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Accepted Answers: Accepted Answers:: 1 Supplementary Motor Cortex

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What is the minimum number of hidden layers Suppose you are imagining throwing a ball.

required to design a ‘XOR’ gate using multilayer part of your cortex is more likely to get highly
perceptrons? activated?

1 Primary motor cortex

2 Supplementary motor cortex

3 Somatosensory cortex

4 Broca’s area
Accepted Answers: Accepted Answers:
1 Supplementary motor cortex
A heavy blow on the occipital lobe could most likely How does worker bee communicate the location of
damage a person’s ---- nectar sources to their nest mates?

Vision Waggle dance

Hearing ability High frequency tones

Taste Pheromones

Speech Through antenna

Accepted Answers: Accepted Answers:
Waggle dance
Charles Darwin in his book, ‘The Origin of Species’
Opening of voltage gated sodium channel on supports which of the following facts?
axons of neurons cause

Evolution of the brain is a linear process

Human brain contains reptilian complex
Depolarization inherited from the reptilian ancestors
Hyperpolarization The brain is developed independently in each
diverging branch of the genealogical tree
None of the above
Accepted Answers: All of the above
Depolarization Accepted Answers:
‘L-Dopa’, which is given as a normal medication for The brain is developed independently in each
Parkinson’s disease is a precursor to which of the diverging branch of the genealogical tree
following neurotransmitter? The amplitude of the action potential

Norepinephrine Is directly proportional to the amplitude of

sensory stimulus
Is more or less constant for a particular
Is inversely proportional to the intensity of
Accepted Answers: sensory stimulus
Is directly proportional to the frequency of
sensory stimulus
Accepted Answers:
Is more or less constant for a particular neuron
White matter got its name because it is mostly
made up of

Cell bodies

Myelinated axons Accepted Answers:

Accepted Answers: As per the experiments by Grey Walter and
Myelinated axons Benjamin Libet on how Willed Action works, what is
Which of the following is an inhibitory the observed sequence of three events: Willed
neurotransmitter? Action (WA), Motor Cortex Activity (MCA) and
Movement Onset (MO)?




Accepted Answers:
GABA Accepted Answers:

Reduced aggression is most probably a result of

lesion to the following structure:
Memories are localized in brain

Thalamus Accepted Answers:
Amygdala False

Accepted Answers: “Neurons that wire together, fire together” is an

Amygdala alternate statement for Hebbian rule which explains

Which of the following is NOT a property of Long term potentiation (LTP)

dopamine neurons:
Long term depression (LTD)
Respond to pictures of pretty faces
Both a and b
Respond to moving objects
None of the above
Respond to cash awards Accepted Answers:
Respond to sight of tasty food Both a and b

Accepted Answers: What did Schachter and Singer observe after

Respond to moving objects injecting their subjects with equal dosage of
adrenaline ?
As per the popular understanding of how Willed
Action works, what is the sequence of three
All subjects felt happier than always
events: Willed Action (WA), Motor Cortex Activity
(MCA) and Movement Onset (MO)? All subjects experienced depression
Accepted Answers:
The subjects showed heightened emotional Gamma
response corresponding to the emotional stimuli
given to each of them What is subliminal perception?

All the subjects became defensive as if they

The inability of perceiving emotional stimulus
were threatened
Accepted Answers: The ability of perceiving a stimulus with no
The subjects showed heightened emotional conscious awareness about it
response corresponding to the emotional stimuli
Perception by the subcortical structures
given to each of them
In relation to fear conditioning by ‘cue’ and The inability to distinguish between emotions
‘context’, which of the following sentence(s) are Accepted Answers:
true? The ability of perceiving a stimulus with no
1. Removal of hippocampus eliminates fear conscious awareness about it
conditioning to cue
2. Removal of amygdala eliminates fear According to the theory proposed by Michael
conditioning to context Hasselmo, and colleagues, the function of the
3. Removal of amygdala eliminates fear septohippocampal loop is to,
conditioning to cue
4. Removal of hippocampus eliminates fear
conditioning to context release the right amount of dopamine that is
commensurate to pleasure

1 and 2 release the right amount of norepinephrine

necessary to store all the patterns to be memorized
3 and 4
release the right amount of acetylcholine
2, 3 and 4 necessary to CA1

