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Copyright © RSGB 2006. All rights reserved. For personal use only.



produced by Radio Mobile. It shows 10m

elevation contours, roads and the locations
of the three radio stations in my Base VHF
network. The radio links are shown as
green, giving an immediate indication of
good signal paths.

HOW IT ALL STARTED. When I first came

across the program in 1999, it was limited
by the elevation data only being available
at 30 arc-second resolution – equating to a
height grid matrix at 1km intervals – so not
able to describe the Peak District valley
folds in any detail. At that time the
program was at version 2, and the
elevation data had to be manually
downloaded from the US Geological Survey
(USGS) websites. This took considerable
effort and time using the slow dial-up
internet connections then available.
My main interest in the program was to
be able to find suitable sites and predict

An introduction station coverage for our UHF Raynet

exercise event activities in the Peak
District, but at that time the definition of
the height data was insufficient for that

to Radio Mobile purpose. We used maps to manually select

possibly suitable high points, and then
drew path height profiles to the event
Working out probable radio paths for VHF and above used to checkpoint locations to try and predict
workable radio paths. This worked
call for an ordnance survey map and a lot of patience. That has reasonably well, but was very labour
all changed with the advent of the excellent free program Radio intensive, and required a major effort from
a lot of operators to check out all the
Mobile. Ian Brown gives us a flavour of what it can do. locations for radio link performance on
the ground.
INTRODUCTION. Radio Mobile [1] is a be specified as a ‘System’ for frequency,
freeware radio propagation simulation transmit power, receiver sensitivity, GETTING BETTER. The situation changed
program written by Roger Coudé, antenna gain, height and feeder losses. All considerably after November 2003 when
VE2DBE, which operates over the radio links between units can be examined the USGS released 3 arc-second data for
frequency range of 20MHz to 20GHz. It is for path profile and signal parameters. Eurasia, which corresponded to a 90m
based on the Irregular Terrain (Longley- Signal coverage patterns can be produced gridded height matrix. With this new data I
Rice) propagation model [2]. It uses the for each separate unit if required. Another found that valleys were defined much more
principle of a radio ‘network’, ie you specify very powerful feature is the capability of precisely. After placing stations (Units) at
the performance parameters of two or more finding the ‘Best Sites’ on a map to provide the locations we had previously used, I was
radio transmitters/receivers which need to radio coverage to a number of specified then able to plot the ground profiles and
communicate. The program enables unit locations. The performance of the radio performance with a few clicks of my
elevation maps to be drawn of specified radio link between a specified fixed unit mouse. The results were very close to the
areas using Space Shuttle Terrain Radar and a second mobile unit which is manual plots, and the radio performance
Mapping Mission data downloaded from traversing a route defined on the map can corresponded closely to that previously
the internet. Elevation contours and roads also be generated by a new ‘Route experienced. 79
can be merged with the maps, and then Performance’ feature. In order to cover an annual 18 mile
stations (Units) can be placed where The map in Figure 1 shows part of the charity walk we traditionally positioned the
required. Individual unit performances can Peak District of Derbyshire and was control station beside a triangulation pillar.

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Copyright © RSGB 2006. All rights reserved. For personal use only.



downloaded from [3].

To demonstrate some of the features
available from the program I have used my
Base Network, located in my local area, to
generate the following screenshots. The
network consists of a base unit, a mobile
unit and two hand held units, with sensible
operating parameters set up for each of
them. Figure 2 shows the radio links from
the base unit to a mobile and also a hand
held unit. The plot in Figure 2 also shows
the Radio Link pane, which gives details of
the base to mobile link.
On the main screen the link is shown in
green, with the red ‘cross wire cursor’
located on the mobile unit. The small
Elevation grid pane shows the ground
height at the cross wires in the centre
(white) box, while adjacent cells show the
surrounding terrain heights. The Radio
Link pane gives details of both stations and
also path parameters between them, and
This location worked fine but it had its required to obtain an initial working also plots the Fresnel zones. Moving the
drawbacks, because access was via 2 display. This problem prompted me to cursor along the path by use of the arrow
miles of farm tracks and fields, including a produce a simple ‘Base Network’ setup, keys causes the movement to be reflected
half-mile climb at 30˚ across rough moor. complete with a complimentary set of by the cross wire cursor on the main
The problem was compounded by the fact ‘Quick Start’ self-installing files (which window. One further function of the Radio
that the station was set up in the dark at include the required USGS height data) to Link pane is to allow both antenna heights
about 0630. Thick mist and rain reduced produce a working network. This setup
visibility to about 5m, and the final 100 installer file is 2.5Mb and can be IS SHOWN IN YELLOW, UNUSABLE QUALITY IS RED
metres of the route was along a 10m wide
shelf next to a 30m cliff edge! Whilst
sitting in the mist operating the station, I
realised that if my Land Rover had any
problems, recovery could be rather
difficult. Obviously a more accessible site
was required.


ability of Radio Mobile to quickly relocate
units then check network signal path
properties, I was able to find a new
location next to a farm road which
improved signal coverage to the check
points. On-site radio link checks were
quickly performed and these confirmed the
results obtained from Radio Mobile, and
the new site was used successfully for the
November 2003 event.

