UTP Cladding en 2017
UTP Cladding en 2017
UTP Cladding en 2017
Tailor-Made Protectivity™
Industry experience and application know-how combined with innovative and custom (tailor-made) cladding
products guarantee that our customers obtain the ideal combination of productivity and protection, within
the shortest operating times and up to the maximum performance capacity of their products.
Cladding is defined as the process of protecting one metal by bonding a second metal to its surface. Providing
a corrosion or oxidation resistant surface on less corrosion resistant material, e.g. cladding of stainless steel or
nickel-based layer on a carbon steel base.
Industry Fokus
Oil & Gas Upstream, Oil & Gas Downstream, Chemical, Power Generation, Steelworks, Mining, Pumps, Valves
& Fittings, Pulp & Paper
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Covered Electrodes ......................................................................................................................... 3
TIG Rods .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Solid Wires .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Cold & Hot Wires .............................................................................................................................. 5
Gas Shielded Cored Wires ............................................................................................................. 6 - 7
Open Arc Cored Wires .................................................................................................................... 7
SAW Solid Wires ................................................................................................................................ 8
SAW Cored Wires .............................................................................................................................. 8
Strips ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Solutions for Strip Cladding .......................................................................................................... 10
Covered Electrodes for Cladding Applications (Anti-corrosion)
Name Classification Mechanical properties of the weld metal Characteristics and field of use
UTP 68 EN ISO 3581-A Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP 68 is suitable for joining and surfacing (cladding)
E 19 9 Nb R 3 2 > 380 MPa > 590 MPa of stabilized and non stabilized CrNi steels and CrNi
rutil coated stick cast steels.
electrode AWS A5.4 Elongation A Impact strength K V
E 347-17 > 30 % > 47 J (RT)
UTP 68 LC EN ISO 3581-A Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP 68 LC, with a low carbon content, is used for
E 19 9 L R 3 2 > 350 MPa > 520 MPa repair and building up of identical low carbon, aus-
low carbon stick tenitic CrNi steels and CrNi cast steels.
electrode AWS A5.4 Elongation A Impact strength K V
E 308 L-17 > 35 % > 47 J (RT)
UTP 68 Mo EN ISO 3581-A Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP 68 Mo is used for repair and surfacing of stabi-
E 19 12 3 Nb R 3 2 380 MPa 560 MPa lized and non-stabilized CrNiMo steels and CrNiMo
stabilized stick cast steels.
electrode AWS A5.4 Elongation A Impact strength K V
E 318-16 30 % 55 J (RT)
UTP 68 MoLC EN ISO 3581-A Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP 68 MoLC, with a low carbon content, is used for
E 19 12 3 L R 3 2 380 MPa 560 MPa repair and surfacing of identical, low carbon, auste-
low carbon stick nitic CrNiMo steels and CrNiMo cast steels.
electrode AWS A5.4 Elongation A Impact strength K V
E 316 L-17 30 % 60 J (RT)
UTP 759 Kb EN ISO 14172 Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP 759 Kb is employed primarily for welding com-
E Ni 6059 > 450 MPa > 720 MPa ponents in environmental plants and plants for
basic coated (NiCr23Mo16) chemical processes with highly corrosive media.
NiCrMo stick Cladding on low-alloyed steels.
electrode AWS A5.11 Elongation A Impact strength K V
E NiCrMo-13 > 30 % > 60 J (RT)
UTP 776 Kb EN ISO 14172 Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP 776 Kb is employed primarily for joint welding
E Ni 6276 (NiCr- > 450 MPa > 720 MPa of matching base materials, as Material-No. 2.4819
basic covered 15Mo15Fe6W4) (NiMo16Cr15W) and surfacing (cladding) on low-al-
electrode loyed steels.
AWS A5.11 Elongation A Impact strength K V
E NiCrMo-4 > 30 % > 70 J (RT)
UTP 4225 EN ISO 14172 Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP 4225 is suitable for joining and surfacing
E Ni 8165 > 350 MPa > 550 MPa (cladding) of alloys of similar nature, such as e. g.
basic covered (NiCr25Fe30Mo) NiCr21Mo, furthermore for welding of CrNiMoCu-al-
electrode Elongation A Impact strength K V loyed austenitic steels used for high quality tank and
> 30 % > 80 J (RT) apparatus construction in the chemical industry, cor-
rosion resistance in media of sulphuric- and phos-
phoric acid.
