Guide To Cadence
Guide To Cadence
Guide To Cadence
This is a tutorial on how to design, simulate, layout, run DRC & LVS, and generate fabrication files for an
Integrated Circuit (IC) using the cadence Virtuoso design platform.
This tutorial will walk through an example CMOS inverter design from start to finish in order to explain
each of the steps in the design.
Cadence runs in on Linux environment. Linux workstations are available in Cobleigh Hall, Rm 620.
The following lists the steps that will be covered in this tutorial:
Step 1: Launching Cadence
1) Log into the Linux workstations in Cobleigh 620 using the KDE desktop option.
NOTE 1: Don’t change your password, it will only change on the workstation
that you are logged into. You don’t have permission to change
your password on the server. Also don’t change your shell, Cadence
won’t run in any other shell than the default.
NOTE 2: The computers in COBH 620 are dual boot. They automatically
come up in SuSE Linux. If they are booted into windows, you will
need to shutdown and restart to bring up Linux.
a) On the taskbar at the bottom of the screen, you’ll see an icon of a monitor with a
little shell next to it. Click on this to bring up a terminal window.
b) The terminal should be brought up in your home directory. Test to make sure
everything is OK by doing a:
>> cd work
NOTE 1: In this directory, you will see a file called “cds.lib”. This
is the file that sets up the Cadence licenses and the toolkit we’ll be using.
4) Launch Cadence
a) You will need to be in your “work” directory in order to start Cadence. You can
return to your home directory no matter where you are by typing:
>> cd
>> cd work
NOTE 1: the “&” means that the program will run in the background. It is
important that when you are done with cadence, you need to close the program
using the “File-Exit”, “Window-Close”, etc… If you click on the “X” button of the
terminal, the program will still be running in the background and your files will be
locked the next type you login.
NOTE 2: If you login and run cadence and your files are locked, you need to find
and delete any *.lck files that exist.
>> ls –al
2) Create a Library in Cadence
First check that the software has come up correctly with the necessary design
kits. You should see the following Libraries in the “Library” section of the
Library Manager.
- ami500hxkx
- ami500hxtx
These are the libraries for the AMI 0.5um CMOS process we will be using. If you
do NOT see these libraries, something is wrong and you need to exit cadence. The
first thing to check is that you launched Cadence in your work directory, which
contained the cds.lib file. The second thing to check is that your home drive was
successfully mounted upon login. If it was mounted correctly, you should
automatically see a work directory in your home directory.
Name: EE414_Library
Directory: Browse to your “Cadence_Libraries” directory
Click “OK”
In the Technology File for New Library window that pops up, we want to
attach the AMI 0.5um technology file to our library:
Step 3: Creating a Schematic and Symbol for the Inverter
a) When we create an item in Cadence, it is called a Cell. A cell can contain various
views such as schematics, symbols, spectre simulation info, Verilog, layout, etc…
We will begin by creating a cell for our inverter called INV that will have a
schematic and a symbol. In order to simulate our INV cell, we’ll create another
cell called test_INV. The test_INV cell will contain a schematic in which we will
instantiate our INV cell.
In the Library Manager window, use the pull-down menus to create a new cell:
- on the left hand side of the schematic window, you’ll see some icons. Click on
the “Instance” icon. You can also use the [i] button.
- this brings up the Add Instance window” In this window, select the following:
Library: - Browse to the ami500hxtx library
- select the cell called “n”
- select the view called “symbol” (click on it once)
- you will see an NMOS symbol now connected to your mouse in the schematic
window. Click once to drop the symbol in the schematic. Hit the [ESC] button
to exit the “add instance” command mode.
- change the Width to 5u (Note the default units are um, so just enter 5)
- Click “OK”
- on the left hand side of the schematic window, click on the “Instance” icon.
- you will see a PMOS symbol now connected to your mouse in the schematic
window. Click once to drop the symbol in the schematic. Hit the [ESC] button
to exit the “add instance” command mode.
