Ips Form
Ips Form
Ips Form
Regd. Office : IACS Campus, 2a & B Raja Subodh Chandra Mullick Road Jadavpur, Kolkata-700 032, India Phone : 2473 4971 (Extn. 144)
Application of Membership
To The General Secretary, Indian Physical Society Dear Sir, I like to be enrolled as a Life /Ordinary/ Associate Member of the Society. I am sending herewith an amount Rs ________________ (Rupees ______________ only) towards payment of my subscription for the year _____________ be Cash / Bank draft / Cheque* No ___________ dated _________________ drawn on __________________________ (Bank/Branch). I agree that, if admitted, I will endeavour to promote the interest and welfare of the Society and I will observe its laws and maintain its dignity.
Date _________________
Signature __________________
1. 2. 3. 4.
Qualification / Specialization : _________________________________________________ Present Occupation /Designation : ______________________________________________ Address : (Office) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Pin ____________________ e-mail _____________________________ Phone ___________________ (Residence) ________________________________________________________________ __________________Pin _______________ Phone _________________
We, the undermentioned members of standing of the Society, from our knowledge about the candidate, recommend him / her for admission. Name of the Proposer : __________________________________________________________ Membership No. ________________ Signature ______________________________________ Name of the Seconder : _________________________________________________________ Membership No : ______________ Signature ______________________________________
*to be drawn in favour of the Indian Physical Society (Outstation cheque to include Bank charges)
Feb 2009.
Subscription shall become due in advance on the first day of each year. The full annual subscription shall be due from a Member elected any time during the year. Life Members are entitled to receive a free copy of Physics Teachers, published by IPS. Members are entirled to use IACS Library on Production of Photo-identity Card of IPS. IPS office is located at IACS Campus (office hrs : 12-6 PM on working days). Entry from Gate No. 3 where a glowsign is installed.