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Fixed Macbeth Study Guide Act I

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Kamissa Barry Boston Latin School HR 209

Fixed MacBeth Study Guide

Act I: ​Write your answers to every other question below (Odds or


1. What does the Captain’s testimony suggest about Macbeth? (1, 2, 9-25)?
2. What news does Ross deliver to the King? (1,2, 56-66)?
3. Parallel to the accounts of the exploits of MacBeth and Banquo is the mischief of the Witches.
Summarize the activities of the Witches in scene 3.
4. Describe the effect of the Witches prophecy on Macbeth and Banquo in scene 3, and provide
textual evidence that support your response (Act, scene, lines).
5. Look up the dramatic terms “​aside​” and “​soliloquy​” and note their definitions.
6. What does Macbeth’s aside in the lines 140-155 reveal?
7. What does Macbeth suggest by the comments, “If chance will have me king, why, chance
may/crown me/Without a stir” (1, 3, 157-159)?
8. Is Malcolm's account of the late Thane of Cawdor’s repentance accurate (1, 3, 3-12)? Why or why
9. How does Duncan reward Macbeth for his valor? What about Banquo?
10. What does Macbeth’s response to the elevation of Malcolm to “Prince of Cumberland” suggest
about his state of mind (1, 4, 55-60)?
11. Act 5 begins with Lady Macbeth reading Macbeth’s account of the confounding experiences he
has had. What aspect of his personality does she ​decry?​ How does she plan to remedy the
12. What does Lady Macbeth suggest in lines 45-61 (Act 1, scene 5)?
13. Describe Lady Macbeth’s response to her husband’s apprehension about the “bloody business”?
How does it impact Macbeth?

Act II: ​Write your answers to the questions below in complete sentences.

1. Why are Macbeth and Banquo out late at night?

2. Scene 1 begins with a SOLILOQUY. What does it reveal?
3. How does Lady Macbeth facilitate her husband's bloody deed?
4. How does "Brave Macbeth" shows some weakness after he murders the King. Provide textual
evidence that supports your response (scene and lines).
5. Again Lady Macbeth acts "bravely" or rather "unnaturally" when she rebukes her husband for his
unmanliness. What does Macbeth do?
6. Read the Porter's first words over (II, iii, 1-20). What is the purpose of this passage?
7. Comment on Macbeth's explanation of the events related to the death of Duncan.
8. How do the king's sons respond to the murder?
9. Read Scene iv again. What is the purpose of the Old man's reflections/comments?

Act III:​ Write your answers to every question below in complete sentences.

1. What does Banquo imply with his monologue (1,1-10)?

2. Why does Macbeth ask so many questions about Banquo's travel plans (1, 21-47)?
3. What image of Banquo does MacBeth ​evince​ in his soliloquy (1, 52-77)?
4. How does Macbeth attempt to convince the murderers to kill Banquo? What does this strategy
Kamissa Barry Boston Latin School HR 209

say about him? Has your idea of him changed? Explain.

5. Are the murders convinced that Banquo was their enemy? Cite a line or 2 that illustrate your
6. Describe the relationship between Lady Macbeth and her husband since the murder of Duncan
in complete sentences? Predict the future of this relationship.
7. Identify two sets of lines that separately describe MacBeth's state of mind.
8. What does Fleance's escape mean for Banquo's ambition?
9. Why does MacBeth see the ghost of Banquo at the banquet?
10. In Act I, Lady MacBeth calls her husband, "infirm of purpose." Where in this scene does she
allude to MacBeth's lack of courage?
11. How does Lady MacBeth alleviate the apparent madness of her husband?
12. Who is Hecate? What concerns her?
13. Does Lennox have a clear understanding of the of the facts in Duncan's murder? Why or why
not? 14. Where is MacDuff?

Act IV: ​Write your answers for the questions below.

1. While Macbeth accidentally runs into the witches in Act I, this time he seeks them out.
2. Who is the additional companion of the witches, and what does this character add?
3. Is their announcement of Macbeth's arrival an appropriate description of him? Cite the
line(s) that support your answer.
4. Do the witches' answers to Macbeth satisfy him? Why or why not?
5. What is the significance of the "show of eight kings"?
6. How does MacBeth respond to the news of the flight of MacDuff to England?
7. Is Lady MacDuff's opinion of her husband's flight to England justified? Why or why not?
8. How does her son respond to her labeling her husband a traitor?
9. At this stage since the Porter's role, Shakespeare introduces ​comic relief​. Is it helpful? Why
or why not?
10. Structurally, this scene could stand by itself as it tells a complete story. It illustrates one
way in which Shakespeare adapted the Tragedy. Which aspect of the Greek Tragedy does
this scene illustrate?
11. Why does MacDuff visit Malcolm in exile?
12. Is Malcolm convinced of MacDuff's statement of his mission? Why not?
13. What is the purpose of MacDuff's self-deprecating remarks?
14. How does MacDuff react to the news of the murder of his family?
15. How do both the terrible news and MacDuff's response affect Malcolm?

Act V: ​Write your answers the questions below in complete sentences.

1. What has happened to Lady Macbeth? Did you foresee this outcome?
2. To what does the Doctor attribute her ​malaise​?
3. Describe the Doctor’s reaction to Lady MacBeth’s words in line 37-42 and lines
4. Comment on the Doctor’s diagnosis (lines 75-83).
5. Summarize the popular perception of MacBeth as the Malcolm, MacDuff and the
English forces that assist them approach Scotland.
Kamissa Barry Boston Latin School HR 209

6. What crucial decision does Caithness resolve to undertake? Do you approve? Why
or why not?
7. How does MacBeth receive the news of both the strength and approach of Malcolm
and the English forces?
8. What order does MacBeth give the Doctor? How does the Doctor respond (lines
9. What strategy does MacDuff elaborate?
10. Analyze MacBeth’s response to the news of the Queen’s death (lines 20-31).
11. Note how the plot has picked up steam in this act. Name two incidents or facts that
have aided in this process (Consider MacBeth’s response to the news of his wife’s
death and that Birnam Wood is moving towards Dunsinane.
12. Why does Young Siward face Macbeth so daringly (lines 5-14)?
13. Macbeth is emboldened by his easy victory upon Young Siward in lines 16-18.
14. What factors motivates MacDuff the most at this stage?
15. Why doesn’t Macbeth surrender but desperately faces MacDuff who kills him?
16. Why does Siward characterize his Young Siward’s death as noble (lines 44-64)?
17. ‘Tis a gory finish: MacDuff enters with “Th’ usurper’s cursed head” (line 66) to an
elated and gracious Malcolm, King of Scotland.

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