Component Separation
Component Separation
Component Separation
Component Separation
a b,
Eric M. Pauli, MD , Michael J. Rosen, MD *
Ventral hernia Incisional hernia Abdominal wall reconstruction
Retromuscular hernia repair Transversus abdominis release (TAR)
Rives-Stoppa technique
Incisional hernias are the most common complication after laparotomy and the most com-
mon indication for reoperation after laparotomy.
Recent advancements in mesh technology and technical refinements in the methods of
herniorraphy have dramatically changed the way open hernia surgery is conducted.
Abdominal wall reconstructive procedures, which typically include separation of the
abdominal wall layers and release of one or more myofascial planes, require a clear under-
standing of the anatomy of the abdominal wall.
The authors’ favored approach to open ventral hernia repair is a posterior component sep-
aration (retrorectus dissection with release of the transversus abdominis aponeurosis and
muscle) with sublay of appropriately selected mesh between layers of vascularized tis-
sues and subsequent reconstruction of the linea alba.
Retromuscular hernia repairs have been shown in multiple studies to have a low recur-
rence rate (3%–6%) at long-term follow-up and have been accepted as the gold standard
technique for open ventral hernia repair by the American Hernia Society.
Despite improved outcomes in many other areas of surgery, abdominal wall hernia
formation still complicates 11% to 50% of all laparotomies.1–6 It remains the most
common complication following laparotomy and is the most common indication for
reoperation by a 3:1 margin over bowel obstruction.7 With more than 2 million laparot-
omies performed in the United States annually, general surgeons are faced with
Disclosures: Eric Pauli is a speaker for Bard and Synthes. Michael Rosen is a speaker for Covidien,
Bard, and Lifecell. He receives research support from Lifecell, Davol, W.L. Gore, and Cook.
Department of Surgery, Penn State Hershey Medical Center, 500 University Drive, H149,
Hershey, PA 17036, USA; b Department of Surgery, Case Comprehensive Hernia Center, Univer-
sity Hospitals Case Medical Center, 11100 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
tension-free midline fascial closure with wide mesh overlap of mesh positioned in a
sublay position. Our experience with this method supports a low recurrence rate
and reduced wound morbidity.
Physical Examination
Defect size, location of prior incisions or stomas, draining sinuses, exposed
mesh, skin issues (eg, thinning, ulceration, cellulitis) should all be ascertained
from physical examination.
Operative History
Review of old operative reports is mandatory to identify what types of repairs
have been previously attempted, what type of mesh was used (if any), and into
which plane it was placed.
Preoperative Counseling
A frank discussion with the patient about the likelihood of one or more complica-
tions is part of the informed consent process. Hernia recurrence, mesh infection
(and its potential consequences), abdominal compartment syndrome, and
requirement for postoperative ventilation are all reviewed.
We specifically address “unacceptable outcomes” with patients as part of our
determination of what mesh (synthetic or biologic) to use. Some patients will
accept the risk of synthetic mesh infection or draining sinus for a lower hernia
recurrence rate; others will not.
an understanding of the neurovascular supply to muscle, fat, and skin, but also knowl-
edge of force vectors each of the muscular layers generates. Such knowledge results
in the best clinical outcomes by providing a well-vascularized, innervated, and
correctly oriented abdominal wall reconstruction.
Normally, 2 vertically oriented rectus abdominis muscles originate at the pubic
symphysis and insert on the costal cartilage of ribs 5 to 7. These muscles should lie
on either side of the intact, midline linea alba. On each side of the rectus, 3 flat
semihorizontally oriented muscles are found layered on one another: the external
oblique muscle, the internal oblique muscle, and the transversus abdominis muscle
(from superficial to deep). Disruption of the linea alba permits unopposed lateral pull
on the recti by the lateral musculature and contributes to increase in size of incisional
midline hernias.
At the lateral boarder of the rectus muscle, the aponeurosis of the lateral abdominal
muscles alternately separate or fuse to contribute to the rectus sheath. Here, the
external oblique aponeurosis and rectus sheath fuse to form the linea semilunaris.