UTP 6222 Mo EN ISO 14172 Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP 6222 Mo is particularly suited for joining and
E Ni 6625 > 450 MPa > 760 MPa surfacing (cladding) on nickel alloys, austenitic
basic coated (NiCr22Mo9Nb) steels, low temperature nickel steels, austenitic-ferrit-
NiCrMo-stick ic-joints and claddings of the same or similar nature,
electrode AWS A5.11 Elongation A Impact strength K V like 2.4856 (NiCr22Mo9Nb), 1.4876 (X30 NiCrAlTi 32
E NiCrMo-3 > 30 % > 75 J (RT)/ 20), 1.4529 (X2 NiCrMoCu 25 20 5).
> 45 J (–196 °C)
TIG Rods for Cladding Applications (Anti-corrosion)
Name Classification Mechanical properties of the weld metal Characteristics and field of use
UTP A 68 EN ISO 14343-A Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP A 68 is suitable for surfacing (cladding) in chemical
W 19 9 Nb Si > 420 MPa > 600 MPa apparatus and vessel construction for working tempera-
tures of –196 °C up to 400 °C.
AWS A 5.9 Elongation A Impact strength K V
ER 347 (Si) > 30 % > 100 J (RT)
UTP A 68 LC EN ISO 14343-A Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP A 68 LC is suitable for surfacing (cladding) in chem-
W 19 9 L (Si) 400 MPa 600 MPa ical apparatus and vessel construction for working tem-
peratures of –196 °C up to 350 °C.
AWS A5.9 Elongation A Impact strength K V
ER 308 L (Si) 35 % 100 J (RT)
UTP A 68 Mo EN ISO 14343-A Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP A 68 Mo is applicable for surfacing (cladding) of sta-
W 19 12 3 Nb (Si) 460 MPa 680 MPa bilized, corrosion resistant CrNiMo steels of similar nature
in the construction of chemical apparatus and vessels up
AWS A5.9 Elongation A Impact strength K V to working temperatures of –120 °C up to 400 °C.
ER 318 (Si) 35 % 100 J (RT)
UTP A 68 MoLC EN ISO 14343-A Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP A 68 MoLC is used for surfacing (cladding) of
W 19 12 3 L (Si) 420 MPa 600 MPa low-carbon, corrosion resistant CrNiMo steels exposed to
high corrosion for working temperatures up to 350 °C.
AWS A5.9 Elongation A Impact strength K V
ER 316 L (Si) 35 % 100 J (RT)
UTP A 759 EN ISO 18274 Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP A 759 is suitable for welding components in plants
S Ni 6059 > 450 MPa > 720 MPa for chemical processes with highly corrosive media, for
(NiCr23Mo16) joining materials of the same or similar natures and
materials with low alloyed steels as well as for surfacing
AWS A5.14 Elongation A Impact strength K V (cladding) on low alloyed steels.
ER NiCrMo-13 > 35 % > 100 J (RT)
UTP A 776 EN ISO 18274 Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP A 776 is suitable for joint welding of matching base
S Ni 6276 (NiCr- > 450 MPa > 750 MPa materials, as 2.4819 NiMo16Cr15W UNS N10276 and sur-
15Mo16Fe6W4) facing (cladding) on low-alloyed steels.
UTP A 4221 EN ISO 18274 Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP A 4221 is suitable for joining and surfacing (clad-
S Ni 8065 360 MPa > 550 MPa ding) of alloys of similar nature, furthermore for weld-
(NiFe30Cr21Mo3) ing of CrNiMoCu-alloyed austenitic steels used for high
quality tank and apparatus construction in the chemical
AWS A5.14 Elongation A Impact strength K V industry, corrosion resistance in media of sulphuric and
ER NiFeCr-1 > 30 % > 100 J (RT) phosphoric acid.
(UNS N08065)
UTP A 6222 Mo EN ISO 18274 Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP A 6222 Mo has a high nickel content and is suitable
S Ni 6625 > 460 MPa > 740 MPa for welding high-strength and high-corrosion resistant
(NiCr22Mo9Nb) nickel-base alloys. It can be used for joining ferritic steel
to austenitic steel as well as for surfacing (cladding) on
AWS A5.14 Elongation A Impact strength K V steel. It is also possible to weld 9 % nickel steels using this
ER NiCrMo-3 > 30 % > 100 J (RT)/ wire due to its high yield strength.
