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Hydrogen Sulfide Protocol

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Division: Business Protocol No.

: Page Revision/Approval
Corporate Unit /Area: COR-03-S7-PR 1 of 30 01-Date: 6/27/14

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

This Devon Energy EHS Protocol defines what is required to protect workers and the public from the hazards
encountered in a hydrogen sulfide (H2S) environment.

This protocol applies to all Devon operated equipment, facilities and all Devon employees. Contractors will have
their own program that meets or exceeds Devon’s Hydrogen Sulfide Protocol.

Table of Contents

1.0 RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................................... 2

2.0 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................... 2
2.1 Hydrogen Sulfide Terms and Definitions ..................................................................... 2
2.2 General Terms and Definitions ................................................................................ 3
3.0 PROTOCOL ............................................................................................................ 4
3.1 Identification and Communication of Potential H2S Hazards ............................................ 4
3.2 Drilling, Workover and Completion Safe Work Practices .................................................. 5
3.3 Operation Safe Work Process .................................................................................. 9
3.4 Emergency Preparedness, Response and Rescue.......................................................... 14
3.5 H2S Contingency Planning ..................................................................................... 16
3.6 Regulatory Permitting for Operations and Drilling ....................................................... 16
4.0 RECORDKEEPING ................................................................................................... 17
5.0 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................... 17
6.0 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................ 18
Appendix A – Radius of Exposure Calculation ................................................................... 18
Appendix C – H2S Compliance Requirements ................................................................... 19
Appendix D – Federal and State Requirements ................................................................. 23
Appendix E – Hydrogen Sulfide Warning Signs .................................................................. 24
Appendix F – H2S Training Requirements ........................................................................ 27
Appendix G – Contingency Plan Flowchart ...................................................................... 28
Appendix H – Sample Contingency Plan ......................................................................... 29
Attachment B – Sampling Results Form .......................................................................... 30
Attachment C – H2S Facilities List ................................................................................ 31


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Division: Business Protocol No.: Page Revision/Approval
Corporate Unit /Area: COR-03-S7-PR 2 of 30 01-Date: 6/27/14

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

Division/Business Unit Leadership
• Reinforce adherence to this protocol and provide resources for application of the protocol.
• Ensure employees are trained appropriately for working around H2S.
Line Supervisor
• Understand how this protocol applies to personnel in their area of responsibility.
• Ensure employees have training, skills, knowledge and understanding to comply with this protocol.
• Check periodically to ensure the requirements of this protocol are being met.
Environmental, Health and Safety
• Provide technical resources and tools for protocol application.
• Monitor compliance through the audit process.
Devon Employees
• Adhere to the requirements of this protocol.
• Identify and report gaps in this protocol.
• Complete required training.
Contract Company Representative
• Comply with regulatory requirements and follow the Devon EHS protocols.


2.1 Hydrogen Sulfide Terms and Definitions
Air Supplying Respirator (ASR) - a device that provides Grade D breathing air. There are two types of
ASR: Supplied Air Respirator (SAR) and Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA).
Ambu Bag - a hand-held device used to provide positive pressure ventilation to a patient who is not
breathing or who is breathing inadequately.
Contingency Plan – a written document that contains emergency response procedures which provide an
organized plan of action for alerting and protecting the public within an area of exposure, prior to an
intentional or accidental release of a potentially hazardous volume of H2S.
Building - a structure with four sides and a roof (e.g., meter houses, compressor buildings, etc.).
Escape Pack - an emergency escape-breathing device providing five, 10 or 15 minutes of breathing for
escape from toxic environments, even in atmospheres immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH).
Grain (one grain 100ft3 of gas) – A unit of measure for hydrogen sulfide and is expressed in the following
Grains per 100 cubic feet
¼ grain = 4 ppm 1 grain = 16ppm
Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH) - exposure to airborne contaminants that is likely to
cause death, or may cause immediate or delayed permanent adverse health effects that might prevent
escape from such an environment, for H2S this concentration is 100 ppm
Incident Management Team (IMT) – a group of people assigned to manage an incident under the incident
command system. Within Devon, IMTs exist at three levels – local (site), division (DIMT) and corporate
Iron Sulfide – a chemical compound consisting of iron and sulfur, commonly found inside piping, vessels
and/or other equipment where H2S is or has been present, that will ignite and burn in the presence of
oxygen in air.


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Division: Business Protocol No.: Page Revision/Approval
Corporate Unit /Area: COR-03-S7-PR 3 of 30 01-Date: 6/27/14

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) - a gas formed in nature by the decomposition of organic material by bacteria.
H2S is found in natural gas, oil, sewers, stagnant water, volcanic gases, sulfur springs and anywhere that
organic materials may be broken down.
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Facility – any location where H2S concentrations of 10 ppm or greater exist
before treatment (oil, gas, water or stream), however; this does NOT include sites impacted by bacterial
National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) - a professional organization for the corrosion
control industry established in 1943. The main focus of their activities includes cathodic protection,
coatings for industry and material selection for specific chemical resistance.
Parts Per Million (ppm) - a concentration by volume of one part of a gas (or vapor), or by weight of a
liquid or solid, per million parts of air or liquid.
Public Area - a dwelling, place of business, church, school, hospital, school bus stop, government
building, a public road, all or any portion of a park, city, town, village or other similar area that can be
expected to be populated.
Public Road – any federal, state, county or municipal street or road owned or maintained for public
access or use.
Radius of Exposure (ROE) – the distance from a release to where H2S concentration in the air will dilute
to a specific concentration.
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) - a respirator that has breathing air carried in a tank on the
worker’s back and supplied through a hose into a full-face respirator with a minimum cylinder rating of
30 minutes under positive pressure/pressure demand.
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) - a toxic gas created when hydrogen sulfide is burned. It is heavier than air and
forms sulfuric acid when combined with moisture (including perspiration).
Supplied Air Respirator (SAR) - a respirator that has compressed air from a stationary source is supplied
through a high-pressure hose connected to a full-face respirator under positive pressure/pressure
demand with an auxiliary self-contained bottle (rated for a minimum of five minutes).
Tutwiler Test - a field test for determining H2S in gas mixtures. Mercaptan sulfur and carbonyl sulfide,
if present, are determined as H2S. The accuracy of this method is not sufficient to obtain reliable results
below five grains of H2S per 100 ft3.