1,3 and 4 release the right amount of glutamate to the

Accepted Answers:
2, 3 and 4 Accepted Answers:
release the right amount of acetylcholine
Sriatum, substantia nigra, caudate and putamen necessary to CA1
belong to ------ which plays an important role in
processing ----- In his experiment, Dr. Mriganka Sur surgically
rewired the optic nerve of ferrets from eyes to
terminate at the auditory cortex. What happened to
Basal Ganglia, fear
the auditory cortex?
Amygdala, pleasure
Did not respond to any stimuli
Amygdala , fear
It reorganized to the structure of visual cortex
Basal Ganglia , pleasure
The ferrets became blind
Accepted Answers:
Basal Ganglia , pleasure Both a and c
Which of the following brain oscillations have the No, the answer is incorrect.
highest frequency? Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Alpha It reorganized to the structure of visual cortex
Beta Bach-y-Rita’s blind subjects were given tactile
stimuli on the back/abdomen for a long period. The
Gamma stimuli was representation of a video image
captured by a camera converted into tactile
stimulus. If someone throws a ball at the camera, Accepted Answers:
will the subject try to catch it? False
If Broca’s area of a child is damaged, she will
Mostly Yes because the subject can actually never be able to speak
‘see’ what the camera sees

Mostly No because the subject receives only True

tactile information which they are using to decode
the surroundings and they actually do not ‘see’ False
anything Accepted Answers:
Accepted Answers: False
Mostly Yes because the subject can actually ‘see’ What is the function of the vestibular apparatus?
what the camera sees
Bach-y-Rita’s dad suffered a stroke during which Judging the direction of motion of the body
almost 97% of the projection from cerebral cortex
to spine was destroyed. He recovered most of the Judging the velocity of motion of the body
motor abilities through persistent and systematic
rehabilitation. What do you think might have Helping the brain to maintain the body in
happened to the brain? balance

All of the above

Most of the 97% cells that were lost was
restored and the brain is intact as before the stroke Accepted Answers:
All of the above
The remaining intact brain cells reorganized
so that the functions are recovered If your vestibular apparatus is damaged, your
vision also gets compromised
The injury was very mild and actually the 97%
cells were not destroyed but temporarily
The reason is unknown
Accepted Answers:
Accepted Answers:
The remaining intact brain cells reorganized so that
the functions are recovered Cheryl had a device on her tongue which
translated the spatial position to tactile information
Otto Soltmann removed the motor cortex from
on her tongue. After a few minutes of training,
infant dogs and rabbits. What was the result?
Cheryl’s brain could use the new information from
tongue to perform the vestibular function which
They became paralyzed was compromised before. What could have made
this happen?
They became dead

They were still able to move Vestibular system got restored completely

The motor cortex regenerated as the animals Brains plastic nature could take the new
grew tactile information through a novel pathway to the
vestibular center and use it for vestibular
Accepted Answers: processing
They were still able to move
Both a and b
Each part of the brain has specialized functions
and it can serve that function only. None
Accepted Answers:
True Brains plastic nature could take the new tactile
information through a novel pathway to the
vestibular center and use it for vestibular The famous multilingual movie “Ghajini” portrays a
processing person who faced a brain injury which affected his
ability to form new memories. The only things he
Fear conditioning is mediated mainly by this brain could remember were the incidents prior to the
structure: accident. Which area in the brain would have been
seriously injured in the accident that led to such a
striatum disability?

Basal Ganglia
Accepted Answers:
Amygdala Hippocampus

1 point Accepted Answers:

Loss of Dopaminergic neurons in this nucleus is Hippocampus
the underlying cause of Parkinson’s disease: The visual cortex of cats is known to respond to
oriented bars and the neurons that respond to
Substantia nigra pars compacta each orientation are arranged in a topographic
fashion in V1. Suppose an adult cat was blind
Substantia nigra pars reticulata folded for a few months. After 3 months the blind
fold was removed. What would you observe in the
Globus pallidus externa orientation maps in V1 of these adult cats?

Globus pallidus interna

It would be same as that of a control cat who
Accepted Answers: was not blindfolded
Substantia nigra pars compacta
There would be orientation maps formed, but
When you pinch yourselves while feeling sleepy, there will not be any topography
what brain area gets activated causing arousal?
No orientation maps will be seen
RAS (reticular activating system) The cat would be blind forever
Hippocampus Accepted Answers:
It would be same as that of a control cat who was
Basal Ganglia not blindfolded
Hypothalamus What kind of mathematical operation can you find
in the auditory processing pathway that lead to the
Accepted Answers:
formation of auditory maps in the auditory cortex?
RAS (reticular activating system)
Basal ganglia is involved in what kind of learning Amplification
Supervised Learning
Fourier transform
Unsupervised learning
None of the above
Reinforcement learning Accepted Answers:
Fourier transform
All the above
Which of the following logical gate(s) cannot be
Accepted Answers:
learnt by a perceptron?
Reinforcement learning