Above the arcuate line, the internal oblique aponeurosis splits to contribute to both
the anterior and posterior rectus sheaths (Fig. 1). Below the arcuate line, the aponeu-
rosis does not split but rather fuses with the external oblique fascia to form the anterior
rectus sheath alone (see Fig. 1). The transversus abdominis muscle’s medial aponeu-
rosis merges with the posterior lamina of the internal oblique to form the posterior
sheath. For retrorectus repair, it is important to note that the transversus abdominis
does not contribute to the linea semilunaris. Its muscle belly extends medial to the
linea semilunaris, behind the rectus muscle, in the upper one-third of the abdomen
(Fig. 2).
Each rectus muscle receives blood supply from the inferior and superior epigastric
arteries as well as intercostal arterial branches that enter the muscle belly laterally.
These intercostal branches are also the main blood supply to the lateral musculature.
They travel with the thoracoabdominal nerves (branches of T7–T12) in the “neurovas-
cular plane” located between the internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles.
In addition to supplying the lateral abdominal musculature and skin, these branches
innervate the rectus muscle posteriorly and slightly medial to the linea semilunaris.
Both anterior and posterior component separations are able to preserve these inter-
costal neurovascular bundles due to their location deep to the internal oblique.
For anterior component separation, where lipocutaneous flaps are created, knowl-
edge of the skin vascularity is also critical. For a classic component separation
(external oblique release), transection of the deep epigastric perforating vessels leaves
the central abdominal wall without its major blood supply. PUPS component separa-
tion preserves these vessels to reduce the risk of ischemia-related wound
For patients with clean wounds, we prefer a large (30.5 30.5-cm) lightweight,
macroporous, polypropylene mesh. There is emerging evidence that use of
this mesh is also acceptable in patients with multiple comorbidities (diabetes,
obesity, prior mesh infection) or in clean-contaminated circumstances (fistula
takedown, enterotomy closure, small bowel resection, stoma formation or
Use of synthetic mesh with an antiadhesive coating can be considered if the
viscera will be exposed to the mesh, but this is rarely necessary with either tech-
nique to be described.
Component Separation Hernia Repair 1115
Fig. 1. Normal anatomic positions of the abdominal wall musculature. Cross-sectional views
(left) show the division and fusion of the lateral muscle fascial sheaths at the linea
semilunaris both above and below the arcuate line. (From Rosen M, editor. Atlas of abdom-
inal wall reconstruction. New York: Saunders; 2011; with permission.)
Biologic mesh is appropriately considered for patients with a higher risk of devel-
oping a postoperative surgical site infection (SSI). This includes potentially
contaminated or contaminated fields, patients with medical comorbidities (dia-
betes, obesity, immunosuppression, steroid use) or history of MRSA infection.
Fig. 2. CT scan of the upper abdomen. Note that the transversus abdominis (TA) muscle does
not insert into the lateral boarder of the rectus muscle but rather passes medial to the linea
semilunaris (arrow) and posterior to the rectus itself. EO, external oblique; IO, internal
All old incisions (including old laparoscopic port sites and drain locations) are
marked. Excess skin and old scar to be excised are similarly marked.
An iodophor-impregnated adhesive drape is used.
A full midline laparotomy incision is made, with an elliptical skin component to
remove old scar, thin skin over the hernia, or ulcerated wounds.
In the morbidly obese, several other considerations are made:
The incision is stopped at the level of the pubis; we do not extend the incision
onto or below the pannus where skin care issues may compromise the incision
The umbilicus is typically removed during the repair
Unless there is a compelling indication, we do not perform a panniculectomy
concomitantly with the hernia repair because of the higher risk of SSI.
Safe access to the abdominal cavity is critical to avoid bowel injury and is best
achieved by traversing fascia in an area remote from the hernia (above or below
the old incision).
Retrorectus Dissection
Using electrocautery, an incision is made in the posterior rectus sheath within
0.5 cm of its medial boarder. This incision is extended superiorly and inferiorly,
spanning the entire length of the rectus muscle (Fig. 3A).
