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Macbeth: Act III Reading and Study Guide

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Macbeth: Act III Reading and Study Guide

I. Vocabulary: Be able to define the following words and understand them when they appear in the play.
Also, be prepared to be quizzed on these words.

posterity: future generations

cide: kill (Shakespeare uses parricide, which means the act of killing one’s parents.) Also, think
about regicide, patricide, matricide

naught: nothing

jovial: jolly; cheerful

muse: to think about in silence

mirth: joy

ruby: red

blanch: turn pale white

wayward: turned away (perverted) from what is the expected norm; resistant to guidance or

II. Background Info:

Mark Antony & Octavius (Augustus) Caesar: after Julius Caesar was assassinated, Antony and
Octavius joined forces to defeat Cassius and Brutus (co-conspirators in the assassination of
Julius Caesar). The two joined forces with a third man (Lepidus) to rule Rome. Accounts
have Antony and Octavius being friends early on, but later Octavius turns on Antony and
defeats him to take supreme rule of Rome.

Acheron: a river in Hades (underworld) over which the souls of the dead were ferried. Similar to
Styx. The word often comes to represent Hades altogether. The dictionary defines it as
hell. In Dante’s Inferno, the river borders hell.

III. Literary Terms: these will be the terms that we use to discuss this act. Please know them for our
discussion and your tests and quizzes.

apostrophe: (Etymology = apo [away] + strophe [turn]) When a character makes an apostrophe, or
apostrophizes, that character turns away and speaks to nothing. They may speak to
someone who is absent, dead, or something that is not human, e.g., Fate. An apostrophe
is a type of speech similar to soliloquy and aside.

IV. Questions: answer the following questions while you read to check your comprehension.

Scene 1:

1. According to Banquo, how did Macbeth get all that the weird women promised?
Maven the get all weird women promised foully.

2. What has Macbeth invited Banquo to do?

Macbeth invited Banquo to presence in the solemn upper.

3. Where will Banquo be between now and this evening?

His being away with his son between now and this evening.

4. What does Macbeth say has been learned of Malcom and Donalbain?
Both and Donalbain are confessing about the murder.

5. Who will Banquo take with him?

Banquo will take his son with him.

6. Macbeth says, “For them the gracious Duncan have I murdered.” Who is he talking about? What is
bothering Macbeth in this soliloquy?
He is bothered that Banquo’s son will replaced him to be the king(65).

7. In a previous speech, what did Macbeth try to convince the murderers of?

Macbeth tried to convince the murders that Banquo is their enemies.

8. What do the murderers say about their own lives and their willingness to do what Macbeth want them to
They are willing to give up their life to Banquo, in order to have better life.
9. Besides Banquo, who else does Macbeth want dead?
Macbeth also wants Banquo’s son dead. (134-135),.

Scene 2:

10. Lady Macbeth voices concern about getting what one desires but not being “content.” What does she
say is “safer” to be?
It is safer to be dead like Duncan than to live in uncertain joy. (5-8).

11. What reasons does Macbeth give for why Duncan is better off than he?
He would rather have the world fall apart than be afflicted with such fears and
nightmares (16-22).

12. How does Macbeth instruct Lady Macbeth to act toward Banquo?
Macbeth instructs Lady Macbeth to pay more attention toward Banquo(29-30).

13. What does Lady Macbeth say that provides comfort to Macbeth?

lady Macbeth says that they are all naturally dead, therefore Macbeth does need to
kill them immediately.(37)
14. Macbeth says, “Be innocent of the knowledge.” Who should be innocent? __________________
Lady Macbeth What
knowledge is Macbeth talking about?

He is talking about murdering Banquo.

Scene 3:

15. Who hired the third murderer?

Macbeth hired the third murder (2).

16. The murderers are about a mile away from the palace gate. What do most men usually do from this
place? Most men usually walk from the palace gate (10-12).

17. How successful were the murderers?

The murders successfully killed Banquo but left Banquo’s son alive (20-23).

Scene 4:

18. What is happening at the beginning of this scene?

One of the murderers reports on Banquo’s death and Fleance’s escape (13-26).

19. What is the first thing Macbeth tells the murderer?

He is asking did they successfully killed Banquo? (12)

20. What does Macbeth mean when says, “There the serpent lies. The worm that’s fled / Hath nature that in
time will venom breed, / no teeth for th’ present”?
First, he means Banquo is already dead, second Macbeth says Fleance is too young to cause problem to him (29-31).

21. Macbeth says that he hopes he can “challenge,” or accuse, Banquo of

Unkindness rather than pity him for ______________________.

22. Macbeth says, “Which of you have done this?” What is Macbeth looking at when he says this?
He is looking at ghost What is Macbeth referring to when he says “done this”?
Macbeth is referring that

23. What does Lady Macbeth say is the problem?

Lady Macbeth means that hallucinations are induces by fear.

24. Lady Macbeth tell the lords not to do what because it enrages Macbeth in these fits?
Lady Macbeth tells he lords do not pay attention to Macbeth because Macbeth has these fits since he was a child,
therefore do not ask him any questions.
25. She tells them to ignore rank and do what?
She tells the to ignore rank and leave.
26. What behavior of Macduff does Macbeth find unnerving?
Macduff finds out that Macbeth refuses to come when told to do so.

27. Macbeth says, “There’s not a one of them but in his house I keep a servant fee’d.” What does this
He means that he has a servant who spying on every lord’s house.

28. Who does Macbeth say he will go visit?
Macbeth says he will go visit the withes.

Scene 5:

29. What does Hecate accuse the Weird Sisters of?

Hecate accuses the Weird Sister of not following her order. (They should not easily tell others’ future).

30. Where does Hecate tell the Weird Sisters to meet her in the morning?
Hecate tells he weird Sisters to meet her in the morning in the pit by the river in hell.

31. What does Hecate say she will spend the night planning?
Hecate says she will spend the night planning to affect Macbeth’s good luck.

32. What does Hecate say is mortal’s worst enemy?

Hecate says the mortal’s worst enemy is insecurity.

Scene 6:

33. What is Lennox’s thoughts on what has been happening in Scotland?

There are strange things happening in Sottland: fathers are killed.

34. What does Lennox say he has heard about Macduff?

Lennox says that because Macduff says everything without thinking and did not appear at Macbeth’s
feast so Macbeth does not like him.

35. According to the Lord, where is Macduff?

Macduff is in England requesting the king to help overthrow Macbeth.

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