Finite Element Solutions For Geotechnical Engineering
Finite Element Solutions For Geotechnical Engineering
Finite Element Solutions For Geotechnical Engineering
New subway complex, United Statesă Shaft construction on the existing tunnel, United Kingdom ă
Solver Pre & Post Processors
Odeon Tower, Monaco Dubai Tower, Qatar
ă ă
Fast Optimize work Increase User-friendly
P d
ct i i ze
Sichuan Subway Station, China ă ca ti m Buhang Dam, Korea ă
l O
Fully optimized for 64-bit Platform
GTS NX is a next generation geotechnical analysis software that features the newest development in cutting-edge
computer graphics and analysis technology. GTS NX fully supports the latest 64-bit OS Graphic user interface.
The intuitive interface will enable new users to easily integrate the software in their work process. The fast
analysis speed, outstanding graphics, and output capabilities will provide users with a new and advanced level
of geotechnical design.
a new experience with GTS NX
Method and initial ground stresses. GTS NX supports all analysis types including static,
dynamic, seepage, stress-seepage coupled, consolidation, construction
stage and slope stability analysis.
and self weight is supported. Any ground behavior that is related to ground
water flow (seepage / stress / consolidation) can be simulated through fully
coupled stress-seepage analysis. Through the fully integrated FE Solver,
GTS NX provides highly reliable results for complex geotechnical analysis
and design.
Ribbon Menu
Task Pane
Multiple windows
Context Menu
Table Window
Property Window
Message Window
a new experience with GTS NX
Point, Line
Boolean Operation
Extrudeā Sweep (Extrude along a guided curve)ā 0RGHOFUHDWHGE\H[WUXGLQJDQGVZHHSLQJā
Fuse, cut, common
Modeling resemble in-situ conditions and will consequently yield more realistic results.
Modeling 3D surface contours and soil strata can be either cumbersome or
impractical in other software, but GTS NX only takes a few steps.
3D Stratum Wizard
a new experience with GTS NX
Modeling imprints. These functions ensure nodal connectivity between all adjacent
mesh sets, thus ensuring reliable analysis of soil-structure and soil-soil interaction.
prevent analysis from executing with failure warnings.
Imprint auto-generation
Modeling SoilWorks). The CAD interface transfers project data for expanded analysis
requiring soil-structure interaction and detailed 3D investigation such as
bridge pier and tall building foundations.
analysis of ground engineering problems such as tunnel systems with
connecting galleries.
2D / 3D CAD compatibility
SoilWorks Interface
Gen, Civil Interface
SoilWorks Civil
a new experience with GTS NX
Generation sets of various types with ease. Such capabilities enable engineers to quickly
generate high quality mesh even with limited or no experience in finite element
Surface Auto-Mesher
Loop, Grid, Delaunay (triangle, quadrangle)
Solid Auto-Mesher
2D Ą 3D Element Auto-Generation
2D Auto Meshā 3D Auto Meshā 3D Map Mesh ā Mesh considering interior edges and pointsā
Uniform Size
Extract Mesh (3D Ą 2D) Extrude (2D Ą 3D)
Fine Mesh
Linear Grading
Element generation considers interior
edges and points Coarse Mesh
Smooth Transition
Linear grading of mesh size Combination of 1D, 2D and 3D elements Extrude 2D mesh into 3Dā
Size control optimizes mesh in the areas of high strain and (Solid, shell and frame elements) ā
displacement by assigning fine mesh elements. ā
Generation the generation of high quality mesh with minimum effort even for complex
ground structural models resulting in optimal analysis time and producing
reliable and comprehensive results.
Pyramid element
Bonded Contacts Auto-generation (connect tetrahedral and hexahedral elements)
Non-manifold edge
Free face
Clamped element
Overlapped element
a new experience with GTS NX
Continuum Elements for ground Solid ElementƓ Truss ElementƓ Beam ElementƓ
Solid Element
Plane Strain Element
Axisymmetric Element
Structural Elements
Truss Element
Embedded Truss Element
Beam Element
Shell ElementƓ
Plane Stress Element
Shell Element
Applicable Elements
Plane Interface ElementƓ
Interface Element
Shell Interface Element
Pile / Pile Tip Bearing Element
Geo-grid Element (1D / 2D)
Shell Interface ElementƓ
Gauging Shell Element
Point Spring / Face Spring Element
Matrix Spring Element
Elastic Link Element
Rigid Link Element
Interpolation Element
Material Models Comprehensive database of material models to simulate the behavior of various ground types
GTS NX provides various linear / nonlinear material models to simulate Material models are generally classified into elastic, plastic, drained,
& Structural ground behavior under different loading and water level conditions. undrained, and seepage categories. Material / equivalent linearity and
nonlinearity of elements can be simulated through internal functions.
a new experience with GTS NX
· Response spectrum
· Ground acceleration
· Time history static load
· Dynamic nodal load
· Dynamic surface load
· Load – mass conversion
· Railway dynamic load table
Dynamic blast load automatic generation ā Train moving load automatic generation ā
Conditions boundary conditions for analysis can be defined automatically. By defining the water
level surface, the pore water pressure can be considered in stress analysis. Time
dependent water levels can be defined to simulate rapid draw down as well as a
over time. This function is useful for simulating the hardening of concrete
as well as excavation projects in which soil layers are replaced by structural
elements. Boundary conditions for 2D equivalent linear analysis and linear /
gradual rise in water level due to rainfall. nonlinear dynamic analysis can be generated automatically as well.