- change the Width to 10u (Note the default units are um, so just enter 10)
- Click “OK”
- this circuit will ultimately have a symbol that will be instantiated in a higher
level design. We need to add I/O pins to show the inputs and outputs.
- on the left hand side of the schematic window, click on the “Pin” icon to add an
I/O pin
- when you do this, an Add Pin dialog will come up. Fill in the following:
Pin Names: IN
Direction: input
- Now when you drag your mouse into the schematic window, you’ll see a pin
attached to it. While you are dragging the pin around, you can go back into the
Add Pin dialog and rotate the pin to your desired orientation by clicking on
“Rotate”. Click once in the schematic window to add your pin.
- Now that the pin has been placed, you’ll notice that the Add Pin dialog is still
open. You can use this to add the remaining pins. Add the 3 remaining pins to
your inverter as follows (rotate them as you place them to make them fit
- to end the Add Pin command, hit the [ESC] button and the dialog will disappear.
- before you wire up your circuit, you want to move around your NMOS, PMOS,
and pins so they are in a good location.
- Edit-Move
- clicking the [m] button
- when in the move command, the instance will be attached to your mouse. To drop
the instance, click once.
g) Add wires
- now you will wire up the circuit. On the right hand side of the schematic window
click on the Wire (narrow) icon.
- you are now in add wire mode. If you click once, you will start adding a wire.
Cadence will automatically try to create the shortest path between pins. However,
if you want to manually add a corner, you can single-click. You can end the
add wire mode by clicking once on an instance pin or double clicking on the same
- connect up the inverter input, output, VDD, VSS, and body connections. If you
make a mistake, you can get out of the add wire mode by clicking [ESC]. Then
you can highlight a wire and click [Delete] to remove the wire.
- if you have any warnings or errors, you will get a pop up window telling you how
many. To see the details of the warnings and errors, look in the Log window.
a) You will now create a symbol view for your INV cell
This will automatically create a symbol for your schematic with ports
associated with the pins that you’ve added.
- in the Symbol Generation Options dialog, you will tell the tool where to locate
your pins. Modify your pins as follows:
Left Pins: In
Right Pins: Out
Top Pins: VDD
Bottom Pins: VSS
Click “OK”
- you should now see a Virtuoso Symbol Editing window pop up that has your
newly generated symbol. You will see your pin names in addition to various
parameters that can be used to pass in information to your lower-level circuit.
For now, leave these as they are. When the parameters are not used, they
will not show up when you instantiate this symbol.
c) Modify the symbol
- the default shape for the symbol is a rectangle. For this inverter, you should
modify the symbol shape to reflect the traditional “triangle with a bubble” so
that this circuit is easily recognizable.
- You can select and delete the default square shape in the symbol
- You can move shapes, properties, and pins around by first selecting, and
then clicking [m] to get into the move mode. To get out of the move mode,
click the [ESC] button.
- you can also rotate items by selecting them and clicking [r].
- once you have created an accurate symbol for your circuit, perform:
Window – Close
Window - Close
Step 4: Creating a Simulation Test Bench for the Inverter
a) Now we will create a new cell which will consist of a schematic view.
This will contain an instantiation of our INV cell symbol. It will also
contain voltage sources, power supplies, and a load capacitance.
Click “OK”
Library: EE414_Library
Cell: INV
View: symbol
- once you click on the view symbol, the inverter symbol for INV will
be attached to your mouse. You can click once to instantiate it in your
test bench schematic
- For a test bench, we use ideal components for voltage sources, lumped
capacitors, etc… There is a library called analogLib that exists in
the Library Manager that contains all of these elements.
- Click on the Instance icon on the left hand side of the schematic window:
(or you can click [i]).
- scroll through the Cells until you find vdc. Select the vdc cell, then select
the symbol view.
- once you click on symbol, the vdc instance will attach to your mouse in
the schematic window. Click once to instantiate vdc. Click [ESC] to end
the add instance mode.
