"A Study of Consumer Buying Behavior Towards Ayurvedic Medicines/ Products in Gwalior
"A Study of Consumer Buying Behavior Towards Ayurvedic Medicines/ Products in Gwalior
"A Study of Consumer Buying Behavior Towards Ayurvedic Medicines/ Products in Gwalior
The main purpose of the study was to examine the consumer buying behavior towards ayurvedic
Medicine/Products in Gwalior Region. This study discusses about other parameters like
benefits/attributes consumer associates with herbal products, knowledge, favored, source of
information, habit and approach related to Ayurvedic products. Consumer of ayurvedic medicine
for cure of ordinary ailments like regular cold, allergy, cough, joint pain, constipation, hair fall
but most of consumers do not use Ayurvedic medicines without Doctor’s recommendation.
Consumers do not use Ayurvedic medicines/products along with homeopathic, allopathic
medicine for treating common diseases. Consumers bought the Ayurvedic health/food
Rejuvenating or supplements Ayurvedic medicines/products for fitness anticipation or to match
their health. Data from the randomly selected 100 respondents has been collected from the
Gwalior Region. The respondents present first choice for the more price, quality, availability and
effectiveness of the Ayurvedic products/medicines.
The 21th century has marked the beginning of an era; the physical condition of a nation is a
indication of the health of the citizens. The health of a people is a complex variety of health
signs, of which the chief are maternal Mortality rate, infant mortality rate and life expectancy.
The Health of India wraps behind that of many nations both developing and developed,
something which the Government has been trying to develop for the Last 64 years. In current
past, a rise has been experimental in India towards stress and healthy free life. Clearly our
country wants to switch more resources to health than the quantity countries ahead of us do. Yet,
there is the difficulty that resources are restricted and many other developmental works are all
fighting for them. The country is trapped in a combine: The poor health of the people demands
more possessions, yet lack of resources means that no more can be allotted to health.
In this condition, the Ayurveda which is preservation and endorsement of positive health and
treats the diseases through medicine, yoga, dietary restrictions and regulated life way certainly
play a significant role in providing affordable, accessible and inclusive healthcare services to
millions of person. Ayurveda is the word for an inclusive health care scheme that began in
ancient India.
Ayurveda suggests for an Omni existence of basic building blocks of life in the world signifying
that beginning of fusion is subject to the accessibility of most favorable conditions. This justifies
the life procedure to start only a few billion years ago in spite of accessibility of the basic
resources since eternity. Primitive earth was planned to be described by Rajas, Sattva and
(Triguna) Tamas symbolizing the mental properties common to the primitive earth. Sattva, the
primary of Triguna, symbolizes the power required for formation, Rajas, the next of Triguna
symbolizes the element movements and Tamas lastly symbolizes inert substance having a
capacity to exchange into original forms under the steady influence of Rajas and Sattva.
Ayurveda has been known by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a entire system of
unusual medicine. A medicinal herb as prospective resource of therapeutics aids has achieved a
major role in health structure all over the world for both animals and humans not only in the
diseased situation but also as possible material for maintaining right health.
Consumer buying behavior is the study of how organizations, individuals and groups. Select;
dispose of goods, buy, ideas, services, or experiences to convince their wants and needs.
Consumer buying behavior may be cleared as the physical activity and decision method persons
engage in when acquiring, evaluating, using or disposing of services and goods. Several features
of this announcement require elaboration and emphasis so that their sense can be more fully
valued. A consumer buying behavior is unbiased by social, cultural, psychological and personal
factors. Most of these issues are beyond the hands of marketers and unmanageable but they have
to be considered while soothing to recognize the simple behavior of the consumer. Consumers
are the study “of the procedures involved when persons or groups choice, use, purchase, or
dispose of products, ideas, services, or experiences to assure desires and needs” (Solomon 1995,
Ayurvedic Medicine/Product
Ayurvedic medicine is a method of healing that begins in ancient India. In Sanskrit, Ayur means
living or life, Andveda means awareness, so Ayurveda has been cleared as the
"science of longevity" or the "knowledge of living." Ayurvedic product utilizes detoxification,
diet, and refinement techniques, herbals and yoga, mineral remedies, breathing exercises
as holistic healing techniques.Ayurvedic doctors seek to determine the root of a bacteria before it
gets so superior that more radical cures are compulsory.