Component Separation Hernia Repair 1117
Fig. 3. (A) Retrorectus dissection begins by incision of the posterior rectus sheath just medial to
the linea alba. (B) Electrocautery dissection extends the plane to the linea semilunaris, taking
care to preserve the epigastric vessels on the posterior aspect of the rectus muscle. (From Rosen M,
editor. Atlas of abdominal wall reconstruction. New York: Saunders; 2011; with permission.)
Working medial to lateral, the plane is continued using blunt and electrocautery
dissection. Care must be taken to avoid injury to the epigastric vessels, which should
remain with the muscle, not the posterior sheath, during the dissection (see Fig. 3B).
The lateral limit of this dissection is the linea semilunaris at the lateral boarder of the
rectus muscle, where the anterior and posterior rectus sheaths fuse (see Fig. 3B).
Identification and preservation of the intercostal neurovascular structures as they
enter the posterior aspect of the rectus muscle is crucial.
Superiorly, this plane is extended into the retroxyphoid/retrosternal space
(Fig. 4A). Inferiorly, the plane extends into the space of Retzius (see Fig. 4B).
Blunt dissection in this avascular plane permits exposure to the midline symphy-
sis pubis and Cooper’s ligaments bilaterally. Care must be exercised here to
avoid injury to the inferior epigastric vessels at their origin on the iliac vessels.
Fig. 4. Extension of the retrorectus plane into the (A) retroxyphoid/retrosternal space and
(B) the space of Retzius. Note the exposure of Coppers ligaments (CL) bilaterally. (From
Rosen M, editor. Atlas of abdominal wall reconstruction. New York: Saunders; 2011; with
There may be insufficient medial advance of both the posterior rectus sheath
(to exclude the mesh from the peritoneal cavity) and of rectus muscles (to
permit reconstruction of the linea alba anterior to the mesh)
Methods to extend the retrorectus dissection lateral to the linea semilunaris
include intramuscular dissection (by dividing the internal oblique muscle), dissec-
tion within the preperitoneal plane, or transversus abdominis release (TAR),
which we favor.
Approximately 0.5 cm medial to the linea semilunaris, electrocautery is used to
incise the posterior sheath, exposing the transversus muscle (Fig. 5A). This is
most easily accomplished in the upper half of the abdomen, where the muscle
belly is well defined.
Using a tonsil (Schnidt) or right-angled clamp to assist dissection, electrocautery
is used to hemostatically transect the transversus abdominis muscle (see
Fig. 5B). Care must be taken to avoid injury to the transversalis fascia/peritoneal
layer that lays deep to this.
Once divided, the muscle can be retracted anteriorly and the avascular retromus-
cular plane developed bluntly. Superiorly, this plane extends beyond the costal
margin to the diaphragm, inferiorly to the myopectineal orifice, and laterally to
the psoas muscle.
The TAR is then completed on the contralateral side.
Fig. 5. (A) Incision of the posterior rectus sheath exposes the transversus abdominis muscle.
(B) Transversus abdominis release exposes the transversalis fascia/preperioneal plane, which
can be extended to the psoas muscle. (From Rosen M, editor. Atlas of abdominal wall
reconstruction. New York: Saunders; 2011; with permission.)
The newly created visceral sac and abdominal wall are irrigated with 3 L of
antibiotic lavage solution.
Mesh Placement
The mesh is turned into a diamond configuration and is anchored inferiorly using
a single transfascial stitch just above the pubic ramus or bilateral sutures placed
into Cooper’s ligaments. We typically use slow-absorbing 0 monofilament
absorbable suture (polyglyconate or polydioxanone) to secure the mesh.
For inferior midline defects, the mesh can be positioned deep in the space of
Retzius and the anchoring stitch(es) backed off the edge to permit adequate
overlap (at least 4 cm). For concurrent inguinal or femoral hernias, the mesh
can be positioned to cover the myopectineal orifice(s).
For superior midline defects, the mesh is positioned well beyond the costal
margin (at least 4 cm to allow adequate overlap of the defect) and is anchored
with transfascial sutures placed around the xyphoid process.