- You can rotate the vdc instance by selecting it and clicking [r].
- You can move the vdc instance by selecting it and clicking [m]
- You can set the properties for vdc by selecting it and hitting [q]:
- rotate and attach the GND symbol to the VDD supply that you entered
d) Enter the remaining instances of the test bench
- using the same process, enter the following items from analogLib:
voltage 1: 0
voltage 2: 5
rise time: 1ps
fall time: 1ps
pulse width: 5ns
period: 10ns
- we are going to put the DC source for VIN in series with the PULSE
source. Put the vdc source below the vpulse source.
- use the Wire (narrow) icon on the left hand side of the schematic to
enter the wires for your schematic.
- on the left hand side of the schematic window, click on the Wire Name icon.
- this brings up the Add Wire Name dialog. You will enter a wire name
and then click on the wire in the schematic window to assign the name.
Enter the following wire names:
Note that you can’t name the GND net as it is already named by connecting
it to the gnd instance.
h) Check and Save
- In the Analog Design Environment window, use the pull-downs:
Setup – Simulator/Directory/Host
Simulator: spectre
Project Directory: /tmp/simulation
- Click “OK”
techLib: ami500hxkx
process corners: typ for all
- Click “OK”
d) Setup Temperature
Scale: Celsius
Degrees: 27
- Click “OK”
e) Setup DC Analysis
Analysis - Choose
Click “OK”
File – Print
- Click on the “Print” button. This will print to the printer in COB 625.
- this will give you a file that you can insert into your project report.
i) Run a transient simulation
Analyses – Choose
- enter a Stop Time of 20ns (you MUST put the “n” for nano)
- a plot will come up showing 2 cycles of your 10ns period input. You
also will notice that the DC simulation still ran. This is handy when you are
altering the sizes of the inverter and monitoring Vth in addition to the delay.
If you don’t want to run the DC simulation anymore, you can click on the
“choose analysis” button in the analog environment window, select “dc”, then
uncheck the Enabled radio button at the bottom of the window. This will
disable the simulation but keep all of your setup information for the DC
- you can retrieve this state the next time you run cadence by performing:
Step 6: Creating a Layout for the Inverter
a) In the Library Manager window, use the pull-down menus to create a new cell:
This will bring up the Virtuoso Layout Editing window and the layers menu.
a) If you’d like, you can modify the grid and snap attributes
- we use the DIF layer to accomplish two things. The first is to define the active
region for our NMOS transistor. The second is to define where the n+ implants
will occur.
- In the X-direction, we need the DIF rectangle to be large enough for the following
(described from left-to-right)
- In the Y-direction, we make DIF the size of our desired W, which in this
example is 5um.
- in the Layout window (you may have to click on it to make it active), start a
rectangle by:
- resize if necessary. You can put your mouse over an edge and it will turn into
a dotted line. You can then click [s] to stretch the shape.
b) Enter the polysilicon gate
- we use the POLY1 layer to enter the gate. We will make the gate rectangle
0.6um in the X-direction. You’ll need to overlap the POLY1 over the diffusion
region by at least 0.5um on each side. We’ll resize it later when we hook up
the PMOS.
- in the Layout window (you may have to click on it to make it active), start a
rectangle by:
- Create – Contact
- a window will appear and a contact will snap to your mouse. Since our NMOS
is 5um wide, we can put more than 1 contact on each terminal. It is a good design
practice to put as many contacts as will fit.
- in the dialog window, set the number of rows to 4. Now click back
in the layout window and you’ll see 4 contacts attached to your mouse.
- in the dialog window, we also need to define what type of contact we are
inserting. Since this is an active region contact, we choose DIFCT in the
“contact type” pull-down.
- it is mandatory for the process that the size of the contacts be 0.5um x 0.5um.
- Click in the diffusion regions to place your source and drain contacts.
Create – Contact
- again, select 4 rows of contacts. Since this is a Body contact for an NMOS, we
need to select PDIFCT. This will tell the tool that we need to implant a p+ region
beneath the contact to form an Ohmic contact to the p-type substrate.