> 85 J (–196 °C)
Solid Wires for Cladding Applications (Anti-corrosion)
Name Classification Mechanical properties of the weld metal Characteristics and field of use
UTP A 68 EN ISO 14343-A Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP A 68 is suitable for surfacing (cladding) in chemical
G 19 9 Nb Si > 420 MPa > 600 MPa apparatus and vessel construction for working temper-
atures of –196 °C up to 400 °C.
AWS A5.9 Elongation A Impact strength K V
ER 347 (Si) > 30 % > 100 J (RT)
UTP A 68 LC EN ISO 14343-A Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP A 68 LC is suitable for surfacing in chemical appa-
G 19 9 L (Si) 400 MPa 600 MPa ratus and vessel construction for working temperatures
of –196 °C up to 350 °C.
AWS A5.9 Elongation A Impact strength K V
ER 308 L (Si) 35 % 100 J (RT)
UTP A 68 Mo EN ISO 14343-A Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP A 68 Mo is applicable for surfacing (cladding) of
G 19 12 3 Nb (Si) 460 MPa 680 MPa stabilized, corrosion resistant CrNiMo steels of similar
nature in the construction of chemical apparatus and
AWS A5.9 Elongation A Impact strength K V vessels for working temperatures of –120 °C up to
ER 318 (Si) 35 % 100 J (RT) 400 °C.
UTP A 68 MoLC EN ISO 14343-A Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP A 68 MoLC is used for surfacing (cladding) of
G 19 12 3 L (Si) 420 MPa 600 MPa low-carbon, corrosion resistant CrNiMo steels exposed
to high corrosion for working temperatures up to 350
AWS A5.9 Elongation A Impact strength K V °C.
ER 316 L (Si) 35 % 100 J (RT)
UTP A 786 EN ISO 18274 Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP A 786 is particularly designed for claddings of
S Ni 6686 > 450 MPa > 760 MPa desulphurization and waste incineration components,
(NiCr21Mo16W4) such as pipes and finned tubes made of heat resistant
AWS A5.14 Elongation A Impact strength K V
ER NiCrMo-14 > 30 % > 50 J (RT)
UTP A 4221 EN ISO 18274 Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP A 4221 is suitable for joining and surfacing (clad-
S Ni 8065 360 MPa > 550 MPa ding) of alloys of similar nature, furthermore for weld-
(NiFe30Cr21Mo3) ing of CrNiMoCu-alloyed austenitic steels used for high
quality tank and apparatus construction in the chemi-
AWS A5.14 Elongation A Impact strength K V cal industry, corrosion resistance in media of sulphuric
ER NiFeCr-1 > 30 % > 100 J (RT) and phosphoric acid.
(UNS N08065)
UTP A 6222 Mo EN ISO 18274 Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP A 6222 Mo has a high nickel content and is suit-
S Ni 6625 460 MPa > 740 MPa able for welding high-strength and high-corrosion
(NiCr22Mo9Nb) resistant nickel-base alloys. It can be used for joining
ferritic steel to austenitic steel as well as for surfacing
AWS A5.14 Elongation A Impact strength K V (cladding) on steel. It is also possible to weld 9 % nickel
ER NiCrMo-3 > 30 % > 100 J (RT)/ steels using this wire due to its high yield strength.
> 85 J (–196 °C)
UTP A 6222 Mo-3 EN ISO 18274 UTP A 6222 Mo-3 has been developed for applications in the oil & gas industry, and is mainly used for
S Ni 6625 cladding and joining of unalloyed and high strength low alloyed steel (HSLA) components. Typical appli-
(NiCr22Mo9Nb) cations are internal cladding of tubes & pipes, risers, and subsea components such as manifolds, BOPs,
Christmas trees, well heads, flanges, valve bodies, blocks etc. to improve corrosion resistance to sur-
AWS A5.14 faces exposed to hydrocarbon and hydrogen sulphide.
ER NiCrMo-3
Gas Shielded Wires for Cladding Applications (Anti-corrosion)
Name Classification Hardness Composition (All weld metal) Characteristics and field of use
HB HRC C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo Co Nb Ti W AI V B Fe
SK 430-G DIN 8555 190 0,06 0,80 0,60 17,80 0,20 Bal. Alloy depositing a ferritic steel
MF 5-GF-200-C containing 17 % Chromium
designed to resist corrosion at
high temperatures, particularly in
presence of sulphurous gas.
SK 519-G DIN 8555 0,02 2,80 0,50 20,50 24,20 5,00 Bal. For welding and cladding stain-
MF 8-GF-C less steels of similar composition
where corrosion resistance to hot
DIN 8556 sulphuric and cold hydrochloric
MSG X2-CrNi- acid is required.
