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Evolution of Himalaya AK JAIN

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Proc Indian natn Sci Acad 78 No. 3 September 2012 pp.

 Printed in India.

Status Report
Evolution of the Himalaya
1Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehra Dun, India
2Department of Geology, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
3Department of Earth Science, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India
4Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, India
5Department of Geology, Lucknow University, Lucknow, India
6103/7, Panchkula, Chandigarh, India

Two main geodynamic processes have controlled evolution of the Himalaya, Trans-Himalayan and Karakoram terrains due to underthrusting
of the Indian Plate beneath the Asian Plate: (i) accretion and subduction in the Trans-Himalayan and Karakoram Mountains along the
Shyok Suture Zone (SSZ) and Indus Tsangpo Suture Zones (ITSZ), and (ii) continental collision in the Himalaya. The Shyok (SSZ) and
Indus Tsangpo Suture Zones (ITSZ) mark the junction of these plates in the north and south, respectively (Ahmad et al., 2008; Jain and
Singh, 2009). During the Himalayan collision tectonics, the Main Central Thrust (MCT) brought the remobilized continental crust of
the Indian Plate — the Himalayan Metamorphic Belt (HMB), over the Proterozoic-Palaeozoic Lesser Himalayan sedimentary belt,
which in turn, overrode the Cenozoic Sub-Himalayan belt along the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT). Subsequently, the Himalayan
Frontal Thrust (HFT) carried the Sub-Himalayan foreland basin over the Indo-Gangetic Plains and links the seismicity with the overall
Himalayan tectonics.

Key Words : Himalayan Geodynamics; Suture Zones; Proterozoic-Cenozoic Tectonics and Evolution

1. Introduction (Jain et al., 2007; Jain and Singh, 2009). A complex

geological history of movements is recorded here since
This report presents the effort of numerous National ~75 Ma with very significant role in the overall India-Asia
Groups, which investigated the “Evolution of the convergence with extensive dextral ductile shearing along
Himalaya” individually or in collaboration with various this zone with numerous shear indicators (Roy et al., 2010).
international groups, and provided information on the
following topics: (i) Regional Tectonics (ii) Magmatism Emplacement of younger calc-alkaline Trans-
(iii) Lesser Himalayan tectonics (iv) Proterozoic Himalayan Ladakh Batholith largely followed during ~60
sedimentary successions (v) Tethyan Himalaya (vi) and 58 Ma with minor younger phases till 47 Ma (Singh et
Cenozoic sedimentation and tectonics (vii) Exhumation and al., 2007; Upadhyay et al., 2008, Ravikant et al., 2009;
(viii) Paleoseismology. White et al., 2011a). Final closure of the Neo-Tethys took
place during the India-Asia collision along the ITSZ (Jain
2. Tectonics and Singh, 2009).
Tectonic signatures of an initial Late Mesozoic subduction Within the Pangong migmatite-granodiorite of the
of the Neo-Tethys during Early Cretaceous-Lower Eocene Karakoram Fault Zone (KFZ), granodiorite leucosomes
along the SSZ and ITSZ are preserved with the intervening escaped from migmatite due to noncoaxial deformation
Dras–Shyok volcanic island arc (Ahmad et al., 2007; Jain under simple shear regime and later by low-temperature
and Singh, 2008, 2009). New geological observations and near-surface re-activation, and subsequently intruded by
U-Pb SHRIMP zircon dates of 75 and 68 Ma and between felsic veins (Sen et al., 2009).
20 and 13 Ma from the Karakoram Shear Zone (KSZ) along
the Nubra-Shyok Rivers constrain timing of initial suturing Based on magnetotelluric (MT) profile in the Tso
of this terrain and Trans-Himalaya between 75 and 68 Ma Morari, Ladakh and Karakoram regions, Arora et al. (2007)

*Author for Correspondence : E-mail: himalfes@gmail.com

260 A K Jain et al.

record serpentenization/graphite zones on limbs of the Tso (Leech et al., 2007 and references therein). Five major fluid
Morari dome in the upper crust, sub-vertical and northeast types in coesite-bearing TMC range from high-salinity
dipping conducting ITSZ, and a mid-crustal conductor with brine, N2, CH4, CO2 and low-salinity aqueous fluids, and
partial melt or aqueous fluids along very low resistivity were trapped during deep subduction to >120 km and
zone further north. Based on records of shear-wave exhumation (Mukherjee and Sachan, 2009). Subducting
velocities from regional earthquakes in western Himalaya Indian lithosphere produced brines prior to achieving
and Tibet, an apparently continuous low-velocity layer maximal depths, where gaseous phases dominated fluids,
(LVL) with 7-17% velocity reduction at ~30 km depth was instead. Subsequently, it released CO2-rich fluids during
worked out from the Tethyan Himalaya to the Tibetan fast exhumation and infiltrated by low-salinity aqueous
plateau (Caldwell et al., 2009). This matches the fluids near surface.
previously-determined low resistivity zone from
magnetotelluric studies with presence of 3-7% melt in a Well-preserved mesoscopic ductile and brittle ductile
channel in the upper-middle crust; both the studies indicate shear zones reveal conjugate sinistral and dextral sense of
an overall possible mid-crustal partial molten crust movements in crystalline rocks of the MCT Zone of
underneath these terrains due to impingement of the Indian Garhwal Higher Himalaya, generated by NNE-SSW
Plate along the Main Himalayan Thrust at depth. horizontal compression (Srivastava and Tripathy, 2007).

A new tectonic geological cross-section resulted from In Sikkim, the Lesser Himalayan Duplex (LHD)
the HIMPROBE Program in the NW Himalaya (Fig. 1). transported crystalline thrust sheets, marked by the MCT
1 and MCT 2, farther southwards than other parts of the
In the northern most parts of the Himalayan Himalaya (Mitra et al., 2010). Such lateral variations in
Metamorphic Belt (HMB), the Tso Morari Crystallines the LHD geometry imply differences in kinematic and
(TMC) record 8 Ma continual zircon crystallization since shortening history of the Lesser Himalaya. Matin and
~53.3±0.7 Ma when it underwent UHP metamorphism at Mazumdar (2009) presented evidences of elastico-frictional
~ 100 km depth beneath the Trans-Himalaya to or quasi-plastic deformation from the Gondwana rocks
amphibolite-facies metamorphic conditions at 45.2±0.7 Ma during emplacement of Jorthang frontal horses in the LHD

