart
domain. Due to lack of standardization 20 has approved / consented a number Homes, Smart Village & Agriculture
of standards in the form of technical and Environment & Pollution control.
and interoperable technologies,
documents. Three working groups are in the
Industries are working in silos and on
proprietary solutions. There should National Working Group (NWG) – horizontal area common to all the
be interoperability at device, Network 20 was created in TEC in September verticals, namely M2M Gateway &
and application levels. Technologies 2015, to submit contributions from Architecture, Security in IoT domain
for sustainability / long life batteries is India, in ITU-T SG-20. Details of TEC and Communication Technologies in
required for sensors. There is a need to participation in ITU-T SG-20 has been M2M/ IoT domain. Eleven technical
generate indigenous IPR for creation given in para 10.2. reports have been released so far and
available on TEC website (
in/technical-reports/).These technical
reports may be quite useful in preparing
eco system for the IoT domain and also
for Smart Cities.
1. M2M Enablement in Intelligent
Transport System
2. M2M Enablement in Remote Health
3. M2M Enablement in Safety &
Surveillance Systems
4. M2M Gateway & Architecture.
5. M2M Number resource requirement
and options
6. V2V / V2I Radio Communication
and Embedded SIM
of standards and further contribution 9.2 OneM2M
7. Spectrum requirements for PLC and
in global SDOs. Reliable connectivity, ETSI (Europe), TTC, ARIB ( Japan), Low Power RF Communications.
localization of data in cross border ATIS, TIA (USA), TTA (Korea) CCSA 8. ICT Deployments and strategies for
traffic, spectrum requirement for low (China) had come together and created India’s smart cities: A curtain raiser
power devices and slow deployment of a partnership project OneM2M, to avoid 9.
M2M/ IoT Enablement in Smart
IPv6 are some of the challenges to be creation of competing M2M standards. Homes
resolved. They are working to create standards for
Communication Technologies in
the common service layer. From India,
9. Standardization at Global level M2M / IoT domain
TSDSI is the member of OneM2M.
A number of international organizations OneM2M has released first set of 11 M2M Enablement in Power Sector
are working on the standardization specifications in Jan 2015 and its IInd Technical Reports mentioned at ii and
in IoT domain namely ITU, IES, release in March 2016. OneM2M has vii are important and related to the IoT
ISO, OneM2M, 3GPP, ETSI, IEEE, submitted its technical specifications in development for Automotive sector.
Continua Health alliance etc. ITU-T SG-20 for approval / adoption. TR at v, vii, viii and xi serves across all
9.1 International Telecommunication 10. Standardization work in Tele- verticals.
Union (ITU) communication Engineering 10.1
Actionable points emerged
Center (TEC), DoT, India from the technical reports
ITU is having around 193 member
states, 700 industries and 200 academia TEC formed eleven multi-stake (TRs)
City Council and the Adelaide City SUBSCRIBED: Why the Subscription testing out a subscription service in
Council announcing recently that they Model Will be Your Company’s Future the US, allowing customers to trade
are considering a monthly transport - and What to Do About It, subscription vehicles as regularly as they want over a
subscription fee for a combination services within the automotive industry month-long period. Other automobile
of public transport, bike share and will be as simple as choosing a mobile companies such as Cadillac and Volvo
ride share services. With subscription phone plan - you pick your model online, are actively testing subscriptions -- and
models already being adopted for public select a 24 or 36 month plan, add your in a recent ad campaign in the US, Volvo
sharing. Currently major car makers are are specifically designed to handle data. what else can carmakers do to enable
extremely cautious in how they handle In doing so, monetisation via the use of developers to build better services that
the sharing of customer data, and rightly APIs is not attached to the organisation meet the demands of drivers and car
so. With huge concerns within the at large, but instead managed by a users? A significant step that carmakers
industry and beyond about the risk of separate unit that is required to become can make to further enable development
cyber attacks and other types of security sustainable by itself through digital is by providing the key resources for
breaches as well as well- documented business models. This method ensures app development and innovation that
user concerns about the protection of the security of data, and prevents developers need to get started. By
personal data and a user’s right to privacy, unnecessary data transference that could offering programmers the tools and
any data sharing that car makers engage in potentially leave users vulnerable and expertise they need to work on their
needs to be undertaken in such a way as to their privacy compromised. It also makes connected car applications car makers
preclude any potential risks. Additionally, these sub- organisations accountable for will be able to connect with developers at
customers need to be reassured that their their actions and totally self-sufficient. an earlier stage of development. Indeed,
data is not collected or used without Enable developers to build better it will make carmakers crucial to the
their permission and that their personal services process itself. For, despite the millions of
privacy and security is guaranteed. But A crucial element to carmakers’ success software and app developers working on
carmakers need to do more than simply in responding to driver needs will be by ground breaking products around the
reassure. A crucial responsibility for world, right now working as a ‘connected
facilitating app development. This will
major vehicle manufacturers will be to car developer’ is still relatively niche. If
only be achieved by connecting with
alert users to the importance of which carmakers can offer easy to understand
the already thriving (connected car)
devices they allow to connect to their car documentation, tools and expertise
application development community.