Dynamic Analysis
In-situ analysis with Self weight considering k0ā Slip circular surface boundary for stress analysis (SAM) ā
a new experience with GTS NX
Results Excellent result displays supported by a new and powerful graphics engine
Through its advanced graphic processing engine, GTS NX provides a variety
Output of output methods for users to visualize and extract their analysis results.
The extensive output options present results in an elegant and comprehensible
and report
Contour – Continuous / Fringe
Vector, Diagram
Deformed / Undeformed
Various contour and edge typesā Clipping plane output ā Hybrid plot (Combination of vector and Real-time animation output for 3D flowā
Iso Value Surface contour plot on clipping plane)ā
Flow Net
Real-Time Animation
3D Ą 2D Result Wizard
Extract results on any 2D cross section from Capped Plot (Lower Part)
3D results without extra calculation
Iso – surface outputā 3D Ą 2D Wizardā
output selectively extract only the pertinent results. The 3D PDF report generator
exports 3D model and analysis results directly into a PDF file.
a fraction of the time that it would take through manually copying and pasting
spreadsheets and images.
and Report
Displacement / Velocity / acceleration – decibel conversion
Decibel Reference Levels (ISO R 1683)
Cutting Diagram on any line and plane
Quantity Definition Ref. level
Extract Result / Probe Result Vibratory Acc. Level La = 20 log10 (a/a0) dB a0 = 10 - 6 m/s2
Vibratory Vel. Level Lv = 20 log10 (v/v0) dB v0 = 10 - 9 m/s
3D PDF Output Vibratory Dis. Level Ld = 20 log10 (d/d0) dB d0 = 10 - 12 m
3D PDF Reportā Result image automatic saveā Result value table (copy and paste to MS-EXCEL) and graphā
a new experience with GTS NX
Areas geotechnical firms. Selected practical applications of the software are shown
excavation methods such as full face cut, bench cut and direction (one, both).
For each case, load relaxation can be considered by applying load distribution
factor (LDF)
| Tunnel |
Road Tunnel
Adjacent structuresā TRcM / CAM (Subway tunnel)ā 2-Arch Tunnel (NATM Method)ā
Areas Reduction Method (SRM) but also calculates the slope safety factor according
to Limit Equilibrium Method using potential sliding surfaces. Analysis result
in each calculation step can be obtained, so the progressive failure behavior
coupled to investigate slope stability in short / long term. Especially by
coupling with nonlinear time history analysis results, earthquake resistance
of a slope can be assessed.
| Slope Stability | of the slope can be analyzed.
2D / 3D SRM Analysis
SRM Analysis by construction stages
SRM considering rainfall
Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis + SRM Analysis
a new experience with GTS NX
Foundation (Pier)ā Driven Pileā Subway station (H-Pile+slurry wall)ā Diaphragm Wallā
Deep Piled Raft Foundationā Well Foundationā Ground shoring for excavation for a tall Stress distribution of subway line
building foundation ā and ventilation shaft by staged excavation ā
Head of breakwaterā
CFRD stability analysisā Seepage analysis for embankmentā
About MIDAS IT “MIDAS IT is taking flight with endless passion and devotion to provide technological solutions worldwide”
MIDAS Information Technology Co., Ltd. develops and supplies mechanical / civil / structural / geotechnical engineering
software and provides professional engineering consulting and e-Biz total solutions. The company began its operation
since 1989, and currently employs 530 developers and engineers with extensive experience. MIDAS IT also has corporate
offices in US, UK, China, Japan, India and Russia. There are also global network partners in over 30 countries supplying
our engineering technology. MIDAS IT has grown into a world class company.
MIDAS Program Applications
GTS NX midas Civil
GeoTechnical Integrated Solution
analysis System System for Bridge
Khalifa (UAE) and Civil Structures
· World’s tallest building to date SoilWorks
· Height: 840 m, 168 floors Geotechnical midas FEA
Solutions for Advanced Nonlinear
practical Design and Detailed
Analysis System
nic Br
Beijing Olympic Main Stadium
· Area: 78,000 sq. m.
midas Gen midas NFX
· Allowed Seating Capacity:
Integrated System for ng ch Total Solutions for Mechanical
91,000 people Me
building and General Engineering in structural
Structures mechanics and CFD
midas DShop
Auto-Drawing Module midas FX+
Russky Island Bridge (Russia) to generate Structural
General Pre &
drawings and Bill of Post Processor for
· World’s longest cable stayed Materials Finite Element
bridge Analysis
· Main span: 1,104m midas Design+
Structural engineer’s
Integrated Solver Optimized for the next generation 64 - bit platform
Finite Element Solutions for Geotechnical Engineering
Copyright © Since 1989 MIDAS Information Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.