OR Thalamocortical afferents to the premotor and
supplementary motor areas
Corticothalamic projections
Retinocollicular projections
Accepted Answers:
XOR convergence of olfactory information in
temporal cortex
An inhibitory neuron could affect the neuron with
which it synapses by: Accepted Answers:
Corticothalamic projections
Producing an IPSP within the neuron In which of the following connections can we find
“One to one connections”?
Hyperpolarizing the neuron

Increasing Cl- influx into the neuron Thalamocortical afferents to the premotor and
supplementary motor areas
All of the above
Corticothalamic projections
Accepted Answers:
Producing an IPSP within the neuron Retinocollicular projections

convergence of olfactory information in

In which of the following connections can we find
temporal cortex
“many to one” connection?
Accepted Answers:
Thalamocortical afferents to the premotor and Retinocollicular projections
supplementary motor areas Where is the tonotopic map found?
Corticothalamic projections
Visual cortex
Retinocollicular projections
Somtosensory cortex
convergence of olfactory information in
temporal cortex Auditory cortex
Accepted Answers: Motor cortex
convergence of olfactory information in temporal
cortex Accepted Answers:
Auditory cortex
In which of the following connections can we find
“One to many connections” ? Which of the following are the theories on the
reason of existence of topographic maps?
Thalamocortical afferents to the premotor and
supplementary motor areas Topography might be an artifact or byproduct
of certain competitive process
Corticothalamic projections
Topography could be pure response of
Retinocollicular projections evolutionary pressure towards minimizing wire
convergence of olfactory information in
temporal cortex Topography might be necessary to maintain a
faithful representation of the position of desired
Accepted Answers: target in the visual space
Thalamocortical afferents to the premotor and
supplementary motor areas All of the above
In which of the following connections can we find Accepted Answers:
“Reciprocal connections” ? All of the above
All mammalian species known have topographic The figure shows the communication between
maps in brain motor cortex, cerebellum and spinal cord. Which of
the labelled connections represent the ‘efferent
True copy’?

Accepted Answers:
Pick the correct sentence(s)
1. Topography is completely determined by
2. Genetics gives a gross topography but
fine tuning is done by sensory stimuli
3. Chemical signal imbalance can disrupt
map formation.

1 only B

2 only C

1 and 3 D

2 and 3 Accepted Answers:

Accepted Answers:
2 and 3
The topographic map could provide computational
machinery for ----- naturally

One to one mapping

One to many mapping

Many to one mapping

Yes, the answer is correct. 64.05mV
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
One to one mapping 7.64mV
In computational models that try to solve the -7.64mV
identity problems, what factor influences the
performance? Accepted Answers:
Underlying network architecture What is the electrical equivalent of neuronal cell
Learning method

Both a and b Capacitor

Neither a nor b Resistor

Accepted Answers: Inductor
Both a and b
None of the above
Accepted Answers: associating visual, auditory and somatic sensory
Capacitor information
Which is more energy intensive signal Based on the figure given in question 7, answer
propagation? the following questions up to 10

Propagation of action potential along axons

Propagation of EPSP along dendrites

Both have similar energy expense

Signal propagation does not require energy

Accepted Answers:
Propagation of action potential along axons
K + and Na+ concentrations of cell interior are 140
mM and 5mM respectively. You place an intact
live cell in solution containing 5 mM K+ and 140
mM Na+ . If the cell is selectively permeable to
Na+, at equilibrium the cell interior will be

Which cortical region has a somatic map of the

entire body?
cannot be predicted
Accepted Answers:
positive I
The bundle of fibers that connects the two
Accepted Answers:
anterior commissure F
The first cortical site of visual processing:
cerebellar peduncle

arcuate fasciculus F
corpus callossum G
Accepted Answers: H
corpus callossum
Posterior parietal cortex is responsible for
Primary motor function
Accepted Answers:
object recognition I
Electrical stimulation of this brain region produces
associating visual, auditory and somatic
activation of single muscles or small groups of
sensory information
face recognition
Accepted Answers:
Accepted Answers:
B Myelination increases effective diameter and
therefore increases conduction velocity
Hodgkin and Huxley were surprised when they
D found that the cell resting potential is ---- action
Accepted Answers: Much less than
Much larger than
Location of the primary auditory cortex:
Equal to
A Accepted Answers:
Much less than
According to Bernstein assumption, the neural
C activity consists of a momentary breakdown of the
membrane, which results in the increased
D conductions which lead to large ionic permeability.
What should be the relation between action
potential (A.P) and resting membrane potential
Accepted Answers: (RMP) if this was true?
When the diameter of axon increases, AP should not exceed RMP