- the minimum active-to-active spacing is 0.9um so the body contacts will need to
be at least this distance away from the DIF region.
NOTE: This is all we can do on the NMOS for now. We will move on to entering
the PMOS and then we’ll hook everything up.
It is a good idea to run DRC right now. Step 7 in this tutorial will walk you
through how to run the DRC check.
NOTE: the process for the PMOS is similar to the NMOS. Remember that we need to
create an N-well for the PMOS substrate.
a) Enter N-well
- enter a rectangle using the TUB that is large enough to accommodate our PMOS
and still have at least 1.5um between the edges of active regions.
- create the exact same sized rectangle using NFIELD and place directly on top
of the TUB rectangle
NOTE: you can copy the TUB rectangle and then perform a [q] to change
its layer to NFIELD. This makes duplicating shapes very easy.
b) Enter the PMOS Active Region
- first create a DIF region that has the same X-dimensions as your NMOS and a
Y-dimension of 10um (Wp=10um)
- now you will overlap this DIF region with both an NPLS and an PPLS rectangle..
The sizes of the NPLS and PPLS shapes must extend beyond the edges of the DIF
region by 0.3um. The combination of these three regions tells the tool that we are
going to create an Active region that is p+ doped in an N-well.
- use POLY1 just as in the NMOS. The size should be 0.6um in the X-dimension
and in the Y-dimension it should overlap the DIF rectangle by 0.5um
- just as in the NMOS, we add the active contacts using the Create – Contact
pull-down. We again choose DIFCT as the type of contact. There should be room
to add 9 contacts to both the Drain and Source
- we now add the body contacts. Use the Create-Contact pull-down. However,
you will choose NDIFCT as the type of contact to indicate an n+ diffusion contact.
At this point, it is a good time to run DRC. We want to make sure the
transistors are correct prior to connecting them up.
5) Connect the nodes of the inverter
- Use the POLY1 layer to connect the gates of the PMOS and NMOS in addition
to creating a region for a signal to enter the circuit from Metal1.
- Click on the POLY1 layer and then add a rectangle (or polygon) in the layout
to complete the connection
Create – Contact
- in the dialog window, select M1PLY as the contact type. This will allow
a single from Metal1 to change layers to POLY1 in order to drive the input of
in the inverter.
- Use the M1 layer to connect the drains of the PMOS and NMOS transistors
together to form the output of the inverter
- also add some metal over the M1PLY contact so that when this INV is
instantiated in high-level layout, the input and output can be accessed on M1.
c) Create the VSS and VDD rates using Metal 1
- Use the M1 layer to create the VSS and VDD notes of the inverter. Remember
that these connections must also pick up the body contacts of the transistors
- a good layout practice is to keep a consistent pattern of the VSS and VDD traces
so that when you interface with other circuits, the VSS/VDD rails will line up.
We will create a horizontal trace above the inverter for VDD. We will create a
horizontal trace below the inverter for VSS. We can choose a pitch of 25um for
the VSS and VDD rails.
6) Add Pins and Labels to the Labels and Pins to the Device
In order to be able to run the Layout vs. Schematic (LVS) check, we need to add the
net names of our circuit in the schematic. This is a two step process that involves
first adding a Pin and then adding a Label to a given Metal or Poly shape in your layout.
This is a manual process and requires to type in the net names EXACTLY as you
defined them in your schematic.
a) Adding Pins
- Create – Pin
Terminal Names = Type in the EXACT name of the pin that you
used in the schematic
I/O Type = Use the EXACT type that you used in the
schematic (input, output, inputOutput)
Pin Type = M1PIN (Metal 1 Pin, this assumes that all of
your inputs and outputs of your layout are on
Metal 1. If they are on poly, you should select
the poly pin type.
