A Thesis Proposal
Presented to
Reading and Writing I
Immaculate Conception College
Balayan, Batangas
In Partial fulfillment of
The requirements for the Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Irish Joy D. Dacillo
Cristine Joy R. Guinto
Alexandria Nicole V. de Guia
Grade XI-Fortitude
S.Y. 2016-2017
This research paper entitled “The pros and cons of using mobile phones by the SHS
Students at Immaculate Conception Collage” is brought by the researchers to the students that
are used in bringing their mobile phones at school.
The researchers also dedicate this research paper to the teachers for them to have some idea
on why does mobile phones sometimes becomes a distraction to the students and why this also
becomes helpful.
Also this is dedicated to the researchers family, friends and to all that helps and loves them, for
they are the ones that always guide and always there in their sides.
Cristine Joy Guinto
Irish Joy Dacillo
Alexandria Nicole de Guia
The researchers are sincerely thankful to the people who helped and support them to
successfully finish this research paper.
First, to and who guided and give them the strength and knowledge to have a flourish output.
Second, to their family, most especially to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guinto, Mr. and Mrs.
Dacillo, and Mr. and Mrs. de Guia that continues to support and gives them inspiration to finalize this
research paper.
Third, is to their friends who never leaves them until the end.
And the most especially to their dear teacher. Ms. Mary Ann Cahayon that helped and give
them opinion and idea to have beautiful and nice research paper.
Thank You for the trust and guidance that becomes the reason to have a flourish output.
Cristine Joy Guinto
Irish Joy Dacillo
Aalexandria Nicole de Guia
As the time goes by, technologies most especially Mobile phones are also improving. Text
messages as well as calling are the only purpose of the first made mobile phones by John F. Mitchell
and Martin Cooper last April 3, 1973. Through the years, as generation grows, along with this is the
improvement of every technology that is discovered. Now, not only calls and text messages are it’s
purpose. Things that can be done with the radio, computers and televisions can all be done with the
There are lot of things that distracts students in school, and one of it are the technologies.
According to Schaffhauser (2016), Social Media, games, and musics are all can be done with
phones. Students are more distracted than ever. They tend to chack their digital devices, particularly,
their smartphones, an average of 11.43 times during class or non-classroom activities. Students do
texting, emailing, checking the time or other activities in class more than 30 times a day.
Educator do not agree on much when it comes to digital devices in classrooms except that
they are not going away some 66 percent of American teens ages 13 to 17 have access to mobile
phone and a majority teens (73 percent) have smartphones (Matchan, 2015)
These problem will give way by the researchers in doing the study entitled “The pros and
cons in using mobile phones in school by the SHS Students at Immaculaate Conception
Students even though at schools are used to bring their mobile phones, but as we all know
schools where we study.
Immaculate Conception College is one of the Catholic School in Balayan. It is a historical place
due to the story behind of the construction of it. This is school is known for having a decent attitude
because it is a Catholic Church, that is why students must know the real purpose of mobile phones in
their studies.
The researchers are curious and interested to know of this study will benefit the students
respondents in Immaculate Conception College in terms of their behavior in usng mobile phones.
This reearch work also informs that mobile phones was made for good and easier life not only
thye behavioral and any other effect of mobile phone on students. This was also made to inform and
to solve the problem of the improper and unacceptable behaviors in using mobile phones.
4. What are the things that you can do to make mobile phones useful than being a distraction?
5. What are the factors that can affect when mobile phones will be banned?
This study focused on the pros and cons of using mobile phones in school by the SHS
Students at Iimmaculate Conception College in terms of Relationship between teachers and the
students, Academic Performances and safety reasons. This study use the descriptive research
method which will relay on the collection of data through validated research – made survey
questionnaires. A total of 10 student respondents reserve a participants to the study
The study will rely on the perceptions of the student respondents. Hence, the results may
apply to the school respondents
\the researchers of the study is positive that the output this endeavor would be significantly
beneficial to the following:
Mobile Phone Users. This study will benefit the users to avoid the negative behavioral
effects of mobile phones and also to inform them their limitations on using mobile
Students. Majority of the students at Immaculate Conception College nowadays are
using mobile phones in their daily lives. They use mobile phones as their entertainment,
pass time etc. They will learn that mobile phones can affect their behaviors and time for
their studies.
Teachers. This study show that mobile phone users or students are affected by mobile
phones and teachers can use this to communicate to their students when they want to
give them certain activities or assignments.
Parents. According to this study, parents will know how their children will be affected by
mobile phones in terms of time, relationships and studies.
Emergency. A serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.