2.2 General Terms and Definitions

Area - individual operating fields or components that collectively comprise a region, areas normally
include an area office.
Area Office - a field office with assigned employees that support an area (e.g., Groesbeck, Riverton and
Fort St. John).
Business Unit - individual components that collectively comprise a Division. Business Units may also
be referred to as Basins.
Contract Company Representative – a contractor who is assigned responsibilities and oversight for a
specific task that requires adherence to Devon EHS Protocols.
Division – the division operations of Devon are Canada, Corporate, Marketing & Midstream and U.S.
Enterprise Classification Structure – part of Devon’s strategic plan for managing information assets.
The ECS is the published list of all records classes, the period of time for retaining each and their
designated disposition.
Field EHS - a titled position that provides EHS guidance and support within a Division.
Facility – a collection of structures, piping, valves, vessels, tanks, compression and processing
equipment located in close geographic proximity, that are involved directly in the development,


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Corporate Unit /Area: COR-03-S7-PR 4 of 30 01-Date: 6/27/14

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

production, processing or delivery of oil and gas to market (e.g., a tank battery, drill-site, well-site,
compressor station, pipeline and gas plant).
Line Supervisor – a titled position that has assigned authority and responsibility for financials,
production, maintenance, projects and personnel for a defined area. In Devon, this could be any
supervisor, superintendent, foreman or assistant foreman.
Person In Charge (PIC) – a person that has been authorized by Devon to perform specific tasks to comply
with this Devon protocol and/or regulatory requirements related to EHS. The PIC is defined in all
protocols in the second column of the protocol section.
Region / District – individual components that collectively compromise a division.

3.1 Identification and Communication of Potential H2S Hazards
H2S is a toxic, highly flammable, colorless gas which may be encountered in exploration, production and
processing of natural gas, crude oil, associated gas and produced water.
Step Person In Charge (PIC) Action
3.1.1 Line Supervisor Determine the H2S concentrations, prior to treatment, in the gas or liquid
stream for new production or acquired assets by sampling or using
measurement gas analysis sample results (internal or third party gatherer).
Using scavenger to treat the area would not eliminate the need to comply
with the monitoring, PPE, signage, etc., requirements identified within the
Note: Sampling can be conducted using one of the following methods:
Tutwiler test, gas chromatograph, gas analysis, colorimetric detector
tubes or by electronic detection devices (direct reading instrument).
3.1.2 Line Supervisor Conduct state and/or agency required sampling when applicable, in
accordance with state-specific requirements.
Note: State and agency regulations may require a specific test method.
3.1.3 Line Supervisor Conduct additional H2S sampling as processes change or as conditions
warrant at field locations where H2S is known or suspected.
Note: Where allowed by state regulations, a representative sample may
be used.
3.1.4 Line Supervisor At H2S sites where the presence of H2S exists, the vapor space of one tank of
each type(e.g., process water tank, condensate tank, oil tank, etc.).
Note: If H2S concentrations are unknown supplied air must be used.
3.1.5 Line Supervisor Record the sample results from Steps 3.1.1 – 3.1.3.
Note: Attachment B - Sampling Results Form can be used to record the
3.1.6 Line Supervisor Create and maintain a list of H2S facilities in the area using the H2S Facilities
List (Attachment C) or equivalent.
3.1.7 Line Supervisor/ Calculate the Radius of Exposure (ROE) for locations where H2S is 100 ppm or
Engineering greater, located in Appendix A - Radius of Exposure Calculation, using the
Pasquill-Gifford method.
Note: ROE calculations for tanks are not required.


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Corporate Unit /Area: COR-03-S7-PR 5 of 30 01-Date: 6/27/14

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

Note: When calculating ROE on pipelines the calculated distance will

run parallel with the pipeline.
3.1.8 Line Supervisor Communicate H2S locations and hazards that may be encountered on-site
through initial job planning and prior to arriving on location to the following:
• Employees
• Contractors
• Visitors
Note: See Appendix B for Chemical Reactivity Hazards.
3.2 Drilling, Workover and Completion Safe Work Practices
H2S Site Determination
Step Person In Charge (PIC) Action
3.2.1 Line Supervisor Based on previous sampling data from surrounding areas and rock formation
results, appropriate precautions are required to be followed during drilling:
• H2S Training (Appendix F) of all employees/contractors
• Fixed/Personal Monitors
• Respirators
• Signage
• Emergency Action Plans
Engineering Controls
Engineering controls should be the first line of protection against H2S hazards. The control(s) listed
below are required.
Step Person In Charge (PIC) Action
3.2.2 Line Supervisor When H2S levels reach 10 ppm evaluate the risk to employees, contractors
and nearby communities when determining the appropriate engineering

Such controls can include the use of a flare stack or killing the well during
drilling, workover or completions.
Note: For emergency purposes, an alternate ignition source can be used
(e.g., flare gun, etc.).
3.2.3 Line Supervisor Implement the following work practices and procedures in drilling and
workover operations where;
• the 100 ppm radius of exposure is 50 feet or greater and includes a public
area, or is greater than 3,000 feet, regardless of public area (Appendix
o Provide a method for igniting the gas if an uncontrollable emergency
event occurs.
o Install a choke manifold, mud-gas separator and flare line, and
provide a suitable method for lighting the flare as necessary.
o Test drill-stems of H2S zones only in daylight hours.


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Corporate Unit /Area: COR-03-S7-PR 6 of 30 01-Date: 6/27/14

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

o Secondary remote control of blowout prevention and choke equipment to

be located away from the rig floor at a safe distance from the wellhead.
Administrative Controls
Administrative controls will be implemented as the second line of defense. In some cases, these
administrative controls are regulatory requirements, in other cases, administrative controls are
implemented when engineering controls are not feasible.
Step Person In Charge (PIC) Action
3.2.4 Line Supervisor Conduct a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) before beginning with tasks that are
non-routine (as defined in the Pre-Job Planning Protocol), activities that are
without a procedure, or work on processes where gas concentrations are
greater than 100 ppm H2S.
3.2.5 Employee Establish an evacuation plan during the pre-task tailgate when working at H2S
facilities that includes the following components:
• Communicate wind direction (i.e., wind indicators on locations)
• Identify muster areas and emergency exits

3.2.6 Employee Display wind indicators (e.g., windsocks, streamers, etc.) at drilling rigs,
workovers and well servicing operations where H2S concentrations exceed
100 ppm in the gas or liquid stream.
Note: Wind indicators will meet the following requirements:
• Visible from any location on the site,
• Placed where wind movement is unobstructed and
• Elevated and rotate freely.
3.2.7 Employee Follow state and/or local requirements when posting safety signage to notify
employees and contractors of H2S. Basic notification by way of signage will
start at 10 ppm. If the site levels are 100 ppm or greater, “Danger” signs
must be posted instead of ”Caution.”
Note: In Texas, the Texas Railroad Commission requires “Caution” at
100 ppm, therefore basic H2S notice will be posted at 10 ppm (see
Appendix E, section 2).
Note: If there are no state/local requirements, Devon locations will
post “Caution” signs at sites where concentrations of H2S exceed 10 ppm
before treatment.
Note: Appropriate caution signs (black on yellow, or equivalent) will
be displayed at all location entrances when the atmospheric
concentration of H2S could exceed 10 ppm.
Note: If warning flags or flashing lights are used at sites where
concentrations of H2S exceed 10 ppm, colors should be displayed
according to Appendix E, section one.