Fig. 1: Geological cross-section through the NW Himalaya and Karakoram. Himalayan Collision tectonic zone: 1-Indo-Gangetic Plains
(IGP), 2-Sub-Himalayan Cenozonic foreland basin (SH), 3-Lesser Himalayan Sedimentary Zone (LHSZ), Himalayan Metamorphic
Belt (HMB) including Lesser Himalayan Jutogh Nappe (JN), 4-Higher Himalayan Crystalline (HHC) Belt and Tso Morari Crystallines
(TMC), 5-Tethyan Sedimentary Zone (TSZ), Trans-Himalayan tectonic units, 6-Indus Tsangpo Suture Zone (ITSZ) and Spongtang
Klippe (SK), 7-Ladakh Batholich Complex (LB), 8-Shyok Suture Zone (SSZ), Asian Plate Margin, 9-Karakoram Shear Zone,
10-Karakoram Batholith Complex (KBC), 11-PaleoMesozoic Karakoram Tethyan sequence, 12-Partially Molten Crust (PMC).
Subducting Indian Crust (IC) given in blue colour. Symbols : MFT-Main Frontal Thrust, MBT-Main Boundary Thrust, MCT-Main
Central Thrust, ZSZ-Zanskar Shear Zone, MHT-Main Himalayan Thrust. Please note vertical exaggerate above 0 km to show
topography. Partial melt on mid-crust and extension of the Indian Plate beneath Karakjoram and further north-east are constrained
from magnetotelluric and teleseismic receiver function analysis after Arora et al. (2007) and Caldwell et al. (2009). Data are integrated
with geology collected during the HIMPROBE Program.
Evolution of the Himalaya 261

under shallower crustal conditions,associated with footwall etc., reveal ground block tilting in southeast and northwest
of the Ramgarh thrust in the Rangit window in Sikkim. An directions across the North Almora Thrust due to
unusually complete inverted Barrovian sequence in Sikkim neotectonism (Agarwal and Sharma, 2011).
Lesser Himalaya with a number of interlayered different
bulk compositions yield consistent pressures and 3. Himalayan Magmatism
temperatures by different methods, where these increase The Himalayan plutons are classified into four major groups
continually up to the highest grade (Dasgupta et al., 2009). according to their age and tectonic placement: (i)
The metamorphic field gradients are positive between 60 Proterozoic granites (2200-1800 Ma), (ii) Early Palaeozoic
to 70oC in Sikkim; inverted metamorphism is explained or Late Pan-African granites (550-450 Ma), (iii) Trans-
by channel flow type tectonics. Himalayan plutonic complex (103-40 Ma), and (iv)
Terrane-defining Trans-Himadri Detachment Fault Collision-related leucogranites (25-15 Ma).
(T-HDF) system in northern Kumaun behaved differently
at different point of time in compressional regime as a plane Proterozoic Granites
of decoupling of easily yielding sedimentary pile of the
Tethys basin from its rigid basement of the Vaikrita Recent trace-elements and geochronology of leucogranite
crystalline complex (Valdiya and Pande, 2009).This in the Jutogh Group of Sutlej valley indicate crustal melting
extensional fault zone is characterized by (i) brecciation at ca. 1810 Ma before deposition of the Greater Himalayan
and mylonitization, (ii) gravity-driven normal faults and Sequence, which is correlated with the Lesser Himalayan
northward collapse of folds in the hanging wall, (iii) Sequence with Proterozoic metamorphism, overprinted at
attenuated and eliminated of two critical stratigraphic 10.5+1.1 Ma by the Himalayan orogeny (Chambers et al.,
horizons of footwall, (iv) occurrence of large plutonic 2008).
bodies of granite, (v) various young geomorphic characters SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages from basal parts of the
indicating repeated reactivation of this system. Higher Himalayan Crystallines (HHC)-Wangtu granitoid,
Different sectors of the Himalaya record Late Lesser Himalayan sedimentary sequences–Bandal granitoid
Pleistocene neotectonic activity as manifestations of and the Kullu-Bajura mylonite at base of the MCT along
ongoing geodynamic deformations in the Himalaya, linking the Sutlej Valley indicate anorogenic magmatic signatures
it with palaeoseismology and present-day seismicity. Along ~1860 Ma (Singh et al., 2009). Some zircon crystals contain
the active faults, palaeoseismicity is recorded by older cores up to 2600 Ma, and even a 3000 Ma core,
liquefaction and fluidization in lacustrine deposits of indicating reworking of ensialic Archaean crust during
Lahaul-Spiti and Ladakh (Singh and Jain, 2007), assembly of the Columbia Supercontinent between 2.1 and
identification of tectonic, climatic, landslides and dammed 1.8 Ga. During the Himalayan collisional tectonics,
lakes in Spiti valley along the Kaurik-Chango normal fault reworked Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic crust was
between 14-6 ka and ~50-30 ka (Phartiyal et al., 2009a, b) imbricated and placed adjacent to each other. Based on
and sand dykes of 800±130 years BP due to coseismic ages of igneous intrusions and volcanic rocks, Kohn et al.
hydraulic fracturing in fluviolacustrine deposits near (2010) argued existence of a continental Palaeoproterozoic
Yamuna Tear Fault (Joshi et al., 2009) records. Soft arc setting in lower Lesser Himalayan sequence. An arc
sediment deformational structures, entrenched meanders, model further underscores the profound unconformity
formation of terraces at different levels along the Kameng separating lower-upper Lesser Himalayan rocks, indicating
River, high wavelength/amplitude ratios of channels/ that this arc may have formed stratigraphic base of the
palaeochannels, triangular faceted cliffs, higher drainage northern Indian margin. In turn, this may indicate
density etc. characterize the neotectonic activity (Agarwal disposition of the Indian plate adjacent to North America
et al., 2009; Srivastava and Misra, 2008). Other evidences in the ca. 1800 Ma supercontinent Columbia.
include fluvial aggradation in Ziro Lake valley in Arunachal Melt for granodiorite rocks from the eastern Almora
Himalaya between 22-10 ka due to neotectonically active Nappe, Chhiplakot and Askot klippe in Kumaun was
transverse normal faults (Srivastava et al., 2009), tectonic generated by subduction, involving hydrous partial melting
activity along the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and HFT of a Palaeoproterozoic amphibole- and/or garnet-bearing
during the Holocene in central Arunachal (Agarwal et al., mafic source with involvement of sediments from the
2009), out-of-sequence thrusting on surface-breaking faults subduction zone (Rao and Sharma, 2009, 2011).
at ca. 20 ka north of the Main Frontal Thrust in the
Darjeeling Sub-Himalaya (Mukul et al., 2007), and role Petrological and geochemical investigations of
of neotectonics in drainage evolution (Phartiyal and crystalline klippe in Garhwal by Islam et al. (2011) revealed
Kothiyari, 2011). In the Kumaun Himalaya, drainage comparison with the Ramgarh Group and Baragaon
pattern, fault scarps and uplifted Quaternary alluvial fans mylonitic gneisses of Himachal.They proposed that gneissic
262 A K Jain et al.