and for what purpose. This is where user to developers with an interest in the
consent needs to be sought and GDPR Online developer communities are
field, we will very soon have much
regulations stringently applied. Third notoriously hard to penetrate from
larger numbers of connected car
party IoT vendors must clearly define outside organisations as many developers
developers, more innovation and more
why their want to interact with the car perceive big business as going against
great products to offer customers. In
and what they plan to do with any data the free and open source culture that
addition car manufacturers will be
that they get from the car, but it’s the job is intrinsic to the creativity, discovery
able to guide application development
of the OEMs to reassure users of their and innovation that developers value so
towards meeting their current needs,
data security. When this responsibility highly. And it makes sense that the open-
as well as explore innovative products
has been fully on-boarded by OEMs, source culture is so revered: it is this aspect
from smaller companies and invest in
it will make responding to connected of app development that makes it such an
industry-changing applications before
car demands from drivers even easier. exciting field to be a part of. In contrast,
they hit the market. Some great examples
What’s clear is that although car makers big corporations can often be perceived of car makers who are already doing
see the huge potential in IoT technology as closed and bureaucratic and therefore this are Porsche, with their NEXT OI
and the opportunities that await them in stifling the very experimentation that Competition, and Mercedes-Benz, via
new digital products, they are extremely leads to technological breakthroughs and their Mercedes-Benz Digital Challenge
serious about getting things right from discoveries. back in 2017. These competitions
the start, particularly in regard to data However when original source code is allowed developers access to connected
sharing. What could help ease things made freely available for redistribution car APIs specifically for Porsche and
along more quickly would be the general and modification by development Mercedes-Benz vehicles, as well as SDKs
adoption by multiple car makers of a teams innovation can flourish. Once for different operating systems. Using car
business model that is proven to protect car companies are able to share their emulators, developers could test their
consumer data while simultaneously data in a secure way with developers we apps and services on different vehicle
providing car makers and third party will be making strides towards creating models in a true-to-life environment
applications with the data they need services which directly respond to therefore foregoing the need to interact
to provide optimum services to users. connected car demands from drivers. with or access real vehicles. With free, easy
There are several car companies making As we outlined in the previous section, access, tutorials, tools and workspaces
strides in this area right now. Mercedes- secure data sharing will be the first step available for developers, innovation
Benz is a great example of a carmaker to enabling developers to build better naturally flourished. Competitions
taking a progressive approach to data services. But besides simply sharing car like these give carmakers the chance to
sharing. The auto giant has set up sub- data and connecting with development provide developers with specific vehicle
organisations within its business which communities who wish to work with it, APIs to work with, with functions taken
Current connected car services help us that data-services need to be more the challenge, while still allowing for
understand how passengers interact with transparent. Cars are already connected rapid innovation, is for OEMs to develop
vehicles and provide valuable insight on wirelessly to a myriad of third-parties a secure perimeter layer that acts as a
the chargeable services that could be through diagnostics, infotainment, ‘security fence’ for all internal systems,
delivered to passengers in autonomous location-based services, and telematics, rather trying to lock-down individual
pods in the future. Organisations such which is starting to push data protection modules. Secure in-car gateways could
as Google and Facebook, have already up the automotive agenda. Indeed, for then ensure that any transmission/
shown how mobile can be used as a our own global clients, such as Swiss communication was controlled using
platform to monetise location-based Re, CMS must ensure any vehicle data various forms of authentication. OEMs,
services. Similarly, the growth of in-car is processed and the country of origin tier-one suppliers and IT service
concierge and infotainment services and in accordance with all relevant local providers will have to work together to
will make pod-users the key consumers and international guidelines. It’s easy to understand vulnerabilities and develop
of new datasets envisage a scenario in the future, where cybersecurity solutions to keep car-data
Discuss the challenges of Data Protection customers request their vehicle-based secure.Regulation has a key part to play in
and Cybersecurity in automotive space data to be centrally stored, signing up to this. In 2017, the UK government issued
and how they can be negotiated? a third-party like Google, to consolidate ‘The Key Principles of Vehicle Cyber
Recent issues with social platforms, and manage it on their behalf. As Security for Connected and Automated
advertising, and data-harvesting, have aftermarket devices become more Vehicles’, which offers some guidelines
highlighted just how little people know embedded and cars become increasingly for maintaining the security of wirelessly
about their personal data – what’s being connected to the wider IoT ecosystem, connected cars.
collected, where it’s going, and how it’s the potential attack surface will become What are your views on the increased
being used. The introduction of GDPR is much larger, resulting in new risks and use of Analytics in the automotive sector,
helping to address this balance, but there potential threats to personal safety, where do you see it going?
is a general consensus across industries security and privacy. One way to simplify For the past five years, CMS has been
BIS by October’19.
In my opinion it is a very good beginning,
especially in BIS that we have started ICAT is also working closely with NIti
the process of standardization of ITS monitoring system (TPMS) etc. We are Aayog for intelligent transport system in
devices. It is very much required and interested in taking up some new topics smart cities. Can you share some of the
is happening at the right time. We have for ITS standardization which are related development in this regard?
successfully made Indian standards for to upcoming vehicle technologies like
automotive tracking devices, RFID connected vehicles, shared mobility and The developments related to ITS at
tags, LED destination boards for autonomous vehicles, e-mobility etc. Niti Aayog are more towards national
buses etc. The standards for Reverse We also intend to work on intelligent ITS policy formulation. It would be
Parking Assistance Systems (RPAS), traffic management system, expanding difficult for me to comment anything
Advance Driver Assistance System the scope of RFID standards for parking further on this question at this stage.