3.2.8 Employee Display danger signs outside all access doorways leading into enclosed
facilities, where produced fluids or gases containing 100 ppm H2S are being
processed or handled.
Note: Legible danger signs such as, “HYDROGEN SULFIDE OPERATIONS


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Corporate Unit /Area: COR-03-S7-PR 7 of 30 01-Date: 6/27/14

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

POINT,” should be prominently posted at appropriate locations (e.g.,

entrance points) for operations where hydrogen sulfide may be
encountered (see examples in Appendix E, section two).
3.2.9 Employee Use the special precautions listed below when iron sulfide is present to
minimize the risk of a fire or subsequent ignition of a gas source. Waste
materials containing iron sulfide must be handled and disposed of by:
• Keeping thoroughly wetted with water during handling and storage,
• Placing in a safe location away from gas piping and/or process areas,
• Monitoring to prevent ignition and re-wetting as needed and
• Disposing of iron sulfide in accordance with Waste Management
Personal and Fixed H2S Monitors
Manufacturers’ recommendations will be followed for the installation, maintenance, calibration and
repair of equipment.
Step Person in Charge (PIC) Action
3.2.10 Line Supervisor Ensure alarm set points for personal monitors are set at 10 ppm.
3.2.11 Line Supervisor Fixed monitors will have a low level alarm set at 10 ppm and the high level
alarm established by the site’s risk assessment, which is not to exceed 100
3.2.12 Employee Protect personnel from exposure to atmospheric concentrations of H2S when
entering buildings, pump rooms or similar areas where H2S is greater than
100 ppm in the gas stream or gas phase above produced fluids, by using one
OR more of the following methods:
• Use portable H2S detection equipment to test the atmosphere within the
enclosure before entry and continuously while within the enclosure.
• Use a fixed H2S monitoring device that provides audible and/or visible
• Use ventilation (i.e., designed to maintain concentrations below 10 ppm),
which will be confirmed through fixed monitoring detection system.
• Wear an ASR apparatus before entering and while within enclosures.

3.2.13 Employee Wear a personal monitor in the breathing zone, not to be placed on the pant
leg, belt loop, or the back of the hardhat where H2S concentrations in the
equipment are known, or suspected to be, greater than 10 ppm.
Note: All employees, contractors and visitors are expected to comply
with this requirement.
3.2.14 Line Supervisor Monitoring equipment (fixed and portable) will be used during all drilling
operations where there is a possibility of hydrogen sulfide exceeding 10 ppm.
Fixed alarms will be placed around the drilling floor at the following
locations, preferably on the downwind side, low-lying areas:
• Bell nipple
• Shale shaker
• Trip tank
• Suction pit


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Corporate Unit /Area: COR-03-S7-PR 8 of 30 01-Date: 6/27/14

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

• Rig floor
• Cellar
• Choke manifold
• Living quarters

3.2.15 Line Supervisor Monitoring equipment (fixed and portable) will be used during workover,
completion and well servicing operations where there is a possibility of
hydrogen sulfide exceeding 10 ppm. The monitors will have one or more
sensors located at the rig floor at the “open hole” near the wellbore,
preferably downwind.
Note: Where well fluids are flowed to a surface pit, one or more sensors
should be installed in the area of the surface pit.
3.2.16 Electrical/ Line Supervisor Fixed H2S monitors shall be designed, installed and operated to meet the
following minimum criteria:
• Provide early detection and allow proper response to protect personnel
and the public
• Equipped with visual and audible alarms
• Located where the alarm can be seen or heard throughout the work area
• Maintained in operational status at all times. Superintendent approval is
required any time the monitor is bypassed or un-operational
• Equipment must be UL listed and intrinsically safe
3.2.17 Employee If the audible alarm sounds while on Devon facility and/or right-of-way from
either a fixed or personal monitor:
• Notify any other personnel in the immediate area
• Evacuate the area by immediately moving upwind and crosswind
• Notify the immediate Supervisor and local EHS
3.2.18 Line Supervisor Use one of following methods when testing a facility after a fixed or personal
monitor alarms:
• Test using a monitor, while wearing an ASR and have a stand-by person
that meets the requirements listed 3.2.22, or
• Specifically for fixed monitors, develop a Job Hazard Analysis
(JHA)/Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) that defines the re-entry
process and verification that the levels are less than 10 ppm H2S.
Note: The JHA/SOP must be approved by the local Superintendent.
3.2.19 Employee Do not re-enter the area without supplied air until the area has been tested
and is found to have less than 10 ppm of H2S.


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Division: Business Protocol No.: Page Revision/Approval
Corporate Unit /Area: COR-03-S7-PR 9 of 30 01-Date: 6/27/14

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

Respiratory Protection Program

People working in an H2S atmosphere are required to wear respiratory protection in accordance with the
Respiratory Protection Program.

Refer to the definitions section of the EHS Respiratory Protection Implementation Plan for guidelines
concerning facial hair growth while using approved respirator.

Step Person In Charge (PIC) Action

3.2.20 Employee Place personal respirators strategically so that the equipment is quickly and
easily available to essential personnel.
Note: Essential personnel are those required to provide safe operational
activities and those required to affect the control of H2S.
3.2.21 Employee Wear an ASR when working in concentrations above 10 ppm H2S

Note: Do not use air purifying and demand type (negative pressure)
respirators in H2S operations or environments under any circumstance.
Note: If monitoring confirms that no H2S is present inside the equipment,
the line breaks and equipment openings may continue without the use of
an ASR.
Note: This monitoring can be completed by testing the atmosphere inside
the system using a monitor equipped with a pump and hose, along with
an open bleeder using an open bleeder valve, and hose and pump on a
system that has been isolated and de-pressurized.
3.2.22 Employee Require at least one stand-by person to be available on-site while working in
an H2S atmosphere 100 ppm or greater. The stand-by person must meet the
following requirements:
• Wear a fully charged SCBA,
• Stationed in a safe location,
• Trained in rescue operations and
• Able to call for help and provide assistance in an emergency situation.
3.2.23 Employee Evacuate the area by immediately moving upwind and crosswind if a personal
or fixed monitor alarms, or you begin to feel effects of exposure.
3.3 Operation Safe Work Practices
H2S Site Determination
Step Person In Charge (PIC) Action
3.3.1 Line Supervisor Determine the H2S concentrations, prior to treatment (see 3.1.1).
3.3.2 Line Supervisor Re-test if conditions change.
3.3.3 Employee Sample H2S concentrations in the vapor space of tanks on facilities with H2S
concentrations greater than 10 ppm in the gas or liquid streams.
Note: If H2S concentrations are unknown, supplied air must be used.