bodies represent tectonic sliver of an older basement, arc. Detailed geochemical studies of the Hbl-Bt orthogneiss
emplaced regionally within the cover sequence as wedges of Shyok-Darbuk area of Ladakh reveals that these are
at different structural levels throughout the Lesser typical Andean-type granitoids, while late phase granites
Himalaya, and has a wider implication for understanding of Miocene age are generated from intracrustal partial
of Proterozoic basin modeling of the Lesser Himalayan melting of hybrid magma source (Daga et al., 2010). The
domain. leucosome of migmatite and Darbuk leucogranite are
In the NE Himalaya, Yin et al. (2010a, b) obtained
zircon ages of 1745-1760 Ma, 825-878 Ma, 480-520 Ma, Microgranular enclaves (ME) from the Ladakh
and 28-20 Ma from different plutons across the Shillong Batholith are products of multistage magma mingling and
Plateau, Mikir Hills and Brahmaputra Valley. Correlation mixing processes and concomitant fractional differentiation
of these magmatic events and age-equivalent lithological of several batches of mafic and felsic magmas, formed in
units suggests that eastern segment of the Himalaya was open magma chamber(s) in subduction setting (Kumar,
constructed in situ by basement-involved thrusting, and is 2010). Composite ME indicates multiple mafic to hybrid
inconsistent with the hypothesis that high-grade rocks are magma intrusions into partly crystalline magma chambers.
derived from Tibet via channel flow. Pillowing of mafic melt against leucocratic (aplitic) residual
melt strongly suggests mafic magma intrusion in nearly-
Geochemical investigations of the Bomdila Group crystallized condition of pluton.
of Western Arunachal reveal that the Salari granite and
Bomdila mylonite gneiss plutons are genetically unrelated, The Ladakh Batholith represents subduction-related
as the former appears to be derived from igneous source, Andean-type magmatism, intruding an island arc setting
whereas the latter is derived from sedimentary source before the continent-continent collision of Indian and Asian
(Bikramaditya Singh, 2010). Plates. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age from a granodiorite near
its northern boundary with the SSZ is 60.1±0.9 Ma, whereas
Trans-Himalayan Ophiolites, Ladakh and Karakoram a diorite from its southern boundary near the ITSZ yields
Plutons 58.4±1.0 Ma age (Singh et al., 2007). Al-in-hornblende
Based on mineral-whole rock isochron age, Ahmad et al. barometry indicates depth of crystallization for diorite to
(2008) observed that the Nidar ophiolitic complex was an be 16±1 km and granodiorite to be around 8±1 km
intra-oceanic arc subduction within the Neo-Tethyan Ocean indicating post-crystallization northward tilting of the
during Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous along the ITSZ as batholith. Additional U-Pb zircon ages from this batholith
early as 140-32 Ma. This arc is marked by episodic fall into four distinct groups between c. 67 and c. 45 Ma
magmatism from more basic (~140 Ma) through (Upadhaya et al., 2008) and indicate growth by subduction-
intermediate (Ladakh Batholith ~103 Ma) to more acidic related continuous magma pulses throughout Paleocene and
(~50 Ma) when the Indian and the Asian plates collided. Middle Eocene (Lutetian). Likewise, multiple subduction
There appears to be some directional maturity from south events have occurred preceding the collision of Greater
(less mature) to more mature towards north, based on India with Karakoram terrane that consumed the Neo-
compositional variation of arc magmatic rocks, which may Tethyan Ocean between Early Cretaceous and Eocene time
well support northward dipping subduction during the (Ravikant et al., 2009). Undeformed granodiorite yielded
Cretaceous-early Tertiary. Furthermore, the Nidar ophiolite zircon U-Pb ages of 68 and 64 Ma with εHf(t) values of
was generated in a supra-subduction zone setting and linked +6.4 and +10.3, and three diorites near Leh and Darbuk
to the Dras intra-Tethyan volcanic arc further west (Zyabrev gave ages of 50.4-51.0 Ma and εHf(t) values of +7.4 to
et al., 2008). Re-assessment of radiolarian taxonomy and +8.9 indicating the Paleocene-Eocene as most important
biostratigraphy reveals an upper Barremian to upper Aptian period of granitic magmatism from a juvenile source. White
range for the Nidar volcano-sedimentary section, which et al. (2011a) obtained more U-Pb SHRIMP zircons ages
compares well with U-Pb age of 124±1 Ma for ophiolite to indicate that emplacement of granitoids in this batholith
from the Xigaze area. The sedimentary successions of both occurred between 66 Ma and 46 Ma with continuation of
ophiolites bear resemblance in record of associated arc I-type magmatism until at least ~46 Ma, implying that India
volcanism. had not accreted to Eurasia by 46 Ma.

The Khardung, Tirit and Panamik granites in Ladakh Indirect approach to constrain age of collision in the
and Karakoram exhibit subduction-related geochemical Himalaya is to date zircon from the UHP metamorphosed
characters (Rao and Rai, 2009). The Khardung granite is continental crustal material of the Tso Morari Crystallines,
produced due to re-melting of crustal rocks of volcanic arc which subducted to at least 90-120 km at 53.1±0.1 Ma,
affinity, while the Tirit and Panamik granites represent thus bringing collisional age to be no later than ~57 Ma
transitional tectonic environment from primitive to mature with steeper subduction dip angle (Leech et al., 2007).
Evolution of the Himalaya 263

