Me 218b Bom
Me 218b Bom
Me 218b Bom
Motors SPDL 0 2 0
Drive Wheels Cabinet of Freedom 0 2 0
Magnetic Encoders SPDL 8.5 1 8.5
Wheel Adapter for 1/4 '' shaft Pololu 4.95 2 9.9
32 mm Bore Bottom Tapped Clamping Mount ServoCity 6.99 2 13.98
1/4 '' Bore Bottom Tapped Pillow Block Bearing ServoCity 5.99 2 11.98
Shaft Coupler from 5mm to 6.35 mm shaft PRL, Room 36 4.25 2 8.5
Pololu Ball Caster with 3/4″ Metal Ball Pololu 2.99 4 11.96
1/4'' shaft with 2'' length PRL, Room 36 1.5 2 3
TLE-5206E H-Bridge SPDL 9.5 2 19
Structural Components
Electrical Components