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Corporate Unit /Area: COR-03-S7-PR 10 of 30 01-Date: 6/27/14

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

Bacterial H2S
This section specifically addresses infrequent levels of H2S found in storage tanks.
3.3.4 Line Supervisor Responding to bacterial H2S requires specific actions following the sampling
and determination process mentioned below:
• Follow the appropriate signage outlined in the protocol
• Treat the equipment with appropriate material (e.g., scavenger, etc.)
• Personal monitors shall be worn when working around the effected area
until levels can be maintained below 10 ppm
• Samples must be taken at least once a week. If levels remain at or
greater than 10ppm, a subsequent batch treatment will be performed
• In case of emergency situations, responders will have the appropriate
training, respiratory fit testing, and be outfitted with the appropriate
respiratory protection prior to responding (refer to Emergency Response
section 3.4)
Note: Bacterial H2S does not constitute the site to be identified as an
H2S Facility.
Engineering Controls
Engineering controls should be the first line of protection against H2S hazards. Evaluate and implement
those controls that are appropriate to mitigate, if not eliminate, the hazards involved.
Step Person In Charge (PIC) Action
3.3.5 Operations Install engineering controls that eliminate and/or minimize H2S hazards based
on risk. Examples include:
• External or remote tank gauges
• Re-piping tank equalizing/switching valves to ground level
• Closed drain or vent systems
• Flare or vent stacks (All flare systems that might contain H2S should be of
sufficient height and design to minimize the exposure of SO2 at ground
level. All new and refurbished flares that could burn H2S will be installed
with auto ignition systems.)
• Chemical treating
Note: A scavenger is not an adequate mitigation technique and would
still require signage, monitoring, PPE, etc.
• Vapor Recovery Unit (VRU)
• SCADA systems
• Use of NACE engineered coatings and materials resistant to H2S
3.3.6 Line Supervisor Implement the following work practices and procedures in operations where;
• the 100 ppm radius of exposure is 50 feet or greater and includes a public
area, or is greater than 3,000 feet, regardless of public area (Appendix


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

o All flare systems that may contain H2S will be designed to minimize
the exposure of SO2 at the ground level. All new and refurbished flares
that could burn H2S will be installed with auto ignition systems, as
specified by Appendix C (Refer to API 49). For emergency purposes,
an alternate ignition source can be used (e.g., flare gun, etc.).
Administrative Controls
Administrative controls will be implemented as the second line of defense. In some cases these
administrative controls are regulatory requirements, in other cases, administrative controls are
implemented when engineering controls are not feasible.
Step Person In Charge (PIC) Action
3.3.7 Line Supervisor Conduct a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) before beginning with tasks that are
non-routine (as defined in the Pre-Job Planning Protocol), activities that are
without a procedure, or work on processes where gas concentrations are
greater than 100 ppm H2S.
3.3.8 Line Supervisor Implement required controls based on H2S concentration and ROE
calculations, as specified in Appendix C - H2S Compliance Requirements.
Note: Additional federal agency and state regulations may apply. Federal
and state Regulations can be found on Strata or the hyperlinks in
Appendix D.
3.3.9 Employee Establish an evacuation plan during the pre-task tailgate when working at H2S
facilities with the following components:
• Communicate wind direction (i.e., wind indicators on locations)
• Identify muster areas and emergency exits

3.3.10 Employee Display wind indicators (e.g., windsocks, streamers, etc.) at facilities where
H2S concentrations exceed 100 ppm in the gas or liquid stream.
Note: Wind indicators will meet the following requirements:
• Visible from any location on the site,
• Placed where wind movement is unobstructed and
• Elevated and rotate freely.
3.3.11 Employee Follow state and/or local requirements when posting safety signage to notify
employees and contractors of H2S. Basic notification will start at 10 ppm. If
the site levels are 100 ppm or greater, “Danger” signs must be posted.
Note: In Texas, the Texas Railroad Commission requires “Caution” at
100 ppm, therefore basic H2S notice will be posted at 10 ppm (see
Appendix E, section 2).
Note: If there are no state/local requirements, Devon locations will
post “Caution” signs at sites where concentrations of H2S exceed 10 ppm
before treatment.
Note: Appropriate caution signs (black on yellow, or equivalent) will
be displayed at all location entrances when the atmospheric
concentration of H2S could exceed 10 ppm.
3.3.12 Employee Display danger signs outside all access doorways leading into building, where
produced fluids or gases containing 100 ppm H2S are being processed or


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

Note: Legible danger signs such as, “HYDROGEN SULFIDE OPERATIONS

POINT,” should be prominently posted at appropriate locations (e.g.,
entrance points) for operations where hydrogen sulfide may be
encountered (see examples in Appendix E, section two).
3.3.13 Employee Post signage along the right-of-way of H2S pipelines and at public road
crossings involving H2S concentrations of 100 ppm or greater in the liquid
Note: Examples can be found in Appendix E, section two.
3.3.14 Employee Post signage stating “Respiratory Protection Required Beyond This Point” at
tank battery stairways and/or ladders where measured H2S concentrations
are greater than 100 ppm in the vapor space and/or liquid phase of the tank.
Note: Examples can be found in Appendix E, section two.
3.3.15 Line Supervisor Provide multiple exits equipped with panic bars, or similar easily operated
closures within an enclosed building, located so that emergency escape can
be easily accomplished.
3.3.16 Employee Use the special precautions listed below when iron sulfide is present to
minimize the risk of a fire or subsequent ignition of a gas source. Waste
materials containing iron sulfide must be handled and disposed of by:
• Keeping thoroughly wetted with water during handling and storage,
• Placing in a safe location away from gas piping and/or process areas,
• Monitoring to prevent ignition and re-wetting as needed and
• Disposing of iron sulfide in accordance with Waste Management
Personal and Fixed H2S Monitors
Manufacturers’ recommendations will be followed for the installation, maintenance, calibration and
repair of equipment.
Step Person in Charge (PIC) Action
3.3.17 Line Supervisor Ensure alarm set points for personal monitors are set at 10 ppm.
3.3.18 Line Supervisor Fixed monitors will have a low level alarm set at 10 ppm and the high level
alarm established by the site’s risk assessment, which is not to exceed 100
3.3.19 Employee Protect personnel from exposure to atmospheric concentrations of H2S when
entering buildings, pump rooms or similar areas where H2S is greater than
100 ppm in the gas stream or gas phase above produced fluids, by using one
or more of the following methods:
• Use portable H2S detection equipment to test the atmosphere within the
enclosure before entry and continuously while within the enclosure.
• Use a fixed H2S monitoring device that provides audible and/or visible
• Use ventilation (i.e., designed to maintain concentrations below 10 ppm),
which will be confirmed through fixed monitoring detection system.
• Wear an ASR apparatus before entering and while within enclosures.