MoCu 20-25
SK 741-G DIN 8555 41 0,06 0,50 0,60 13,00 5,50 0,80 Bal. Alloy depositing a ferritic-mar-
MF 5-GF-40-C tensitic steel containing 13 %
Chromium, 5 % Nickel and 1 %
Molybdenum. Designed to resist
metal-to-metal wear, corrosion
and thermal fatigue fire cracking.
Field of use: surfacing (cladding)
of continuous casting rollers of
very small diameters (<150mm).
SK 768-G DIN 8555 34 0,02 0,30 0,30 14,50 6,30 2,50 Bal. Alloy depositing a ferritic-mar-
MF 5-GF-350-C tensitic steel containing 13 %
Chromium, 5 % Nickel and 2 %
Molybdenum. Designed to resist
metal-to-metal wear, corrosion
and thermal fatigue fire cracking.
Field of use: surfacing (cladding)
of continuous casting rollers of
very small diameters (< 150mm).
SK TOOL DIN 8555 220 0,03 1,30 0,70 16,00 Bal. 16,00 2,50 4,00 3,00 NiCrMo alloy with addition of
ALLOY MF Cobalt. Designed for hard-sur-
Co-G 23-GF-200-CKZ facing of parts subject to oxida-
tion, corrosion and mechanical
stresses at high temperature
(1,100 °C). For reduced levels of
dilution and an improved weld-
ability, we recommend using a
pulsed MIG welding mode. Field
of use: punches for extrusion of
steel pipes, hot working tools.
SK U 521-G DIN 8555 200 0,01 0,30 18,50 Bal. 4,50 12,50 3,50 1,00 1,80 Nickel-base super-alloy with
MF addition of Cobalt providing the
23-GF-200-TZ most powerful strengthening
effect at high temperature due
to the precipitation of Ni3 (AlTi)
phase. Enhanced weldability.
Field of use: rebuilding of forging
SK DIN 8555 54 2,30 0,80 1,60 26,50 Bal. 11,50 3,00 Cobalt base alloy providing
STELKAY MF excellent resistance to metal-to-
1-G 20-GF-55-CTZ metal wear, oxidation and high
stress abrasion wear, in corrosive
environments at high tempera-
ture. For reduced levels of dilu-
tion and an improved weldability,
we recommend using a pulsed
MIG welding mode. Field of use:
mill guides, palm nut oil extruder,
plastic extrusion screws, mixer
blades, scrapers, rubber mixer.
Name Classification Hardness Composition (All weld metal) Characteristics and field of use
HB HRC C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo Co Nb Ti W AI V B Fe
SK DIN 8555 40 0,95 0,80 1,40 30,00 Bal. 4,20 3,00 Cobalt base alloy providing
STELKAY MF excellent resistance to metal-to-
6-G 20-GF-40-CTZ metal wear, oxidation, thermal
cycling and impact in corrosive
environments at high tempera-
ture. For reduced levels of dilu-
tion and an improved weldability,
we recommend using a pulsed
MIG welding mode. Field of use:
valves, valve seats in motor vehi-
cles, hot shear blades, extruder
screws, clack valves and seats,
dies, punches.
SK DIN 8555 43 1,35 0,80 1,50 27,00 Bal. 3,50 3,00 Cobalt base alloy providing
STELKAY 6 MF excellent resistance to metal-to-
A-G 20-GF-45-CTZ metal wear, oxidation, thermal
cycling and impact in corrosive
environments at high tempera-
ture. For reduced levels of dilu-
tion and an improved weldability,
we recommend using a pulsed
MIG welding mode. Field of use:
valves, valve seats in motor vehi-
cles, hot shear blades, extruder
screws, clack valves and seats,
dies, punches.
HB HRC C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo Nb Ti W V N Fe
SK 714 N-O DIN 8555 44 0,03 1,00 0,60 13,00 4,20 0,50 0,10 Bal. Alloy depositing a ferritic-martensitic steel
MF 5-GF-45 with addition of nitrogen, designed to resist
metal-to-metal wear, corrosion and thermal
fatigue. Field of use: cladding of continuous
casting rollers.