Joshi (2008) practical that the observation of people in traditional medicine was emphasized and
optimistic that wants to revitalize the method along the line of common traditions and support
the procedure of herbal medicines (Joshi K., 2008). Chakraborty and Sen (2015) Ayurveda in
addition to other accustomed herbal medicines are competent of addressing some current unmet
therapeutic necessities and can provide the foundation for upward prospective.
The research consummate by Sawant, (2013) exposed that consumers of the rural area favored
ayurvedic products. They relate it to native cure and both female and male have a like consumer
opinion of ayurvedic products. The deficiency of side effect is the most significant reason that
influence women in the buy of skin care medicines or products (Khan & Khan, 2013). As per
Arya et.al, (2012) consumer confirms an optimistic approach towards ayurvedic products and
drugs and utilize without doctor’s prescription. People indulgence Ayurveda not as a treatment
but as a routine (Arya, Kumar, & Kumar, 2012).
Over the past numerous decades, maintain for traditional medicine has significantly increased
worldwide. The WHO general strategy for methodologies on evaluation and research of
traditional medicine or products (2000) offer a tactic for assessing the safety and the efficiency
of traditional product or medicine. In the Alma Ata primary healthiness care delivery declaration
of 1978, which named for “fitness for all by the year 2000,” the World Health Organization
recognized the significance of traditional remedy in providing primary health care and buoyant
countries to extend official policies on usual or traditional medicine (Saleh 1993: 21–22).
Wharton marketing lecturer Lisa Bolton (2007), New York institution of higher education
doctoral scholar Peking and Wenbo Wang University marketing lecturer Hean Tat Keh (2007)
seemed at how people's perceptions of a specified medicine, their perceptions of their sickness
and other reason influence medical decision making. "The rural marketplace similar it tough"
according to the (2000) The Economic Times, the power of rural markets for Indian industries.
Economic express, June 19, 2000 has obtainable the strategy about FMCG, HLL majors, Marico
Companies, Colgate Palmolive encompass process had intended for rural market. The
researchers also deliberate the choice of medication, be it conventional Chinese medicine.
One of such study of consumers buying behavior has been consummate by Acebron et al
(2000). The motivation of the study was to scrutinize the contact of preceding practice on buying
behavior of predominantly mussels, fresh foods. The authors in their studies used structural
equation outward appearance in order to distinguish the association between the previous
understanding and habit on the consumers buying decision. Their answering substantiate that
previous understanding and personal habits one of the regulars have in a straight line impact on
the consumers’ buying decision in the container of buying fresh mussels. They also established
that the figure of the products have a key impact on the buying decision of the consumer and
advance optional that the product figure should constantly be improved in order to promote the
consumers towards buying.
As The American Marketing union Consumer Buying Behavior is “The dynamic interfacing of
cognition and influence, performance, and the situation by which human beings carry out the
reinstate phases of their lives” , 2nd ed. 1995, Peter D. Bennett, ed. Dictionary of Marketing
The methodology which is used for carry out the research is follows as:
The research is related to the purpose of this study which is to examine the consumer buying
behavior towards Ayurvedic medicines/products in Gwalior region; a structured questionnaire
was used as the main instrument for carrying out the research. This research study is consisted on
two main variables that are consumer buying behavior and ayurvedic medicines/products in
Gwalior region; these variables play the role of Independent and dependent variables. Thus these
two variables will be in direct relations of each others. The relations discussed on the basis of
data collection.
Sample Method: The sampling method selected is simple random sampling which type of
probability sampling.
Sample Size: The data is collected using a random sampling of 100 peoples in Gwalior region.
Target Population: All the people within Gwalior region who used Ayurvedic Products.
Sampling Element: Individual respondent was the sampling element.
Sampling: Random sampling technique was used in the study.
The current study will be useful in identifying the consumer buying attitude of the dissimilar
strata people in the Indian society especially in Gwalior region towards Ayurveda
medicines/products. The study will also be helpful in analyzing the customer attitude towards the
different reasons identified after the focus group conversations for the future studies by the
academicians and researchers. It will also assist in studying the effect of Ayurveda products
purchase of the study specifically among the segment under consideration.
Q.1 Consumer uses Ayurvedic medicine only for treatment of common diseases like
common cold, cough and allergy.