80 GETTING STARTED. I found that when

introducing my friends to Radio Mobile,
they had difficulty in setting up their first
map and network, steps which are

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Copyright © RSGB 2006. All rights reserved. For personal use only.

to be varied from their individual ‘System’

settings, whilst displaying the signal path
against ground profile. A reverse path can
be shown by using the ‘Swap’ command.
Looking at the mobile to hand held unit
link plot shown in Figure 3, there are some
regions of the path (shown in red and
yellow) where acceptable communication
cannot be achieved.

TERRAIN VIEW. A further feature of the

Radio Link pane is the capability of
‘viewing’ one unit from another. The view
in Figure 4 was obtained by relocating HH-
2 to a convenient point closer to the base
unit. If the viewed unit is visible, it is
highlighted with a circle at its location as
shown in Figure 4.
The colours of this display are taken
from elevation data. However, if an aerial
photograph of the map area is available, it
can be imported into the program and laid
over the elevation matrix to provide a relief
photograph of the path. I am just waiting FIGURE 4: VIEWING A STATION ACROSS A VIRTUAL
for Google Earth to add the Peak District TERRAIN available picture as required. An advantage
with their high resolution photo coverage to of this technique is that the rainbow
try this out! capability of plotting the radio coverage of colours of the plot are not confused with
a station in various measurement units. the underlying picture colours. Figure 5
FIELD STRENGTH PATTERNS. Another The best way to see the results is to shows the signal coverage in µV from the
facility available in the program is the perform a plot over a black and white first hand held unit to the second. Radial
roadmap, or a blank picture, either of range rings have been added to give an
which can be merged with another idea of scale. The plot was performed in
polar (radial sweep) mode with a step
increment of 0.1˚ over a black and white
map downloaded from MapPoint.

BEST SITES. Where it is necessary to find

a site which can communicate with several
other units, the ‘Find Best Sites’ function
can be invoked. To illustrate the point, in
Figure 6 I have moved the second hand
held unit to a position in the north east of
the map, and have requested the best site
for a ‘hand held’ unit location as the central
communication hub to communicate with
the first hand held, the mobile and base
units. The display shows areas with 50%
to 100% coverage as per the legend, and
the plot shows the positioned hand held
unit as Command located on the side of a
road. This plot was performed in Cartesian
(X-Y) format, with a resolution of 5 pixels
square on the ground. 81


‘Route Performance’ is the latest feature to

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Copyright © RSGB 2006. All rights reserved. For personal use only.

be added to the program. Using the Radio

Mobile ‘Object Editor’, a path can be
drawn on the map and saved for later use.
The Route Performance plot takes this path
as the route to be taken by a defined
mobile station communicating with a fixed
unit, and calculates the communication
quality for the length of the route. The
linear step length along the route can be
selected, and parameters of the radio link
can be displayed at any location. The route
is also displayed on the main map with
Green showing good communications
and Red for a poor link, as illustrated in
Figure 7.
The detailed performance at any
location on the route can be selected using
the arrow keys, or by clicking on the grey
window. The radio link on the main
window shows the direction of
communication, with its colour indicating

FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS. The 2500 members, and by April 2006 the FIGURE 6: FINDING THE BEST SITE FOR A
program has continued to evolve, driven program had reached version 7.
mainly by requests for features from users. transmit and receive performance of a
Roger puts these on to his ‘Wish List’, CONCLUSION. As with any simulation hand held portable radio, where the stature
which is maintained in the Radio Mobile program, the output is only as good as the and physical operating mannerisms of the
Yahoo group [4]. This group has over data input. For instance, great care is operator can have a great bearing on the
required to accurately assess both the equipment performance. On-the-ground
DEFINED ROUTE radio checks are required for confidence,
but after using the program to select sites
over a number of years, we now only feel
the need to look at the poorer locations –
and specify higher performance radios to
be used in those areas.
With an emergency callout for Raynet it
wouldn’t be possible to select a suitable
site for a station, but we are generating a
local knowledge base of suitable sites and
coverage as a spin off from the exercises to
use in those circumstances.
Finally I would like to express my thanks
to Roger, VE2DBE, for his work on Radio
Mobile which is such an eye opening tool,
and for releasing and supporting it so
diligently as freeware.

[1] Radio Mobile home page
[2] ITM Model description
82 http://flattop.its.bldrdoc.gov/itm.html
[3] Quick Start files via
[4] Yahoo Group

RadCom ♦ October 2006

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