1120 Pauli & Rosen
Fig. 6. Reconstruction of the posterior layer. (From Rosen M, editor. Atlas of abdominal wall
reconstruction. New York: Saunders; 2011; with permission.)
Working on one side and then the other, full-thickness transfascial sutures are
placed to secure the mesh in 3 cardinal points (Fig. 7). We prefer using a Rever-
din needle (Fig. 8) to facilitate transfascial suture placement.
Kocher clamps are placed on the medial edge of the rectus muscle on the ipsi-
lateral side and the abdominal wall is pulled toward the midline as the transfascial
sutures are placed. This permits the mesh to be tensioned “physiologically,”
which has several advantages in the repair:
The mesh absorbs much of the force needed to move the rectus muscles
toward the midline. This not only permits primary fascial closure over the
mesh, but also reduces the tension on the midline closure.
Fig. 7. Mesh is secured in the retromuscular space using the Reverdin needle to place trans-
fascial sutures in cardinal locations. (From Rosen M, editor. Atlas of abdominal wall recon-
struction. New York: Saunders; 2011; with permission.)
Component Separation Hernia Repair 1121
Fig. 8. Reverdin needle: curvilinear suture passer with an eye 1 cm from the distal end.
The mesh will not buckle or wrinkle when the linea alba is re-created, reducing
the space for seroma to accumulate.
runs laterally along the costal margin to just beyond the linea semilunaris.
- The suprapubic tunnel extends from the pubic tubercle to 6 cm below the
umbilicus and runs laterally along the inguinal ligament to just beyond the
linea semilunaris.
The tunnels are then connected to each other lateral to the linea semilunaris.
This method preserves the umbilicus and periumbilical branches of the inferior
epigastric vessels (Fig. 10).
Use of a fiber-optic lighted retractor greatly facilitates this dissection.
Fig. 10. PUPS technique. Superior and inferior flaps are connected with a lateral sub-
cutaneous tunnel. (From Rosen M, editor. Atlas of abdominal wall reconstruction. New York:
Saunders; 2011; with permission.)
Component Separation Hernia Repair 1123
Fig. 11. Division of the external oblique fascia and muscle fibers lateral to the linea semilu-
naris. (From Rosen M, editor. Atlas of abdominal wall reconstruction. New York: Saunders;
2011; with permission.)
This maneuver is similar whether the classic or PUPS technique is being imple-
mented. With PUPS, the lighted retractor again facilitates visualization.
An assessment is then made as to whether the linea alba can be re-created at the
midline without undue tension.
If no tension is found, mesh placement and fascial closure can begin.
If the midline fascia will not reapproximate, retrorectus dissection (as
described for posterior component separation) can be performed to permit
greater medialization of the rectus muscle.
Mesh Placement
Mesh can be placed as an underlay (within the peritoneal cavity), sublay
(within the retrorectus space), or as an onlay, depending on the types of
release performed, whether midline fascia can be approximated, and surgeon
Underlay mesh is secured via transabdominal sutures passed through the
lateral cut edge of the external oblique fascia. If synthetic mesh is used
here, it must have an antiadhesive barrier.
Sublay mesh is placed within the retrorectus space after the posterior layer has
been closed. Transabdominal sutures are passed through the medial cut edge
of the external oblique at the level of the linea semilunaris.
Onlay mesh is placed over the closed midline repair, and is secured to the
lateral cut edges of the external oblique bilaterally (Fig. 12).
Regardless of implant location or type (biologic or synthetic), mesh should be
secured with slowly absorbing monofilament suture and placed under physio-
logic tension.
Drains are generally placed above the mesh regardless of its implant location.
1124 Pauli & Rosen
Fig. 12. Onlay mesh placement following external oblique release. The mesh is secured to
the lateral cut edges of the external oblique fascia. (From Rosen M, editor. Atlas of abdom-
inal wall reconstruction. New York: Saunders; 2011; with permission.)
subcutaneous compartments.
The subcutaneous tissues can be closed in layers with absorbable suture. The
skin is stapled.