Strongly Disagree
Disagree 6%
0% Neutral
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree Disagree
Q.2 Consumer prefers Ayurvedic medicine only for treatment of major diseases like
diabetes, arthritis, asthma, tuberculosis, migraine, depression.
Strongly Disagree
Disagree 7%
Neutral Strongly Disagree
15% Disagree
Strongly Agree
This chart shows that 0% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 7% respondents
are disagree with this statement, 15% respondents are neutral, 63 % respondents are agree and
15% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Q.3 Consumers consume Ayurvedic medicine along with allopathic, homeopathic medicine
for treating common disease.
Strongly Agree
Neutral 0%
9% Agree
Strongly Strongly Disagree
32% Disagree
Strongly Agree
This chart shows that 32% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 52 %
respondents are disagree with this statement, 9% respondents are neutral, 7 % respondents are
agree and 0% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Strongly Disagree
Disagree 0%
15% Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Agree Strongly Agree
This chart shows that 0% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 0 % respondents
are disagree with this statement, 15% respondents are neutral, 50% respondents are agree and
35% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Q.5 Consumer buys the Ayurvedic products through the TV advertisement, banners only.
Strongly Agree
21% Strongly
Strongly Disagree
22% Disagree
Neutral Agree
Strongly Agree
This chart shows that 22% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 39 %
respondents are disagree with this statement, 18% respondents are neutral, 21 % respondents are
agree and 0% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Q.6 The consumption of Ayurvedic/Medicine product is beneficial for all Age group people.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
46% Neutral
Agree Agree
Strongly Agree
This chart shows that 0% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 0 % respondents
are disagree with this statement, 1% respondents are neutral, 53 % respondents are agree and
46% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Q.7 Consumption of Ayurvedic Medicine/product does not lead many side effects on health.
Strongly Agree Strongly
0% Disagree
This chart shows that 0% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 30 %
respondents are disagree with this statement, 39% respondents are neutral, 31 % respondents are
agree and 0% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Strongly Disagree
Disagree 8%
This chart shows that 0% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 8 % respondents
are disagree with this statement, 19% respondents are neutral, 52 % respondents are agree and
21% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Agree Agree
Strongly Agree
This chart shows that 0% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 0 % respondents
are disagree with this statement, 3% respondents are neutral, 50 % respondents are agree and
47% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Q.10 Price of Ayurvedic products are not affected by demand of the consumer.
This chart shows that 1% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 57 %
respondents are disagree with this statement, 28% respondents are neutral, 14 % respondents are
agree and 0% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Strongly Disagree
Agree Disagree
Strongly Agree
58% Agree
Strongly Agree
This chart shows that 0% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 0 % respondents
are disagree with this statement, 0% respondents are neutral, 42 % respondents are agree and
58% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Q.12 Consumer consumes the Ayurvedic products/medicines for the no side effects safety
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
41% Neutral
Agree Agree
Strongly Agree
This chart shows that 0% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 0 % respondents
are disagree with this statement, 0% respondents are neutral, 59 % respondents are agree and
41% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Q.13 Consumer prefers the Ayurvedic medicine/products because Ayurvedic is one of the
world’s oldest medical systems.
Strongly Disagree Neutral
Disagree 0% 0%
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Strongly Agree
This chart shows that 0% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 0 % respondents
are disagree with this statement, 0% respondents are neutral, 53 % respondents are agree and
47% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Strongly Disagree
Disagree Disagree
41% Neutral
Strongly Agree
This chart shows that 0% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 41 %
respondents are disagree with this statement, 31% respondents are neutral, 28% respondents are
agree and 0% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
This chart shows that 38% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 53 %
respondents are disagree with this statement, 6% respondents are neutral, 3% respondents are
agree and 0% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Strongly Disagree
Disagree 2%
13% Strongly Disagree
This chart shows that 0% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 2 % respondents
are disagree with this statement, 13% respondents are neutral,56 % respondents are agree and
29% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Strongly Disagree
Disagree Neutral
45% Disagree Agree
52% Strongly Agree
This chart shows that 52% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 45 %
respondents are disagree with this statement, 3% respondents are neutral, 0 % respondents are
agree and 0% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Q.18 Ayurvedic products are less expensive than other cosmetic products.