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

3.3.20 Employee Wear a personal monitor in the breathing zone not to be placed on the pant
leg, belt loop, or the back of the hardhat where H2S concentrations in the
equipment are known, or suspected to be, greater than 10 ppm.
Note: All employees, contractors and visitors are expected to comply
with this requirement.
3.3.21 Line Supervisor Install fixed area H2S monitors when required by Appendix C. Consider the
following to determine if fixed monitors should be installed when they are not
regulatory required:
• Concentration of H2S in gas or liquid stream or atmosphere,
• Volume and/or pressure of the H2S gas or liquid in system,
• Operations involving enclosed facilities containing processing equipment
containing H2S,
• Exposure potential for employees (manned vs. unmanned facility),
• Exposure potential for the public (populated vs. remote area) and
• Response time to a release.
3.3.22 Electrical/ Line Supervisor Fixed H2S monitors will be designed, installed and operated to meet the
following minimum criteria:
• Provide early detection and allow proper response to protect personnel
and the public
• Equipped with visual and audible alarms
• Located where the alarm can be seen or heard throughout the work area
• Maintained in operational status at all times. Superintendent approval is
required any time the monitor is bypassed or un-operational
• Equipment must be UL listed and intrinsically safe
3.3.23 Employee If either a personal or fixed monitor alarms at a Devon location :
• Notify any other personnel in the immediate area
• Evacuate the area by immediately moving upwind and crosswind
• Notify the immediate Supervisor and local EHS
3.3.24 Line Supervisor Use one of following methods when testing a facility after a personal or fixed
monitor alarms:
• Test using a portable monitor, while wearing an ASR and have a stand-by
person that meets the requirements listed 3.3.29, or
• Specifically for fixed monitors, develop a JHA/SOP that defines the re-
entry process and verification that the levels are less than 10 ppm H2S
Note: The JHA/SOP must be approved by the local Superintendent.
3.3.25 Employee Do not re-enter the area without supplied air until the area has been tested
and is found to have less than 10 ppm of H2S.


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

Respiratory Protection Program

People working in an H2S atmosphere are required to wear respiratory protection in accordance with
the Respiratory Protection Program.

Refer to the definitions section of the EHS Respiratory Protection Implementation Plan for guidelines
concerning facial hair growth while using approved respirator.

Step Person In Charge (PIC) Action

3.3.26 Employee Place personal respirators strategically so that the equipment is quickly and
easily available to essential personnel.
Note: Essential personnel are those required to provide safe operational
activities and those required to affect the control of H2S.
3.3.27 Employee Wear an ASR when working in concentrations above 10 ppm H2S

Note: Do not use air purifying and demand type (negative pressure)
respirators in H2S operations or environments under any circumstance.
Note: If monitoring confirms that no H2S is present inside the
equipment, the line breaks and equipment openings may continue
without the use of an ASR.
Note: This monitoring can be completed by testing the atmosphere
inside the system using a monitor equipped with a pump and hose, along
with an open bleeder using an open bleeder valve, and hose and pump
on a system that has been isolated and de-pressurized.
3.3.28 Employee Wear an ASR when opening equipment with concentrations are greater than
10 ppm.

Note: ASR’s are to be worn anytime the personal monitor alarms.

3.3.29 Employee Require at least one stand-by person to be available on-site while working
in an H2S atmosphere 100 ppm or greater. The stand-by person must meet
the following requirements:
• Wear a fully charged SCBA,
• Stationed in a safe location,
• Trained in rescue operations and
• Able to call for help and provide assistance in an emergency situation
3.3.30 Employee Evacuate the area by immediately moving upwind and crosswind if a
personal or fixed monitor alarms, or you begin to feel effects of exposure.


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

3.4 Emergency Preparedness, Response & Rescue

Step Person In Charge (PIC) Action
3.4.1 Line Supervisor Sites with 100 ppm in the gas stream shall include specific actions relating
to H2S emergencies (e.g., responding to releases, addressing emergency
response and rescue, etc.) in their Emergency Response Plan.

This plan will include a section verifying the following requirements

regardless of whether the rescue team is internal/contract:
• Training specific to H2S
• Location and proper inspection of SCBA’s
• Emergency responder requirements
• Proper personal monitoring

3.4.2 Employee/Contractor Notify the Line Supervisor prior to opening any equipment at locations with
Company Representative 100 ppm or greater in the gas or liquid stream to review the JHA and
emergency rescue plan.
3.4.3 Employee/Emergency Verify the SCBA is working properly and then don the SCBA prior to entering
Response Personnel the area.
Note: Emergency escape packs must never be used for rescue; they are
only intended for escape purposes.
3.4.4 Employee/ Emergency If the stand-by person responds to an unconscious individual, they are
Response Personnel responsible for calling in the Emergency Response Team prior to entering
the area. Perform rescue with a fully charged SCBA and remove unconscious
individual to a safe location, if it is safe to do so.
3.4.5 Employee/ Emergency If the stand-by person is unsuccessful removing the unconscious employee,
Response Personnel the stand-by individual will provide lifesaving support (e.g., ensure the
patient’s airline is not kinked, facemask is secured on the patient’s face,
etc.) until the Emergency Response Team arrives.
3.4.6 Employee/ Emergency Stop rescue and leave the area immediately if:
Response Personnel • The conditions become unsafe,
• There is a failure with your SCBA or it alarms,
• The rescue cannot be performed safely.

