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Solar Based Induction Cooktop

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Dr. Saumendra Sarangi, Sunil Kumar Maurya,

Rajat Singh, Shivam Tripathi and Durgesh Chandra Nautiyal

Abstract1:- As conventional energy sources are depleting

day by day, utilization of Renewable sources is the only A PV panel is a packaged and connected
solution. Solar based Cooktop can replace LPG, Biofuels assembly of solar cells (depending upon the
load requirement) to generate the electricity
etc. and has the potential to meet the future demand. This through photovoltaic effect. A PV array
paper elucidates the application of solar energy in daily consists of several photovoltaic cells in
series and parallel connections. Series
life(cooking). connections are responsible for increasing
the voltage of the module whereas the
parallel connection is responsible for
1. Introduction:-
increasing the current in the array.
The recent severe energy crisis has
In this scheme seven 12V, 200W PV panels
forced the world to develop new and
are used to reliably supply the power to the
alternative methods of power generation,
1200W cooktop.
which could not be adopted so far due to
various reasons. Solar energy is the best
available solution to the above problem.
MPPT or Maximum Power Point
For our daily usage specially cooking, we
Tracking is algorithm (fractional voltage
depend on conventional energy sources
MPPT algorithm is used) that included in
(coal, wood, kerosene and gas).
charge controllers used for extracting
Solar based Induction Cooktop can reduce
maximum available power from PV
the dependability on conventional sources
module under certain conditions. The
in cooking field.
voltage at which PV module can produce
The proposed technique uses the solar
maximum power is called ‘maximum
panel and the battery to store the energy
power point’ (or peak power voltage).
which can be utilize to run Induction
Maximum power varies with solar
radiation, ambient temperature and solar
cell temperature.
2. Outline of scheme: MPPT is basically a load matching
It comprises PV panel, Controller, Battery, problem. In order to change the input
Boost converter and a modified Induction resistance of the panel to match the load
cooktop (fig1.1). resistance (by varying the duty cycle), a
The scheme is designed by taking 1200W DC to DC converter is required (here buck
induction cooktop as a load. converter is used).
fig1.1 block diagram of solar based induction cooktop

CONTROLLER: Intermittently. The battery's capacity for

A MPPT solar charge controller is the holding energy is rated in amp-hours. In
charge controller embedded with MPPT this scheme 300AH lead-acid type battery
algorithm to maximize the amount of is used.
current going into the battery from PV
module. It checks output of PV module, BOOST CONVERTER:
compares it to battery voltage then fixes The boost converter is used to "step-up" an
what is the best power that PV module can input voltage to some higher level, required
produce to charge the battery and converts by a load. This unique capability is
it to the best voltage to get maximum achieved by storing energy in an inductor
current into battery. It can also supply and releasing it to the load at a higher
power to a DC load, which is connected voltage. The DC input to a boost converter
directly to the battery. can be from many sources as well as
batteries, such as rectified AC from the
BATTERY: mains supply, or DC from solar panels, fuel
Batteries are a collection of one or more cells, dynamos and DC generators. Fig.1.2
cells whose chemical reactions create a illustrates the basic circuit of a Boost
flow of electrons in a circuit. All batteries converter.
are made up of three basic components: an
anode (the ‘-’ side), a cathode (the ‘+’
side), and some kind of electrolyte (a
substance that chemically reacts with the
anode and cathode).
Batteries accumulate excess energy created
by PV system and store it to be used at
night or when there is no other energy
Fig.1.2 Boost converter
input. Batteries can discharge rapidly and
yield more current that the charging source
can produce by itself, so loads can be run
MODIFIED INDUCTION COOKTOP: kHz, known as medium frequency, and 100
Working: kHz to 2 MHz, called high range.
Induction Cooking is the process of Frequencies in the range of 100 to 450 kHz
generating heat directly in a ferromagnetic create comparatively high energy heat that
utensil/pot/cookware by means of is suitable for rapid heating of small
electromagnetic induction and subsequent objects, or the skin of large parts. When
generation of eddy currents. The deep penetration of heat is required,
ferromagnetic cookware is to be extensive cycles of heating at low
placed/positioned on top of an induction frequency are essential, frequency range
cooktop. Below ceramic or glass surface being 5-30 kHz. The most transfer of
lies a resonant coil as shown in fig.1.3. energy during the process of induction
heating is at high frequency, when the
depth of current penetration is low. It has
been established that the recommended
frequency should be such that the depth of
penetration should not be more than 1/8
times the diameter of work piece.
To achieve electrical power signal at
such high frequency level, first AC(50Hz)
signal is converted to DC and then by using
resonant circuit DC is converted to a high
The induction cooktop and cookware can
frequency signal. The proposed scheme is
be considered as a transformer in which
directly giving the DC input to the
cookware act as shorted secondary (load).
induction cooktop by modifying its
An alternating is made to flow through the
circuitry, therefore load side inverter and
resonant coil, which leads to generation of
transformer is no longer required.
oscillating magnetic field. The magnetic
field induces an electric currents inside the
cookware. 3. Rating:
(for 1200W induction cooktop)
The induction cooktop only works with
cookware made of a ferromagnetic 3.1 PV PANEL:
material, such as stainless steel or iron. Seven PV panels of given specification
are connected in parallel to meet the load
Effect of Frequency on Induction Heating: demand.
The electrical frequency influences the Rating of single unit- 12V,200W
process of induction heating. The desirable V(mpp)- 18V
frequency range is determined by the V(oc)- 22V
dimensions of the work piece, type of I(mpp)- 11.12A
material, arrangement between the object I(sc)- 12.12A
and the coil, and the desired depth of Dimensions- 1321*991*34 mm3
penetration. As the frequency is increased,
the penetration of heat is decreased. The
normal range of frequency is 500Hz to 10
3.2 Battery:
Load = 1200W
To run the load for 3 hour, watt-hour rating
of the load is = 3600W
Capacity of 12V battery = 300AH

4.1 http://www.leonics.com/support/article2_14j/articles2_14j_en.php

4.2 Solar PV and Wind Energy Conversion Systems (Springer, 2015)


4.4 https://www.lithiumion-batteries.com/products/12v-300ah-lithium-ion-battery/

4.5 http://www.solardirect.com/pv/batteries/batteries.htm

4.6 http://www.ti.com/lit/an/snva731/snva731.pdf

4.7 power electronics, converters, applications and design by NED MOHAN, TOR M.


4.8 http://www.learnabout-electronics.org/PSU/psu32.php

4.9 https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/application-note/AN5030.pdf


4.11 https://electronicsforu.com/resources/induction-cooker-working

4.12 https://www.explainthatstuff.com/induction-cooktops.html

4.13 https://www.brighthubengineering.com/hvac/95097-frequency-and-induction-

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