Airway Management
In cases with prolonged operative times, patients with underlying pulmonary dis-
ease, or cases ending late in the evening, the patient is kept intubated overnight.
If the plateau airway pressure increases more than 6 cm H20 following approxi-
mation of the linea alba, the patient is also kept intubated for 24 hours.44
The addition of 24 to 48 hours of chemical paralysis is a useful adjunct for more
significant rises in plateau pressure (9 cm H20 or greater).44
Pain Management
Epidural catheters are recommended in all patients and are maintained for 3 to
4 days postoperatively.
For patients in whom an epidural cannot be placed (or is contraindicated) or who
have delayed bowel function at the time of epidural removal, an intravenous
patient-controlled analgesia device is used.
Patients are transitioned to oral narcotic analgesia when they tolerate a diet.
Component Separation Hernia Repair 1125
We are conservative with dietary advancement to avoid retching and emesis,
which can jeopardize the repair.
Patients are kept nil per os until flatus is passed, at which time clear liquids are begun.
When bowel function has returned, patients are advanced to an appropriate diet
(eg, regular, diabetic).
Nasogastric tube decompression is used only in patients with extensive
adhesiolysis or in whom small bowel resection has been performed.
Abdominal Binder
We routinely use an abdominal binder in the immediate postoperative period.
Following discharge, the patient may wear the binder as desired.
If there is concern for the viability of lipocutaneous skin flaps, most will not place
a binder.
Wound Complications
SSIs are a major source of morbidity following open ventral hernia repair.45 In the
highest-risk populations, the SSI rate has been reported to be as high as 27% to
Wound complications are more common and more severe in anterior component
separation than posterior component separation techniques.43
Cellulitis is managed with appropriate antibiotics.
Infected collections (including seromas and hematomas) are drained percutane-
ously or operatively.
Asymptomatic fluid collections are generally followed conservatively.
Necrosis of skin or subcutaneous tissues is addressed with early operative
Prophylactic use of negative-pressure vacuum therapy on a closed surgical incision
does not reduce the 30-day SSI rate following abdominal wall reconstruction.50
1126 Pauli & Rosen
Pulmonary Complications
Diaphragm function and pulmonary toilet are both negatively affected by abdom-
inal wall reconstruction, leaving patients vulnerable to pulmonary complications.
On evaluation of the 2007 National Inpatient Sample, ventral hernia patients
discharged with a diagnosis of respiratory failure and mechanical ventilation
had a 4-fold greater length of stay and an 18-fold greater death rate.44
As many as 20% of patients will experience a postoperative respiratory com-
plication following component separation hernia repair.44
Aggressive pulmonary toilet, including incentive spirometer use, chest physio-
therapy, adequate analgesia, and upright posture, are all critical to minimizing
these complications.
Gastrointestinal Complications
Paralytic ileus is common following ventral hernia repair, although the exact rate
is not reported.
Prolonged ileus, or symptoms suggestive of an early small bowel obstruction,
should prompt further investigation. A CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis will
demonstrate an internal hernia (bowel is seen protruding through a rent in the
posterior layer). Prompt surgical reexploration in this case is mandatory.
Intra-Abdominal Hypertension
Except in the smallest ventral hernia repairs, some degree of intra-abdominal hy-
pertension (IAH) is likely created in the course of reapproximating the linea alba.
We do not routinely follow bladder pressure measurements, but are aggressive in
our management of the secondary consequences of IAH, including the following:
Liberal use of paralytic agents if needed to permit adequate ventilation
Aggressive fluid resuscitation to permit adequate urine output
Maintaining endotracheal intubation for 24 to 48 hours postoperatively (as
outlined previously)
Mortality following open ventral hernia repair is uncommon (0%–1%).
Cardiac, pulmonary, and thromboembolic events are the leading sources of
postoperative mortality.
Polarizing opinions are common among hernia specialists, and are driven by the lack
of well-designed comparative trials evaluating outcomes of open ventral hernia repairs
with the techniques described previously. Most of the available literature is retrospec-
tive in nature. Techniques vary greatly among investigators, as do definitions of post-
operative events and duration of follow-up. The addition of innumerable types and
sizes of mesh into this equation makes it difficult to draw firm conclusions. There is still
a clear need to address these issues in well-designed, prospective randomized trials.
