Week 1 Digests
Week 1 Digests
Week 1 Digests
The information is valid.
Certification by the investigating prosecutor that he personally
examined the complainant and his witnesses is not an essential part of
the information. Its absence is merely a formal defect.
Contrary to petitioner's submission, Sandiganbayan made a finding
that the investigating officer who conducted the preliminary
investigation personally examined the witness for the prosecution. The
records of the Office of the Ombudsman disclose that Nereo A. Sales,
COA Auditor, who examined the cash and accountabilities of the
accused, was personally examined by Second Assistant Provincial
Prosecutor Vicente L. Suarez, by taking down his statement which the
witness subscribed and swor(e) to before said assistant prosecutor and
who certified as follows: 'THIS IS TO CERTIFY that I have personally
examined the affiant and that I am satisfied that he voluntarily executed
and understood his affidavit.'
The fact that it was not stated in the Information itself is merely a
formal defect which does not prejudice the substantial rights of the
accused and, hence, does not warrant the quashal of the information.
The certification appearing in the information filed in Criminal Case
of the Sandiganbayan reads as follows: "THIS IS TO CERTIFY that a
preliminary investigation has been conducted in this case; that there is
reasonable ground to engender a well-founded belief that the crime
charged has been committed; and that the accused is probably guilty
Definitely settled is the rule that notwithstanding the absence in the
information of a certification as to the holding of a preliminary
investigation, the information is nonetheless considered valid for the
reason that such certification is not an essential part of the information
itself and its absence cannot vitiate it as such.
Accordingly, as held in People vs. Marquez, "What is not allowed is
the filing of the information without a preliminary investigation having
been previously conducted, and the injunction that there should be a
certification is only a consequence of the requirement that a
preliminary investigation should first be conducted."
In the case at bar, there is a certification to the effect that a preliminary
investigation had been conducted. The alleged violation referred to by
petitioner merely consists of a failure to state that the investigating
prosecutor has personally examined the complainant and his witnesses.