3.4.7 Employee/ Emergency Perform first aid and/or CPR as needed. Do not provide artificial breathing
Response Personnel unless using an ambu-bag.
Note: Mouth-to-mouth on an exposed individual can lead to secondary
exposure to H2S.
3.4.8 Employee Activate the site H2S Contingency Plan if required.


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

3.5 H2S Contingency Plans

Step Person in Charge (PIC) Action
3.5.1 Field EHS Develop an H2S Contingency Plan when required per Appendix C.
Note: The contingency plan will be available upon request and will
be on-site where the plan would be activated and discussed during the
pre-task discussion. See Appendix I – Sample Contingency Plan.
3.5.2 Field EHS Include the following elements within the H2S contingency plan:
• Procedures for activation of the contingency plan
• Characteristics of H2S
• Responsibilities of employees
• Process for alerting personnel
• Process for assisting distressed employees
• Measures for identifying, alerting, assisting and evacuating the general
public within the area of exposure
• Emergency contacts
• A diagram or map of the area of exposure
• Required safety equipment and supplies
• Process for accounting for evacuated employees
• Established public awareness of plans
• A liaison with emergency responders and public officials
Note: Use the H2S Contingency Plan sample found in Appendix I or

3.5.3 Field EHS Review and update the H2S contingency plan annually, or as needed.
3.6 Regulatory Permitting for Operations and Drilling
Step Person in Charge (PIC) Action
3.6.1 Line Supervisor Obtain any necessary permits that may be required to operate H2S facilities,
or drill in a zone with H2S. If required, permits must be in place prior to
beginning operations.

3.6.2 Line Supervisor Notify the Environmental Department 60 days prior to construction for
state-specific air permitting evaluations. Some states may require that an
air permit be submitted and authorization received prior to construction.


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

Step Person in Charge (PIC) Action
4.1.1 Employee/Contract
Forward all H2S records to Line Supervisor for filing.
Company Representative
4.1.2 Line Supervisor File the records from Section 4.1 as noted below:

File Location & Enterprise

Record Number Retention Period Classification Code
H2S Contingency Plan See Field Office File CY + 3 EH45
Directory CY = Current Year
ROE Calculator See Field Office File CY + 3 EH45
Directory CY = Current Year
H2S Facilities List See Field Office File CY + 3 EH45
Directory CY = Current Year
Sample Results Form See Field Office File CY + 3 EH45
Directory CY = Current Year
Personal and Fixed See Field Office File CY + 3 EH45
Monitor Form Directory CY = Current Year
Sampling Equipment See Field Office File CY + 3 EH45
Form Directory CY = Current Year
Note: The Records Management Enterprise Classification Structure Code is listed as a reference,
which should be used when records are sent to stored records.
Step Person in Charge (PIC) Action
5.1 Line Supervisor/Field EHS Provide H2S Awareness training for all Devon employees visiting H2S
facilities (≥10 ppm). The training will meet the following requirements:
• H2S Awareness training
• Hazards of H2S (in the protocol training)
• Applicable alarms and monitoring systems (site/location specific)
• Safe exit routes and assembly areas (site/location specific)
• How to respond if an emergency occurs (site/location specific)
5.2 Line Supervisor/Field EHS Provide operations training annually to employees working in or around H2S
facilities (≥10 ppm).
Note: See Appendix F for H2S operations training requirements.
5.3 Line Supervisor/Field EHS Provide emergency response training to employees who are designated to
perform rescue or stand-by person duties.
5.4 Line Supervisor/Field EHS Provide H2S Contingency Plan training to employees responsible for sites
requiring an H2S Contingency Plan.


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

5.5 Line Supervisor/Employee Notify contractors working in H2S areas that they must have completed
required regulatory training that meets or exceeds Devon’s minimum

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Standard Z390.1 – 2006
American Petroleum Institute (API)
RP 49, Recommended Practice for Drilling and Well Service Operations Involving Hydrogen Sulfide
RP 55, Recommended Practices for Oil and Gas Producing and Gas Processing Plant Operations Involving
Hydrogen Sulfide.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health,
(NIOSH), 77-158, Criteria for a Recommended Standard for Occupational Exposure to Hydrogen Sulfide
Texas Railroad Commission, State Rule 36


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

Appendix A – Radius of Exposure Calculation

H2S Radius of Exposure Calculations Worksheet

Ambient Temperature: 60 F
Atmospheric Pressure: 14.65 (Normally 14.65)
Gas Volume, Q: 1,000 cft3
ppm H2S: 1,300 ppm
Q – “Q” in the equation is the escape rate for a system or facility expressed in cubic feet per day. Q
for a gas well will either be the well’s adjusted open-flow potential, or if you feel that it is too high,
your estimate of the well’s capacity to flow against a zero back-pressure. Q is corrected to standard
temperature and pressure.

For the 500 ppm Radius of Exposure:

X = [(0.4546)(H2S Concentration)(Rate of Escape, Q)]0.6258

X= 55 feet

For the 100 ppm Radius of Exposure:

X = [(1.589)(H2S Concentration)(Rate of Escape, Q)]0.6258

X= 119 feet

Radius of Exposure Calculation Sheet.

H2S concentration is the decimal equivalent of the mole or volume fraction of hydrogen sulfide in the
gaseous mixture.

Escape rate is expressed in cubic feet per day (corrected for standard conditions of 14.65 psia and 60


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

Appendix B – Chemical Reactivity Hazards

H2S Reactivity with Other Chemicals

H2S gas may produce dangerous chemical reactions in the presence of incompatible substances. When mixing
chemicals where H2S gas may be present:
• consult SDS’s
• take appropriate precautions

Note: Oilfield acids commonly used in downhole clean-up and stimulation treatments are capable of reacting
with iron sulfide pipe scale to generate high concentrations of H2S gas at the surface during well work.

H2S gas readily dissolves in both water and liquid hydrocarbons. Sudden changes to these mixtures may cause
the sudden release of high concentrations of H2S gas. These changes include, but are not limited to:
• pressure or temperature increases or decreases
• severe agitation or mixing and
• the addition of other chemicals to a mixture.

Iron Sulfide

Iron reacts with H2S to form a substance called iron sulfide. This material is typically a dark brown to black
powder material or a sludge:
• found inside piping, vessels, iron sponge and/or other equipment where H2S is, or has been present, and
• will ignite and burn in the presence of oxygen in air (pyrophoric).
Note: Special precautions must be taken where iron sulfide is present to minimize the risk of a fire or
subsequent ignition of a gas source.