Author, Year n Method Wound Complication, % Mortality, % Mean Follow-up, mo Recurrence Rate, %
Ramirez et al,28 1990 11 ACS — — 4–42 0
Jernigan et al,51 2003 73 Modified ACS — 0 24 5.5
de Vries Reileigh,52 2003 43 ACS 32.6 2.3 15.6 32
Girotto et al,53 2003 96 ACS with onlay mesh 26 — 26 22
Gonzalez et al,9 2005 42 ACS with onlay mesh 63 0 16 3
Hultman et al,54 2005 13 ACS mesh — — 11.5 15.4
Jin et al,55 2007 22 ACS with onlay or — 0 21.4 9.7
Abbreviations: ACS, anterior component separation; AHDM, acellular human dermal matrix.
Data from Refs.9,28,51–57
1128 Pauli & Rosen
salient results from a number of trials involving anterior component separation. The
major drawback to anterior component separation remains the need to create
extensive skin flaps, which predisposes the patient to a variety of surgical site events.
Wound complication rates as high as 26% to 63% have been found.9,53,56 Other inves-
tigators cite difficulty managing subxyphoid, suprapubic, and non-midline defects
with this technique because of the absence of a reliable space for prosthetic reinforce-
ment with wide overlap.38
PUPS Method
PUPS component separation has the advantage of preservation of the lipocutaneous
blood supply while permitting external oblique release. Table 2 summarizes the
largest reports involving PUPS component separation. These studies have been
generally retrospective comparisons of classic anterior separation methods with the
PUPS technique. Although recurrence rates were not different between the groups,
these studies have highlighted statistically significant differences in rate and severity
of surgical site occurrences (skin necrosis, wound infection, abscess). Clarke59 noted
a 25% rate of skin necrosis when using classical methods and 0% with PUPS tech-
nique. Similarly, Dumanian and colleagues32 at Northwestern University outlined their
results from a series of 41 patients who had a 2% rate of wound complications
compared with a 20% rate when using classic anterior component separation
methods.58 Data suggest that with longer-term follow-up, the recurrence rate after
PUPS rises to as high as 13.8%.59
Table 2
Outcomes of PUPS hernia repair
1130 Pauli & Rosen
less. Few patients required operative debridement, and many of these data were
prospectively collected to assess for a wide variety of wound related issues.
Open ventral hernia repair with component separation represents a group of complex
surgical techniques developed to address the ever-growing population of patients
requiring abdominal wall reconstruction. The methods described share similar key
elements: (1) fascial release permits myofascial advancement and reconstruction of
the linea alba, and (2) the creation of vast spaces within the abdominal wall ensure
wide overlap of mesh to maximize surface ingrowth. The key difference between ante-
rior and posterior component separation techniques is the location of this potential
space. Anterior separation methods create large lipocutaneous flaps and are usually
accompanied by onlay of mesh. Posterior separation methods create no such flaps
and permit a sublay of mesh. Differences in wound complications and recurrence
rates are likely directly related to these 2 facts.
Posterior component separation with TAR detailed previously has several advan-
tages over anterior component separation and other methods of posterior separation.
First, it permits extensive lateral dissection in the avascular potential space beneath
the transversus abdominis muscle. This creates an ideal space for mesh implantation,
while at the same time preserving the entire neurovascular supply to the anterior
abdominal wall. The release of the transversus abdominal muscle itself permits suffi-
cient medicalization of the rectus muscles, so as to permit complete reconstruction of
the abdominal wall layers posterior and anterior to the mesh. This places the mesh in a
well-vascularized pocket, remote from the skin surface. Moreover, the retromuscular
position of the mesh permits wide overlap of “difficult” defects (subxyphoid, sub-
costal, suprapubic). Based on these advantages, as well as its quoted 3% to 5%
recurrence rate, posterior component separation with transversus abdominis release
has become our preferred method of choice for the management of patients requiring
open ventral hernia repair.
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