Ruffy v. Chief of Staff
Ruffy v. Chief of Staff
Ruffy v. Chief of Staff
RUFFY vs. CHIEF OF STAFF district which is recognized by the United States army. Thus, petitioners
[G.R. No. L-533. August 20, 1946.] TUASON, J p: are covered by the National Defense Act, Articles of War, and other
HELD: petition has no merit and that it should be dismissed with costs. pertinent laws during an occupation.
Petition for prohibition, praying that the Chief of Staff and the General The constitutionality of the 93d Article of War is assailed. This article
Court Martial of the Philippine Army, be commanded to desist from ordains "that any person subject to military law who commits murder in
further proceedings in the trial of petitioners before that body. time of war shall suffer death or imprisonment for life, as the court
Preliminary injunction having been denied by us and the General Court martial may direct." It is argued that since "no review is provided by that
Martial having gone ahead with the trial, which eventually resulted in the law to be made by the Supreme Court, irrespective of whether the
acquittal of one of the defendants, Ramon Ruffy, the dismissal of the punishment is for life imprisonment or death", it violates Article VIII,
case as to another, Victoriano Dinglasan, and the conviction of Jose L. section 2, paragraph 4,of the Constitution of the Philippines which
Garcia, Prudente M. Francisco, Dominador Adeva and Andres Fortus, the provides that "the National Assembly may not deprive the Supreme
last- named four petitioners now seek in their memorandum to convert Court of its original jurisdiction over all criminal cases in which the
the petition into one for certiorari, with the prayer that the records of the penalty imposed is death or life imprisonment."
proceedings before the General Court Martial be ordered certified to this
court for review. Courts martial are agencies of executive character, and one of the
The ground of the petition was that the petitioners were not subject to authorities "for the ordering of courts martial has been held to be
military law at the time the offense for which they had been placed on attached to the constitutional functions of the President as Commander
trial was committed. In their memorandum raising that the 93d in Chief, independently of legislation. Unlike courts of law, they are not a
Article of War is unconstitutional. portion of the judiciary. "The Supreme Court of the United States
Issue referring to the provisions of the Constitution authorizing Congress to
Whether the petitioners are subject to the military law at the time of war provide for the government of the army, excepting military offenses
and Japanese occupation. from the civil jurisdiction, and making the President Commander
Yes, the petitioners were subject to military law. By their acceptance of in Chief, observes as follows: 'These provisions show that Congress has
appointments as officers in the Bolo Area, they became members of the the power to provide for the trial and punishment of military and naval
offenses in the manner then and now practiced by civilized nations, and
that the power to do so is given without any connection between it and
the 3d Article of the Constitution defining the judicial power of the
United States; indeed that the two powers are entirely
independent of each other.'
"Not belonging to the judicial branch of the government, it follows that
courts-martial must pertain to the executive department; and they are in
fact simply instrumentalities of the executive power, provided by
Congress for the President as Commander in Chief, to aid him in properly
commanding the army and navy and enforcing discipline therein, and
utilized under his orders or those of his authorized military
representatives.' (Winthrop's Military Law and Precedents; 2d Edition,
p. 49.) Of equal interest Clode, 2 M. F., 361, says of these courts in the
British law: "It must never be lost sight of that the only legitimate object
of military tribunals is to aid the Crown to maintain the discipline and
government of the Army."