K-Ar biotite ages for the Ladakh batholith in yielded ages of 16.6-19.1 Ma with εHf(t) values of -8.5 and
Khardung La range from 49.3±1.1 to 51.2±1.1 Ma and -10.5, indicating an input of ancient crust from the Indian
from 60.8±1.3 to 65.8±1.4 Ma for granites and diorites in Plate. Granodiorite within the Karakoram metasedimentary
Hundar area (Thanh et al., 2010). Calc-alkaline granites sequence yields zircons ~74Ma, εHf(t) of +5.4 from the
from Panamik of the Karakoram block yielded K-Ar biotite Tangtse gorge and granite has 63 and 56 Ma and εHf(t) of
ages of 95.7±2.1 and 96.7±2.1 Ma, suggesting that the +6.8 and +6.0 indicate similar geochronological and
granites are members of plutons (90–120 Ma), emplaced isotopic characteristics to those of the Ladakh Batholith
during subduction of the Neo-Tethyan oceanic plate under and derivation from both ancient and juvenile continental
this block. crusts since at least the Mid Cretaceous. See also Jain and
Singh (2008).
Fission track (FT) dating of apatite and zircon from
this batholiths yield oldest apatite ages of 23.1±1.1 and White et al. (2011b) have shown that the Indian rocks
25.4±2.6 Ma from highest Khardung La and Chang La, outcrop to the north of the ITSZ. New SHRIMP U-Pb ages
and youngest ages of 11.8±1.1 Ma and 9.2±0.9 Ma from suggest that inherited zircon age spectrum from mylonitic
lower elevations of the same sections (Kumar et al., 2007). gneiss in southern part of the Karakorum Batholith is similar
These yield slow cooling and low exhumation rates of 0.1 to those obtained from the Himalayan Terrane and is
mm/a. Zircons FT ages are 41.4±2.3, 43.8±3.4 and apparently of Gondwanan affinity. Several continental
31.7±2.7 Ma, indicating a younging of ages from west to ribbons (including the Karakorum Terrane) were probably
east. rifted from the northern margin of Gondwana and accreted
to Eurasia prior to India.
Rao and Rai (2009) presented typical Andean-type
subduction-related geochemical characteristics of the Whole-rock 40Ar-39Ar studies on the Khardung and
Khardung, Tirit and Panamik granites from Shyok and Shyok volcanics reveal disturbed age-spectra in the latter
Karakoram in spite of these belonging to different due to young thermal disturbance due to Karakoram fault
lithotectonic units. Melting of crustal rocks of volcanic arc activation at ~14 Ma (Bhutani et al., 2009). Thick rhyolitic
affinity has played an important role in origin of Khardung and ignimbritic flows of the Khardung volcanics yielded
granite, which is more evolved, while the Tirit and Panamik undisturbed age-spectra and good plateau-ages of 52.8±0.9
granites represent transitional tectonic environment from and 56.4±0.4 Ma as the time and duration of emplacement
primitive to mature arc. of these volcanics over thickened margin of continental
Daga et al. (2010) suggested that Eocene to Late-
Cretaceous met-aluminous Hbl-Bt orthogneiss (OG) of the Calc-alkaline plutons across the KF in Shyok-Nubra
Karakoram granitoids show geochemical characteristics confluence area yield K-Ar biotite ages from 49.3±1.1 to
of Andean-type granitoids. Miocene late phase granitoids 51.2±1.1 Ma for the Ladakh Batholith in Khardung La and
(porphyritic granite, coarse leucogranite, two-mica±garnet from 60.8±1.3 to 65.8±1.4 Ma for granite and diorite in
leucogranite dykes) are generated from intracrustal partial Hundar area (Thanh et al., 2010). K-Ar ages of the Hundar
melting of hybrid magma source, involving dominantly igneous complex are within range of 46-70 Ma of the
orthogneiss (derived from mantle source) and subordinate Ladakh Batholith near Leh town and the plutons across
amounts of metapelites (crustal source). Migmatite the KF in the Shyok-Nubra confluence, indicating that it is
leucosome and common leucogranite of nearby Darbuk a part of the Ladakh arc. The calc-alkaline granite from
pluton are coeval, which record syntectonic melt flow Panamik of Karakoram block yield K-Ar biotite ages of
through the deforming crust. 95.7±2.1 and 96.7± 2.1 Ma, suggesting that these are
members of the northern Pakistan plutons (90-120 Ma).
Upadhyay (2009) dated a granite plug as 24.52±0.40 These bodies in Panamik region yield K-Ar biotite and
Ma, intruding the Shyok volcanic in the Shyok suture zone muscovite ages ranging from 9.18±0.21 to 9.45±0.21 Ma
of the Saltoro Hills, and suggested that this body may be and represent reactivation of the KF.
related to younger granitic bodies of 25 and 17 Ma from
Baltoro and Tangtse-Muglib plutonic rocks of the In the Lohit plutonic complex in Arunachal (NE
Karakoram block. Himalaya), Gururajan and Choudhuri (2007) identified
three arc-related magmatic phases. Earliest gabbro-quartz
Ravikant et al. (2009) published U–Pb zircon ages diorite and hybrid rock phases were generated in subduction
of 101-103 Ma from tonalite-granodiorite enclaves within setting through fractionation of basaltic parent under high
the Karakoram Batholith with εHf(t) values of –2.3 to –3.7, water pressure. Trondhjemiteis formed by melting of
indicating their generation by partial melting of the oceanic crust that underplated the arc leaving garnet and
Karakoram basement. However, samples around Darbuk, amphibole in residue. Leucogranite has formed by anatectic
264 A K Jain et al.

melting of mixture of leucotonalite and metasediments amphibolite (Shah et al., 2012). This zone comprises
during collision event. development of folds in two coaxial sets and their
modification into sheath-like folds, and kinematic
Collision-related Leucogranites indicators like fault striae and the slip lineation on shear
U-Pb zircon age of the Malari leucogranite in Garhwal surfaces. Palaeostress analyses are consistent with a wrench
indicates its emplacement at 19.0±0.5 Ma (Sachan et al., accompanied N-NNE directed subhorizontal shortening
2010), who interpreted the cessation of ductile normal due to presence of an oblique/lateral ramp that defines a
shearing along the STDS by 19 Ma in the critical taper steeply dipping transfer zone between two frontal ramps
model setting. Internal weakening of the wedge was likely in the MBT.
to be caused by partial melting, thereby creating a brief 5. Proterozoic Sedimentary Successions
interval of flattening and ductile extension in rear of the
wedge. The Proterozoic sedimentary successions are essentially
exposed in the Lesser and partly in the Tethyan Himalaya
4. Lesser Himalayan Tectonics domains. The Proterozoic Lesser Himalayan basin is unique
due to its exceptionally long stratigraphy at least from
Detailed structural analysis of crystalline rocks of the Se Palaeoproterozoic to early Phanerozoic, and has
La Group and Dirang Formation in west Kameng district sedimentary record over a period of nearly 1000 Ma. The
along the Bomdila-Tawang and Kimin-Ziro-Tamen- important aspects are: (a) there were no apparent deposition
Doparijo sections in Arunachal presents a vivid picture of after Cambrian except some patches of Permian strata till
thrust-related deformation (Srivastava et al., 2011). Close Upper Cretaceous, and (b) parallelism of sedimentation,
to the MCT four deformation phases are identified, where magmatism and basin-genesis aspects with that of the
kinematic indicators show a top-to-SSE sense of movement. northern extreme of the Peninsular Basin. In totality, post-
They also identified two new thrusts, viz., the Tawang and Vendian (between 650–542 Ma) part of the Lesser
Se La Thrusts as imbricates like other parts of the Lesser Himalaya is relatively fairly constrained and understood
Himalaya. in terms of litho- and bio-stratigraphy, sedimentology,
structure, tectonics and isotopic constrain. However, pre-
Microtextures in mylonites from Garhwal and Vendian between ~1800-650 Ma part is least attended
Kumaun are developed due to intracrystalline creep and owing to some inherited geological problems.
grain boundary migration (Srivastava and Srivastava,
2010). In Lesser Himalayan Crystallines of central Almora A glaciogenic origin of Blaini Formation is supported
Nappe, unmylonitized metamorphics reveal main regional by relatively abundant striated clasts and local preservation
metamorphism from chlorite-biotite to sillimanite-K- of polished and striated pavement on the underlying Simla
feldspar zone with P and T changing from 450oC/4 kbar to Group clastics. The cap dolostone is isotopically light with
500-709oC/4.0-7.9 kbar (Joshi and Tiwari, 2009). As these respect to both 13C and 18O with strong covariance. New
are intruded by the 560±20 Ma Almora Granite with contact 207Pb/206Pb detrital zircon ages from diamictite of the Blaini

