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Sara С. Mednick: How long should your naps be?

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С. Mednick How long should your naps be?


Sara С. Mednick How long should your naps be?

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Our sleep is made up of 90- The first 2-5 minutes of sleep Derail – подрывать, пустить
minute sleep cycles with 4 is a stage 1. Stage 2 comes под откос
stages each. A nap can next for about 30 minutes. In Sleep spindles – сигма-ритм
include full sleep cycles or that period body temperature Synapse - синапс (место
just a few stages. drops, muscle relax, heart rate контакта между двумя
become more regular. нейронами или
Sleep spindles – rapid bursts между нейроном и
of neural activity. получающей сигнал
Stage 3 (slow wave sleep) эффекторной клеткой.
lasts 20 to 30 minutes and at Служит для передачи
that time the deepest sleep нервного импульса
occurs. Then goes REM между двумя клетками)
sleep, which lasts about 10 to Inhibition – торможение,
20 minutes in a nap. On this сдерживание
stage the brain becomes more Amygdala and cingulate
active. The end of REM cortex – миндалевидное
signals – the completion of a тело и поясная кора
sleep cycle. Groggy – непрочный,
The nap can make you feel шаткий, пьяный
better only under certain
circumstances. First of all, it
depends on how many stages
of sleep was included in your
nap. Stage 3 is the most
difficult stage to wake up
from though it has some
cognitive benefits.
During the REM sleep we can
see bizarre dreams. It may be
easier to wake up from the
REM stage as the brain
activity during REM is closer
to waking.
Secondly, the time of day
also matters. Morning naps
are dominated by REM,
midday naps have about
equal parts of REM and deep
sleep, and evening naps
contain more deep sleep.
People are divided into
nappers and non-nappes.
Nappers can move between
stages easier.
Madhumita Murgia How stress affects your brain

Madhumita Murgia How stress affects your brain

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Stress can be handy for a Chronic stress can affect Endocrine glands –
burst of extra energy and brain size, its structure and эндокринная система
focus (in sport, for example). how it functions right down Wreak – приносить,
Hippocampus is the part of to the level of genes. наносить, обрушить
the brain associated with HPA (hypothalamus pituitary Havoc – опустошение,
learning, memories, and adrenal axis) controls our разорение, хаос
stress control. body reaction to stress. In Epigenetics – эпигенетика
The most powerful weapons stress situation it releases (изучает наследуемые
against chronic stress are cortisol. But high level of изменения активности
exercise and meditation. cortisol over long periods of генов во время роста и
time wreak havoc on your деления клеток —
brain. изменения синтеза белков,
Amygdala is a brain fear вызванных механизмами,
center. And as levels of не изменяющими
cortisol rise, electric signals последовательность
in the hippocampus нуклеотидов в ДНК)
deteriorate. The hippocampus
also inhibits the activity of
the HPA axis, so when it
weakens, so does your ability
to control your stress.
Moreover, cortisol can make
your brain shrink in size.
Chronic stress can make it
harder for you to learn things
and it also set the stage for
mental problems. The effects
of stress may filter
right down to your brain's
DNA. The experiment
showed that the epigenetic
changes were passed down to
many generations of rats.

Dan Kwartler What causes insomnia?


Dan Kwartler What causes insomnia?

Well-known information New information New vocabulary
Insomnia is the world’s most Some long-term conditions Hijack – похищать,
common sleep disorder. like respiratory disorders, захватить
Experiencing insomnia may gastrointestinal problems, and Adrenocorticotropic
lead to experiencing anxiety many others can overpower hormones -
and depression. fatigue. And the bedroom can адренокортикотропный
Good sleep practices can help start to carry associations of гормон
rebuild your relationship with restless nights. Insomniacs Jolt – трясти, встряхивать
bedtime. Only use your bed are stressed before the night Hyperarousal –
for sleeping. Avoid bright so cortisol and гипервозбуждение
lights at night to help tell adrenocorticotropic hormones Circadian rhythm -
your body that it is time for course through the циркадный ритм
sleep. bloodstream, increasing heart (биологические часы
rate and blood pressure, and орагнизма)
jolting the body into DSPD (delayed sleep phase
hyperarousal. In this disorder) – синдрома
condition, the brain is hunting задержки фазы сна
for potential threats, making Sync - синхронизация
it impossible to ignore any
slight discomfort or nighttime
Cerebral glucose is our
brain’s primary source of
energy. And during healthy
sleep our body tries to save
this glucose for waking
hours. Adrenalin that
prevents sleep for insomniacs
makes it impossible to save
this energy during sleep. It
makes insomniacs waking in
a state of exhaustion and
8% of patients diagnosed
with chronic insomnia are
actually suffering from a less
common genetic problem
called delayed sleep phase
disorder, or DSPD. People
with this diagnosis can have
their own delayed schedule.

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