Waste materials containing iron sulfide must also be handled and disposed of by:
• keeping thoroughly wetted with water during handling and storage,
• placing in a safe location away from gas piping and/or process areas,
• monitoring carefully to prevent ignition and re-wetting as needed and
• determining if transportation and disposal requires permits.

Note: Consult EHS Department for additional guidance on handling and disposal issues.


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

Appendix C – H2S Compliance Requirements

SCENARIO 1 -100 ppm R.O.E. is less than 50'
SCENARIO 2 -100 ppm R.O.E. is 50' or greater, but less than 3000' and contains no public area.
SCENARIO 3 -100 ppm R.O.E. is 50' or greater and includes a public area, or 500 ppm R.O.E. includes a
public road, or i f 100 ppm R.O. E. is 3000' or greater regardless of public area.
SCENARIO 4 – stock tank vapor space >500 ppm
Note: Section 10 of API RP 55 contains guidance on installation of gas monitors in gas plants and production facilities
This table does not include scenarios with drilling and operations containing less than 100 ppm H2S.

PROVISION Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4

Training – operations containing >100 ppm H2S will train its employees X X X X
working in affected areas
Agency Notification – immediate notification of any accidental release X X X
of H2S of sufficient volume to present a hazard and of any H2S related

Drill Stem Tests – permitted only during daylight hours and drill stem X X
meets requirements of NACE

BOP Test – will be done nearest to the bit change prior to reaching X X
compliance depth
Materials – must meet requirements of ANSI NACE standard MR0175 and X X
Warning and Marker Provision – there must be signs at the facility and X X X X
on all access roads

Security – unattended fixed surface facilities will be protected by X X X

fencing when within ¼ mile of public access – at least two exits for
escape capable of opening from inside must be provided

Contingency Plan – an organized plan of action for alerting and X

protecting the public following an accidental release of a potential
hazardous volume of H2S

Control and Equipment Safety – operators will install safety devices X

and maintain them in an operable condition or will establish safety
procedures designed to prevent the undetected, continuing escape of

Wind Indicators – will be installed at strategic locations at or near the X

site and be readily visible

Protective Breathing Equipment – When personnel is present X X

equipment will be maintained at two or more locations at the site

Monitors – fixed detection and alarm equipment that will warn of the X X
presence of H2S gas in concentrations that could be harmful

Flare Stacks – operator must provide a suitable method for lighting the
flare. Use an automatic ignition source, ignition system or a flare gun X X
to light the stack.


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

Appendix C – H2S Compliance Requirements (Continued)

SCENARIO 1 -100 ppm R.O.E. is less than 50'
SCENARIO 2 -100 ppm R.O.E. is 50' or greater, but less than 3000' and contains no public area.
SCENARIO 3 -100 ppm R.O.E. is 50' or greater and includes a public area, or 500 ppm R.O.E. includes a
public road, or i f 100 ppm R.O.E. is 3000' or greater regardless of public area.
SCENARIO 4 –stock tank vapor space >500 ppm

Note: Section 10 of API RP 55 contains guidance on installation of gas monitors in gas plants and production facilities.

Gas Plants
This table does not include scenarios with gas plants containing less than 100 ppm H2S.

PROVISION Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4

Training – operations containing >100 ppm H2S will train its X X X X
employees working in affected areas

Agency Notification – immediate notification of any X X X

accidental release of H2S of sufficient volume to present a
hazard and of any H2S related incident

Materials – must meet requirements of ANSI NACE standard X X

MR0175 and API-RE-14E.
Warning and Marker Provision – there must be signs at the X X X X
facility and on all access roads

Security – unattended fixed surface facilities will be X X X

protected by fencing when within ¼ mile of public access

Contingency Plan – an organized plan of action for alerting X

and protecting the public following an accidental release of a
potential hazardous volume of H2S

Control and Equipment Safety – operators will install safety X

devices and maintain them in an operable condition or will
establish safety procedures designed to prevent the
undetected, continuing escape of H2S

Monitors – fixed detection and alarm equipment that will X X

warn of the presence of H2S gas in concentrations that could
be harmful

Wind Indicators – will be installed at strategic locations at or X X

near the site and be readily visible

Protective Breathing Equipment – will be maintained at two X X X

or more locations at the site

Flare Stacks – operator must provide a suitable method for X

lighting the flare. Use an automatic ignition source, ignition
system or a flare gun to light the stack.


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

Appendix C – H2S Compliance Requirements (Continued)

SCENARIO 1 -100 ppm R.O.E. is less than 50'
SCENARIO 2 -100 ppm R.O.E. is 50' or greater, but less than 3000' and contains no public area.
SCENARIO 3 -100 ppm R.O.E. is 50' or greater and includes a public area, or 500 ppm R.O.E. includes a
public road, or i f 100 ppm R.O.E. is 3000' or greater regardless of public area.
SCENARIO 4 –stock tank vapor space >500 ppm

Note: Section 10 of API RP 55 contains guidance on installation of gas monitors in gas plants and production facilities.

Work Over and Drilling

This table does not include scenarios with gas plants containing less than 100 ppm H2S.

PROVISION Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4

Training – operations containing >10 ppm H2S will trained on X X X X
the Hazards of H2S

Agency Notification – immediate notification of any X X X

accidental release of H2S of sufficient volume to present a
hazard and of any H2S related incident

Materials – must meet requirements of ANSI NACE standard X X

MR0175 and API-RE-14E.

Required Rig Package – X X X X

Warning and Marker Provision, color coded warning flags or
lights (at the facility and on all access roads), portable
/fixed monitors

Contingency Plan – an organized plan of action for alerting X

and protecting the public following an accidental release of a
potential hazardous volume of H2S

Control and Equipment Safety – operators will install safety X

devices and maintain them in an operable condition or will
establish safety procedures designed to prevent the
undetected, continuing escape of H2S

Monitors – fixed detection and alarm equipment that will X X

warn of the presence of H2S gas in concentrations that could
be harmful

Wind Indicators – will be installed at strategic locations at or X X

near the site and be readily visible

Protective Breathing Equipment – will be maintained at two X X X

or more locations at the site

Flare Stacks – operator must provide a suitable method for X X

lighting the flare. Use an automatic ignition source, ignition
system or a flare gun to light the stack.


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

Appendix D – Federal and State Requirements

EHS Bureau of Land Management Order 6

EHS Colorado

EHS Montana

EHS New Mexico

EHS Oklahoma

EHS Texas

EHS Utah

EHS Wyoming


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

Appendix E – Hydrogen Sulfide Warning Signs

Section One – Drilling and Workover Signs

The first section of this appendix is for drilling and workover sites. Refer to API 49, ‘Recommended Practice for
Drilling and Well Service Operations Involving Hydrogen Sulfide,’ for more information.