metamorphism, they postulated that dominant regional Formation provide a maximum depositional age limit of
metamorphism in this nappe is of pre-Himalayan 692±18 Ma (Etienne et al., 2011).
(Precambrian!) age. Within the same nappe, dark coloured
veins of pseudotachylite are irregular and folded in vicinity U-Pb detrital zircon ages from cratonic succession
of the South Almora Thrust zone, and seem to have formed of the Vindhyan Supergroup, Aravalli succession, Ganga
during friction-related heating due to thrust movement by Supergroup and the “inner” and “outer” Lesser Himalayan
rapid crystallization of melts (Agarwal et al., 2011). successions show similar depositional ages and display
strikingly similar age distribution all through the region
Small-scale structures and the microstructures are (McKenzie et al., 2011). Differences in the isotopic value
used to determine shear sense of the Almora Crystalline between the lithotectonic zones relate primarily to
Zone, which records top-to-south ductile shearing in differences in the depositional age of the constituent rocks,
southern parts and a distinct top-to-north shear sense and that all parts of the Himalaya were in sediment-source
overprinting in northern parts (Agarwal et al., 2010). It continuity with the Indian craton from beginning of the
suggests backthrusting for the synformal nature of this late Palaeoproterozoic to the early Cambrian.
sheet, where successive stages of development of folds and
their later modification into shear folds are also significant. A Palaeoproterozoic palaeosol horizon in the
Himachal Himalaya along the basement-cover contact is
The Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) Zone in SE represented by a 2-5m thick sericite schist (Bhargava et
Kumaun is an imbricate structure, having tectonic wedges al., 2011) along the contact of the 1866±10 Ma Jeori-
of the Sub-Himalayan sediments and the Lesser Himalayan Wangtu-Bandal Gneissic Complex (JWBGC) and the
Evolution of the Himalaya 265

overlying sericite quartzite of the Manikaran Formation 6. Tethyan Himalaya

(Rampur Group), interstratified with 1800±13 Ma tholeiitic
flows in its basal part. It is inferred that the Ever since the Zanskar and the Spiti regions were made
Palaeoproterozoic metamorphism was a regional event in accessible to foreigners there is sudden spurt in the scientific
the Himalaya at a time when the Indian Plate was part of studies along this sector. A summary of such activities is
the Nuna Supercontinent. given below:

Many penecontemporaneous deformational Cambrian

structures in Proterozoic sediments of the Lesser Himalaya Peng et al. (2009) updated the trilobite taxonomy and
are interpreted as seismites (Ghosh et al., 2010). In biostratigraphy of Parahio Valley and Zanskar. They
comparable Palaeoproterozoic Damtha Group of rocks described new genera and species of trilobites which were
shows widespread seismites described as SSDS (soft useful in correlation with other Cambrian successions of
sediment deformation structures) over a large aerial domain the world and to suggest new paleogeographic
suggesting the action of a regional triggering agent like reconstructions. Singh (2008a, 2009a) identified and
earthquake. These are perhaps the oldest seismites recorded described two Cambrian trilobite biozones, viz.
from the Himalayan domain (Ghosh et al., 2010, 2011). Lejopygelaeivigata and Proagnostusbulbus in Zanskar and
Kurgiakh valleys in addition to report of several new
The Palaeoproterozoic arc model of the evolution trilobite faunal elements, viz., Lisogoragnostushybus,
of the Lesser Himalayan sequence, underscores the Diplagnostusplanicauda, Neoanomocarellaasiatica,
profound unconformity separating the lower from the upper Parablackwelderialuensis, Eoptychoparia cf. jinshanensis,
Lesser Himalayan rocks, indicating that the arc may have Lisana cf. yuanjiangensis, Dorypygeperconvexalis and
formed the stratigraphic base of the northern Indian margin Pianaspissinensis. Numbers of progradational cycles were
(Kohn et al., 2010). This therefore suggest disposition of identified along the Parahio Formation (Cambrian); each
the Indian plate next to the North American Plate in ca.1800 cycle reflects a progressive increase in sand content, degree
Ma supercontinent Columbia. of oxygenation, hydrodynamic energy and dearth of food
Small size spicules in terminal Proterozoic (Singh, 2009a, b). He also identified a major eustatic sea
Gangolihat Dolomite of Kumaun Lesser Himalaya indicate level rise (named Teta Transgression) during the deposition
the existence of small ancestral sponges (Tiwari, 2008) Lejopygelaeivigata zone, which is synchronous with
during Neoproterozoic (Tiwari and Pant, 2009). Fossils of globally recognized eustatic event (Singh, 2011a). The
entire sponges are still not known from the Neoproterozoic study revealed proximity of Indian margin with southwest
era. China (outboard microcontinent) and Australia. Parcha
(2008) presented a succinct status of trilobites and their
The Neoproterozoic Buxa Dolomite from importance in the Cambrian biostratigraphy.
northeastern Lesser Himalaya shows significant positive In Bhutan, new trilobite assemblage, so far the
C-isotope ratios (δ 13 C=+3.7 to +5.4‰ PDB) and youngest in the Himalaya, along with brachiopodswas
remarkable consistency in the δ18O fluctuation within a reported by Hughes et al. (2011). The faunal data from
narrow range (between –8.9 and –7.2‰ PDB; Tewari and Bhutan also support a continuity of the northern
Sial, 2007). These results correspond to the Terminal Gondwanan margin across the Himalaya.
Proterozoic C-isotopic fluctuation, followed by oscillations
during the Precambrian-Cambrian transition in the Lesser Rich assemblage of ichnofossils has been reported
Himalaya of the Eastern Gondwana. Schopf et al. (2008) from the Zanskar Valley by Parcha and Singh (2010) and
demonstrated evidence of early life in the Proterozoic Buxa Singh (2009b), who established inter-relationship of
Dolomites in the form of microfossils. ichnofacies, lithofacies and alternating energy conditions
due to recurring storm event. The post-depositional
Fluid inclusion and geochemical studies of the Arenicolites ichnofacies is preserved within the high-energy
Proterozoic Nagthat siliciclastics of the Lesser Himalaya storm beds of shoreface environmnt. It commonly overlies
suggest a granitic source (Verma and Sharma, 2007). fair weather assemblage of pre-depositional Cruziana
Primary Q1 aqueous brine inclusions and Q3 H2O-CO2 ichnofacies of relatively more offshore deposits; the latter
fluid with 0.9 gm/cm3 CO2 density in detrital quartz grains contains more diverse and varied behavioral signatures of
characterize the protolith as granite or metamorphic rocks. various deposit feeders (Singh, 2009b). Singh (2009c) also
H2O-NaCl fluids participated in cementation history with discussed significance of stratigraphically important
quartz overgrowth between 198o and 232oC indicating the ichnofossils Phycodes in Zanskar Valley. Parcha and
effects of maximum burial. The observed inclusion Shivani (2011) described ichnofossils assemblage from the
morphology is attributed to a decrease in the external Parahio Valley and have discussed their significance in the
pressure related to isothermal decompression uplift. Cambrian successions.
266 A K Jain et al.