This chart shows that 0% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 18 %
respondents are disagree with this statement, 35% respondents are neutral, 47 % respondents are
agree and 0% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Q.19 Ayurvedic products provide a number of products for a particular disease to
Strongly Disagree Neutral
Disagree 0% 5%
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
42% Neutral
53% Strongly Agree
This chart shows that 0% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 0 % respondents
are disagree with this statement, 5% respondents are neutral, 53 % respondents are agree and
42% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
This chart shows that 10% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 50 %
respondents are disagree with this statement, 16% respondents are neutral, 24 % respondents are
agree and 0% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Q.21 Ayurvedic products are dominating the pharmaceutical market.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
34% Neutral
Agree Strongly Agree
This chart shows that 0% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 0 % respondents
are disagree with this statement, 6% respondents are neutral, 60 % respondents are agree and
34% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Strongly Disagree
Disagree 4%
14% Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree Disagree
Strongly Agree
This chart shows that 0% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 4% respondents
are disagree with this statement, 14% respondents are neutral, 53 % respondents are agree and
29% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Q.23 Ayurvedic medicines/products do not harm the human health.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
48% Agree
52% Agree
Strongly Agree
This chart shows that 0% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 0 % respondents
are disagree with this statement, 0% respondents are neutral, 52 % respondents are agree and
48% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
49% Agree
51% Agree
Strongly Agree
This chart shows that 0% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 0 % respondents
are disagree with this statement, 0% respondents are neutral, 51 % respondents are agree and
49% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Q.25 Ayurvedic medicine uses a variety of products and practices.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
41% Neutral
Agree Agree
58% Strongly Agree
This chart shows that 0% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 0 % respondents
are disagree with this statement, 1% respondents are neutral, 58 % respondents are agree and
41% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
26% Disagree
Strongly Agree
This chart shows that 0% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 0% respondents
are disagree with this statement, 1% respondents are neutral, 73 % respondents are agree and
26% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Q.27 Ayurvedic medicines/products can get only on Ayurvedic medical stores.
13% Neutral
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree 2%
26% Disagree
Strongly Agree
This chart shows that 4% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 13 %
respondents are disagree with this statement, 2% respondents are neutral, 55 % respondents are
agree and 26% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Q.28 The brand image of Ayurvedic medicines have also is positively related to consumer.
This chart shows that 0% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 0 % respondents
are disagree with this statement, 0% respondents are neutral, 79 % respondents are agree and
21% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
Q.29 Ayurvedic medicines cannot take without doctor prescription.
Strongly Disagree
Disagree 0%
Strongly Disagree
This chart shows that 0% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 0 % respondents
are disagree with this statement, 12% respondents are neutral, 53. % respondents are agree and
35% respondents are strongly agree with this statement.
This chart shows that 36% respondents are strongly disagree with this statement, 58 %
respondents are disagree with this statement, 6% respondents are neutral, 0 % respondents are
agree and 0% respondents are strongly agree with this statement
Sample size is very small which may not represent the entire division of Gwalior.
Generally, the respondent was busy in their work and was not interested in responding.
Most respondents were hesitant to provide exact information as in why they preferred
particular products/medicines.
The study was carried out only in Gwalior city so does not reflect approaches of consumer
alive in the rural area and other states.
The partiality cannot be excluded since the selected respondents were those who were in a
particular region and using at least one of the Ayurvedic products/medicines
This research represents the study of consumer buying behavior towards Ayurvedic
medicines/products have been carried out at Gwalior region of Madhya Pradesh, India. There is
no deficiency in the insisting for Ayurvedic medicines/products at marketplace. The consumer
concerns towards physical condition risk and dangerous effect of chemical products forcing them
to change over to natural products. Once an analysis of response received it has been fulfilled
that the people of Gwalior region are more concerned in the Ayurvedic products as compared to
the product/medicine suggested by physicians. Chemicals are not used in the medicine, it is made
of natural ingredients and chemicals do not affect the consumer health. They treat it in a way to
avoid the reoccurrence of the diseases. It intends at giving a long term treat for the any disease. A
use of these medicines not only cures the diseases, but also improves overall physical condition
by improving reducing stress, metabolism. Hence, scientific information of the Ayurvedic
products/medicines has to be transmitted out in a logical way to compete the pharmaceuticals
market and provide consumer satisfaction and make sure to buy Ayurvedic products. The result
of this research, consumer buying the Ayurveda for the safety reasons and trusts the
product/medicine of Ayurveda because the Ayurveda system is one of the oldest systems in the
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