Appropriate caution signs (black on yellow, or equivalent) will be displayed at all location entrances when the
atmospheric concentration of hydrogen sulfide could exceed 10 ppm, so as to indicate a potential danger might
be encountered. If danger flags or flashing lights are used, colors should be displayed in accordance with the
following conditions:

Legible warning signs, such as, “HYDROGEN SULFIDE OPERATIONS

THIS POINT,” should be prominently posted at appropriate
locations (e.g., entrance points) for operations where hydrogen
sulfide may be encountered.

CONDITION I: Potential Danger To Life and Health: Well

Operations Under Control.
Warning Device: Green (hydrogen sulfide concentration < 10 ppm).
Characterized By: Routine well operations in zones containing
hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide may be present at
concentrations below 10ppm.
General Action:
a. Check safety equipment for proper functioning. Keep it
b. Be alert for a condition change.
c. Follow instructions of on-site operator representative.

CONDITION II: Moderate Danger To Life and Health: Critical Well Control Operations.
Warning Device: Yellow (hydrogen sulfide concentration > 10 ppm and < 30 ppm). Characterized By: Hydrogen
sulfide is or potentially may be present up to 30 ppm on the well location.
General Action:
a. Stay in the SAFE BRIEFING AREA if not working to correct the situation.
b. Follow instructions of the on-site operator representative.
c. The on-site operator representative will follow community warning and protection plan procedures.

CONDITION III: Extreme Danger To Life and Health: Loss Of Well Control
Warning Device: Red (hydrogen sulfide concentration > 30 ppm). Characterized By: Hydrogen sulfide
concentration is above, or potentially may be above, 30 ppm.
General Action:
a. Stay in the SAFE BRIEFING AREA if not working to correct the situation.
b. Follow instructions of the on-site operator representative.
c. The on-site operator representative will make appropriate notifications, activate the audible alarm and
initiate the community warning and protection plan.
d. If the well is ignited, the burning hydrogen sulfide will be converted to sulfur dioxide, which is also dangerous
to life and health. Therefore, DO NOT assume that the area is safe after the gas is ignited. Continue to observe
applicable emergency and safety procedures and follow the instructions of the on-site operator representative.


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

Appendix E – Hydrogen Sulfide Warning Signs (Continued)

Section Two – Production Operations and Midstream Signs

Examples of hydrogen sulfide warning signs are provided in the second section of this appendix, these can be
used when a state does not have specific sign requirements.

Post signage similar to the examples below along the right-of-way of H2S
pipelines and at public road crossings involving H2S concentrations of 100 ppm
or greater.

Display basic notice signs at sites in Texas where concentrations of H2S exceed
10 ppm before treatment.

Display ‘CAUTION’ signs at sites where concentrations of H2S exceed 10 ppm

before treatment.

In the state of Texas, the ‘Caution’ sign is required by the Texas Railroad
Commission where concentrations exceed 100 ppm.

Display ‘DANGER’ signs at sites where concentrations of H2S exceed 100 ppm.

Post signage at tank battery stairways and/or ladders where measured H2S
concentrations are greater than 100 ppm in the vapor space of tanks when
gauging or opening equipment, or when concentrations in the breathing zone
exceed 10 ppm.


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

Appendix F – H2S Training Requirements

H2S training instructors/administrators will include the following material:

1. Instructor will train all employees who work in and around H2S Facilities (≥10 ppm).

2. Instructor will require contractors and service companies to use trained personnel actually
working on H2S systems or wells and where such work could allow the escape of H2S gas.

3. Train all personnel in:

a. Hazards, characteristics and properties of H2S and SO2
b. Sources of H2S
c. Safety precautions, detection methods
d. Proper use of breathing equipment – Safety and Support
e. Symptoms of H2S exposure
f. Rescue techniques and first aid
g. Wind direction awareness and routes of egress
h. Emergency response procedures
• Stand-by person must go through formal rescue/response training

4. Train onsite supervisory personnel in:

a. Effects of H2S on metals
b. Corrective actions and shutdown procedures
c. Well control – If a drilling operation
d. Knowledge of the contingency plan

5. Rescue Training
a. Formal training must be received prior to performing any rescue activities
b. Stand-by person is required to have training


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

Appendix G – Contingency Plan Flowchart

Determine the need for a Production Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Contingency Plan. If the state has more
stringent requirements, follow the state requirements for developing a contingency plan.
How to determine if an H2S Contingency Plan is required:


Collect the Use the

Do you have gas Yes following Next spreadsheet
analysis with H2S information: provided by your
present over 100 CFD & mole Field EHS to
ppm? fraction (or calculate the ROE
ppm) of H2S for 100 ppm & 500

No plan Next
needed Is there a public road,
county road, home or
Yes public area within the
Plan needed ROE of the well?


Is the 100 ppm ROE

Plan needed Yes
over 3000 ft?


No plan

ROE: radius of exposure
CFD: cubic feet per day


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol

H2S: hydrogen sulfide

Appendix H – Sample Contingency Plan

Use the hyperlink below to find an example of an H2S Contingency Plan.

EHS Template Hydrogen Sulfide Field Contingency Plan

EHS Template Hydrogen Sulfide Drilling Contingency Plan


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Division: Business Protocol No.: Page Revision/Approval
Corporate Unit /Area: COR-03-S7-PR 30 of 30 01-Date: 6/27/14

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Protocol


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Attachment B – Sample Results Form

Follow state testing requirements if no testing requirements are listed. Test the tank when liquid levels are at a
level to obtain the maximum H2S exposure (e.g., ¾ full).


Manufacturer: Serial No.: Instrument:
Location Location Location Location Location Location Location
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
1 ft above
thief hatch
At thief hatch
1 ft below
thief hatch
1 ft above
thief hatch
At thief hatch
1 ft below
thief hatch

Printed Name of Person Performing Atmospheric Tests: Date & Time:


Manufacturer: Serial No.: Instrument:
Location Location Location
Location H2S H2S H2S H2S
___________ ___________ ___________

Printed Name of Person Performing Atmospheric Tests: Date & Time:

Form # COR 03-S7-PR

Form Retention: Current Year + 3 years

Attachment C – H2S Facilities List

The list below includes all facilities which contain 10 ppm H2S or greater as sampled in the gas stream or
tank vapor space.
Date of last update:_________________

Lease/Facility/ Name Contingency Plan Required?

Form # COR 03-S7-PR

Form Retention: Current Year + 3 years

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