From the Zanskar area sixteen Cambrian ichnogenera Triassic

are identified, the frequency of the traces and the trilobites
is inversely proportional (Parcha and Singh, 2010). The detailed work on the Triassic succession was initiated
in 2000. Later focus is on the Early Triassic in the muddy
From the lesser known Jadhganga Valley in section of the Spiti and is therefore important in
Uttarkhand, Upadhyay and Parcha (2012) have reported demarcating the Induan-Olenekian boundary, based on
Dimorphichnus isp. and Rusophycus isp. along with integrated ammonoids, chemostratigraphy and conodont
Cruziana and worm trails. Based on this assemblage an biostratigraphy (Krystyn et al., 2007, 2008). The study
Early Cambrian age is assigned for the sediments enclosing across this boundary, demarcated on the basis of faunal
the ichnofossils. changes, reveals a positive C-isotopic values with
accompanying negative excursions.
Paleostrain analyses of calcite twins across the
Cambrian-Ordovician unconformity and of Carboniferous
in the Tethyan part reveal Cambrian deformation in the Jurassic-Early Cretaceous
former and the Cenozoicin the latter; both indicate similar A Late Valinginian transgressive event was recognized in
deformation fields (Paulsen et al., 2007). the sequence stratigraphic context in the Spiti Valley
Based on the ages of detrital zircons, Myrow et al. (Pathak et al., 2011). Jai Krishna et al. (2011) concluded
(2010) worked out the probable provenance and mixing of that the Tethyan margin of the Indian subcontinent included
the sediments in the Tethyan belt of Bhutan. northern margin of the Madagascar during Jurassic at its
western extreme, in addition of the margins of its presently
understood constituents (i.e. India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan,
Ordovician S. Tibet). During Jurassic, the Tethyan margin of the Indian
From the Thango Formation (=Thaple), basal part of which subcontinent represented the central/axial component of
is considered fresh water deposit by some previous workers, the Gondwana Tethyan margin in the neighborhood of
Singh (2008b) reported a diminutive collection of marine North and East Africa in the west and Sula-New Guinea-
pelmetazoan columnals in association with pentamerid NW Australia in the east.
brachiopods from the Zanskar region. These fossils Cretaceous
constrain the Cambro-Ordovician regional hiatus between
early Late Cambrian (~498 Ma) and early Ordovician (~478 Raju et al. (2009a, b) tabulated stratigraphic details,
Ma)-within a span of 20 My. paleobathymetry, paleoenvironment and hiatuses and their
duration during the Phanerozoic. Raju (2011) dealt with
Bhargava (2008a) studied various aspects of the biochronostratigraphy, biochronozones (datums),
Palaeozoic successions in the Indian Plate. These biochrons and various stages of the Indian Cretaceous
contributions suggest: (i) the sequences from Cambrian to including the Tethys Himalaya. The Himalayan region was
Carboniferous have comparable litho- and biofacies from marked by magmatic activity of a vast dimension
Kashmir to Bhutan and across the depositional dip, (ii) the (Karakoram, Ladakh batholiths and Dras Volcanics.
Tethyan Basin shelf was not only broad but also had a very According to Raju (2011) the final breakup and spreading
gentle slope, and (iii) the post-Panjal sequence in Kashmir between Greater India and Australia commenced during
shows shallower facies and is therefore different from the the Late Valanginian/Early Hauterivian which led to
Spiti-Zanskar facies. initiation of modern Indian Ocean, opening of new basins
Bhargava (2011) dealt with various aspects of and subduction of the Indian Plate during the Cenomanian.
Cambrian-Silurian sequences of the Tethyan basin which Misra et al. (2011) prepared a mega chart defining
included the study of the basin configuration, the shale sequences that could be of use in the search of
paleogeographic setup, tectonics and paleoclimatic shale gas in the Tethyan Himalayan succession. An updated
reconstructions. He concluded: (i) the siliciclastic account of the lithostratigraphy, fossil contents and structure
Ordovician sequence was reworked in a shallow marine has been published by Bhargava (2008b). A compilation
environment and represents a foreland basin, (ii) the of the Tethyan sector can be found in Singh (2009d).
Cambrian-Ordovician break in Bhutan seems to be of larger
duration, ( iii) the Kashmir region was located in strike
extension of the Spiti-Zanskar segment and got sheared
during the Early Permian and brought to lie at its present Sangode and Mazari (2007) studied the effects of climatic
position by the reactivated Permian Shear, and the variations on mineral magnetism in the lake deposits of
successor Zanskar Shear. Kioto in the Spiti Valley.
Evolution of the Himalaya 267