AP should be double of RMP

Conductance increases as square of
diameter and capacitance increases as first power RMP should not exceed AP
of diameter
RMP should be double of AP
Conductance increases as first power of
Accepted Answers:
diameter and capacitance increases as square of
AP should not exceed RMP
What would happen if the axon was immersed in a
Conductance increases as first power of solution completely devoid of Na+ ions?
reciprocal of diameter and capacitance increases
as square of reciprocal of diameter
There will be no action potential
Conductance increases as square of
reciprocal of diameter and capacitance increases The action potential amplitude will be higher
as first power of reciprocal of diameter than what it will be when placed in normal plasma

Accepted Answers: The action potential amplitude will be less

Conductance increases as square of diameter and than what it will be when placed in normal plasma
capacitance increases as first power of diameter
The action potential amplitude will be same
How does the myelinated fiber help in fast as that when placed in normal plasma
Accepted Answers:
There will be no action potential
Myelination increases effective diameter and
therefore increases conduction velocity Which of the properties of axons were NOT fitted
by the Hodgkin Huxley equations?
Myelination amplifies the signal

Myelination does not increase velocity but The form, duration and amplitude of the
actually slows down the signal conduction action potential

Both b and c Impedance changes and ionic movements

Subthreshold phenomena including Accepted
oscillatory behaviour Answers:
None of the above
Accepted Answers:
None of the above
What did Otto Loewi conclude with his experiments
Potassium ion leaves out of the cell membrane with frog hearts?
during action potential by using sodium potassium
pump and ATP
Neurons release chemical signal when
Neurons release electrical signal when
False stimulated
Accepted Answers:
Neurons form a syncytium
Neurons form distinct entities
Accepted Answers:
Neurons release chemical signal when stimulated
By diffusion Spatio temporal summation takes place in this part
of the neuron,
By Osmosis

By the action of ion pumps fuelled by ATP Dendrite

Both a and b Cell body
Accepted Answers: Axon
By the action of ion pumps fuelled by ATP
Accepted Answers:
Cell body
Hodgkin and Huxley received Nobel prize for:
Much less
Describing the chemical steps of
Much greater neurotransmission

Equal For working out the ionic basis of action

potential generation
Cannot be predicted
For demonstrating the importance of
Accepted Answers: electrical synapses in neural signalling
Much less
None of the above
The increase in amplitude of action potential in
‘crab muscle’ and plant cell ‘chara’ are due to Accepted Answers:
For working out the ionic basis of action potential
Which of the following is correct match?

Frontal lobe – Rostral part of brain

Temporal lobe – Dorsal part of brain

Frontal lobe – Caudal part of the brain

Occipital lobe – Ventral part of the brain

Accepted Answers:
Frontal lobe – Rostral part of brain
Consider a network of neurons that form an
undirected graph. If the number of neurons double,
the connections between then increase
approximately ------ times
Accepted Answers:

The evolution of nervous system in organisms
8 complies with the save wire principle
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1 True
Accepted Answers:
Accepted Answers:
Which of the following anatomical configurations is
consistent with ‘save wire’ principle:

Presence of ganglia close to the body surface

in C. Elegans

Presence of a large number of short range

connections and a small number of long range
connections in cortex
Typically only spatially well-separated cortical
areas are connected in cat’s visual cortex A-2,B-1,C-4,D-3
The fact that 60% of human brain is ‘wire’ A-2,B-4,C-1,D-3
Accepted Answers:
Presence of a large number of short range
connections and a small number of long range Accepted Answers:
connections in cortex A-2,B-4,C-1,D-3
Which of the following is the right sequence of Membrane potential of a neuron at rest is negative
evolution of neuroanatomy:

Is always true

Depends on the type of neuron

Is definitely false

Depends on the interconnection of neurons

Accepted Answers:
Is always true
Which of the following animals belong to
cephalopod mollusk, a species that has most Mental Time travel
sophisticated nervous system of all invertebrates
Tool Usage

Squid All of the above

Earthworm Accepted Answers:

All of the above
Why does it appear as if the reptiles perform poorly
Goldfish in intelligent tests based on food reward?