SAW Solid Wires for Cladding Applications (Anti-corrosion)
Name Classification Composition (All weld metal) Characteristics and field of use
UTP UP 776 EN ISO 18274 Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP UP 776 is suitable for joining and surfacing (clad-
+ S Ni 6276 (NiCr- > 450 MPa > 690 MPa ding) on matching and similar alloys such as 2.4819
RECORD Pulver (1) 15Mo16Fe6W4) NiMo16Cr15W UNS N10276 and surface claddings on
low-alloyed steels.
AWS A5.14 Elongation A Impact strength K V
ER NiCrMo-4 > 35 % > 70 J (RT)
UTP UP 6222 Mo EN ISO 18274 Yield strength RP0,2 Tensile strength Rm UTP UP 6222 Mo is applied for joint welding of base
+ S Ni 6625 460 MPa 725 MPa materials with the same or with a similar composition,
RECORD Pulver (1) (NiCr22Mo9Nb) e.g. Alloy 625 (UNS N06625) or NiCr22Mo9Nb, Mate-
rial-No. 2.4856 or mixed combinations with stain-
AWS A5.14 Elongation A Impact strength K V less steels and carbon steels. UTP UP 6222 Mo is also
ER NiCrMo-3 40 % > 80 J (RT)/ applied on alloyed or unalloyed steels for cladding of
65 J (-196 °C) corrosion resistant plants.
(1) Please contact your sales representative for the matching wire / flux combination
HB HRC C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo Nb Ti W V N Fe
SK 410 DIN 8555 39 0,05 1,00 0,30 12,50 5,00 0,90 Bal. Alloy depositing a ferritic-martensitic steel
NiMo-SA UP 5-GF-40-C containing 13 % Chromium, 5 % Nickel and
+ 1 % Molybdenum. Designed to resist met-
RECORD SA al-to-metal wear, corrosion and thermal
fatigue fire cracking. Field of use: continu-
ous casting rollers.
SK 415-SA DIN 8555 42 0,08 0,90 0,40 13,50 2,10 1,10 0,20 0,30 Bal. Alloy depositing a ferritic-martensitic steel
+ UP 5-GF-45-C designed to resist metal-to-metal wear, cor-
RECORD SA rosion and thermal fatigue. Field of use:
RECORD SK continuous casting rollers.
SK 420-SA DIN 8555 53 0,27 1,30 0,30 13,50 Bal. Alloy depositing a martensitic steel contain-
+ UP 6-GF-55-C ing 13 % Chromium giving a good resist-
RECORD SA ance to metal-to-metal wear and corrosion.
Field of use: dredging pump casings, contin-
uous casting rollers.
SK 430C-SA DIN 8555 175 0,04 0,90 0,50 19,50 Bal. Alloy depositing a ferritic steel containing
+ UP 5-GF-200-C 17 % Chromium. Designed to resist corro-
RECORD SA sion at high temperatures, particularly in
RECORD SK presence of sulphurous gas. Field of use:
continuous casting rollers situated at the
top of the line.
SK 461C-SA DIN 8555 54 0,26 0,90 0,50 12,20 0,40 1,40 1,80 0,90 1,00 Bal. Alloy depositing a ferritic-martensitic steel
+ UP 6-GF-50-C designed to resist metal-to-metal wear, cor-
RECORD SA rosion and thermal fatigue fire cracking.
RECORD SK Field of use: continuous casting rollers.
Our SOUDOTAPE Strips and Record fluxes are summarized in the special brochure “Strips and Fluxes
for Electroslag and Submerged Arc Welding”. UTP Maintenance offers a full and unique strip & flux
product portfolio for electroslag and submerged strip cladding of all types of alloys:
UTP Maintenance also offers specially designed cladding nozzles to perform strip cladding from
small pipes to very large vessels (SK 30ES2-300, SK 60 ES3-207, SK 125 ES1-300 …).
Just contact us for additional information, further technical data or any questions regarding strips
and fluxes.
Solutions for Cladding
UTP Maintenance Product Process
Wellhead Connectors UTP A 6222 Mo-3 Cold and Hot Wire GTAW/TIG
Blow Out Preventer “BOP” SOUDOTAPE A + RECORD NiMoT SAW Strip Cladding
Wellhead Housing UTP A 6222 Mo-3 Cold and Hot Wire GTAW/TIG
Tube Sheet SOUDOTAPE Strips and Record Fluxes ESW/SAW Strip Cladding
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With over 100 years of experience, voestalpine Böhler Welding is the global top address for the daily challenges in the
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that our customers master the most demanding welding challenges. voestalpine Böhler Welding offers three specialized
and dedicated brands to cater our customers’ and partners’ requirements.