Bhargava et al. (2010) summarized various al., 2011). It was demonstrated that temporal and spatial
geological and bio-events in the Tethyan part including the variation in sedimentation patterns in the Lower Siwalik
evolution of the landforms and other geomorphic features with more than 50% mudstone was derived from north with
in the Lahaul and Spiti Valleys. low sediment accumulation and larger accommodation
space between ~13 and 10 Ma. The Middle Siwalik was
7. Cenozoic Sedimentation and Tectonics deposited by large braided streams with low
The Himalayan foreland basin (HFB) developed in accommodation space during ~10 and 6 Ma. The Main
response to flexure rigidity, buckling and failure of the Central Thrust (MCT) re-activation caused uplift and basin-
Indian plate due to large crustal load of advancing thrust ward thrust sheet migration. It resulted in altered foreland
sheets, and is extensively studied for variability in basin slope, accommodation space and sediment supply
depositional setting, thrusting events, exhumation and with development of orographic barriers that accelerated
intensification of the Indian monsoon. monsoon system to enhance seasonal sediment supply and
accelerated the hinterland exhumation. The Upper Siwalik
Marine Subathu Formation dated as Late Thanetian is in tandem with the intensified monsoon, hinterland uplift
to Middle Lutetian with an upper age limit of 40 Ma, is and development of intra-foreland thrust system during ~6
overlain by the continental succession of the Dagshai and 0.5 Ma. Relatively high accumulation and sediment
Formation. The contact between Subathu and Dagshai supply, concomitant with onset of deposition of Lesser-
formations is either unconformable with a hiatus of ~12 and Sub-Himalayan-derived sediments is characteristic in
Ma. Kumar et al. (2008) inferred an erosional discontinuity the proximal foredeep due to intense deformation along
at the Subathu-Dagshai contact that could be as small as MBT. Sudden influx of coarse detritus between ~6 and 5
<3Ma (Bera et al., 2008), and marked the sequence Ma, represents frequent hyper-concentrated floods, which
boundary below the white sharp-based sandstone. Vivid transported boulder size clasts into the basin.
increase in the input of orogenic detrital grains at the
beginning of the alluvial Dagshai implied an abrupt Shukla et al. (2009) suggested the transformation of
hinterland uplift and retreat of the Subathu sea to the farther river pattern from meandering to anatomizing to braided
edge of the Himalayan foreland basin (Bera et al., 2008; in the Lower Siwalik succession. Sinha et al. (2007, 2008)
Kumar et al., 2008). Based on the study of palaeosols in suggested that sedimentation in the Ravi re-entrant took
the Lower Cenozoic succession, Singh et al. (2007, 2009) place in response to pulsating tectonics, and the present-
suggested temporal changes from humid to tropical climate day topography was developed before 12 Ma.
during northward drift of the Indian plate. Petrography and geochemistry of the Neogene
Progressive effects of crustal thickening and Siwalik fluvial succession (12.77-4.48 Ma) in the Ravi re-
exhumation of Himalayan source rocks are reflected in entrant suggest that the Higher, Lesser and Lower Tertiary
detrital-zircon fission-track (FT) ages from the Lower formations supplied detritus since 12.77 Ma in response
Cenozoic Sub-Himalayan foreland basin as a consequence to thrusting of Chail Thrust and Main Boundary Thrust
of the India-Asia collision (Jain et al., 2009). Oldest (Sinha et al., 2007). The δ18O variations in soil carbonates
transgressive marine Paleocene-Eocene Subathu Formation reveal ongoing intense monsoon system since 12.77 Ma,
(57-41.5 Ma) contains ca. 50 Ma detrital-zircon youngest followed by a phase of aridity at 9.1 Ma. Presence of fresh
peak, derived from the Indus Tsangpo Suture Zone and and weathered feldspar, limestone, basic volcanics and
Ladakh Batholith of the Asian Plate. However, Ravikant mica, both in humid and arid phases indicate rapid
et al. (2011) recorded U-Pb spectra in the zircons of the deposition and preservation.
Subathu Formation showing Cretaceous to Eocene ages.
First imprint of collision-affected Himalayan Proterozoic Ghosh et al. (2009) related occurrence of various
basement on the Tethyan sedimentary led to the deposition suites of detrital components with thrusting events along
of Oligo-Miocene Dagshai and Kasauli sediments with Chail Thrust in the Kangra sub-basin. Ranjan and Banerjee
sudden changes in the provenance.These rocks show (2009) demonstrated that in the Lower Siwalik and part of
dominant 30 and 25 Ma young peaks, with distinct the Middle Siwalik of the Kangra and Dehra Dun re-entrant,
unconformity spanning ~10 m.y. between Subathu and the the Higher Himalayan Crystalline sequence (HHCS) was
Dagshai Formations. the primary source area with minor contributions by the
meta-sedimentary succession of the Lesser Himalaya. Later,
The overlying Siwalik continental molasses represent the source terrain switched positions during deposition of
a coarsening upwards succession from mudstone–sandstone upper part of the Middle Siwalik and Upper Siwalik. These
couplets (Lower Siwalik) to sandstone dominated (Middle two prominent source terrains supplied sediments in
Siwalik) to conglomerate, sandstone and mudstone (Upper steadily changing proportion through time. East of Ganga
Siwalik) facies throughout the NW Himalaya (Kumar et River, Jalal et al. (2011) inferred that major supply of
268 A K Jain et al.

sediments was from the Lesser Himalayan rocks including the early Cenozoic Sub-Himalayan foreland basin in NW-
the crystalline bodies. Himalaya of Simla Hills (Jain et al., 2009).
Based on stable isotope geochemistry, Sinha et al. In the Lesser Himalayan Crystalline (LHC),
(2008), Sanyal et al. (2010) and Sanyal and Sinha (2010), exhumation of the Chiplakot Crystalline Belt (CCB),
reconstructed monsoonal fluctuation events during the Late located to the south of the Main Central Thrust (MCT)/
Miocene to Late Pleistocene. This suggested multiple Munsiari Thrust (MT) in Kumaon suggest a complex
phases of monsoonal intensification with peaks at 10.5, erosional and denudation history within the upper 3-4 km
5.5 and 3 Ma after which the strength of the monsoon of crust. The FT ages indicate that the CCB was thrust into
decreased to modern day values with minor fluctuations. place earlier than the Middle Miocene, i.e. at the time of
development of the MCT. Since then, these rocks have
8. Exhumation remained within the upper 3 km of crust and were
There is increasing number of low-temperature undergoing moderate to slow erosion and exhumation (Patel
thermochronological exhumation studies from different et al., 2007).
sections across NW-Himalaya during 2007-2011 following Apatite and Zircon Fission Track (AFT and ZFT)
the dedicated works by the Kurukshetra University (Patel data from western Arunachal Himalaya of Kameng region
et al. 2007; 2010; 2011a, b, c). This laboratory is now a across the Higher Himalayan Crystallines (HHC) (AFT:
“National Facility on Low-temperature Thermochronology 1.4±0.2 to 2.9±0.3 Ma and ZFT: 4.5±0.5 and 8.9±1.3 Ma)
(Fission Track Dating)”. are very similar to the NW-Himalaya (Patel et al., 2010).
It is noted that the NW-Himalaya is climatically wet FT ages from Lesser Himalayan Sequence (LHS) (AFT:
region and receives uniform precipitation except the Suru- 5.6±0.6 and 12.4±1.3 Ma and ZFT: 10.9±0.6 and 14.1±1.1
Doda valleys in the arid regions of Zanskar, Jammu and Ma) are older than the HHC. In this region, fast exhumation
Kashmir. Suru-Doda, Chenab-Bhot and Sutlej valleys are has been observed in the HHC since ~2 Ma, despite its
characterized by dome/window structures such as Suru location in rain shadow zone of the Shillong Plateau. The
dome, Kishtwar and Larji-Kulu-Rampur windows southern part of this zone, i.e. the LHS experienced an
respectively. order of magnitude slower exhumation rates during the
same time. Major temporal variations in exhumation
Thermochronological studies in the NW-Himalaya between Bhutan and the area studied in western Arunachal
suggest that exhumation of the HHC has been rapid (>2 Himalaya exist and are sensitive to tectonic variation.
mm a–1) and relatively similar along strike since ~4 Ma
(Patel et al., 2011a and references therein), as most of the Further southeast in the Subansiri River catchment
Apatite FT (AFT) ages in the HHC are <5 Ma. The youngest area, AFT ages range from 2.1±0.3 to 12.2±1.2 Ma with
AFT ages are found within the core of the dome and window youngest samples coming from the Lesser Himalayan
structures, while ages becoming older away from these window exposed below the HMB (Pebam et al., 2008). In
structures. One important point to observe here is that the the northern parts, the MCT hangingwall samples have
Suru-Doda valleys are located in a zone of dry climate young ages of 2.2±0.3 and 3.5±0.3 Ma. In the south, the
with minimum precipitation-controlled erosion. Similar Daporijo Gneiss (DG) yielded the AFT age of 5.2±0.6 Ma
pattern of age distribution is observed across the Kishtwar in the immediate vicinity, while the ages become as old as
and Larji-Kuku-Rampur windows. These clearly indicate 12.2±1.2 Ma down south. These ages suggest variable
that amplification of dome has influenced the exhumation cooling rates across the lithounits of the Eastern Himalaya
pattern, a conclusion derived earlier by Jain et al. (2000). during late Miocene. High temperature thermochronology
has been constrained by Rb-Sr muscovite and biotite
Recent exhumation studies along Dhauliganga valley mineral ages, which are 24.9±0.02, 22.7±0.02 and
revealed that this region has behaved uniformly since the 20.4±0.02 Ma from the the LH gneiss, DG and HHC,
Pliocene (Patel and Carter, 2009) and no differential respectively (muscovite), while their biotite ages range from
movement occurred on either side of the Vaikrita Thrust. 9.2 to 18.7 Ma. Youngest biotite ages of 9.2±0.02 and
Studies along the Darma and Kaliganga valleys in Kumaon 9.5±0.02 Ma are from the HHC.
(Patel et al., 2007 and 2011a) and from Goriganga valley
(Patel and Carter, 2009) show thrust sense of movements 9. Paleoseismology
along the VT and MCT/Munsiari Thrust (MT) with distinct
groups of ages on either side of these thrusts in the Kumaon Seismicity of the Himalaya is of inter-plate type and related
Himalaya. to ongoing collision between the Indian and Tibetan Plates
that has resulted in five major earthquakes along the
Detrital-zircon fission-track (FT) thermochronology Himalaya during the past 110 years: (i) the 1897 Mw 8.1
has been attempted for the first time in this laboratory from Assam, (ii) the 1905 Kangra (Mw ~7.8), (iii) the 1934 Bihar-
Evolution of the Himalaya 269