Accepted Answers:
Squid Because reptile brain is not sufficiently
developed to perform intelligent tasks
A part of Pallium, the forebrain in goldfish plays a
role corresponding to hippocampus in mammals Lack of powerful demand for food as reward
and helps the fish in
Cold blooded animals have different priorities
of reward
Flight or figh response
Both b and c
Spatial Navigation
None of the above
Defense strategy
Accepted Answers:
None of the above Both b and c
Accepted Answers: Clayton in his experiment, showed that Jay birds
could recall specific episodes from the past. They
Spatial Navigation were allowed to cache food in different trays for a
Where is dorsal ventricular ridge (DVR) seen in few days and were deprived the access to the trays
mammals? for varying number of days (different number of
days for different group of birds). The Jay birds
were able to recall where the cached, what they
Above the basal ganglia cached and when they cached each food which
was evident in their picking nonperishable food
Lateral to the hippocampus over perishable food when the days of deprivation
were more and vice versa when they were given
In the frontal cortex access to trays after very small period. Which of
the following animals also exhibit this amazing
It is not seen in the mammals
ability to recall the specific episodes in the past?
Accepted Answers:
It is not seen in the mammals Chimpanzee
Tool usage is an ability seen exclusively in
All of the above
Accepted Answers:
Accepted Answers: Humans
Which of the following species exhibit the famous
Studies on birds have shown that they exhibit ‘dance language’ for communication?
ability to
Object identification
Worker bees
Accepted Answers:
Gold fish False
A person can live even with one hemisphere of the brain
Accepted Answers:
Worker bees True
The dorsal ventricular ridge seen in sauropsid False
forebrains (reptile) is a counterpart of which
mammalian brain structure? Accepted Answers:

Basal Ganglia If a part of the brain dies, the corresponding function is

never restored because brain cells cannot regenerate.
Accepted Answers: False
Accepted Answers:

Language functions are solely conducted in the left

hemisphere (in right handed people).


Accepted Answers:
Artistic functions are solely conducted in the right
hemisphere (in right handed people).

Rhesus Monkey True

Cat False

Elephant Accepted Answers:

Dolphin Brain functions are so finely distributed over the brain
that sometime even single neurons can be attributed
Accepted Answers:
specific functions.
The percentage of the brain that an average person uses True
is less than 10%.
True Accepted Answers:
People with larger brains are more intelligent.
Accepted Answers:
Only Einstein was able to use a lot more that 10% of his
brain. False
Accepted Answers:
True False
Among the animal species, species with larger brains are Accepted Answers:
more intelligent. x1=1, x2=1 and x3 = -1
the value of x at which the function y = f(x) = (x-1)2 + 2,
True takes the minimum value,

x = +1
Accepted Answers:
False x = -1
Memories are stored inside neurons in the form of x = +2
x = -2
True Accepted Answers:
x = +1
1. In the circuit shown below, what is the formula for the
Accepted Answers: voltage V? (In the figure, E1 and E2 are batteries and g1
False and g2 are conductances).
Basic science questions:
The line show in the graph below is expressed by the
equation y = ax + b. Which of the following choices is

a<0 and b<0

a<0 and b>0

a>0 and b<0

a>0 and b>0

Accepted Answers:
a>0 and b>0
Let y = f(x1 + x2 – x3 – 2.5), where the function f(x) is
defined as,
f(x) = 1, for x>=0,
= 0, for x <0.
For which of the following combinations of x1, x2 and x3,
does y take the value of 1.

x1=1, x2=1 and x3 = 1

x1=1, x2=-1 and x3 = 1

Accepted Answers:
x1=1, x2=1 and x3 = -1

all of the above

An approximate figure of the number of neurons in adult
brain is:

Ten million

Which of the following is the correct form of Ohm’s law of Hundred million
electrical circuit theory?
Ten billion

V = IR Hundred billion

I = VR Accepted Answers:
Hundred billion
R = VI
A rough description of the location of cerebellum with
respect to the whole brain:
R = I/V
Accepted Answers:
V = IR Front

The valences of Sodium, Potassium and Calcium ions Back


+1, +1, +1 respectively None of the above

+1, +1, +2 respectively Accepted Answers:

+1, +2, +2 respectively

+2, +2, +2 respectively

Accepted Answers:
+1, +1, +2 respectively
When you wiggle your toe, the signal that flows along
your nerve fiber is,

Flow of electrolytes along the nerve fibre

Flow of electrical wave along the nerve fibre

Flow of a mechanical pressure pulse wave along

the nerve fibre

Flow of hydrogen atoms along the nerve fibre

Accepted Answers:
Flow of electrical wave along the nerve fibre
The connections between neurons are called,




Accepted Answers:

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