Click “OK
- you will see the pin attached to your mouse in the layout editor window. Click
in the layout window to drop your pin. Place this pin within the metal of your
layout in the appropriate spot. Repeat for all pins (VDD,VSS,IN,OUT).
b) Adding Labels
Create – Label
- now we need to change the layer of the Label we just added. We need to put
the label on the same layer as our Pin Type and the layer in our layout that is
our node we are naming (in this case, Meta l 1)
- bring up the properties of the label and change the layer to M1. “OK” the
properties dialog.
Step 7: Running Design Rule Check (DRC)
DRC will check your layout against the layout design rules for the process. You do not
need to wait until your design is complete to run DRC. You can run it periodically to
make sure that each step meets the design rules:
1) Run DRC
- in the popup window, you need to first select the technology file you
are going to check against.
- click “OK”
- if a popup comes up saying that the DRC data already exists, click “OK” to
- a small window will appear that says DRC is running, it will take a few moments
to complete.
- when complete, a window will appear saying the DRC has successfully ran. This
is just telling you that the DRC ran, not that you passed DRC. Click “Yes” to view
the errors.
2) End DRC
Step 8: Running Layout versus Schematic (LVS)
LVS will check your layout against your schematic to verify that the gates you’ve created are what
you intended. This includes the sizes of your transistors. LVS works by creating a netlist of your
schematic and then one of your layout. It compares the two to make sure that each net is correct
and the number of transistors you intended are present.
In order for the nets to be identified by name in the layout, you will need to have added a Pin and a
Label to each node. If you don’t add the Pin and Label, you won’t be able to run LVS. Also if
your label is not on the correct layer, it will not pass LVS.
LVS should be successfully run on each block prior to including it in a higher level schematic.
1) Run LVS
- in the popup window, you need to first select the technology file you
are going to check against (you only need to do this once)
- click “OK”
- if a popup comes up saying that the LVS data already exists, click “OK” to
- a small window will appear that says LVS is running, it will take a few moments
to complete.
- when complete, a window will appear saying the LVS has successfully ran. This
is just telling you that the LVS ran, not that you passed LVS. Click “Yes” to view
the errors.
- a report window will be given that shows the results of LVS. You can scroll
through the report to see what errors and warning (if any) occurred.
2) View LVS Results
- in the LVS Debug window, highlight the results in the Cell List. The top one will
be your design.
- this netlist gives the SPICE deck of what it found in your layout. You should see your
n and p devices, including the node names and the sizes.
- if you has errors, you will also be able to view the Schematic VNL Netlist. You can view
both of these netlist to see what information LVS is or isn’t seeing in your design.
3) End LVS
- File – Close
Appendix A: Cadence Hot Keys
c copy
e descend (read only)
E descend (edit mode)
^e ascend up one level
f zoom to fit design to window
i add instance
l label wire
m move
p add pin
q edit parameters
r rotate
u undo
U redo
w add wire
z zoom to box using left-mouse clicks
[] zoom in and out
arrow keys move around window
F3 Command options
left-mouse select/click
middle-mouse over object brings up typical properties
right-mouse repeat last operation
c copy
m move
r add rectangle
R add polygon
Cntl+p add a pin
l label a wire
L label a wire
z zoom in to area
Z zoom out 2x
f fit in window
[TAB] pan toward mout
cntl+f convert instantiated instance to block view
shift+f convert instantiated instance to layer view
s stretch the side of a rectangle if mouse is over it
Appendix B: UNIX / LINUX Commands
Useful commands:
>> pwd : check your present working directory, i.e., what directory
: you’re in
>> ls : get a list of the files and directories in your current directory
>> ls –al : get a list of all files and directories, including hidden files
: NOTE: files that start with “.”, are hidden and can only
: be seen with ls –al.
>> mv –r <name> <path> : move a directory and all of its subfolders and files to <path>
>> cp –r <name> <path> : copy a directory and all of its subfolders and files to <path>
>> hostname : tells you the computer that you are logged into
>> man <topic> : displays the manual (or help file) for a given command