Nepal (M w =8.1), (iv) the 1950 Assam (M w ~8.4) Farthest liquefaction features associated with the
earthquakes and (v) the recent M 7.6 earthquake of October 2005 Kashmir earthquake were observed by Malik et al.
8, 2005 (Fig. 2). (2007) in Jammu region, where Jayangondaperumal and
Thakur (2008) found additional evidences of two historical
Investigations of active tectonic character of the earthquakes near Simbal Camp in Jammu Range front.
Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) and its palaeoseismology Jayangondaperumal et al. (2008) have mapped the 2005
have been the main emphasis along entire length of the Kashmir earthquake sand blows, and reported two
Himalaya (Malik et al., 2007, 2008, 2010a, b; palaeoearthquakes events (Event-I and II) by trenching
Jayangondaperumal and Thakur, 2008; Jayangondaperumal liquefaction features related to 2005 Kashmir earthquake.
et al. 2008; Misra et al., 2011; Philip et al., 2011), and NE Event-I occurred during AD ~1100, while Event-II was
Himalaya including Arunachal Pradesh and Assam (Mukul assigned an age of 2000 yrs BP.
et al., 2007; Reddy et al., 2009; Kumar et al., 2010;
Jayangondaperumal et al., 2011; Rajendran and Rajendran, Trenching across the HFT near the Chandigarh
2011). Till date, ~15 trenches have been excavated to segment revealed the occurrence of major earthquake
provide scattered data on paleoseismic events along the around 1300-1400 AD (Malik et al., 2008). Further work
Himalayan front. on active fault in meizoseismal zone of the 1905 Kangra

Fig. 2: Summary of Paleoseismic investigations along the Himalayan Front with locations (top) and slip, vertical separation chronology of
observed ruptures in the multiples trenches are shown in bottom (Kumar et al., 2010).
270 A K Jain et al.

Earthquake (Mw 7.8) along the HFT at Hajipur indicated Using direct dating of fault-zone gouge and strath
the presence of two parallel NNW-SSE striking active faults terrace deposits in Darjeeling Hills, Mukul et al. (2007)
as imbrications of the HFT, which have displaced young concluded that (i) present mountain front in the Darjeeling
flood plain of the Beas River. Historical earthquake events sub-Himalaya was emplaced by ca. 40 ka, and (ii) out-of-
2600-8000 yr B.P. (Before Present), around 400 yr B.P. sequence deformation on surface-breaking faults north of
and before 300 yr B.P (1500-1600 A.D.) were inferred from the MFT began ca. 20 ka and has probably continued since.
the trenched fault zone. They also inferred a slip rate of
In the NE Himalaya, field evidences of liquefaction
7.6±1.7 mm/yr, shortening rate 6.9±1.4 mm/yr and
were searched for past earthquakes in meiszoseismal region
recurrence interval of 1160±250 yr.
of the Great Assam 1950 earthquake by Reddy et al. (2009),
In the Pinjaur Dun along the Nalagarh Thrust at who documented the 1548 AD and 1697 AD earthquakes
Nalagarh, Philip et al. (2011) trenched across this thrust from this region.
and dated the deformed and un-deformed sediments from Multiple trenches for paleoseismic investigations
trenched fault zone by the OSL method. They found were studied in meizoseismal areas of the 1934 Bihar-Nepal
evidences of late Pleistocene earthquake and suggested and 1950 Assam earthquakes for nearly 500 km along the
immediate attention in paleoseismic study in this fast HFT (Kumar et al., 2010). At two sites, age of surface
developing mountainous industrial belt. rupture, though broad, correlated with the 1100 AD surface
In the southeastern Kumaun Himalaya, Mishra et al. rupture. At Harmutty Tea Garden trench site, age of ruptures
(2011) documented diversified soft-sediment liquefaction was younger than 1270 AD, with speculation of events
within meiszoseismal zone of the 1950 Assam earthquake.
deformation structures within magnetostratigraphically-
dated (4-5 Ma) Siwaliks in nearest vicinity of the Main Evidences for great surface rupturing earthquake
Boundary Thrust (MBT). These structures show were observed at Pasighat along the HFT in Arunachal
progressive increase in abundance and complexity towards (Jayangondaperumal et al., 2011), where a scarp was
the thrust, and are evidences for paleoseismicity and primarily formed in a single large earthquake post-10112
reactivation event on the Main Boundary Thrust. cal yr BP (Before Present), followed by an earthquake event
post-2009 cal yr BP. Withstanding the uncertainty in timing
Multiple trenches were excavated covering ~1500 of earthquakes, they documented occurrence of large scarp-
km of the HFT in the NW Himalaya for paleoseismologal forming earthquakes. Possibility of the tilting of sediments
studies indicating that most recent movements occurred that occurred post-2009 cal yr B.P. as the result of the
between 1200 AD and 1700 AD (Fig. 2; Kumar et al., historical 1950 Assam earthquake cannot be overruled.
2006). Random radiocarbon ages from these trenches do
Liquefaction features indicating paleosesimic events
not allow fixing the upper bound on particular earthquake,
were also observed in the Lohit Valley in extreme northeast
but they putatively correlated with the 1505 AD event. The by Rajendran and Rajendran (2011) to indicate at least two
large co-seismic displacement (~9-10 m) and length of events. Further, they presented the evidence for last major
rupture are comparable to typical mega-thrust events along earthquake in the central Himalaya during AD 1119-1292
the subduction zones with a recurrence interval about 1000- not in the 1505 AD, as suggested previously, and thus
3000 years for this kind event. Central Himalayan gap of plate boundary events is real.

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